GROOVY-8300: @AutoFinal (asciidoc doco)

(cherry picked from commit 9ea35d6)


Branch: refs/heads/GROOVY_2_6_X
Commit: 5db12571492b064fe4fdde679ee0ff1fc8469616
Parents: c7774a3
Author: paulk <>
Authored: Wed Sep 13 20:35:27 2017 +0800
Committer: sunlan <>
Committed: Wed Sep 13 20:50:23 2017 +0800

 src/spec/doc/core-metaprogramming.adoc          | 37 ++++++++++++++++
 .../CompilerDirectivesASTTransformsTest.groovy  | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 83 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/spec/doc/core-metaprogramming.adoc 
index f2ffdc4..e18784a 100644
--- a/src/spec/doc/core-metaprogramming.adoc
+++ b/src/spec/doc/core-metaprogramming.adoc
@@ -2357,6 +2357,43 @@ The `@PackageScope` annotation is seldom used as part of 
normal Groovy conventio
 for factory methods that should be visible internally within a package or for 
methods or constructors provided
 for testing purposes, or when integrating with third-party libraries which 
require such visibility conventions.
+===== `@groovy.transform.AutoFinal`
+The `@AutoFinal` annotation instructs the compiler to automatically insert the 
final modifier
+in numerous places within the annotated node. If applied on a method (or 
constructor), the parameters
+for that method (or constructor) will be marked as final. If applied on a 
class definition, the same
+treatment will occur for all declared methods and constructors within that 
+It is often considered bad practice to reassign parameters of a method or 
constructor with its body.
+By adding the final modifier to all parameter declarations you can avoid this 
practice entirely.
+Some programmers feel that adding final everywhere increases the amount of 
boilerplate code and makes the
+method signatures somewhat noisy. An alternative might instead be to use a 
code review process or apply
+to give warnings if that practice is observed but these alternatives might 
lead to delayed feedback during
+quality checking rather than within the IDE or during compilation. The 
`@AutoFinal` annotation aims to
+maximise compiler/IDE feedback while retaining succinct code with minimum 
boilerplate noise.
+The following example illustrates applying the annotation at the class level:
+In this example, the two parameters for the constructor and the single 
parameter for
+both the `fullname` and `greeting` methods will be final. Attempts to modify 
those parameters within the
+constructor or method bodies will be flagged by the compiler.
+The following example illustrates applying the annotation at the method level:
+Here, the `add` method will have final parameters but the `mult` method will 
remain unchanged.
 ===== `@groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector`
diff --git a/src/spec/test/CompilerDirectivesASTTransformsTest.groovy 
index 29ccd9f..8e72851 100644
--- a/src/spec/test/CompilerDirectivesASTTransformsTest.groovy
+++ b/src/spec/test/CompilerDirectivesASTTransformsTest.groovy
@@ -96,6 +96,52 @@ new MyScript().run()
+    void testAutoFinalClass() {
+        assertScript '''
+// tag::autofinal_class[]
+import groovy.transform.AutoFinal
+class Person {
+    private String first, last
+    Person(String first, String last) {
+        this.first = first
+        this.last = last
+    }
+    String fullName(String separator) {
+        "$first$separator$last"
+    }
+    String greeting(String salutation) {
+        "$salutation, $first"
+    }
+// end::autofinal_class[]
+def john = new Person('John', 'Smith')
+assert john.fullName(' ') == 'John Smith'
+assert john.greeting('Hello') == 'Hello, John'
+    }
+    void testAutoFinalMethod() {
+        assertScript '''
+import groovy.transform.AutoFinal
+// tag::autofinal_method[]
+class Calc {
+    @AutoFinal
+    int add(int a, int b) { a + b }
+    int mult(int a, int b) { a * b }
+// end::autofinal_method[]
+def calc = new Calc()
+assert calc.add(3, 6) == 9
+assert calc.mult(3, 6) == 18
+    }
     void testPackageScope() {
         assertScript '''import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
 // tag::packagescope_property[]

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