I am Apache Cassandra user and currently I am working on 3 nodes cluster in a 
single data center.I am using the random partitioner for data partitioner. 
Actually what I am trying to achieve is to have the range queries using Random 
partioner. I am stick and not getting any help to do it.
I created my own column family using Column Familes as Indexes. It is written 
in page 14 of Apache Cassandra Documentation Book (April 17, 2012) by Datastax 
Although having the ability to do range scans on rows sounds like a desirable 
feature of ordered partitioners, there are
ways to achieve the same functionality using column family indexes. Most 
applications can be designed with a data
model that supports ordered queries as slices over a set of columns rather than 
range scans over a set of rows.
I would like to know that how we can achieve the same functionality (Range 
Queries in Random Partitioner) using column family trick. Any simple example 
would be highly appreciated. Please email me back at ansa...@hotmail.com
Looking forward for your quick response.

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