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The page "Complete_HTTP_API_Reference" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

Outdated; see instead

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Complete HTTP API Reference =
- See also the [[|official 
documentation]] for this topic.
- <<Anchor(server)>>
- == Server-level miscellaneous methods ==
- ||GET||/||Returns MOTD and version||HttpGetRoot||
- ||GET||/favicon.ico||Special path for providing a site icon||HttpGetFavicon||
- ||GET||/_all_dbs||Returns a list of all databases on this 
- ||GET||/_active_tasks||Returns a list of running tasks||HttpGetActiveTasks||
- ||POST||/_replicate||Start or cancel replications||[[Replication]]||
- ||*||/_replicator||The [[Replication#Replicator_database|database that 
controls replication at startup]]||
- ||GET||/_uuids||Returns a list of generated UUIDs||HttpGetUuids||
- ||POST||/_restart||Restart the server, requires admin privileges||
- ||GET||/_stats||Returns server statistics||
- ||GET||/_log||Returns the tail of the server's log file, requires admin 
- ||GET||/_sleep||Returns success after waiting for a given number of 
milliseconds ''(removed since 1.0.0)''||
- ||GET||/_utils/'''file'''||Return static web pages that contain the CouchDB 
administration interface||
- <<Anchor(configuration)>>
- == Server configuration ==
- ||GET||/_config||Returns the entire server configuration||
- ||GET||/_config/'''section'''||Returns a single section from server 
- ||GET||/_config/'''section'''/'''key'''||Returns a single configuration value 
from given section in server configuration||
- ||PUT||/_config/'''section'''/'''key'''||Set a single configuration value in 
a given section to server configuration||
- ||DELETE||/_config/'''section'''/'''key'''||Delete a single configuration 
value from a given section in server configuration||
- <<Anchor(authentication)>>
- == Authentication ==
- ||GET||/_session||Returns cookie based login user 
- ||POST||/_session||Do cookie based user login||[[Session_API|Session]]||
- ||DELETE||/_session||Logout cookie based user||[[Session_API|Session]]||
- ||GET||/_oauth/access_token||XXX||
- ||GET||/_oauth/authorize||XXX||
- ||POST||/_oauth/authorize||XXX||
- ||*||/_oauth/request_token||XXX||
- ||*||/_users||The 
[[Security_Features_Overview#Authentication_database|authentication and 
authorization database]]||
- <<Anchor(database)>>
- == Database methods ==
- ||GET||/'''db'''||Returns database 
information||[[HTTP_database_API#Database_Information|Database Information]]||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''||Create a new 
database||[[HTTP_database_API#PUT_.28Create_New_Database.29|Create New 
- ||DELETE||/'''db'''||Delete an existing 
database||[[HTTP_database_API#DELETE|Delete a Database]]||
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_changes||Returns changes for the given 
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_compact||Starts a compaction for the database, requires 
admin privileges||[[Compaction#Database_Compaction|Database Compaction]]||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_compact/'''design-doc'''||Starts a compaction for all the 
views in the selected design document, requires admin 
privileges||[[Compaction#View_compaction|View Compaction]]||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_view_cleanup||Removes view files that are not used by any 
design document, requires admin privileges||[[Compaction#View_compaction|View 
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_temp_view||Execute a given view function for all documents 
and return the result, requires admin privileges||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_ensure_full_commit||Makes sure all uncommited changes are 
written and synchronized to the disk||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_bulk_docs||Insert multiple documents in to the database in 
a single 
 Multiple Documents With a Single Request]]||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_purge||Purge some historical documents entirely from 
database history||[[Purge_Documents|Purge Documents]]||
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_all_docs||Returns a built-in view of all documents in this 
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_all_docs||Returns certain rows from the built-in view of 
 Multiple Documents With a Single Request]]||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_missing_revs||Given a list of document revisions, returns 
the document revisions that do not exist in the database||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_revs_diff||Given a list of document revisions, returns 
differences between the given revisions and ones that are in the 
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_security||Returns the special security object for the 
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/_security||Sets the special security object for the 
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_revs_limit||Sets the limit of historical revisions to store 
for a single document in the 
Database-specific options]]||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/_revs_limit||Gets the limit of historical revisions to store 
for a single document in the 
Database-specific options]]||
- <<Anchor(document)>>
- == Database document methods ==
- ||POST||/'''db'''||Inserts a new document with an automatically generated 
id||[[HTTP_Document_API#POST|Create a new document]]||
- ||GET||/'''db'''/'''doc'''||Returns the latest revision of the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#GET|Retrieve a document]]||
- ||HEAD||/'''db'''/'''doc'''||Returns basic information about the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#HEAD|Document information]]||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/'''doc'''||Inserts a new version of the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#PUT|Modify a document]]||
- ||DELETE||/'''db'''/'''doc'''||Deletes the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#DELETE|Delete a document]]||
- ||COPY||/'''db'''/'''doc'''||Copies the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#COPY|Copy a document]]||
- ||GET||/'''db'''/'''doc'''/'''attachment'''||Gets an attachment of the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#Standalone_Attachments|Standalone Attachments]]||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/'''doc'''/'''attachment'''||Inserts an attachment to the 
document||[[HTTP_Document_API#Standalone_Attachments|Standalone Attachments]]||
- ||DELETE||/'''db'''/'''doc'''/'''attachment'''||Deletes an attachment from 
the document||[[HTTP_Document_API#Standalone_Attachments|Standalone 
- <<Anchor(local)>>
- == Special non-replicating documents ==
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_local/'''local-doc'''||Returns the latest revision of the 
non-replicated document||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/_local/'''local-doc'''||Inserts a new version of the 
non-replicated document||
- ||DELETE||/'''db'''/_local/'''local-doc'''||Deletes the non-replicated 
- ||COPY||/'''db'''/_local/'''local-doc'''||Copies the non-replicated document||
- <<Anchor(design)>>
- == Special design documents ==
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''||Returns the latest revision of the 
design document||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''||Inserts a new version of the 
design document||
- ||DELETE||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''||Deletes the design document||
- ||COPY||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''||Copies the design document||
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/'''attachment'''||Gets an 
attachment of the design document||
- ||PUT||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/'''attachment'''||Inserts an 
attachment to the design document||
- ||DELETE||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/'''attachment'''||Deletes an 
attachment from the design document||
- <<Anchor(handlers)>>
- == Special design document handlers ==
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/_info||Returns information about 
the design 
- ||GET||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/_view/'''view-name'''||Returns 
results of the view||[[HTTP_view_API#Access.2BAC8-Query|Query]]||
- ||POST||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/_view/'''view-name'''||Returns 
certain rows from the view||
- ||?||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/_show/'''show-name'''||Invokes the 
show handler without a 
 the show handler for the given document||
 the list handler to translate the given view 
 Views (0.10+)]]||
 the list handler to translate the given view results for certain documents||
 the list handler to translate the given view results||
 the list handler to translate the given view results for certain documents||
- ||?||/'''db'''/_design/'''design-doc'''/_update/'''update-name'''||Invokes 
the update handler without a document||[[Document_Update_Handlers|Document 
Update Handlers]]||
 the update handler for the given document||[[Document_Update_Handlers|Document 
Update Handlers]]||
 the URL rewrite handler and processes the request after 
rewriting||[[Rewriting_urls|Rewriting URLs]]||

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