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The page "HttpStatusList" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

- #redirect HTTP_status_list
- A list of HTTP statuses used by CouchDB and their respective meanings.
- === 200 - OK ===
- Request completed successfully.
- === 304 - Not Modified ===
- Etag not modified since last update.
- === 400 - Bad Request ===
- Request given is not valid in some way.
- === 404 - Not Found ===
- Such as a request via the HttpDocumentApi for a document which doesn't exist.
- === 406 - Not Acceptable ===
- Request contained invalid JSON.
- === 409 - Conflict ===
- Request attempted to created database which already exists.
- === 412 - Precondition Failed ===
- Request resulted in an update conflict.
- === 500 - Internal Server Error ===
- Woops.
- ''As you can see, this document is incomplete, please update.'''

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