Author: buildbot
Date: Thu May 30 13:22:07 2013
New Revision: 863763

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/book-component-appendix.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/book-component-appendix.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/book-component-appendix.html Thu May 30 
13:22:07 2013
@@ -14844,7 +14844,7 @@ seda:someName[?options]
 <h3><a shape="rect" name="BookComponentAppendix-Options"></a>Options</h3>
 <div class="confluenceTableSmall"><div class="table-wrap">
-<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Name </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Since </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Default </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Description </th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>size</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number 
of messages it can hold). The default value in Camel 2.2 or older is 
<tt>1000</tt>. From Camel 2.3 onwards, the size is unbounded by default. 
<b>Notice:</b> Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being 
created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all 
endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the 
first endpoint being
  created. From <b>Camel 2.11</b> onwards, a validation is taken place to 
ensure if using mixed queue sizes for the same queue name, Camel would detect 
this and fail creating the endpoint. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the 
async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options 
are supported: <tt>Always</tt>, <tt>Never</tt> or <t
 t>IfReplyExpected</tt>. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last 
value, <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>, will only wait if the message is <a 
shape="rect" href="request-reply.html" title="Request Reply">Request Reply</a> 
based. The default option is <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>. See more information 
about <a shape="rect" href="async.html" title="Async">Async</a> messaging. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>timeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>30000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will 
stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> and <a shape="rect" href="async.html" 
title="Async">Async</a> for more details. In <b>Camel 2.2</b> you can now 
disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class=
 "confluenceTd"> <tt>multipleConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.2</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If 
enabled, you can use <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> for 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Publish-Subscribe</a> messaging. That is, you can send a message 
to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When 
enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>limitConcurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>true</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 Whether to limit the number of <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> to the maximum of 
<tt>500</tt>. By default, an exception will be thrown if a SEDA endpoint is 
configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this 
option off. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>blockWhenFull</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether a 
thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue's 
capacity is no longer exhausted.  By default, an exception will be thrown 
stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread 
will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>queueSize</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1
 " rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>Component only:</b> The maximum default size (capacity 
of the number of messages it can hold) of the SEDA queue. This option is used 
if <tt>size</tt> is not in use. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>pollTimeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.9.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <em>Consumer only</em> &#8211; The timeout used when 
polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to 
continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more 
quickly upon shutdown. </td></tr></tbody></table>
+<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Name </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Since </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Default </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Description </th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>size</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number 
of messages it can hold). The default value in Camel 2.2 or older is 
<tt>1000</tt>. From Camel 2.3 onwards, the size is unbounded by default. 
<b>Notice:</b> Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being 
created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all 
endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the 
first endpoint being
  created. From <b>Camel 2.11</b> onwards, a validation is taken place to 
ensure if using mixed queue sizes for the same queue name, Camel would detect 
this and fail creating the endpoint. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the 
async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options 
are supported: <tt>Always</tt>, <tt>Never</tt> or <t
 t>IfReplyExpected</tt>. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last 
value, <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>, will only wait if the message is <a 
shape="rect" href="request-reply.html" title="Request Reply">Request Reply</a> 
based. The default option is <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>. See more information 
about <a shape="rect" href="async.html" title="Async">Async</a> messaging. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>timeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>30000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will 
stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> and <a shape="rect" href="async.html" 
title="Async">Async</a> for more details. In <b>Camel 2.2</b> you can now 
disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class=
 "confluenceTd"> <tt>multipleConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.2</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If 
enabled, you can use <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> for 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Publish-Subscribe</a> messaging. That is, you can send a message 
to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When 
enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>limitConcurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>true</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 Whether to limit the number of <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> to the maximum of 
<tt>500</tt>. By default, an exception will be thrown if a SEDA endpoint is 
configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this 
option off. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>blockWhenFull</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether a 
thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue's 
capacity is no longer exhausted.  By default, an exception will be thrown 
stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread 
will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>queueSize</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1
 " rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>Component only:</b> The maximum default size (capacity 
of the number of messages it can hold) of the SEDA queue. This option is used 
if <tt>size</tt> is not in use. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>pollTimeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.9.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <em>Consumer only</em> &#8211; The timeout used when 
polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to 
continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more 
quickly upon shutdown. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>purgeWhenStopping</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.11.1</b> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> <tt
 >false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether to 
 >purge the task queue when stopping the consumer/route. This allows to stop 
 >faster, as any pending messages on the queue is discarded. 

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/book-in-one-page.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/book-in-one-page.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/book-in-one-page.html Thu May 30 13:22:07 
@@ -35909,7 +35909,7 @@ seda:someName[?options]
 <h3><a shape="rect" name="BookInOnePage-Options"></a>Options</h3>
 <div class="confluenceTableSmall"><div class="table-wrap">
-<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Name </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Since </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Default </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Description </th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>size</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number 
of messages it can hold). The default value in Camel 2.2 or older is 
<tt>1000</tt>. From Camel 2.3 onwards, the size is unbounded by default. 
<b>Notice:</b> Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being 
created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all 
endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the 
first endpoint being
  created. From <b>Camel 2.11</b> onwards, a validation is taken place to 
ensure if using mixed queue sizes for the same queue name, Camel would detect 
this and fail creating the endpoint. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the 
async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options 
are supported: <tt>Always</tt>, <tt>Never</tt> or <t
 t>IfReplyExpected</tt>. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last 
value, <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>, will only wait if the message is <a 
shape="rect" href="request-reply.html" title="Request Reply">Request Reply</a> 
based. The default option is <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>. See more information 
about <a shape="rect" href="async.html" title="Async">Async</a> messaging. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>timeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>30000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will 
stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> and <a shape="rect" href="async.html" 
title="Async">Async</a> for more details. In <b>Camel 2.2</b> you can now 
disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class=
 "confluenceTd"> <tt>multipleConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.2</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If 
enabled, you can use <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> for 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Publish-Subscribe</a> messaging. That is, you can send a message 
to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When 
enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>limitConcurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>true</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 Whether to limit the number of <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> to the maximum of 
<tt>500</tt>. By default, an exception will be thrown if a SEDA endpoint is 
configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this 
option off. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>blockWhenFull</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether a 
thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue's 
capacity is no longer exhausted.  By default, an exception will be thrown 
stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread 
will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>queueSize</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1
 " rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>Component only:</b> The maximum default size (capacity 
of the number of messages it can hold) of the SEDA queue. This option is used 
if <tt>size</tt> is not in use. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>pollTimeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.9.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <em>Consumer only</em> &#8211; The timeout used when 
polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to 
continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more 
quickly upon shutdown. </td></tr></tbody></table>
+<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Name </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Since </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Default </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Description </th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>size</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number 
of messages it can hold). The default value in Camel 2.2 or older is 
<tt>1000</tt>. From Camel 2.3 onwards, the size is unbounded by default. 
<b>Notice:</b> Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being 
created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all 
endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the 
first endpoint being
  created. From <b>Camel 2.11</b> onwards, a validation is taken place to 
ensure if using mixed queue sizes for the same queue name, Camel would detect 
this and fail creating the endpoint. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the 
async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options 
are supported: <tt>Always</tt>, <tt>Never</tt> or <t
 t>IfReplyExpected</tt>. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last 
value, <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>, will only wait if the message is <a 
shape="rect" href="request-reply.html" title="Request Reply">Request Reply</a> 
based. The default option is <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>. See more information 
about <a shape="rect" href="async.html" title="Async">Async</a> messaging. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>timeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>30000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will 
stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> and <a shape="rect" href="async.html" 
title="Async">Async</a> for more details. In <b>Camel 2.2</b> you can now 
disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class=
 "confluenceTd"> <tt>multipleConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.2</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If 
enabled, you can use <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> for 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Publish-Subscribe</a> messaging. That is, you can send a message 
to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When 
enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>limitConcurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>true</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 Whether to limit the number of <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> to the maximum of 
<tt>500</tt>. By default, an exception will be thrown if a SEDA endpoint is 
configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this 
option off. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>blockWhenFull</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether a 
thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue's 
capacity is no longer exhausted.  By default, an exception will be thrown 
stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread 
will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>queueSize</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1
 " rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>Component only:</b> The maximum default size (capacity 
of the number of messages it can hold) of the SEDA queue. This option is used 
if <tt>size</tt> is not in use. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>pollTimeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.9.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <em>Consumer only</em> &#8211; The timeout used when 
polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to 
continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more 
quickly upon shutdown. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>purgeWhenStopping</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.11.1</b> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> <tt
 >false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether to 
 >purge the task queue when stopping the consumer/route. This allows to stop 
 >faster, as any pending messages on the queue is discarded. 

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/seda.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/seda.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/seda.html Thu May 30 13:22:07 2013
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ seda:someName[?options]
 <h3><a shape="rect" name="SEDA-Options"></a>Options</h3>
 <div class="confluenceTableSmall"><div class="table-wrap">
-<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Name </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Since </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Default </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Description </th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>size</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number 
of messages it can hold). The default value in Camel 2.2 or older is 
<tt>1000</tt>. From Camel 2.3 onwards, the size is unbounded by default. 
<b>Notice:</b> Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being 
created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all 
endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the 
first endpoint being
  created. From <b>Camel 2.11</b> onwards, a validation is taken place to 
ensure if using mixed queue sizes for the same queue name, Camel would detect 
this and fail creating the endpoint. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the 
async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options 
are supported: <tt>Always</tt>, <tt>Never</tt> or <t
 t>IfReplyExpected</tt>. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last 
value, <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>, will only wait if the message is <a 
shape="rect" href="request-reply.html" title="Request Reply">Request Reply</a> 
based. The default option is <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>. See more information 
about <a shape="rect" href="async.html" title="Async">Async</a> messaging. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>timeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>30000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will 
stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> and <a shape="rect" href="async.html" 
title="Async">Async</a> for more details. In <b>Camel 2.2</b> you can now 
disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class=
 "confluenceTd"> <tt>multipleConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.2</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If 
enabled, you can use <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> for 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Publish-Subscribe</a> messaging. That is, you can send a message 
to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When 
enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>limitConcurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>true</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 Whether to limit the number of <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> to the maximum of 
<tt>500</tt>. By default, an exception will be thrown if a SEDA endpoint is 
configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this 
option off. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>blockWhenFull</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether a 
thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue's 
capacity is no longer exhausted.  By default, an exception will be thrown 
stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread 
will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>queueSize</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1
 " rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>Component only:</b> The maximum default size (capacity 
of the number of messages it can hold) of the SEDA queue. This option is used 
if <tt>size</tt> is not in use. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>pollTimeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.9.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <em>Consumer only</em> &#8211; The timeout used when 
polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to 
continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more 
quickly upon shutdown. </td></tr></tbody></table>
+<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Name </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Since </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Default </th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"> Description </th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>size</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> The maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (i.e., the number 
of messages it can hold). The default value in Camel 2.2 or older is 
<tt>1000</tt>. From Camel 2.3 onwards, the size is unbounded by default. 
<b>Notice:</b> Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being 
created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all 
endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the 
first endpoint being
  created. From <b>Camel 2.11</b> onwards, a validation is taken place to 
ensure if using mixed queue sizes for the same queue name, Camel would detect 
this and fail creating the endpoint. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the 
async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options 
are supported: <tt>Always</tt>, <tt>Never</tt> or <t
 t>IfReplyExpected</tt>. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last 
value, <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>, will only wait if the message is <a 
shape="rect" href="request-reply.html" title="Request Reply">Request Reply</a> 
based. The default option is <tt>IfReplyExpected</tt>. See more information 
about <a shape="rect" href="async.html" title="Async">Async</a> messaging. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>timeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>30000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Timeout (in milliseconds) before a SEDA producer will 
stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See 
<tt>waitForTaskToComplete</tt> and <a shape="rect" href="async.html" 
title="Async">Async</a> for more details. In <b>Camel 2.2</b> you can now 
disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class=
 "confluenceTd"> <tt>multipleConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.2</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> Specifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If 
enabled, you can use <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> for 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Publish-Subscribe</a> messaging. That is, you can send a message 
to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When 
enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>limitConcurrentConsumers</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>true</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 Whether to limit the number of <tt>concurrentConsumers</tt> to the maximum of 
<tt>500</tt>. By default, an exception will be thrown if a SEDA endpoint is 
configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this 
option off. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>blockWhenFull</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether a 
thread that sends messages to a full SEDA queue will block until the queue's 
capacity is no longer exhausted.  By default, an exception will be thrown 
stating that the queue is full. By enabling this option, the calling thread 
will instead block and wait until the message can be accepted. 
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<tt>queueSize</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> 
<b>2.9</b> </td><td colspan="1
 " rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd">&#160;</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>Component only:</b> The maximum default size (capacity 
of the number of messages it can hold) of the SEDA queue. This option is used 
if <tt>size</tt> is not in use. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>pollTimeout</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.9.3</b> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>1000</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <em>Consumer only</em> &#8211; The timeout used when 
polling. When a timeout occurs, the consumer can check whether it is allowed to 
continue running. Setting a lower value allows the consumer to react more 
quickly upon shutdown. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"> <tt>purgeWhenStopping</tt> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> <b>2.11.1</b> </td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> <tt
 >false</tt> </td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"> Whether to 
 >purge the task queue when stopping the consumer/route. This allows to stop 
 >faster, as any pending messages on the queue is discarded. 

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