GEODE-1952: Update geode-docs dir for docs donation

- Alter the only 2 files that did not have a title component
at the top of the file. This facilitates easily adding the
Apache license to the files.


Branch: refs/heads/feature/GEODE-1952-2
Commit: e0f5203356991e15ab49abb193d25ed30030a572
Parents: 381d0fa
Author: Karen Miller <>
Authored: Wed Oct 5 15:40:26 2016 -0700
Committer: Karen Miller <>
Committed: Wed Oct 5 15:40:26 2016 -0700

 .../reference/topics/  |   3 + | 269 ++++++++++++++++++- | 269 -------------------
 3 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 277 deletions(-)
diff --git a/geode-docs/reference/topics/ 
index fbe289d..03b0956 100644
--- a/geode-docs/reference/topics/
+++ b/geode-docs/reference/topics/
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+title: "&lt;cache&gt; Element Reference"
 <a id="id_zn4_qbq_rr"></a>
 # &lt;cache&gt; Element Reference
diff --git 
index 2de6d98..2111573 100644
--- a/geode-docs/reference/topics/
+++ b/geode-docs/reference/topics/
@@ -12,20 +12,273 @@ These requirements include estimates for the following 
 The information here is only a guideline, and assumes a basic understanding of 
Geode. While no two applications or use cases are exactly alike, the 
information here should be a solid starting point, based on real-world 
experience. Much like with physical database design, ultimately the right 
configuration and physical topology for deployment is based on the performance 
requirements, application data access characteristics, and resource constraints 
(i.e., memory, CPU, and network bandwidth) of the operating environment.
--   **[Core Guidelines for Geode Data Region 
--   **[Memory Usage 
+<a id="topic_ipt_dqz_j4"></a>
--   **[Calculating Application Object 
+# Core Guidelines for Geode Data Region Design
--   **[Using Key Storage 
+The following guidelines apply to region design:
--   **[Measuring Cache 
+-   For 32-bit JVMs: If you have a small data set (&lt; 2GB) and a read-heavy 
requirement, you should be using replicated regions.
+-   For 64-bit JVMs: If you have a data set that is larger than 50-60% of the 
JVM heap space you can use replicated regions. For read heavy applications this 
can be a performance win. For write heavy applications you should use 
partitioned caches.
+-   If you have a large data set and you are concerned about scalability you 
should be using partitioned regions.
+-   If you have a large data set and can tolerate an on-disk subset of data, 
you should be using either replicated regions or partitioned regions with 
overflow to disk.
+-   If you have different data sets that meet the above conditions, then you 
might want to consider a hybrid solution mixing replicated and partition 
regions. Do not exceed 50 to 75% of the JVM heap size depending on how write 
intensive your application is.
--   **[Estimating Management and Monitoring 
+## <a id="topic_ppn_pqz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Memory Usage Overview
--   **[Determining Object Serialization 
+The following guidelines should provide a rough estimate of the amount of 
memory consumed by your system.
--   **[Calculating Socket Memory 
+Memory calculation about keys and entries (objects) and region overhead for 
them can be divided by the number of members of the distributed system for data 
placed in partitioned regions only. For other regions, the calculation is for 
each member that hosts the region. Memory used by sockets, threads, and the 
small amount of application overhead for Geode is per member.
+For each entry added to a region, the Geode cache API consumes a certain 
amount of memory to store and manage the data. This overhead is required even 
when an entry is overflowed or persisted to disk. Thus objects on disk take up 
some JVM memory, even when they are paged to disk. The Java cache overhead 
introduced by a region, using a 32-bit JVM, can be approximated as listed below.
+Actual memory use varies based on a number of factors, including the JVM you 
are using and the platform you are running on. For 64-bit JVMs, the usage will 
usually be larger than with 32-bit JVMs. As much as 80% more memory may be 
required for 64-bit JVMs, due to object references and headers using more 
+There are several additional considerations for calculating your memory 
+-   **Size of your stored data.** To estimate the size of your stored data, 
determine first whether you are storing the data in serialized or 
non-serialized form. In general, the non-serialized form will be the larger of 
the two. See [Determining Object Serialization Overhead](#topic_psn_5tz_j4)
+    Objects in Geode are serialized for storage into partitioned regions and 
for all distribution activities, including moving data to disk for overflow and 
persistence. For optimum performance, Geode tries to reduce the number of times 
an object is serialized and deserialized, so your objects may be stored in 
serialized or non-serialized form in the cache.
+-   **Application object overhead for your data.** When calculating 
application overhead, make sure to count the key as well as the value, and to 
count every object if the key and/or value is a composite object.
+    The following section "Calculating Application Object Overhead" provides 
details on how to estimate the memory overhead of the keys and values stored in 
the cache.
+## <a id="topic_kjx_brz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Calculating Application 
Object Overhead
+To compute the memory overhead of a Java object, perform the following steps:
+1.  **Determine the object header size.** Each Java object has an object 
header. For a 32-bit JVM, it is 8 bytes. For a 64-bit JVM with a heap less than 
or equal to 32GB, it is 12 bytes. For a 64-bit JVM with a heap greater than 
32GB, it is 16 bytes.
+2.  **Determine the memory overhead of the fields of the object.** For every 
instance field (including fields from super classes), add in the field's size. 
For primitive fields the sizes are:
+    -   8 for long and double
+    -   4 for int and float
+    -   2 for char and short
+    -   1 for byte and boolean
+    For object reference fields, the size is 8 bytes for 64-bit JVM with a 
heap greater than 32GB. For all other JVMs, use 4 bytes.
+3.  **Add up the numbers from Step 1 and 2 and round it up to the next 
multiple of 8.** The result is the memory overhead of that Java object.
+**Java arrays.** To compute the memory overhead of a Java array, you would add 
the object header (since the array is an object) and a primitive int field that 
contains its size. Treat each element of the array as if it was an instance 
field. For example, a byte array of the size 100 bytes would have one object 
header, one int field, and 100 byte fields. Use the three step process 
described above to do the computation.
+**Serialized objects.** When computing the memory overhead of a serialized 
value, remember that the serialized form is stored in a byte array. Therefore, 
to figure out how many bytes the serialized form contains, compute the memory 
overhead of a Java byte array of that size and then add in the size of the 
serialized value wrapper.
+When a value is initially stored in the cache in serialized form, a wrapper 
around the value is introduced that is kept in memory for the life of that 
value even if the value is later deserialized. Although this wrapper is only 
used internally, it does add to the memory footprint. The wrapper is an object 
with one int field and one object reference.
+If you are using partitioned regions, every value is initially stored in 
serialized form. For other region types only values that come from a remote 
member (peers or clients) are initially stored in serialized form. (This is the 
most common case.) However, if a local operation stores the value in the local 
JVM's cache, then the value will be stored in object form. A large number of 
operations can cause a value stored in serialized form to be deserialized. Any 
operation that needs the object form of the value to be local can cause this 
deserialization. If such operations are performed, then that value will be 
stored in object form (with the additional serialized wrapper) and the 
serialized form becomes garbage.
+An exception to this is if the serialized from is encoded with PDX, then 
setting `read-serialized` to true will keep the serialized form in the cache.
+See [Determining Object Serialization Overhead](#topic_psn_5tz_j4) for 
additional information on how to calculate memory usage requirements for 
storing serialized objects.
+## <a id="topic_exn_2tz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Using Key Storage 
+Keys are stored in object form except for certain classes where the storage of 
keys is optimized. Key storage is optimized by replacing the entry's object 
reference to the key with one or two primitive fields on the entry that store 
the key's data "inline". The following rules apply to determine whether a key 
is stored "inline":
+-   If the key's class is `java.lang.Integer`, `java.lang.Long`, or 
`java.util.UUID`, then the key is always stored inline. The memory overhead for 
an inlined Integer or Long key is 0 (zero). The memory overhead for an inlined 
UUID is 8.
+-   If the key's class is `java.lang.String`, then the key will be inlined if 
the string's length is small enough.
+    -   For ASCII strings whose length is less than 8, the inline memory 
overhead is 0 (zero).
+    -   For ASCII strings whose length is less than 16, the inline memory 
overhead is 8.
+    -   For non-ASCII strings whose length is less then 4, the inline memory 
overhead is 0 (zero).
+    -   For non-ASCII strings whose length is less then 8 the inline memory 
overhead is 8.
+    All other strings are not inlined.
+**When to disable inline key storage.** In some cases, storing keys inline may 
introduce extra memory or CPU usage. If all of your keys are also referenced 
from some other object, then it is better to not inline the key. If you 
frequently ask for the key from the region, then you may want to keep the 
object form stored in the cache so that you do not need to recreate the object 
form constantly. Note that the basic operation of checking whether a key is in 
a region does not require the object form but uses the inline primitive data.
+The key inlining feature can be disabled by specifying the following Geode 
property upon member startup:
+``` pre
+## <a id="topic_ac4_mtz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Measuring Cache Overhead
+This table gives estimates for the cache overhead in a 32-bit JVM. The 
overhead is required even when an entry is overflowed or persisted to disk. 
Actual memory use varies based on a number of factors, including the JVM type 
and the platform you run on. For 64-bit JVMs, the usage will usually be larger 
than with 32-bit JVMs and may be as much as 80% more.
+<col width="50%" />
+<col width="50%" />
+<tr class="header">
+<th>When calculating cache overhead...</th>
+<th>You should ...</th>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>For each region
+<div class="note note">
+<p>Memory consumption for object headers and object references can vary for 
64-bit JVMs, different JVM implementations, and different JDK versions.</p>
+<td>add 64 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td>And concurrency checking is disabled (it is enabled by default)</td>
+<td>subtract 16 bytes per entry
+<p>(See <a 
 for Consistency Checks</a>.)</p></td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>And statistics are enabled for the region</td>
+<td>add 16 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td>And the region is persisted</td>
+<td>add 52 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>And the region is overflow only</td>
+<td>add 44 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td>And the region has an LRU eviction controller</td>
+<td>add 16 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>And the region has global scope</td>
+<td>add 110 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td>And the region has entry expiration configured</td>
+<td>add 112 bytes per entry</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>For each optional user attribute</td>
+<td>add 40 bytes per entry plus the memory overhead of the user attribute 
+For indexes used in querying, the overhead varies greatly depending on the 
type of data you are storing and the type of index you create. You can roughly 
estimate the overhead for some types of indexes as follows:
+-   If the index has a single value per region entry for the indexed 
expression, the index introduces at most 243 bytes per region entry. An example 
of this type of index is: `fromClause="/portfolios",               
indexedExpression="id"`. The maximum of 243 bytes per region entry is reached 
if each entry has a unique value for the indexed expression. The overhead is 
reduced if the entries do not have unique index values.
+-   If each region entry has more than one value for the indexed expression, 
but no two region entries have the same value for it, then the index introduces 
at most 236 C + 75 bytes per region entry, where C is the average number of 
values per region entry for the expression.
+## <a id="topic_i1m_stz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Estimating Management 
and Monitoring Overhead
+Geode's JMX management and monitoring system contributes to memory overhead 
and should be accounted for when establishing the memory requirements for your 
deployment. Specifically, the memory footprint of any processes (such as 
locators) that are running as JMX managers can increase.
+For each resource in the distributed system that is being managed and 
monitored by the JMX Manager (for example, each MXBean such as MemberMXBean, 
RegionMXBean, DiskStoreMXBean, LockServiceMXBean and so on), you should add 10 
KB of required memory to the JMX Manager node.
+## <a id="topic_psn_5tz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Determining Object 
Serialization Overhead
+Geode PDX serialization can provide significant space savings over Java 
Serializable in addition to better performance. In some cases we have seen 
savings of up to 65%, but the savings will vary depending on the domain 
objects. PDX serialization is most likely to provide the most space savings of 
all available options. DataSerializable is more compact, but it requires that 
objects are deserialized on access, so that should be taken into account. On 
the other hand, PDX serializable does not require deserialization for most 
operations, and because of that, it may provide greater space savings.
+In any case, the kinds and volumes of operations that would be done on the 
server side should be considered in the context of data serialization, as Geode 
has to deserialize data for some types of operations (access). For example, if 
a function invokes a get operation on the server side, the value returned from 
the get operation will be deserialized in most cases (the only time it will not 
be deserialized is when PDX serialization is used and the read-serialized 
attribute is set). The only way to find out the actual overhead is by running 
tests, and examining the memory usage.
+Some additional serialization guidelines and tips:
+-   If you are using compound objects, do not mix using standard Java 
serialization with with Geode serialization (either DataSerializable or PDX). 
Standard Java serialization functions correctly when mixed with Geode 
serialization, but it can end up producing many more serialized bytes.
+    To determine if you are using standard Java serialization, specify the 
`-DDataSerializer.DUMP_SERIALIZED=true` upon process execution. Then check your 
log for messages of this form:
+    ``` pre
+    DataSerializer Serializing an instance of <className>
+    ```
+    Any classes list are being serialized with standard Java serialization. 
You can optimize your serialization by handling those classes in a 
`PdxSerializer` or a `DataSerializer` or changing the class to be 
`PdxSerializable` or `DataSerializable`.
+-   A simple way to determine the serialized size of an object is to create an 
instance of that object and then call `DataSerializer.writeObject(obj 
dataOutput)` where "dataOutput" wraps a `ByteArrayOutputStream`. You can then 
ask the stream for its size, and it will return the serialized size. Make sure 
you have configured your `PdxSerializer` and/or `DataSerializer`(s) configured 
before you calling `writeObject`.
+If you do want to estimate memory usage for PDX serialized data, the following 
table provides estimated sizes for various types when using PDX serialization:
+| Type          | Memory Usage                                                 
+| boolean       | 1 byte                                                       
+| byte          | 1 byte                                                       
+| char          | 2 bytes                                                      
+| short         | 2 bytes                                                      
+| int           | 4 bytes                                                      
+| long          | 8 bytes                                                      
+| float         | 8 bytes                                                      
+| String        | String.length + 3 bytes                                      
+| Domain Object | 9 bytes (for PDX header) + object serialization length 
(total all member fields) + 1 to 4 extra bytes (depends on the total size of 
Domain object) |
+A note of caution-- if the domain object contains many domain objects as 
member fields, then the memory overhead of PDX serialization can be 
considerably more than other types of serialization.
+## <a id="topic_d3g_c5z_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Calculating Socket 
Memory Requirements
+Servers always maintain two outgoing connections to each of their peers. So 
for each peer a server has, there are four total connections: two going out to 
the peer and two coming in from the peer.
+The server threads that service client requests also communicate with peers to 
distribute events and forward client requests. If the server's Geode connection 
property *conserve-sockets* is set to true (the default), these threads use the 
already-established peer connections for this communication.
+If *conserve-sockets* is false, each thread that services clients establishes 
two of its own individual connections to its server peers, one to send, and one 
to receive. Each socket uses a file descriptor, so the number of available 
sockets is governed by two operating system settings:
+-   maximum open files allowed on the system as a whole
+-   maximum open files allowed for each session
+In servers with many threads servicing clients, if *conserve-sockets* is set 
to false, the demand for connections can easily overrun the number of available 
sockets. Even with *conserve-sockets* set to false, you can cap the number of 
these connections by setting the server's *max-threads* parameter.
+Since each client connection takes one server socket on a thread to handle the 
connection, and since that server acts as a proxy on partitioned regions to get 
results, or execute the function service on behalf of the client, for 
partitioned regions, if conserve sockets is set to false, this also results in 
a new socket on the server being opened to each peer. Thus N sockets are 
opened, where N is the number of peers. Large number of clients simultaneously 
connecting to a large set of peers with a partitioned region with conserve 
sockets set to false can cause a huge amount of memory to be consumed by 
socket. Set conserve-sockets to true in these instances.
+There is also JVM overhead for the thread stack for each client connection 
being processed, set at 256KB or 512KB for most JVMs . On some JVMs you can 
reduce it to 128KB. You can use the Geode `max-threads` property or the Geode 
`max-connections` property to limit the number of client threads and thus both 
thread overhead and socket overhead.
+The following table lists the memory requirements based on connections.
+<col width="50%" />
+<col width="50%" />
+<tr class="header">
+<th>Memory requirements</th>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>Per socket</td>
+<td><p>32,768 /socket (configurable)</p>
+<p>Default value per socket should be set to a number &gt; 100 + sizeof 
(largest object in region) + sizeof (largest key)</p></td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td>If server (for example if there are clients that connect to it)</td>
+<td>= (lesser of max-threads property on server or max-connections)* (socket 
buffer size +thread overhead for the JVM )</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>Per member of the distributed system if conserve sockets is set to 
+<td>4* number of peers</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td>Per member, if conserve sockets is set to false</td>
+<td>4 * number of peers hosting that region* number of threads</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>If member hosts a Partitioned Region, If conserve sockets set to false and 
it is a Server (this is cumulative with the above)</td>
+<td><p>=&lt; max-threads * 2 * number of peers</p>
+<div class="note note">
+<p>it is = 2* current number of clients connected * number of peers. Each 
connection spawns a thread.</p>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><strong>Subscription Queues</strong></td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><p>Per Server, depending on whether you limit the queue size. If you do, 
you can specify the number of megabytes or the number of entries until the 
queue overflows to disk. When possible, entries on the queue are references to 
minimize memory impact. The queue consumes memory not only for the key and the 
entry but also for the client ID/or thread ID as well as for the operation 
type. Since you can limit the queue to 1 MB, this number is completely 
configurable and thus there is no simple formula.</p></td>
+<td>1 MB +</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><strong>Geode classes and JVM overhead</strong></td>
+<td>Roughly 50MB</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><strong>Thread overhead</strong></td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><p>Each concurrent client connection into the a server results in a thread 
being spawned up to max-threads setting. After that a thread services multiple 
clients up to max-clients setting.</p></td>
+<td>There is a thread stack overhead per connection (at a minimum 256KB to 512 
KB, you can set it to smaller to 128KB on many JVMs.)</td>
+<a id="topic_eww_rvz_j4"></a>
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c93e6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-<a id="topic_ipt_dqz_j4"></a>
-# Core Guidelines for Geode Data Region Design
-The following guidelines apply to region design:
--   For 32-bit JVMs: If you have a small data set (&lt; 2GB) and a read-heavy 
requirement, you should be using replicated regions.
--   For 64-bit JVMs: If you have a data set that is larger than 50-60% of the 
JVM heap space you can use replicated regions. For read heavy applications this 
can be a performance win. For write heavy applications you should use 
partitioned caches.
--   If you have a large data set and you are concerned about scalability you 
should be using partitioned regions.
--   If you have a large data set and can tolerate an on-disk subset of data, 
you should be using either replicated regions or partitioned regions with 
overflow to disk.
--   If you have different data sets that meet the above conditions, then you 
might want to consider a hybrid solution mixing replicated and partition 
regions. Do not exceed 50 to 75% of the JVM heap size depending on how write 
intensive your application is.
-## <a id="topic_ppn_pqz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Memory Usage Overview
-The following guidelines should provide a rough estimate of the amount of 
memory consumed by your system.
-Memory calculation about keys and entries (objects) and region overhead for 
them can be divided by the number of members of the distributed system for data 
placed in partitioned regions only. For other regions, the calculation is for 
each member that hosts the region. Memory used by sockets, threads, and the 
small amount of application overhead for Geode is per member.
-For each entry added to a region, the Geode cache API consumes a certain 
amount of memory to store and manage the data. This overhead is required even 
when an entry is overflowed or persisted to disk. Thus objects on disk take up 
some JVM memory, even when they are paged to disk. The Java cache overhead 
introduced by a region, using a 32-bit JVM, can be approximated as listed below.
-Actual memory use varies based on a number of factors, including the JVM you 
are using and the platform you are running on. For 64-bit JVMs, the usage will 
usually be larger than with 32-bit JVMs. As much as 80% more memory may be 
required for 64-bit JVMs, due to object references and headers using more 
-There are several additional considerations for calculating your memory 
--   **Size of your stored data.** To estimate the size of your stored data, 
determine first whether you are storing the data in serialized or 
non-serialized form. In general, the non-serialized form will be the larger of 
the two. See [Determining Object Serialization Overhead](#topic_psn_5tz_j4)
-    Objects in Geode are serialized for storage into partitioned regions and 
for all distribution activities, including moving data to disk for overflow and 
persistence. For optimum performance, Geode tries to reduce the number of times 
an object is serialized and deserialized, so your objects may be stored in 
serialized or non-serialized form in the cache.
--   **Application object overhead for your data.** When calculating 
application overhead, make sure to count the key as well as the value, and to 
count every object if the key and/or value is a composite object.
-    The following section "Calculating Application Object Overhead" provides 
details on how to estimate the memory overhead of the keys and values stored in 
the cache.
-## <a id="topic_kjx_brz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Calculating Application 
Object Overhead
-To compute the memory overhead of a Java object, perform the following steps:
-1.  **Determine the object header size.** Each Java object has an object 
header. For a 32-bit JVM, it is 8 bytes. For a 64-bit JVM with a heap less than 
or equal to 32GB, it is 12 bytes. For a 64-bit JVM with a heap greater than 
32GB, it is 16 bytes.
-2.  **Determine the memory overhead of the fields of the object.** For every 
instance field (including fields from super classes), add in the field's size. 
For primitive fields the sizes are:
-    -   8 for long and double
-    -   4 for int and float
-    -   2 for char and short
-    -   1 for byte and boolean
-    For object reference fields, the size is 8 bytes for 64-bit JVM with a 
heap greater than 32GB. For all other JVMs, use 4 bytes.
-3.  **Add up the numbers from Step 1 and 2 and round it up to the next 
multiple of 8.** The result is the memory overhead of that Java object.
-**Java arrays.** To compute the memory overhead of a Java array, you would add 
the object header (since the array is an object) and a primitive int field that 
contains its size. Treat each element of the array as if it was an instance 
field. For example, a byte array of the size 100 bytes would have one object 
header, one int field, and 100 byte fields. Use the three step process 
described above to do the computation.
-**Serialized objects.** When computing the memory overhead of a serialized 
value, remember that the serialized form is stored in a byte array. Therefore, 
to figure out how many bytes the serialized form contains, compute the memory 
overhead of a Java byte array of that size and then add in the size of the 
serialized value wrapper.
-When a value is initially stored in the cache in serialized form, a wrapper 
around the value is introduced that is kept in memory for the life of that 
value even if the value is later deserialized. Although this wrapper is only 
used internally, it does add to the memory footprint. The wrapper is an object 
with one int field and one object reference.
-If you are using partitioned regions, every value is initially stored in 
serialized form. For other region types only values that come from a remote 
member (peers or clients) are initially stored in serialized form. (This is the 
most common case.) However, if a local operation stores the value in the local 
JVM's cache, then the value will be stored in object form. A large number of 
operations can cause a value stored in serialized form to be deserialized. Any 
operation that needs the object form of the value to be local can cause this 
deserialization. If such operations are performed, then that value will be 
stored in object form (with the additional serialized wrapper) and the 
serialized form becomes garbage.
-An exception to this is if the serialized from is encoded with PDX, then 
setting `read-serialized` to true will keep the serialized form in the cache.
-See [Determining Object Serialization Overhead](#topic_psn_5tz_j4) for 
additional information on how to calculate memory usage requirements for 
storing serialized objects.
-## <a id="topic_exn_2tz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Using Key Storage 
-Keys are stored in object form except for certain classes where the storage of 
keys is optimized. Key storage is optimized by replacing the entry's object 
reference to the key with one or two primitive fields on the entry that store 
the key's data "inline". The following rules apply to determine whether a key 
is stored "inline":
--   If the key's class is `java.lang.Integer`, `java.lang.Long`, or 
`java.util.UUID`, then the key is always stored inline. The memory overhead for 
an inlined Integer or Long key is 0 (zero). The memory overhead for an inlined 
UUID is 8.
--   If the key's class is `java.lang.String`, then the key will be inlined if 
the string's length is small enough.
-    -   For ASCII strings whose length is less than 8, the inline memory 
overhead is 0 (zero).
-    -   For ASCII strings whose length is less than 16, the inline memory 
overhead is 8.
-    -   For non-ASCII strings whose length is less then 4, the inline memory 
overhead is 0 (zero).
-    -   For non-ASCII strings whose length is less then 8 the inline memory 
overhead is 8.
-    All other strings are not inlined.
-**When to disable inline key storage.** In some cases, storing keys inline may 
introduce extra memory or CPU usage. If all of your keys are also referenced 
from some other object, then it is better to not inline the key. If you 
frequently ask for the key from the region, then you may want to keep the 
object form stored in the cache so that you do not need to recreate the object 
form constantly. Note that the basic operation of checking whether a key is in 
a region does not require the object form but uses the inline primitive data.
-The key inlining feature can be disabled by specifying the following Geode 
property upon member startup:
-``` pre
-## <a id="topic_ac4_mtz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Measuring Cache Overhead
-This table gives estimates for the cache overhead in a 32-bit JVM. The 
overhead is required even when an entry is overflowed or persisted to disk. 
Actual memory use varies based on a number of factors, including the JVM type 
and the platform you run on. For 64-bit JVMs, the usage will usually be larger 
than with 32-bit JVMs and may be as much as 80% more.
-<col width="50%" />
-<col width="50%" />
-<tr class="header">
-<th>When calculating cache overhead...</th>
-<th>You should ...</th>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>For each region
-<div class="note note">
-<p>Memory consumption for object headers and object references can vary for 
64-bit JVMs, different JVM implementations, and different JDK versions.</p>
-<td>add 64 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td>And concurrency checking is disabled (it is enabled by default)</td>
-<td>subtract 16 bytes per entry
-<p>(See <a 
 for Consistency Checks</a>.)</p></td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>And statistics are enabled for the region</td>
-<td>add 16 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td>And the region is persisted</td>
-<td>add 52 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>And the region is overflow only</td>
-<td>add 44 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td>And the region has an LRU eviction controller</td>
-<td>add 16 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>And the region has global scope</td>
-<td>add 110 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td>And the region has entry expiration configured</td>
-<td>add 112 bytes per entry</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>For each optional user attribute</td>
-<td>add 40 bytes per entry plus the memory overhead of the user attribute 
-For indexes used in querying, the overhead varies greatly depending on the 
type of data you are storing and the type of index you create. You can roughly 
estimate the overhead for some types of indexes as follows:
--   If the index has a single value per region entry for the indexed 
expression, the index introduces at most 243 bytes per region entry. An example 
of this type of index is: `fromClause="/portfolios",               
indexedExpression="id"`. The maximum of 243 bytes per region entry is reached 
if each entry has a unique value for the indexed expression. The overhead is 
reduced if the entries do not have unique index values.
--   If each region entry has more than one value for the indexed expression, 
but no two region entries have the same value for it, then the index introduces 
at most 236 C + 75 bytes per region entry, where C is the average number of 
values per region entry for the expression.
-## <a id="topic_i1m_stz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Estimating Management 
and Monitoring Overhead
-Geode's JMX management and monitoring system contributes to memory overhead 
and should be accounted for when establishing the memory requirements for your 
deployment. Specifically, the memory footprint of any processes (such as 
locators) that are running as JMX managers can increase.
-For each resource in the distributed system that is being managed and 
monitored by the JMX Manager (for example, each MXBean such as MemberMXBean, 
RegionMXBean, DiskStoreMXBean, LockServiceMXBean and so on), you should add 10 
KB of required memory to the JMX Manager node.
-## <a id="topic_psn_5tz_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Determining Object 
Serialization Overhead
-Geode PDX serialization can provide significant space savings over Java 
Serializable in addition to better performance. In some cases we have seen 
savings of up to 65%, but the savings will vary depending on the domain 
objects. PDX serialization is most likely to provide the most space savings of 
all available options. DataSerializable is more compact, but it requires that 
objects are deserialized on access, so that should be taken into account. On 
the other hand, PDX serializable does not require deserialization for most 
operations, and because of that, it may provide greater space savings.
-In any case, the kinds and volumes of operations that would be done on the 
server side should be considered in the context of data serialization, as Geode 
has to deserialize data for some types of operations (access). For example, if 
a function invokes a get operation on the server side, the value returned from 
the get operation will be deserialized in most cases (the only time it will not 
be deserialized is when PDX serialization is used and the read-serialized 
attribute is set). The only way to find out the actual overhead is by running 
tests, and examining the memory usage.
-Some additional serialization guidelines and tips:
--   If you are using compound objects, do not mix using standard Java 
serialization with with Geode serialization (either DataSerializable or PDX). 
Standard Java serialization functions correctly when mixed with Geode 
serialization, but it can end up producing many more serialized bytes.
-    To determine if you are using standard Java serialization, specify the 
`-DDataSerializer.DUMP_SERIALIZED=true` upon process execution. Then check your 
log for messages of this form:
-    ``` pre
-    DataSerializer Serializing an instance of <className>
-    ```
-    Any classes list are being serialized with standard Java serialization. 
You can optimize your serialization by handling those classes in a 
`PdxSerializer` or a `DataSerializer` or changing the class to be 
`PdxSerializable` or `DataSerializable`.
--   A simple way to determine the serialized size of an object is to create an 
instance of that object and then call `DataSerializer.writeObject(obj 
dataOutput)` where "dataOutput" wraps a `ByteArrayOutputStream`. You can then 
ask the stream for its size, and it will return the serialized size. Make sure 
you have configured your `PdxSerializer` and/or `DataSerializer`(s) configured 
before you calling `writeObject`.
-If you do want to estimate memory usage for PDX serialized data, the following 
table provides estimated sizes for various types when using PDX serialization:
-| Type          | Memory Usage                                                 
-| boolean       | 1 byte                                                       
-| byte          | 1 byte                                                       
-| char          | 2 bytes                                                      
-| short         | 2 bytes                                                      
-| int           | 4 bytes                                                      
-| long          | 8 bytes                                                      
-| float         | 8 bytes                                                      
-| String        | String.length + 3 bytes                                      
-| Domain Object | 9 bytes (for PDX header) + object serialization length 
(total all member fields) + 1 to 4 extra bytes (depends on the total size of 
Domain object) |
-A note of caution-- if the domain object contains many domain objects as 
member fields, then the memory overhead of PDX serialization can be 
considerably more than other types of serialization.
-## <a id="topic_d3g_c5z_j4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Calculating Socket 
Memory Requirements
-Servers always maintain two outgoing connections to each of their peers. So 
for each peer a server has, there are four total connections: two going out to 
the peer and two coming in from the peer.
-The server threads that service client requests also communicate with peers to 
distribute events and forward client requests. If the server's Geode connection 
property *conserve-sockets* is set to true (the default), these threads use the 
already-established peer connections for this communication.
-If *conserve-sockets* is false, each thread that services clients establishes 
two of its own individual connections to its server peers, one to send, and one 
to receive. Each socket uses a file descriptor, so the number of available 
sockets is governed by two operating system settings:
--   maximum open files allowed on the system as a whole
--   maximum open files allowed for each session
-In servers with many threads servicing clients, if *conserve-sockets* is set 
to false, the demand for connections can easily overrun the number of available 
sockets. Even with *conserve-sockets* set to false, you can cap the number of 
these connections by setting the server's *max-threads* parameter.
-Since each client connection takes one server socket on a thread to handle the 
connection, and since that server acts as a proxy on partitioned regions to get 
results, or execute the function service on behalf of the client, for 
partitioned regions, if conserve sockets is set to false, this also results in 
a new socket on the server being opened to each peer. Thus N sockets are 
opened, where N is the number of peers. Large number of clients simultaneously 
connecting to a large set of peers with a partitioned region with conserve 
sockets set to false can cause a huge amount of memory to be consumed by 
socket. Set conserve-sockets to true in these instances.
-There is also JVM overhead for the thread stack for each client connection 
being processed, set at 256KB or 512KB for most JVMs . On some JVMs you can 
reduce it to 128KB. You can use the Geode `max-threads` property or the Geode 
`max-connections` property to limit the number of client threads and thus both 
thread overhead and socket overhead.
-The following table lists the memory requirements based on connections.
-<col width="50%" />
-<col width="50%" />
-<tr class="header">
-<th>Memory requirements</th>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>Per socket</td>
-<td><p>32,768 /socket (configurable)</p>
-<p>Default value per socket should be set to a number &gt; 100 + sizeof 
(largest object in region) + sizeof (largest key)</p></td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td>If server (for example if there are clients that connect to it)</td>
-<td>= (lesser of max-threads property on server or max-connections)* (socket 
buffer size +thread overhead for the JVM )</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>Per member of the distributed system if conserve sockets is set to 
-<td>4* number of peers</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td>Per member, if conserve sockets is set to false</td>
-<td>4 * number of peers hosting that region* number of threads</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td>If member hosts a Partitioned Region, If conserve sockets set to false and 
it is a Server (this is cumulative with the above)</td>
-<td><p>=&lt; max-threads * 2 * number of peers</p>
-<div class="note note">
-<p>it is = 2* current number of clients connected * number of peers. Each 
connection spawns a thread.</p>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><strong>Subscription Queues</strong></td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><p>Per Server, depending on whether you limit the queue size. If you do, 
you can specify the number of megabytes or the number of entries until the 
queue overflows to disk. When possible, entries on the queue are references to 
minimize memory impact. The queue consumes memory not only for the key and the 
entry but also for the client ID/or thread ID as well as for the operation 
type. Since you can limit the queue to 1 MB, this number is completely 
configurable and thus there is no simple formula.</p></td>
-<td>1 MB +</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><strong>Geode classes and JVM overhead</strong></td>
-<td>Roughly 50MB</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><strong>Thread overhead</strong></td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><p>Each concurrent client connection into the a server results in a thread 
being spawned up to max-threads setting. After that a thread services multiple 
clients up to max-clients setting.</p></td>
-<td>There is a thread stack overhead per connection (at a minimum 256KB to 512 
KB, you can set it to smaller to 128KB on many JVMs.)</td>
-<a id="topic_eww_rvz_j4"></a>

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