Author: buildbot
Date: Tue Jul  8 08:47:13 2014
New Revision: 915457

Production update by buildbot for cxf


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 Tue Jul  8 08:47:13 2014
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+<p>&#160;</p><p>CXF already supports a wide range of authentication and 
authorization approaches. Unfortunately they are all configured differently and 
do not integrate well with each other.</p><p>So the idea is to create one 
standardized authentication / authorization flow in CXF where the modules can 
then fit in. There are a lot of security frameworks out there that could be 
used as a basis for this. The problem is though that each framework&#160; (like 
Shiro or Spring Security) uses its own mechanisms which are not standardized. 
So by choosing one framework we would force our users to depend on 
this.</p><p>The best standardized security framework in java is JAAS. It is 
already included in Java and most security frameworks can be hooked into it. So 
let&#180;s investigate what we could do with JAAS.</p><h2 
 using JAAS</h2><p>JAAS authentication is done by creating a LoginContext and 
doing a login on
  it. Things to configure is the name of the login config and the Callback 
Handlers. So CXF needs mechanisms for the user to set the config name and needs 
to provide CallBackHandlers to supply credentials.</p><h2 
 needs to supply different data to identify the users depending on the chosen 
authentication variant.</p><p>Basic Auth: username and password from HTTP 
header</p><p>WS-Security UserNameToken: Username and password from SOAP 
header</p><p>Spnego: Kerberos token from HTTP header</p><p>HTTPS client cert: 
Certificate information</p><p>We could simply detect what information is 
provided and configure the Callbackhandlers for each variant.</p><h2 
configuration</h2><p>The JAAS configuration is supplied differently depending 
on the runtime CXF runs in.</p><p>Standalone: For standalone usage the JAAS 
config can simply come from 
 a file.</p><p>Servlet Container: Not sure. Is there a standard approach for 
this?</p><p>Apache Karaf: Karaf already provides a JAAS integration so we just 
have to configure the JAAS config name and supply a suitable config in 
 Role and User information</h2><p>JAAS stores identity information in the JAAS 
subject. The method getPrincipals returns Principal objects which can be users, 
roles or even other identity information. To differentiate between roles and 
users there are two common approaches.</p><ol><li>different Classes like a 
UserPrincipal or RolePrincipal. Unfortunately there are no standard 
interfaces</li><li>prefixes. So for example roles start with role- . Again 
there is no standard</li></ol><h2 
 has very diverse requirements. So we need to make sure we integrate well with 
 approaches.</p><p>Generally the idea is to base the Authorization on the JAAS 
login data. After a JAAS login the JAAS subject can be retrieved in a standard 
way:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+<script class="theme: Default; brush: java; gutter: false" 
type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[AccessControlContext acc = 
+Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(acc);]]></script>
+</div></div><p>So the idea is that we provide certain default authorization 
variants that rely on the above to retrieve authentication information in a 
standardized way. So authorization is nicely decoupled from authentication and 
fully standards based.</p><p>This then also provides a nice interface for users 
or other frameworks to access authentication information and provide custom 
authorization variants.</p><h2 
 Authorization Variants</h2><h3 
annotations</h3><p>Java EE provides some standard annotations like 
@RolesAllowed. We can provide an interceptor that reads the annotations of 
serivce impls and provides authorization like in a JEE container.</p><h3 
id="StandardizedAuthentication/Authorization-XACMLPEP">XACML PEP</h3><p>An 
XACML policy enforcement point can retrieve the JAAS login data and do 
authorization against an XACML Policy D
 ecision Point (PDP).</p><h3 
 role based OSGi service Authorization</h3><p>Karaf 3 already supports 
authorization on the OSGi service level and uses JAAS for authentication. So if 
we do a JAAS login in CXF and the service impl code calls an OSGi service then 
the Karaf role based securtiy should already work out of the box.</p><h2 
integration</h2><p>Ideally we should integrate the new authentication / 
authorization model in a way that enable the user to switch on authentication 
for the karaf server without specific configurations in the user bundles that 
implement the services.</p><p>So we could have a config setting for the CXF 
OSGi servlet to enable JAAS authentication and set a JAAS config. This would 
then enable authentication for all services using the named JAAS config from 
karaf. We could then also switch on the annotaion
  based authorization. So users could leverage this for their service by just 
supplying the annotations and doing no other configs on the service 
level.</p><p>A further approach would be to let the user configure named 
features on the CXF servlet level (which are then retrieved as OSGi services). 
So the user can even attach his own extensions on the server level like for 
ecxample integrating a custom XACML PEP.</p><h2 
id="StandardizedAuthentication/Authorization-Problems">Problems</h2><p>Doing a 
full JAAS login requires to use subject.doAs to populate the 
AcessControlContext. This is not possible in a CXF interceptor as the 
interceptor only works on a message but can not call the next interceptor for 
doAs. So the question is where to do the JAAS login and the 
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