Repository: flex-sdk
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/develop af1749fa4 -> 96c064e6b

ant script to generate release candidates for the sdk


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: b88b3452a1029b7966d1f91f9f0b4942423ac529
Parents: af1749f
Author: Alex Harui <>
Authored: Tue Aug 12 12:52:05 2014 -0700
Committer: Alex Harui <>
Committed: Tue Aug 12 12:52:05 2014 -0700

 releasecandidate.xml | 463 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 463 insertions(+)
diff --git a/releasecandidate.xml b/releasecandidate.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ac156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasecandidate.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<project name="CreateFlexSDKReleaseCandidate" default="main" basedir=".">
+    <!-- Required for OSX 10.6 / Snow Leopard Performance. -->
+    <!-- Java 7 on Mac requires OSX 10.7.3 or higher and is 64-bit only -->
+    <!-- local.d32 is set/used in so this needs to be done 
first. -->
+    <condition property="local.d32" value="-d32">
+        <and>
+            <os family="windows"/>
+            <equals arg1="${}" arg2="64"/>
+            <equals arg1="${os.arch}" arg2="x86_64"/>
+            <equals arg1="${}" arg2="1.6"/>
+        </and>
+    </condition>
+    <condition property="isMac" value="mac">
+        <os family="mac" />
+    </condition>
+    <condition property="isWindows" value="windows">
+        <os family="windows" />
+    </condition>
+    <condition property="isLinux" value="linux">
+               <and>
+                       <os family="unix" />
+                       <not>
+                               <isset property="isMac" />
+                       </not>
+               </and>
+    </condition>
+       <property name="" value="${basedir}/rat-report.txt"/>
+       <property name="apache.rat.jar" value="apache-rat-0.8.jar" />
+       <property name="apache.rat.tasks.jar" value="apache-rat-tasks-0.8.jar" 
+       <property name="apache.rat.url" 
value=""; />
+       <property file="${basedir}/" />
+       <property file="${basedir}/" />
+    <property environment="env"/>
+       <condition property="do.copy.downloads" >
+               <isset property="download.cache.dir" /> 
+       </condition>
+    <condition property="CRLF" value="%0D%0A">
+        <isset property="isWindows" />
+    </condition>
+    <property name="CRLF" value="%0A" />
+    <fail message="The property is not set to the RM's name"
+    unless=""/>
+    <fail message="The ANT_HOME environment variable is not set."
+        unless="env.ANT_HOME"/>
+       <available file="${}"
+               type="dir" 
+               property="" value="${}" />
+       <fail message="The property is not set to the working copy 
+        unless=""/>
+       <available file="${}"
+               type="dir" 
+               property="site" value="${}" />
+       <fail message="The property is not set to the working copy for";
+        unless="site"/>
+       <available file="${env.AIR_HOME}"
+               type="dir" 
+               property="AIR_HOME" value="${env.AIR_HOME}" />
+    <fail message="The AIR_HOME property is not set in environment or 
+        unless="AIR_HOME"/>
+    <available file="${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}"
+        type="dir"
+        property="PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME" value="${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}" />
+    <fail message="The PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME property is not set in environment or 
+        unless="PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME"/>
+    <available file="${env.FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER}"
+        type="dir"
+        property="FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER" value="${env.FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER}" />
+    <available file="${env.FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER}"
+        type="file"
+        property="FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER" value="${env.FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER}" />
+    <fail message="The FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER property is not set in environment 
or command-line."
+        unless="FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER"/>
+    <available file="${env.ProgramFiles}/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe"
+               type="file"
+               property="browser" value="${env.ProgramFiles}/Mozilla 
Firefox/firefox.exe" />
+    <available file="${env.ProgramFiles(x86)}/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe"
+               type="file"
+               property="browser" value="${env.ProgramFiles}/Mozilla 
Firefox/firefox.exe" />
+    <available file="/Applications/"
+               type="file"
+               property="browser" 
value="/Applications/" />
+    <available file="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/${apache.rat.jar}"
+        type="file"
+        property="apache.rat.found"/>
+    <available file="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/${apache.rat.tasks.jar}"
+        type="file"
+        property="apache.rat.tasks.found"/>
+    <fail message="Could not locate Firefox.  Please specify a browser with
+    -Dbrowser=&lt;path-to-browser&gt;"
+        unless="browser"/>
+    <available file="${env.ProgramFiles}/SlikSVN/bin/svn.exe"
+               type="file"
+               property="svn" value="${env.ProgramFiles}/SlikSVN/bin/svn.exe" 
+    <available file="${env.ProgramFiles(x86)}/SlikSVN/bin/svn.exe"
+               type="file"
+               property="svn" value="${env.ProgramFiles}/SlikSVN/bin/svn.exe" 
+    <available file="/opt/subversion/bin/svn"
+               type="file"
+               property="svn" value="/opt/subversion/bin/svn" />
+    <fail message="Could not locate SVN command-line.  Please specify the path 
to SVN with
+    -Dsvn=&lt;path-to-svn&gt;"
+        unless="svn"/>
+    <available file="${env.ProgramFiles}/Git/bin/git.exe"
+               type="file"
+               property="git" value="${env.ProgramFiles}/Git/bin/git.exe" />
+    <available file="${env.ProgramFiles(x86)}/Git/bin/git.exe"
+               type="file"
+               property="git" value="${env.ProgramFiles}/Git/bin/git.exe" />
+    <available file="/usr/local/git/bin/git"
+               type="file"
+               property="git" value="/usr/local/git/bin/git" />
+    <fail message="Could not locate Git command-line.  Please specify the path 
to Git with
+    -Dgit=&lt;path-to-git&gt;"
+        unless="git"/>
+    <available file="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/${apache.rat.jar}"
+        type="file"
+        property="apache.rat.found"/>
+    <available file="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/${apache.rat.tasks.jar}"
+        type="file"
+        property="apache.rat.tasks.found"/>
+    <fail message="Could not locate Firefox.  Please specify a browser with
+    -Dbrowser=&lt;path-to-browser&gt;"
+        unless="browser"/>
+    <fail message="The release candidate number is not set.  Specify 
-Drc=&lt;rc number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc)&gt;"
+    unless="rc"/>
+       <xmlproperty 
semanticAttributes="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
+       <property name="release.installer" value="${config.version.latest}" />
+       <!-- clip build number from version -->
+       <echo 
+       <replaceregexp byline="true">
+               <regexp pattern="\.[0-9]*$"/>
+               <substitution expression=""/>
+               <fileset dir="${basedir}">
+                       <include name=""/>
+               </fileset>
+       </replaceregexp>
+       <property file="" />
+       <echo>latest installer is ${latest.installer}</echo>
+       <delete file="" />
+       <target name="install-rat" 
depends="install-rat.jar,install-rat.tasks.jar" />
+       <target name="install-rat.jar" unless="apache.rat.found">
+               <get src="${apache.rat.url}/${apache.rat.jar}" 
dest="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/${apache.rat.jar}" />
+       </target>
+       <target name="install-rat.tasks.jar" unless="apache.rat.tasks.found">
+               <get src="${apache.rat.url}/${apache.rat.tasks.jar}" 
dest="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/${apache.rat.tasks.jar}" />
+       </target>
+    <target name="rat-taskdef" description="Rat taskdef">
+        <typedef resource="org/apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml"
+        uri="antlib:org.apache.rat.anttasks"
+        classpathref="anttask.classpath"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="main" depends="install-rat,credentials" description="Perform 
required release approval steps">
+               <antcall target="check-new-version" />
+               <exec executable="${git}" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="pull" />
+                       <arg value="--rebase" />
+               </exec>
+               <antcall target="stage.rc" />
+               <antcall target="push.rc" />
+       </target>
+       <target name="stage.rc" >
+               <ant antfile="build.xml" target="release" />
+               <ant antfile="build.xml" target="asdoc-package" />
+               <ant antfile="build.xml" target="create-md5" />
+               <ant antfile="build.xml" target="sign" />
+               <ant antfile="build.xml" target="doc-create-md5" />
+               <ant antfile="build.xml" target="doc-sign" />
+               <mkdir 
dir="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}/binaries" />
+               <mkdir 
dir="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}/doc" />
+               <copy todir="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}" >
+                       <fileset dir="${basedir}/out" >
+                               <include 
name="apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}-src*" />
+                       </fileset>
+               </copy>
+               <copy 
todir="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}/binaries" >
+                       <fileset dir="${basedir}/out" >
+                               <include 
name="apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}-bin*" />
+                       </fileset>
+               </copy>
+               <copy 
todir="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}/doc" >
+                       <fileset dir="${basedir}/out" >
+                               <include 
name="apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}-asdoc*" />
+                       </fileset>
+               </copy>
+               <copy file="${basedir}/README" 
tofile="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}/READme" />
+               <copy file="${basedir}/ApproveSDK.xml" 
tofile="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}/ApproveSDK.xml" />
+               <copy file="${basedir}/apache-flex-sdk-installer-config.xml" 
+       </target>
+       <target name="push.rc" >
+               <exec executable="${svn}" dir="${}/flex/sdk" 
failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="add" />
+                       <arg 
value="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}/rc${rc}" />
+               </exec>
+               <exec executable="${svn}" dir="${}/flex/sdk" 
failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="commit" />
+                       <arg value="--username" />
+                       <arg value="${apache.username}" />
+                       <arg value="--password" />
+                       <arg value="${apache.password}" />
+                       <arg value="-m" />
+                       <arg value="rc${rc} of Apache Flex SDK 
${release.version}" />
+               </exec>
+               <exec executable="${git}" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="tag" />
+                       <arg value="-a" />
+                       <arg value="apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}-rc${rc}" 
+                       <arg value="-m" />
+                       <arg value="&quot;rc${rc} of 
apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}&quot;" />
+               </exec>
+               <exec executable="${git}" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="push" />
+                       <arg value="--tags" />
+               </exec>
+               <antcall target="update-installer-config" />
+               <antcall target="mail" />
+    </target>
+       <target name="credentials" depends="get-username,get-password">
+               <echo>${apache.username}</echo>
+               <echo>${apache.password}</echo>
+       </target>
+       <target name="get-username" unless="apache.username" >
+        <input
+        message="Enter Apache account username:"
+        addproperty="apache.username"/>
+        <condition property="have.username">
+                       <not>
+                               <equals trim="true" arg1="" 
+                       </not>
+        </condition>
+               <fail message="The apache.username property is not set.  It 
should be the username for Apache SVN and Git."
+                       unless="have.username"/>
+       </target>
+       <target name="get-password" unless="apache.password" >
+        <input
+        message="Enter Apache account password:"
+        addproperty="apache.password"/>
+        <condition property="have.password">
+                       <not>
+                               <equals trim="true" arg1="" 
+                       </not>
+        </condition>
+               <fail message="The apache.password property is not set.  It 
should be the password for Apache SVN and Git."
+                       unless="have.password"/>
+       </target>
+       <target name="update-installer-config" >
+               <exec executable="${svn}" dir="${site}" failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="update" />
+                       <arg 
value="trunk/content/installer/sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml" />
+               </exec>
+        <replaceregexp byline="true">
+            <regexp pattern="rc id=&quot;FlexSDKRC&quot; 
file=&quot;apache-flex-sdk-.*-bin&quot; dev=&quot;true&quot;"/>
+            <substitution expression="rc id=&quot;FlexSDKRC&quot; 
version=&quot;${release.version} RC${rc}&quot; 
 file=&quot;apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}-bin&quot; dev=&quot;true&quot;"/>
+            <fileset dir="${site}/trunk/content/installer">
+                <include name="sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </replaceregexp>
+               <!-- un-comment if needed -->
+        <replaceregexp byline="true">
+            <regexp pattern="&lt;!--&lt;rc 
+            <substitution expression="&lt;rc id=&quot;FlexSDKRC&quot;\1&gt;"/>
+            <fileset dir="${site}/trunk/content/installer">
+                <include name="sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </replaceregexp>
+       </target>
+       <target name="temp" >
+               <exec executable="${svn}" dir="${site}" failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="commit" />
+                       <arg value="--username" />
+                       <arg value="${apache.username}" />
+                       <arg value="--password" />
+                       <arg value="${apache.password}" />
+                       <arg value="-m" />
+                       <arg value="&quot;update sdk-installer-config-4.0 for 
flex sdk ${release.version} rc${rc}&quot;" />
+               </exec>
+               <!-- pause to give buildbot chance to react -->
+               <sleep seconds="5" />
+               <get src=""; 
username="${apache.username}" password="${apache.password}" 
dest="${basedir}/getresult.txt" />
+               <delete file="${basedir}/getresult.txt" />
+       </target>
+       <target name="check-new-version" description="check if svn folder needs 
to be added" >
+               <condition property="version.folder" 
value="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}" >
+                       <not>
+                               <available 
file="${}/flex/sdk/${release.version}" />
+                       </not>
+               </condition>
+               <antcall target="add-version-folder" />
+       </target>
+       <target name="add-version-folder" description="adds svn folder if 
needed" if="version.folder" >
+               <mkdir dir="${version.folder}" />
+               <exec executable="${svn}" dir="${}/flex/sdk" 
failonerror="true" >
+                       <arg value="add" />
+                       <arg value="${version.folder}" />
+               </exec>
+       </target>
+    <target name="mail" >
+        <!-- try to set line breaks before the vertical line            | -->
+        <echo 
file="${basedir}/">discuss.thread.body=This is the 
discussion thread.\n\
+Changes in this RC include:\n\
+        <replace file="${basedir}/">
+            <replacefilter token=" " value="%20" />
+            <replacefilter token="\n" value="${CRLF}" />
+        </replace>
+        <property file="${basedir}/" />
+        <!-- try to set line breaks before the vertical line            | -->
+        <echo file="${basedir}/">vote.thread.body=Hi,\n\
+This is a Apache Flex SDK ${release.version} release candidate ${rc}.\n\
+Please see the RELEASE_NOTES and the README.\n\
+There is a known bug in Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 and 4.7 that causes an issue 
when creating new applications. Adobe has provided a workaround for FB 4.7 but 
not for 4.6.\n\
+The release candidate can be found here;\n\
+The binary distributions as a convenience for the respective platforms, are 
available here:\n\
+The most convenient way to use the binary package is to install it via Ant or 
the Installer. To use an Installer you must use InstallApacheFlex version 3.1 
or later.   You can get the latest InstallApacheFlex here:\n\
+Before voting please review the section, 'What are the ASF requirements on 
approving a release?', at:\n\
+At a minimum you would be expected to check that:\n\
+    - MD5 and signed packages are correct\n\
+    - README, RELEASE_NOTES, NOTICE and LICENSE files are all fine\n\
+    - That you can compile from source package\n\
+    - That the SDK can be used in your IDE of choice\n\
+    - That the SDK can be used to make a mobile, desktop and browser 
+When testing please check the md5 and asc files and make sure that the source 
can be compiled.\n\
+Please vote to approve this release:\n\
+    +1 Approve the release\n\
+    -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments to why)\n\
+This vote will be open for 72 hours or until a result can be called.\n\
+The vote passes if there is:\n\
+    - At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC\n\
+    - More positive votes than negative votes\n\
+If you find an issue with the release that's a 'show stopper' please don't 
hold off voting -1. If someone votes -1 please continue testing as we want to 
try and catch as many issues as we can and cut down on the number of release 
candidates. Remember existing voters can change their vote during the voting 
+People who are not in PMC are also encouraged to test out the release and 
vote, although their votes will not be binding, they can influence how the PMC 
+When voting please indicate what OS, IDE, Flash Player version and AIR version 
you tested the SDK with.\n\
+Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread not this 
VOTE thread.\n\
+For your convenience, there issues an Ant script in the RC folder that 
automates the checks a voter should perform on the RC.  It will:\n\
+    - download the default source package for your OS (use -Dpackage.suffix to 
+    - run md5 and gpg checks (this assumes you have gpg installed in your 
+    - uncompress the source package\n\
+    - install and run rat\n\
+    - display the rat report and ask you to verify\n\
+    - display the rat report without the AL files and ask you to verify the 
non-AL files\n\
+    - display the README and ask you to verify\n\
+    - display the RELEASE_NOTES and ask you to verify\n\
+    - display the NOTICE and ask you to verify\n\
+    - display the LICENSE and ask you to verify\n\
+    - run the build and any tests run by the build.\n\
+You should be able to go away for a while during the build.  When it is 
finished, it will display information to be copied into the vote thread.\n\
+You are not required to use this script, and more testing of the packages and 
build results are always encouraged.\n\
+To use this script (assuming you have Ant installed), it should be as simple 
+    - Create an empty folder\n\
+    - Download ApproveSDK.xml into that folder from:\n\
+    - Run: ant -e -f ApproveSDK.xml -Drelease.version=${release.version} 
+        <replace file="${basedir}/">
+            <replacefilter token=" " value="%20" />
+            <replacefilter token="\n" value="${CRLF}" />
+        </replace>
+        <property file="${basedir}/" />
+        <echo file="${basedir}/votethread.html">&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;a 
 here to review discuss thread&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;a 
 here to review vote thread&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</echo>
+        <makeurl file="${basedir}/votethread.html" property="vote.thread.url" 
+        <exec executable="${browser}">
+            <arg value="${vote.thread.url}" />
+        </exec>
+               <delete file="${basedir}/" />
+               <delete file="${basedir}/votethread.html" />
+               <delete file="${basedir}/" />
+    </target>

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