diff --git a/components/camel-jetty9/src/main/docs/jetty-component.adoc 
index b31d915..df33f99 100644
--- a/components/camel-jetty9/src/main/docs/jetty-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jetty9/src/main/docs/jetty-component.adoc
@@ -56,73 +56,41 @@ The Jetty 9 component supports 32 options which are listed 
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| security
-| sslKeyPassword |  | String | The key password which is used to access the 
certificate's key entry in the keystore (this is the same password that is 
supplied to the keystore command's -keypass option).
-| sslPassword |  | String | The ssl password which is required to access the 
keystore file (this is the same password that is supplied to the keystore 
command's -storepass option).
-| keystore |  | String | Specifies the location of the Java keystore file 
which contains the Jetty server's own X.509 certificate in a key entry.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| errorHandler |  | ErrorHandler | This option is used to set the ErrorHandler 
that Jetty server uses.
- 4+^s| security
-| sslSocketConnectors |  | Map | A map which contains per port number specific 
SSL connectors.
-| socketConnectors |  | Map | A map which contains per port number specific 
HTTP connectors. Uses the same principle as sslSocketConnectors.
- 4+^s| producer
-| httpClientMinThreads |  | Integer | To set a value for minimum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be 
-| httpClientMaxThreads |  | Integer | To set a value for maximum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be 
- 4+^s| consumer
-| minThreads |  | Integer | To set a value for minimum number of threads in 
server thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured.
-| maxThreads |  | Integer | To set a value for maximum number of threads in 
server thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured.
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| threadPool |  | ThreadPool | To use a custom thread pool for the server. 
This option should only be used in special circumstances.
- 4+^s| common
-| enableJmx | false | boolean | If this option is true Jetty JMX support will 
be enabled for this endpoint.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| jettyHttpBinding |  | JettyHttpBinding | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.component.jetty.JettyHttpBinding which are used to customize 
how a response should be written for the producer.
-| httpBinding |  | HttpBinding | Not to be used - use JettyHttpBinding instead.
-| httpConfiguration |  | HttpConfiguration | Jetty component does not use 
-| mbContainer |  | MBeanContainer | To use a existing configured 
org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.MBeanContainer if JMX is enabled that Jetty uses for 
registering mbeans.
- 4+^s| security
-| sslSocketConnectorProperties |  | Map | A map which contains general SSL 
connector properties.
-| socketConnectorProperties |  | Map | A map which contains general HTTP 
connector properties. Uses the same principle as sslSocketConnectorProperties.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| continuationTimeout | 30000 | Long | Allows to set a timeout in millis when 
using Jetty as consumer (server). By default Jetty uses 30000. You can use a 
value of = 0 to never expire. If a timeout occurs then the request will be 
expired and Jetty will return back a http error 503 to the client. This option 
is only in use when using Jetty with the Asynchronous Routing Engine.
-| useContinuation | true | boolean | Whether or not to use Jetty continuations 
for the Jetty Server.
- 4+^s| security
-| sslContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters | To configure security using 
- 4+^s| common
-| responseBufferSize |  | Integer | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
response buffer size on the Jetty connectors.
-| requestBufferSize |  | Integer | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
request buffer size on the Jetty connectors.
-| requestHeaderSize |  | Integer | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
request header size on the Jetty connectors.
-| responseHeaderSize |  | Integer | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
response header size on the Jetty connectors.
- 4+^s| proxy
-| proxyHost |  | String | To use a http proxy to configure the hostname.
-| proxyPort |  | Integer | To use a http proxy to configure the port number.
- 4+^s| common
-| useXForwardedForHeader | false | boolean | To use the X-Forwarded-For header 
in HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| sendServerVersion | true | boolean | If the option is true jetty server will 
send the date header to the client which sends the request. NOTE please make 
sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port 
otherwise this option may not work as expected.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| allowJavaSerializedObject | false | boolean | Whether to allow java 
serialization when a request uses 
context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object. This is by default turned 
off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming 
data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk.
- 4+^s| filter
-| headerFilterStrategy |  | HeaderFilterStrategy | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel 
- 4+^s| advanced
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **sslKeyPassword** (security) | The key password which is used to access the 
certificate's key entry in the keystore (this is the same password that is 
supplied to the keystore command's -keypass option). |   | String
+| **sslPassword** (security) | The ssl password which is required to access 
the keystore file (this is the same password that is supplied to the keystore 
command's -storepass option). |   | String
+| **keystore** (security) | Specifies the location of the Java keystore file 
which contains the Jetty server's own X.509 certificate in a key entry. |   | 
+| **errorHandler** (advanced) | This option is used to set the ErrorHandler 
that Jetty server uses. |   | ErrorHandler
+| **sslSocketConnectors** (security) | A map which contains per port number 
specific SSL connectors. |   | Map
+| **socketConnectors** (security) | A map which contains per port number 
specific HTTP connectors. Uses the same principle as sslSocketConnectors. |   | 
+| **httpClientMinThreads** (producer) | To set a value for minimum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be 
configured. |   | Integer
+| **httpClientMaxThreads** (producer) | To set a value for maximum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be 
configured. |   | Integer
+| **minThreads** (consumer) | To set a value for minimum number of threads in 
server thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. |   
| Integer
+| **maxThreads** (consumer) | To set a value for maximum number of threads in 
server thread pool. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. |   
| Integer
+| **threadPool** (consumer) | To use a custom thread pool for the server. This 
option should only be used in special circumstances. |   | ThreadPool
+| **enableJmx** (common) | If this option is true Jetty JMX support will be 
enabled for this endpoint. | false  | boolean
+| **jettyHttpBinding** (advanced) | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.component.jetty.JettyHttpBinding which are used to customize 
how a response should be written for the producer. |   | JettyHttpBinding
+| **httpBinding** (advanced) | Not to be used - use JettyHttpBinding instead. 
|   | HttpBinding
+| **httpConfiguration** (advanced) | Jetty component does not use 
HttpConfiguration. |   | HttpConfiguration
+| **mbContainer** (advanced) | To use a existing configured 
org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.MBeanContainer if JMX is enabled that Jetty uses for 
registering mbeans. |   | MBeanContainer
+| **sslSocketConnector Properties** (security) | A map which contains general 
SSL connector properties. |   | Map
+| **socketConnectorProperties** (security) | A map which contains general HTTP 
connector properties. Uses the same principle as sslSocketConnectorProperties. 
|   | Map
+| **continuationTimeout** (consumer) | Allows to set a timeout in millis when 
using Jetty as consumer (server). By default Jetty uses 30000. You can use a 
value of = 0 to never expire. If a timeout occurs then the request will be 
expired and Jetty will return back a http error 503 to the client. This option 
is only in use when using Jetty with the Asynchronous Routing Engine. | 30000  
| Long
+| **useContinuation** (consumer) | Whether or not to use Jetty continuations 
for the Jetty Server. | true  | boolean
+| **sslContextParameters** (security) | To configure security using 
SSLContextParameters |   | SSLContextParameters
+| **responseBufferSize** (common) | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
response buffer size on the Jetty connectors. |   | Integer
+| **requestBufferSize** (common) | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
request buffer size on the Jetty connectors. |   | Integer
+| **requestHeaderSize** (common) | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
request header size on the Jetty connectors. |   | Integer
+| **responseHeaderSize** (common) | Allows to configure a custom value of the 
response header size on the Jetty connectors. |   | Integer
+| **proxyHost** (proxy) | To use a http proxy to configure the hostname. |   | 
+| **proxyPort** (proxy) | To use a http proxy to configure the port number. |  
 | Integer
+| **useXForwardedForHeader** (common) | To use the X-Forwarded-For header in 
HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr. | false  | boolean
+| **sendServerVersion** (consumer) | If the option is true jetty server will 
send the date header to the client which sends the request. NOTE please make 
sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port 
otherwise this option may not work as expected. | true  | boolean
+| **allowJavaSerializedObject** (advanced) | Whether to allow java 
serialization when a request uses 
context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object. This is by default turned 
off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming 
data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk. | 
false  | boolean
+| **headerFilterStrategy** (filter) | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel 
message. |   | HeaderFilterStrategy
+| **resolvePropertyPlaceholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true  | boolean
 // component options: END
@@ -143,127 +111,72 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| httpUri |  | URI | *Required* The url of the HTTP endpoint to call.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **httpUri** | *Required* The url of the HTTP endpoint to call. |  | URI
 #### Query Parameters (55 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| common
-| chunked | true | boolean | If this option is false the Servlet will disable 
the HTTP streaming and set the content-length header on the response
-| disableStreamCache | false | boolean | Determines whether or not the raw 
input stream from Servlet is cached or not (Camel will read the stream into a 
in memory/overflow to file Stream caching) cache. By default Camel will cache 
the Servlet input stream to support reading it multiple times to ensure it 
Camel can retrieve all data from the stream. However you can set this option to 
true when you for example need to access the raw stream such as streaming it 
directly to a file or other persistent store. DefaultHttpBinding will copy the 
request input stream into a stream cache and put it into message body if this 
option is false to support reading the stream multiple times. If you use 
Servlet to bridge/proxy an endpoint then consider enabling this option to 
improve performance in case you do not need to read the message payload 
multiple times. The http/http4 producer will by default cache the response body 
stream. If setting this option to true then the producers will not cache the r
 esponse body stream but use the response stream as-is as the message body.
-| enableMultipartFilter | false | boolean | Whether Jetty 
org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultiPartFilter is enabled or not. You should set 
this value to false when bridging endpoints to ensure multipart requests is 
proxied/bridged as well.
-| headerFilterStrategy |  | HeaderFilterStrategy | To use a custom 
HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message.
-| transferException | false | boolean | If enabled and an Exchange failed 
processing on the consumer side and if the caused Exception was send back 
serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content 
type. On the producer side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is 
instead of the HttpOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required 
to be serialized. This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be 
aware that Java will deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and 
that can be a potential security risk.
- 4+^s| common (advanced)
-| httpBinding |  | HttpBinding | To use a custom HttpBinding to control the 
mapping between Camel message and HttpClient.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| async | false | boolean | Configure the consumer to work in async mode
-| bridgeErrorHandler | false | boolean | Allows for bridging the consumer to 
the Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| continuationTimeout | 30000 | Long | Allows to set a timeout in millis when 
using Jetty as consumer (server). By default Jetty uses 30000. You can use a 
value of = 0 to never expire. If a timeout occurs then the request will be 
expired and Jetty will return back a http error 503 to the client. This option 
is only in use when using Jetty with the Asynchronous Routing Engine.
-| enableCORS | false | boolean | If the option is true Jetty server will setup 
the CrossOriginFilter which supports the CORS out of box.
-| enableJmx | false | boolean | If this option is true Jetty JMX support will 
be enabled for this endpoint. See Jetty JMX support for more details.
-| httpMethodRestrict |  | String | Used to only allow consuming if the 
HttpMethod matches such as GET/POST/PUT etc. Multiple methods can be specified 
separated by comma.
-| matchOnUriPrefix | false | boolean | Whether or not the consumer should try 
to find a target consumer by matching the URI prefix if no exact match is found.
-| responseBufferSize |  | Integer | To use a custom buffer size on the 
-| sendDateHeader | false | boolean | If the option is true jetty server will 
send the date header to the client which sends the request. NOTE please make 
sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port 
otherwise this option may not work as expected.
-| sendServerVersion | true | boolean | If the option is true jetty will send 
the server header with the jetty version information to the client which sends 
the request. NOTE please make sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint 
is share the same port otherwise this option may not work as expected.
-| sessionSupport | false | boolean | Specifies whether to enable the session 
manager on the server side of Jetty.
-| useContinuation |  | Boolean | Whether or not to use Jetty continuations for 
the Jetty Server.
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| eagerCheckContentAvailable | false | boolean | Whether to eager check 
whether the HTTP requests has content if the content-length header is 0 or not 
present. This can be turned on in case HTTP clients do not send streamed data.
-| exceptionHandler |  | ExceptionHandler | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| exchangePattern |  | ExchangePattern | Sets the exchange pattern when the 
consumer creates an exchange.
-| filterInitParameters |  | Map | Configuration of the filter init parameters. 
These parameters will be applied to the filter list before starting the jetty 
-| filtersRef |  | String | Allows using a custom filters which is putted into 
a list and can be find in the Registry. Multiple values can be separated by 
-| handlers |  | String | Specifies a comma-delimited set of Handler instances 
to lookup in your Registry. These handlers are added to the Jetty servlet 
context (for example to add security). Important: You can not use different 
handlers with different Jetty endpoints using the same port number. The 
handlers is associated to the port number. If you need different handlers then 
use different port numbers.
-| httpBindingRef |  | String | Option to disable throwing the 
HttpOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote 
server. This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code.
-| multipartFilter |  | Filter | Allows using a custom multipart filter. Note: 
setting multipartFilterRef forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to true.
-| multipartFilterRef |  | String | Allows using a custom multipart filter. 
Note: setting multipartFilterRef forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to 
-| optionsEnabled | false | boolean | Specifies whether to enable HTTP OPTIONS 
for this Servlet consumer. By default OPTIONS is turned off.
-| traceEnabled | false | boolean | Specifies whether to enable HTTP TRACE for 
this Servlet consumer. By default TRACE is turned off.
- 4+^s| producer
-| bridgeEndpoint | false | boolean | If the option is true HttpProducer will 
ignore the Exchange.HTTP_URI header and use the endpoint's URI for request. You 
may also set the option throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the 
HttpProducer send all the fault response back.
-| connectionClose | false | boolean | Specifies whether a Connection Close 
header must be added to HTTP Request. By default connectionClose is false.
-| cookieHandler |  | CookieHandler | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a 
HTTP session
-| copyHeaders | true | boolean | If this option is true then IN exchange 
headers will be copied to OUT exchange headers according to copy strategy. 
Setting this to false allows to only include the headers from the HTTP response 
(not propagating IN headers).
-| httpClientMaxThreads | 254 | Integer | To set a value for maximum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. This setting override any setting configured 
on component level. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If 
not set it default to max 254 threads used in Jettys thread pool.
-| httpClientMinThreads | 8 | Integer | To set a value for minimum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. This setting override any setting configured 
on component level. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If 
not set it default to min 8 threads used in Jettys thread pool.
-| httpMethod |  | HttpMethods | Configure the HTTP method to use. The 
HttpMethod header cannot override this option if set.
-| ignoreResponseBody | false | boolean | If this option is true The http 
producer won't read response body and cache the input stream
-| preserveHostHeader | false | boolean | If the option is true HttpProducer 
will set the Host header to the value contained in the current exchange Host 
header useful in reverse proxy applications where you want the Host header 
received by the downstream server to reflect the URL called by the upstream 
client this allows applications which use the Host header to generate accurate 
URL's for a proxied service
-| throwExceptionOnFailure | true | boolean | Option to disable throwing the 
HttpOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote 
server. This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code.
- 4+^s| producer (advanced)
-| httpClient |  | HttpClient | Sets a shared HttpClient to use for all 
producers created by this endpoint. By default each producer will use a new 
http client and not share. Important: Make sure to handle the lifecycle of the 
shared client such as stopping the client when it is no longer in use. Camel 
will call the start method on the client to ensure its started when this 
endpoint creates a producer. This options should only be used in special 
-| httpClientParameters |  | Map | Configuration of Jetty's HttpClient. For 
example setting httpClient.idleTimeout=30000 sets the idle timeout to 30 
seconds. And httpClient.timeout=30000 sets the request timeout to 30 seconds in 
case you want to timeout sooner if you have long running request/response calls.
-| jettyBinding |  | JettyHttpBinding | To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which 
be used to customize how a response should be written for the producer.
-| jettyBindingRef |  | String | To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which be used 
to customize how a response should be written for the producer.
-| okStatusCodeRange | 200-299 | String | The status codes which is considered 
a success response. The values are inclusive. The range must be defined as 
from-to with the dash included.
-| urlRewrite |  | UrlRewrite | Refers to a custom 
org.apache.camel.component.http.UrlRewrite which allows you to rewrite urls 
when you bridge/proxy endpoints. See more details at
- 4+^s| advanced
-| mapHttpMessageBody | true | boolean | If this option is true then IN 
exchange Body of the exchange will be mapped to HTTP body. Setting this to 
false will avoid the HTTP mapping.
-| mapHttpMessageFormUrlEncodedBody | true | boolean | If this option is true 
then IN exchange Form Encoded body of the exchange will be mapped to HTTP. 
Setting this to false will avoid the HTTP Form Encoded body mapping.
-| mapHttpMessageHeaders | true | boolean | If this option is true then IN 
exchange Headers of the exchange will be mapped to HTTP headers. Setting this 
to false will avoid the HTTP Headers mapping.
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
- 4+^s| proxy
-| proxyAuthScheme |  | String | Proxy authentication scheme to use
-| proxyHost |  | String | Proxy hostname to use
-| proxyPort |  | int | Proxy port to use
- 4+^s| security
-| authHost |  | String | Authentication host to use with NTML
-| sslContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters | To configure security using 
-| sslContextParametersRef |  | String | To configure security using 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **chunked** (common) | If this option is false the Servlet will disable the 
HTTP streaming and set the content-length header on the response | true | 
+| **disableStreamCache** (common) | Determines whether or not the raw input 
stream from Servlet is cached or not (Camel will read the stream into a in 
memory/overflow to file Stream caching) cache. By default Camel will cache the 
Servlet input stream to support reading it multiple times to ensure it Camel 
can retrieve all data from the stream. However you can set this option to true 
when you for example need to access the raw stream such as streaming it 
directly to a file or other persistent store. DefaultHttpBinding will copy the 
request input stream into a stream cache and put it into message body if this 
option is false to support reading the stream multiple times. If you use 
Servlet to bridge/proxy an endpoint then consider enabling this option to 
improve performance in case you do not need to read the message payload 
multiple times. The http/http4 producer will by default cache the response body 
stream. If setting this option to true then the producers will not cache the 
 se body stream but use the response stream as-is as the message body. | false 
| boolean
+| **enableMultipartFilter** (common) | Whether Jetty 
org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultiPartFilter is enabled or not. You should set 
this value to false when bridging endpoints to ensure multipart requests is 
proxied/bridged as well. | false | boolean
+| **headerFilterStrategy** (common) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to 
filter header to and from Camel message. |  | HeaderFilterStrategy
+| **transferException** (common) | If enabled and an Exchange failed 
processing on the consumer side and if the caused Exception was send back 
serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content 
type. On the producer side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is 
instead of the HttpOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required 
to be serialized. This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be 
aware that Java will deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and 
that can be a potential security risk. | false | boolean
+| **httpBinding** (common) | To use a custom HttpBinding to control the 
mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. |  | HttpBinding
+| **async** (consumer) | Configure the consumer to work in async mode | false 
| boolean
+| **bridgeErrorHandler** (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the 
Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | 
+| **continuationTimeout** (consumer) | Allows to set a timeout in millis when 
using Jetty as consumer (server). By default Jetty uses 30000. You can use a 
value of = 0 to never expire. If a timeout occurs then the request will be 
expired and Jetty will return back a http error 503 to the client. This option 
is only in use when using Jetty with the Asynchronous Routing Engine. | 30000 | 
+| **enableCORS** (consumer) | If the option is true Jetty server will setup 
the CrossOriginFilter which supports the CORS out of box. | false | boolean
+| **enableJmx** (consumer) | If this option is true Jetty JMX support will be 
enabled for this endpoint. See Jetty JMX support for more details. | false | 
+| **httpMethodRestrict** (consumer) | Used to only allow consuming if the 
HttpMethod matches such as GET/POST/PUT etc. Multiple methods can be specified 
separated by comma. |  | String
+| **matchOnUriPrefix** (consumer) | Whether or not the consumer should try to 
find a target consumer by matching the URI prefix if no exact match is found. | 
false | boolean
+| **responseBufferSize** (consumer) | To use a custom buffer size on the 
javax.servlet.ServletResponse. |  | Integer
+| **sendDateHeader** (consumer) | If the option is true jetty server will send 
the date header to the client which sends the request. NOTE please make sure 
there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port otherwise 
this option may not work as expected. | false | boolean
+| **sendServerVersion** (consumer) | If the option is true jetty will send the 
server header with the jetty version information to the client which sends the 
request. NOTE please make sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is 
share the same port otherwise this option may not work as expected. | true | 
+| **sessionSupport** (consumer) | Specifies whether to enable the session 
manager on the server side of Jetty. | false | boolean
+| **useContinuation** (consumer) | Whether or not to use Jetty continuations 
for the Jetty Server. |  | Boolean
+| **eagerCheckContentAvailable** (consumer) | Whether to eager check whether 
the HTTP requests has content if the content-length header is 0 or not present. 
This can be turned on in case HTTP clients do not send streamed data. | false | 
+| **exceptionHandler** (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. |  | ExceptionHandler
+| **exchangePattern** (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer 
creates an exchange. |  | ExchangePattern
+| **filterInitParameters** (consumer) | Configuration of the filter init 
parameters. These parameters will be applied to the filter list before starting 
the jetty server. |  | Map
+| **filtersRef** (consumer) | Allows using a custom filters which is putted 
into a list and can be find in the Registry. Multiple values can be separated 
by comma. |  | String
+| **handlers** (consumer) | Specifies a comma-delimited set of Handler 
instances to lookup in your Registry. These handlers are added to the Jetty 
servlet context (for example to add security). Important: You can not use 
different handlers with different Jetty endpoints using the same port number. 
The handlers is associated to the port number. If you need different handlers 
then use different port numbers. |  | String
+| **httpBindingRef** (consumer) | Option to disable throwing the 
HttpOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote 
server. This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status 
code. |  | String
+| **multipartFilter** (consumer) | Allows using a custom multipart filter. 
Note: setting multipartFilterRef forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to 
true. |  | Filter
+| **multipartFilterRef** (consumer) | Allows using a custom multipart filter. 
Note: setting multipartFilterRef forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to 
true. |  | String
+| **optionsEnabled** (consumer) | Specifies whether to enable HTTP OPTIONS for 
this Servlet consumer. By default OPTIONS is turned off. | false | boolean
+| **traceEnabled** (consumer) | Specifies whether to enable HTTP TRACE for 
this Servlet consumer. By default TRACE is turned off. | false | boolean
+| **bridgeEndpoint** (producer) | If the option is true HttpProducer will 
ignore the Exchange.HTTP_URI header and use the endpoint's URI for request. You 
may also set the option throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the 
HttpProducer send all the fault response back. | false | boolean
+| **connectionClose** (producer) | Specifies whether a Connection Close header 
must be added to HTTP Request. By default connectionClose is false. | false | 
+| **cookieHandler** (producer) | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP 
session |  | CookieHandler
+| **copyHeaders** (producer) | If this option is true then IN exchange headers 
will be copied to OUT exchange headers according to copy strategy. Setting this 
to false allows to only include the headers from the HTTP response (not 
propagating IN headers). | true | boolean
+| **httpClientMaxThreads** (producer) | To set a value for maximum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. This setting override any setting configured 
on component level. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If 
not set it default to max 254 threads used in Jettys thread pool. | 254 | 
+| **httpClientMinThreads** (producer) | To set a value for minimum number of 
threads in HttpClient thread pool. This setting override any setting configured 
on component level. Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If 
not set it default to min 8 threads used in Jettys thread pool. | 8 | Integer
+| **httpMethod** (producer) | Configure the HTTP method to use. The HttpMethod 
header cannot override this option if set. |  | HttpMethods
+| **ignoreResponseBody** (producer) | If this option is true The http producer 
won't read response body and cache the input stream | false | boolean
+| **preserveHostHeader** (producer) | If the option is true HttpProducer will 
set the Host header to the value contained in the current exchange Host header 
useful in reverse proxy applications where you want the Host header received by 
the downstream server to reflect the URL called by the upstream client this 
allows applications which use the Host header to generate accurate URL's for a 
proxied service | false | boolean
+| **throwExceptionOnFailure** (producer) | Option to disable throwing the 
HttpOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote 
server. This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status 
code. | true | boolean
+| **httpClient** (producer) | Sets a shared HttpClient to use for all 
producers created by this endpoint. By default each producer will use a new 
http client and not share. Important: Make sure to handle the lifecycle of the 
shared client such as stopping the client when it is no longer in use. Camel 
will call the start method on the client to ensure its started when this 
endpoint creates a producer. This options should only be used in special 
circumstances. |  | HttpClient
+| **httpClientParameters** (producer) | Configuration of Jetty's HttpClient. 
For example setting httpClient.idleTimeout=30000 sets the idle timeout to 30 
seconds. And httpClient.timeout=30000 sets the request timeout to 30 seconds in 
case you want to timeout sooner if you have long running request/response 
calls. |  | Map
+| **jettyBinding** (producer) | To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which be used 
to customize how a response should be written for the producer. |  | 
+| **jettyBindingRef** (producer) | To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which be 
used to customize how a response should be written for the producer. |  | String
+| **okStatusCodeRange** (producer) | The status codes which is considered a 
success response. The values are inclusive. The range must be defined as 
from-to with the dash included. | 200-299 | String
+| **urlRewrite** (producer) | Refers to a custom 
org.apache.camel.component.http.UrlRewrite which allows you to rewrite urls 
when you bridge/proxy endpoints. See more details at |  | UrlRewrite
+| **mapHttpMessageBody** (advanced) | If this option is true then IN exchange 
Body of the exchange will be mapped to HTTP body. Setting this to false will 
avoid the HTTP mapping. | true | boolean
+| **mapHttpMessageFormUrl EncodedBody** (advanced) | If this option is true 
then IN exchange Form Encoded body of the exchange will be mapped to HTTP. 
Setting this to false will avoid the HTTP Form Encoded body mapping. | true | 
+| **mapHttpMessageHeaders** (advanced) | If this option is true then IN 
exchange Headers of the exchange will be mapped to HTTP headers. Setting this 
to false will avoid the HTTP Headers mapping. | true | boolean
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
+| **proxyAuthScheme** (proxy) | Proxy authentication scheme to use |  | String
+| **proxyHost** (proxy) | Proxy hostname to use |  | String
+| **proxyPort** (proxy) | Proxy port to use |  | int
+| **authHost** (security) | Authentication host to use with NTML |  | String
+| **sslContextParameters** (security) | To configure security using 
SSLContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters
+| **sslContextParametersRef** (security) | To configure security using 
SSLContextParameters |  | String
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-jgroups/src/main/docs/jgroups-component.adoc 
index 40ec9a9..506b53c 100644
--- a/components/camel-jgroups/src/main/docs/jgroups-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jgroups/src/main/docs/jgroups-component.adoc
@@ -53,17 +53,13 @@ The JGroups component supports 4 options which are listed 
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| common
-| channel |  | JChannel | Channel to use
-| channelProperties |  | String | Specifies configuration properties of the 
JChannel used by the endpoint.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| enableViewMessages | false | boolean | If set to true the consumer endpoint 
will receive org.jgroups.View messages as well (not only org.jgroups.Message 
instances). By default only regular messages are consumed by the endpoint.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **channel** (common) | Channel to use |   | JChannel
+| **channelProperties** (common) | Specifies configuration properties of the 
JChannel used by the endpoint. |   | String
+| **enableViewMessages** (consumer) | If set to true the consumer endpoint 
will receive org.jgroups.View messages as well (not only org.jgroups.Message 
instances). By default only regular messages are consumed by the endpoint. | 
false  | boolean
+| **resolvePropertyPlaceholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true  | boolean
 // component options: END
@@ -81,29 +77,23 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| clusterName |  | String | *Required* The name of the JGroups cluster the 
component should connect to.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **clusterName** | *Required* The name of the JGroups cluster the component 
should connect to. |  | String
 #### Query Parameters (6 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| channelProperties |  | String | Specifies configuration properties of the 
JChannel used by the endpoint.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| bridgeErrorHandler | false | boolean | Allows for bridging the consumer to 
the Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| enableViewMessages | false | boolean | If set to true the consumer endpoint 
will receive org.jgroups.View messages as well (not only org.jgroups.Message 
instances). By default only regular messages are consumed by the endpoint.
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| exceptionHandler |  | ExceptionHandler | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| exchangePattern |  | ExchangePattern | Sets the exchange pattern when the 
consumer creates an exchange.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **channelProperties** (common) | Specifies configuration properties of the 
JChannel used by the endpoint. |  | String
+| **bridgeErrorHandler** (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the 
Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | 
+| **enableViewMessages** (consumer) | If set to true the consumer endpoint 
will receive org.jgroups.View messages as well (not only org.jgroups.Message 
instances). By default only regular messages are consumed by the endpoint. | 
false | boolean
+| **exceptionHandler** (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. |  | ExceptionHandler
+| **exchangePattern** (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer 
creates an exchange. |  | ExchangePattern
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-jing/src/main/docs/jing-component.adoc 
index 4a49314..fc0a925 100644
--- a/components/camel-jing/src/main/docs/jing-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jing/src/main/docs/jing-component.adoc
@@ -55,21 +55,19 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| resourceUri |  | String | *Required* URL to a local resource on the 
classpath or a full URL to a remote resource or resource on the file system 
which contains the schema to validate against.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **resourceUri** | *Required* URL to a local resource on the classpath or a 
full URL to a remote resource or resource on the file system which contains the 
schema to validate against. |  | String
 #### Query Parameters (2 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| compactSyntax | false | boolean | Whether to validate using RelaxNG compact 
syntax or not. By default this is false for using RelaxNG XML Syntax (rng) And 
true is for using RelaxNG Compact Syntax (rnc)
- 4+^s| advanced
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **compactSyntax** (producer) | Whether to validate using RelaxNG compact 
syntax or not. By default this is false for using RelaxNG XML Syntax (rng) And 
true is for using RelaxNG Compact Syntax (rnc) | false | boolean
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-jira/src/main/docs/jira-component.adoc 
index f448508..88b6f6d 100644
--- a/components/camel-jira/src/main/docs/jira-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jira/src/main/docs/jira-component.adoc
@@ -57,35 +57,26 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| type |  | JIRAType | *Required* Operation to perform such as create a new 
issue or a new comment
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **type** | *Required* Operation to perform such as create a new issue or a 
new comment |  | JIRAType
 #### Query Parameters (9 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| password |  | String | Password for login
-| serverUrl |  | String | *Required* URL to the JIRA server
-| username |  | String | Username for login
- 4+^s| consumer
-| bridgeErrorHandler | false | boolean | Allows for bridging the consumer to 
the Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| delay | 6000 | int | Delay in seconds when querying JIRA using the consumer.
-| jql |  | String | JQL is the query language from JIRA which allows you to 
retrieve the data you want. For example jql=project=MyProject Where MyProject 
is the product key in Jira.
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| exceptionHandler |  | ExceptionHandler | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| exchangePattern |  | ExchangePattern | Sets the exchange pattern when the 
consumer creates an exchange.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **password** (common) | Password for login |  | String
+| **serverUrl** (common) | *Required* URL to the JIRA server |  | String
+| **username** (common) | Username for login |  | String
+| **bridgeErrorHandler** (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the 
Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | 
+| **delay** (consumer) | Delay in seconds when querying JIRA using the 
consumer. | 6000 | int
+| **jql** (consumer) | JQL is the query language from JIRA which allows you to 
retrieve the data you want. For example jql=project=MyProject Where MyProject 
is the product key in Jira. |  | String
+| **exceptionHandler** (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. |  | ExceptionHandler
+| **exchangePattern** (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer 
creates an exchange. |  | ExchangePattern
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-jmx/src/main/docs/jmx-component.adoc 
index b5ddef8..cb727c3 100644
--- a/components/camel-jmx/src/main/docs/jmx-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jmx/src/main/docs/jmx-component.adoc
@@ -34,75 +34,46 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| serverURL |  | String | server url comes from the remaining endpoint
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **serverURL** | server url comes from the remaining endpoint |  | String
 #### Query Parameters (29 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| bridgeErrorHandler | false | boolean | Allows for bridging the consumer to 
the Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| format | xml | String | URI Property: Format for the message body. Either 
xml or raw. If xml the notification is serialized to xml. If raw then the raw 
java object is set as the body.
-| granularityPeriod | 10000 | long | URI Property: monitor types only The 
frequency to poll the bean to check the monitor.
-| monitorType |  | String | URI Property: monitor types only The type of 
monitor to create. One of string gauge counter.
-| objectDomain |  | String | *Required* URI Property: The domain for the mbean 
you're connecting to
-| objectName |  | String | URI Property: The name key for the mbean you're 
connecting to. This value is mutually exclusive with the object properties that 
get passed.
-| observedAttribute |  | String | URI Property: monitor types only The 
attribute to observe for the monitor bean.
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| exceptionHandler |  | ExceptionHandler | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| exchangePattern |  | ExchangePattern | Sets the exchange pattern when the 
consumer creates an exchange.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| handback |  | Object | URI Property: Value to handback to the listener when 
a notification is received. This value will be put in the message header with 
the key jmx.handback
-| notificationFilter |  | NotificationFilter | URI Property: Reference to a 
bean that implements the NotificationFilter.
-| objectProperties |  | Map | URI Property: properties for the object name. 
These values will be used if the objectName param is not set
-| reconnectDelay | 10 | int | URI Property: The number of seconds to wait 
before attempting to retry establishment of the initial connection or attempt 
to reconnect a lost connection
-| reconnectOnConnectionFailure | false | boolean | URI Property: If true the 
consumer will attempt to reconnect to the JMX server when any connection 
failure occurs. The consumer will attempt to re-establish the JMX connection 
every 'x' seconds until the connection is made-- where 'x' is the configured 
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
-| testConnectionOnStartup | true | boolean | URI Property: If true the 
consumer will throw an exception if unable to establish the JMX connection upon 
startup. If false the consumer will attempt to establish the JMX connection 
every 'x' seconds until the connection is made -- where 'x' is the configured 
- 4+^s| counter
-| initThreshold |  | int | URI Property: counter monitor only Initial 
threshold for the monitor. The value must exceed this before notifications are 
-| modulus |  | int | URI Property: counter monitor only The value at which the 
counter is reset to zero
-| offset |  | int | URI Property: counter monitor only The amount to increment 
the threshold after it's been exceeded.
- 4+^s| gauge
-| differenceMode | false | boolean | URI Property: counter gauge monitor only 
If true then the value reported in the notification is the difference from the 
threshold as opposed to the value itself.
-| notifyHigh | false | boolean | URI Property: gauge monitor only If true the 
gauge will fire a notification when the high threshold is exceeded
-| notifyLow | false | boolean | URI Property: gauge monitor only If true the 
gauge will fire a notification when the low threshold is exceeded
-| thresholdHigh |  | Double | URI Property: gauge monitor only Value for the 
gauge's high threshold
-| thresholdLow |  | Double | URI Property: gauge monitor only Value for the 
gauge's low threshold
- 4+^s| security
-| password |  | String | URI Property: credentials for making a remote 
-| user |  | String | URI Property: credentials for making a remote connection
- 4+^s| string
-| notifyDiffer | false | boolean | URI Property: string monitor only If true 
the string monitor will fire a notification when the string attribute differs 
from the string to compare.
-| notifyMatch | false | boolean | URI Property: string monitor only If true 
the string monitor will fire a notification when the string attribute matches 
the string to compare.
-| stringToCompare |  | String | URI Property: string monitor only Value for 
the string monitor's string to compare.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **bridgeErrorHandler** (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the 
Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | 
+| **format** (consumer) | URI Property: Format for the message body. Either 
xml or raw. If xml the notification is serialized to xml. If raw then the raw 
java object is set as the body. | xml | String
+| **granularityPeriod** (consumer) | URI Property: monitor types only The 
frequency to poll the bean to check the monitor. | 10000 | long
+| **monitorType** (consumer) | URI Property: monitor types only The type of 
monitor to create. One of string gauge counter. |  | String
+| **objectDomain** (consumer) | *Required* URI Property: The domain for the 
mbean you're connecting to |  | String
+| **objectName** (consumer) | URI Property: The name key for the mbean you're 
connecting to. This value is mutually exclusive with the object properties that 
get passed. |  | String
+| **observedAttribute** (consumer) | URI Property: monitor types only The 
attribute to observe for the monitor bean. |  | String
+| **exceptionHandler** (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. |  | ExceptionHandler
+| **exchangePattern** (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer 
creates an exchange. |  | ExchangePattern
+| **handback** (advanced) | URI Property: Value to handback to the listener 
when a notification is received. This value will be put in the message header 
with the key jmx.handback |  | Object
+| **notificationFilter** (advanced) | URI Property: Reference to a bean that 
implements the NotificationFilter. |  | NotificationFilter
+| **objectProperties** (advanced) | URI Property: properties for the object 
name. These values will be used if the objectName param is not set |  | Map
+| **reconnectDelay** (advanced) | URI Property: The number of seconds to wait 
before attempting to retry establishment of the initial connection or attempt 
to reconnect a lost connection | 10 | int
+| **reconnectOnConnection Failure** (advanced) | URI Property: If true the 
consumer will attempt to reconnect to the JMX server when any connection 
failure occurs. The consumer will attempt to re-establish the JMX connection 
every 'x' seconds until the connection is made-- where 'x' is the configured 
reconnectionDelay | false | boolean
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
+| **testConnectionOnStartup** (advanced) | URI Property: If true the consumer 
will throw an exception if unable to establish the JMX connection upon startup. 
If false the consumer will attempt to establish the JMX connection every 'x' 
seconds until the connection is made -- where 'x' is the configured 
reconnectionDelay | true | boolean
+| **initThreshold** (counter) | URI Property: counter monitor only Initial 
threshold for the monitor. The value must exceed this before notifications are 
fired. |  | int
+| **modulus** (counter) | URI Property: counter monitor only The value at 
which the counter is reset to zero |  | int
+| **offset** (counter) | URI Property: counter monitor only The amount to 
increment the threshold after it's been exceeded. |  | int
+| **differenceMode** (gauge) | URI Property: counter gauge monitor only If 
true then the value reported in the notification is the difference from the 
threshold as opposed to the value itself. | false | boolean
+| **notifyHigh** (gauge) | URI Property: gauge monitor only If true the gauge 
will fire a notification when the high threshold is exceeded | false | boolean
+| **notifyLow** (gauge) | URI Property: gauge monitor only If true the gauge 
will fire a notification when the low threshold is exceeded | false | boolean
+| **thresholdHigh** (gauge) | URI Property: gauge monitor only Value for the 
gauge's high threshold |  | Double
+| **thresholdLow** (gauge) | URI Property: gauge monitor only Value for the 
gauge's low threshold |  | Double
+| **password** (security) | URI Property: credentials for making a remote 
connection |  | String
+| **user** (security) | URI Property: credentials for making a remote 
connection |  | String
+| **notifyDiffer** (string) | URI Property: string monitor only If true the 
string monitor will fire a notification when the string attribute differs from 
the string to compare. | false | boolean
+| **notifyMatch** (string) | URI Property: string monitor only If true the 
string monitor will fire a notification when the string attribute matches the 
string to compare. | false | boolean
+| **stringToCompare** (string) | URI Property: string monitor only Value for 
the string monitor's string to compare. |  | String
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-jolt/src/main/docs/jolt-component.adoc 
index 931df53..92cf400 100644
--- a/components/camel-jolt/src/main/docs/jolt-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jolt/src/main/docs/jolt-component.adoc
@@ -45,13 +45,11 @@ The JOLT component supports 2 options which are listed 
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| advanced
-| transform |  | Transform | Explicitly sets the Transform to use. If not set 
a Transform specified by the transformDsl will be created
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **transform** (advanced) | Explicitly sets the Transform to use. If not set 
a Transform specified by the transformDsl will be created |   | Transform
+| **resolvePropertyPlaceholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true  | boolean
 // component options: END
@@ -69,27 +67,22 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| resourceUri |  | String | *Required* Path to the resource. You can prefix 
with: classpath file http ref or bean. classpath file and http loads the 
resource using these protocols (classpath is default). ref will lookup the 
resource in the registry. bean will call a method on a bean to be used as the 
resource. For bean you can specify the method name after dot eg 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **resourceUri** | *Required* Path to the resource. You can prefix with: 
classpath file http ref or bean. classpath file and http loads the resource 
using these protocols (classpath is default). ref will lookup the resource in 
the registry. bean will call a method on a bean to be used as the resource. For 
bean you can specify the method name after dot eg bean:myBean.myMethod. |  | 
 #### Query Parameters (5 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| contentCache | false | boolean | Sets whether to use resource content cache 
or not
-| inputType | Hydrated | JoltInputOutputType | Specifies if the input is 
hydrated JSON or a JSON String.
-| outputType | Hydrated | JoltInputOutputType | Specifies if the output should 
be hydrated JSON or a JSON String.
-| transformDsl | Chainr | JoltTransformType | Specifies the Transform DSL of 
the endpoint resource. If none is specified Chainr will be used.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **contentCache** (producer) | Sets whether to use resource content cache or 
not | false | boolean
+| **inputType** (producer) | Specifies if the input is hydrated JSON or a JSON 
String. | Hydrated | JoltInputOutputType
+| **outputType** (producer) | Specifies if the output should be hydrated JSON 
or a JSON String. | Hydrated | JoltInputOutputType
+| **transformDsl** (producer) | Specifies the Transform DSL of the endpoint 
resource. If none is specified Chainr will be used. | Chainr | JoltTransformType
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-jpa/src/main/docs/jpa-component.adoc 
index 3769f7f..d52948e 100644
--- a/components/camel-jpa/src/main/docs/jpa-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-jpa/src/main/docs/jpa-component.adoc
@@ -98,19 +98,14 @@ The JPA component supports 5 options which are listed below.
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| common
-| entityManagerFactory |  | EntityManagerFactory | To use the 
EntityManagerFactory. This is strongly recommended to configure.
-| transactionManager |  | PlatformTransactionManager | To use the 
PlatformTransactionManager for managing transactions.
-| joinTransaction | true | boolean | The camel-jpa component will join 
transaction by default. You can use this option to turn this off for example if 
you use LOCAL_RESOURCE and join transaction doesn't work with your JPA 
provider. This option can also be set globally on the JpaComponent instead of 
having to set it on all endpoints.
-| sharedEntityManager | false | boolean | Whether to use Spring's 
SharedEntityManager for the consumer/producer. Note in most cases 
joinTransaction should be set to false as this is not an EXTENDED EntityManager.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **entityManagerFactory** (common) | To use the EntityManagerFactory. This is 
strongly recommended to configure. |   | EntityManagerFactory
+| **transactionManager** (common) | To use the PlatformTransactionManager for 
managing transactions. |   | PlatformTransaction Manager
+| **joinTransaction** (common) | The camel-jpa component will join transaction 
by default. You can use this option to turn this off for example if you use 
LOCAL_RESOURCE and join transaction doesn't work with your JPA provider. This 
option can also be set globally on the JpaComponent instead of having to set it 
on all endpoints. | true  | boolean
+| **sharedEntityManager** (common) | Whether to use Spring's 
SharedEntityManager for the consumer/producer. Note in most cases 
joinTransaction should be set to false as this is not an EXTENDED 
EntityManager. | false  | boolean
+| **resolvePropertyPlaceholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true  | boolean
 // component options: END
@@ -130,101 +125,59 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| entityType |  | Class<?> | *Required* The JPA annotated class to use as 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **entityType** | *Required* The JPA annotated class to use as entity. |  | 
 #### Query Parameters (42 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| joinTransaction | true | boolean | The camel-jpa component will join 
transaction by default. You can use this option to turn this off for example if 
you use LOCAL_RESOURCE and join transaction doesn't work with your JPA 
provider. This option can also be set globally on the JpaComponent instead of 
having to set it on all endpoints.
-| maximumResults | -1 | int | Set the maximum number of results to retrieve on 
the Query.
-| namedQuery |  | String | To use a named query.
-| nativeQuery |  | String | To use a custom native query. You may want to use 
the option resultClass also when using native queries.
-| parameters |  | Map | This key/value mapping is used for building the query 
parameters. It is expected to be of the generic type java.util.Map where the 
keys are the named parameters of a given JPA query and the values are their 
corresponding effective values you want to select for. When it's used for 
producer Simple expression can be used as a parameter value. It allows you to 
retrieve parameter values from the message body header and etc.
-| persistenceUnit | camel | String | *Required* The JPA persistence unit used 
by default.
-| query |  | String | To use a custom query.
-| resultClass |  | Class<?> | Defines the type of the returned payload (we 
will call entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery resultClass) instead of 
entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery)). Without this option we will 
return an object array. Only has an affect when using in conjunction with 
native query when consuming data.
-| sharedEntityManager | false | boolean | Whether to use Spring's 
SharedEntityManager for the consumer/producer. Note in most cases 
joinTransaction should be set to false as this is not an EXTENDED EntityManager.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| bridgeErrorHandler | false | boolean | Allows for bridging the consumer to 
the Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| consumeDelete | true | boolean | If true the entity is deleted after it is 
consumed; if false the entity is not deleted.
-| consumeLockEntity | true | boolean | Specifies whether or not to set an 
exclusive lock on each entity bean while processing the results from polling.
-| deleteHandler |  | Object> | To use a custom DeleteHandler to delete the row 
after the consumer is done processing the exchange
-| lockModeType | PESSIMISTIC_WRITE | LockModeType | To configure the lock mode 
on the consumer.
-| maxMessagesPerPoll |  | int | An integer value to define the maximum number 
of messages to gather per poll. By default no maximum is set. Can be used to 
avoid polling many thousands of messages when starting up the server. Set a 
value of 0 or negative to disable.
-| preDeleteHandler |  | Object> | To use a custom Pre-DeleteHandler to delete 
the row after the consumer has read the entity.
-| sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle | false | boolean | If the polling consumer did not 
poll any files you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) 
-| skipLockedEntity | false | boolean | To configure whether to use NOWAIT on 
lock and silently skip the entity.
-| transacted | false | boolean | Whether to run the consumer in transacted 
mode by which all messages will either commit or rollback when the entire batch 
has been processed. The default behavior (false) is to commit all the 
previously successfully processed messages and only rollback the last failed 
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| exceptionHandler |  | ExceptionHandler | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| exchangePattern |  | ExchangePattern | Sets the exchange pattern when the 
consumer creates an exchange.
-| pollStrategy |  | PollingConsumerPollStrategy | A pluggable 
org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your 
custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the 
poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel.
- 4+^s| producer
-| flushOnSend | true | boolean | Flushes the EntityManager after the entity 
bean has been persisted.
-| remove | false | boolean | Indicates to use entityManager.remove(entity).
-| useExecuteUpdate |  | Boolean | To configure whether to use executeUpdate() 
when producer executes a query. When you use INSERT UPDATE or DELETE statement 
as a named query you need to specify this option to 'true'.
-| usePassedInEntityManager | false | boolean | If set to true then Camel will 
use the EntityManager from the header JpaConstants.ENTITYMANAGER instead of the 
configured entity manager on the component/endpoint. This allows end users to 
control which entity manager will be in use.
-| usePersist | false | boolean | Indicates to use 
entityManager.persist(entity) instead of entityManager.merge(entity). Note: 
entityManager.persist(entity) doesn't work for detached entities (where the 
EntityManager has to execute an UPDATE instead of an INSERT query)!
- 4+^s| advanced
-| entityManagerProperties |  | Map | Additional properties for the entity 
manager to use.
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
- 4+^s| scheduler
-| backoffErrorThreshold |  | int | The number of subsequent error polls 
(failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should 
-| backoffIdleThreshold |  | int | The number of subsequent idle polls that 
should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in.
-| backoffMultiplier |  | int | To let the scheduled polling consumer backoff 
if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The multiplier 
is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next actual attempt 
is happening again. When this option is in use then backoffIdleThreshold and/or 
backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured.
-| delay | 500 | long | Milliseconds before the next poll. You can also specify 
time values using units such as 60s (60 seconds) 5m30s (5 minutes and 30 
seconds) and 1h (1 hour).
-| greedy | false | boolean | If greedy is enabled then the 
ScheduledPollConsumer will run immediately again if the previous run polled 1 
or more messages.
-| initialDelay | 1000 | long | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. You 
can also specify time values using units such as 60s (60 seconds) 5m30s (5 
minutes and 30 seconds) and 1h (1 hour).
-| runLoggingLevel | TRACE | LoggingLevel | The consumer logs a start/complete 
log line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level 
for that.
-| scheduledExecutorService |  | ScheduledExecutorService | Allows for 
configuring a custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default 
each consumer has its own single threaded thread pool.
-| scheduler | none | ScheduledPollConsumerScheduler | To use a cron scheduler 
from either camel-spring or camel-quartz2 component
-| schedulerProperties |  | Map | To configure additional properties when using 
a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz2 Spring based scheduler.
-| startScheduler | true | boolean | Whether the scheduler should be auto 
-| timeUnit | MILLISECONDS | TimeUnit | Time unit for initialDelay and delay 
-| useFixedDelay | true | boolean | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is 
used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **joinTransaction** (common) | The camel-jpa component will join transaction 
by default. You can use this option to turn this off for example if you use 
LOCAL_RESOURCE and join transaction doesn't work with your JPA provider. This 
option can also be set globally on the JpaComponent instead of having to set it 
on all endpoints. | true | boolean
+| **maximumResults** (common) | Set the maximum number of results to retrieve 
on the Query. | -1 | int
+| **namedQuery** (common) | To use a named query. |  | String
+| **nativeQuery** (common) | To use a custom native query. You may want to use 
the option resultClass also when using native queries. |  | String
+| **parameters** (common) | This key/value mapping is used for building the 
query parameters. It is expected to be of the generic type java.util.Map where 
the keys are the named parameters of a given JPA query and the values are their 
corresponding effective values you want to select for. When it's used for 
producer Simple expression can be used as a parameter value. It allows you to 
retrieve parameter values from the message body header and etc. |  | Map
+| **persistenceUnit** (common) | *Required* The JPA persistence unit used by 
default. | camel | String
+| **query** (common) | To use a custom query. |  | String
+| **resultClass** (common) | Defines the type of the returned payload (we will 
call entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery resultClass) instead of 
entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery)). Without this option we will 
return an object array. Only has an affect when using in conjunction with 
native query when consuming data. |  | Class<?>
+| **sharedEntityManager** (common) | Whether to use Spring's 
SharedEntityManager for the consumer/producer. Note in most cases 
joinTransaction should be set to false as this is not an EXTENDED 
EntityManager. | false | boolean
+| **bridgeErrorHandler** (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the 
Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | 
+| **consumeDelete** (consumer) | If true the entity is deleted after it is 
consumed; if false the entity is not deleted. | true | boolean
+| **consumeLockEntity** (consumer) | Specifies whether or not to set an 
exclusive lock on each entity bean while processing the results from polling. | 
true | boolean
+| **deleteHandler** (consumer) | To use a custom DeleteHandler to delete the 
row after the consumer is done processing the exchange |  | Object>
+| **lockModeType** (consumer) | To configure the lock mode on the consumer. | 
+| **maxMessagesPerPoll** (consumer) | An integer value to define the maximum 
number of messages to gather per poll. By default no maximum is set. Can be 
used to avoid polling many thousands of messages when starting up the server. 
Set a value of 0 or negative to disable. |  | int
+| **preDeleteHandler** (consumer) | To use a custom Pre-DeleteHandler to 
delete the row after the consumer has read the entity. |  | Object>
+| **sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle** (consumer) | If the polling consumer did not 
poll any files you can enable this option to send an empty message (no body) 
instead. | false | boolean
+| **skipLockedEntity** (consumer) | To configure whether to use NOWAIT on lock 
and silently skip the entity. | false | boolean
+| **transacted** (consumer) | Whether to run the consumer in transacted mode 
by which all messages will either commit or rollback when the entire batch has 
been processed. The default behavior (false) is to commit all the previously 
successfully processed messages and only rollback the last failed message. | 
false | boolean
+| **exceptionHandler** (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. |  | ExceptionHandler
+| **exchangePattern** (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer 
creates an exchange. |  | ExchangePattern
+| **pollStrategy** (consumer) | A pluggable 
org.apache.camel.PollingConsumerPollingStrategy allowing you to provide your 
custom implementation to control error handling usually occurred during the 
poll operation before an Exchange have been created and being routed in Camel. 
|  | PollingConsumerPoll Strategy
+| **flushOnSend** (producer) | Flushes the EntityManager after the entity bean 
has been persisted. | true | boolean
+| **remove** (producer) | Indicates to use entityManager.remove(entity). | 
false | boolean
+| **useExecuteUpdate** (producer) | To configure whether to use 
executeUpdate() when producer executes a query. When you use INSERT UPDATE or 
DELETE statement as a named query you need to specify this option to 'true'. |  
| Boolean
+| **usePassedInEntityManager** (producer) | If set to true then Camel will use 
the EntityManager from the header JpaConstants.ENTITYMANAGER instead of the 
configured entity manager on the component/endpoint. This allows end users to 
control which entity manager will be in use. | false | boolean
+| **usePersist** (producer) | Indicates to use entityManager.persist(entity) 
instead of entityManager.merge(entity). Note: entityManager.persist(entity) 
doesn't work for detached entities (where the EntityManager has to execute an 
UPDATE instead of an INSERT query)! | false | boolean
+| **entityManagerProperties** (advanced) | Additional properties for the 
entity manager to use. |  | Map
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
+| **backoffErrorThreshold** (scheduler) | The number of subsequent error polls 
(failed due some error) that should happen before the backoffMultipler should 
kick-in. |  | int
+| **backoffIdleThreshold** (scheduler) | The number of subsequent idle polls 
that should happen before the backoffMultipler should kick-in. |  | int
+| **backoffMultiplier** (scheduler) | To let the scheduled polling consumer 
backoff if there has been a number of subsequent idles/errors in a row. The 
multiplier is then the number of polls that will be skipped before the next 
actual attempt is happening again. When this option is in use then 
backoffIdleThreshold and/or backoffErrorThreshold must also be configured. |  | 
+| **delay** (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the next poll. You can also 
specify time values using units such as 60s (60 seconds) 5m30s (5 minutes and 
30 seconds) and 1h (1 hour). | 500 | long
+| **greedy** (scheduler) | If greedy is enabled then the ScheduledPollConsumer 
will run immediately again if the previous run polled 1 or more messages. | 
false | boolean
+| **initialDelay** (scheduler) | Milliseconds before the first poll starts. 
You can also specify time values using units such as 60s (60 seconds) 5m30s (5 
minutes and 30 seconds) and 1h (1 hour). | 1000 | long
+| **runLoggingLevel** (scheduler) | The consumer logs a start/complete log 
line when it polls. This option allows you to configure the logging level for 
that. | TRACE | LoggingLevel
+| **scheduledExecutorService** (scheduler) | Allows for configuring a 
custom/shared thread pool to use for the consumer. By default each consumer has 
its own single threaded thread pool. |  | ScheduledExecutor Service
+| **scheduler** (scheduler) | To use a cron scheduler from either camel-spring 
or camel-quartz2 component | none | ScheduledPollConsumer Scheduler
+| **schedulerProperties** (scheduler) | To configure additional properties 
when using a custom scheduler or any of the Quartz2 Spring based scheduler. |  
| Map
+| **startScheduler** (scheduler) | Whether the scheduler should be auto 
started. | true | boolean
+| **timeUnit** (scheduler) | Time unit for initialDelay and delay options. | 
+| **useFixedDelay** (scheduler) | Controls if fixed delay or fixed rate is 
used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details. | true | boolean
 // endpoint options: END

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