Add warning regarding quoted identifiers in CQL doc


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 79b9492363d60863c717a9dfe4ce8c1769071c85
Parents: 1b59357
Author: Sylvain Lebresne <>
Authored: Mon Jan 18 11:27:24 2016 +0100
Committer: Sylvain Lebresne <>
Committed: Mon Jan 18 11:27:24 2016 +0100

 doc/cql3/CQL.textile | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/doc/cql3/CQL.textile b/doc/cql3/CQL.textile
index c2ecbd7..2dd96e7 100644
--- a/doc/cql3/CQL.textile
+++ b/doc/cql3/CQL.textile
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ p. Identifiers and (unquoted) keywords are case insensitive. 
Thus @SELECT@ is th
 p. There is a second kind of identifiers called _quoted identifiers_ defined 
by enclosing an arbitrary sequence of characters in double-quotes(@"@). Quoted 
identifiers are never keywords. Thus @"select"@ is not a reserved keyword and 
can be used to refer to a column, while @select@ would raise a parse error. 
Also, contrarily to unquoted identifiers and keywords, quoted identifiers are 
case sensitive (@"My Quoted Id"@ is _different_ from @"my quoted id"@). A fully 
lowercase quoted identifier that matches @[a-zA-Z]@@[a-zA-Z0-9_]@@*@ is 
equivalent to the unquoted identifier obtained by removing the double-quote (so 
@"myid"@ is equivalent to @myid@ and to @myId@ but different from @"myId"@). 
Inside a quoted identifier, the double-quote character can be repeated to 
escape it, so @"foo "" bar"@ is a valid identifier.
+p. *Warning*: _quoted identifiers_ allows to declare columns with arbitrary 
names, and those can sometime clash with specific names used by the server. For 
instance, when using conditional update, the server will respond with a 
result-set containing a special result named @"[applied]"@. If you've declared 
a column with such a name, this could potentially confuse some tools and should 
be avoided. In general, unquoted identifiers should be preferred but if you use 
quoted identifiers, it is strongly advised to avoid any name enclosed by 
squared brackets (like @"[applied]"@) and any name that looks like a function 
call (like @"f(x)"@).
 h3(#constants). Constants
 CQL defines the following kind of _constants_: strings, integers, floats, 
booleans, uuids and blobs:

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