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The page "AllInOne" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

See for all-in-one downlaoders now

- CouchDb requires many bits to be installed.
- Building an all in one , embeddable, no external dependencies packaging of 
CouchDB for each major desktop OS (Windows, MacOSX and Linux) would help make 
it easy for new users to get started. Installers would be a bonus.
- Pioneering work has already been done with CouchDbx : a self-contained MacOSX 
application with all the required bits..
- The goal here is to document:
-  * the minimal bits that are required to install a self-contained, 
all-in-one, embeddable CouchDb
-  * the step-by-step instructions to build those packages
-  * installers creation
- Some sources of inspiration:
-  * the Erlang NSIS installer for windows
-  * ejabberd:
- Installer technologies:
-  * package builder on macos
-  * nsis on windows
-  * shell archives on linux
- IP and licensing issues
-  * since there are 3rd party dependencies that may be problematic, installers 
will fetch at install time the 3rd party dependencies.
-  * see that page for ASF policies: 
-  * and that email thread for specific incubator PMC comments: 
-   *$0c98fb30$0dfbfdc0@computer%3e
-   *
-   *

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