Repository: guacamole-manual
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/staging/1.0.0 18a11ff0a -> 563a0e6fa

GUACAMOLE-470: Document new color-scheme parameter format for SSH and Telnet

Document the new format of the color-scheme parameter with some
examples, for SSH and Telnet connections.


Branch: refs/heads/staging/1.0.0
Commit: 2a087379c6099892b156034b28850f67dc555388
Parents: 4e1b3b3
Author: Jim Chen <>
Authored: Wed Aug 15 23:38:53 2018 -0400
Committer: Jim Chen <>
Committed: Tue Aug 21 00:59:21 2018 -0400

 src/chapters/configuring.xml | 164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/chapters/configuring.xml b/src/chapters/configuring.xml
index 58287ae..7ac500f 100644
--- a/src/chapters/configuring.xml
+++ b/src/chapters/configuring.xml
@@ -3009,13 +3009,81 @@ ed272546-87bd-4db9-acba-e36e1a9ca20a
                                             <secondary>color scheme</secondary>
                                         </indexterm>The color scheme to use 
for the terminal
-                                        emulator used by SSH connections. Each 
color scheme dictates
-                                        the default foreground and background 
color for the
-                                        terminal. Programs which specify 
colors when printing text
-                                        will override these defaults.</para>
-                                    <para>This parameter is optional. By 
default, Guacamole will
-                                        render text as gray over a black 
-                                    <para>Possible values are:</para>
+                                        emulator used by SSH connections. It 
consists of a
+                                        semicolon-separated series of 
name-value pairs. Each
+                                        name-value pair is separated by a 
colon and assigns a
+                                        value to a color in the terminal 
emulator palette. For
+                                        example, to use blue text on white 
background by default,
+                                        and change the red color to a purple 
shade, you would
+                                        specify:</para>
+                                    <informalexample>
+                                        <programlisting>foreground: 
+background: rgb:ff/ff/ff;
+color9: rgb:80/00/80</programlisting>
+                                    </informalexample>
+                                    <para>This format is similar to the color 
configuration format
+                                        used by Xterm, so Xterm color 
configurations can be easily
+                                        adapted for Guacamole. This parameter 
is optional. If not
+                                        specified, Guacamole will render text 
as gray over a black
+                                        background.</para>
+                                    <para>Possible color names are:</para>
+                                    <variablelist>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Set the default 
foreground color.</para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Set the default 
background color.</para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Set the color at index 
+                                                    on the Xterm 256-color 
palette. For example,
+                                                    <code>color9</code> refers 
to the red color.
+                                                    </para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                    </variablelist>
+                                    <para>Possible color values are:</para>
+                                    <variablelist>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Use the specified color 
in RGB format, with
+                                                    each component in 
hexadecimal. For example,
+                                                    <code>rgb:ff/00/00</code> 
specifies the color
+                                                    red. Note that each 
hexadecimal component can be
+                                                    one to four digits, but 
the effective values are
+                                                    always zero-extended or 
truncated to two digits;
+                                                    for example, 
+                                                    <code>rgb:f0/80/00</code>, 
<code>rgb:f0f/808/00f</code> all refer to the
+                                                    same effective 
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Use the color currently 
assigned to index
+                                                    <code>&lt;n&gt;</code> on 
the Xterm 256-color
+                                                    palette. For example, 
+                                                    specifies the current red 
color. Note that the
+                                                    color value is used rather 
than the color
+                                                    reference, so if 
<code>color9</code> is changed
+                                                    later in the color scheme 
configuration, that
+                                                    new color will not be 
reflected in this
+                                                    assignment.</para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                    </variablelist>
+                                    <para>For backward compatibility, 
Guacamole will also accept
+                                        four special values as the color 
scheme parameter:</para>
@@ -3672,13 +3740,81 @@ guaclog: INFO: All files interpreted 
                                             <secondary>color scheme</secondary>
                                         </indexterm>The color scheme to use 
for the terminal
-                                        emulator used by telnet connections. 
Each color scheme
-                                        dictates the default foreground and 
background color for the
-                                        terminal. Programs which specify 
colors when printing text
-                                        will override these defaults.</para>
-                                    <para>This parameter is optional. By 
default, Guacamole will
-                                        render text as gray over a black 
-                                    <para>Possible values are:</para>
+                                        emulator used by telnet connections. 
It consists of a
+                                        semicolon-separated series of 
name-value pairs. Each
+                                        name-value pair is separated by a 
colon and assigns a
+                                        value to a color in the terminal 
emulator palette. For
+                                        example, to use blue text on white 
background by default,
+                                        and change the red color to a purple 
shade, you would
+                                        specify:</para>
+                                    <informalexample>
+                                        <programlisting>foreground: 
+background: rgb:ff/ff/ff;
+color9: rgb:80/00/80</programlisting>
+                                    </informalexample>
+                                    <para>This format is similar to the color 
configuration format
+                                        used by Xterm, so Xterm color 
configurations can be easily
+                                        adapted for Guacamole. This parameter 
is optional. If not
+                                        specified, Guacamole will render text 
as gray over a black
+                                        background.</para>
+                                    <para>Possible color names are:</para>
+                                    <variablelist>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Set the default 
foreground color.</para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Set the default 
background color.</para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Set the color at index 
+                                                    on the Xterm 256-color 
palette. For example,
+                                                    <code>color9</code> refers 
to the red color.
+                                                    </para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                    </variablelist>
+                                    <para>Possible color values are:</para>
+                                    <variablelist>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Use the specified color 
in RGB format, with
+                                                    each component in 
hexadecimal. For example,
+                                                    <code>rgb:ff/00/00</code> 
specifies the color
+                                                    red. Note that each 
hexadecimal component can be
+                                                    one to four digits, but 
the effective values are
+                                                    always zero-extended or 
truncated to two digits;
+                                                    for example, 
+                                                    <code>rgb:f0/80/00</code>, 
<code>rgb:f0f/808/00f</code> all refer to the
+                                                    same effective 
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                        <varlistentry>
+                                            <listitem>
+                                                <para>Use the color currently 
assigned to index
+                                                    <code>&lt;n&gt;</code> on 
the Xterm 256-color
+                                                    palette. For example, 
+                                                    specifies the current red 
color. Note that the
+                                                    color value is used rather 
than the color
+                                                    reference, so if 
<code>color9</code> is changed
+                                                    later in the color scheme 
configuration, that
+                                                    new color will not be 
reflected in this
+                                                    assignment.</para>
+                                            </listitem>
+                                        </varlistentry>
+                                    </variablelist>
+                                    <para>For backward compatibility, 
Guacamole will also accept
+                                        four special values as the color 
scheme parameter:</para>

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