Repository: camel
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  refs/heads/master 578ae7e9b -> 81f7515e5

Component docs for scala


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 26f1e959d4f87257763703ff3a4f8b7f75897ceb
Parents: 578ae7e
Author: Claus Ibsen <>
Authored: Thu Apr 13 10:53:07 2017 +0200
Committer: Claus Ibsen <>
Committed: Thu Apr 13 10:53:17 2017 +0200

 .../apache/camel/model/   |   2 +-
 .../model/cloud/      |   2 +-
 .../src/main/docs/scala-dsl-eip.adoc            | 224 -------------------
 .../main/docs/scala-dsl-getting-started.adoc    |  59 -----
 .../docs/scala-dsl-supported-languages.adoc     |  30 ---
 .../camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl.adoc    |  76 -------
 .../camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-eip.adoc    | 224 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/main/docs/scala-getting-started.adoc    |  59 +++++
 .../main/docs/scala-supported-languages.adoc    |  30 +++
 components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala.adoc |  78 +++++++
 components/readme.adoc                          |   4 +-
 11 files changed, 395 insertions(+), 393 deletions(-)
diff --git 
index 7d2b818..fef9c5b 100644
--- a/camel-core/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/model/
+++ b/camel-core/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/model/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import org.apache.camel.spi.RouteContext;
 import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
- * Calls a Camel processor.
+ * Calls a Camel processor
  * @version 
diff --git 
index 53821ff..efaf03e 100644
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import static 
 import static org.apache.camel.util.CamelContextHelper.lookup;
- * Remote service call definition
+ * To call remote services
 @Metadata(label = "eip,routing")
 @XmlRootElement(name = "serviceCall")
diff --git a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl-eip.adoc 
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d52e6..0000000
--- a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl-eip.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-Scala Supported DSL
-The link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL] supports *every* DSL from the
-link:dsl.html[Java DSL].
-On this page we have examples for a number of the link:eip.html[EIP]s. +
- You can check the
-test source code] for the Scala Component to find more examples.
-* 1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagingsystems[Messaging systems]
-** 1.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Pipelinepipeline[Pipeline]
-** 1.2 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Filterfilter[Filter]
-* 2 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagingchannels[Messaging channels]
-** 2.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Deadletterchannel[Dead letter channel]
-* 3 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagerouting[Message routing]
-** 3.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Aggregator[Aggregator]
-** 3.2 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Contentbasedrouter[Content based router]
-** 3.3 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Delayer[Delayer]
-** 3.4 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Loadbalancer[Load balancer]
-** 3.5 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Multicast[Multicast]
-** 3.6 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Recipientlist[Recipient list]
-** 3.7 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Resequencer[Resequencer]
-** 3.8 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Splitter[Splitter]
-** 3.9 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Throttler[Throttler]
-* 4 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagetransformation[Message transformation]
-** 4.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Contentenricher[Content enricher]
-Messaging systems
-There is a simple syntax available for specifying pipeline, by simple
-putting `to` or `→` between the different steps in the pipeline.
-For more advanced use cases, you can also use a block-based syntax,
-where every step in the pipeline starts with either `to` or `→`.
-For a message filter, use the `when()` method with a parameter of type
-The `Exchange ⇒ Boolean`. In the example below, we use a Scala
-convenience method named `in` to access the 'in' message body; only
-messages where the 'in' message is `<hello/>` will arrive at the
-`mock:a` endpoint.
-Once again, if you need to specify a more advanced route, you can use
-the more elaborate syntax.
-Messaging channels
-Dead letter channel
-The[dead letter
-channel] can be created with the syntax similar to the one used in
-[Java DSL].
-"jms:in" errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("jms:error")) to "jms:out"
-You can also use different error handler available for the
-[Java DSL]. In particular
-Scala DSL supports
-// DefaultErrorHandler
-"jms:in" errorHandler(defaultErrorHandler) to "jms:out"
-// LoggingErrorHandler
 to "jms:out"
-Message routing
-The aggregator EIP aggregates messages based on some message correlation
-criteria. In the Scala DSL, the `aggregate` method takes a function
-`Exchange ⇒ Any` to determine the correlation value for the exchange. In
-the sample below, message are being aggregated if the first 7 letters in
-the message body are the same.
-Content based router
-Similar to the link:scala-dsl-eip.html[Filter], the content based router
-uses `when` methods with `Exchange ⇒ Boolean` function literals and an
-optional `otherwise`. The function literal can contain plain Scala code
-as well as any of the link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[supported
-languages]. The example below routes a given message based on the
-language of the message body.
-Unlike a throttler, which only slows down messages if the rate exceeds a
-treshold, a delayer delays every messages with a fixed amount of time.
-An example: to delay every message going from `seda:a` to `mock:a` with
-1 second, you write...
-Our second example will delay the entire block (containing `mock:c`)
-without doing anything to `mock:b`
-Load balancer
-To distribute the message handling load over multiple endpoints, we add
-a `loadbalance` to our route definition. You can optionally specify a
-load balancer strategy, like `roundrobin`
-Multicast allows you to send a message to multiple endpoints at the same
-time. In a simple route, you can specify multiple targets in the `to` or
-`→` method call:
-Recipient list
-You can handle a static recipient list with a multicast or
-link:scala-dsl-eip.html[pipeline], but this EIP is usually applied when
-you want to dynamically determine the name(s) of the next endpoint(s) to
-route to. Use the `recipients()` method with a function literal
-(`Exchange => Any`) that returns the endpoint name(s). In the example
-below, the target endpoint name can be found in the String message
-starting at position 21.
-Because the `recipients()` method just takes a function literal, you can
-basically use any kind of valid Scala code to determine the endpoint
-name. Have a look at the next example which uses pattern matching to
-figure out where to send the message:
-Again, we can also use the same thing in a more block-like syntax. For
-this example, we use the Scala DSL's
-link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[support for JXPath] to determine
-the target.
-Use the `resequence` method to add a resequencer to the RouteBuilder.
-The method takes a function (`Exchange ⇒ Unit`) that determines the
-value to resequence on. In this example, we resequence messages based on
-the 'in' message body.
-The same EIP can also be used with a block-like syntax...
-... and with configurable batch size. In this last example, messages
-will be send to `mock:e` whenever a batch of 5 messages is available.
-To handle large message in smaller chunks, you can write a Scala
-`Exchange ⇒ Any*` method and add it to your route with the `splitter`
-method. As with many other EIPs, we support a short, in-line version as
-well as a more elaborate block based one.
-The above examples also show you how
-link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[other languages] like XPath can
-be within the Scala DSL.
-The throttler allows you to slow down messages before sending them
-along. The `throttle` methods allows you to specify the maximum
-throughput rate of message:
-It can also be used in front of block to throttle messages at that
-point. In the example below, message are passed on to `mock:b` in a
-normal rate (i.e. as fast as possible), but a maximum 3 messages/2
-seconds will arrive at the `mock:c` endpoint.
-Message transformation
-Content enricher
-Using a processor function (`Exchange → Unit`), you can alter/enrich the
-message content. This example uses a simple function literal to append
-`" says Hello"` to the message content:
-However, you can also define a separate method/function to handle the
-transformation and pass that to the `process` method instead. The
-example below uses pattern matching to enrich the message content:
-Off course, you can also use any other Camel component (e.g.
-link:velocity.html[Velocity]) to enrich the content and add it to a
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 21cc41d..0000000
--- a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl-getting-started.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Scala DSL Getting Started
-Just like the link:dsl.html[Java DSL], the Scala DSL has a RouteBuilder
-class (`org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.builder.RouteBuilder`) that you can
-extend to implement your own routes. This example shows two very simple
-INFO: From *Camel 2.15* onwards use
-org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.builder.ScalaRouteBuilder and pass in the
-CamelContext in the constructor, which will be used by the builder. The
-old class RouteBuilder is deprecated.
-If you compare this to the Java link:dsl.html[DSL], you notice:
-* there is no configure() method to override
-* a route starts directly with a URI instead of `from(uri)`
-* `→` is just an alias for `to`
-Setting the route ID
-To assign the unique ID to the Scala route, insert the `routeId` method
-invocation after the "from" part of the DSL.
- "direct:a" routeId "route-b" to "mock:b"
-Creating a new Camel Scala project
-Camel offers link:camel-maven-archetypes.html[Maven archetypes] that
-allow you to quickly setup a new project.
-To do this, you can execute the following Maven goal from the command
-line (using Maven 3.0.3 or better):
-mvn archetype:generate
-This runs Maven interactively - just type `camel` and press <Enter> to
-filter for Camel-related archetypes. +
- From the list, pick the number for `camel-archetype-scala`, then fill
-in the remaining details (such as the Camel version, _et cetera_).
-The generated project has a "readme" file with more instructions, and is
-ready to compile and run from Maven using:
-mvn compile exec:java
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index bbdb72a..0000000
--- a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl-supported-languages.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Scala DSL Supported Languages
-Support for link:languages.html[other languages] inside the Scala DSL
-routes is delivered through traits. The
-`org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.languages` package currently offers traits
-to support XPath. To use any given language, you can mix-in the trait
-when creating your `RouteBuilder`.
-You can use any of the supported Camel link:languages.html[Languages] in
-the link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL]; see below for a couple of examples:
-Using link:xpath.html[XPath]
-With the XPath trait, you have an additional method available on an
-`Exchange` to do XPath queries against the message. Just look at this
-Splitter example, where the `xpath` method is used in a
-`Exchange ⇒ Any*` function literal
-Using link:jxpath.html[JXPath]
-With the `org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.languages.JXPath` trait, you can an
-additional `jxpath` method on the `Exchange`. In the Recipient List
-example below, JXPath is used for getting the next endpoint's name out
-of the message body.
diff --git a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl.adoc 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2b54a..0000000
--- a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-dsl.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-About the Scala DSL
-[Scala] is a general purpose programming
-language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise,
-elegant, and type-safe way. It integrates very well with the Java
-platform. Our Scala DSL implementation is built on top of the existing
-Java-based link:dsl.html[DSL], but it adds Scala syntax sugar to make
-building routes even more convenient.
-* link:scala-dsl-getting-started.html[Scala DSL - Getting Started] gives
-you basic information on how to use the Scala DSL.
-* link:scala-dsl-eip.html[Scala DSL - EIP] shows you the Scala DSL
-syntax for every EIP supported. link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL] supports
-every EIP from the link:dsl.html[Java DSL].
-* link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[Scala DSL - Supported
-languages] explains the usage of traits to add support for other
-languages (e.g. XPath)
-* At[ApacheCon Europe 2008] there was a Fast
-Feather talk that introduced some of the basic Scala language concepts
-that are being used for building the Scala DSL.
-[Here are the presentation
-slides] .
-* Here's a
-post] demonstrating the link:message-filter.html[Message Filter] EIP
-within the link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL], as well as how to use
-link:camel-test.html[Camel's test kit] to test the example.
-To use the Scala DSL in your camel routes you need to add the a
-dependency on *camel-scala* which implements the Scala DSL.
-If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml,
-substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see
-the download page for the latest versions).
-  <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
-  <artifactId>camel-scala</artifactId>
-  <version>x.x.x</version>
-  <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
-Starting from version 2.11 Camel Scala DSL is compiled against Scala
-2.10. If you plan to use Scala 2.9 with Camel 2.11, add the following to
-your pom.xml file instead.
-  <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
-  <artifactId>camel-scala_2.9</artifactId>
-  <version>2.11.x</version>
-  <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
-Support for Scala 2.9 is deprecated and will be removed starting from
-the Camel 2.12 and 3.0.
diff --git a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-eip.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8d52e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-eip.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+Scala Supported DSL
+The link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL] supports *every* DSL from the
+link:dsl.html[Java DSL].
+On this page we have examples for a number of the link:eip.html[EIP]s. +
+ You can check the
+test source code] for the Scala Component to find more examples.
+* 1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagingsystems[Messaging systems]
+** 1.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Pipelinepipeline[Pipeline]
+** 1.2 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Filterfilter[Filter]
+* 2 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagingchannels[Messaging channels]
+** 2.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Deadletterchannel[Dead letter channel]
+* 3 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagerouting[Message routing]
+** 3.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Aggregator[Aggregator]
+** 3.2 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Contentbasedrouter[Content based router]
+** 3.3 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Delayer[Delayer]
+** 3.4 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Loadbalancer[Load balancer]
+** 3.5 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Multicast[Multicast]
+** 3.6 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Recipientlist[Recipient list]
+** 3.7 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Resequencer[Resequencer]
+** 3.8 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Splitter[Splitter]
+** 3.9 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Throttler[Throttler]
+* 4 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Messagetransformation[Message transformation]
+** 4.1 link:#ScalaDSL-EIP-Contentenricher[Content enricher]
+Messaging systems
+There is a simple syntax available for specifying pipeline, by simple
+putting `to` or `→` between the different steps in the pipeline.
+For more advanced use cases, you can also use a block-based syntax,
+where every step in the pipeline starts with either `to` or `→`.
+For a message filter, use the `when()` method with a parameter of type
+The `Exchange ⇒ Boolean`. In the example below, we use a Scala
+convenience method named `in` to access the 'in' message body; only
+messages where the 'in' message is `<hello/>` will arrive at the
+`mock:a` endpoint.
+Once again, if you need to specify a more advanced route, you can use
+the more elaborate syntax.
+Messaging channels
+Dead letter channel
+The[dead letter
+channel] can be created with the syntax similar to the one used in
+[Java DSL].
+"jms:in" errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("jms:error")) to "jms:out"
+You can also use different error handler available for the
+[Java DSL]. In particular
+Scala DSL supports
+// DefaultErrorHandler
+"jms:in" errorHandler(defaultErrorHandler) to "jms:out"
+// LoggingErrorHandler
 to "jms:out"
+Message routing
+The aggregator EIP aggregates messages based on some message correlation
+criteria. In the Scala DSL, the `aggregate` method takes a function
+`Exchange ⇒ Any` to determine the correlation value for the exchange. In
+the sample below, message are being aggregated if the first 7 letters in
+the message body are the same.
+Content based router
+Similar to the link:scala-dsl-eip.html[Filter], the content based router
+uses `when` methods with `Exchange ⇒ Boolean` function literals and an
+optional `otherwise`. The function literal can contain plain Scala code
+as well as any of the link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[supported
+languages]. The example below routes a given message based on the
+language of the message body.
+Unlike a throttler, which only slows down messages if the rate exceeds a
+treshold, a delayer delays every messages with a fixed amount of time.
+An example: to delay every message going from `seda:a` to `mock:a` with
+1 second, you write...
+Our second example will delay the entire block (containing `mock:c`)
+without doing anything to `mock:b`
+Load balancer
+To distribute the message handling load over multiple endpoints, we add
+a `loadbalance` to our route definition. You can optionally specify a
+load balancer strategy, like `roundrobin`
+Multicast allows you to send a message to multiple endpoints at the same
+time. In a simple route, you can specify multiple targets in the `to` or
+`→` method call:
+Recipient list
+You can handle a static recipient list with a multicast or
+link:scala-dsl-eip.html[pipeline], but this EIP is usually applied when
+you want to dynamically determine the name(s) of the next endpoint(s) to
+route to. Use the `recipients()` method with a function literal
+(`Exchange => Any`) that returns the endpoint name(s). In the example
+below, the target endpoint name can be found in the String message
+starting at position 21.
+Because the `recipients()` method just takes a function literal, you can
+basically use any kind of valid Scala code to determine the endpoint
+name. Have a look at the next example which uses pattern matching to
+figure out where to send the message:
+Again, we can also use the same thing in a more block-like syntax. For
+this example, we use the Scala DSL's
+link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[support for JXPath] to determine
+the target.
+Use the `resequence` method to add a resequencer to the RouteBuilder.
+The method takes a function (`Exchange ⇒ Unit`) that determines the
+value to resequence on. In this example, we resequence messages based on
+the 'in' message body.
+The same EIP can also be used with a block-like syntax...
+... and with configurable batch size. In this last example, messages
+will be send to `mock:e` whenever a batch of 5 messages is available.
+To handle large message in smaller chunks, you can write a Scala
+`Exchange ⇒ Any*` method and add it to your route with the `splitter`
+method. As with many other EIPs, we support a short, in-line version as
+well as a more elaborate block based one.
+The above examples also show you how
+link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[other languages] like XPath can
+be within the Scala DSL.
+The throttler allows you to slow down messages before sending them
+along. The `throttle` methods allows you to specify the maximum
+throughput rate of message:
+It can also be used in front of block to throttle messages at that
+point. In the example below, message are passed on to `mock:b` in a
+normal rate (i.e. as fast as possible), but a maximum 3 messages/2
+seconds will arrive at the `mock:c` endpoint.
+Message transformation
+Content enricher
+Using a processor function (`Exchange → Unit`), you can alter/enrich the
+message content. This example uses a simple function literal to append
+`" says Hello"` to the message content:
+However, you can also define a separate method/function to handle the
+transformation and pass that to the `process` method instead. The
+example below uses pattern matching to enrich the message content:
+Off course, you can also use any other Camel component (e.g.
+link:velocity.html[Velocity]) to enrich the content and add it to a
diff --git a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-getting-started.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21cc41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-getting-started.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Scala DSL Getting Started
+Just like the link:dsl.html[Java DSL], the Scala DSL has a RouteBuilder
+class (`org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.builder.RouteBuilder`) that you can
+extend to implement your own routes. This example shows two very simple
+INFO: From *Camel 2.15* onwards use
+org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.builder.ScalaRouteBuilder and pass in the
+CamelContext in the constructor, which will be used by the builder. The
+old class RouteBuilder is deprecated.
+If you compare this to the Java link:dsl.html[DSL], you notice:
+* there is no configure() method to override
+* a route starts directly with a URI instead of `from(uri)`
+* `→` is just an alias for `to`
+Setting the route ID
+To assign the unique ID to the Scala route, insert the `routeId` method
+invocation after the "from" part of the DSL.
+ "direct:a" routeId "route-b" to "mock:b"
+Creating a new Camel Scala project
+Camel offers link:camel-maven-archetypes.html[Maven archetypes] that
+allow you to quickly setup a new project.
+To do this, you can execute the following Maven goal from the command
+line (using Maven 3.0.3 or better):
+mvn archetype:generate
+This runs Maven interactively - just type `camel` and press <Enter> to
+filter for Camel-related archetypes. +
+ From the list, pick the number for `camel-archetype-scala`, then fill
+in the remaining details (such as the Camel version, _et cetera_).
+The generated project has a "readme" file with more instructions, and is
+ready to compile and run from Maven using:
+mvn compile exec:java
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbdb72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala-supported-languages.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Scala DSL Supported Languages
+Support for link:languages.html[other languages] inside the Scala DSL
+routes is delivered through traits. The
+`org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.languages` package currently offers traits
+to support XPath. To use any given language, you can mix-in the trait
+when creating your `RouteBuilder`.
+You can use any of the supported Camel link:languages.html[Languages] in
+the link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL]; see below for a couple of examples:
+Using link:xpath.html[XPath]
+With the XPath trait, you have an additional method available on an
+`Exchange` to do XPath queries against the message. Just look at this
+Splitter example, where the `xpath` method is used in a
+`Exchange ⇒ Any*` function literal
+Using link:jxpath.html[JXPath]
+With the `org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.languages.JXPath` trait, you can an
+additional `jxpath` method on the `Exchange`. In the Recipient List
+example below, JXPath is used for getting the next endpoint's name out
+of the message body.
diff --git a/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a026489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/camel-scala/src/main/docs/scala.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+About the Scala DSL
+[Scala] is a general purpose programming
+language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise,
+elegant, and type-safe way. It integrates very well with the Java
+platform. Our Scala DSL implementation is built on top of the existing
+Java-based link:dsl.html[DSL], but it adds Scala syntax sugar to make
+building routes even more convenient.
+* link:scala-dsl-getting-started.html[Scala DSL - Getting Started] gives
+you basic information on how to use the Scala DSL.
+* link:scala-dsl-eip.html[Scala DSL - EIP] shows you the Scala DSL
+syntax for every EIP supported. link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL] supports
+every EIP from the link:dsl.html[Java DSL].
+* link:scala-dsl-supported-languages.html[Scala DSL - Supported
+languages] explains the usage of traits to add support for other
+languages (e.g. XPath)
+* At[ApacheCon Europe 2008] there was a Fast
+Feather talk that introduced some of the basic Scala language concepts
+that are being used for building the Scala DSL.
+[Here are the presentation
+slides] .
+* Here's a
+post] demonstrating the link:message-filter.html[Message Filter] EIP
+within the link:scala-dsl.html[Scala DSL], as well as how to use
+link:camel-test.html[Camel's test kit] to test the example.
+To use the Scala DSL in your camel routes you need to add the a
+dependency on *camel-scala* which implements the Scala DSL.
+If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml,
+substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see
+the download page for the latest versions).
+  <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
+  <artifactId>camel-scala</artifactId>
+  <version>x.x.x</version>
+  <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
+Starting from version 2.11 Camel Scala DSL is compiled against Scala
+2.10. If you plan to use Scala 2.9 with Camel 2.11, add the following to
+your pom.xml file instead.
+  <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
+  <artifactId>camel-scala_2.9</artifactId>
+  <version>2.11.x</version>
+  <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
+Support for Scala 2.9 is deprecated and will be removed starting from
+the Camel 2.12 and 3.0.
diff --git a/components/readme.adoc b/components/readme.adoc
index a8dbd0a..b68822d 100644
--- a/components/readme.adoc
+++ b/components/readme.adoc
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ Number of Components: 231 in 184 JAR artifacts (14 
 `metrics:metricsType:metricsName` | 2.14 | To collect various metrics directly 
from Camel routes using the DropWizard metrics library.
 | link:camel-milo/src/main/docs/milo-client-component.adoc[Milo based OPC UA 
Client] (camel-milo) +
-`milo-client:tcp://user:password@host:port/path/to/service` |  | Camel OPC UA 
+`milo-client:endpointUri` | 2.19 | Camel OPC UA support
 | link:camel-mina/src/main/docs/mina-component.adoc[Mina] (camel-mina) +
 `mina:protocol:host:port` | 1.0 | *deprecated* Socket level networking using 
TCP or UDP with the Apache Mina 1.x library.
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ Number of Components: 231 in 184 JAR artifacts (14 
 `olingo4:apiName/methodName` | 2.19 | Communicates with OData 4.0 services 
using Apache Olingo OData API.
 | link:camel-milo/src/main/docs/milo-server-component.adoc[OPC UA Server] 
(camel-milo) +
-`milo-server:itemId` |  | OPC UA Server based endpoint
+`milo-server:itemId` | 2.19 | OPC UA Server based endpoint
 | link:camel-openshift/src/main/docs/openshift-component.adoc[OpenShift] 
(camel-openshift) +
 `openshift:clientId` | 2.14 | *deprecated* To manage your Openshift 2.x 

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