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-    "title": "Install Drill",
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-    "title": "Configuring Drill Memory",
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-    "title": "Configuring User Impersonation with Hive Authorization",
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-    "title": "Ports Used by Drill",
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-    "title": "Drill Default Input Format",
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-    "title": "File System Storage Plugin",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Developing an Aggregate Function",
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-    "title": "Apache Drill Contribution Ideas",
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-    "title": "Compiling Drill from Source",
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-    "title": "Drill Patch Review Tool",
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-    "title": "Drill Introduction",
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-    "title": "Why Drill",
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-    "title": "Installing Drill in Distributed Mode",
-    "parent": "Install Drill",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/distributed-mode-prerequisites/",
-    "title": "Distributed Mode Prerequisites",
-    "parent": "Installing Drill in Distributed Mode",
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-    "parent": "Installing Drill in Distributed Mode",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/install/"
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-    "title": "Starting Drill in Distributed Mode",
-    "parent": "Installing Drill in Distributed Mode",
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-    "title": "Starting the Web Console",
-    "parent": "Install Drill",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/install/"
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-    "title": "Embedded Mode Prerequisites",
-    "parent": "Installing Drill in Embedded Mode",
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-    "title": "Installing Drill on Linux and Mac OS X",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Starting Drill on Linux and Mac OS X",
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-    "title": "Starting Drill on Windows",
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-    "title": "Modify logback.xml",
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-    "title": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
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-    "title": "Testing the ODBC Connection",
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-    "title": "Installing the Driver on Linux",
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-    "title": "Installing the TDC File on Windows",
-    "parent": "Installing the ODBC Driver",
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-    "title": "Drill Explorer Introduction",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Connecting Drill Explorer to Data",
-    "parent": "Using Drill Explorer",
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-    "title": "Tableau Examples",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/using-microstrategy-analytics-with-apache-drill/",
-    "title": "Using MicroStrategy Analytics with Apache Drill",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
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-    "url": "/docs/using-tibco-spotfire-desktop-with-drill/",
-    "title": "Using Tibco Spotfire Desktop with Drill",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/configuring-tibco-spotfire-server-with-drill/",
-    "title": "Configuring Tibco Spotfire Server with Drill",
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-    "url": "/docs/using-qlik-sense-with-drill/",
-    "title": "Using Qlik Sense with Drill",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
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-    "url": "/docs/using-apache-drill-with-tableau-9-desktop/",
-    "title": "Using Apache Drill with Tableau 9 Desktop",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/using-apache-drill-with-tableau-9-server/",
-    "title": "Using Apache Drill with Tableau 9 Server",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
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-    "url": "/docs/configuring-jreport-with-drill/",
-    "title": "Configuring JReport with Drill",
-    "parent": "Using Drill with BI Tools",
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-    "title": "Partition Pruning",
-    "parent": "Performance Tuning",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/performance-tuning/"
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-    "title": "Optimizing Parquet Metadata Reading",
-    "parent": "Performance Tuning",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/choosing-a-storage-format/",
-    "title": "Choosing a Storage Format",
-    "parent": "Performance Tuning",
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-    "title": "Sort-Based and Hash-Based Memory-Constrained Operators",
-    "parent": "Query Plans and Tuning",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Enabling Query Queuing",
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-    "title": "Controlling Parallelization to Balance Performance with 
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-    "title": "Querying a File System",
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-    "title": "Querying Complex Data",
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-    "title": "Querying the INFORMATION SCHEMA",
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-    "title": "Querying System Tables",
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-    "title": "Monitoring and Canceling Queries in the Drill Web Console",
-    "parent": "Query Data",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying a File System Introduction",
-    "parent": "Querying a File System",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying JSON Files",
-    "parent": "Querying a File System",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying Parquet Files",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying Plain Text Files",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying Directories",
-    "parent": "Querying a File System",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying Sequence Files",
-    "parent": "Querying a File System",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Querying Complex Data Introduction",
-    "parent": "Querying Complex Data",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Sample Data: Donuts",
-    "parent": "Querying Complex Data",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Selecting Flat Data",
-    "parent": "Querying Complex Data",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Using SQL Functions, Clauses, and Joins",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Selecting Nested Data for a Column",
-    "parent": "Querying Complex Data",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/selecting-multiple-columns-within-nested-data/",
-    "title": "Selecting Multiple Columns Within Nested Data",
-    "parent": "Querying Complex Data",
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-    "title": "Apache Drill 1.2.0 Release Notes",
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-    "title": "Apache Drill M1 Release Notes (Apache Drill Alpha)",
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-    "title": "AOL Search",
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-    "title": "Enron Emails",
-    "parent": "Sample Datasets",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/sample-datasets/"
-    "url": "/docs/wikipedia-edit-history/",
-    "title": "Wikipedia Edit History",
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-    "title": "SQL Reference Introduction",
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-    "title": "Date, Time, and Timestamp",
-    "parent": "Data Types",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Handling Different Data Types",
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-    "title": "Nested Data Limitations",
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-    "title": "FLATTEN",
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-    "title": "REPEATED_COUNT",
-    "parent": "Nested Data Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "REPEATED_CONTAINS",
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-    "title": "CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS)",
-    "parent": "SQL Commands",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/sql-reference/sql-commands/"
-    "url": "/docs/partition-by-clause/",
-    "title": "PARTITION BY Clause",
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-    "title": "CASE",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "About SQL Function Examples",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Math and Trig",
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-    "title": "Data Type Conversion",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Date/Time Functions and Arithmetic",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "String Manipulation",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Aggregate and Aggregate Statistical",
-    "parent": "SQL Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/functions-for-handling-nulls/",
-    "title": "Functions for Handling Nulls",
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-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "SQL Window Functions Introduction",
-    "parent": "SQL Window Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    "title": "Aggregate Window Functions",
-    "parent": "SQL Window Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/ranking-window-functions/",
-    "title": "Ranking Window Functions",
-    "parent": "SQL Window Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/value-window-functions/",
-    "title": "Value Window Functions",
-    "parent": "SQL Window Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/sql-window-functions-examples/",
-    "title": "SQL Window Functions Examples",
-    "parent": "SQL Window Functions",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/tutorials-introduction/",
-    "title": "Tutorials Introduction",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/tutorials/"
-    "url": "/docs/drill-in-10-minutes/",
-    "title": "Drill in 10 Minutes",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/tutorials/"
-    "url": "/docs/analyzing-the-yelp-academic-dataset/",
-    "title": "Analyzing the Yelp Academic Dataset",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/learn-drill-with-the-mapr-sandbox/",
-    "title": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/tutorials/"
-    "url": "/docs/analyzing-highly-dynamic-datasets/",
-    "title": "Analyzing Highly Dynamic Datasets",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/tutorials/"
-    "url": "/docs/analyzing-social-media/",
-    "title": "Analyzing Social Media",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": "_docs/tutorials/"
-    "url": "/docs/analyzing-data-using-window-functions/",
-    "title": "Analyzing Data Using Window Functions",
-    "parent": "Tutorials",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/about-the-mapr-sandbox/",
-    "title": "About the MapR Sandbox",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/installing-the-apache-drill-sandbox/",
-    "title": "Installing the Apache Drill Sandbox",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/getting-to-know-the-drill-sandbox/",
-    "title": "Getting to Know the Drill Sandbox",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/lesson-1-learn-about-the-data-set/",
-    "title": "Lesson 1: Learn about the Data Set",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/lesson-2-run-queries-with-ansi-sql/",
-    "title": "Lesson 2: Run Queries with ANSI SQL",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/lesson-3-run-queries-on-complex-data-types/",
-    "title": "Lesson 3: Run Queries on Complex Data Types",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
-    "url": "/docs/summary/",
-    "title": "Summary",
-    "parent": "Learn Drill with the MapR Sandbox",
-    "relative_path": 
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-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-  <Project rdf:about="";>
-    <created>2015-01-04</created>
-    <license rdf:resource=""; />
-    <name>Apache Drill</name>
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-    <asfext:pmc rdf:resource=""; />
-    <shortdesc>A distributed SQL MPP for Hadoop and NoSQL</shortdesc>
-    <description>Apache Drill is a distributed MPP query layer that supports 
SQL and alternative query languages against NoSQL and Hadoop data storage 
systems. It was inspired in part by Google's Dremel.</description>
-    <bug-database rdf:resource=""; 
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-    <programming-language>Java</programming-language>
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-    <release>
-      <Version>
-        <name>0.7.0</name>
-        <created>2014-12-23</created>
-        <revision>0.7.0</revision>
-      </Version>
-    </release>
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-        <location rdf:resource="git://"/>
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-      </GitRepository>
-    </repository>
-    <maintainer>
-      <foaf:Person>
-        <foaf:name>Jacques Nadeau</foaf:name>
-          <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
-      </foaf:Person>
-    </maintainer>
-  </Project>

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