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- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Breaking Changes =
- See also the [[|official 
documentation]] for this topic.
- <<TableOfContents(3)>>
- This page documents backwards-incompatible changes made during the evolution 
of CouchDB. While not all such changes will necessarily affect all users, most 
of them probably will. This page should show you what changed and how you'll 
need to adapt your code.
- == Changes Between 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 ==
- === Backwards compatibility ===
-  * Dropped 0.9.0 database format support.
- === _users database ===
-  * User documents can now only be read by the respective users as well as 
admins, but not other or anonymous users.
-  * Views can only be defined and queried by admins.
-  * The `_changes` feed can only be queried by admins.
- === _replicator database ===
-  * Documents will now have a forced `owner` field that corresponds to their 
authenticated user name.
-  * Users that are not the owner of a replication document will not see 
confidential information like passwords or oath tokens. The rest of the 
information is visible though. Admins can see everything.
-  * Views can only be defined and queried by admins.
- === document and view file compression ===
-  * The new optional compression of disk files requires an upgrade of the 
on-disk format (5->6) which occurs on creation for new databases and views, and 
on compaction for existing ones
-  * This format is not supported in previous versions, so rollback would 
require replication to the previous CouchDB release, or restore from backup
-  * adding {{{compression = none}}} to your {{{local.ini [couchdb]}}} section 
disables compression but the ondisk format will still be upgraded as above
-  * file compression is enabled by default
- == Changes Between 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 ==
-  * Document id's are now validated during PUT. This means that some PUT 
requests will fail that previously succeeded.
- == Changes Between 0.11.0 and 1.0.0 ==
- Note, to replicate with a 1.0 CouchDB instance you must first upgrade 
in-place your current CouchDB to 1.0 or 0.11.1 -- backporting so that 0.10.x 
can replicate to 1.0 wouldn't be that hard. All that is required is patching 
the replicator to use the application/json content type.
-  * _log and _temp_views are now admin-only resources.
-  * _bulk_docs now requires a valid `Content-Type` header of 
-  * jsonp is disabled by default. An .ini option was added to selectively 
enable it.
-  * The key, startkey and endkey properties of the request object passed to 
list and show functions now contain JSON objects representing the URL encoded 
string values in the query string. Previously, these properties contained 
strings which needed to be converted to JSON before using.
- == Changes Between 0.11.0 and 0.11.1 ==
-  * _log and _temp_views are now admin-only resources.
-  * _bulk_docs now requires a valid `Content-Type` header of 
-  * jsonp is disabled by default. An .ini option was added to selectively 
enable it.
-  * The key, startkey and endkey properties of the request object passed to 
list and show functions now contain JSON objects representing the URL encoded 
string values in the query string. Previously, these properties contained 
strings which needed to be converted to JSON before using.
- == Changes Between 0.10.x and 0.11.0 ==
- === show, list, update and validation functions ===
- The `req` argument to show, list, update and validation functions now 
contains the member `method` with the specified HTTP method of the current 
request. Previously, this member was called `verb`. `method` is following RFC 
2616 (HTTP 1.1) closer.
- === _admins -> _security ===
- The /db/_admins handler has been removed and replaced with a /db/_security 
object. Any existing `_admins` will be dropped and need to be added to the 
security object again. The reason for this is that the old system made no 
distinction between names and roles, while the new one does, so there is no way 
to automatically upgrade the old admins list.
- The security object has 2 special fields, `admins` and `readers`, which 
contain lists of names and roles which are admins or readers on that database. 
Anything else may be stored in other fields on the security object. The entire 
object is made available to validation functions.
- === json2.js ===
- JSON handling in the query server has been upgraded to use json2.js. This 
allows us to use faster native JSON serialization when it is available.
- In previous versions, attempts to serialize `undefined` would throw an 
exception, causing the doc that emitted undefined to be dropped from the view 
index. The new behavior is to serialize undefined as `null`. Applications 
depending on the old behavior will need to explicitly check for undefined.
- Another change is that E4X's XML objects will not automatically be 
stringified. XML users will need to call my_xml_object.toXMLString() to return 
a string value.
- (see commit 
- === WWW-Authenticate (popup) ===
- The default configuration has been changed to avoid causing basic-auth popups 
which result from sending the WWW-Authenticate header. To enable basic-auth 
popups, uncomment the WWW-Authenticate line in local.ini.
- === Query server line protocol ===
- The query server line protocol has changed for all functions except map, 
reduce, and rereduce. This allows us to cache the entire design document in the 
query server process, which results in faster performance for common 
operations. It also gives more flexibility to query server implementators and 
shouldn't require major changes in the future when adding new query server 
- === UTF8 JSON ===
- JSON request bodies are validated for proper UTF-8 before saving, instead of 
waiting to fail on subsequent read requests.
- === _changes line format ===
- Continuous changes are now newline delimited, instead of having each line 
followed by a comma.
- == Changes Between 0.9.x and 0.10.0 ==
- === Modular Configuration Directories ===
- CouchDB now loads configuration from the following places (glob(7) syntax) in 
-  * `PREFIX/default.ini`
-  * `PREFIX/default.d/*`
-  * `PREFIX/local.ini`
-  * `PREFIX/local.d/*`
- The configuration options for `couchdb` script have changed to:
- {{{
-   -a FILE     add configuration FILE to chain
-   -A DIR      add configuration DIR to chain
-   -n          reset configuration file chain (including system default)
-   -c          print configuration file chain and exit
- }}}
- === Show and List API change ===
- Show and List functions must have a new structure in 0.10. See 
[[Formatting_with_Show_and_List]] for details.
- === Stricter enforcing of reduciness in reduce-functions ===
- Reduce functions are now required to reduce the number of values for a key.
- === View query reduce parameter strictness ===
- CouchDB now considers the parameter reduce=false to be an error for queries 
of map-only views, and responds with status code 400.
- == Changes Between 0.8.x and 0.9.0 ==
- === Response to Bulk Creation/Updates ===
- The response to a bulk creation / update now looks like this
- {{{
- [
-     {"id": "0", "rev": "3682408536"},
-     {"id": "1", "rev": "3206753266"},
-     {"id": "2", "error": "conflict", "reason": "Document update conflict."}
- ]
- }}}
- === Database File Format ===
- The database file format has changed. CouchDB itself does yet not provide any 
tools for migrating your data. In the meantime, you can use third-party scripts 
to deal with the migration, such as the dump/load tools that come with the 
development version (trunk) of 
- If you are running a version of trunk prior to revision 753448, have a look 
at the BreakingChangesUpdateTrunkTo0Dot9 page.
- === Renamed "count" to "limit" ===
- As of r731159 the view query API has been changed: "count" has become 
"limit". This is a better description of what the parameter does, and should be 
a simple update in any client code.
- === Moved View URLs ===
- The view URLs have been moved to design document resources. This means that 
paths that used to be like 
`http://hostname:5984/mydb/_view/designname/viewname?limit=10` will now look 
like `http://hostname:5984/mydb/_design/designname/_view/viewname?limit=10`. 
See the 
 Hypermedia, and CouchApps thread on dev]] for details.
- === Attachments ===
- Names of attachments are no longer allowed to start with an underscore.
- === Error Codes ===
- Some refinements have been made to error handling. CouchDB will send 400 
instead of 500 on invalid query parameters. Most notably, document update 
conflicts now respond with `409 Conflict` instead of `412 Precondition Failed`. 
The error code for when attempting to create a database that already exists is 
now `412` instead of `409`.
- === ini file format ===
- CouchDB 0.9 changes sections and configuration variable names in 
configuration files. Old `.ini` files won't work. See 
 for an example `.ini` file. Also note that CouchDB now ships with two `.ini` 
files where 0.8 used ''couch.ini'' there are now ''default.ini'' and 
''local.ini''. ''default.ini'' contains CouchDB's standard configuration 
values. ''local.ini'' is meant for local changes. ''local.ini'' is not 
overwritten on CouchDB updates, so your edits are safe. In addition, the new 
runtime configuration system persists changes to the configuration in 
- == Changes Between 0.7.x and 0.8.0 ==
- === Database File Format ===
- The database file format has changed. CouchDB itself does yet not provide any 
tools for migrating your data. In the meantime, you can use third-party scripts 
to deal with the migration, such as the dump/load tools that come with the 
development version (trunk) of 
- ==== Migration Using the couchdb-python `dump`/`load` Tools ====
- First, some important notes on the way these tools operate:
-  * They work on a per-database basis, meaning you'll need to migrate all 
databases individually.
-  * The dump tool retrieves all documents, including attachments, from a 
database and writes them to standard output in MIME multipart format.
-  * The load tool expects that MIME multipart on the standard input stream, 
and recreates all the documents (including attachments) it contains. It should 
be used with an empty target database.
-  * Documents of course retain their unique identifiers.
-  * The revision history of the documents is completey discarded.
- '''Note''': ''Do not upgrade CouchDB until you've gotten your data out using 
the procedure described below!''
- '''Also note''': ''Please keep backups of both the original database files 
and the dump files, at least until you've verified that the migration worked 
- To use the tools, you'll have to install `couchdb-python` (currently from 
trunk), which in turn requires [[|Python 2.4]] and the 
[[|httplib2]] and 
[[|simplejson]] packages.
- On the shell, enter the directory into which you checked out the 
`couchdb-python` code. First run to make sure the package is installed:
- {{{
-   ./ install
- }}}
- Now, to dump the contents of a particular database into a file, run the 
following command:
- {{{
-   python couchdb/tools/ > dbname.dump
- }}}
- Replace '''dbname''' with the name of the database to dump. This will create 
a file called `dbname.dump` in the current directory.
- After you've done this for all the databases you want to migrate, you can 
upgrade CouchDB. You will need to completely clear the directory where CouchDB 
stored the old databases, as it will probably choke on files using the old 
- After the upgrade you can import all the data you previously exported. First, 
you'll need to create an empty database for every database dump you want to 
import. Then you execute the `` script from the command-line as follows:
- {{{
-   python couchdb/tools/ < dbname.dump
- }}}
- Do that for all your databases, and you should be set. Please report any bugs 
in those scripts [[|here]].
- === Document Structure Changes ===
- In the JSON structure for attachments, the member name `content-type` has 
been changed to `content_type` (note the underscore). This change was made for 
consistency with the general naming scheme in CouchDB, and enable easier access 
from Javascript code.
- === View Definition Changes ===
- Views now support optional reduce. For this to work, the structure of view 
definitions in design documents had to change. An example is probably the best 
way to illustrate this:
- {{{
-   {
-     "_id":"_design/foo",
-     "language":"javascript",
-     "views": {
-       "bar": {
-         "map":"function... ",
-         "reduce":"function..."
-       }
-     }
-   }
- }}}
- Notable changes are the usage of a JSON object to define both the map and the 
reduce function instead of just a string for the map function. The `reduce` 
member may be omitted.
- The `language` member is no longer a MIME type, instead, only the language 
name is specified. The language name maps exactly to the name chosen for a view 
server registration in `couch.ini`.
- The `map(key, value)` function that map functions would use to produce output 
has been renamed to `emit(key, value)` to avoid confusion.
- {{{
-   function(doc) {
-     emit(,;
-   }
- }}}
- Temporary views now need to get `POST`ed a JSON document with `map` and 
`reduce` members instead of just `POST`ing the raw source of the map function:
- {{{
-   {
-     "map":"function...",
-     "reduce":"function..."
-   }
- }}}
- Note that the language of the temporary view is no longer determined by the 
`Content-Type` header of the HTTP request. Since the definition is a JSON 
object, the `Content-Type` is always `application/json`. The view language is 
now specified via an optional `language` member in the JSON request body. If 
omitted, the language defaults to "javascript".
- {{{
-   {
-     "language":"javascript"
-     "map":"function...",
-     "reduce":"function..."
-   }
- }}}
- === HTTP API Changes ===
- === DELETE Status Code ===
- Successful deletion of a database or document using the `DELETE` HTTP method 
now results in a `200 OK` response instead of the `202 Accepted` response used 
before. The rationale for this change is that the deletion is performed 
immediately, while a 202 status code implies that the action has been triggered 
but may not have completed at the time of the response.
- ==== Bulk Updates ====
- The JSON structure for bulk updates has been changed slightly for both 
requests and responses.
- For requests, you previously posted a JSON array of document rows. Now, you 
post a JSON object with a `docs` member containing that array:
- {{{
-   {
-     "docs": [
-       {"_id": "foo", "_rev": "123456", "title": "Foo"},
-       {"_id": "bar", "_rev": "234567", "title": "Bar"}
-     ]
-   }
- }}}
- Responses used to have a JSON object with a `results` member. Now, the 
response JSON structure looks as follows:
- {{{
-   {
-     "ok": true,
-     "new_revs": [
-       {"_id": "foo", "rev": "345678"},
-       {"_id": "bar", "rev": "456789"}
-     ]
-   }
- }}}
- ''Note that bulk updates are now transactional: either all updates succeed or 
all fail. That's why the `ok` member moved to the top-level of the response.''

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