This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

ovilia pushed a change to branch feat-colorBy
in repository

    from 95c870b  feat(colorBy): provide option.colorBy #13731
     add 4369d36  fix(axis): when category axis max is greater than data length
     add ee3cfa9  fix(axis): simplify logic
     add e4f197a  fix(axis): improve logic
     add 399297f  fix(typo): fix comment typo
     add e4f4f3a  Merge pull request #13793 from xiaohp/patch-1
     add 1ddd1f7  fix: fix formatter not work when valueAnimation: true.
     add f218a44  fix: fix that category value become undefined when init 
animation when valueAnimation: true.
     add a40a3eb  ts: remove some any.
     add cd8881d  fix: label formatter string should be able to use {@dimName} 
and {@[dimIndex]} to reference interpolated value.
     add ab9aa43  fix: when label animation is not finished, start a new label 
animation, the label should not jump the the last final value.
     add 4d7ba95  fix: tweak code style.
     add f765b20  Merge pull request #13792 from apache/fix/label-valueAnimation
     add 51499a7  Fix(tooltip.borderColor): consider tooltipModel borderColor
     add 4fe2bd0  Merge pull request #13771 from susiwen8/toooltip-borderColor
     add d0ab638  Merge branch 'master' into feat-colorBy
     add d0ba772  fix: fix code brought in #13771
     add edf0c8e  Merge pull request #13816 from apache/fix/tooltip-last
     add 9846f04  fix: fix that label animation restart when bar realtimeSort 
change bar orders.
     add 43853e6  Merge pull request #13817 from apache/fix/bar-race-20201215
     add 116758f  fix(bar-race): fix default categorySortInfo value bug
     add 9ca68da  fix(types): add missing `number` type for line series, 
resolves #13815.
     add 0cf9dd4  Merge pull request #13823 from apache/fix-smooth-type
     add 4174861  fix(svg): fix charts cannot be exported in svg renderer in IE.
     add 5e07fa7  fix(lint): fix some format and unused var issues checked by 
     add e281ee1  fix(toolbox): supprot for downloading exported svg file in 
     add e51f486  Merge branch 'master' of into fix-svg-export
     add b6a3891  test: add test case ie-svg-export.html.
     add a3a0e45  Revert "fix(lint): fix some format and unused var issues 
checked by eslint."
     add 177f1fc  fix(toolbox): remove outer link and fix issues for new edge 
with chromium core.
     add eb9341c  Merge pull request #13732 from apache/fix-svg-export
     add cde4060  chore: update keywords, description, homepage information and 
add bugs field in package.json.
     add ee55885  chore: update repository field in package.json.
     add 94bc97a  Merge pull request #13863 from apache/keywords
     add bf8918f  Fix typo in comment (#13885)
     add 2da9ff7  fix(heatmap): heatmap cannot be rendered in geo coordinate 
system with a large data.
     add eca59fa  refact: make components installable
     add 042ded6  fix: not install directly to avoid installed twice.
     add e56b7cd  refact: fix bugs caused by the refactor. export types
     add b6b6edd  delete useless jshintrc
     add 8588f3a  refact: export adjust. a new way for partially import
     add 663be67  refact: remove all register code with side effects
     add 9a6f148  refact: export partial options in dts.
     add ce05d25  chore: upgrade ts version to 4.1
     add 0ba218e  fix renderer entry
     add a6abfdb  chore: update esbuild version to fix build error
     add 9f65b06  refact(ts): only one params is needed in ComposeOption
     add 7ad6e1e  fix(type): test exported types in more strict mode.
     add 507c0ae  ts: add dependencies in ComposeOption
     add ad8f240  chore: not mangle internal chunk. optimize dts output
     add 0c681a1  chore: remove support of 3.4.0
     add 9a4dc9b  chore: switch back to for esm entries.
     add 9a28262  fix: add dependencies in graph/heatmap series.
     add b469e56  fix: still delete inner properties in getOption
     add 04f3448  chore: first class esm export.
     add 5f72e8f  chore: fix cjs module import may bundle all codes bug.
     add afe669a  chore: add legendPlain. the original legend contains 
     add 845207b  chore: update rollup plugins
     add 3054d8b  chore: fix error in visual test after updated plugin
     add b4e0080  fix: fix radar not exported bug
     add 0d323dd  Merge branch 'master' into treeshakable-exports
     add e26e4f2  merge change from the master
     add db48b20  fix: fix parallel action not work bug
     add 6e38bc5  add todo mark comments
     add 273d963  chore: remove cjs modules. change to esm format in the lib 
     add 10357d3  chore: only depends on echarts/lib/echarts on theme and i18n
     add 450f493  refact: put all core modules in the core dir. only do export 
in lib/echarts
     add 8381506  tweak error log comments.
     add 4aaeb52  chore: fix typo in sideEffects
     add 9f41ab7  fix(type): fix ComposeOption may derive wrong type
     add 1d09ccd  fix(type): fix type errors
     add 5b5000c  fix(type): fix dependency not work in ComposeOption
     add e39b010  comment: add comment to explain the fix.
     add f5f5b7a  fix(type): fix type error caused by nullable in strict mode
     add 13e10ab  fix(ts): simplify ComposeOption check to have more friendly 
error message.
     add f4e628d  fix(type): fix baseOption and options type wrong in 
     add e7ac6d1  fix: fix candlestick color to 5.0 theme
     add 00f3767  fix: remove default borderColor
     add b2ebb6b  Merge pull request #13916 from apache/fix/candlestick-color
     add b6ce190  ts: fix ut type since getModel set to private.
     add 0818e65  fix: (1) series data should not inherit its parents detected 
dimensions, because the detected dimensions might be based on different 
`seriesLayoutBy`. (2) data-transform should fill back the detected dimensions 
to this result data, so that the downstream series can use the data in 
`seriesLayoutBy: 'row'`. (3) fix #13915 (caused by 1).
     add 928cf6a  test: add the missing UT.
     add bad5ffc  Merge pull request #13930 from apache/fix/legend-auto
     add 469fd04  Merge branch 'master' into treeshakable-exports
     add 0fc80c7  Merge pull request #13890 from apache/treeshakable-exports
     add b4121f9  Merge branch 'master' into fix/heatmap
     add ba71158  Merge pull request #13901 from apache/fix/heatmap
     add cc021d5  fix: typo in comment (#13933)
     add dd74d64  fix(bar-race): fix when no oldOrder
     add dd07f52  Merge pull request #13898 from apache/feat-bar-race
     add 40b4c84  chore: simplify build script. add type checking in husky
     add 1b96136  chore: remove jshint in github workflow
     add 28cb926  chore: add extension build in release
     add 4bb1eb4  chore: add license in bundled file
     add 9797dff  Merge pull request #13949 from apache/improve-build
     add 2d7e98c  fix(Gauge): pointer.offsetCenter doesn't work without icon 
     add 29ad6e4  Merge pull request #13966 from apache/fix-13962
     add 9a4ffa2  fix: (1) Enable gauge detail value animation again. (Broken 
by some previous commit) (2) Some restrict and clarify of the parameters of 
method `getFormattedLabel`: Before:         extendParams?: 
Partial<CallbackDataParams> After:         extendParams?: {             
interpolatedValue: InterpolatableValue         } Because: 1. this feature is 
only used in value animation case. 2. `CallbackDataParam` is only about the 
internal logic in one of the implementation of the inte [...]
     add 3ed5076  Merge pull request #13968 from apache/fix/gauge-formatter
     add c50c8c4  fix(loading): showLoading aligin center
     add ea90c58  feature(loading) support fontFamily/fontWeight/fontStyle
     add ef3165c  add font test of loading
     add 9dd3e6d  Merge pull request #13972 from apache/fix-13892
     add 3452fa2  Fix(tooltip.textStyle): fix color not working
     add 22d943f  text(tooltip.textStyle): add text case
     add 0ab0756  chore: remove useless comments
     add 7afc470  Merge branch 'master' into pr/13848
     add 927298d  chore: add font weight for tooltip value name
     add 028ffd3  Fix: tooltip text style font size unit
     add 68b7fab  Merge pull request #13848 from susiwen8/tooltip-textStyle
     add 6d4fe65  fix: fix unexpected global name usage #13983.
     add 3ff93e5  chore: remove node and browser env in linting rules
     add 6636e4d  Merge pull request #13984 from 
     add 938da28  refact: remove registerWhenExtend, add ability for class 
extend in extension.
     add 0b14e06  refact: adjust exports.
     add 3565db3  chore: no sourcemap in lib
     add 490ff8f  fix: fix unexpected sideeffects in extension
     add 24ab3e0  expose more helper functions to extension
     add 4383b3d  feat: add state opt in createTextStyle export
     add 575ad72  Merge pull request #13982 from apache/no-register-when-extend
     add 49f471b  Fix(tooltip): 'findEventDispatcher' should add  
'returnFirstMatch'  for tooltip
     add 21c7ae7  fix(endLabel): emphasis values
     add d3f5f4d  fix(endLabel): padding does not need to be set
     add ab04a8d  Merge pull request #13896 from apache/fix-endLabel
     add c4bcc97  Merge branch 'master' into marker-tooltip
     add c2ab332  Fix: add missing params for 'findEventDispatcher'
     add 3e3ef0b  Merge pull request #13992 from susiwen8/marker-tooltip
     add 9a85475  fix: if a bar element is totally clipped (marked as 
`el.ignore: true`), place the element at the edge of the coordinate system 
bounding rect with width/height 0. Because if data changed and the element show 
again, the transition animation of this element will start at this place.
     add 2a1bad2  fix: realtimeSort: + When base axis is x, the initial sort 
should not be different from the subsequent sort. + Remove the transition 
animation of the baseAxis init state to the first sorted state. + Fix that 
throw error when series data does not cover all axis category. + Fix some 
incorrect logic like:     + BarView sortMap input param     + 
OrdinalScale['scale']     + OrdinalScale['getTicks'] + Simplify and clarify the 
params `sortInfo` of action "changeAxisOrder".      [...]
     add 6586c99  Merge pull request #13994 from apache/fix/bar-race
     add fc536d2  Fix: add missing params for 'findEventDispatcher'
     add 3f2f5f3  Merge pull request #13997 from fajiaopaopao/fix-13921
     add c9da1c9  fix(toolbox): use current device pixel ratio by default for 
exporting crisp and clear images.
     add d38168e  Merge pull request #14002 from apache/fix-export-dpr
     add 7435f71  doc: update repo name as TLP (#14003)
     add 49c9829  test: migrate to ecSimpleTransition and ecSimpleOptionPlayer.
     add 68621c5  Merge pull request #14054 from 
     add a635274  Merge pull request #13998 from apache/master
     add b9c6b64  doc: update repo name as TLP (#14005)
     add 03c823a  fix(data): fix wrong data fetch when appendData with 
     add bf0e836  Merge pull request #14006 from 
     add 6ae9064  doc: remove incubating #14003
     add d0eeb33  Merge pull request #14008 from apache/doc-readme-release
     add 6703594  fix: add back the default tooltip textStyle settings. Without 
those settings, the tooltip text will follow the website settings if user 
specified `tooltip.formatter`, which is not expected.
     add 6ca59ca  Merge pull request #14010 from apache/fix/tooltip_5_0_1
     add cdc8104  release: 5.0.1
     add 39088e9  release: fix echarts version
     add 5bda8a1  release: 5.0.1 (ag)
     add f9896f0  Merge pull request #14020 from apache/release-dev
     add 0e07109  Merge pull request #14062 from apache/release
     add 6c7757a  fix: remove incubating & incubator
     add 392d94d  fix(pie): deprecate series[pie].label.margin #14067
     add 758aa43  Merge branch 'master' of
     add 97db80a  fix: add encode html to avoid xss risk.
     add 5b4a211  Merge pull request #14087 from apache/fix/encodehtml
     add ab12807  fix(pie): pie chart avoidLabelOverlap hides label. close 
     add 9f8340c  Merge pull request #14108 from Nick22nd/fix-13938
     add 5fdf9cf  Fix(handleIcon): icon without 'path://' will block
     add 44fdd3f  Merge pull request #14056 from susiwen8/handlerIcon
     add 1df902b  Fix(pie): labelLine is not hidden in some case
     add 0790ee9  chore: avoid null value access
     add 67a8749  Merge pull request #14017 from susiwen8/labelline
     add 7875fc5  fix: add geo dependencies in map. #14066
     add e65b1d8  Merge pull request #14124 from apache/fix-geo-dep
     add 9fe6263  Fix: endLabel color support 'auto' 'inherit'
     add 08d55f6  chore: endlabel color is string type
     add 3bad840  Merge pull request #14000 from susiwen8/endlabel-color-inherit
     add f5dfa5d  fix(type): optimize event param types
     add 893255e  Merge pull request #14155 from apache/fix-echarts-types
     add 2801c17  Feat: dev-fase use esbuild watch mode
     add 51aab9e  chore: use banner and footer to wrap code
     add cf89ecc  Merge pull request #14177 from susiwen8/esbuild-watch
     add 2b55862  fix(showLoading): #14188 text of loading covered by charts
     add 0b33193  Merge pull request #14191 from apache/fix-14188
     add a89fa16  Merge branch 'master' into feat-colorBy
     add 55290e6  feat: colorBy in all series

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .asf.yaml                                          |      4 +-
 .eslintrc-common.yaml                              |     15 +-
 .github/workflows/nodejs.yml                       |      7 +-
 .gitignore                                         |     15 +-
 .huskyrc                                           |      2 +-
 .jshintrc                                          |     70 -                                    |     11 +-
 DISCLAIMER                                         |     12 -
 NOTICE                                             |      4 +-                                          |     38 +-
 build/build-i18n.js                                |      2 +-
 build/build.js                                     |    240 +-
 build/config.js                                    |    289 +-
 build/dev-fast.js                                  |     69 +-
 build/pre-publish.js                               |    162 +-
 build/progress.js                                  |     62 -
 build/release.js                                   |     81 -
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/charts.d.ts      |      2 +-
 src/chart/lines.ts => build/template/charts.js     |     14 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/components.d.ts  |      2 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/components.js    |      2 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/core.d.ts        |      2 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/core.js          |      2 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/option.d.ts      |      2 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/renderers.d.ts   |      2 +-
 src/global.d.ts => build/template/renderers.js     |      2 +-
 build/testDts.js                                   |     11 +-
 dist/echarts.common.js                             |  91823 ++++++------
 dist/                         |      2 +-
 dist/echarts.common.min.js                         |     25 +-
 dist/echarts.esm.js                                | 113357 +++++++--------
 dist/                            |      2 +-
 dist/echarts.esm.min.js                            |     33 +-
 dist/echarts.js                                    | 135834 +++++++++---------
 dist/                                |      2 +-
 dist/echarts.min.js                                |     25 +-
 dist/echarts.simple.js                             |  67863 +++++----
 dist/                         |      2 +-
 dist/echarts.simple.min.js                         |     25 +-
 dist/extension/bmap.js                             |     38 +-
 dist/extension/                         |      2 +-
 dist/extension/dataTool.js                         |    554 +-
 dist/extension/                     |      2 +-
 extension-src/dataTool/prepareBoxplotData.ts       |      2 +-
 i18n/langDE.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langEN.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langES.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langFI.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langFR.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langJA.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langTH.js                                     |      2 +-
 i18n/langZH.js                                     |      2 +-
 index.d.ts                                         |     14 +-
 package-lock.json                                  |   1493 +-
 package.json                                       |     88 +-
 src/.eslintrc.yaml                                 |      5 +-
 src/action/geoRoam.ts                              |     71 -
 src/chart/bar.ts                                   |     32 +-
 src/chart/bar/BarSeries.ts                         |     17 +-
 src/chart/bar/BarView.ts                           |    373 +-
 src/chart/bar/PictorialBarSeries.ts                |      7 +-
 src/chart/bar/PictorialBarView.ts                  |      4 +-
 src/chart/bar/install.ts                           |     79 +
 .../installPictorialBar.ts}                        |     18 +-
 src/chart/boxplot.ts                               |     12 +-
 src/chart/boxplot/BoxplotSeries.ts                 |     16 +-
 src/chart/boxplot/BoxplotView.ts                   |      4 +-
 src/chart/boxplot/boxplotVisual.ts                 |      2 +-
 src/chart/boxplot/{boxplotVisual.ts => install.ts} |     18 +-
 src/chart/boxplot/prepareBoxplotData.ts            |      2 +-
 src/chart/candlestick.ts                           |     14 +-
 src/chart/candlestick/CandlestickSeries.ts         |     33 +-
 src/chart/candlestick/CandlestickView.ts           |      4 +-
 .../chart/candlestick/install.ts                   |     26 +-
 src/chart/custom.ts                                |   2765 +-
 src/chart/{custom.ts => custom/install.ts}         |     72 +-
 src/chart/effectScatter.ts                         |     10 +-
 src/chart/effectScatter/EffectScatterSeries.ts     |      8 +-
 src/chart/effectScatter/EffectScatterView.ts       |      6 +-
 .../boxplotVisual.ts => effectScatter/install.ts}  |     15 +-
 src/chart/funnel.ts                                |     12 +-
 src/chart/funnel/FunnelSeries.ts                   |      8 +-
 src/chart/funnel/FunnelView.ts                     |      4 +-
 src/chart/funnel/funnelLayout.ts                   |      2 +-
 .../toolbox.ts => chart/funnel/install.ts}         |     19 +-
 src/chart/gauge.ts                                 |      6 +-
 src/chart/gauge/GaugeSeries.ts                     |      8 +-
 src/chart/gauge/GaugeView.ts                       |     40 +-
 src/chart/{lines.ts => gauge/install.ts}           |     16 +-
 src/chart/graph.ts                                 |     30 +-
 src/chart/graph/GraphSeries.ts                     |     21 +-
 src/chart/graph/GraphView.ts                       |      4 +-
 src/chart/graph/createView.ts                      |      2 +-
 src/chart/graph/graphAction.ts                     |     57 -
 src/chart/graph/install.ts                         |     91 +
 src/chart/graph/simpleLayout.ts                    |      2 +-
 src/chart/heatmap.ts                               |      7 +-
 src/chart/heatmap/HeatmapSeries.ts                 |     11 +-
 src/chart/heatmap/HeatmapView.ts                   |     14 +-
 src/chart/{lines.ts => heatmap/install.ts}         |     16 +-
 src/chart/helper/createGraphFromNodeEdge.ts        |      2 +-
 src/chart/helper/createListFromArray.ts            |      7 +-
 src/chart/helper/labelHelper.ts                    |      7 +-
 src/chart/line.ts                                  |     20 +-
 src/chart/line/LineSeries.ts                       |     14 +-
 src/chart/line/LineView.ts                         |     54 +-
 src/chart/{line.ts => line/install.ts}             |     32 +-
 src/chart/lines.ts                                 |     11 +-
 src/chart/lines/LinesSeries.ts                     |     10 +-
 src/chart/lines/LinesView.ts                       |      4 +-
 .../gulpfile.js => src/chart/lines/install.ts      |     25 +-
 src/chart/map.ts                                   |     17 +-
 src/chart/map/MapSeries.ts                         |      9 +-
 src/chart/map/MapView.ts                           |     43 +-
 src/chart/{line.ts => map/install.ts}              |     29 +-
 src/chart/parallel.ts                              |      9 +-
 src/chart/parallel/ParallelSeries.ts               |      8 +-
 src/chart/parallel/ParallelView.ts                 |      4 +-
 .../gulpfile.js => src/chart/parallel/install.ts   |     23 +-
 src/chart/pictorialBar.ts                          |     17 +-
 src/chart/pie.ts                                   |     16 +-
 src/chart/pie/PieSeries.ts                         |     19 +-
 src/chart/pie/PieView.ts                           |     11 +-
 .../changeAxisOrder.ts => chart/pie/install.ts}    |     40 +-
 src/chart/pie/labelLayout.ts                       |     18 +-
 src/chart/pie/pieLayout.ts                         |      2 +-
 src/chart/radar.ts                                 |     16 +-
 src/chart/radar/RadarSeries.ts                     |      8 +-
 src/chart/radar/RadarView.ts                       |      4 +-
 .../gulpfile.js => src/chart/radar/install.ts      |     27 +-
 src/chart/sankey.ts                                |     13 +-
 src/chart/sankey/SankeySeries.ts                   |     22 +-
 src/chart/sankey/SankeyView.ts                     |     11 +-
 src/chart/sankey/{sankeyAction.ts => install.ts}   |     44 +-
 src/chart/sankey/sankeyLayout.ts                   |      2 +-
 src/chart/scatter.ts                               |     13 +-
 src/chart/scatter/ScatterSeries.ts                 |     12 +-
 src/chart/scatter/ScatterView.ts                   |      6 +-
 .../gulpfile.js => src/chart/scatter/install.ts    |     24 +-
 src/chart/sunburst.ts                              |     16 +-
 src/chart/sunburst/SunburstPiece.ts                |      2 +-
 src/chart/sunburst/SunburstSeries.ts               |     10 +-
 src/chart/sunburst/SunburstView.ts                 |      5 +-
 .../sunburst/install.ts}                           |     45 +-
 src/chart/sunburst/sunburstAction.ts               |    132 +-
 src/chart/sunburst/sunburstLayout.ts               |      2 +-
 src/chart/themeRiver.ts                            |     13 +-
 src/chart/themeRiver/ThemeRiverSeries.ts           |      8 +-
 src/chart/themeRiver/ThemeRiverView.ts             |      5 +-
 src/chart/{boxplot.ts => themeRiver/install.ts}    |     20 +-
 src/chart/themeRiver/themeRiverLayout.ts           |      2 +-
 src/chart/tree.ts                                  |     13 +-
 src/chart/tree/TreeSeries.ts                       |     12 +-
 src/chart/tree/TreeView.ts                         |      4 +-
 benchmark/gulpfile.js => src/chart/tree/install.ts |     26 +-
 src/chart/tree/layoutHelper.ts                     |      2 +-
 src/chart/tree/treeAction.ts                       |     69 +-
 src/chart/tree/treeLayout.ts                       |      2 +-
 src/chart/treemap.ts                               |     13 +-
 src/chart/treemap/Breadcrumb.ts                    |      2 +-
 src/chart/treemap/TreemapSeries.ts                 |     24 +-
 src/chart/treemap/TreemapView.ts                   |      4 +-
 .../gulpfile.js => src/chart/treemap/install.ts    |     25 +-
 src/chart/treemap/treemapAction.ts                 |     54 +-
 src/chart/treemap/treemapLayout.ts                 |      2 +-
 src/component/aria.ts                              |     58 +-
 .../aria/install.ts}                               |     19 +-
 src/component/aria/preprocessor.ts                 |      4 +-
 src/component/axis/AngleAxisView.ts                |     11 +-
 src/component/axis/AxisBuilder.ts                  |      2 +-
 src/component/axis/AxisView.ts                     |      2 +-
 src/component/axis/CartesianAxisView.ts            |      9 +-
 src/component/axis/ParallelAxisView.ts             |      5 +-
 src/component/axis/RadiusAxisView.ts               |      2 +-
 src/component/axis/SingleAxisView.ts               |      4 +-
 src/component/axis/parallelAxisAction.ts           |     48 +-
 src/component/axisPointer.ts                       |     50 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/AxisPointer.ts           |      2 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/AxisPointerModel.ts      |      2 +
 src/component/axisPointer/AxisPointerView.ts       |      4 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/BaseAxisPointer.ts       |      2 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/CartesianAxisPointer.ts  |      5 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/PolarAxisPointer.ts      |      5 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/SingleAxisPointer.ts     |      5 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/axisTrigger.ts           |      2 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/globalListener.ts        |      2 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/install.ts               |     71 +
 src/component/axisPointer/modelHelper.ts           |      2 +-
 src/component/axisPointer/viewHelper.ts            |      2 +-
 src/component/brush.ts                             |     16 +-
 src/component/brush/BrushModel.ts                  |      7 +-
 src/component/brush/BrushView.ts                   |      4 +-
 src/component/brush/brushAction.ts                 |     71 -
 src/component/brush/install.ts                     |     90 +
 src/component/brush/visualEncoding.ts              |      8 +-
 src/component/calendar.ts                          |      7 +-
 src/component/calendar/CalendarView.ts             |      4 +-
 .../component/calendar/install.ts                  |     23 +-
 src/component/dataZoom.ts                          |      7 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/AxisProxy.ts                |      2 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/DataZoomModel.ts            |      2 +
 src/component/dataZoom/DataZoomView.ts             |      4 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/InsideZoomModel.ts          |      3 -
 src/component/dataZoom/InsideZoomView.ts           |      5 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/SelectZoomModel.ts          |      3 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/SelectZoomView.ts           |      3 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/SliderZoomModel.ts          |      3 -
 src/component/dataZoom/SliderZoomView.ts           |     10 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/dataZoomAction.ts           |     26 +-
 src/component/dataZoom/dataZoomProcessor.ts        |     13 +-
 .../{legendScroll.ts => dataZoom/install.ts}       |     18 +-
 .../dataZoom/installCommon.ts}                     |     25 +-
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