Repository: couchdb-ets-lru
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 359f637a9 -> fb44bea46

Migrate the tests from etap to eunit

All the etap tests converted to eunit. The tests for the validating
of the correct handeling of the bad options for LRU are re-enabled.

This work is a part of COUCHDB-2590.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: fb44bea467f13497d1af8b869f62203ba58a9dcb
Parents: 359f637
Author: Eric Avdey <>
Authored: Thu Apr 30 09:16:19 2015 -0300
Committer: Eric Avdey <>
Committed: Thu Apr 30 09:16:19 2015 -0300

 test/01-basic-behavior.t    | 102 -------
 test/02-lru-options.t       |  72 -----
 test/03-limit-max-objects.t |  37 ---
 test/04-limit-max-size.t    |  37 ---
 test/05-limit-lifetime.t    |  34 ---
 test/06-match.t             |  47 ---
 test/etap.erl               | 612 ---------------------------------------
 test/ets_lru_test.erl       | 299 +++++++++++++++++++
 test/tutil.erl              |  41 ---
 9 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 982 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/01-basic-behavior.t b/test/01-basic-behavior.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 0015998..0000000
--- a/test/01-basic-behavior.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env escript
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(WITH_LRU(F), tutil:with_lru(fun(LRU) -> F(LRU) end)).
-main([]) ->
-    code:add_pathz("test"),
-    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
-    tutil:run(16, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_lifecycle(),
-    test_table_names(),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_insert_lookup),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_insert_overwrite),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_insert_remove),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_clear),
-    ok.
-test_lifecycle() ->
-    Resp = ets_lru:start_link(?MODULE, []),
-    etap:fun_is(
-        fun({ok, LRU}) when is_pid(LRU) -> true; (_) -> false end,
-        Resp,
-        "ets_lru:start_link/2 returned an LRU"
-    ),
-    {ok, LRU} = Resp,
-    etap:is(ok, ets_lru:stop(LRU), "Destroyed the LRU ok").
-test_table_names() ->
-    {ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(foo, []),
-    Exists = fun(Name) -> ets:info(Name, size) == 0 end,
-    NExists = fun(Name) -> ets:info(Name, size) == undefined end,
-    etap:is(Exists(foo_objects), true, "foo_objects exists"),
-    etap:is(Exists(foo_atimes), true, "foo_atimes exists"),
-    etap:is(Exists(foo_ctimes), true, "foo_ctimes exists"),
-    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, LRU),
-    ets_lru:stop(LRU),
-    receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, LRU, Reason} -> ok end,
-    etap:is(Reason, normal, "LRU stopped normally"),
-    etap:is(NExists(foo_objects), true, "foo_objects doesn't exist"),
-    etap:is(NExists(foo_atimes), true, "foo_atimes doesn't exist"),
-    etap:is(NExists(foo_ctimes), true, "foo_ctimes doesn't exist"),
-    ok.
-test_insert_lookup(LRU) ->
-    ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
-    Resp = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value").
-test_insert_lookup_d(LRU) ->
-    ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
-    Resp = ets_lru:lookup_d(test_lru, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp, {ok, bar}, "Dirty lookup returned the inserted value").
-test_insert_overwrite(LRU) ->
-    ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
-    Resp1 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp1, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value"),
-    ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bam),
-    Resp2 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp2, {ok, bam}, "Lookup returned the newly inserted value").
-test_insert_remove(LRU) ->
-    ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
-    Resp1 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp1, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value"),
-    ok = ets_lru:remove(LRU, foo),
-    Resp2 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp2, not_found, "Lookup returned not_found for removed value").
-test_clear(LRU) ->
-    ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
-    Resp1 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp1, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value"),
-    ok = ets_lru:clear(LRU),
-    Resp2 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
-    etap:is(Resp2, not_found, "Lookup returned not_found after a clear").
diff --git a/test/02-lru-options.t b/test/02-lru-options.t
deleted file mode 100755
index c9fb721..0000000
--- a/test/02-lru-options.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env escript
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main([]) ->
-    code:add_pathz("test"),
-    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
-    tutil:run(9, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_max_objects(),
-    test_max_size(),
-    test_lifetime(),
-    test_bad_option(),
-    ok.
-test_max_objects() ->
-    % See also: 03-limit-max-objects.t
-    test_good([{max_objects, 5}]),
-    test_good([{max_objects, 1}]),
-    test_good([{max_objects, 923928342098203942}]).
-test_max_size() ->
-    % See also: 04-limit-max-size.t
-    test_good([{max_size, 1}]),
-    test_good([{max_size, 5}]),
-    test_good([{max_size, 2342923423942309423094}]).
-test_lifetime() ->
-    % See also: 05-limit-lifetime.t
-    test_good([{max_lifetime, 1}]),
-    test_good([{max_lifetime, 5}]),
-    test_good([{max_lifetime, 1244209909180928348}]).
-test_bad_option() ->
-    % Figure out a test for these.
-    %test_bad([{bingo, bango}]),
-    %test_bad([12]),
-    %test_bad([true]).
-    ok.
-test_good(Options) ->
-    Msg = io_lib:format("LRU created ok with options: ~w", [Options]),
-    etap:fun_is(fun
-        ({ok, LRU}) when is_pid(LRU) -> ets_lru:stop(LRU), true;
-        (_) -> false
-    end, ets_lru:start_link(?MODULE, Options), lists:flatten(Msg)).
-% test_bad(Options) ->
-%     etap:fun_is(fun
-%         ({invalid_option, _}) -> true;
-%         ({ok, LRU}) -> ets_lru:stop(LRU), false;
-%         (_) -> false
-%     end, catch ets_lru:start_link(?MODULE, Options), "LRU bad options").
diff --git a/test/03-limit-max-objects.t b/test/03-limit-max-objects.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 00a40a8..0000000
--- a/test/03-limit-max-objects.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env escript
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-objs() -> 25.
-main([]) ->
-    code:add_pathz("test"),
-    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
-    tutil:run(1, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    {ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(lru, [{max_objects, objs()}]),
-    etap:is(insert_kvs(LRU, 100 * objs()), ok, "Max object count ok"),
-    ok = ets_lru:stop(LRU).
-insert_kvs(LRU, 0) ->
-    ok;
-insert_kvs(LRU, Count) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, Count, bar),
-    case ets:info(lru_objects, size) > objs() of
-        true -> erlang:error(exceeded_max_objects);
-        false -> ok
-    end,
-    insert_kvs(LRU, Count-1).
diff --git a/test/04-limit-max-size.t b/test/04-limit-max-size.t
deleted file mode 100755
index a54cdf0..0000000
--- a/test/04-limit-max-size.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env escript
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-max_size() -> 1024.
-main([]) ->
-    code:add_pathz("test"),
-    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
-    tutil:run(1, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    {ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(lru, [{max_size, max_size()}]),
-    etap:is(insert_kvs(LRU, 10000), ok, "Max size ok"),
-    ok = ets_lru:stop(LRU).
-insert_kvs(LRU, 0) ->
-    ok;
-insert_kvs(LRU, Count) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, Count, 1.5234),
-    case ets:info(lru_objects, memory) > max_size() of
-        true -> erlang:error(exceeded_max_size);
-        false -> ok
-    end,
-    insert_kvs(LRU, Count-1).
diff --git a/test/05-limit-lifetime.t b/test/05-limit-lifetime.t
deleted file mode 100755
index eb6d54d..0000000
--- a/test/05-limit-lifetime.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env escript
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-lifetime() -> 100.
-main([]) ->
-    code:add_pathz("test"),
-    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
-    tutil:run(2, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    {ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(lru, [{max_lifetime, lifetime()}]),
-    ok = test_single_entry(LRU),
-    ok = ets_lru:stop(LRU).
-test_single_entry(LRU) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
-    etap:is(ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo), {ok, bar}, "Expire leaves new entries"),
-    timer:sleep(round(lifetime() * 1.5)),
-    etap:is(ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo), not_found, "Entry was expired"),
-    ok.
diff --git a/test/06-match.t b/test/06-match.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c409e8d..0000000
--- a/test/06-match.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
--define(WITH_LRU(F), tutil:with_lru(fun(LRU) -> F(LRU) end)).
-main([]) ->
-    code:add_pathz("test"),
-    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
-    tutil:run(7, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_match_zero_values),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_match_one_value),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_match_many_values),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_match_zero_objects),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_match_one_object),
-    ?WITH_LRU(test_match_many_objects),
-    ok.
-test_match_zero_values(LRU) ->
-    etap:is(ets_lru:match(LRU, a, '$1'), [], "Empty match").
-test_match_one_value(LRU) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, b, {x,y}),
-    Values = ets_lru:match(LRU, b, {'$1', '$2'}),
-    etap:is(Values, [[x,y]], "Single match").
-test_match_many_values(LRU) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, boston, {state, "MA"}),
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, new_york, {state, "NY"}),
-    Values = ets_lru:match(LRU, '_', {state, '$1'}),
-    etap:is(lists:sort(Values), [["MA"],["NY"]], "Multiple match").
-test_match_zero_objects(LRU) ->
-    etap:is(ets_lru:match_object(LRU, a, '$1'), [], "Empty match_object").
-test_match_one_object(LRU) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, ans, 42),
-    ViaRegistered = ets_lru:match_object(test_lru, ans, '$1'),
-    etap:is(ViaRegistered, [42], "Single match_object (registered)"),
-    ViaPid = ets_lru:match_object(LRU, ans, '$1'),
-    etap:is(ViaPid, [42], "Single match_object (pid)").
-test_match_many_objects(LRU) ->
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, {color, blue}, a),
-    ets_lru:insert(LRU, {color, red}, b),
-    Values = ets_lru:match_object(LRU, {color, '_'}, '_'),
-    etap:is(lists:sort(Values), [a, b], "Multiple match_object").
diff --git a/test/etap.erl b/test/etap.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6924d09..0000000
--- a/test/etap.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-%% Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nick Gerakines <>
-%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-%% obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-%% files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-%% restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-%% copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-%% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-%% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-%% conditions:
-%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-%% included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-%% @author Nick Gerakines <> []
-%% @author Jeremy Wall <>
-%% @version 0.3.4
-%% @copyright 2007-2008 Jeremy Wall, 2008-2009 Nick Gerakines
-%% @reference
-%% @reference
-%% @todo Finish implementing the skip directive.
-%% @todo Document the messages handled by this receive loop.
-%% @todo Explain in documentation why we use a process to handle test input.
-%% @doc etap is a TAP testing module for Erlang components and applications.
-%% This module allows developers to test their software using the TAP method.
-%% <blockquote cite="";><p>
-%% TAP, the Test Anything Protocol, is a simple text-based interface between
-%% testing modules in a test harness. TAP started life as part of the test
-%% harness for Perl but now has implementations in C/C++, Python, PHP, Perl
-%% and probably others by the time you read this.
-%% </p></blockquote>
-%% The testing process begins by defining a plan using etap:plan/1, running
-%% a number of etap tests and then calling eta:end_tests/0. Please refer to
-%% the Erlang modules in the t directory of this project for example tests.
-    ensure_test_server/0,
-    start_etap_server/0,
-    test_server/1,
-    msg/1, msg/2,
-    diag/1, diag/2,
-    expectation_mismatch_message/3,
-    plan/1,
-    end_tests/0,
-    not_ok/2, ok/2, is_ok/2, is/3, isnt/3, any/3, none/3,
-    fun_is/3, expect_fun/3, expect_fun/4,
-    is_greater/3,
-    skip/1, skip/2,
-    datetime/1,
-    skip/3,
-    bail/0, bail/1,
-    test_state/0, failure_count/0
-    contains_ok/3,
-    is_before/4
-    is_pid/2,
-    is_alive/2,
-    is_mfa/3
-    loaded_ok/2,
-    can_ok/2, can_ok/3,
-    has_attrib/2, is_attrib/3,
-    is_behaviour/2
-    dies_ok/2,
-    lives_ok/2,
-    throws_ok/3
--record(test_state, {
-    planned = 0,
-    count = 0,
-    pass = 0,
-    fail = 0,
-    skip = 0,
-    skip_reason = ""
-%% @spec plan(N) -> Result
-%%       N = unknown | skip | {skip, string()} | integer()
-%%       Result = ok
-%% @doc Create a test plan and boot strap the test server.
-plan(unknown) ->
-    ensure_test_server(),
-    etap_server ! {self(), plan, unknown},
-    ok;
-plan(skip) ->
-    io:format("1..0 # skip~n");
-plan({skip, Reason}) ->
-    io:format("1..0 # skip ~s~n", [Reason]);
-plan(N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
-    ensure_test_server(),
-    etap_server ! {self(), plan, N},
-    ok.
-%% @spec end_tests() -> ok
-%% @doc End the current test plan and output test results.
-%% @todo This should probably be done in the test_server process.
-end_tests() ->
-    case whereis(etap_server) of
-        undefined -> self() ! true;
-        _ -> etap_server ! {self(), state}
-    end,
-    State = receive X -> X end,
-    if
-        State#test_state.planned == -1 ->
-            io:format("1..~p~n", [State#test_state.count]);
-        true ->
-            ok
-    end,
-    case whereis(etap_server) of
-        undefined -> ok;
-        _ -> etap_server ! done, ok
-    end.
-bail() ->
-    bail("").
-bail(Reason) ->
-    etap_server ! {self(), diag, "Bail out! " ++ Reason},
-    etap_server ! done, ok,
-    ok.
-%% @spec test_state() -> Return
-%%       Return = test_state_record() | {error, string()}
-%% @doc Return the current test state
-test_state() ->
-    etap_server ! {self(), state},
-    receive
-       X when is_record(X, test_state) -> X
-    after
-       1000 -> {error, "Timed out waiting for etap server reply.~n"}
-    end.
-%% @spec failure_count() -> Return
-%%       Return = integer() | {error, string()}
-%% @doc Return the current failure count
-failure_count() ->
-    case test_state() of
-        #test_state{fail=FailureCount} -> FailureCount;
-        X -> X
-    end.
-%% @spec msg(S) -> ok
-%%       S = string()
-%% @doc Print a message in the test output.
-msg(S) -> etap_server ! {self(), diag, S}, ok.
-%% @spec msg(Format, Data) -> ok
-%%      Format = atom() | string() | binary()
-%%      Data = [term()]
-%%      UnicodeList = [Unicode]
-%%      Unicode = int()
-%% @doc Print a message in the test output.
-%% Function arguments are passed through io_lib:format/2.
-msg(Format, Data) -> msg(io_lib:format(Format, Data)).
-%% @spec diag(S) -> ok
-%%       S = string()
-%% @doc Print a debug/status message related to the test suite.
-diag(S) -> msg("# " ++ S).
-%% @spec diag(Format, Data) -> ok
-%%      Format = atom() | string() | binary()
-%%      Data = [term()]
-%%      UnicodeList = [Unicode]
-%%      Unicode = int()
-%% @doc Print a debug/status message related to the test suite.
-%% Function arguments are passed through io_lib:format/2.
-diag(Format, Data) -> diag(io_lib:format(Format, Data)).
-%% @spec expectation_mismatch_message(Got, Expected, Desc) -> ok
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Expected = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%% @doc Print an expectation mismatch message in the test output.
-expectation_mismatch_message(Got, Expected, Desc) ->
-    msg("    ---"),
-    msg("    description: ~p", [Desc]),
-    msg("    found:       ~p", [Got]),
-    msg("    wanted:      ~p", [Expected]),
-    msg("    ..."),
-    ok.
-% @spec evaluate(Pass, Got, Expected, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Pass = true | false
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Expected = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Evaluate a test statement, printing an expectation mismatch message
-%%       if the test failed.
-evaluate(Pass, Got, Expected, Desc) ->
-    case mk_tap(Pass, Desc) of
-        false ->
-            expectation_mismatch_message(Got, Expected, Desc),
-            false;
-        true ->
-            true
-    end.
-%% @spec ok(Expr, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Expr = true | false
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a statement is true.
-ok(Expr, Desc) -> evaluate(Expr == true, Expr, true, Desc).
-%% @spec not_ok(Expr, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Expr = true | false
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a statement is false.
-not_ok(Expr, Desc) -> evaluate(Expr == false, Expr, false, Desc).
-%% @spec is_ok(Expr, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Expr = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that two values are the same.
-is_ok(Expr, Desc) -> evaluate(Expr == ok, Expr, ok, Desc).
-%% @spec is(Got, Expected, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Expected = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that two values are the same.
-is(Got, Expected, Desc) -> evaluate(Got == Expected, Got, Expected, Desc).
-%% @spec isnt(Got, Expected, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Expected = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that two values are not the same.
-isnt(Got, Expected, Desc) -> evaluate(Got /= Expected, Got, Expected, Desc).
-%% @spec is_greater(ValueA, ValueB, Desc) -> Result
-%%       ValueA = number()
-%%       ValueB = number()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that an integer is greater than another.
-is_greater(ValueA, ValueB, Desc) when is_integer(ValueA), is_integer(ValueB) ->
-    mk_tap(ValueA > ValueB, Desc).
-%% @spec any(Got, Items, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Items = [any()]
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that an item is in a list.
-any(Got, Items, Desc) when is_function(Got) ->
-    is(lists:any(Got, Items), true, Desc);
-any(Got, Items, Desc) ->
-    is(lists:member(Got, Items), true, Desc).
-%% @spec none(Got, Items, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Items = [any()]
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Assert that an item is not in a list.
-none(Got, Items, Desc) when is_function(Got) ->
-    is(lists:any(Got, Items), false, Desc);
-none(Got, Items, Desc) ->
-    is(lists:member(Got, Items), false, Desc).
-%% @spec fun_is(Fun, Expected, Desc) -> Result
-%%       Fun = function()
-%%       Expected = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Use an anonymous function to assert a pattern match.
-fun_is(Fun, Expected, Desc) when is_function(Fun) ->
-    is(Fun(Expected), true, Desc).
-%% @spec expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc) -> Result
-%%       ExpectFun = function()
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Use an anonymous function to assert a pattern match, using actual
-%%       value as the argument to the function.
-expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc) ->
-    evaluate(ExpectFun(Got), Got, ExpectFun, Desc).
-%% @spec expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc, ExpectStr) -> Result
-%%       ExpectFun = function()
-%%       Got = any()
-%%       Desc = string()
-%%       ExpectStr = string()
-%%       Result = true | false
-%% @doc Use an anonymous function to assert a pattern match, using actual
-%%       value as the argument to the function.
-expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc, ExpectStr) ->
-    evaluate(ExpectFun(Got), Got, ExpectStr, Desc).
-%% @equiv skip(TestFun, "")
-skip(TestFun) when is_function(TestFun) ->
-    skip(TestFun, "").
-%% @spec skip(TestFun, Reason) -> ok
-%%       TestFun = function()
-%%       Reason = string()
-%% @doc Skip a test.
-skip(TestFun, Reason) when is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason) ->
-    begin_skip(Reason),
-    catch TestFun(),
-    end_skip(),
-    ok.
-%% @spec skip(Q, TestFun, Reason) -> ok
-%%       Q = true | false | function()
-%%       TestFun = function()
-%%       Reason = string()
-%% @doc Skips a test conditionally. The first argument to this function can
-%% either be the 'true' or 'false' atoms or a function that returns 'true' or
-%% 'false'.
-skip(QFun, TestFun, Reason) when is_function(QFun), is_function(TestFun), 
is_list(Reason) ->
-    case QFun() of
-        true -> begin_skip(Reason), TestFun(), end_skip();
-        _ -> TestFun()
-    end,
-    ok;
-skip(Q, TestFun, Reason) when is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason), Q == true 
-    begin_skip(Reason),
-    TestFun(),
-    end_skip(),
-    ok;
-skip(_, TestFun, Reason) when is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason) ->
-    TestFun(),
-    ok.
-%% @private
-begin_skip(Reason) ->
-    etap_server ! {self(), begin_skip, Reason}.
-%% @private
-end_skip() ->
-    etap_server ! {self(), end_skip}.
-%% @spec contains_ok(string(), string(), string()) -> true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a string is contained in another string.
-contains_ok(Source, String, Desc) ->
-    etap:isnt(
-        string:str(Source, String),
-        0,
-        Desc
-    ).
-%% @spec is_before(string(), string(), string(), string()) -> true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a string comes before another string within a larger body.
-is_before(Source, StringA, StringB, Desc) ->
-    etap:is_greater(
-        string:str(Source, StringB),
-        string:str(Source, StringA),
-        Desc
-    ).
-%% @doc Assert that a given variable is a pid.
-is_pid(Pid, Desc) when is_pid(Pid) -> etap:ok(true, Desc);
-is_pid(_, Desc) -> etap:ok(false, Desc).
-%% @doc Assert that a given process/pid is alive.
-is_alive(Pid, Desc) ->
-    etap:ok(erlang:is_process_alive(Pid), Desc).
-%% @doc Assert that the current function of a pid is a given {M, F, A} tuple.
-is_mfa(Pid, MFA, Desc) ->
-    etap:is({current_function, MFA}, erlang:process_info(Pid, 
current_function), Desc).
-%% @spec loaded_ok(atom(), string()) -> true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a module has been loaded successfully.
-loaded_ok(M, Desc) when is_atom(M) ->
-    etap:fun_is(fun({module, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, code:load_file(M), 
-%% @spec can_ok(atom(), atom()) -> true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a module exports a given function.
-can_ok(M, F) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
-    Matches = [X || {X, _} <- M:module_info(exports), X == F],
-    etap:ok(Matches > 0, lists:concat([M, " can ", F])).
-%% @spec can_ok(atom(), atom(), integer()) -> true | false
-%% @doc Assert that a module exports a given function with a given arity.
-can_ok(M, F, A) when is_atom(M); is_atom(F), is_number(A) ->
-    Matches = [X || X <- M:module_info(exports), X == {F, A}],
-    etap:ok(Matches > 0, lists:concat([M, " can ", F, "/", A])).
-%% @spec has_attrib(M, A) -> true | false
-%%       M = atom()
-%%       A = atom()
-%% @doc Asserts that a module has a given attribute.
-has_attrib(M, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(A) ->
-    etap:isnt(
-        proplists:get_value(A, M:module_info(attributes), 'asdlkjasdlkads'),
-        'asdlkjasdlkads',
-        lists:concat([M, " has attribute ", A])
-    ).
-%% @spec has_attrib(M, A. V) -> true | false
-%%       M = atom()
-%%       A = atom()
-%%       V = any()
-%% @doc Asserts that a module has a given attribute with a given value.
-is_attrib(M, A, V) when is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(A) ->
-    etap:is(
-        proplists:get_value(A, M:module_info(attributes)),
-        [V],
-        lists:concat([M, "'s ", A, " is ", V])
-    ).
-%% @spec is_behavior(M, B) -> true | false
-%%       M = atom()
-%%       B = atom()
-%% @doc Asserts that a given module has a specific behavior.
-is_behaviour(M, B) when is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(B) ->
-    is_attrib(M, behaviour, B).
-%% @doc Assert that an exception is raised when running a given function.
-dies_ok(F, Desc) ->
-    case (catch F()) of
-        {'EXIT', _} -> etap:ok(true, Desc);
-        _ -> etap:ok(false, Desc)
-    end.
-%% @doc Assert that an exception is not raised when running a given function.
-lives_ok(F, Desc) ->
-    etap:is(try_this(F), success, Desc).
-%% @doc Assert that the exception thrown by a function matches the given 
-throws_ok(F, Exception, Desc) ->
-    try F() of
-        _ -> etap:ok(nok, Desc)
-    catch
-        _:E ->
-            etap:is(E, Exception, Desc)
-    end.
-%% @private
-%% @doc Run a function and catch any exceptions.
-try_this(F) when is_function(F, 0) ->
-    try F() of
-        _ -> success
-    catch
-        throw:E -> {throw, E};
-        error:E -> {error, E};
-        exit:E -> {exit, E}
-    end.
-%% @private
-%% @doc Start the etap_server process if it is not running already.
-ensure_test_server() ->
-    case whereis(etap_server) of
-        undefined ->
-            proc_lib:start(?MODULE, start_etap_server,[]);
-        _ ->
-            diag("The test server is already running.")
-    end.
-%% @private
-%% @doc Start the etap_server loop and register itself as the etap_server
-%% process.
-start_etap_server() ->
-    catch register(etap_server, self()),
-    proc_lib:init_ack(ok),
-    etap:test_server(#test_state{
-        planned = 0,
-        count = 0,
-        pass = 0,
-        fail = 0,
-        skip = 0,
-        skip_reason = ""
-    }).
-%% @private
-%% @doc The main etap_server receive/run loop. The etap_server receive loop
-%% responds to seven messages apperatining to failure or passing of tests.
-%% It is also used to initiate the testing process with the {_, plan, _}
-%% message that clears the current test state.
-test_server(State) ->
-    NewState = receive
-        {_From, plan, unknown} ->
-            io:format("# Current time local ~s~n", 
-            io:format("# Using etap version ~p~n", [ proplists:get_value(vsn, 
proplists:get_value(attributes, etap:module_info())) ]),
-            State#test_state{
-                planned = -1,
-                count = 0,
-                pass = 0,
-                fail = 0,
-                skip = 0,
-                skip_reason = ""
-            };
-        {_From, plan, N} ->
-            io:format("# Current time local ~s~n", 
-            io:format("# Using etap version ~p~n", [ proplists:get_value(vsn, 
proplists:get_value(attributes, etap:module_info())) ]),
-            io:format("1..~p~n", [N]),
-            State#test_state{
-                planned = N,
-                count = 0,
-                pass = 0,
-                fail = 0,
-                skip = 0,
-                skip_reason = ""
-            };
-        {_From, begin_skip, Reason} ->
-            State#test_state{
-                skip = 1,
-                skip_reason = Reason
-            };
-        {_From, end_skip} ->
-            State#test_state{
-                skip = 0,
-                skip_reason = ""
-            };
-        {_From, pass, Desc} ->
-            FullMessage = skip_diag(
-                " - " ++ Desc,
-                State#test_state.skip,
-                State#test_state.skip_reason
-            ),
-            io:format("ok ~p ~s~n", [State#test_state.count + 1, FullMessage]),
-            State#test_state{
-                count = State#test_state.count + 1,
-                pass = State#test_state.pass + 1
-            };
-        {_From, fail, Desc} ->
-            FullMessage = skip_diag(
-                " - " ++ Desc,
-                State#test_state.skip,
-                State#test_state.skip_reason
-            ),
-            io:format("not ok ~p ~s~n", [State#test_state.count + 1, 
-            State#test_state{
-                count = State#test_state.count + 1,
-                fail = + 1
-            };
-        {From, state} ->
-            From ! State,
-            State;
-        {_From, diag, Message} ->
-            io:format("~s~n", [Message]),
-            State;
-        {From, count} ->
-            From ! State#test_state.count,
-            State;
-        {From, is_skip} ->
-            From ! State#test_state.skip,
-            State;
-        done ->
-            exit(normal)
-    end,
-    test_server(NewState).
-%% @private
-%% @doc Process the result of a test and send it to the etap_server process.
-mk_tap(Result, Desc) ->
-    IsSkip = lib:sendw(etap_server, is_skip),
-    case [IsSkip, Result] of
-        [_, true] ->
-            etap_server ! {self(), pass, Desc},
-            true;
-        [1, _] ->
-            etap_server ! {self(), pass, Desc},
-            true;
-        _ ->
-            etap_server ! {self(), fail, Desc},
-            false
-    end.
-%% @private
-%% @doc Format a date/time string.
-datetime(DateTime) ->
-    {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = DateTime,
-    io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B", 
[Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec]).
-%% @private
-%% @doc Craft an output message taking skip/todo into consideration.
-skip_diag(Message, 0, _) ->
-    Message;
-skip_diag(_Message, 1, "") ->
-    " # SKIP";
-skip_diag(_Message, 1, Reason) ->
-    " # SKIP : " ++ Reason.
diff --git a/test/ets_lru_test.erl b/test/ets_lru_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cfefcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ets_lru_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+lifecyle_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Test LRU lifecycle",
+        {setup,
+            fun() -> ets_lru:start_link(?MODULE, []) end,
+            fun({ok, LRU}) -> is_process_alive(LRU) == false end,
+            fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                [
+                    {
+                        "ets_lru:start_link/2 returned an LRU",
+                        ?_assert(is_pid(LRU))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Destroyed the LRU ok",
+                        ?_assertEqual(ok, ets_lru:stop(LRU))
+                    }
+                ]
+            end
+        }
+    }.
+table_names_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Test tables names",
+        {setup,
+            fun() -> ets_lru:start_link(foo, []) end,
+            fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                [
+                    {
+                        "foo_objects exists",
+                        ?_assertEqual(0, ets:info(foo_objects, size))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "foo_atimes exists",
+                        ?_assertEqual(0, ets:info(foo_atimes, size))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "foo_ctimes exists",
+                        ?_assertEqual(0, ets:info(foo_ctimes, size))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "LRU stopped normally",
+                        ?_test(begin
+                            Reason = stop_lru({ok, LRU}),
+                            ?assertEqual(normal, Reason)
+                        end)
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "foo_objects doesn't exists",
+                        ?_assertEqual(undefined, ets:info(foo_objects, size))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "foo_atimes doesn't exists",
+                        ?_assertEqual(undefined, ets:info(foo_atimes, size))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "foo_ctimes doesn't exists",
+                        ?_assertEqual(undefined, ets:info(foo_ctimes, size))
+                    }
+                ]
+            end
+        }
+    }.
+basic_behavior_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Test basic behavior",
+        {foreach,
+            fun() ->
+                {ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(test_lru, []),
+                ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
+                {ok, LRU}
+            end,
+            fun stop_lru/1,
+            [
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    {
+                        "Lookup returned the inserted value",
+                        ?_assertEqual({ok, bar}, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    }
+                end,
+                fun({ok, _LRU}) ->
+                    {
+                        "Dirty lookup returned the inserted value",
+                        ?_assertEqual({ok, bar},
+                            ets_lru:lookup_d(test_lru, foo))
+                    }
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    [{
+                        "Lookup returned the inserted value",
+                        ?_assertEqual({ok, bar}, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Insert new value",
+                        ?_assertEqual(ok, ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bam))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Lookup returned the newly inserted value",
+                        ?_assertEqual({ok, bam}, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    }]
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    [{
+                        "Lookup returned the inserted value",
+                        ?_assertEqual({ok, bar}, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Remove value",
+                        ?_assertEqual(ok, ets_lru:remove(LRU, foo))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Lookup returned not_found for removed value",
+                        ?_assertEqual(not_found, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    }]
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    [{
+                        "Lookup returned the inserted value",
+                        ?_assertEqual({ok, bar}, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Clear LRU",
+                        ?_assertEqual(ok, ets_lru:clear(LRU))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Lookup returned not_found after a clear",
+                        ?_assertEqual(not_found, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+                    }]
+                end
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+lru_options_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Test LRU options",
+        {foreachx,
+            fun(Opts) ->
+                process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+                ets_lru:start_link(?MODULE, Opts)
+            end,
+            fun(_, Cfg) -> stop_lru(Cfg) end,
+            [
+                {[{max_objects, 1}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_objects, 5}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_objects, 923928342098203942}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_size, 1}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_size, 5}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_size, 2342923423942309423094}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_lifetime, 1}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_lifetime, 5}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{max_lifetime, 1244209909180928348}], fun test_good_opts/2},
+                {[{bingo, bango}], fun test_bad_opts/2},
+                {[12], fun test_bad_opts/2},
+                {[true], fun test_bad_opts/2}
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+lru_limits_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Test LRU limits",
+        {foreachx,
+            fun(Opts) -> ets_lru:start_link(lru, Opts) end,
+            fun(_, Cfg) -> stop_lru(Cfg) end,
+            [
+                {[{max_objects, 25}], fun test_limits/2},
+                {[{max_size, 1024}], fun test_limits/2},
+                {[{max_lifetime, 100}], fun test_limits/2}
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+lru_match_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Test match functions",
+        {foreach,
+            fun() -> ets_lru:start_link(test_lru, []) end,
+            fun stop_lru/1,
+            [
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    {
+                        "Empty match",
+                        ?_assertEqual([], ets_lru:match(LRU, a, '$1'))
+                    }
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    ets_lru:insert(LRU, b, {x, y}),
+                    {
+                        "Single match",
+                        ?_assertEqual([[x, y]],
+                            ets_lru:match(LRU, b, {'$1', '$2'}))
+                    }
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    ets_lru:insert(LRU, boston, {state, "MA"}),
+                    ets_lru:insert(LRU, new_york, {state, "NY"}),
+                    Values = ets_lru:match(LRU, '_', {state, '$1'}),
+                    {
+                        "Multiple match",
+                        ?_assertEqual([["MA"],["NY"]], lists:sort(Values))
+                    }
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    {
+                        "Empty match_object",
+                        ?_assertEqual([], ets_lru:match_object(LRU, a, '$1'))
+                    }
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    ets_lru:insert(LRU, ans, 42),
+                    [{
+                        "Single match_object (registered)",
+                        ?_assertEqual([42],
+                            ets_lru:match_object(test_lru, ans, '$1'))
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Single match_object (pid)",
+                        ?_assertEqual([42],
+                            ets_lru:match_object(LRU, ans, '$1'))
+                    }]
+                end,
+                fun({ok, LRU}) ->
+                    ets_lru:insert(LRU, {color, blue}, a),
+                    ets_lru:insert(LRU, {color, red}, b),
+                    Values = ets_lru:match_object(LRU, {color, '_'}, '_'),
+                    {
+                        "Multiple match_object",
+                        ?_assertEqual(lists:sort(Values), [a, b])
+                    }
+                end
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+test_good_opts(Opts, {ok, LRU}) ->
+    Msg = io_lib:format("LRU created ok with options: ~w", [Opts]),
+    {lists:flatten(Msg), ?_assert(is_pid(LRU))};
+test_good_opts(Opts, ErrorMsg) ->
+    Msg = io_lib:format("LRU created ok with options: ~w", [Opts]),
+    {lists:flatten(Msg), ?_assertEqual(ok, ErrorMsg)}.
+test_bad_opts([Opts], {error,{bad_return_value,{invalid_option,Opts2}}}) ->
+    Msg = io_lib:format("LRU failed with bad options: ~w", [Opts]),
+    {lists:flatten(Msg), ?_assertEqual(Opts, Opts2)}.
+test_limits([{max_objects, N}], {ok, LRU}) ->
+    {
+        "Max object count ok",
+        ?_assert(insert_kvs(size, LRU, 100 * N, N))
+    };
+test_limits([{max_size, N}], {ok, LRU}) ->
+    {
+        "Max size ok",
+        ?_assert(insert_kvs(memory, LRU, 10 * N, N))
+    };
+test_limits([{max_lifetime, N}], {ok, LRU}) ->
+    [
+        {
+            "Expire leaves new entries",
+            ?_test(begin
+                ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
+                ?assertEqual({ok, bar}, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+            end)
+        },
+        {
+            "Entry was expired",
+            ?_test(begin
+                timer:sleep(round(N * 1.5)),
+                ?assertEqual(not_found, ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo))
+            end)
+        }
+    ].
+insert_kvs(_, _, 0, _) ->
+    true;
+insert_kvs(Info, LRU, Count, Limit) ->
+    ets_lru:insert(LRU, Count, 1.5234),
+    case ets:info(lru_objects, Info) > Limit of
+        true -> erlang:error(exceeded_limit);
+        false -> true
+    end,
+    insert_kvs(Info, LRU, Count - 1, Limit).
+stop_lru({ok, LRU}) ->
+    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, LRU),
+    ets_lru:stop(LRU),
+    receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, LRU, Reason} -> Reason end;
+stop_lru({error, _}) ->
+    ok.
diff --git a/test/tutil.erl b/test/tutil.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf154b..0000000
--- a/test/tutil.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-    run/2,
-    with_lru/1
-run(Plan, Fun) ->
-    etap:plan(Plan),
-    case (catch Fun()) of
-        ok ->
-            etap:end_tests();
-        Error ->
-            Msg = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Error: ~p", [Error])),
-            etap:bail(Msg)
-    end.
-with_lru(Fun) ->
-    {ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(test_lru, []),
-    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, LRU),
-    try
-        Fun(LRU)
-    after
-        ets_lru:stop(LRU),
-        receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, LRU, _} -> ok end
-    end.

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