Repository: deltaspike
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master ebb24accd -> 716640903

DELTASPIKE-1187 Introduce basic docs for entity graphs.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 716640903c6c5af89c2b1bb5842b05eabb245f10
Parents: ebb24ac
Author: John D. Ament <>
Authored: Thu Oct 27 21:09:44 2016 -0400
Committer: John D. Ament <>
Committed: Thu Oct 27 21:09:44 2016 -0400

 documentation/src/main/asciidoc/data.adoc | 15 +++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)
diff --git a/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/data.adoc 
index 00dffa9..fc7cc5d 100644
--- a/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/data.adoc
+++ b/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/data.adoc
@@ -927,6 +927,21 @@ result of the list, or else `empty()`.
 Queries returning `Stream<T>` act as a simple wrapper for 
`query.getResultList().stream()` to give back the results.
+=== Entity Graphs
+EntityGraphs are a feature added in JPA 2.1.  The Data module supports entity 
graphs for query operations, where the results
+will be limited based on a defined graph.  This feature is only available if 
you are using a JPA 2.1 implementation.
+`@EntityGraph` can be used for either `fetch` or `load` operations, depending 
on the `EntityGraphType` used in the annotation.  Most queries should use the 
`FETCH` option.
+==== Named Graphs
+Entity graphs can be selected by name.  A `@NamedEntityGraph` should be 
defined already within your persistence context to leverage this.  When this 
graph is referenced on a repository method, it will be applied to the query.
+==== Dyanmically built graphs
+If you want to dynamically build a graph, you can do that via the `paths` 
attribute of the annotation.  The paths specified will be added as graph nodes. 
 Each graph node will be used in the select.  The format is the full path to 
the property, based on the property names.
 == Transactions
 If you call any method expression, `@Query`-annotated method or a method

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