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See the official documentation at

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Compaction =
- See also the official documentation for the 
 document]] compaction topics.
- <<TableOfContents(2)>>
- == Database Compaction ==
- Compaction compresses the database file by removing unused sections created 
during updates. Old revisions of documents are also removed from the database 
though a small amount of meta data is kept for use in conflict during 
[[Replication|replication]]. The number of revisions (default of 1000) can be 
configured using the 
[[HTTP_database_API#Accessing_Database-specific_options|_revs_limit URL 
endpoint]], available since version 0.8-incubating.
- Compaction is manually triggered per database. Support for queued compaction 
of multiple databases is planned. Please note that compaction will be run as a 
background task.
- === Example ===
- Compaction is triggered by an HTTP POST request to the _compact sub-resource 
of your database. On success, HTTP status 202 is returned immediately. Although 
the request body is not used you must still specify "application/json" as 
Content-Type for the request.
- {{{
- curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST 
- #=> {"ok":true}
- }}}
- GET requesting your database base URL (see 
[[HTTP_database_API#Database_Information]]) gives a hash of statuses that look 
like this:
- {{{
- curl -X GET http://localhost:5984/my_db
- #=> {"db_name":"my_db", "doc_count":1, "doc_del_count":1, "update_seq":4, 
"purge_seq":0, "compact_running":false, "disk_size":12377, 
"instance_start_time":"1267612389906234", "disk_format_version":5}
- }}}
- The compact_running key will be set to true during compaction.
- === Compaction of write-heavy databases ===
- It is not a good idea to attempt compaction on a database node that is near 
full capacity for its write load. The problem is the compaction process may 
never catch up with the writes if they never let up, and eventually it will run 
out of disk space.
- Compaction should be attempted when the write load is less than full 
capacity. Read load won't affect its ability to complete, however. To have the 
least impact possible on clients, the database remains online and fully 
functional to readers and writers. It is a design limitation that database 
compaction can't complete when at capacity for write load. It may be reasonable 
to schedule compactions during off-peak hours.
- In a clustered environment the write load can be switched off for any node 
before compaction and brought back up to date with replication once complete.
- In the future, a single CouchDB node can be changed to stop or fail other 
updates if the write load is too heavy for it to complete in a reasonable time.
- == View compaction ==
- [[Introduction_to_CouchDB_views|Views]] need compaction like databases. There 
is a compact views feature introduced with CouchDB 0.10.0:
- {{{
- curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST 
- #=> {"ok":true}
- }}}
- This compacts the view index from the current version of the design document. 
The HTTP response code is 202 Accepted (like compaction for databases) and a 
compaction background task will be created. Information on running compactions 
can be fetched with 
- View indexes on disk are named after their MD5 hash of the view definition. 
When you change a view, old indexes remain on disk. To clean up all outdated 
view indexes (files named after the MD5 representation of views, that does not 
exist anymore) you can trigger a view cleanup:
- {{{
- curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST 
- #=> {"ok":true}
- }}}
- == Automatic Compaction ==
- Since CouchDB 1.2 it is possible to configure automatic compaction, so that 
compaction of databases and views is automatically triggered based on various 
criteria.  Automatic compaction is configured in CouchDB's configuration files. 
The compaction daemon is responsible for triggering the compaction. It is 
automatically started, but disabled by default
- {{{
- [daemons]
- #...
- compaction_daemon={couch_compaction_daemon, start_link, []}
- }}}
- {{{
- [compaction_daemon]
- ; The delay, in seconds, between each check for which database and view 
- ; need to be compacted.
- check_interval = 300
- ; If a database or view index file is smaller then this value (in bytes),
- ; compaction will not happen. Very small files always have a very high
- ; fragmentation therefore it's not worth to compact them.
- min_file_size = 131072
- }}}
- The criteria for triggering the compactions is configured in the 
"compactions" section.
- {{{
- [compactions]
- ; List of compaction rules for the compaction daemon.
- ; The daemon compacts databases and their respective view groups when all the
- ; condition parameters are satisfied. Configuration can be per database or
- ; global, and it has the following format:
- ;
- ; database_name = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
- ; _default = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
- }}}
- === Possible Parameters ===
-  * '''db_fragmentation''': If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the 
amount  of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the database file size 
is equal to or greater then this value, this database compaction condition is 
satisfied. This value is computed as<<BR>>(file_size - data_size) / file_size * 
100<<BR>>The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when querying a 
database's information URI (GET /dbname/).
-  * '''view_fragmentation''': If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the 
amount of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the view index (view 
group) file size is equal to or greater then this value, then this view index 
compaction condition is satisfied. This value is computed as:<<BR>>(file_size - 
data_size) / file_size * 100<<BR>>The data_size and file_size values can be 
obtained when querying a view group's information URI (GET 
-  * '''from''' _and_ '''to: '''The period for which a database (and its view 
groups) compaction is allowed. The value for these parameters must obey the 
format: HH:MM - HH:MM  (HH in [0..23], MM in [0..59])
-  * '''strict_window: '''If a compaction is still running after the end of the 
allowed period, it will be canceled if this parameter is set to 'true'. It 
defaults to 'false' and it's meaningful only if the *period* parameter is also 
-  * '''parallel_view_compaction''': If set to 'true', the database and its 
views are compacted in parallel. This is only useful on certain setups, like 
for example when the database and view index directories point to different 
disks. It defaults to 'false'.
- Before a compaction is triggered, an estimation of how much free disk space 
is needed is computed. This estimation corresponds to 2 times the data size of 
the database or view index. When there's not enough free disk space to compact 
a particular database or view index, a warning message is logged.
- === Examples ===
-  1. [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}]<<BR>>The `foo` 
database is compacted if its fragmentation is 70% or more. Any view index of 
this database is compacted only if its fragmentation is 60% or more.
-  1. [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, 
{to, "04:00"}]<<BR>>Similar to the preceding example but a compaction (database 
or view index) is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 
-  1. [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, 
{to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}]<<BR>>Similar to the preceding example - a 
compaction (database or view index) is only triggered if the current time is 
between midnight and 4 AM. If at 4 AM the database or one of its views is still 
compacting, the compaction process will be canceled.
-  1. [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, 
{to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}, {parallel_view_compaction, 
true}]<<BR>>Similar to the preceding example, but a database and its views can 
be compacted in parallel.
- === Default Configuration ===
- The default configuration - if enabled - applies to all databases. For example
- {{{
- _default = [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, 
"23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
- }}}

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