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The page "Getting_started_with_Objective Caml" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- Getting started with OCaml and the CouchDB API
- For making the HTTP calls required by the RESTful API, it's hard to beat Gerd 
Stolpmann's  Http_client.Convenience module 
- (see
 ), shipped with the ocamlnet-2 library 
- (see ).  The 
examples below assume your database is running on the localhost, port 5984--and 
that your
- database is named "mydatabase".  Naturally, you're encouraged to change these 
to fit your specific needs.
- === Creating a Database ===
- {{{
- let result = 
-   let server_url = "http://localhost:5984"; in 
-     let db_name = "mydatabase" in 
-       Http_client.Convenience.http_put (server_url ^ "/" ^ db_name) "";;
- print_endline result
- }}}
- === Deleting a Database ===
- {{{
- let result = 
-   let server_url = "http://localhost:5984"; in 
-     let db_name = "mydatabase" in 
-       Http_client.Convenience.http_delete (server_url ^ "/" ^ db_name);;
- print_endline result
- }}}
- === Creating a Document ===
- {{{
- let result = 
-   let url_doc = "http://localhost:5984/mydatabase/newdoc"; in 
-     let my_doc_json = "{ \"subject\":\"Plankton\", \"author\":\"Rusty\"," ^
-                       "\"body\":\"I decided today I like plankton and OCaml 
equally well.\" }" in
-       Http_client.Convenience.http_put url_doc my_doc_json;;
- print_endline result
- }}}
- === Retrieving a Document ===
- The example below shows a bit more sophistication, illustrating how to use 
the json-wheel library (located at
- {{{
- type json doc = < subject:string; author:string; body:string > 
- let url_doc = "http://localhost:5984/mydatabase/newdoc";
- let get url =
-   doc_of_json
-     (Json_io.json_of_string
-        (Http_client.Convenience.http_get (url)))
- let my_doc = (get url_doc)
- let _= print_string ("Author: "  ^ my_doc#author  ^ "\n" ^ 
-                      "Subject: " ^ my_doc#subject ^ "\n" ^ 
-                      "Body: "    ^ my_doc#body    ^ "\n")
- $ ./retrieve_doc
- Author: Rusty
- Subject: Plankton
- Body: I decided today I like plankton and OCaml equally well.
- }}}
- Note: These examples can be compiled with the following:
- {{{
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -o dest-file -linkpkg -package json-static,netclient 
-syntax camlp4o
- }}}

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