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The page "Getting_started_with_Rebol" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Using plain Rebol3 =
- This is how you can use CouchDB from plain Rebol3 (which is currently in 
public Alpha).
- And here you can get Rebol3 [[|Rebol3 
Alpha download]]
- == How to read data from CouchDB using Rebol ==
- {{{
- to-string read http://localhost:5984/db2/id
- }}}
- == How to write data to CouchDB using Rebol ==
- {{{
- to-string write http://localhost:5984/db2/id json-data
- }}}
- == How to create a new CouchDB Database using Rebol ==
- {{{
- to-string write http://localhost:5984/db2 [PUT [] ""]
- }}}
- == A complete console session ==
- {{{
- >> to-string write http://localhost:5984/hohtest [PUT]
- == {{"ok":true}}
- >> to-string write http://localhost:5984/hohtest 
{{"_id":"hello","data":"Hello World!"}}
- == {{"ok":true,"id":"hello","rev":"1-a67aaac28adabcdd8d0718187741d49d"}}
- >> to-string read http://localhost:5984/hohtest/hello
- == {{"_id":"hello","_rev":"1-a67aaac28adabcdd8d0718187741d49d","data":"Hello 
- >> to-string write http://localhost:5984/hohtest [DELETE]
- == {{"ok":true}}
- }}}
- BTW, to-string is only needed to make it human readable. Without it, the 
return values would be binary.
- = A Rebol3 module =
- And here you can get a Rebol3 module, to make it even easier. especially 
working with json data.
- [[|couchdb3.r on]]

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