incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-188:wrong name for the gateway substitution filter in 'create async-event-queue' command -replaced string gateway-event-substitution-listener with gateway-event-su

2015-08-06 Thread kishorbachhav
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop c575983f1 - 82de565d2 GEODE-188:wrong name for the gateway substitution filter in 'create async-event-queue' command -replaced string gateway-event-substitution-listener with gateway-event-substitution-filter and

incubator-geode git commit: fix race in testEntryTtlDestroyEvent

2015-08-06 Thread dschneider
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/feature/GEODE-179 [created] b12fdba83 fix race in testEntryTtlDestroyEvent A race existed that caused no-ack regions to fail because they did not see the entry expire. This race was fixed by suspending expiration until the create is

[15/19] incubator-geode git commit: Fix GEODE-154: HDFS region with HeapLRU reports LowMemoryExceptions even when region size is less then the eviction threshold

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
Fix GEODE-154: HDFS region with HeapLRU reports LowMemoryExceptions even when region size is less then the eviction threshold - calling setUsageThreshold() on MemoryPoolMXBean resulted in it reporting incorrect memory usage causing temporary spikes. Since we already set

[11/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-172: Fixing an intermittent failure as reported by closing cache after each individual test.

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
GEODE-172: Fixing an intermittent failure as reported by closing cache after each individual test. Also temporarily taking care of an assertion failure that is reflected in GEODE-110 and GEODE-141 that are still under investigation. Project:

[03/19] incubator-geode git commit: [GEODE-176] fixes the issue

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
[GEODE-176] fixes the issue Project: Commit: Tree: Diff:

[06/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-162: remove race condititions and long sleeps from region expiration test methods in RegionTestCase

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
GEODE-162: remove race condititions and long sleeps from region expiration test methods in RegionTestCase Project: Commit: Tree:

[13/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-155: - Fixes intermittent failure in RegionWithHDFS*DUnitTest about incorrect number of hoplog files getting created. - Caused due to an earlier test not clea

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
GEODE-155: - Fixes intermittent failure in RegionWithHDFS*DUnitTest about incorrect number of hoplog files getting created. - Caused due to an earlier test not cleaning up static variables in ParallelGatewaySenderQueue. - These are indeed cleaned up during GemFireCacheImpl.close() if there are

[1/2] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-137: use local GemFire server to initialize ClientCache whenever possible.

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop 7d4ae09fc - d0d48588c GEODE-137: use local GemFire server to initialize ClientCache whenever possible. Project: Commit:

Git Push Summary

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/feature/GEODE-137 [deleted] e596a4eec

incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-185: Fix races in testRegionIdleInvalidate

2015-08-06 Thread dschneider
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop 82de565d2 - 7d4ae09fc GEODE-185: Fix races in testRegionIdleInvalidate The test code is now careful to wait for the expiration clock to advance. A different assertion will be triggered if the expiration clock goes back in time.

[02/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-168: remove Bug34011JUnitTest

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
GEODE-168: remove Bug34011JUnitTest Project: Commit: Tree: Diff:

[01/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-169: testEventsExpiryBug should expect Unexpected IOException.

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/feature/GEODE-137 6f6075f27 - e596a4eec GEODE-169: testEventsExpiryBug should expect Unexpected IOException. Project: Commit:

[18/19] incubator-geode git commit: Fix GEODE-186 by removing sleeps in tests

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
Fix GEODE-186 by removing sleeps in tests The old test scheduled tx suspension to timeout after 1 minute. So the test always run for at least 1 minute. A test hook now exists that allows the test to specify a different time unit (default is still minutes) for tx suspension expiration. The sleeps

[09/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-181: Add new unit and integration tests for FastLogger

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
GEODE-181: Add new unit and integration tests for FastLogger Add new TestSuites for logging tests. Extract default config testing to FastLoggerWithDefaultConfigJUnitTest. Move FastLoggerJUnitTest integration tests to FastLoggerIntegrationJUnitTest. Create new unit tests in FastLoggerJUnitTest.

[10/19] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-175: change test to use a wait criteria instead of pause and use millis instead of seconds

2015-08-06 Thread qihong
GEODE-175: change test to use a wait criteria instead of pause and use millis instead of seconds Project: Commit: Tree:

Git Push Summary

2015-08-06 Thread dschneider
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/feature/GEODE-185 [deleted] e300012b6

[2/4] incubator-geode git commit: Fix for GEODE-109

2015-08-06 Thread sbawaskar -- diff --git

[1/4] incubator-geode git commit: Fix for GEODE-109

2015-08-06 Thread sbawaskar
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop d0d48588c - 1a6a0ef53