diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bc1fb..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1344 +0,0 @@
-setTool() {
-  if [ ${VALTOOL:-none} == "none" ]
-  then
-    useDebug=1
-    VALTOOL="--tool=$2"
-  else
-    WARN "Tool has already been specified, ignoring -$1 option."
-  fi
-showSettings() {
-  if [ $testFileTotal -eq 0 ]
-  then
-    usage "No test files have been specified."
-  fi
-  if [ $useDebug -eq 1 ]
-  then
-    LOG "Will use debug libraries for test."
-  fi
-  if [ $unicastLocator -eq 1 ]
-  then
-         LOG "Will use unicast locator for topic resolution."
-  fi
-  if [ ${VALTOOL:-none} != "none" ]
-  then
-    LOG "Will use $VALTOOL with valgrind."
-    if [ "${toolClients:-none}" != "none" ]
-    then
-      LOG "Will use valgrind only with clients: $toolClients." 
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [ "${toolClients:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-         LOG "Will use valgrind with clients: $toolClients." 
-  fi
-  if [ "${POOLOPT:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-         LOG "Will use pool scheme with clients: $POOLOPT." 
-  fi
-  if [ $testFileTotal -gt 1 ]
-  then
-    LOG "Will process $testFileTotal test files."
-  else
-    LOG "Will process $testFileTotal test file."
-  fi
-  if [ $runIters -gt 1 ]
-  then
-    LOG "Will execute $runIters test iterations per test file."
-  else
-    LOG "Will execute $runIters test iteration per test file."
-  fi
-  if [ $timeLimit -gt 0 ]
-  then
-    LOG "Run will be limited to $timeLimit seconds."
-  fi
-  DEBUG "Using framework build in $fwkbuild"
-usage() {
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "Problem executing script: $script"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  $1"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "Usage:   path_to_script/$script [ options as explained below ] [ hosts 
to run on ]"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "The options are: ( at least one of these must be specified )"
-  LOG "  -x test_xml -- xml file containing test, this can be specified more 
than once"
-  LOG "  -l test_list -- file containing a list of test files, this can be 
specified more than once"
-  LOG "  Any combination of these two options are allowed."
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  Optionally any of:"
-  LOG "  -W <windows build location>"
-  LOG "  -L <linux build location>"
-  LOG "  -S <solaris build location>"
-  LOG "    These locations must be specified as: host:path_to_build"
-  LOG "    For example:   tiny:/export/tiny1/users/tkeith/built/current"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  Optionally one of:"
-  LOG "  -D -- use debug build"
-  LOG "  -M -- use valgrind with memcheck to do memory checking"
-  LOG "  -C -- use valgrind with cachegrind to do cache profiling"
-  LOG "  -H -- use valgrind with massif to do heap profiling"
-  LOG "  -P -- use valgrind with callgrind to do function call profiling"
-  LOG "  -R -- use to upload the regression results into database table"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  Optionally:"
-  LOG "  -V path_to_valgrind -- location where valgrind is installed,"
-  LOG "         defaults to /gcm/where/cplusplus/perftools/valgrind"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  Optionally any of:"
-  LOG "  -r <n>  -- run test files n number of times, the default is once"
-  LOG "  -u -- use a unicast locator, default is to use multicast for topic 
-  LOG "  -t n -- use the valgrind tool with this client, default is all 
clients, use multiple times to specify multple clients"
-  LOG "  -d <path> -- directory to use as cwd when starting test"
-  LOG "  -X <time_string> -- maximum amount of time for entire test run to run 
-  LOG "  -N -- no execute mode, this exercises the framework, but clients do 
not run the task, they just return success"
-  LOG "  -h <file_containing_host_name> -- hosts to use in test"
-  LOG "  -m mail_address -- email address to send results of run to, can be 
specified multiple times"
-  LOG "  -o options_file -- file containing commandline options"
-  LOG "  -I -- do not copy the framework build before running tests"
-  LOG "  -k -- do not start the dialog killer on windows"
-  LOG "  -p [poolwithlocator/poolwithendpoints] -- to start the test with pool 
using locatorEndpoint/serverEndpoints"
-  LOG "  host list -- optional list of hosts to use in test, default is 
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  If no hosts are specified, all clients will be started on the local 
-  LOG "  Hosts may be specified more than once on the command line."
-  LOG "  If the number of hosts is greater than the number of clients 
specified in the xml, one client per host will be started."
-  LOG "  If the xml specifies more clients than the number of hosts on the 
command line, the hosts will be used for multiple clients."
-  LOG "  Hosts will be selected for use round robin from the list on the 
command line."
-  LOG ""
-  LOG "  The script uses the path information to find other components it 
-  LOG "  so the script must remain with the rest of the build results,"
-  LOG "  and the location of the script should not be part of the PATH 
environment variable,"
-  LOG "  and so the script should be invoked with a path prepended to the 
script, even if it is just ./runDriver"
-  LOG ""
-  LOG ""
-  terminate
-##  while getopts ":IDMCHPkuNx:l:r:t:V:L:S:W:X:h:m:d:o:" op
-#-I -- do not copy the framework build before running tests
-#-D -- use debug build
-#-M -- use valgrind with memcheck
-#-C -- use valgrind with cachegrind
-#-H -- use valgrind with massif
-#-P -- use valgrind with callgrind
-# at least one of the next two arguments are REQUIRED
-#-x <xml file> -- xml file containing test to run
-#-l <file containing names of xml files> -- list of xml files to run
-#-r <n>  -- run test suite n number of times, the default is once, as if -r 1 
was specified
-#-u -- use a unicast locator, default is to use multicast for topic resolution
-#-t n -- use the valgrind tool with this client, use 0 to indicate Driver 
-#-k -- do not start the dialog killer on windows
-#-L <host>:<build_location> -- location of linux build to use for test
-#-S <host>:<build_location> -- location of solaris build to use for test
-#-W <host>:<build_location> -- location of windows build to use for test
-#-V valgrind_location  -- location where valgrind is installed
-#-h <file_containing_host_name> -- hosts to use in test
-#-m mail_address -- email address to send results of run to, can be specified 
multiple times
-#-d test_directory -- directory to use as base directory during test run
-#-X <time_string> -- maximum amount of time for entire test run to run in
-#-N -- tells Clients to not run tasks, just return success to Driver
-#-o options_file -- file containing commandline options 
-#host list -- optional list of hosts to use in test, default is localhost
-processArgs() {
-  local scnt=0
-  local OPTIND=1
-  while getopts ":IDMCHPRkuNx:l:r:t:V:L:S:W:X:h:m:d:o:p:s" op
-  do
-    case $op in
-      ( "I" ) useInplace=1 ;;
-      ( "D" ) useDebug=1 ;;
-      ( "s" )
-              TESTSTICKY="ON" 
-              ;;
-      ( "M" ) setTool $op memcheck
-        VALGRINDOPTS="--gen-suppressions=yes --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes 
--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=med"
-      ;;
-      ( "C" ) setTool $op cachegrind ;;
-      ( "H" ) setTool $op massif 
-        VALGRINDOPTS="--dump-instr=yes --depth=10 --collect-jumps=yes"
-          ;;
-      ( "P" ) setTool $op callgrind
-        #  VALGRINDOPTS="--separate-threads=yes --dump-instr=yes 
-        VALGRINDOPTS="--dump-instr=yes --collect-jumps=yes"
-      ;;
-      ( "W" ) ((scnt++))
-        cygBuild=$OPTARG
-      ;;
-      ( "L" ) ((scnt++))
-        linBuild=$OPTARG
-      ;;
-      ( "S" ) ((scnt++))
-        sunBuild=$OPTARG
-      ;;
-      ( "V" ) ((scnt++)) ; VALGRIND_INSTALL=$OPTARG ;;
-      ( "R" ) uploadDatabase=1 ;;
-      ( "X" ) ((scnt++)) ; runLimit=$OPTARG ;;
-      ( "x" ) ((scnt++)) ; clXmls="$clXmls $OPTARG" ; clTests="$clTests 
-      ( "l" ) ((scnt++)) ; clLists="$clLists $OPTARG" ; clTests="$clTests 
-      ( "r" ) ((scnt++))
-        case $OPTARG in 
-          ( [0-9]* ) runIters=$OPTARG ;;
-          ( * ) ;;
-        esac ;;
-      ( "u" ) unicastLocator=1 ;;
-      ( "k" ) noDialog=0 ;;
-      ( "t" ) ((scnt++)) ; toolClients="$toolClients $OPTARG" ;;
-      ( "d" ) ((scnt++)) ; DIRNAM=$OPTARG ;;
-      ( "p" ) ((scnt++)) ; 
-        poolopt=$OPTARG
-        if [ "${poolopt:-none }" != "none" ]
-        then
-          if [ "$poolopt" == "poolwithendpoints" ]
-          then
-            POOLOPT="$poolopt"
-          elif [ "${poolopt}" == "poolwithlocator" ]
-          then
-            POOLOPT="poolwithlocator"
-          fi
-        fi
-       ;;                                      
-      ( "m" ) ((scnt++)) ; mailAddrs="${mailAddrs} $OPTARG" ;;
-      ( "o" ) ((scnt++))
-        fil=$OPTARG
-        if [ -f $fil ]
-        then
-        for nam in `cat $fil | ${AWK:-awk} '{gsub(/#.*$/, ""); print}' | grep 
-e "-"`
-          do
-            xargs="$xargs $nam"
-          done
-          processArgs $xargs
-        fi
-      ;;
-      ( "h" ) ((scnt++))
-        fil=$OPTARG
-        if [ -f $fil ]
-        then
-          for nam in `cat $fil`
-          do
-            HOSTS="$HOSTS $nam"
-          done
-        fi
-      ;;
-      ( "N" ) noExecTasks=1 ;;
-      ( * ) WARN "Unknown argument provided: -$OPTARG, ignoring." ;;
-    esac
-    ((scnt++))
-  done
-  while [ $scnt -gt 0 ]
-  do
-    shift
-    ((scnt--))
-  done
-  if [ "${POOLOPT:- }" == " " ]
-  then
-   if [ ${num:-none } == "none" ]
-   then   
-     random 0 1 num
-   fi   
-   #LOG "num = $num"
-   if [ $num -eq 1 ]
-   then
-      POOLOPT="poolwithlocator"
-    else
-      POOLOPT="poolwithendpoints"
-   fi
-  fi
-  #LOG "pool is set as $POOLOPT" 
-  #LOG "TestSticky is set as $TESTSTICKY"
-  HOSTS="$HOSTS $*"
-processGroups() {
-  if [ "${HOSTS:- }" == " " ]
-  then
-  fi
-  ## Scan HOSTS var looking for group tag
-  rm -rf hosts
-  mkdir hosts
-  for entry in $HOSTS
-  do
-    ## FwkClientSet::m_defaultGroup is defined as "DEFAULT", so we need to use 
it here
-    echo $entry | tr ":" " " | ${AWK:-awk} '{if ( NF == 1 ) print "DEFAULT", 
$1 ; else print $1, $2 }' > hst_tmp
-    read grp ahost < hst_tmp
-    fhost=`nslookup $ahost 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-    echo $fhost >> hosts/$grp
-    new_hosts="$new_hosts $fhost"
-  done
-  rm -f hst_tmp
-  HOSTS="$new_hosts"
-  LOG "Commandline hosts are: $HOSTS"
-  export UHOSTS=`for nam in $HOSTS; do echo $nam; done | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '`
-clearVars() {
-  ## Clear some values to be set by commandline args
-  export useInplace=0
-  export useDebug=0
-  export uploadDatabase=0
-  export runIters=1
-  export noExecTasks=0
-  export unicastLocator=0
-  export toolClients=
-  export testList=
-  export clXmls=
-  export clLists=
-  export clTests=
-  export rawTestList=
-  export HOSTS=
-  export hostnames=
-  export mailAddrs=
-  export runLimit=
-  export timeLimit=0
-  export noDialog=1
-  export DIRNAM=$PWD
-  export cygBuild=
-  export linBuild=
-  export sunBuild=
-  export testFileTotal=0
-  export VALTOOL=
-  export VALCMD=
-  export POOLOPT= 
-  export TESTSTICKY=
-  export username=
-  export passwrd=
-  export hosts=
-  export vmnames=
-  export isvmotion=false
-  export vminterval=0
-  LOG "TESTSTICKY value inside clearVars is $TESTSTICKY"
-runLatestProp() {
-  ## executing for fatching latest java properties
-  #LCP_PATH="$fwkbuild/framework/lib/javaobject.jar:$GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar"
-  gcmdir=`echo $JAVA_HOME | sed 's/where.*/where/'` # gcmdir = 
/export/gcm/where or /gcm/where
-  LCP_PATH="$fwkbuild/framework/lib/javaobject.jar"
-  TESTDB_PATH="$fwkbuild/framework/lib/testdb.jar"
-  MYSQLCONN_PATH="$gcmdir/java/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar"
-  SERVERDEP="$GEMFIRE/lib/server-dependencies.jar"
-  if type -p cygpath >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-   LCP_PATH="`cygpath -p -m "$LCP_PATH"`"
-   TESTDB_PATH="`cygpath -p -m "$TESTDB_PATH"`"
-   MYSQLCONN_PATH="`cygpath -p -m "$MYSQLCONN_PATH"`"
-   SERVERDEP="`cygpath -p -m "$SERVERDEP"`"
-  else 
-  fi
-  echo $JAVA_HOME -cp "$LCP_PATH" javaobject.LatestProp > $PWD/latest.prop
-  ${JAVA_HOME} -cp "$LCP_PATH" javaobject.LatestProp > $PWD/latest.prop
-setLocations() {
-  chdir `dirname $fullscript`
-  local adir=$PWD  # absolute path
-  chdir -
-  adir=`dirname $adir`  # absolute path
-  fwkbuild=`dirname $adir`  # absolute path
-  export fwkdir=$fwkbuild/framework 
-handleRestart() {
-  if [ ${DRIVER_RESTART:-no} == "no" ]
-  then
-    export DRIVER_RESTART="yes"
-    if [ ${LOGPREFIX:-none} == "none" ]
-    then
-      export LOGPREFIX=`date +'%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'`
-    fi
-    mkdir -p $DIRNAM/$LOGPREFIX
-    rm -f ../latest
-    ln -s $PWD ../latest
-    export BASEDIR=$PWD 
-    INITLOG $PWD/runDriver.log
-    if [ $useInplace -eq 0 ]
-    then
-      LOG "Copying framework build to $PWD/buildfwk"
-      rsync -rLq --exclude=docs --exclude=examples --exclude=vsd --delete 
$fwkbuild/product $fwkbuild/framework $fwkbuild/hidden buildfwk/
-      LOG "Restarting script from copied framework directory ..."
-      exec $PWD/buildfwk/framework/scripts/$script $cmdline
-    fi
-  fi ## driver restart
-verifyTestFiles() {
-  local testSpecErrors=0
-  rawTestList=$clXmls
-  for nam in $clLists
-  do
-    fil=""
-    if [ -f $fwkdir/xml/$nam ]
-    then
-      fil=$fwkdir/xml/$nam
-    fi
-    if [ ${fil:-none} != "none" ]
-    then
-      for tst in `cat $fil | ${AWK:-awk} '{gsub(/#.*$/, ""); print}'`
-      do
-        rawTestList="$rawTestList $tst"
-      done
-    else
-      ERROR "List file: $nam could not be found in \"$fwkdir/xml\""
-      ((testSpecErrors++))
-    fi
-  done
-  testFileTotal=0
-  for nam in $rawTestList
-  do
-    if [ -f $fwkdir/xml/$nam ]
-    then
-      testList="$testList $nam"
-      ((testFileTotal++))
-    else
-      ERROR "Test file: $nam could not be found in $fwkdir/xml"
-      ((testSpecErrors++))
-    fi
-  done
-  if [ $testSpecErrors -ne 0 ]
-  then
-    ERROR "Failure near line $LINENO of $0"
-    ERROR "Found $testSpecErrors error(s) when parsing your -x and -l options, 
please verify the paths to your xml files" 
-    terminate 
-  fi
-logTests() {
-  LOG "Tests/Lists specified on the command line:"
-  for nam in $clTests
-  do
-    LOG "    $nam"
-  done
-  LOG "Resulted in these tests being selected to run:"
-  cnum=0
-  for nam in $testList
-  do
-    ((cnum++))
-    LOG "    $cnum  $nam"
-  done
-miscDriverSetup() {
-  # Where are we?
-  currdir=`pwd`
-  mkdir -p envs
-  if [ $noDialog -eq 1 -a "$myOS" == "CYG" ]
-  then
-    windowsDialogKiller $$ > windowsDialogKiller.log 2>&1 &
-    windowsDialogKillerPid=$!
-    LOG "Launched windowsDialogKiller $windowsDialogKillerPid"
-  fi
-  for fil in ../*.env ../ ../ 
../gfcpp.*license ../
-  do
-    if [ -f $fil ]
-    then
-      cp $fil .
-      if [ "${fil}" == "../gfcpp.env" ]
-      then
-        source $fil
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  if [ $useDebug -eq 1 ]
-  then
-    export dp="/debug"
-  else
-    export dp=""
-  fi
-  export GFE_INSTALL="/export/gcm/where/cplusplus/thirdparty/linux/gfe/product"
-  if [ ${VALTOOL:-none} != "none" ]
-  then
-  else
-    VALCMD=
-  fi
-  if [ ${VALGRIND_INSTALL:-none} == "none" ]
-  then
-    VALGRIND_INSTALL="/export/gcm/where/cplusplus/perftools/valgrind320"
-  fi 
-  ## content of envs/extra_env
-  echo -n "export UHOSTS=\"$UHOSTS\" ; " > envs/extra_env
-  for var in ${!GF*}
-  do
-    echo -n "export $var=\"${!var}\" ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  done
-  echo -n "export VALGRIND_INSTALL=$VALGRIND_INSTALL ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  echo -n "export VALCMD=\"$VALCMD\" ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  echo -n "export toolClients=\"$toolClients\" ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  echo -n "export driverHost=$GF_FQDN ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  echo -n "export POOLOPT=$POOLOPT ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  echo -n "export TESTSTICKY=$TESTSTICKY ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  if [ $noExecTasks -eq 0 ]
-  then
-    echo -n "export ne=' ' ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  else
-    echo -n "export ne='-N' ; " >> envs/extra_env
-  fi
-  vp=
-  vl=
-  vcmd=
-  contains 0 $toolClients
-  if [ -d $valLoc -a $RETVAL == 1 ]  ## Use valgrind on Driver
-  then
-    vp=$valLoc/bin
-    vl=$valLoc/lib
-    vcmd="$VALCMD"
-  fi
-  fp=$fwkbuild/framework
-  hp=$fwkbuild/hidden
-  pp=$fwkbuild/product
-  export 
-  export 
-  case $myOS in
-    ( "CYG" ) 
-      if [ ${cygBuild:-none} == "none" ]
-      then
-        cygBuild=$GF_IPADDR:$fwkbuild
-      fi ;;
-    ( "LIN" ) 
-      if [ ${linBuild:-none} == "none" ]
-      then
-        linBuild=$GF_IPADDR:$fwkbuild
-      fi ;;
-    ( "SUN" ) 
-      if [ ${sunBuild:-none} == "none" ]
-      then
-        sunBuild=$GF_IPADDR:$fwkbuild
-      fi ;;
-    ( * ) usage "This script not ready for use on $OSTYPE"  | tee -a $LOG ;;
-  esac
-  then
-    export GFE_DIR=$GFE_INSTALL
-  fi
-  if [ ${runLimit:-none} != "none" ]
-  then
-    #toSeconds $runLimit
-    timeLimit=`TimeStr $runLimit`
-  fi
-  trap '' ERR
-  ulimit -c unlimited 2> /dev/null
-  ulimit -n `ulimit -Hn` 2> /dev/null
-  trap badcmd ERR
-writeHostSetup() {
-  echo "#!/bin/bash"
-  echo "#set -x"
-  echo "hst=\$1"
-  echo "myOS=\`uname | tr \"cyglinsu\" \"CYGLINSU\" | cut -b1-3\`"
-  echo ""
-  echo "if [ -d \$valLoc ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "  vp=\$valLoc/bin"
-  echo "  vl=\$valLoc/lib"
-  echo "else"
-  echo "  vp="
-  echo "  vl="
-  echo "fi"
-  echo ""
-  echo "unprov=0"
-  echo "if [ -d $BASEDIR ]" 
-  echo "then"
-  echo "  cd $BASEDIR" 
-  echo "else"
-  echo "  unprov=1"
-  echo "  mkdir -p ~/$LOGPREFIX"
-  echo "  cd ~/$LOGPREFIX"
-  echo "fi"
-  echo ""
-  echo "mkdir -p pids"
-  echo "mkdir -p envs"
-  echo "export BASEDIR=\$PWD"
-  echo "export ExtraPATH=\$PATH"
-  echo "export ExtraLibraryPATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
-  echo ""
-  echo "if [ `uname` = \"SunOS\" ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "if [ `uname -p` = \"sparc\" ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "   JAVA_HOME_SUN=/export/gcm/where/jdk/1.7.0_79/sparcv9.Solaris/bin"
-  echo "   export 
-  echo "   export 
-  echo "else"
-  echo "  export 
-  echo "  export 
-  echo "fi"
-  echo "fi"
-  echo ""
-  echo "echo -n \"export BASEDIR=\$BASEDIR \" > envs/\${hst}_tmp" 
-  echo "echo -n \" ; if [ \$myOS == \"CYG\" ] \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; then export BUILDDIR=\\\`cygpath -p -w 
\$BASEDIR/build_\$myOS\\\` \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; else export BUILDDIR=\$BASEDIR/build_\$myOS \" >> 
-  echo "echo -n \" ; fi \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; if [ \$myOS == \"CYG\" ] \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; then export GFCPP=\\\`cygpath -p -w 
\$BASEDIR/build_\$myOS/product\\\` \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; else export GFCPP=\$BASEDIR/build_\$myOS/product \" >> 
-  echo "echo -n \" ; fi \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "fp=\$PWD/build_\$myOS/framework"
-  echo "hp=\$PWD/build_\$myOS/hidden"
-  echo "pp=\$PWD/build_\$myOS/product"
-  #echo "echo -n \" ; export 
 \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; export 
 \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; export 
 \" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; ulimit -c unlimited 2> /dev/null; ulimit -n \`ulimit 
-Hn\` 2> /dev/null\" >> envs/\${hst}_tmp"
-  echo "echo -n \" ; if [ -d \$BASEDIR ] ; then cd \$BASEDIR ; fi ;\" >> 
-  echo "export AWK=\`which nawk 2>/dev/null\`"
-  echo "if [ ! -d build_\$myOS ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "  ls *_BUILD_\$myOS > /dev/null 2>&1"
-  echo "  if [ \$? -ne 0 ]"
-  echo "  then"
-  echo "    touch \${hst}_BUILD_\$myOS"
-  echo "    sleep 3"
-  echo "    fnam=\`ls *_BUILD_\$myOS 2> /dev/null | \${AWK:-awk} '{if ( NR == 
1 ) print \$1;}'\`"
-  echo "    snam=\`basename \$fnam _BUILD_\$myOS\`"
-  echo "    if [ \"\$snam\" == \$hst ]"
-  echo "    then"
-  echo "      echo \"     hostSetup:: \$hst will provision for \`uname\`\""
-  echo "      mkdir build_\$myOS && touch \${hst}_COPY"
-  echo "    fi"
-  echo "  fi"
-  echo "fi"
-  echo ""
-  echo "OK=1"
-  echo "if [ -f \${hst}_COPY ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "  CYGBuild=${cygBuild:-none}"
-  echo "  LINBuild=${linBuild:-none}"
-  echo "  SUNBuild=${sunBuild:-none}"
-  echo "  build_name=\${myOS}Build"
-  echo "  COPY_BUILD=\${!build_name:-none}"
-  echo "  if [ \$COPY_BUILD == \"none\" ]"
-  echo "  then"
-  echo "    OK=0"
-  echo "    echo \"     hostSetup:: ERROR: Build not specified for os: 
-  echo "  else"
-  echo "    rsync -rLqe \"ssh -A -x -q\" --exclude=docs --exclude=examples 
--exclude=vsd \$COPY_BUILD/[fhp]\* build_\$myOS && OK=1"
-  echo "    echo \"     hostSetup:: \${hst}: provisioning for \`uname\` 
-#  echo "  if [ \$myOS == \"CYG\" ]"
-#  echo "  then"
-#  echo "    echo \"     Detected \$myOS : installing SxS dlls\""
-#  echo "#   Work around \"product is already installed\", install then repair"
-#  echo "    msiexec /quiet /log MSI.log /i 
-#  echo "    msiexec /quiet /log MSI_repair.log /fa 
build_\$myOS\\\\framework\\\\scripts\\\\fwk_provision.msi && MSIOK=1"
-#  echo "    if [ \${MSIOK:-0} -ne 1 ]"
-#  echo "    then"
-#  echo "      OK=0"
-#  echo "      echo \"     hostSetup:: ERROR: installation of SxS dlls failed, 
see MSI*.log\""
-#  echo "    fi"
-#  echo "  fi"
-  echo "    cp build_\$myOS/framework/xml/*.xsd ."
-  echo "    cp build_\$myOS/framework/rcsinfo rcsinfo_\$myOS"
-  echo "  fi"
-  echo "  if [ \$unprov == 1 ]"
-  echo "  then"
-  echo "    touch \${hst}_UNPROV"
-  echo "  fi"
-  echo "  rm -f \${hst}_COPY"
-  echo "else"
-  echo "  tcnt=0"
-  echo "  while [ ! -f build_\$myOS/framework/scripts/startClient ]"
-  echo "  do"
-  echo "    ((tcnt++))"
-  echo "    sleep 20"
-  echo "    if [ \$tcnt -gt 10 ]"
-  echo "    then"
-  echo "      touch build_\$myOS "
-  echo "      touch build_\$myOS/framework "
-  echo "      touch build_\$myOS/framework/scripts "
-  echo "      touch build_\$myOS/framework/scripts/startClient "
-  echo "    fi"
-  echo "    if [ \$tcnt -gt 20 ]"
-  echo "    then"
-  echo "      OK=0"
-  echo "      break"
-  echo "    fi"
-  echo "    ls -R build_\$myOS >/dev/null 2>&1 "
-  echo "  done"
-  echo "fi"
-  echo ""
-  echo "flist="
-  echo "if [ \$OK -eq 1 ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "  if [ -f \${hst}_UNPROV ]"
-  echo "  then"
-  echo "    scp $GF_IPADDR:$BASEDIR/envs/extra_env envs/" 
-  echo "    echo \"rm -f envs/\${hst}_unprov\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "##    echo \"stopAll local\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    cnt=0"
-  echo "    while [ -d pids/\$hst -a \$cnt -lt 6 ]"
-  echo "    do"
-  echo "      ((cnt++))"
-  echo "      sleep 10"
-  echo "    done"
-  echo "    echo \"rm -rf build_\$myOS\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    echo \"unam=\\\`ls *_unprovision 2> /dev/null | \${AWK:-awk} '( NR 
== 1 ) { print \\\$1}'\\\`\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    echo \"if [ \\\${unam:-none} == \"\${hst}_unprovision\" ]\" >> 
-  echo "    echo \"then\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    echo \"  rsync --exclude build_* --exclude unprovision -rLqe 
\\\"ssh -A -q -x\\\" * $GF_IPADDR:$BASEDIR\" >> \${hst}_unprovision" 
-  echo "    echo \"  cd\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    echo \"  sleep 20 ; rm -rf \$BASEDIR &\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    echo \"fi\" >> \${hst}_unprovision"
-  echo "    touch envs/\${hst}_unprov"
-  echo "    flist=\"\$flist envs/\${hst}_unprov\""
-  echo "    rm -f \${hst}_UNPROV"
-  echo "  fi"
-  echo "  mv envs/\${hst}_tmp envs/\${hst}_env"
-  echo "  flist=\"\$flist envs/\${hst}_env\""
-  echo "else"
-  echo "  touch envs/\${hst}_bad"
-  echo "  flist=\"\$flist envs/\${hst}_bad\""
-  echo "fi"
-  echo "if [ \$unprov -eq 1 ]"
-  echo "then"
-  echo "  scp \$flist $GF_IPADDR:$BASEDIR/envs" 
-  echo "fi"
-  echo "rm -f \${hst}_BUILD_\$myOS"
-waitForCompletion() {
-  if [ $# -lt 2 ]
-  then
-    echo "Too few arguments to waitForCompletion: \"$*\", require tag and at 
least one host name."
-    return
-  fi
-  local stime=$SECONDS
-  local tag=$1
-  shift
-  local whosts="$*"
-  argCount $whosts
-  local wcnt=$RETVAL
-  local dcnt=0
-  local bcnt=0
-  local tcnt=-1
-  local bad=
-  local good=
-  local allowed=0
-  local ival=0
-  local odiv=0
-  local etime=0
-  ((allowed=600+(30*$wcnt)))
-  ((ival=$allowed/10))
-  ((etime=$stime+$allowed))
-  while [ $tcnt -lt $wcnt ]
-  do
-    if [ $tcnt -gt -1 ]
-    then
-      dcnt=0
-      bcnt=0
-      bad=
-      good=
-      sleep 10
-    fi
-    for nam in $whosts
-    do
-      if [ -f $BASEDIR/envs/${nam}$tag ] 
-      then
-        good="$good $nam"
-        ((dcnt++))
-      fi
-      if [ -f $BASEDIR/envs/${nam}_bad ] 
-      then
-        bad="$bad $nam"
-        ((bcnt++))
-      fi
-    done
-    ((tcnt=$dcnt+$bcnt))
-    ((now=$SECONDS-$stime))
-    ((ndiv=$now/$ival))
-    if [ $ndiv -gt $odiv ]
-    then
-      odiv=$ndiv
-      LOG "$now of $allowed seconds used, $wcnt hosts total, $dcnt completed 
ok, $bcnt failed."
-      LOG "Completed hosts $good"
-    fi
-    if [ $now -gt $allowed ]
-    then
-      ERROR "Hosts failed to complete in time allowed."
-      ERROR "$allowed seconds allowed for $scnt hosts, $dcnt completed ok, 
$bcnt failed."
-      ERROR "Completed hosts $good"
-      terminate
-    fi
-  done
-  if [ "${bad:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-    ERROR "Hosts failed to complete successfully."
-    ERROR "$dcnt completed ok, $bcnt failed."
-    ERROR "$bad failed."
-    ERROT "$good Completed successfully."
-    terminate
-  fi
-## First arg is host, rest are command to execute
-goHost() {
-  local host=$1
-  shift
-  local cmd="$*"
-  DEBUG "In goHost"
-  local ev="`cat $BASEDIR/envs/extra_env $BASEDIR/envs/${host}_env`" 
-  DEBUG "goHost: ssh -A -x -q -f $host \"$ev $cmd \" "
-  ssh -A -x -o "NumberOfPasswordPrompts 0" -f $host "$ev $cmd" 
-  DEBUG "goHost complete."
-provisionDir() {
-  sDir=$1
-  setPHOSTS
-  if [ "${PHOSTS:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-    LOG "Provisioning $sDir to: $PHOSTS"
-    for hst in $PHOSTS
-    do
-      LOG "Provision $hst"
-      goHost $hst "rsync -rLqe \"ssh -A -x -q\" $GF_IPADDR:$sDir . ; \
-                    touch tmp ; \
-                    scp tmp $GF_IPADDR:$BASEDIR/envs/${hst}_prov ; \
-                    rm tmp" 
-    done
-    LOG "Waiting for directory provisioning to complete."
-    waitForCompletion _prov $PHOSTS
-    rm -f $BASEDIR/envs/*_prov 
-    LOG "Directory provisioning complete."
-  fi
-teardownHosts() {
-  setPHOSTS
-  if [ "${PHOSTS:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-    LOG "Unprovisioning hosts: $PHOSTS"
-    for hst in $PHOSTS
-    do
-      LOG "Unprovision $hst"
-      rm -f $BASEDIR/envs/${hst}_unprov
-      goHost $hst "touch envs/${hst}_done ; source ./${hst}_unprovision"
-    done
-    LOG "Waiting for host unprovisioning to complete."
-    waitForCompletion _done $PHOSTS
-    rm -f $BASEDIR/envs/*_done 
-    LOG "Host unprovisioning complete."
-  fi
-sshCheckHosts() {
-  local failed=0
-  LOG "Checking access to hosts ..."
-  for hnam in $*
-  do
-    res=`ssh -A -x -q $hnam "ssh -A -x -q $GF_FQDN echo OK"`
-    if [ "${res:-NOTOK}" != "OK" ]
-    then
-      ERROR "SSH PROBLEM between $hnam and $GF_FQDN"
-      ((failed++))
-    fi
-  done
-  if [ $failed -ne 0 ]
-  then
-    ERROR "Unable to run tests due to ssh problems with $failed hosts."
-    ERROR "Resolve host access issues and try again."
-    terminate
-  fi
-setupHosts() {
-  sshCheckHosts $UHOSTS
-  writeHostSetup > hostSetup
-  chmod +rwx hostSetup
-  for hst in $UHOSTS
-  do
-    LOG "Setting up $hst"
-    dest=./hostSetup${hst}_$$
-    ssh -A -x -o "NumberOfPasswordPrompts 0" -f $hst "rm -f $dest ; \
-                     scp $GF_IPADDR:$BASEDIR/hostSetup $dest ; \
-                     $dest $hst ; \
-                     rm -f $dest &" 
-  done
-  LOG "Waiting for host setup to complete."
-  waitForCompletion _env $UHOSTS
-  LOG "Host setup complete."
-setPHOSTS() {
-  export PHOSTS= 
-  for nam in `ls -1 $BASEDIR/envs | grep _unprov`
-  do
-    uhst=`basename $nam _unprov`
-    PHOSTS="${PHOSTS:-} $uhst"
-  done
-setupTest() {
-  logbase=`basename $tfile .xml`
-  perfstatFile=`echo $tfile | sed 's/.xml$//'`
-  if [ "$PERFTEST" == "true" ]
-  then
-    export latestPropFile=${perfstatFile}.conf
-  else
-    export latestPropFile=${perfstatFile}.xml
-  fi
-  #echo $perfstatFile
-  export stestFile=${logbase}.xml
-  if [ $testFileTotal -gt 1 ]
-  then
-    tfSuff=$testFileCnt
-  else
-    tfSuff=""
-  fi
-  if [ $runIters -gt 1 ]
-  then
-    riSuff=$rcnt
-  else
-    riSuff=""
-  fi
-  if [ ${#tfSuff} -gt 0 -a ${#riSuff} -gt 0 ]
-  then
-    sep="."
-  else
-    sep=""
-  fi
-  prefix=$tfSuff$sep$riSuff
-  if [ ${prefix:-xXx} != "xXx" ]
-  then 
-    prefix=${prefix}_
-  fi
-  logDate=`date +'-%m%d-%H%M%S'`
-  logDir=${logbase}${logDate}
-  mkdir -p $logDir
-  rm -f $logDir/
-  echo "log-level=Info" >> $logDir/
-  echo "stacktrace-enabled=true" >> $logDir/
-  mkdir -p pids/$GF_FQDN/$logDir
-  if [ $unicastLocator -eq 1 ]
-  then
-    export 
CCC1 D6B5 288C'
-    LOG "Starting a unicast resolver on $GF_FQDN"
-    $fwkbuild/product/lib/gfcpp_locator &
-    echo $! > pids/$GF_FQDN/$logDir/locator_pid
-    echo "locators=$GF_IPADDR" >> $logDir/
-  fi
-  for fil in *.env gfcpp.*properties 
-  do
-    if [ -f $fil ]
-    then
-      cat $fil >> $logDir/$fil
-    fi
-  done
-  for fil in gfcpp.*license gfcsharp.env gfcppcsharp.env
-  do
-    if [ -f $fil ]
-    then
-      cp $fil $logDir
-    fi
-  done
-  cp $fwkdir/xml/$tfile $logDir
-  #cp $fwkdir/xml/${perfstatFile}.spec $logDir/statistics.spec
-  cp $fwkdir/xml/*.xsd .
-  chdir $logDir
-  LOG "Using test directory: $logDir"
-  export valRes=0
-  LOG "Validate: $stestFile" | tee Val_${stestFile}.log
-  Validate $stestFile  2>&1 >> Val_${stestFile}.log || valRes=$?
-  if [ $valRes -ne 0 ]
-  then
-    ERROR "$stestFile failed xml parsing. ( $valRes )"
-    LOGCONTENT Val_${stestFile}.log
-    break
-  fi
-  # These files required for smoke perf tests comparision with hydra perf tool.
-  echo "perffmwk.comparisonKey=${logbase}" >> ${logbase}.prop
-  #echo "TestName=${perfstatFile}.conf" >> latest.prop
-  echo "nativeClient.TestType=C++" >> latest.prop
-  echo "nativeClient.Hosts=$UHOSTS" >> latest.prop
-  #cat ../../latest.prop >> latest.prop
-  rm -f local.files
-  LOG FileProcessor $stestFile | tee FileProcessor.log
-  FileProcessor $stestFile 2>&1 | tee -a FileProcessor.log
-doSubSummary() {
-  FIRST="first.part"
-  LAST="last.part"
-  rm -f $FIRST $LAST
-  LOGTO $FIRST "---------------------------"
-  LOGTO $FIRST "Test results are in $PWD"
-  LOGTO $FIRST "Ran test: $tfile  -- Run $rcnt of $runIters"
-  LOGTO $FIRST "  "
-  LOGTO $FIRST "Results Summary"
-  LOGTO $FIRST "---------------------------"
-  LOGTO $LAST "End of $tfile test run  -- $rcnt of $runIters"
-  LOGTO $LAST "---------------------------"
-    echo "Generating csv report..."
-  REPORT=""
-  FIRST="first.part"
-  MIDDLE="middle.part"
-  LAST="last.part"
-  FullReport="../"
-  CSVREPORT="regression.csv"
-  FullCsvReport="../regression-$LOGPREFIX.csv"
-  is64bit=__IS_64_BIT__
-  if [ $is64bit -eq 1 ]; then
-    ARCH="64"
-  else
-    ARCH="32"
-  fi
-    gcmdir=`echo $JAVA_HOME | sed 's/where.*/where/'` # gcmdir = 
/export/gcm/where or /gcm/where
-  CP_PATH="$fwkbuild/framework/lib/testdb.jar"
-  if type -p cygpath >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-   CP_PATH="`cygpath -p -m "$CP_PATH"`"
-  else
-  fi
-    cd $PWD
-    cat ../latest.prop >> latest.prop
-    DIR_NAME="$PWD"
-    if type -p cygpath >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-      DIR_NAME="`cygpath -p -m "$PWD"`"
-    fi
-    # Generating perfreport.txt for each tests in the last because it need 
latest.prop which comes after unprovisionig in completion of the tests.
-    if [ "$PERFTEST" == "true" ]
-    then
-      echo $JAVA_HOME -cp "$CP_PATH" -DJTESTS=$GFE_DIR/../tests/classes 
-Dgemfire.home=$GEMFIRE perffmwk.PerfReporter "$DIR_NAME"
-      $JAVA_HOME -cp "$CP_PATH" -DJTESTS=$GFE_DIR/../tests/classes 
-Dgemfire.home=$GEMFIRE perffmwk.PerfReporter "$DIR_NAME"
-      if [ ! -f $DIR_NAME/../../summary.prop ]
-      then
-       cp -f $DIR_NAME/latest.prop $DIR_NAME/../../summary.prop
-      fi
-      cp -r $DIR_NAME $DIR_NAME/../../.
-    fi
-    rm -f $MIDDLE $REPORT
-    grep SUMMARY Driver.log >> $FIRST || LOGTO $FIRST "No SUMMARY lines found."
-    LOGTO $MIDDLE "---------------------------"
-    LOGTO $MIDDLE "Suspect strings:"
- $PWD >> $MIDDLE 2>&1
-    LOGTO $MIDDLE "---------------------------"
-    mcnt=`wc -l $MIDDLE | ${AWK:-awk} '{print $1}'`
-    if [ $mcnt -gt 10 ]
-    then
-      WARNTO $FIRST "$mcnt lines of suspect string content associated with 
this test:"
-      WARNTO $FIRST " "                                                        
                                       $FullReport "$mcnt lines of suspect 
string content associated with this test. Details in: $PWD/$REPORT"
-    fi
-    ${AWK:-awk} -F "=" '/^Name/ {print ""; next} {printf "%s,", $2} ' 
latest.prop > $CSVREPORT
-    TESTDATENTIME=`date +'%m/%d/%Y %T %Z'`
-    ls failure.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-    then
-    else
-    fi
-    cat $FIRST >> $REPORT
-    cat $FIRST >> $FullReport
-    cat $MIDDLE >> $REPORT
-    cat $LAST >> $REPORT
-    cat $LAST >> $FullReport
-    cd $currDir
-doSummary() {
-  echo "Generating tests summary..."
-  REPORT=""
-  FIRST="first.part"
-  MIDDLE="middle.part"
-  LAST="last.part"
-  FullReport="../"
-  CSVREPORT="regression.csv"
-  FullCsvReport="../regression-$LOGPREFIX.csv"
-  is64bit=__IS_64_BIT__
-  if [ $is64bit -eq 1 ]; then
-    ARCH="64"
-  else
-    ARCH="32"
-  fi
-  if [ "$summaryDirs" == "" ]
-  then
-    LOGTO $REPORT "No test results to summarize."
-    return
-  fi
-  gcmdir=`echo $JAVA_HOME | sed 's/where.*/where/'` # gcmdir = 
/export/gcm/where or /gcm/where
-  CP_PATH="$fwkbuild/framework/lib/testdb.jar"
-  if type -p cygpath >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-   CP_PATH="`cygpath -p -m "$CP_PATH"`"
-  else 
-  fi
-  #if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  #then
-  #  CP_PATH="$GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar;$JTESTS"
-  #else
-  #  CP_PATH="$GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar:$JTESTS"
-  #fi
-  for dnam in $summaryDirs
-  do
-    cd $dnam
-    cat $CSVREPORT >> $FullCsvReport
-    #echo "rjk --- $gcmdir"
-    if [ $uploadDatabase -eq 1 ]
-    then
-      echo $JAVA_HOME -cp "$LCP_PATH" testdb.insertRegressionData 
-      $JAVA_HOME -cp "$LCP_PATH" testdb.insertRegressionData ${FullCsvReport}
-    fi
-    rm -f $FIRST $MIDDLE $LAST
-    cd $currDir
-  done
-  # Now mail out the results, if $mailAddrs is set
-  if [ "${mailAddrs:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-    case $myOS in
-      ( "CYG" ) 
-        MAILPROG= ;;
-      ( "LIN" ) 
-        MAILPROG=mail ;;
-      ( "SUN" ) 
-        MAILPROG=mailx ;;
-      ( * ) usage "This script not ready for use on $OSTYPE"  | tee -a $LOG ;;
-    esac
-    if [ "${MAILPROG:none}" == "none" ]
-    then
-      ERROR "Results cannot be mailed to $mailAddrs, no mail program found."
-    else
-    LOG $MAILPROG -s "Test run results for: $clTests" $mailAddrs
-      cat | $MAILPROG -s "Test run results for: $clTests" 
-    fi
-  fi
-  for ftnam in $clTests
-  do
-    tr_ftnam=`echo $ftnam | tr "\/\\\\\\\\" "____"`
-    touch ran.$tr_ftnam
-  done
-cleanup() {
-  stopProcess Driver $PWD
-  cd $BASEDIR 
-  stopAll all
-  LOG "Waiting for all test processes to exit."
-  numHosts=0
-  for hst in $UHOSTS
-  do
-    ((cnt++))
-  done
-  sleepTime=20
-  ((sleeptime+=$numHosts/10))
-  sleep $sleepTime ## give stop commands on hosts a chance to complete
-  ## Unprovision hosts
-  teardownHosts
-  doSummary
-  stopWindowsDialogKiller # NOOP if not on cygwin
-  if [ $SA_RUNNING -eq 0 ] ## If we started it, we stop it
-  then
-    ## Stop ssh-agent
-    eval `ssh-agent -k` ##> /dev/null
-  fi
-  dirs="`ls -1d build_[CSL]* 2> /dev/null`"
-  for nam in $dirs
-  do
-    rm -rf $nam
-  done
-  timeBreakDown $TSTIME
-  rm -f latest.prop
-  LOG "Test run used: $TIMEBREAKDOWN"
-  LOG "Test results are in $currdir"
-  LOG "Test run complete."
-  ( sleep 200 ; rm -rf buildfwk ) &
-## Used only by timeBreakDown
-buildResult() {
-  if [ $# -eq 0 ]
-  then
-    return
-  fi
-  if [ -z "$BUILDRESULT" ]
-  then
-    sep=""
-  else
-    sep=","
-  fi
-  case $1 in
-    0) ;;
-    1) BUILDRESULT="${BUILDRESULT}$sep $1 ${2}" ;;
-    *) BUILDRESULT="${BUILDRESULT}$sep $1 ${2}s" ;;
-  esac
-## Convert a number of seconds into a string giving days, hours, minutes, 
-timeBreakDown() {
-  end=$SECONDS
-  ((tot=$end-$1))
-  ((day=$tot/86400))
-  ((dayR=$tot%86400))
-  ((hr=$dayR/3600))
-  ((hrR=$dayR%3600))
-  ((min=$hrR/60))
-  ((sec=$hrR%60))
-  buildResult
-  buildResult $day day
-  buildResult $hr hour
-  buildResult $min minute
-  buildResult $sec second
-#### Convert a time string, as used in test xml, to a number of seconds
-##toSeconds() {
-##  resultSeconds=`echo $1 | ${AWK:-awk} ' \
-##  function toSeconds( val, chr ) { \
-##    if ( chr == "m" ) \
-##      return val * 60; \
-##    if ( chr == "h" ) \
-##      return val * 3600; \
-##    return val; \
-##  } \
-##  { \
-##    match( tolower( $0 ), 
 darr ); \
-##    seconds = toSeconds( darr[1], darr[2] ); \
-##    seconds += toSeconds( darr[3], darr[4] ); \
-##    seconds += toSeconds( darr[5], darr[6] ); \
-##    print seconds; \
-##  }'`
-windowsDialogKiller() {
-  # This function is launched into the background and detects+kills the 
process that Windows creates when it has detected a crash.
-  parent=$1 #PID of the parent process, script exits if no longer running
-  sleepInterval=300
-  #Run as long as the parent is alive
-  while ( /bin/kill -s0 $parent > /dev/null 2>&1 )
-  do
-    sleep $sleepInterval 
-    pid=`ps -W | ${AWK:-awk} '/dwwin.exe/{print $1}'`
-    if [ ! -z "$pid" ]
-    then
-      #Found a Windows error dialog, killing it to prevent hang
-      WARN "Found an instance of dwwin.exe, Driver.exe has likely crashed"
-      if ( /bin/kill -f $pid )
-      then
-        WARN "Dialog: $pid killed."
-      else
-        ERROR "Failed to kill dialog: $pid"
-      fi
-    fi 
-  done 
-stopWindowsDialogKiller() {
-  if [ ! -z "$windowsDialogKillerPid" ]
-  then
-    # We also have to kill the sleep process 
-    sleepPid=`ps -ef | grep $windowsDialogKillerPid | ${AWK:-awk} 
'/sleep/{print $2}'`
-    LOG "Shutting down windowsDialogKiller pid=$windowsDialogKillerPid"
-    /bin/kill -f $windowsDialogKillerPid
-    /bin/kill -f $sleepPid
-  fi
-  if [ -f windowsDialogKiller.log ]
-  then
-    LOGCONTENT windowsDialogKiller.log
-    rm -f windowsDialogKiller.log
-  fi
-setJavaHome() {
-# setup GF_JAVA
-case $myOS in
-  ( "SUN" ) myBits=64 ;;
-  ( * )
-   if [ $HOSTTYPE != `basename $HOSTTYPE 64` ]
-    then
-      myBits=64
-    else
-      myBits=32
-    fi
-  ;;
-  esac
-  defaultjava=GF_JAVA
-  var_name=GF_JAVA_${myOS}_${myBits}
-  gfjava_name=${!var_name:-${!defaultjava}}
-  if type -p cygpath >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-   GFE_DIR="`cygpath -m "$GFE_DIR"`"
-   gfjava_name="`cygpath -m "$gfjava_name"`"
-  fi
-  export GEMFIRE=$GFE_DIR
-  export JAVA_HOME=${gfjava_name}
-  export JTESTS=$GFE_DIR/../tests/classes
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a1396..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#set -x
-script=`basename $0`
-OSBUILDDIR=$1 # c++ build directory path
-JAVA_HOME=$2  # java path 
-GEMFIRE=$3    # gemfire path
-RESULT_DIR=$4    # directory path from where you start the tests
-export PERFTEST=true
-#Do framework setup, mostly creating the config files
/gcm/where/gemfire/60/snaps.Any/snapshots.24944/gf60MAINTsancout/product . scat 
-if [ $# -lt 6 ]
-  echo "Problem executing script: $script"
-  echo ""
-  echo "Too few arguments were specified."
-  echo ""
-  echo "Usage:   path_to_script/$script OSBUILDDIR JAVA_HOME GEMFIRE 
-  echo ""
-  echo " Where:"
-  echo " OSBUILDDIR -- C++ build directory"
-  echo " JAVA_HOME -- Java path"
-  echo " GEMFIRE -- Gemfire java path"
-  echo " RESULT_DIR -- Directory to use as cwd when starting test"
-  echo " HOST1 -- First hosts to use in test"
-  echo " HOST2 -- Second hosts to use in test"
-  echo ""
-  exit
-cp $OSBUILDDIR/hidden/ 
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-cat << __ENV_END  > $RESULT_DIR/gfcpp.env
-#call runDriver
-# $5 and $6 are the host names.
-$OSBUILDDIR/framework/scripts/runDriver -l perf.list CS1:$5 CS2:$6
-#rm -f $RESULT_DIR/latest.prop $RESULT_DIR/perfcom*
-#Generate report
-#$JAVA_HOME -cp $HYDRA_DIR:$GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar <fillout command line to 
generate reports>
-#$JAVA_HOME -cp $GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar:$JTESTS -Xmx750m -Dmode=raw 
-DomitFailedTests=true -DcompareByKey=true -DJTESTS=$JTESTS 
-Dgemfire.home=$GEMFIRE -DaddTestKey=true perffmwk.PerfComparer latest
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index e4ffbc5..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#set -x
-script=`basename $0`
-OSBUILDDIR=$1 # c++ build directory path
-JAVA_HOME=$2  # java path 
-GEMFIRE=$3    # gemfire path
-RESULT_DIR=$4    # directory path from where you start the tests
-export PERFTEST=true
-#Do framework setup, mostly creating the config files
/gcm/where/gemfire/60/snaps.Any/snapshots.24944/gf60MAINTsancout/product . 
w1-gst-dev01 w1-gst-dev02 w1-gst-dev03 w1-gst-dev04 w1-gst-dev05 w1-gst-dev06 
w1-gst-dev07 w1-gst-dev08
-if [ $# -lt 6 ]
-  echo "Problem executing script: $script"
-  echo ""
-  echo "Too few arguments were specified."
-  echo ""
-  echo "Usage:   path_to_script/$script OSBUILDDIR JAVA_HOME GEMFIRE 
-  echo ""
-  echo " Where:"
-  echo " OSBUILDDIR -- C++ build directory"
-  echo " JAVA_HOME -- Java path"
-  echo " GEMFIRE -- Gemfire java path"
-  echo " RESULT_DIR -- Directory to use as cwd when starting test"
-  echo " HOST1 -- First hosts to use in test"
-  echo " HOST2 -- Second hosts to use in test"
-  echo ""
-  exit
-cp $OSBUILDDIR/hidden/ 
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-cat << __ENV_END  > $RESULT_DIR/gfcpp.env
-#call runDriver
-# $5 and $6 are the host names.
-$OSBUILDDIR/framework/scripts/runDriver -l scale.list CS1:$5 CS1:$6 CS1:$7 
CS1:$8 CS2:$9 CS2:$10 CS3:$11 CS3:$12
-#rm -f $RESULT_DIR/latest.prop $RESULT_DIR/perfcom*
-#Generate report
-#$JAVA_HOME -cp $HYDRA_DIR:$GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar <fillout command line to 
generate reports>
-#$JAVA_HOME -cp $GEMFIRE/lib/gemfire.jar:$JTESTS -Xmx750m -Dmode=raw 
-DomitFailedTests=true -DcompareByKey=true -DJTESTS=$JTESTS 
-Dgemfire.home=$GEMFIRE -DaddTestKey=true perffmwk.PerfComparer latest
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/setCLITrust.bat 
deleted file mode 100644
index efb1626..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/setCLITrust.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-cmd /C C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/caspol.exe -pp off 
-machine -addgroup All_Code -strong -hex 
 -noname -noversion FullTrust -name GemFire_Framework -description "GemFire 
Framework clients"
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 96a5e3e..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#The objective of this script is to create following files:
-#startJC --- the script to run mixed mode java client
-#killJC --- housekeeping script in case the java client is still running
-## This script allows an optional -t {tag_label} argument, to allow separation 
between different sets of clients.
-## It also allows an optional count of clients to be specified, -c count  with 
the default being 1.
-## These arguments, if used, must be before any other arguments.
-## For example, if  "-t JC1" is provided, the script expects to find endpoints 
-## using the name EndPoints_JC1, so tasks that need access to endpoints need 
the data value
-## defined. <data name="TAG">JC1</data>
-## The default tag is blank.
-while getopts ":t:c:" op
-  case $op in
-   ( "t" ) ((scnt++)) ; tag="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "c" ) ((scnt++)) ; numClients="$OPTARG" ;;
-    ( * ) echo "Unknown argument provided: -$OPTARG, ignoring." ; echo "" ;;
-  esac
-  ((scnt++))
-while [ ${scnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  shift
-  ((scnt--))
-## This script requires as an argument, the xml file to use for the cache.xml 
for clients
-## The script will replace 999999999 with the proper port number to use.
-## This script expects the environment to have the following variables set:
-## GFE_DIR -- location of the GFE Java build
-# Where are we now?
-# cnt specified which client to setup:
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-# GFE Build location
-export gfe_name=GFE_DIR_$myOS
-export heap_name=GFE_HEAPSIZE_$myOS
-export lru_name=GFE_LRU_MEM_$myOS
-# now some os specific overrides of defaults
-if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  maxHeap=1280
-  heap_lru=1024
-  maxHeap=2048
-  heap_lru=1536
-# and if os specific values have been passed in, they win
-if [ ${!gfe_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  gfeProd=${!gfe_name}
-if [ ${!heap_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  maxHeap=${!heap_name}
-if [ ${!lru_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  heap_lru=${!lru_name}
-# cache.xml to use
-# Base for dir names
-currEPs=`FwkBB get $EPBB $EPLABEL`
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-  endPoints="`echo $currEPs | awk '{print \$1}'`"
-  echo "No endpoints are known."
-    exit $?
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$cnt
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    echo Skipping as work seems to have been done.
-    break
-  fi
-  # Build temp dirs for them to call home
-  mkdir $tdir
-export local=`hostname`
-export GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-thisDir=`basename $PWD`
-mkdir -p ../pids/$GF_FQDN/$thisDir
-# Create
-##  echo "mcast-address=" > $tdir/
-##  echo "mcast-port=5757" >> $tdir/
-  echo "locators=" > $tdir/
-  echo "" >> $tdir/
-  echo "license-type=evaluation" >> $tdir/
-  echo "statistic-sampling-enabled=true" >> $tdir/
-  echo "statistic-archive-file=statArchive.gfs" >> $tdir/
-  echo "log-level=config" >> $tdir/
-  echo "log-file=system.log" >> $tdir/
-  # Create bridge_client.xml files for them to call their own
-  sed 's/\$ENDPOINT/'$endPoints'/;s/\$LRU_MEM/'$heap_lru'/' $cacheXml > 
-  # create a JC${tag:+_}$tag${cnt:+_}$cnt.cmd
-  echo "status" > $currDir/JC${tag:+_}$tag${cnt:+_}$cnt.cmd
-  echo "TD=\"$currDir/$tdir\"" > $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-  echo "PD=\"$gfeProd\"" >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-  echo "JA=\"-Xmx${maxHeap}m -Xms256m\"" >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-  # create script to start it
-  echo "#!/bin/bash" > $tdir/startJC
-  echo "##set -x" >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "source ssk.env" >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "cd \$PD" >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "source bin/" >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "cd \$TD" >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "export PATH=$gfeProd/jre/bin:$PATH " >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "export 
 " >> $tdir/startJC
-if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  echo "CLASSPATH=\`cygpath -p -w \$CLASSPATH\`" >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "java \$JA javaclient.CacheRunner bridge_client.xml -batch 
file=../JC${tag:+_}$tag${cnt:+_}$cnt.cmd > JC${tag:+_}$tag${cnt:+_}$cnt.log &" 
>> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "echo \$! > 
../../pids/$GF_FQDN/$thisDir/JC${tag:+_}$tag${cnt:+_}$cnt_pid " >> $tdir/startJC
-  echo "exit 0" >> $tdir/startJC
-  chmod guo+rwx $tdir/startJC
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index dd3d235..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-#set -x 
-## This script allows an optional -t {tag_label} argument, to allow separation 
between different sets of servers.
-## It also allows an optional count of servers to be specified, -c count  with 
the default being 1.
-## These arguments, if used, must be before any other arguments.
-## For example, if  "-t CS1" is provided, the script will store endpoints 
-## the name EndPoints_CS1, so tasks that need access to endpoints need the 
data value
-## defined. <data name="TAG">CS1</data>
-## The default tag is blank.
-scriptname=`basename $0`
-while getopts ":t:c:p:e:N:" op
-  case $op in
-   ( "e" ) ((scnt++)) ; ev="export $OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "t" ) ((scnt++)) ; tag="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "c" ) ((scnt++)) ; numServers="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "p" ) ((scnt++)) ; passthru="$passthru $OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "N" ) ((scnt++)) ; cmdargs="$cmdargs $OPTARG" ;;
-    ( * ) echo "Unknown argument provided: -$OPTARG, ignoring." ; echo "" ;;
-  esac
-  ((scnt++))
-while [ ${scnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  shift
-  ((scnt--))
-## This script requires as an argument, the xml file to use for the cache.xml 
for servers
-## The script will replace "$PORT_NUM" with the proper port number to use.
-## The script will replace "$LRU_MEM" with the proper amount of memory to use 
for heap lru.
-## This script may expect the environment to have the following variables set:
-## GFE_DIR -- location of the GFE Java build, REQUIRED
-## GFE_DIR_CYG -- allows setting a cygwin specific value
-## GFE_DIR_LIN -- allows setting a linux specific value
-## GFE_DIR_SOL -- allows setting a solaris specific value
-## GFE_HEAPSIZE -- max size in meg the cacheserver should be allowed, for 
example 2048
-## GFE_HEAPSIZE_CYG -- allows setting a cygwin specific value
-## GFE_HEAPSIZE_LIN -- allows setting a linux specific value
-## GFE_HEAPSIZE_SOL -- allows setting a solaris specific value
-## GFE_LRU_MEM -- the heap lru size limit in meg, for example 1024
-## GFE_LRU_MEM_CYG -- allows setting a cygwin specific value
-## GFE_LRU_MEM_LIN -- allows setting a linux specific value
-## GFE_LRU_MEM_SOL -- allows setting a solaris specific value
-random() {
-  if [ ${randval:--1} -eq -1 ] # First time we have called this function
-  then  # So we seed the sequence 
-    # the pipe to bc is required because date will sometimes return a number 
-    # with a leading 0, but is not a valid octal number
-    ((RANDOM=( ( `date +'%S' | bc` + 1 ) * $$ ) + `date +'%j' | bc` ))
-  fi
-  min=$1
-  max=$2
-  val=$3
-  ## $RANDOM will be between 0 and 32767 inclusive
-  ##randval=`echo "( ( $RANDOM * ( $max - $min ) ) / 32767 ) + $min" | bc`
-  ((randval=( ( $RANDOM * ( $max - $min + 1 ) ) / ( 32767 + 1 ) ) + $min ))
-  export $val=$randval
-# Where are we now?
-### Has the mcast properties been set yet?
-### use BB instead of file for retaining and sharing mcast properties
-MCLABEL=`basename $currDir`
-if [ ${DEF0:-none} == "none" ]
-  random 1 254 madd
-  random 2431 31123 mport
-  DEF0="mcast-address=224.10.11.$madd"
-  DEF2="mcast-port=$mport"
-# Number of servers to setup:
-# Base to use for port numbers
-random 21321 29789 basePort
-# cache.xml to use
-if type -p cygpath >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-  cacheXml="`cygpath -p -u "$cacheXml"`"
-# Base for dir names
-AWK=`which nawk 2>/dev/null`
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-MCLABEL=`basename $currDir`
-export GFEBB=GFE_BB
-FwkBB set $MCLABEL PROV_DIR "$currDir"
-if [ "${POOLOPT:-none}" != "none" ]
- if [ "$POOLOPT" == "poolwithendpoints" ]
- then
-   FwkBB set GFE_BB testScheme "poolwithendpoints"
- elif [ "$POOLOPT" == "poolwithlocator" ]
- then
-   FwkBB set GFE_BB testScheme "poolwithlocator"
- fi
- if [ "$TESTSTICKY" == "ON" ]
- then
-   FwkBB set GFE_BB teststicky "ON"
- fi
-if [ "${passthru:-NONE}" != "NONE" ]
-  DEF3="$passthru"
-  DEF3=" "
-# setup GF_JAVA
-case $myOS in
-  ( "SUN" ) myBits=64 ;;
-  ( * )
-   if [ $HOSTTYPE != `basename $HOSTTYPE 64` ]
-    then
-      myBits=64
-    else
-      myBits=32
-    fi
-  ;;
-  esac
-  sscript=`basename $scriptname 64`
-  if [ $scriptname != $sscript ]
-  then
-    myBits=64
-  else
-    noJava=""
-  fi
-  var_name=GF_JAVA_${myOS}_${myBits}
-  if [ $myBits -eq 64 ]
-  then
-    export GF_JAVA=${!var_name:-${noJava:-""}}
-  else
-    export GF_JAVA=${!var_name:-""}
-  fi
- if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
- then
-   GEMFIRE="gemfire.bat"   
- else
-   GEMFIRE="gemfire"
- fi
-# GFE Build location
-export gfeProd=${GFE_DIR:-""}
-export gfe_name=GFE_DIR_$myOS
-# and if os specific values have been passed in, they win
-if [ ${!gfe_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  gfeProd=${!gfe_name}
-if [ ${DEF1:-none} == "none" ]
-  random 31124 54343 locPort
-  bbcntr=`FwkBB inc $GFEBB $LOCCNT`
-  FwkBB set $MCLABEL LOCPORT "locators=${GF_FQDN}:${locPort}"
-  FwkBB set $GFEBB LOCPORTS_$bbcntr "${GF_FQDN}:${locPort}"
-  # Start the gemfire locator
-  cd "${gfeProd}"
-  source bin/
-  cd "${currDir}"
-  echo "Starting locator in directory ${currDir}: ${gfeProd}/bin/gemfire 
start-locator -port=${locPort} -dir=. $cmdargs"
-  "${gfeProd}/bin/${GEMFIRE}" start-locator -port=${locPort} -dir=. $cmdargs
-  # Record the PID for stopAll
-  locatorPID="`grep "Process ID:" locator.log | ${AWK:-awk} '{print $3}'`"
-  locatorPIDDir="${currDir}/../pids/${GF_FQDN}/`basename "${currDir}"`"
-  singleLocPid="`echo $locatorPID | awk '{print $1;}'`"
-  mkdir -p "${locatorPIDDir}"
-  echo "${singleLocPid}" > "${locatorPIDDir}/999999_pid"
-while [ ${cnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$cnt
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    echo $tdir directory exist, Skipping as work seems to have been done for 
this directory.
-    nextcnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
-    tdir=${gfdb}_$nextcnt
-    #break
-  fi
-  # Build temp dirs for them to call home
-  mkdir -p $tdir/system
-  if [ -f $currDir/ ]
-  then
-    cat $currDir/ >> $currDir/$tdir/
-  fi
-  # Create cache.xml files for them to call their own
-  ((pnum=$basePort+$cnt))
-  echo "export cacheXml=\"$cacheXml\"" >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-  echo "export GFE_PORT=\"$pnum\"" >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-  if [ "${ev:-none}" != "none" ]
-  then
-    if [ -z "${CYGWIN}" ]; then
-      echo "${ev:-}:${SECURITY_JAR}" >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-    else
-      echo "export 
 >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-    fi
-  else  
-    if [ -z "${CYGWIN}" ]; then
-      echo "export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:${SECURITY_JAR}" >> 
-    else
-      echo "export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH};${SECURITY_JAR}" >> 
-    fi 
-  fi  
-  echo "export DEF3=\"$DEF3\"" >> $currDir/$tdir/ssk.env
-  ((cnt--))
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100755
index 1809e7c..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-  if uname | grep '^CYGWIN' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-    cygpath "$1"
-  else
-    echo "$1"
-  fi
-  if uname | grep '^CYGWIN' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-    cygpath -w "$1" | sed 's/[\\\/]*$//'
-  else
-    realpath "$1" | sed 's/[\\\/]*$//'
-  fi
-# Initialization
-scriptLocation="`getPath "$0"`"
-scriptDir="`dirname "${scriptLocation}"`"
-scriptName="`basename "${scriptLocation}"`"
-export CSBBDIR
-if [ -r "${csharpDir}/" ]; then
-  source "${csharpDir}/"
-  echo "Could not read the script."
-  exit 1
-if [ -r "gfcppcsharp.env" ]; then
-  source "gfcppcsharp.env"
-  echo "Could not read the gfcppcsharp.env for environment variables."
-  exit 1
-# Create the extra environment variables
-if [ -z "${BASEDIR}" ]; then
-  baseDir="${currDir}/.."
-  baseDir="${BASEDIR}"
-if [ -z "${BUILDDIR}" ]; then
-  buildDir="${baseDir}/build_CYG"
-  buildDir="${BUILDDIR}"
-GFBASE="`getRealPath "${baseDir}"`"
-GFXMLBASE="`getRealPath "${buildDir}/framework/xml"`"
-FWK_WINLOGDIR="`getRealPath "${currDir}/csharp"`"
-echo "GFBASE=${GFBASE}" > run.env.extra
-echo "GFXMLBASE=${GFXMLBASE}" >> run.env.extra
-echo "GFCPP=`getRealPath "${buildDir}/product"`" >> run.env.extra
-echo "PATH+=`getRealPath "${buildDir}/framework/scripts"`;`getRealPath 
"${buildDir}/hidden/lib"`;`getRealPath "${buildDir}/hidden/gpl"`" >> 
-echo "FWK_WINLOGDIR=${FWK_WINLOGDIR}" >> run.env.extra
-for var in ${extraVars}; do
-  varVal="`eval echo \\${${var}}`"
-  if [ -n "${varVal}" ]; then
-    echo "${var}=${varVal}" >> run.env.extra
-  fi
-mkdir -p "${currDir}/csharp"
-echo "CSFWK_DRIVERADDR=\"${CSFWK_DRIVERADDR}\"" >> gfcppcsharp.env
-echo "export CSFWK_DRIVERADDR" >> gfcppcsharp.env
-cat gfcppcsharp.env > "${baseDir}/../gfcppcsharp.env"
-epCnt="`FwkBB getInt ${EPBB} ${EPCNT}`"
-[ -z "${epCnt}" ] && echo "Could not get the endpoint count." && exit 1
-while [ ${epIndex} -le ${epCnt} ]; do
-  endPt="`FwkBB get ${EPBB} "${EPLABEL}_${epIndex}"`"
-  if [ -z "${endPts}" ]; then
-    endPts="${endPt}"
-  else
-    endPts="${endPts},${endPt}"
-  fi
-  epIndex="`expr ${epIndex} + 1`"
-export GFE_DIR
-if [ "`echo ../hosts/*`" != "../hosts/*" ]; then
-  for groupPath in ../hosts/*; do
-    groupName="`basename "${groupPath}"`"
-    if [ "${groupName}" = "DEFAULT" ]; then
-      defaultHosts="`cat "${groupPath}"`"
-    else
-      hostLine="${hostLine} `cat "${groupPath}" | sed "s/^/${groupName}:/"`"
-    fi
-  done
-  hostLine="${hostLine} ${defaultHosts}"
-  hostLine="${UHOSTS}"
-"${csharpDir}/FwkDriver.exe" "--bbServer=${CSFWK_BBADDR}" --bbPasswd 
--skip-report "--driverPort=${driverPort}" "$@" ${hostLine}
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index f670570..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-source genericFunctions
-export local=`hostname`
-export GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-export GF_IPADDR=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '{if ($1 ~ 
/Address:/) ip=$2}END{print ip}'`
-suff=`date +'%m.%d.%H.%M.%S'`
-if [ $program != 'none' ]
-  shift
-  arguments="$@"
-export GF_BBADDR=${driverHost}:$bbport
-echo "export GF_BBADDR=${driverHost}:$bbport" >> $logDir/gfcpp.env
-argCount $toolClients
-if [ $RETVAL -gt 0 ]
-  contains $cnum $toolClients
-  RETVAL=1  ## If no clients are specified, all clients are assumed
-if [ -d $valLoc -a $RETVAL == 1 ]  ## Use valgrind on Client
-  PATH=$valLoc/bin:$PATH
-  vcmd="$VALCMD"
-cd $logDir
-ulimit -a &> $LOG
-echo "  " >> $LOG 2>&1
-uname -a >> $LOG
-if [ $program != 'none' ]
-  $program ${arguments:- } >> $LOG 2>&1 &
-  $vcmd Client $cnum $xmlfile ${driverHost}:$port ${driverHost}:$bbport $ne >> 
$LOG 2>&1 &
-thisDir=`basename $PWD`
-mkdir -p ../pids/$GF_FQDN/$thisDir
-echo $myPid > ../pids/$GF_FQDN/$thisDir/${cnum}_pid
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 957ab3a..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-## This script allows an optional -t {tag_label} argument, to allow separation 
between different sets of clients.
-## It also allows an optional count of clients to be specified, -c count  with 
the default being 1.
-## These arguments, if used, must be before any other arguments.
-## For example, if  "-t JC1" is provided, the script expects to find endpoints 
-## using the name EndPoints_JC1, so tasks that need access to endpoints need 
the data value
-## defined. <data name="TAG">JC1</data>
-## The default tag is blank.
-while getopts ":t:c:" op
-  case $op in
-   ( "t" ) ((scnt++)) ; tag="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "c" ) ((scnt++)) ; numClients="$OPTARG" ;;
-    ( * ) echo "Unknown argument provided: -$OPTARG, ignoring." ; echo "" ;;
-  esac
-  ((scnt++))
-while [ ${scnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  shift
-  ((scnt--))
-## This script expects one argument, the "number" of the client to start
-## If no argument is given all clients will be started.
-## This script expects the environment to have the following variables set:
-## GFE_COUNT -- the number of clients to use, default is one.
-## GFE_DIR -- location of the GFE Java build
-# Where are we now?
-# Server to start:
-# GFE Build location
-# Base for dir names
-export local=`hostname`
-export GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-if [ ${server:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$server
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    cd $tdir
-    ./startJC
-    sleep 10
-    pid=`grep "Process ID:" system.log | ${AWK:-awk} '{print $3}'`
-    cd $currDir
-    thisDir=`basename $currDir`
-    mkdir -p ../pids/$GF_FQDN/$thisDir
-    echo "$pid" > ../pids/$GF_FQDN/$thisDir/JavaClient_pid
-  fi
-  exit
-# cnt specified which client to setup:
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$cnt
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    cd $tdir
-    ./startJC
-    cd $currDir
-  fi
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index f519144..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#set -x
-scriptname=`basename $0`
-startServer() {
-  cnt=$1
-  extraargs=$2
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$cnt
-  if [ ! -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    mkdir -p $tdir
-    rsync -rLqe "ssh -A -x -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " 
${PROV_HOST}:${PROV_DIR}/$tdir/ $tdir
-  fi
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    cd $tdir
-    export TD=$PWD
-    echo "export TD=$TD" >> ssk.env
-    echo "export PD=$PD" >> ssk.env
-    if [ ${CLASSPATH:-none} != "none" ]
-    then
-      echo "export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:\$CLASSPATH" >> ssk.env
-    fi
-    echo "export CS_HOST=\"$GF_FQDN\"" >> ssk.env
-    source ssk.env
-    rsync -rLqe "ssh -A -x -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " 
${PROV_HOST}:${cacheXml} before.xml
-    sed 's/\$PORT_NUM/'$GFE_PORT'/;s/\$LRU_MEM/'$heap_lru'/' before.xml > 
-    bbcntr=`FwkBB get $EPBB $tdir`
-    if [ ${bbcntr:-NONE} == "NONE" ]
-    then
-      bbcntr=`FwkBB inc $EPBB $EPCNT`
-      FwkBB set $EPBB $tdir $bbcntr
-    fi
-    FwkBB set $EPBB ${EPLABEL}_$bbcntr "${GF_FQDN}:$GFE_PORT"
-    cd $PD
-    source bin/
-    cd $TD
-      echo $PD/bin/${CACHESERVER} start cache-xml-file=cache.xml 
statistic-sampling-enabled=true statistic-archive-file=statArchive.gfs 
-J-DCacheClientProxy.MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE=500000 -dir=. $DEF4 mcast-port=0 
$extraargs $DEF3 $JA
-      $PD/bin/${CACHESERVER} start cache-xml-file=cache.xml 
statistic-sampling-enabled=true statistic-archive-file=statArchive.gfs 
-J-DCacheClientProxy.MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE=500000 -dir=. $DEF4 mcast-port=0 
$extraargs $DEF3 $JA
-    cd $currDir
-  else
-    echo "ERROR: directory $tdir not found."
-  fi
-## This script allows an optional -t {tag_label} argument, to allow separation 
between different sets of servers.
-## It also allows an optional count of servers to be specified, -c count  with 
the default being 1.
-## These arguments, if used, must be before any other arguments.
-## For example, if  "-t CS1" is provided, the script will store endpoints using
-## the name EndPoints_CS1, so tasks that need access to endpoints need the 
data value
-## defined. <data name="TAG">CS1</data>
-## The default tag is blank.
-while getopts ":t:c:M:X:N:" op
-  case $op in
-   ( "t" ) ((scnt++)) ; tag="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "c" ) ((scnt++)) ; numServers="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "M" ) ((scnt++)) ; minMemory="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "X" ) ((scnt++)) ; maxMemory="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "N" ) ((scnt++)) ; cmdargs="$cmdargs $OPTARG" ;;
-    ( * ) echo "Unknown argument provided: -$OPTARG, ignoring." ; echo "" ;;
-  esac
-  ((scnt++))
-while [ ${scnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  shift
-  ((scnt--))
-## This script expects one argument, the "number" of the server to start
-## If no argument is given all servers will be started.
-## This script expects the environment to have the following variables set:
-## GFE_COUNT -- the number of servers to use, default is one.
-## GFE_DIR -- location of the GFE Java build
-AWK=`which nawk 2>/dev/null`
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-case $myOS in
-  ( "SUN" ) myBits=64 ;;
-  ( * )
-    if [ $HOSTTYPE != `basename $HOSTTYPE 64` ]
-    then
-      myBits=64
-    else
-      myBits=32
-    fi
-  ;;
-sscript=`basename $scriptname 64`
-if [ $scriptname != $sscript ]
-  myBits=64
-  noJava=""
-# Where are we now?
-export currDir=`pwd`
-export MCLABEL=`basename $currDir`
-export DEF0=`FwkBB get $MCLABEL MCADDR`
-export DEF2=`FwkBB get $MCLABEL MCPORT`
-export DEF4=`FwkBB get $MCLABEL LOCPORT`
-# setup GF_JAVA
-if [ $myBits -eq 64 ]
-  export GF_JAVA=${!var_name:-${noJava:-""}}
-  export GF_JAVA=${!var_name:-""}
-# Server to start:
-# Base for dir names
-# first some defaults values
-export maxHeap=${GFE_HEAPSIZE:-""} # Default if it exists
-export minHeap=${GFE_MINHEAPSIZE:-""} # Default if it exists
-export heap_lru=${GFE_LRU_MEM:-""} # Default if it exists
-# GFE Build location
-export gfeProd=${GFE_DIR:-""}
-# JavaObject and Antlr jar class Path
-export gfe_name=GFE_DIR_$myOS
-export heap_name=GFE_HEAPSIZE_$myOS
-export minheap_name=GFE_MINHEAPSIZE_$myOS
-export lru_name=GFE_LRU_MEM_$myOS
-export class_path=GFE_CLASS_PATH_$myOS
-# now some os specific overrides of defaults
-if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  maxHeap=1280
-  heap_lru=1024
-  dumpHeapOOM=" "
-  CACHESERVER="cacheserver.bat"
-  maxHeap=2048
-  heap_lru=1536
-  dumpHeapOOM="-J-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"
-  CACHESERVER="cacheserver"
-# and if os specific values have been passed in, they win
-if [ ${!gfe_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  gfeProd=${!gfe_name}
-if [ ${!heap_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  maxHeap=${!heap_name}
-if [ ${!minheap_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  minHeap=${!minheap_name}
-if [ ${!lru_name:-none} != "none" ]
-  heap_lru=${!lru_name}
-if [ ${!class_path:-none} != "none" ]
-  CLASSPATH=${!class_path}:${JAVAOBJECT}
-if [ ${minMemory:-0} -gt 0 ]
-   minHeap=${minMemory}
-if [ ${maxMemory:-0} -gt 0 ]
-   maxHeap=${maxMemory}
-export JA="-J-Xmx${maxHeap}m -J-Xms${minHeap}m $dumpHeapOOM "
-#export JA="-J-Xmx600m -J-Xms600m $dumpHeapOOM "
-export EPBB=GFE_BB
-export EPLABEL=EndPoints${tag:+_}$tag
-export PD="$gfeProd"
-if [ ${server:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  startServer $server "$cmdargs"
-  # Number of servers to start:
-  cnt=$numServers
-  while [ ${cnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  do
-    startServer $cnt "$cmdargs"
-    ((cnt--))
-  done
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ b/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a8a9b2..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-source genericFunctions
-source runDriverFunctions
-##set -x
-if [ "$host" == "all" ]
-  for hst in $UHOSTS
-  do
-    goHost $hst stopAll local $dirn
-  done
-  exit 0
-export local=`hostname`
-export GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-if [ ${dirn:-none} == "none" ]
-  PID_BASE="$BASEDIR/pids/$GF_FQDN/`basename "$dirn"`"
-if [ ! -d $PID_BASE ]
-  exit
-## for each dir under $PID_BASE, stop all procs whose pids are recorded
-for dnam in `$findCmd $PID_BASE -type d ! -name "." ! -name ".." -print`
-  ## Stop Driver
-  pfil=$dnam/pid_Driver
-  if [ -f $pfil ]
-  then
-    id=`cat $pfil`
-    stopProcess $id -p
-    rm -f $pfil
-  fi
-  ## Stop Clients
-  for pfil in `$findCmd $dnam -type f -name "*_pid"`
-  do
-    id=`cat $pfil`
-    stopProcess $id -p
-    rm -f $pfil
-  done
-  random 1 5 seconds
-  sleep $seconds
-  if [ -d $dnam ]
-  then
-    ( rmdir $dnam > /dev/null 2>&1 || sleep 60 && rmdir $dnam > /dev/null 2>&1 
) &
-  fi
-for gdir in $BASEDIR/*/GFECS*
-  if [ -d $gdir ]
-  then
-    cd $gdir
-    eval `grep CS_HOST ssk.env 2>/dev/null`
-    if [ $GF_FQDN == ${CS_HOST:-none} ]
-    then
-      stopCS > /dev/null 2>&1
-      mv ssk.env ssk.env.hide 2>/dev/null
-    fi
-    cd $cdir
-  fi
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ b/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1de7d96..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-source ssk.env
-cd $PD
-source bin/
-cd $TD
-scriptname=`basename $0`
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-if [ ! -f .cacheserver.ser ]
-  exit
-case $myOS in
-  ( "SUN" ) myBits=64 ;;
-  ( * )
-   if [ $HOSTTYPE != `basename $HOSTTYPE 64` ]
-    then
-      myBits=64
-    else
-      myBits=32
-    fi
-  ;;
-  esac
-  sscript=`basename $scriptname 64`
-  if [ $scriptname != $sscript ]
-  then
-    myBits=64
-  else
-    noJava=""
-  fi
-  var_name=GF_JAVA_${myOS}_${myBits}
-  if [ $myBits -eq 64 ]
-  then
-    export GF_JAVA=${!var_name:-${noJava:-""}}
-  else
-    export GF_JAVA=${!var_name:-""}
-  fi 
-if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  $PD/bin/cacheserver.bat stop -dir=.
-  $PD/bin/cacheserver stop -dir=.
-sleep 10
-if [ $stat -ne 0 ]
-  AWK=`which nawk 2>/dev/null`
-  killCmd="kill"
-  if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  then
-    killCmd="/bin/kill -f"
-  fi
-  cspid=`grep 'Process ID:' cacheserver.log | ${AWK:-awk} '{print $NF}'`
-  waitCnt=1
-  kill -0 $cspid 2>/dev/null
-  stillRunning=$?
-  while [ $stillRunning -eq 0 ] 
-  do
-    if [ $waitCnt -gt 4 ]
-    then
-      $killCmd -9 $cspid >/dev/null 2>&1
-      break
-    else
-      $killCmd $cspid >/dev/null 2>&1
-    fi
-    ((waitCnt++))
-    sleep 5
-    kill -0 $cspid 2>/dev/null
-    stillRunning=$?
-  done
-  rm -f .cacheserver.ser
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100755
index 40808c4..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  if uname | grep '^CYGWIN' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-    cygpath "$1"
-  else
-    echo "$1"
-  fi
-# Initialization
-scriptLocation="`getPath "$0"`"
-scriptDir="`dirname "${scriptLocation}"`"
-scriptName="`basename "${scriptLocation}"`"
-if [ -r "gfcppcsharp.env" ]; then
-  source "gfcppcsharp.env"
-  echo "Could not read the gfcppcsharp.env for environment variables."
-  exit 1
-echo "Terminating the C# framework driver..."
-"${csharpDir}/FwkBBClient" termDriver
-exit 0
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d030e..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#set -x
-echo "start"
-source genericFunctions
-source runDriverFunctions
-if [ "$host" == "all" ]
-for clnt in $cnt
-  for hst in $UHOSTS
-  do
-     goHost $hst stopClient $hst $clnt
-  done
-exit 0
-export local=`hostname`
-export GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-if [ ! -d $PID_BASE ]
-  exit
-for dnam in `$findCmd $PID_BASE -type d ! -name "." ! -name ".." -print`
-  for pfil in `$findCmd $dnam -type f -name ${1}_pid`
-  do
-    id=`cat $pfil`
-    echo "about to stop process .. found $dnam $pfil for $hst $cnt"
-    stopProcess $id -p
-    rm -f $pfil
-    break
-  done
-echo "end"
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af720f..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-## This script allows an optional -t {tag_label} argument, to allow separation 
between different sets of servers.
-## It also allows an optional count of servers to be specified, -c count  with 
the default being 1.
-## These arguments, if used, must be before any other arguments.
-## For example, if  "-t CS1" is provided, the script will store endpoints 
-## the name EndPoints_CS1, so tasks that need access to endpoints need the 
data value
-## defined. <data name="TAG">CS1</data>
-## The default tag is blank.
-while getopts ":t:c:" op
-  case $op in
-   ( "t" ) ((scnt++)) ; tag="$OPTARG" ;;
-   ( "c" ) ((scnt++)) ; numServers="$OPTARG" ;;
-    ( * ) echo "Unknown argument provided: -$OPTARG, ignoring." ; echo "" ;;
-  esac
-  ((scnt++))
-while [ ${scnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  shift
-  ((scnt--))
-## This script expects one argument, the "number" of the server to stop
-## If no argument is given all servers will be stopped.
-## This script expects the environment to have the following variables set:
-## GFE_COUNT -- the number of servers to use, default is one.
-## GFE_DIR -- location of the GFE Java build
-# Where are we now?
-# Server to stop:
-# GFE Build location
-# Base for dir names
-if [ ${server:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$server
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    cd $tdir
-    stopCS
-    cd $currDir
-  fi
-  exit
-# Number of servers to stop:
-while [ ${cnt:-0} -gt 0 ]
-  tdir=${gfdb}_$cnt
-  if [ -d $tdir ]
-  then
-    cd $tdir
-    stopCS
-    cd $currDir
-  fi
-  ((cnt--))
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f85aef..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-export local=`hostname`
-export GF_FQDN=`nslookup $local 2>/dev/null | ${AWK:-awk} '/^Name:/{print $2}'`
-if [ ${2:-x} == -p ]
-  id=$1
-  dirn="${2:-none}"
-  if [ "$dirn" == "none" ]
-  then
-    exit
-  fi
-  PID_BASE=$BASEDIR/pids/$GF_FQDN/$dirn
-  if [ -f $PID_BASE/${cnum}_pid ]
-  then
-    id=`cat $PID_BASE/${cnum}_pid`
-  else
-    if [ -f $PID_BASE/pid_$cnum ]
-    then
-      id=`cat $PID_BASE/pid_$cnum`
-    fi
-  fi
-if [ ${id:-0} -eq 0 ]
-  exit
-myOS=`uname | tr "cyglinsu" "CYGLINSU" | cut -b1-3`
-if [ $myOS == "CYG" ]
-  killCmd="/bin/kill -f"
-##ls /proc/${id}/status > /dev/null 2>&1
-##if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit ; fi
-#if [ -d /proc/$id ] ; then $killCmd $id >/dev/null 2>&1 ; sleep 1 ; fi
-#if [ -d /proc/$id ] ; then $killCmd -9 $id >/dev/null 2>&1 ; fi
-if $killCmd -0 $id >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  $killCmd $id >/dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 1 && $killCmd -9 $id >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/using_runCPPCSDriver 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f706d5..0000000
--- a/src/tests/cpp/scripts/using_runCPPCSDriver
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-This file contains the setup and usage instructions for running the C++ and C#
-mixed-mode tests using the runCPPCSDriver script.
-The script starts both the C++ and C# frameworks. See the setup instructions
-in using_runCSDriver file in this directory to setup the C# XML framework.
-The primary driver is the C++ framework that shall start the C# framework
-as a client and the two communicate/synchronize using the FwkBB program and
-waitForBBKey script. Each test shall require two XMLs -- one for the C++
-framework that shall start off the cacheservers and C# framework
-(and other clients as required) while the other shall be the one that
-C# framework shall use for starting C# clients. The convention is that
-the C# framework is started in "CSD" hostGroup and the runCPPCSDriver
-script automatically adds the local machine in the group. Please check
-the existing XMLs in MixedModeCS directory for more details.
-The runCPPCSDriver script start the C# black-board, asks user for password,
-writes those on the C# BB and then starts the runDriver script with all the
-options as provided (except for adding "CSD:<current host>" if CSD hostGroup
-is not given). Hence its arguments are identical to those of the runDriver
-script. Please see using_runDriver file in this directory for usage details
-of the runDriver script.
-The logs are created in the current directory as with runDriver.
-A sub-directory "csharp" is created inside the latest directory that contains
-the C# driver logs. The following files will be read from the current 
-  * gfcsharp.env: same as for C# driver; it is recommended that the user does
-                  not override GFCPP, GFBASE, GFXMLBASE and FWK_WINLOGDIR
-                  variables unless absolutely sure of the effect; these are
-                  setup by the runCPPCSDriver to work with the C++ runDriver
-                  and hence should not be altered.
-  * gfcpp.env: same as for C++ runDriver
-  * same as for C++ runDriver
-  * if found this is used as for
-                         C# clients otherwise is used;
-                         the path to native license for C++ and C#
-                         frameworks is different and so this is recommended;
-                         for C# the path to native license should be like:
-                         ../../../build_CYG/hidden/...

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