Add doc on compaction


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 8d2bd0d9cecd2ced794a65642a74f1f422696614
Parents: 898b91a
Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
Authored: Fri Jun 17 22:03:25 2016 +0200
Committer: Sylvain Lebresne <>
Committed: Fri Jun 17 22:03:38 2016 +0200

 doc/source/operations.rst | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 348 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/source/operations.rst b/doc/source/operations.rst
index 9e79700..9094766 100644
--- a/doc/source/operations.rst
+++ b/doc/source/operations.rst
@@ -205,26 +205,362 @@ Hints
 .. todo:: todo
+.. _compaction:
-Size Tiered
+Types of compaction
-.. todo:: todo
+The concept of compaction is used for different kinds of operations in 
Cassandra, the common thing about these
+operations is that it takes one or more sstables and output new sstables. The 
types of compactions are;
+Minor compaction
+    triggered automatically in Cassandra.
+Major compaction
+    a user executes a compaction over all sstables on the node.
+User defined compaction
+    a user triggers a compaction on a given set of sstables.
+    try to fix any broken sstables. This can actually remove valid data if 
that data is corrupted, if that happens you
+    will need to run a full repair on the node.
+    upgrade sstables to the latest version. Run this after upgrading to a new 
major version.
+    remove any ranges this node does not own anymore, typically triggered on 
neighbouring nodes after a node has been
+    bootstrapped since that node will take ownership of some ranges from those 
+Secondary index rebuild
+    rebuild the secondary indexes on the node.
+    after repair the ranges that were actually repaired are split out of the 
sstables that existed when repair started.
+When is a minor compaction triggered?
+#  When an sstable is added to the node through flushing/streaming etc.
+#  When autocompaction is enabled after being disabled (``nodetool 
+#  When compaction adds new sstables.
+#  A check for new minor compactions every 5 minutes.
+Merging sstables
+Compaction is about merging sstables, since partitions in sstables are sorted 
based on the hash of the partition key it
+is possible to efficiently merge separate sstables. Content of each partition 
is also sorted so each partition can be
+merged efficiently.
-.. todo:: todo
+Tombstones and gc_grace
-.. todo:: todo
+When a delete is issued in Cassandra what happens is that a tombstone is 
written, this tombstone shadows the data it
+deletes. This means that the tombstone can live in one sstable and the data it 
covers is in another sstable. To be able
+to remove the actual data, a compaction where both the sstable containing the 
tombstone and the sstable containing the
+data is included the same compaction is needed.
+``gc_grace_seconds`` is the minimum time tombstones are kept around. If you 
generally run repair once a week, then
+``gc_grace_seconds`` needs to be at least 1 week (you probably want some 
margin as well), otherwise you might drop a
+tombstone that has not been propagated to all replicas and that could cause 
deleted data to become live again.
+To be able to drop an actual tombstone the following needs to be true;
+-  The tombstone must be older than ``gc_grace_seconds``
+-  If partition X contains the tombstone, the sstable containing the partition 
plus all sstables containing data older
+  than the tombstone containing X must be included in the same compaction. We 
don't need to care if the partition is in
+  an sstable if we can guarantee that all data in that sstable is newer than 
the tombstone. If the tombstone is older
+  than the data it cannot shadow that data.
+-  If the option ``only_purge_repaired_tombstones`` is enabled, tombstones are 
only removed if the data has also been
+  repaired.
+Data in Cassandra can have an additional property called time to live - this 
is used to automatically drop data that has
+expired once the time is reached. Once the TTL has expired the data is 
converted to a tombstone which stays around for
+at least ``gc_grace_seconds``. Note that if you mix data with TTL and data 
without TTL (or just different length of the
+TTL) Cassandra will have a hard time dropping the tombstones created since the 
partition might span many sstables and
+not all are compacted at once.
+Fully expired sstables
+If an sstable contains only tombstones and it is guaranteed that that sstable 
is not shadowing data in any other sstable
+compaction can drop that sstable. If you see sstables with only tombstones 
(note that TTL:ed data is considered
+tombstones once the time to live has expired) but it is not being dropped by 
compaction, it is likely that other
+sstables contain older data. There is a tool called ``sstableexpiredblockers`` 
that will list which sstables are
+droppable and which are blocking them from being dropped. This is especially 
useful for time series compaction with
+``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` (and the deprecated 
+Repaired/unrepaired data
+With incremental repairs Cassandra must keep track of what data is repaired 
and what data is unrepaired. With
+anticompaction repaired data is split out into repaired and unrepaired 
sstables. To avoid mixing up the data again
+separate compaction strategy instances are run on the two sets of data, each 
instance only knowing about either the
+repaired or the unrepaired sstables. This means that if you only run 
incremental repair once and then never again, you
+might have very old data in the repaired sstables that block compaction from 
dropping tombstones in the unrepaired
+(probably newer) sstables.
+Data directories
+Since tombstones and data can live in different sstables it is important to 
realize that losing an sstable might lead to
+data becoming live again - the most common way of losing sstables is to have a 
hard drive break down. To avoid making
+data live tombstones and actual data are always in the same data directory. 
This way, if a disk is lost, all versions of
+a partition are lost and no data can get undeleted. To achieve this a 
compaction strategy instance per data directory is
+run in addition to the compaction strategy instances containing 
repaired/unrepaired data, this means that if you have 4
+data directories there will be 8 compaction strategy instances running. This 
has a few more benefits than just avoiding
+data getting undeleted:
+- It is possible to run more compactions in parallel - leveled compaction will 
have several totally separate levelings
+  and each one can run compactions independently from the others.
+- Users can backup and restore a single data directory.
+- Note though that currently all data directories are considered equal, so if 
you have a tiny disk and a big disk
+  backing two data directories, the big one will be limited the by the small 
one. One work around to this is to create
+  more data directories backed by the big disk.
+Single sstable tombstone compaction
+When an sstable is written a histogram with the tombstone expiry times is 
created and this is used to try to find
+sstables with very many tombstones and run single sstable compaction on that 
sstable in hope of being able to drop
+tombstones in that sstable. Before starting this it is also checked how likely 
it is that any tombstones will actually
+will be able to be dropped how much this sstable overlaps with other sstables. 
To avoid most of these checks the
+compaction option ``unchecked_tombstone_compaction`` can be enabled.
+.. _compaction-options:
+Common options
+There is a number of common options for all the compaction strategies;
+``enabled`` (default: true)
+    Whether minor compactions should run. Note that you can have 'enabled': 
true as a compaction option and then do
+    'nodetool enableautocompaction' to start running compactions.
+    Default true.
+``tombstone_threshold`` (default: 0.2)
+    How much of the sstable should be tombstones for us to consider doing a 
single sstable compaction of that sstable.
+``tombstone_compaction_interval`` (default: 86400s (1 day))
+    Since it might not be possible to drop any tombstones when doing a single 
sstable compaction we need to make sure
+    that one sstable is not constantly getting recompacted - this option 
states how often we should try for a given
+    sstable. 
+``log_all`` (default: false)
+    New detailed compaction logging, see :ref:`below 
+``unchecked_tombstone_compaction`` (default: false)
+    The single sstable compaction has quite strict checks for whether it 
should be started, this option disables those
+    checks and for some usecases this might be needed.  Note that this does 
not change anything for the actual
+    compaction, tombstones are only dropped if it is safe to do so - it might 
just rewrite an sstable without being able
+    to drop any tombstones.
+``only_purge_repaired_tombstone`` (default: false)
+    Option to enable the extra safety of making sure that tombstones are only 
dropped if the data has been repaired.
+``min_threshold`` (default: 4)
+    Lower limit of number of sstables before a compaction is triggered. Not 
used for ``LeveledCompactionStrategy``.
+``max_threshold`` (default: 32)
+    Upper limit of number of sstables before a compaction is triggered. Not 
used for ``LeveledCompactionStrategy``.
+Compaction nodetool commands
+The :ref:`nodetool <nodetool>` utility provides a number of commands related 
to compaction:
+    Enable compaction.
+    Disable compaction.
+    How fast compaction should run at most - defaults to 16MB/s, but note that 
it is likely not possible to reach this
+    throughput.
+    Statistics about current and pending compactions.
+    List details about the last compactions.
+    Set the min/max sstable count for when to trigger compaction, defaults to 
+Switching the compaction strategy and options using JMX
+It is possible to switch compaction strategies and its options on just a 
single node using JMX, this is a great way to
+experiment with settings without affecting the whole cluster. The mbean is::
+and the attribute to change is ``CompactionParameters`` or 
``CompactionParametersJson`` if you use jconsole or jmc. The
+syntax for the json version is the same as you would use in an :ref:`ALTER 
TABLE <alter-table-statement>` statement -
+for example::
+    { 'class': 'LeveledCompactionStrategy', 'sstable_size_in_mb': 123 }
+The setting is kept until someone executes an :ref:`ALTER TABLE 
<alter-table-statement>` that touches the compaction
+settings or restarts the node.
+.. _detailed-compaction-logging:
+More detailed compaction logging
+Enable with the compaction option ``log_all`` and a more detailed compaction 
log file will be produced in your log
+Size Tiered Compaction Strategy
+The basic idea of ``SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`` (STCS) is to merge sstables 
of approximately the same size. All
+sstables are put in different buckets depending on their size. An sstable is 
added to the bucket if size of the sstable
+is within ``bucket_low`` and ``bucket_high`` of the current average size of 
the sstables already in the bucket. This
+will create several buckets and the most interesting of those buckets will be 
compacted. The most interesting one is
+decided by figuring out which bucket's sstables takes the most reads.
+Major compaction
+When running a major compaction with STCS you will end up with two sstables 
per data directory (one for repaired data
+and one for unrepaired data). There is also an option (-s) to do a major 
compaction that splits the output into several
+sstables. The sizes of the sstables are approximately 50%, 25%, 12.5%... of 
the total size.
+.. _stcs-options:
+STCS options
+``min_sstable_size`` (default: 50MB)
+    Sstables smaller than this are put in the same bucket.
+``bucket_low`` (default: 0.5)
+    How much smaller than the average size of a bucket a sstable should be 
before not being included in the bucket. That
+    is, if ``bucket_low * avg_bucket_size < sstable_size`` (and the 
``bucket_high`` condition holds, see below), then
+    the sstable is added to the bucket.
+``bucket_high`` (default: 1.5)
+    How much bigger than the average size of a bucket a sstable should be 
before not being included in the bucket. That
+    is, if ``sstable_size < bucket_high * avg_bucket_size`` (and the 
``bucket_low`` condition holds, see above), then
+    the sstable is added to the bucket.
+Defragmentation is done when many sstables are touched during a read.  The 
result of the read is put in to the memtable
+so that the next read will not have to touch as many sstables. This can cause 
writes on a read-only-cluster.
+Leveled Compaction Strategy
+The idea of ``LeveledCompactionStrategy`` (LCS) is that all sstables are put 
into different levels where we guarantee
+that no overlapping sstables are in the same level. By overlapping we mean 
that the first/last token of a single sstable
+are never overlapping with other sstables. This means that for a SELECT we 
will only have to look for the partition key
+in a single sstable per level. Each level is 10x the size of the previous one 
and each sstable is 160MB by default. L0
+is where sstables are streamed/flushed - no overlap guarantees are given here.
+When picking compaction candidates we have to make sure that the compaction 
does not create overlap in the target level.
+This is done by always including all overlapping sstables in the next level. 
For example if we select an sstable in L3,
+we need to guarantee that we pick all overlapping sstables in L4 and make sure 
that no currently ongoing compactions
+will create overlap if we start that compaction. We can start many parallel 
compactions in a level if we guarantee that
+we wont create overlap. For L0 -> L1 compactions we almost always need to 
include all L1 sstables since most L0 sstables
+cover the full range. We also can't compact all L0 sstables with all L1 
sstables in a single compaction since that can
+use too much memory.
+When deciding which level to compact LCS checks the higher levels first (with 
LCS, a "higher" level is one with a higher
+number, L0 being the lowest one) and if the level is behind a compaction will 
be started in that level.
+Major compaction
+It is possible to do a major compaction with LCS - it will currently start by 
filling out L1 and then once L1 is full,
+it continues with L2 etc. This is sub optimal and will change to create all 
the sstables in a high level instead,
+During bootstrap sstables are streamed from other nodes. The level of the 
remote sstable is kept to avoid many
+compactions after the bootstrap is done. During bootstrap the new node also 
takes writes while it is streaming the data
+from a remote node - these writes are flushed to L0 like all other writes and 
to avoid those sstables blocking the
+remote sstables from going to the correct level, we only do STCS in L0 until 
the bootstrap is done.
+STCS in L0
+If LCS gets very many L0 sstables reads are going to hit all (or most) of the 
L0 sstables since they are likely to be
+overlapping. To more quickly remedy this LCS does STCS compactions in L0 if 
there are more than 32 sstables there. This
+should improve read performance more quickly compared to letting LCS do its L0 
-> L1 compactions. If you keep getting
+too many sstables in L0 it is likely that LCS is not the best fit for your 
workload and STCS could work out better.
+Starved sstables
+If a node ends up with a leveling where there are a few very high level 
sstables that are not getting compacted they
+might make it impossible for lower levels to drop tombstones etc. For example, 
if there are sstables in L6 but there is
+only enough data to actually get a L4 on the node the left over sstables in L6 
will get starved and not compacted.  This
+can happen if a user changes sstable\_size\_in\_mb from 5MB to 160MB for 
example. To avoid this LCS tries to include
+those starved high level sstables in other compactions if there has been 25 
compaction rounds where the highest level
+has not been involved.
+.. _lcs-options:
+LCS options
+``sstable_size_in_mb`` (default: 160MB)
+    The target compressed (if using compression) sstable size - the sstables 
can end up being larger if there are very
+    large partitions on the node.
+LCS also support the ``cassandra.disable_stcs_in_l0`` startup option 
(``-Dcassandra.disable_stcs_in_l0=true``) to avoid
+doing STCS in L0.
+.. _twcs:
+Time Window CompactionStrategy
+``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` (TWCS) is designed specifically for workloads 
where it's beneficial to have data on
+disk grouped by the timestamp of the data, a common goal when the workload is 
time-series in nature or when all data is
+written with a TTL. In an expiring/TTL workload, the contents of an entire 
SSTable likely expire at approximately the
+same time, allowing them to be dropped completely, and space reclaimed much 
more reliably than when using
+``SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`` or ``LeveledCompactionStrategy``. The basic 
concept is that
+``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` will create 1 sstable per file for a given 
window, where a window is simply calculated
+as the combination of two primary options:
+``compaction_window_unit`` (default: DAYS)
+    A Java TimeUnit (MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS).
+``compaction_window_size`` (default: 1)
+    The number of units that make up a window.
+Taken together, the operator can specify windows of virtually any size, and 
`TimeWindowCompactionStrategy` will work to
+create a single sstable for writes within that window. For efficiency during 
writing, the newest window will be
+compacted using `SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`.
+Ideally, operators should select a ``compaction_window_unit`` and 
``compaction_window_size`` pair that produces
+approximately 20-30 windows - if writing with a 90 day TTL, for example, a 3 
Day window would be a reasonable choice
+TimeWindowCompactionStrategy Operational Concerns
+The primary motivation for TWCS is to separate data on disk by timestamp and 
to allow fully expired SSTables to drop
+more efficiently. One potential way this optimal behavior can be subverted is 
if data is written to SSTables out of
+order, with new data and old data in the same SSTable. Out of order data can 
appear in two ways:
+-  If the user mixes old data and new data in the traditional write path, the 
data will be comingled in the memtables
+  and flushed into the same SSTable, where it will remain comingled.
+-  If the user's read requests for old data cause read repairs that pull old 
data into the current memtable, that data
+  will be comingled and flushed into the same SSTable.
+While TWCS tries to minimize the impact of comingled data, users should 
attempt to avoid this behavior.  Specifically,
+users should avoid queries that explicitly set the timestamp via CQL ``USING 
TIMESTAMP``. Additionally, users should run
+frequent repairs (which streams data in such a way that it does not become 
comingled), and disable background read
+repair by setting the table's ``read_repair_chance`` and 
``dclocal_read_repair_chance`` to 0.
+Changing TimeWindowCompactionStrategy Options
+Operators wishing to enable ``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` on existing data 
should consider running a major compaction
+first, placing all existing data into a single (old) window. Subsequent newer 
writes will then create typical SSTables
+as expected.
+Operators wishing to change ``compaction_window_unit`` or 
``compaction_window_size`` can do so, but may trigger
+additional compactions as adjacent windows are joined together. If the window 
size is decrease d (for example, from 24
+hours to 12 hours), then the existing SSTables will not be modified - TWCS can 
not split existing SSTables into multiple
-.. todo:: todo
 Tombstones and Garbage Collection (GC) Grace

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