diff --git a/doc/source/operations.rst b/doc/source/operations.rst
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-.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-.. or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-.. distributed with this work for additional information
-.. regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-.. to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-.. "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. highlight:: none
-Operating Cassandra
-In cassandra, the snitch has two functions:
-- it teaches Cassandra enough about your network topology to route requests 
-- it allows Cassandra to spread replicas around your cluster to avoid 
correlated failures. It does this by grouping
-  machines into "datacenters" and "racks."  Cassandra will do its best not to 
have more than one replica on the same
-  "rack" (which may not actually be a physical location).
-Dynamic snitching
-The dynamic snitch monitor read latencies to avoid reading from hosts that 
have slowed down. The dynamic snitch is
-configured with the following properties on ``cassandra.yaml``:
-- ``dynamic_snitch``: whether the dynamic snitch should be enabled or disabled.
-- ``dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms``: controls how often to perform the 
more expensive part of host score
-  calculation.
-- ``dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms``: if set greater than zero and 
read_repair_chance is < 1.0, this will allow
-  'pinning' of replicas to hosts in order to increase cache capacity.
-- ``dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold:``: The badness threshold will control 
how much worse the pinned host has to be
-  before the dynamic snitch will prefer other replicas over it.  This is 
expressed as a double which represents a
-  percentage.  Thus, a value of 0.2 means Cassandra would continue to prefer 
the static snitch values until the pinned
-  host was 20% worse than the fastest.
-Snitch classes
-The ``endpoint_snitch`` parameter in ``cassandra.yaml`` should be set to the 
class the class that implements
-``IEndPointSnitch`` which will be wrapped by the dynamic snitch and decide if 
two endpoints are in the same data center
-or on the same rack. Out of the box, Cassandra provides the snitch 
-    This should be your go-to snitch for production use. The rack and 
datacenter for the local node are defined in
- and propagated to other nodes via gossip. If 
```` exists,
-    it is used as a fallback, allowing migration from the PropertyFileSnitch.
-    Treats Strategy order as proximity. This can improve cache locality when 
disabling read repair. Only appropriate for
-    single-datacenter deployments.
-    Proximity is determined by rack and data center, which are explicitly 
configured in
-    ````.
-    Appropriate for EC2 deployments in a single Region. Loads Region and 
Availability Zone information from the EC2 API.
-    The Region is treated as the datacenter, and the Availability Zone as the 
rack. Only private IPs are used, so this
-    will not work across multiple regions.
-    Uses public IPs as broadcast_address to allow cross-region connectivity 
(thus, you should set seed addresses to the
-    public IP as well). You will need to open the ``storage_port`` or 
``ssl_storage_port`` on the public IP firewall
-    (For intra-Region traffic, Cassandra will switch to the private IP after 
establishing a connection).
-    Proximity is determined by rack and data center, which are assumed to 
correspond to the 3rd and 2nd octet of each
-    node's IP address, respectively.  Unless this happens to match your 
deployment conventions, this is best used as an
-    example of writing a custom Snitch class and is provided in that spirit.
-Adding, replacing, moving and removing nodes
-Adding new nodes is called "bootstrapping". The ``num_tokens`` parameter will 
define the amount of virtual nodes
-(tokens) the joining node will be assigned during bootstrap. The tokens define 
the sections of the ring (token ranges)
-the node will become responsible for.
-Token allocation
-With the default token allocation algorithm the new node will pick 
``num_tokens`` random tokens to become responsible
-for. Since tokens are distributed randomly, load distribution improves with a 
higher amount of virtual nodes, but it
-also increases token management overhead. The default of 256 virtual nodes 
should provide a reasonable load balance with
-acceptable overhead.
-On 3.0+ a new token allocation algorithm was introduced to allocate tokens 
based on the load of existing virtual nodes
-for a given keyspace, and thus yield an improved load distribution with a 
lower number of tokens. To use this approach,
-the new node must be started with the JVM option 
``-Dcassandra.allocate_tokens_for_keyspace=<keyspace>``, where
-``<keyspace>`` is the keyspace from which the algorithm can find the load 
information to optimize token assignment for.
-Manual token assignment
-You may specify a comma-separated list of tokens manually with the 
``initial_token`` ``cassandra.yaml`` parameter, and
-if that is specified Cassandra will skip the token allocation process. This 
may be useful when doing token assignment
-with an external tool or when restoring a node with its previous tokens.
-Range streaming
-After the tokens are allocated, the joining node will pick current replicas of 
the token ranges it will become
-responsible for to stream data from. By default it will stream from the 
primary replica of each token range in order to
-guarantee data in the new node will be consistent with the current state.
-In the case of any unavailable replica, the consistent bootstrap process will 
fail. To override this behavior and
-potentially miss data from an unavailable replica, set the JVM flag 
-Resuming failed/hanged bootstrap
-On 2.2+, if the bootstrap process fails, it's possible to resume bootstrap 
from the previous saved state by calling
-``nodetool bootstrap resume``. If for some reason the bootstrap hangs or 
stalls, it may also be resumed by simply
-restarting the node. In order to cleanup bootstrap state and start fresh, you 
may set the JVM startup flag
-On lower versions, when the bootstrap proces fails it is recommended to wipe 
the node (remove all the data), and restart
-the bootstrap process again.
-Manual bootstrapping
-It's possible to skip the bootstrapping process entirely and join the ring 
straight away by setting the hidden parameter
-``auto_bootstrap: false``. This may be useful when restoring a node from a 
backup or creating a new data-center.
-Removing nodes
-You can take a node out of the cluster with ``nodetool decommission`` to a 
live node, or ``nodetool removenode`` (to any
-other machine) to remove a dead one. This will assign the ranges the old node 
was responsible for to other nodes, and
-replicate the appropriate data there. If decommission is used, the data will 
stream from the decommissioned node. If
-removenode is used, the data will stream from the remaining replicas.
-No data is removed automatically from the node being decommissioned, so if you 
want to put the node back into service at
-a different token on the ring, it should be removed manually.
-Moving nodes
-When ``num_tokens: 1`` it's possible to move the node position in the ring 
with ``nodetool move``. Moving is both a
-convenience over and more efficient than decommission + bootstrap. After 
moving a node, ``nodetool cleanup`` should be
-run to remove any unnecessary data.
-Replacing a dead node
-In order to replace a dead node, start cassandra with the JVM startup flag
-``-Dcassandra.replace_address_first_boot=<dead_node_ip>``. Once this property 
is enabled the node starts in a hibernate
-state, during which all the other nodes will see this node to be down.
-The replacing node will now start to bootstrap the data from the rest of the 
nodes in the cluster. The main difference
-between normal bootstrapping of a new node is that this new node will not 
accept any writes during this phase.
-Once the bootstrapping is complete the node will be marked "UP", we rely on 
the hinted handoff's for making this node
-consistent (since we don't accept writes since the start of the bootstrap).
-.. Note:: If the replacement process takes longer than 
``max_hint_window_in_ms`` you **MUST** run repair to make the
-   replaced node consistent again, since it missed ongoing writes during 
-Monitoring progress
-Bootstrap, replace, move and remove progress can be monitored using ``nodetool 
netstats`` which will show the progress
-of the streaming operations.
-Cleanup data after range movements
-As a safety measure, Cassandra does not automatically remove data from nodes 
that "lose" part of their token range due
-to a range movement operation (bootstrap, move, replace). Run ``nodetool 
cleanup`` on the nodes that lost ranges to the
-joining node when you are satisfied the new node is up and working. If you do 
not do this the old data will still be
-counted against the load on that node.
-.. todo:: todo
-Read repair
-.. todo:: todo
-.. todo:: todo
-.. _compaction:
-Types of compaction
-The concept of compaction is used for different kinds of operations in 
Cassandra, the common thing about these
-operations is that it takes one or more sstables and output new sstables. The 
types of compactions are;
-Minor compaction
-    triggered automatically in Cassandra.
-Major compaction
-    a user executes a compaction over all sstables on the node.
-User defined compaction
-    a user triggers a compaction on a given set of sstables.
-    try to fix any broken sstables. This can actually remove valid data if 
that data is corrupted, if that happens you
-    will need to run a full repair on the node.
-    upgrade sstables to the latest version. Run this after upgrading to a new 
major version.
-    remove any ranges this node does not own anymore, typically triggered on 
neighbouring nodes after a node has been
-    bootstrapped since that node will take ownership of some ranges from those 
-Secondary index rebuild
-    rebuild the secondary indexes on the node.
-    after repair the ranges that were actually repaired are split out of the 
sstables that existed when repair started.
-When is a minor compaction triggered?
-#  When an sstable is added to the node through flushing/streaming etc.
-#  When autocompaction is enabled after being disabled (``nodetool 
-#  When compaction adds new sstables.
-#  A check for new minor compactions every 5 minutes.
-Merging sstables
-Compaction is about merging sstables, since partitions in sstables are sorted 
based on the hash of the partition key it
-is possible to efficiently merge separate sstables. Content of each partition 
is also sorted so each partition can be
-merged efficiently.
-Tombstones and gc_grace
-When a delete is issued in Cassandra what happens is that a tombstone is 
written, this tombstone shadows the data it
-deletes. This means that the tombstone can live in one sstable and the data it 
covers is in another sstable. To be able
-to remove the actual data, a compaction where both the sstable containing the 
tombstone and the sstable containing the
-data is included the same compaction is needed.
-``gc_grace_seconds`` is the minimum time tombstones are kept around. If you 
generally run repair once a week, then
-``gc_grace_seconds`` needs to be at least 1 week (you probably want some 
margin as well), otherwise you might drop a
-tombstone that has not been propagated to all replicas and that could cause 
deleted data to become live again.
-To be able to drop an actual tombstone the following needs to be true;
-- The tombstone must be older than ``gc_grace_seconds``
-- If partition X contains the tombstone, the sstable containing the partition 
plus all sstables containing data older
-  than the tombstone containing X must be included in the same compaction. We 
don't need to care if the partition is in
-  an sstable if we can guarantee that all data in that sstable is newer than 
the tombstone. If the tombstone is older
-  than the data it cannot shadow that data.
-- If the option ``only_purge_repaired_tombstones`` is enabled, tombstones are 
only removed if the data has also been
-  repaired.
-Data in Cassandra can have an additional property called time to live - this 
is used to automatically drop data that has
-expired once the time is reached. Once the TTL has expired the data is 
converted to a tombstone which stays around for
-at least ``gc_grace_seconds``. Note that if you mix data with TTL and data 
without TTL (or just different length of the
-TTL) Cassandra will have a hard time dropping the tombstones created since the 
partition might span many sstables and
-not all are compacted at once.
-Fully expired sstables
-If an sstable contains only tombstones and it is guaranteed that that sstable 
is not shadowing data in any other sstable
-compaction can drop that sstable. If you see sstables with only tombstones 
(note that TTL:ed data is considered
-tombstones once the time to live has expired) but it is not being dropped by 
compaction, it is likely that other
-sstables contain older data. There is a tool called ``sstableexpiredblockers`` 
that will list which sstables are
-droppable and which are blocking them from being dropped. This is especially 
useful for time series compaction with
-``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` (and the deprecated 
-Repaired/unrepaired data
-With incremental repairs Cassandra must keep track of what data is repaired 
and what data is unrepaired. With
-anticompaction repaired data is split out into repaired and unrepaired 
sstables. To avoid mixing up the data again
-separate compaction strategy instances are run on the two sets of data, each 
instance only knowing about either the
-repaired or the unrepaired sstables. This means that if you only run 
incremental repair once and then never again, you
-might have very old data in the repaired sstables that block compaction from 
dropping tombstones in the unrepaired
-(probably newer) sstables.
-Data directories
-Since tombstones and data can live in different sstables it is important to 
realize that losing an sstable might lead to
-data becoming live again - the most common way of losing sstables is to have a 
hard drive break down. To avoid making
-data live tombstones and actual data are always in the same data directory. 
This way, if a disk is lost, all versions of
-a partition are lost and no data can get undeleted. To achieve this a 
compaction strategy instance per data directory is
-run in addition to the compaction strategy instances containing 
repaired/unrepaired data, this means that if you have 4
-data directories there will be 8 compaction strategy instances running. This 
has a few more benefits than just avoiding
-data getting undeleted:
-- It is possible to run more compactions in parallel - leveled compaction will 
have several totally separate levelings
-  and each one can run compactions independently from the others.
-- Users can backup and restore a single data directory.
-- Note though that currently all data directories are considered equal, so if 
you have a tiny disk and a big disk
-  backing two data directories, the big one will be limited the by the small 
one. One work around to this is to create
-  more data directories backed by the big disk.
-Single sstable tombstone compaction
-When an sstable is written a histogram with the tombstone expiry times is 
created and this is used to try to find
-sstables with very many tombstones and run single sstable compaction on that 
sstable in hope of being able to drop
-tombstones in that sstable. Before starting this it is also checked how likely 
it is that any tombstones will actually
-will be able to be dropped how much this sstable overlaps with other sstables. 
To avoid most of these checks the
-compaction option ``unchecked_tombstone_compaction`` can be enabled.
-.. _compaction-options:
-Common options
-There is a number of common options for all the compaction strategies;
-``enabled`` (default: true)
-    Whether minor compactions should run. Note that you can have 'enabled': 
true as a compaction option and then do
-    'nodetool enableautocompaction' to start running compactions.
-``tombstone_threshold`` (default: 0.2)
-    How much of the sstable should be tombstones for us to consider doing a 
single sstable compaction of that sstable.
-``tombstone_compaction_interval`` (default: 86400s (1 day))
-    Since it might not be possible to drop any tombstones when doing a single 
sstable compaction we need to make sure
-    that one sstable is not constantly getting recompacted - this option 
states how often we should try for a given
-    sstable. 
-``log_all`` (default: false)
-    New detailed compaction logging, see :ref:`below 
-``unchecked_tombstone_compaction`` (default: false)
-    The single sstable compaction has quite strict checks for whether it 
should be started, this option disables those
-    checks and for some usecases this might be needed.  Note that this does 
not change anything for the actual
-    compaction, tombstones are only dropped if it is safe to do so - it might 
just rewrite an sstable without being able
-    to drop any tombstones.
-``only_purge_repaired_tombstone`` (default: false)
-    Option to enable the extra safety of making sure that tombstones are only 
dropped if the data has been repaired.
-``min_threshold`` (default: 4)
-    Lower limit of number of sstables before a compaction is triggered. Not 
used for ``LeveledCompactionStrategy``.
-``max_threshold`` (default: 32)
-    Upper limit of number of sstables before a compaction is triggered. Not 
used for ``LeveledCompactionStrategy``.
-Compaction nodetool commands
-The :ref:`nodetool <nodetool>` utility provides a number of commands related 
to compaction:
-    Enable compaction.
-    Disable compaction.
-    How fast compaction should run at most - defaults to 16MB/s, but note that 
it is likely not possible to reach this
-    throughput.
-    Statistics about current and pending compactions.
-    List details about the last compactions.
-    Set the min/max sstable count for when to trigger compaction, defaults to 
-Switching the compaction strategy and options using JMX
-It is possible to switch compaction strategies and its options on just a 
single node using JMX, this is a great way to
-experiment with settings without affecting the whole cluster. The mbean is::
-and the attribute to change is ``CompactionParameters`` or 
``CompactionParametersJson`` if you use jconsole or jmc. The
-syntax for the json version is the same as you would use in an :ref:`ALTER 
TABLE <alter-table-statement>` statement -
-for example::
-    { 'class': 'LeveledCompactionStrategy', 'sstable_size_in_mb': 123 }
-The setting is kept until someone executes an :ref:`ALTER TABLE 
<alter-table-statement>` that touches the compaction
-settings or restarts the node.
-.. _detailed-compaction-logging:
-More detailed compaction logging
-Enable with the compaction option ``log_all`` and a more detailed compaction 
log file will be produced in your log
-Size Tiered Compaction Strategy
-The basic idea of ``SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`` (STCS) is to merge sstables 
of approximately the same size. All
-sstables are put in different buckets depending on their size. An sstable is 
added to the bucket if size of the sstable
-is within ``bucket_low`` and ``bucket_high`` of the current average size of 
the sstables already in the bucket. This
-will create several buckets and the most interesting of those buckets will be 
compacted. The most interesting one is
-decided by figuring out which bucket's sstables takes the most reads.
-Major compaction
-When running a major compaction with STCS you will end up with two sstables 
per data directory (one for repaired data
-and one for unrepaired data). There is also an option (-s) to do a major 
compaction that splits the output into several
-sstables. The sizes of the sstables are approximately 50%, 25%, 12.5%... of 
the total size.
-.. _stcs-options:
-STCS options
-``min_sstable_size`` (default: 50MB)
-    Sstables smaller than this are put in the same bucket.
-``bucket_low`` (default: 0.5)
-    How much smaller than the average size of a bucket a sstable should be 
before not being included in the bucket. That
-    is, if ``bucket_low * avg_bucket_size < sstable_size`` (and the 
``bucket_high`` condition holds, see below), then
-    the sstable is added to the bucket.
-``bucket_high`` (default: 1.5)
-    How much bigger than the average size of a bucket a sstable should be 
before not being included in the bucket. That
-    is, if ``sstable_size < bucket_high * avg_bucket_size`` (and the 
``bucket_low`` condition holds, see above), then
-    the sstable is added to the bucket.
-Defragmentation is done when many sstables are touched during a read.  The 
result of the read is put in to the memtable
-so that the next read will not have to touch as many sstables. This can cause 
writes on a read-only-cluster.
-Leveled Compaction Strategy
-The idea of ``LeveledCompactionStrategy`` (LCS) is that all sstables are put 
into different levels where we guarantee
-that no overlapping sstables are in the same level. By overlapping we mean 
that the first/last token of a single sstable
-are never overlapping with other sstables. This means that for a SELECT we 
will only have to look for the partition key
-in a single sstable per level. Each level is 10x the size of the previous one 
and each sstable is 160MB by default. L0
-is where sstables are streamed/flushed - no overlap guarantees are given here.
-When picking compaction candidates we have to make sure that the compaction 
does not create overlap in the target level.
-This is done by always including all overlapping sstables in the next level. 
For example if we select an sstable in L3,
-we need to guarantee that we pick all overlapping sstables in L4 and make sure 
that no currently ongoing compactions
-will create overlap if we start that compaction. We can start many parallel 
compactions in a level if we guarantee that
-we wont create overlap. For L0 -> L1 compactions we almost always need to 
include all L1 sstables since most L0 sstables
-cover the full range. We also can't compact all L0 sstables with all L1 
sstables in a single compaction since that can
-use too much memory.
-When deciding which level to compact LCS checks the higher levels first (with 
LCS, a "higher" level is one with a higher
-number, L0 being the lowest one) and if the level is behind a compaction will 
be started in that level.
-Major compaction
-It is possible to do a major compaction with LCS - it will currently start by 
filling out L1 and then once L1 is full,
-it continues with L2 etc. This is sub optimal and will change to create all 
the sstables in a high level instead,
-During bootstrap sstables are streamed from other nodes. The level of the 
remote sstable is kept to avoid many
-compactions after the bootstrap is done. During bootstrap the new node also 
takes writes while it is streaming the data
-from a remote node - these writes are flushed to L0 like all other writes and 
to avoid those sstables blocking the
-remote sstables from going to the correct level, we only do STCS in L0 until 
the bootstrap is done.
-STCS in L0
-If LCS gets very many L0 sstables reads are going to hit all (or most) of the 
L0 sstables since they are likely to be
-overlapping. To more quickly remedy this LCS does STCS compactions in L0 if 
there are more than 32 sstables there. This
-should improve read performance more quickly compared to letting LCS do its L0 
-> L1 compactions. If you keep getting
-too many sstables in L0 it is likely that LCS is not the best fit for your 
workload and STCS could work out better.
-Starved sstables
-If a node ends up with a leveling where there are a few very high level 
sstables that are not getting compacted they
-might make it impossible for lower levels to drop tombstones etc. For example, 
if there are sstables in L6 but there is
-only enough data to actually get a L4 on the node the left over sstables in L6 
will get starved and not compacted.  This
-can happen if a user changes sstable\_size\_in\_mb from 5MB to 160MB for 
example. To avoid this LCS tries to include
-those starved high level sstables in other compactions if there has been 25 
compaction rounds where the highest level
-has not been involved.
-.. _lcs-options:
-LCS options
-``sstable_size_in_mb`` (default: 160MB)
-    The target compressed (if using compression) sstable size - the sstables 
can end up being larger if there are very
-    large partitions on the node.
-LCS also support the ``cassandra.disable_stcs_in_l0`` startup option 
(``-Dcassandra.disable_stcs_in_l0=true``) to avoid
-doing STCS in L0.
-.. _twcs:
-Time Window CompactionStrategy
-``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` (TWCS) is designed specifically for workloads 
where it's beneficial to have data on
-disk grouped by the timestamp of the data, a common goal when the workload is 
time-series in nature or when all data is
-written with a TTL. In an expiring/TTL workload, the contents of an entire 
SSTable likely expire at approximately the
-same time, allowing them to be dropped completely, and space reclaimed much 
more reliably than when using
-``SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`` or ``LeveledCompactionStrategy``. The basic 
concept is that
-``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` will create 1 sstable per file for a given 
window, where a window is simply calculated
-as the combination of two primary options:
-``compaction_window_unit`` (default: DAYS)
-    A Java TimeUnit (MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS).
-``compaction_window_size`` (default: 1)
-    The number of units that make up a window.
-Taken together, the operator can specify windows of virtually any size, and 
`TimeWindowCompactionStrategy` will work to
-create a single sstable for writes within that window. For efficiency during 
writing, the newest window will be
-compacted using `SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`.
-Ideally, operators should select a ``compaction_window_unit`` and 
``compaction_window_size`` pair that produces
-approximately 20-30 windows - if writing with a 90 day TTL, for example, a 3 
Day window would be a reasonable choice
-TimeWindowCompactionStrategy Operational Concerns
-The primary motivation for TWCS is to separate data on disk by timestamp and 
to allow fully expired SSTables to drop
-more efficiently. One potential way this optimal behavior can be subverted is 
if data is written to SSTables out of
-order, with new data and old data in the same SSTable. Out of order data can 
appear in two ways:
-- If the user mixes old data and new data in the traditional write path, the 
data will be comingled in the memtables
-  and flushed into the same SSTable, where it will remain comingled.
-- If the user's read requests for old data cause read repairs that pull old 
data into the current memtable, that data
-  will be comingled and flushed into the same SSTable.
-While TWCS tries to minimize the impact of comingled data, users should 
attempt to avoid this behavior.  Specifically,
-users should avoid queries that explicitly set the timestamp via CQL ``USING 
TIMESTAMP``. Additionally, users should run
-frequent repairs (which streams data in such a way that it does not become 
comingled), and disable background read
-repair by setting the table's ``read_repair_chance`` and 
``dclocal_read_repair_chance`` to 0.
-Changing TimeWindowCompactionStrategy Options
-Operators wishing to enable ``TimeWindowCompactionStrategy`` on existing data 
should consider running a major compaction
-first, placing all existing data into a single (old) window. Subsequent newer 
writes will then create typical SSTables
-as expected.
-Operators wishing to change ``compaction_window_unit`` or 
``compaction_window_size`` can do so, but may trigger
-additional compactions as adjacent windows are joined together. If the window 
size is decrease d (for example, from 24
-hours to 12 hours), then the existing SSTables will not be modified - TWCS can 
not split existing SSTables into multiple
-Tombstones and Garbage Collection (GC) Grace
-Why Tombstones
-When a delete request is received by Cassandra it does not actually remove the 
data from the underlying store. Instead
-it writes a special piece of data known as a tombstone. The Tombstone 
represents the delete and causes all values which
-occurred before the tombstone to not appear in queries to the database. This 
approach is used instead of removing values
-because of the distributed nature of Cassandra.
-Deletes without tombstones
-Imagine a three node cluster which has the value [A] replicated to every 
-    [A], [A], [A]
-If one of the nodes fails and and our delete operation only removes existing 
values we can end up with a cluster that
-looks like::
-    [], [], [A]
-Then a repair operation would replace the value of [A] back onto the two
-nodes which are missing the value.::
-    [A], [A], [A]
-This would cause our data to be resurrected even though it had been
-Deletes with Tombstones
-Starting again with a three node cluster which has the value [A] replicated to 
every node.::
-    [A], [A], [A]
-If instead of removing data we add a tombstone record, our single node failure 
situation will look like this.::
-    [A, Tombstone[A]], [A, Tombstone[A]], [A]
-Now when we issue a repair the Tombstone will be copied to the replica, rather 
than the deleted data being
-    [A, Tombstone[A]], [A, Tombstone[A]], [A, Tombstone[A]]
-Our repair operation will correctly put the state of the system to what we 
expect with the record [A] marked as deleted
-on all nodes. This does mean we will end up accruing Tombstones which will 
permanently accumulate disk space. To avoid
-keeping tombstones forever we have a parameter known as ``gc_grace_seconds`` 
for every table in Cassandra.
-The gc_grace_seconds parameter and Tombstone Removal
-The table level ``gc_grace_seconds`` parameter controls how long Cassandra 
will retain tombstones through compaction
-events before finally removing them. This duration should directly reflect the 
amount of time a user expects to allow
-before recovering a failed node. After ``gc_grace_seconds`` has expired the 
tombstone can be removed meaning there will
-no longer be any record that a certain piece of data was deleted. This means 
if a node remains down or disconnected for
-longer than ``gc_grace_seconds`` it's deleted data will be repaired back to 
the other nodes and re-appear in the
-cluster. This is basically the same as in the "Deletes without Tombstones" 
section. Note that tombstones will not be
-removed until a compaction event even if ``gc_grace_seconds`` has elapsed.
-The default value for ``gc_grace_seconds`` is 864000 which is equivalent to 10 
days. This can be set when creating or
-altering a table using ``WITH gc_grace_seconds``.
-Bloom Filters
-In the read path, Cassandra merges data on disk (in SSTables) with data in RAM 
(in memtables). To avoid checking every
-SSTable data file for the partition being requested, Cassandra employs a data 
structure known as a bloom filter.
-Bloom filters are a probabilistic data structure that allows Cassandra to 
determine one of two possible states: - The
-data definitely does not exist in the given file, or - The data probably 
exists in the given file.
-While bloom filters can not guarantee that the data exists in a given SSTable, 
bloom filters can be made more accurate
-by allowing them to consume more RAM. Operators have the opportunity to tune 
this behavior per table by adjusting the
-the ``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` to a float between 0 and 1.
-The default value for ``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` is 0.1 for tables using 
LeveledCompactionStrategy and 0.01 for all
-other cases.
-Bloom filters are stored in RAM, but are stored offheap, so operators should 
not consider bloom filters when selecting
-the maximum heap size.  As accuracy improves (as the 
``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` gets closer to 0), memory usage
-increases non-linearly - the bloom filter for ``bloom_filter_fp_chance = 
0.01`` will require about three times as much
-memory as the same table with ``bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.1``.
-Typical values for ``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` are usually between 0.01 (1%) to 
0.1 (10%) false-positive chance, where
-Cassandra may scan an SSTable for a row, only to find that it does not exist 
on the disk. The parameter should be tuned
-by use case:
-- Users with more RAM and slower disks may benefit from setting the 
``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` to a numerically lower
-  number (such as 0.01) to avoid excess IO operations
-- Users with less RAM, more dense nodes, or very fast disks may tolerate a 
higher ``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` in order to
-  save RAM at the expense of excess IO operations
-- In workloads that rarely read, or that only perform reads by scanning the 
entire data set (such as analytics
-  workloads), setting the ``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` to a much higher number 
is acceptable.
-The bloom filter false positive chance is visible in the ``DESCRIBE TABLE`` 
output as the field
-``bloom_filter_fp_chance``. Operators can change the value with an ``ALTER 
TABLE`` statement:
-    ALTER TABLE keyspace.table WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01
-Operators should be aware, however, that this change is not immediate: the 
bloom filter is calculated when the file is
-written, and persisted on disk as the Filter component of the SSTable. Upon 
issuing an ``ALTER TABLE`` statement, new
-files on disk will be written with the new ``bloom_filter_fp_chance``, but 
existing sstables will not be modified until
-they are compacted - if an operator needs a change to 
``bloom_filter_fp_chance`` to take effect, they can trigger an
-SSTable rewrite using ``nodetool scrub`` or ``nodetool upgradesstables -a``, 
both of which will rebuild the sstables on
-disk, regenerating the bloom filters in the progress.
-Cassandra offers operators the ability to configure compression on a per-table 
basis. Compression reduces the size of
-data on disk by compressing the SSTable in user-configurable compression 
``chunk_length_in_kb``. Because Cassandra
-SSTables are immutable, the CPU cost of compressing is only necessary when the 
SSTable is written - subsequent updates
-to data will land in different SSTables, so Cassandra will not need to 
decompress, overwrite, and recompress data when
-UPDATE commands are issued. On reads, Cassandra will locate the relevant 
compressed chunks on disk, decompress the full
-chunk, and then proceed with the remainder of the read path (merging data from 
disks and memtables, read repair, and so
-Configuring Compression
-Compression is configured on a per-table basis as an optional argument to 
-default, three options are relevant:
-- ``class`` specifies the compression class - Cassandra provides three classes 
-  ``SnappyCompressor``, and ``DeflateCompressor`` ). The default is 
-- ``chunk_length_in_kb`` specifies the number of kilobytes of data per 
compression chunk. The default is 64KB.
-- ``crc_check_chance`` determines how likely Cassandra is to verify the 
checksum on each compression chunk during
-  reads. The default is 1.0.
-Users can set compression using the following syntax:
-    CREATE TABLE keyspace.table (id int PRIMARY KEY) WITH compression = 
{'class': 'LZ4Compressor'};
-    ALTER TABLE keyspace.table WITH compression = {'class': 
'SnappyCompressor', 'chunk_length_in_kb': 128, 'crc_check_chance': 0.5};
-Once enabled, compression can be disabled with ``ALTER TABLE`` setting 
``enabled`` to ``false``:
-    ALTER TABLE keyspace.table WITH compression = {'enabled':'false'};
-Operators should be aware, however, that changing compression is not 
immediate. The data is compressed when the SSTable
-is written, and as SSTables are immutable, the compression will not be 
modified until the table is compacted. Upon
-issuing a change to the compression options via ``ALTER TABLE``, the existing 
SSTables will not be modified until they
-are compacted - if an operator needs compression changes to take effect 
immediately, the operator can trigger an SSTable
-rewrite using ``nodetool scrub`` or ``nodetool upgradesstables -a``, both of 
which will rebuild the SSTables on disk,
-re-compressing the data in the process.
-Benefits and Uses
-Compression's primary benefit is that it reduces the amount of data written to 
disk. Not only does the reduced size save
-in storage requirements, it often increases read and write throughput, as the 
CPU overhead of compressing data is faster
-than the time it would take to read or write the larger volume of uncompressed 
data from disk.
-Compression is most useful in tables comprised of many rows, where the rows 
are similar in nature. Tables containing
-similar text columns (such as repeated JSON blobs) often compress very well.
-Operational Impact
-- Compression metadata is stored off-heap and scales with data on disk.  This 
often requires 1-3GB of off-heap RAM per
-  terabyte of data on disk, though the exact usage varies with 
``chunk_length_in_kb`` and compression ratios.
-- Streaming operations involve compressing and decompressing data on 
compressed tables - in some code paths (such as
-  non-vnode bootstrap), the CPU overhead of compression can be a limiting 
-- The compression path checksums data to ensure correctness - while the 
traditional Cassandra read path does not have a
-  way to ensure correctness of data on disk, compressed tables allow the user 
to set ``crc_check_chance`` (a float from
-  0.0 to 1.0) to allow Cassandra to probabilistically validate chunks on read 
to verify bits on disk are not corrupt.
-Advanced Use
-Advanced users can provide their own compression class by implementing the 
interface at
-Change Data Capture
-Change data capture (CDC) provides a mechanism to flag specific tables for 
archival as well as rejecting writes to those
-tables once a configurable size-on-disk for the combined flushed and unflushed 
CDC-log is reached. An operator can
-enable CDC on a table by setting the table property ``cdc=true`` (either when 
:ref:`creating the table
-<create-table-statement>` or :ref:`altering it <alter-table-statement>`), 
after which any CommitLogSegments containing
-data for a CDC-enabled table are moved to the directory specified in 
``cassandra.yaml`` on segment discard. A threshold
-of total disk space allowed is specified in the yaml at which time newly 
allocated CommitLogSegments will not allow CDC
-data until a consumer parses and removes data from the destination archival 
-Enabling or disable CDC on a table
-CDC is enable or disable through the `cdc` table property, for instance::
-    CREATE TABLE foo (a int, b text, PRIMARY KEY(a)) WITH cdc=true;
-    ALTER TABLE foo WITH cdc=true;
-    ALTER TABLE foo WITH cdc=false;
-cassandra.yaml parameters
-The following `cassandra.yaml` are available for CDC:
-``cdc_enabled`` (default: false)
-   Enable or disable CDC operations node-wide.
-``cdc_raw_directory`` (default: ``$CASSANDRA_HOME/data/cdc_raw``)
-   Destination for CommitLogSegments to be moved after all corresponding 
memtables are flushed.
-``cdc_free_space_in_mb``: (default: min of 4096 and 1/8th volume space)
-   Calculated as sum of all active CommitLogSegments that permit CDC + all 
flushed CDC segments in
-   ``cdc_raw_directory``.
-``cdc_free_space_check_interval_ms`` (default: 250)
-   When at capacity, we limit the frequency with which we re-calculate the 
space taken up by ``cdc_raw_directory`` to
-   prevent burning CPU cycles unnecessarily. Default is to check 4 times per 
-.. _reading-commitlogsegments:
-Reading CommitLogSegments
-This implementation included a refactor of CommitLogReplayer into 
-Usage is `fairly straightforward
-with a `variety of signatures
-available for use. In order to handle mutations read from disk, implement 
-**Do not enable CDC without some kind of consumption process in-place.**
-The initial implementation of Change Data Capture does not include a parser 
(see :ref:`reading-commitlogsegments` above)
-so, if CDC is enabled on a node and then on a table, the 
``cdc_free_space_in_mb`` will fill up and then writes to
-CDC-enabled tables will be rejected unless some consumption process is in 
-Further Reading
-- `Design doc 
-- `JIRA ticket <>`__
-.. todo:: todo
-Metrics in Cassandra are managed using the `Dropwizard Metrics 
<>`__ library. These metrics
-can be queried via JMX or pushed to external monitoring systems using a number 
of `built in
-<>`__ and 
`third party
-<>`__ reporter plugins.
-Metrics are collected for a single node. It's up to the operator to use an 
external monitoring system to aggregate them.
-Metric Types
-All metrics reported by cassandra fit into one of the following types.
-    An instantaneous measurement of a value.
-    A gauge for an ``AtomicLong`` instance. Typically this is consumed by 
monitoring the change since the last call to
-    see if there is a large increase compared to the norm.
-    Measures the statistical distribution of values in a stream of data.
-    In addition to minimum, maximum, mean, etc., it also measures median, 
75th, 90th, 95th, 98th, 99th, and 99.9th
-    percentiles.
-    Measures both the rate that a particular piece of code is called and the 
histogram of its duration.
-    Special type that tracks latency (in microseconds) with a ``Timer`` plus a 
``Counter`` that tracks the total latency
-    accrued since starting. The former is useful if you track the change in 
total latency since the last check. Each
-    metric name of this type will have 'Latency' and 'TotalLatency' appended 
to it.
-    A meter metric which measures mean throughput and one-, five-, and 
fifteen-minute exponentially-weighted moving
-    average throughputs.
-Table Metrics
-Each table in Cassandra has metrics responsible for tracking its state and 
-The metric names are all appended with the specific ``Keyspace`` and ``Table`` 
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Table keyspace={{Keyspace} 
scope={{Table}} name={{MetricName}}``
-.. NOTE::
-    There is a special table called '``all``' without a keyspace. This 
represents the aggregation of metrics across
-    **all** tables and keyspaces on the node.
-======================================= ============== ===========
-Name                                    Type           Description
-======================================= ============== ===========
-MemtableOnHeapSize                      Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data 
stored in the memtable that resides **on**-heap, including column related 
overhead and partitions overwritten.
-MemtableOffHeapSize                     Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data 
stored in the memtable that resides **off**-heap, including column related 
overhead and partitions overwritten.
-MemtableLiveDataSize                    Gauge<Long>    Total amount of live 
data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead.
-AllMemtablesOnHeapSize                  Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data 
stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides 
-AllMemtablesOffHeapSize                 Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data 
stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides 
-AllMemtablesLiveDataSize                Gauge<Long>    Total amount of live 
data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that 
resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead.
-MemtableColumnsCount                    Gauge<Long>    Total number of columns 
present in the memtable.
-MemtableSwitchCount                     Counter        Number of times flush 
has resulted in the memtable being switched out.
-CompressionRatio                        Gauge<Double>  Current compression 
ratio for all SSTables.
-EstimatedPartitionSizeHistogram         Gauge<long[]>  Histogram of estimated 
partition size (in bytes).
-EstimatedPartitionCount                 Gauge<Long>    Approximate number of 
keys in table.
-EstimatedColumnCountHistogram           Gauge<long[]>  Histogram of estimated 
number of columns.
-SSTablesPerReadHistogram                Histogram      Histogram of the number 
of sstable data files accessed per read.
-ReadLatency                             Latency        Local read latency for 
this table.
-RangeLatency                            Latency        Local range scan 
latency for this table.
-WriteLatency                            Latency        Local write latency for 
this table.
-CoordinatorReadLatency                  Timer          Coordinator read 
latency for this table.
-CoordinatorScanLatency                  Timer          Coordinator range scan 
latency for this table.
-PendingFlushes                          Counter        Estimated number of 
flush tasks pending for this table.
-BytesFlushed                            Counter        Total number of bytes 
flushed since server [re]start.
-CompactionBytesWritten                  Counter        Total number of bytes 
written by compaction since server [re]start.
-PendingCompactions                      Gauge<Integer> Estimate of number of 
pending compactions for this table.
-LiveSSTableCount                        Gauge<Integer> Number of SSTables on 
disk for this table.
-LiveDiskSpaceUsed                       Counter        Disk space used by 
SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes).
-TotalDiskSpaceUsed                      Counter        Total disk space used 
by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd.
-MinPartitionSize                        Gauge<Long>    Size of the smallest 
compacted partition (in bytes).
-MaxPartitionSize                        Gauge<Long>    Size of the largest 
compacted partition (in bytes).
-MeanPartitionSize                       Gauge<Long>    Size of the average 
compacted partition (in bytes).
-BloomFilterFalsePositives               Gauge<Long>    Number of false 
positives on table's bloom filter.
-BloomFilterFalseRatio                   Gauge<Double>  False positive ratio of 
table's bloom filter.
-BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed                Gauge<Long>    Disk space used by 
bloom filter (in bytes).
-BloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed            Gauge<Long>    Off-heap memory used by 
bloom filter.
-IndexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed           Gauge<Long>    Off-heap memory used by 
index summary.
-CompressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed    Gauge<Long>    Off-heap memory used by 
compression meta data.
-KeyCacheHitRate                         Gauge<Double>  Key cache hit rate for 
this table.
-TombstoneScannedHistogram               Histogram      Histogram of tombstones 
scanned in queries on this table.
-LiveScannedHistogram                    Histogram      Histogram of live cells 
scanned in queries on this table.
-ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram             Histogram      Histogram of column 
update time delta on this table.
-ViewLockAcquireTime                     Timer          Time taken acquiring a 
partition lock for materialized view updates on this table.
-ViewReadTime                            Timer          Time taken during the 
local read of a materialized view update.
-TrueSnapshotsSize                       Gauge<Long>    Disk space used by 
snapshots of this table including all SSTable components.
-RowCacheHitOutOfRange                   Counter        Number of table row 
cache hits that do not satisfy the query filter, thus went to disk.
-RowCacheHit                             Counter        Number of table row 
cache hits.
-RowCacheMiss                            Counter        Number of table row 
cache misses.
-CasPrepare                              Latency        Latency of paxos 
prepare round.
-CasPropose                              Latency        Latency of paxos 
propose round.
-CasCommit                               Latency        Latency of paxos commit 
-PercentRepaired                         Gauge<Double>  Percent of table data 
that is repaired on disk.
-SpeculativeRetries                      Counter        Number of times 
speculative retries were sent for this table.
-WaitingOnFreeMemtableSpace              Histogram      Histogram of time spent 
waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap.
-DroppedMutations                        Counter        Number of dropped 
mutations on this table.
-======================================= ============== ===========
-Keyspace Metrics
-Each keyspace in Cassandra has metrics responsible for tracking its state and 
-These metrics are the same as the ``Table Metrics`` above, only they are 
aggregated at the Keyspace level.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.keyspace.{{MetricName}}.{{Keyspace}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Keyspace scope={{Keyspace}} 
-ThreadPool Metrics
-Cassandra splits work of a particular type into its own thread pool.  This 
provides back-pressure and asynchrony for
-requests on a node.  It's important to monitor the state of these thread pools 
since they can tell you how saturated a
-node is.
-The metric names are all appended with the specific ``ThreadPool`` name.  The 
thread pools are also categorized under a
-specific type.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools scope={{ThreadPoolName}} 
type={{Type}} name={{MetricName}}``
-===================== ============== ===========
-Name                  Type           Description
-===================== ============== ===========
-ActiveTasks           Gauge<Integer> Number of tasks being actively worked on 
by this pool.
-PendingTasks          Gauge<Integer> Number of queued tasks queued up on this 
-CompletedTasks        Counter        Number of tasks completed.
-TotalBlockedTasks     Counter        Number of tasks that were blocked due to 
queue saturation.
-CurrentlyBlockedTask  Counter        Number of tasks that are currently 
blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.
-MaxPoolSize           Gauge<Integer> The maximum number of threads in this 
-===================== ============== ===========
-The following thread pools can be monitored.
-============================ ============== ===========
-Name                         Type           Description
-============================ ============== ===========
-Native-Transport-Requests    transport      Handles client CQL requests
-CounterMutationStage         request        Responsible for counter writes
-ViewMutationStage            request        Responsible for materialized view 
-MutationStage                request        Responsible for all other writes
-ReadRepairStage              request        ReadRepair happens on this thread 
-ReadStage                    request        Local reads run on this thread pool
-RequestResponseStage         request        Coordinator requests to the 
cluster run on this thread pool
-AntiEntropyStage             internal       Builds merkle tree for repairs
-CacheCleanupExecutor         internal       Cache maintenance performed on 
this thread pool
-CompactionExecutor           internal       Compactions are run on these 
-GossipStage                  internal       Handles gossip requests
-HintsDispatcher              internal       Performs hinted handoff
-InternalResponseStage        internal       Responsible for intra-cluster 
-MemtableFlushWriter          internal       Writes memtables to disk
-MemtablePostFlush            internal       Cleans up commit log after 
memtable is written to disk
-MemtableReclaimMemory        internal       Memtable recycling
-MigrationStage               internal       Runs schema migrations
-MiscStage                    internal       Misceleneous tasks run here
-PendingRangeCalculator       internal       Calculates token range
-PerDiskMemtableFlushWriter_0 internal       Responsible for writing a spec 
(there is one of these per disk 0-N)
-Sampler                      internal       Responsible for re-sampling the 
index summaries of SStables
-SecondaryIndexManagement     internal       Performs updates to secondary 
-ValidationExecutor           internal       Performs validation compaction or 
-============================ ============== ===========
-.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0 .. nonbreaking space
-Client Request Metrics
-Client requests have their own set of metrics that encapsulate the work 
happening at coordinator level.
-Different types of client requests are broken down by ``RequestType``.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ClientRequest scope={{RequestType}} 
-:RequestType: CASRead
-:Description: Metrics related to transactional read requests.
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Name                  Type           Description
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
-    Failures              Counter        Number of transaction failures 
-    |nbsp|                Latency        Transaction read latency.
-    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions 
-    UnfinishedCommit      Counter        Number of transactions that were 
committed on read.
-    ConditionNotMet       Counter        Number of transaction preconditions 
did not match current values.
-    ContentionHistogram   Histogram      How many contended reads were 
-    ===================== ============== 
-:RequestType: CASWrite
-:Description: Metrics related to transactional write requests.
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Name                  Type           Description
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
-    Failures              Counter        Number of transaction failures 
-    |nbsp|                Latency        Transaction write latency.
-    UnfinishedCommit      Counter        Number of transactions that were 
committed on write.
-    ConditionNotMet       Counter        Number of transaction preconditions 
did not match current values.
-    ContentionHistogram   Histogram      How many contended writes were 
-    ===================== ============== 
-:RequestType: Read
-:Description: Metrics related to standard read requests.
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Name                  Type           Description
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
-    Failures              Counter        Number of read failures encountered.
-    |nbsp|                Latency        Read latency.
-    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions 
-    ===================== ============== 
-:RequestType: RangeSlice
-:Description: Metrics related to token range read requests.
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Name                  Type           Description
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
-    Failures              Counter        Number of range query failures 
-    |nbsp|                Latency        Range query latency.
-    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions 
-    ===================== ============== 
-:RequestType: Write
-:Description: Metrics related to regular write requests.
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Name                  Type           Description
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
-    Failures              Counter        Number of write failures encountered.
-    |nbsp|                Latency        Write latency.
-    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions 
-    ===================== ============== 
-:RequestType: ViewWrite
-:Description: Metrics related to materialized view write wrtes.
-    ===================== ============== 
-    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
-    Failures              Counter        Number of transaction failures 
-    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions 
-    ViewReplicasAttempted Counter        Total number of attempted view 
replica writes.
-    ViewReplicasSuccess   Counter        Total number of succeded view replica 
-    ViewPendingMutations  Gauge<Long>    ViewReplicasAttempted - 
-    ViewWriteLatency      Timer          Time between when mutation is applied 
to base table and when CL.ONE is achieved on view.
-    ===================== ============== 
-Cache Metrics
-Cassandra caches have metrics to track the effectivness of the caches. Though 
the ``Table Metrics`` might be more useful.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Cache.{{MetricName}}.{{CacheName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Cache scope={{CacheName}} 
-========================== ============== ===========
-Name                       Type           Description
-========================== ============== ===========
-Capacity                   Gauge<Long>    Cache capacity in bytes.
-Entries                    Gauge<Integer> Total number of cache entries.
-FifteenMinuteCacheHitRate  Gauge<Double>  15m cache hit rate.
-FiveMinuteCacheHitRate     Gauge<Double>  5m cache hit rate.
-OneMinuteCacheHitRate      Gauge<Double>  1m cache hit rate.
-HitRate                    Gauge<Double>  All time cache hit rate.
-Hits                       Meter          Total number of cache hits.
-Misses                     Meter          Total number of cache misses.
-MissLatency                Timer          Latency of misses.
-Requests                   Gauge<Long>    Total number of cache requests.
-Size                       Gauge<Long>    Total size of occupied cache, in 
-========================== ============== ===========
-The following caches are covered:
-============================ ===========
-Name                         Description
-============================ ===========
-CounterCache                 Keeps hot counters in memory for performance.
-ChunkCache                   In process uncompressed page cache.
-KeyCache                     Cache for partition to sstable offsets.
-RowCache                     Cache for rows kept in memory.
-============================ ===========
-.. NOTE::
-    Misses and MissLatency are only defined for the ChunkCache
-CQL Metrics
-Metrics specific to CQL prepared statement caching.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CQL.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=CQL name={{MetricName}}``
-========================== ============== ===========
-Name                       Type           Description
-========================== ============== ===========
-PreparedStatementsCount    Gauge<Integer> Number of cached prepared statements.
-PreparedStatementsEvicted  Counter        Number of prepared statements 
evicted from the prepared statement cache
-PreparedStatementsExecuted Counter        Number of prepared statements 
-RegularStatementsExecuted  Counter        Number of **non** prepared 
statements executed.
-PreparedStatementsRatio    Gauge<Double>  Percentage of statements that are 
prepared vs unprepared.
-========================== ============== ===========
-DroppedMessage Metrics
-Metrics specific to tracking dropped messages for different types of requests.
-Dropped writes are stored and retried by ``Hinted Handoff``
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.DroppedMessages.{{MetricName}}.{{Type}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=DroppedMetrics scope={{Type}} 
-========================== ============== ===========
-Name                       Type           Description
-========================== ============== ===========
-CrossNodeDroppedLatency    Timer          The dropped latency across nodes.
-InternalDroppedLatency     Timer          The dropped latency within node.
-Dropped                    Meter          Number of dropped messages.
-========================== ============== ===========
-The different types of messages tracked are:
-============================ ===========
-Name                         Description
-============================ ===========
-BATCH_STORE                  Batchlog write
-BATCH_REMOVE                 Batchlog cleanup (after succesfully applied)
-COUNTER_MUTATION             Counter writes
-HINT                         Hint replay
-MUTATION                     Regular writes
-READ                         Regular reads
-READ_REPAIR                  Read repair
-PAGED_SLICE                  Paged read
-RANGE_SLICE                  Token range read
-REQUEST_RESPONSE             RPC Callbacks
-_TRACE                       Tracing writes
-============================ ===========
-Streaming Metrics
-Metrics reported during ``Streaming`` operations, such as repair, bootstrap, 
-These metrics are specific to a peer endpoint, with the source node being the 
node you are pulling the metrics from.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Streaming.{{MetricName}}.{{PeerIP}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Streaming scope={{PeerIP}} 
-========================== ============== ===========
-Name                       Type           Description
-========================== ============== ===========
-IncomingBytes              Counter        Number of bytes streamed to this 
node from the peer.
-OutgoingBytes              Counter        Number of bytes streamed to the peer 
endpoint from this node.
-========================== ============== ===========
-Compaction Metrics
-Metrics specific to ``Compaction`` work.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Compaction.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Compaction name={{MetricName}}``
-========================== ======================================== 
-Name                       Type                                     Description
-========================== ======================================== 
-BytesCompacted             Counter                                  Total 
number of bytes compacted since server [re]start.
-PendingTasks               Gauge<Integer>                           Estimated 
number of compactions remaining to perform.
-CompletedTasks             Gauge<Long>                              Number of 
completed compactions since server [re]start.
-TotalCompactionsCompleted  Meter                                    Throughput 
of completed compactions since server [re]start.
-PendingTasksByTableName    Gauge<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> Estimated 
number of compactions remaining to perform, grouped by keyspace and then table 
name. This info is also kept in ``Table Metrics``.
-========================== ======================================== 
-CommitLog Metrics
-Metrics specific to the ``CommitLog``
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CommitLog.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=CommitLog name={{MetricName}}``
-========================== ============== ===========
-Name                       Type           Description
-========================== ============== ===========
-CompletedTasks             Gauge<Long>    Total number of commit log messages 
written since [re]start.
-PendingTasks               Gauge<Long>    Number of commit log messages 
written but yet to be fsync'd.
-TotalCommitLogSize         Gauge<Long>    Current size, in bytes, used by all 
the commit log segments.
-WaitingOnSegmentAllocation Timer          Time spent waiting for a 
CommitLogSegment to be allocated - under normal conditions this should be zero.
-WaitingOnCommit            Timer          The time spent waiting on CL fsync; 
for Periodic this is only occurs when the sync is lagging its sync interval.
-========================== ============== ===========
-Storage Metrics
-Metrics specific to the storage engine.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Storage.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Storage name={{MetricName}}``
-========================== ============== ===========
-Name                       Type           Description
-========================== ============== ===========
-Exceptions                 Counter        Number of internal exceptions 
caught. Under normal exceptions this should be zero.
-Load                       Counter        Size, in bytes, of the on disk data 
size this node manages.
-TotalHints                 Counter        Number of hint messages written to 
this node since [re]start. Includes one entry for each host to be hinted per 
-TotalHintsInProgress       Counter        Number of hints attemping to be sent 
-========================== ============== ===========
-HintedHandoff Metrics
-Metrics specific to Hinted Handoff.  There are also some metrics related to 
hints tracked in ``Storage Metrics``
-These metrics include the peer endpoint **in the metric name**
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.HintedHandOffManager.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=HintedHandOffManager 
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Name                        Type           Description
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Hints_created-{{PeerIP}}    Counter        Number of hints on disk for this 
-Hints_not_stored-{{PeerIP}} Counter        Number of hints not stored for this 
peer, due to being down past the configured hint window.
-=========================== ============== ===========
-SSTable Index Metrics
-Metrics specific to the SSTable index metadata.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Index.{{MetricName}}.RowIndexEntry``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Index scope=RowIndexEntry 
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Name                        Type           Description
-=========================== ============== ===========
-IndexedEntrySize            Histogram      Histogram of the on-heap size, in 
bytes, of the index across all SSTables.
-IndexInfoCount              Histogram      Histogram of the number of on-heap 
index entries managed across all SSTables.
-IndexInfoGets               Histogram      Histogram of the number index seeks 
performed per SSTable.
-=========================== ============== ===========
-BufferPool Metrics
-Metrics specific to the internal recycled buffer pool Cassandra manages.  This 
pool is meant to keep allocations and GC
-lower by recycling on and off heap buffers.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.BufferPool.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=BufferPool name={{MetricName}}``
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Name                        Type           Description
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Size                        Gauge<Long>    Size, in bytes, of the managed 
buffer pool
-Misses                      Meter           The rate of misses in the pool. 
The higher this is the more allocations incurred.
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Client Metrics
-Metrics specifc to client managment.
-Reported name format:
-**Metric Name**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Client.{{MetricName}}``
-**JMX MBean**
-    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Client name={{MetricName}}``
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Name                        Type           Description
-=========================== ============== ===========
-connectedNativeClients      Counter        Number of clients connected to this 
nodes native protocol server
-connectedThriftClients      Counter        Number of clients connected to this 
nodes thrift protocol server
-=========================== ============== ===========
-Any JMX based client can access metrics from cassandra.
-If you wish to access JMX metrics over http it's possible to download 
`Mx4jTool <>`__ and
-place ``mx4j-tools.jar`` into the classpath.  On startup you will see in the 
-    HttpAdaptor version 3.0.2 started on port 8081
-To choose a different port (8081 is the default) or a different listen address 
( is not the default) edit
-``conf/`` and uncomment::
-    #MX4J_ADDRESS="-Dmx4jaddress="
-    #MX4J_PORT="-Dmx4jport=8081"
-Metric Reporters
-As mentioned at the top of this section on monitoring the Cassandra metrics 
can be exported to a number of monitoring
-system a number of `built in 
<>`__ and 
`third party
-<>`__ reporter plugins.
-The configuration of these plugins is managed by the `metrics reporter config 
-<>`__. There is a sample 
configuration file located at
-Once configured, you simply start cassandra with the flag
-``-Dcassandra.metricsReporterConfigFile=metrics-reporter-config.yaml``. The 
specified .yaml file plus any 3rd party
-reporter jars must all be in Cassandra's classpath.
-There are three main components to the security features provided by Cassandra:
-- TLS/SSL encryption for client and inter-node communication
-- Client authentication
-- Authorization
-TLS/SSL Encryption
-Cassandra provides secure communication between a client machine and a 
database cluster and between nodes within a
-cluster. Enabling encryption ensures that data in flight is not compromised 
and is transferred securely. The options for
-client-to-node and node-to-node encryption are managed separately and may be 
configured independently.
-In both cases, the JVM defaults for supported protocols and cipher suites are 
used when encryption is enabled. These can
-be overidden using the settings in ``cassandra.yaml``, but this is not 
recommended unless there are policies in place
-which dictate certain settings or a need to disable vulnerable ciphers or 
protocols in cases where the JVM cannot be
-FIPS compliant settings can be configured at the JVM level and should not 
involve changing encryption settings in
-cassandra.yaml. See `the java document on FIPS 
-for more details.
-For information on generating the keystore and truststore files used in SSL 
communications, see the
-`java documentation on creating keystores 
-Inter-node Encryption
-The settings for managing inter-node encryption are found in 
``cassandra.yaml`` in the ``server_encryption_options``
-section. To enable inter-node encryption, change the ``internode_encryption`` 
setting from its default value of ``none``
-to one value from: ``rack``, ``dc`` or ``all``.
-Client to Node Encryption
-The settings for managing client to node encryption are found in 
``cassandra.yaml`` in the ``client_encryption_options``
-section. There are two primary toggles here for enabling encryption, 
``enabled`` and ``optional``.
-- If neither is set to ``true``, client connections are entirely unencrypted.
-- If ``enabled`` is set to ``true`` and ``optional`` is set to ``false``, all 
client connections must be secured.
-- If both options are set to ``true``, both encrypted and unencrypted 
connections are supported using the same port.
-  Client connections using encryption with this configuration will be 
automatically detected and handled by the server.
-As an alternative to the ``optional`` setting, separate ports can also be 
configured for secure and unsecure connections
-where operational requirements demand it. To do so, set ``optional`` to false 
and use the ``native_transport_port_ssl``
-setting in ``cassandra.yaml`` to specify the port to be used for secure client 
-.. _operation-roles:
-Cassandra uses database roles, which may represent either a single user or a 
group of users, in both authentication and
-permissions management. Role management is an extension point in Cassandra and 
may be configured using the
-``role_manager`` setting in ``cassandra.yaml``. The default setting uses 
``CassandraRoleManager``, an implementation
-which stores role information in the tables of the ``system_auth`` keyspace.
-See also the :ref:`CQL documentation on roles <roles>`.
-Authentication is pluggable in Cassandra and is configured using the 
``authenticator`` setting in ``cassandra.yaml``.
-Cassandra ships with two options included in the default distribution.
-By default, Cassandra is configured with ``AllowAllAuthenticator`` which 
performs no authentication checks and therefore
-requires no credentials. It is used to disable authentication completely. Note 
that authentication is a necessary
-condition of Cassandra's permissions subsystem, so if authentication is 
disabled, effectively so are permissions.
-The default distribution also includes ``PasswordAuthenticator``, which stores 
encrypted credentials in a system table.
-This can be used to enable simple username/password authentication.
-.. _password-authentication:
-Enabling Password Authentication
-Before enabling client authentication on the cluster, client applications 
should be pre-configured with their intended
-credentials. When a connection is initiated, the server will only ask for 
credentials once authentication is
-enabled, so setting up the client side config in advance is safe. In contrast, 
as soon as a server has authentication
-enabled, any connection attempt without proper credentials will be rejected 
which may cause availability problems for
-client applications. Once clients are setup and ready for authentication to be 
enabled, follow this procedure to enable
-it on the cluster.
-Pick a single node in the cluster on which to perform the initial 
configuration. Ideally, no clients should connect
-to this node during the setup process, so you may want to remove it from 
client config, block it at the network level
-or possibly add a new temporary node to the cluster for this purpose. On that 
node, perform the following steps:
-1. Open a ``cqlsh`` session and change the replication factor of the 
``system_auth`` keyspace. By default, this keyspace
-   uses ``SimpleReplicationStrategy`` and a ``replication_factor`` of 1. It is 
recommended to change this for any
-   non-trivial deployment to ensure that should nodes become unavailable, 
login is still possible. Best practice is to
-   configure a replication factor of 3 to 5 per-DC.
-    ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH replication = {'class': 
'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': 3, 'DC2': 3};
-2. Edit ``cassandra.yaml`` to change the ``authenticator`` option like so:
-    authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
-3. Restart the node.
-4. Open a new ``cqlsh`` session using the credentials of the default superuser:
-    cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
-5. During login, the credentials for the default superuser are read with a 
consistency level of ``QUORUM``, whereas
-   those for all other users (including superusers) are read at ``LOCAL_ONE``. 
In the interests of performance and
-   availability, as well as security, operators should create another 
superuser and disable the default one. This step
-   is optional, but highly recommended. While logged in as the default 
superuser, create another superuser role which
-   can be used to bootstrap further configuration.
-    # create a new superuser
-6. Start a new cqlsh session, this time logging in as the new_superuser and 
disable the default superuser.
-    ALTER ROLE cassandra WITH SUPERUSER = false AND LOGIN = false;
-7. Finally, set up the roles and credentials for your application users with 
:ref:`CREATE ROLE <create-role-statement>`
-   statements.
-At the end of these steps, the one node is configured to use password 
authentication. To roll that out across the
-cluster, repeat steps 2 and 3 on each node in the cluster. Once all nodes have 
been restarted, authentication will be
-fully enabled throughout the cluster.
-Note that using ``PasswordAuthenticator`` also requires the use of 
:ref:`CassandraRoleManager <operation-roles>`.
-See also: :ref:`setting-credentials-for-internal-authentication`, :ref:`CREATE 
ROLE <create-role-statement>`,
-:ref:`ALTER ROLE <alter-role-statement>`, :ref:`ALTER KEYSPACE 
<calter-keyspace-statement>` and :ref:`GRANT PERMISSION
-Authorization is pluggable in Cassandra and is configured using the 
``authorizer`` setting in ``cassandra.yaml``.
-Cassandra ships with two options included in the default distribution.
-By default, Cassandra is configured with ``AllowAllAuthorizer`` which performs 
no checking and so effectively grants all
-permissions to all roles. This must be used if ``AllowAllAuthenticator`` is 
the configured authenticator.
-The default distribution also includes ``CassandraAuthorizer``, which does 
implement full permissions management
-functionality and stores its data in Cassandra system tables.
-Enabling Internal Authorization
-Permissions are modelled as a whitelist, with the default assumption that a 
given role has no access to any database
-resources. The implication of this is that once authorization is enabled on a 
node, all requests will be rejected until
-the required permissions have been granted. For this reason, it is strongly 
recommended to perform the initial setup on
-a node which is not processing client requests.
-The following assumes that authentication has already been enabled via the 
process outlined in
-:ref:`password-authentication`. Perform these steps to enable internal 
authorization across the cluster:
-1. On the selected node, edit ``cassandra.yaml`` to change the ``authorizer`` 
option like so:
-    authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer
-2. Restart the node.
-3. Open a new ``cqlsh`` session using the credentials of a role with superuser 
-    cqlsh -u dba -p super
-4. Configure the appropriate access privileges for your clients using `GRANT 
PERMISSION <cql.html#grant-permission>`_
-   statements. On the other nodes, until configuration is updated and the node 
restarted, this will have no effect so
-   disruption to clients is avoided.
-    GRANT SELECT ON ks.t1 TO db_user;
-5. Once all the necessary permissions have been granted, repeat steps 1 and 2 
for each node in turn. As each node
-   restarts and clients reconnect, the enforcement of the granted permissions 
will begin.
-See also: :ref:`GRANT PERMISSION <grant-permission-statement>`, `GRANT ALL 
<grant-all>` and :ref:`REVOKE PERMISSION
-Enabling authentication and authorization places additional load on the 
cluster by frequently reading from the
-``system_auth`` tables. Furthermore, these reads are in the critical paths of 
many client operations, and so has the
-potential to severely impact quality of service. To mitigate this, auth data 
such as credentials, permissions and role
-details are cached for a configurable period. The caching can be configured 
(and even disabled) from ``cassandra.yaml``
-or using a JMX client. The JMX interface also supports invalidation of the 
various caches, but any changes made via JMX
-are not persistent and will be re-read from ``cassandra.yaml`` when the node 
is restarted.
-Each cache has 3 options which can be set:
-Validity Period
-    Controls the expiration of cache entries. After this period, entries are 
invalidated and removed from the cache.
-Refresh Rate
-    Controls the rate at which background reads are performed to pick up any 
changes to the underlying data. While these
-    async refreshes are performed, caches will continue to serve (possibly) 
stale data. Typically, this will be set to a
-    shorter time than the validity period.
-Max Entries
-    Controls the upper bound on cache size.
-The naming for these options in ``cassandra.yaml`` follows the convention:
-* ``<type>_validity_in_ms``
-* ``<type>_update_interval_in_ms``
-* ``<type>_cache_max_entries``
-Where ``<type>`` is one of ``credentials``, ``permissions``, or ``roles``.
-As mentioned, these are also exposed via JMX in the mbeans under the 
``org.apache.cassandra.auth`` domain.
-JMX access
-Access control for JMX clients is configured separately to that for CQL. For 
both authentication and authorization, two
-providers are available; the first based on standard JMX security and the 
second which integrates more closely with
-Cassandra's own auth subsystem.
-The default settings for Cassandra make JMX accessible only from localhost. To 
enable remote JMX connections, edit
-```` (or ``cassandra-env.ps1`` on Windows) to change the 
``LOCAL_JMX`` setting to ``yes``. Under the
-standard configuration, when remote JMX connections are enabled, 
:ref:`standard JMX authentication <standard-jmx-auth>`
-is also switched on.
-Note that by default, local-only connections are not subject to 
authentication, but this can be enabled.
-If enabling remote connections, it is recommended to also use 


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