Added: dev/hbase/3.0.0-beta-1RC0/
--- dev/hbase/3.0.0-beta-1RC0/ (added)
+++ dev/hbase/3.0.0-beta-1RC0/ Tue Dec 26 08:22:57 2023
@@ -0,0 +1,7425 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# HBASE  3.0.0-beta-1 Release Notes
+These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, 
important issues, features, and major improvements.
+* [HBASE-27855]( | *Minor* | 
**Support dynamic adjustment of flusher count**
+Support dynamic adjustment of flusher count
+* [HBASE-27888]( | *Minor* | 
**Record readBlock message in log when it takes too long time**
+Add a configuration parameter,which control to record read block slow in logs.
+  \<name\>\</name\>
+  \<value\>-1\</value\>
+If reading block cost time in milliseconds more than the threshold, a warning 
will be logged,the default value is -1, it means skipping record the read block 
slow warning log.
+* [HBASE-27798]( | *Major* | 
**Client side should back off based on wait interval in RpcThrottlingException**
+When throttling quotas are enabled, clients will now respect the wait interval 
sent along from the server in the RpcThrottlingException. As a result, in these 
cases retries will backoff differently from your normally configured pause 
time/schedule to respect the throttling dictated by the server.
+* [HBASE-27657]( | *Major* | 
**Connection and Request Attributes**
+It is now possible to send Connection and Request attributes to the server.
+Connection attributes are passed in via new method overloads in 
ConnectionFactory. These attributes are only sent once per connection, during 
connection handshake. They will remain in memory on the server side for the 
duration of the connection.
+Request attributes can be configured via a new setRequestAttributes on 
TableBuilder and AsyncTableBuilder. Requests sent through the built table will 
all send along the configured attributes. Each request sent to a RegionServer 
will include the request attributes in the header. This differs from existing 
Operation attributes for Scan (which doesn't accept operation attributes) and 
Multi (which each operation in a batch has its own attributes).
+These new attributes can be retrieved in server side plugins by inspecting 
RpcServer.getCurrentCall(). The returned RpcCall has a getHeader(), which 
returns the RequestHeader which has a getAttributeList() containing request 
attributes. We also added a getConnectionHeader() to RpcCall, which also has a 
getAttributeList() for getting connection attributes.
+Note: This involved addition of a new Map\<String, byte[]\> argument to 
ConnectionImplementation, AsyncConnectionImpl, NettyRpcClient, and 
BlockingRpcClient. Users who have custom implementations of these Private and 
LimitedPrivate classes will need to update their constructors accordingly to 
match so that reflection continues to work.
+* [HBASE-26874]( | *Major* | 
**VerifyReplication recompare async**
+VerifyReplication can now do multiple recompares (rather than 1 previously), 
with exponential backoff. In order to speed up the job when there are many 
discrepancies, the recompares can be run in background threads.  New options 
added: --recompareTries (default 1 if --recompareSleep is \> 0, otherwise 0), 
--recompareThreads (default 0), --recompareBackoffExponent (default 1).
+* [HBASE-27896]( | *Major* | 
**Disable hdfs readahead for pread reads**
+PREAD reads will no longer do HDFS readahead by default. This should save 
substantial disk and network IO for random read workloads, but one can 
re-enable it if desired by setting "" to false.
+* [HBASE-27956]( | *Major* | 
**Support wall clock profiling in ProfilerServlet**
+You can now do wall clock profiling with async-profiler by specifying 
?event=wall query param on the profiler servlet (/prof)
+* [HBASE-27947]( | 
*Critical* | **RegionServer OOM under load when TLS is enabled**
+When a slow client is not able to read responses from the server fast enough, 
the server side channel outbound buffer will grow. This can eventually lead to 
an OOM under extreme cases, and here we add new configurations to protect 
against that:
+- hbase.server.netty.writable.watermark.low
+- hbase.server.netty.writable.watermark.high
+- hbase.server.netty.writable.watermark.fatal
+When high watermark is exceeded, server will stop accepting new requests from 
the client. When outbound bytes drops below the low watermark, it will start 
again. This does not stop the server from processing already enqueued requests, 
so if those requests continue to grow the outbound bytes beyond the fatal 
threshold, the connection will be forcibly closed.
+Also added new metrics for monitoring this situation in bean 
+ - UnwritableTime\_\* - histogram of time periods between when the high 
watermark was exceeded and when it eventually drops below low watermark. 
+- nettyTotalPendingOutboundBytes - as the name suggests, for all channels the 
total amount of bytes waiting to be written to sockets
+- nettyMaxPendingOutboundBytes - the number of bytes waiting on the most 
backed up channel across all channels
+* [HBASE-26867]( | *Minor* | 
**Introduce a FlushProcedure**
+Introduce a flush procedure to flush tables. The flush procedure is used to 
perform flush-related operations by default. Set hbase.flush.procedure.enabled 
to false to disable flush procedure.
+* [HBASE-28008]( | *Major* | 
**Add support for tcnative**
+If a properly shaded netty-tcnative is found on the classpath, hbase will 
automatically pick it up for use in accelerating TLS handling. Properly shaded 
means relocated to prefix with org.apache.hbase.thirdparty
+* [HBASE-28068]( | *Minor* | 
**Add hbase.normalizer.merge.merge\_request\_max\_number\_of\_regions property 
to limit max number of regions in a merge request for merge normalization**
+Added a new property 
"hbase.normalizer.merge.merge\_request\_max\_number\_of\_regions" to limit the 
max number of region to be processed for merge request in a single merge 
normalisation. Defaults to 100
+* [HBASE-27970]( | *Major* | 
**Make sync replication also work with FSHLog**
+Now sync replication could also work with FSHLog. It requires an extra thread 
for performing concurrent append/sync, so it will be a bit costly compared to 
+* [HBASE-28168]( | *Minor* | 
**Add option in to isolate one or more regions on the 
+This adds a new "isolate\_regions" operation to RegionMover, which allows 
operators to pass a list of region encoded ids to be "isolated" in the passed 
+Regions currently deployed in the RegionServer that are not in the passed list 
of regions would be moved to other RegionServers. Regions in the passed list 
that are currently on other RegionServers would be moved to the passed 
+Please refer to the command help for further information.
+* [HBASE-28043]( | *Major* | 
**Reduce seeks from beginning of block in StoreFileScanner.seekToPreviousRow**
+Optimizes StoreFileScanner.seekToPreviousRow to use keep track of a hint which 
allows us to eliminate one seek per call, resulting in 40% or more throughput 
increase for reverse scans. External users (Phoenix) of this LimitedPrivate 
method should be aware of the change in semantics. It is expected that 
seekToPreviousRow is used for scanning backwards in the StoreFile. Calling with 
an originalKey greater than the previously passed key (i.e. forward in the 
StoreFile), the originalKey will not be honored. Instead use seek for this case.
+* [HBASE-28222]( | *Major* | 
**Leak in ExportSnapshot during verifySnapshot on S3A**
+ExportSnapshot now uses FileSystems from the global FileSystem cache, and as 
such does not close those FileSystems when it finishes. If users plan to run 
ExportSnapshot over and over in a single process for different FileSystem urls, 
they should run FileSystem.closeAll() between runs. See JIRA for details.
+* [HBASE-25549]( | *Major* | 
**Provide a switch that allows avoiding reopening all regions when modifying a 
table to prevent RIT storms.**
+New APIs are added to Admin, AsyncAdmin, and hbase shell to allow modifying a 
table without reopening all regions. Care should be used in using this API, as 
regions will be in an inconsistent state until they are all reopened. Whether 
this matters depends on the change, and some changes are disallowed (such as 
enabling region replication or adding/removing a column family).
+* [HBASE-28215]( | *Major* | 
**Region reopen procedure should support some sort of throttling**
+Adds new configurations to control the speed and batching of region reopens 
after modifying a table:
+- - When set, the 
HMaster will progressively reopen regions, starting with one region and then 
doubling until it reaches the specified max. After reaching the max, it will 
continue reopening at that batch size until all regions are reopened.
+- - When set, the 
HMaster will back off for this amount of time between each batch.
+* [HBASE-27532]( | *Major* | 
**Add block bytes scanned metrics**
+Adds blockBytesScannedCount metrics for the regionserver, table, and 
operations in JMX. Adds a countOfBlockBytesScanned to ScanMetrics.
+* [HBASE-28196]( | *Major* | 
**Yield SCP and TRSP when they are blocked**
+For ServerCrashProcedure, TransitRegionStateProcedure and related region 
assignment procedures like OpenRegionProcedure/CloseRegionProcedure, now we 
will try our best to release the procedure worker when doing time consuming 
operations. Including:
+1. When updating region state to hbase:meta. We will use async client to get a 
CompletableFuture, and then suspend the procedure. When the CompletableFuture 
is done, we add the procedure back.
+2. When acquiring region state node lock, if we can not get the lock 
immediately, we will also suspend the procedure and release the procedure 
worker. Once it is our turn to get the lock, we will add the procedure back.
+In this way, if meta is offline, it is not likely that the assign procedures 
will consume all the procedure workers and cause dead lock. You can see 
HBASE-19976 for more detailed description about this problem.
+# HBASE  3.0.0-alpha-4 Release Notes
+These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, 
important issues, features, and major improvements.
+* [HBASE-26945]( | *Minor* | 
**Quotas causes too much load on meta for large clusters**
+The quotas chore no longer scans meta to get information about region counts. 
Instead it uses the Admin API, which reads in-memory state in the HMaster and 
should scale well for large clusters.
+* [HBASE-13126]( | 
*Critical* | **Provide alternate mini cluster classes other than HBTU for 
downstream users to write unit tests**
+Introduce a TestingHBaseCluster for users to implement integration test with 
mini hbase cluster.
+See this section\_integration\_testing\_with\_an\_hbase\_mini\_cluster
 in the ref guide for more details on how to use it.
+TestingHBaseCluster also allowes you to start a mini hbase cluster based on 
external HDFS cluster and zookeeper cluster, please see the release note of 
HBASE-26167 for more details.
+HBaseTestingUtility is marked as deprecated and will be 'removed' in the 
+* [HBASE-26790]( | *Major* | 
**getAllRegionLocations can cache locations with null hostname**
+getAllRegionLocations will no longer add locations to the MetaCache which have 
no server name. Region locations without a server name can occur for brief 
periods during region splits and merges, but the MetaCache relies on every 
cached location having a server name.
+* [HBASE-27060]( | *Major* | 
**Allow sharing connections between AggregationClient instances**
+Added a new no-arg constructor for AggregationClient which allows lightweight 
usage of just the methods accepting a Table. Also added a new constructor which 
takes a Connection, allowing the user to pass their own externally managed 
connection which will be used when methods accepting a TableName are used.
+* [HBASE-27078]( | *Major* | 
**Allow configuring a separate timeout for meta scans**
+Similar to and hbase.client.scanner.timeout.period for 
normal scans, this issue adds two new configs for meta scans: and 
hbase.client.meta.scanner.timeout.period.  Each meta scan RPC call will be 
limited by, while 
hbase.client.meta.scanner.timeout.period acts as an overall operation timeout.
+Additionally, for 2.5.0, normal Table-based scan RPCs will now be limited by if configured, instead of hbase.rpc.timeout. This 
behavior already existed for AsyncTable scans.
+* [HBASE-27148]( | *Major* | 
**Move minimum hadoop 3  support version to 3.2.3**
+Bump the minimum hadoop 3 dependency to 3.2.3.
+Also upgrade apache-avro to 1.11.0 and exclude all jackson 1.x dependencies 
since all jackson 1.x versions have vulnerabilities.
+Notice that for hadoop 2 dependency we will need to include jackson 1.x 
because hadoop directly depend on it.
+* [HBASE-27048]( | *Major* | 
**Server side scanner time limit should account for time in queue**
+Server will now account for queue time when determining how long a scanner can 
run before heartbeat should be returned. This should help avoid timeouts when 
server is overloaded.
+* [HBASE-27219]( | *Minor* | 
**Change JONI encoding in RegexStringComparator**
+In RegexStringComparator an infinite loop can occur if an invalid UTF8 is 
encountered. We now use joni's NonStrictUTF8Encoding instead of UTF8Encoding to 
avoid the issue.
+* [HBASE-27230]( | *Major* | 
**RegionServer should be aborted when WAL.sync throws TimeoutIOException**
+This changes add additional logic for WAL.sync: 
+If  WAL.sync get a timeout exception, we wrap TimeoutIOException as a special 
WALSyncTimeoutIOException. When upper layer such as HRegion.doMiniBatchMutate 
called by HRegion.batchMutation catches this special exception, we abort the 
region server.
+* [HBASE-27204]( | 
*Critical* | **BlockingRpcClient will hang for 20 seconds when SASL is enabled 
after finishing negotiation**
+When Kerberos authentication succeeds, on the server side, after receiving the 
final SASL token from the client, we simply wait for the client to continue by 
sending the connection header. After HBASE-24579, on the client side, an 
additional readStatus() was added, which assumed that after negotiation has 
completed a status code will be sent. However when authentication has succeeded 
the server will not send one. As a result the client would hang and only throw 
an exception when the configured read timeout is reached, which is 20 seconds 
by default. This was especially noticeable when using BlockingRpcClient as the 
client implementation. HBASE-24579 was reverted to correct this issue.
+* [HBASE-27232]( | *Major* | 
**Fix checking for encoded block size when deciding if block should be closed**
+This changed behaviour of "hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio"  
+Previous behaviour: Checks if the encoded block size \>= 
("hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio" \* BLOCK\_SIZE) \|\| 
(non-encoded block size \>= BLOCK\_SIZE) when delimiting hfile blocks. As most 
often (non-encoded block size \>= BLOCK\_SIZE) will be reached, setting 
"hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio" usually had no effect.
+The default value for "hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio" was "1".
+New behaviour: If "hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio" is set to 
anything different from "0", it will check if encoded block size \>= 
("hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio" \* BLOCK\_SIZE) when delimiting 
an hfile block. If "hbase.writer.unified.encoded.blocksize.ratio" is not set, 
it will check if encoded block size \>= BLOCK\_SIZE \|\| non-encoded block size 
\>= BLOCK\_SIZE when delimiting an hfile block.
+* [HBASE-27225]( | *Major* | 
**Add BucketAllocator bucket size statistic logging**
+When bucket cache is enabled, setting loglevel to DEBUG for the logger will result in a 
periodic summary of bucket usage for the bucket cache. This log output can give 
insight into block distribution of the cluster, where bucket cache memory is 
being allocated, and how much waste/fragmentation there is in the bucket cache. 
See Javadoc in BucketAllocate for more explanation of the logging.
+* [HBASE-27229]( | *Major* | 
**BucketCache statistics should not count evictions by hfile**
+The eviction metric for the BucketCache has been updated to only count 
evictions triggered by the eviction process (i.e responding to cache pressure). 
This brings it in-line with the other cache implementations, with the goal of 
this metric being to give operators insight into cache pressure. Other 
evictions by hfile or drain to storage engine failure, etc, no longer count 
towards the eviction rate.
+* [HBASE-27144]( | *Minor* | 
**Add special rpc handlers for bulkload operations**
+Bulkload will consume a lot of resources in the cluster. We try to reduce the 
impact of bulkload on online services and do simple resource isolation for 
+The bulkload RpcExecutor is disabled by default. Enable by setting 
"hbase.regionserver.bulkload.handler.count" greater than 0. 
+Online HBASE cluster "hbase.regionserver.bulkload.handler.count" is 
recommended to be set to 1.
+Offline HBASE clusters can be appropriately increased.
+"hbase.regionserver.bulkload.handler.count" works with 
+* [HBASE-26666]( | *Major* | 
**Add native TLS encryption support to RPC server/client**
+Full support for TLS/SSL encryption in Netty RPC client and server. The 
implementation is based on Netty's built-in SSL handler and capable of using 
JDK or OpenSSL implementation whichever is available on the classpath. The 
feature also supports side-by-side plaintext and encrypted communication which 
enables upgrading existing clusters with zero downtime.
+* [HBASE-27241]( | *Major* | 
**Add metrics for evaluating cost and effectiveness of bloom filters**
+Adds 3 new metrics, which are available per-table and per-regionserver:
+- bloomFilterRequestsCount -- how many checks against a bloom filter occurred. 
Note that a single read might increment this multiple times, one for each 
storefile it needs to check.
+- bloomFilterNegativeResultsCount -- how many of those requests came back 
negative, indicating the bloom filter helped to avoid opening a storefile which 
did not include the row. If this value is low, it might be worth disabling 
bloom filters on a table
+- bloomFilterEligibleRequestsCount -- increments in the same way as 
bloomFilterRequestsCount, but only when bloom filters are \_not\_ enabled for a 
table. If this value is high, it might be worth enabling bloom filters on the 
+Additionally makes 2 existing metrics available on a per-table basis:
+- staticBloomSize -- uncompressed size of the bloom filters for a table
+- staticIndexSize -- uncompressed size of the storefile indexes for a table
+You can combine bloom filter request and result counts with staticBloomSize to 
determine if the cost (size) is worth the effectiveness (result/request count) 
of the bloom.
+* [HBASE-27281]( | 
*Critical* | **Add default implementation for Connection$getClusterId**
+Adds a default null implementation for Connection$getClusterId. Downstream 
applications should implement this method.
+* [HBASE-27264]( | *Major* | 
**Add options to consider compressed size when delimiting blocks during hfile 
+This modified the block write logic for deciding on block size boundaries. 
When checking for block size limit, block writer now delegates this decision to 
implementations of the BlockCompressedSizePredicator interface. The aim here is 
to allow for pluggable implementations of how block size limit is defined when 
compression is in use. By default, it assumes the 
UncompressedBlockSizePredicator implementation, which doesn't modify the 
current behaviour of closing the block based on its uncompressed size. The 
alternative PreviousBlockCompressionRatePredicator implementation compares the 
uncompressed size against an adjusted block size, calculated using 
uncompressed/compressed sizes from the previous block as: BLOCK\_SIZE \* 
+Implementations of BlockCompressedSizePredicator should be defined by the 
hbase.block.compressed.size.predicator config property.
+To avoid very larger block sizes in the case of large compression factor, this 
also defines the hbase.block.max.size.uncompressed config property. If not set, 
this max size defaults to BLOCK\_SIZE \* 10.
+* [HBASE-27089]( | *Minor* | 
**Add “” configuration**
+Add a '' config for setting the buffer size 
when doing AES crypto for RPC.
+* [HBASE-27129]( | *Major* | 
**Add a config that allows us to configure region-level storage policies**
+Add a '' so you can config storage policy at 
region level. This is useful when you want to control the storage policy for 
the directories other than CF directories, such as .splits, .recovered.edits, 
+* [HBASE-27104]( | *Major* | 
**Add a tool command list\_unknownservers**
+Introduce a shell command 'list\_unknownservers' to list unknown servers.
+* [HBASE-27305]( | *Minor* | 
**add an option to skip file splitting when bulkload hfiles**
+Add a '' configuration. If set 
to true, th bulk load operation will fail immediately if we need to split the 
hfiles. This can be used to prevent unexpected time consuming bulk load 
+* [HBASE-20904]( | *Major* | 
**Prometheus metrics http endpoint for monitoring integration**
+HBase metrics can be published in JSON and now Prometheus friendly formats via 
servlets. Any of these servlets can be enabled or disabled by the configuration 
property 'hbase.http.metrics.servlets' in the 'hbase-default.xml' file. 
+The value for the property should be a comma separated list of the servlet 
aliases which are '{jmx, metrics, prometheus}'. 
+The '/jmx', '/metrics', '/prometheus' servlets are enabled by default. 
+To get metrics using these servlets access the URL 
'http://SERVER\_HOSTNAME:SERVER\_WEB\_UI\_PORT/endpoint'. Where endpoint is one 
of {'/jmx', '/metrics', '/prometheus'}.
+* [HBASE-27320]( | *Minor* | 
**hide some sensitive configuration information in the UI**
+hide superuser and password related settings in the configuration UI
+* [HBASE-27340]( | *Minor* | 
**Artifacts with resolved profiles**
+Published poms now contain runtime dependencies only; build and test time 
dependencies are stripped. Profiles are also now resolved and in-lined at 
publish time. This removes the need/ability of downstreamers shaping hbase 
dependencies via enable/disable of hbase profile settings (Implication is that 
now the hbase project publishes artifacts for hadoop2 and for hadoop3, and so 
+* [HBASE-27224]( | *Major* | 
**HFile tool statistic sampling produces misleading results**
+Fixes HFilePrettyPrinter's calculation of min and max size for an HFile so 
that it will truly be the min and max for the whole file. Previously was based 
on just a sampling, as with the histograms. Additionally adds a new argument to 
the tool '-d' which prints detailed range counts for each summary. The range 
counts give you the exact count of rows/cells that fall within the pre-defined 
ranges, useful for giving more detailed insight into outliers.
+* [HBASE-27371]( | *Major* | 
**Bump spotbugs version**
+Bump spotbugs version from 4.2.2 to 4.7.2. Also bump maven spotbugs plugin 
version from 4.2.0 to
+* [HBASE-27372]( | *Major* | 
**Update java versions in our Dockerfiles**
+Upgrade java version to and 8u345b01 in the docker files which are 
used in our pre commit and nightly jobs.
+Remove JDK7 in these docker files as we do not support JDK7 any more.
+* [HBASE-27280]( | *Major* | 
**Add mutual authentication support to TLS**
+By default, when TLS is enabled, we will also enable mutual authentication of 
certificates. This means, during handshake, the client will authenticate the 
server's certificate (as is usual) and also the server will authenticate the 
client's certificate. Additionally, each side will validate that the hostname 
presented by the certificate matches the address of the connection. These 
default settings can be customized with new properties 
"hbase.server.netty.tls.client.auth.mode" (default NEED, possibly values NEED, 
WANT, NONE), "hbase.server.netty.tls.verify.client.hostname" (default true), 
and "hbase.client.netty.tls.verify.server.hostname" (default true). 
Additionally, during hostname verification, if necessary we will fallback on 
reverse lookup. The reverse lookup can be disabled via 
"" (default true)
+* [HBASE-27304]( | *Minor* | 
**Support using IP to expose master/rs servers for some special scenarios**
+In some scenarios, such as the elastic scaling scenario on the cloud, the 
HBase client may not be able to resolve the hostname of the newly added node. 
If the network is interconnected, the client can actually access the HBase 
cluster nodes through ip. However, since the HBase client obtains the Master/RS 
address info from or the ZK or the meta table, so the Master/RS of the HBase 
cluster needs to expose the service with ip instead of the hostname. Therefore, 
We can use hostname by default, but at the same time, we can also provide a 
config ‘hbase.server.useip.enabled’
+to support whether to use ip for Master/RS service.
+* [HBASE-27392]( | *Major* | 
**Add a new procedure type for implementing some global operations such as 
+Add a GlobalProcedureInterface for implementing some global operations. It has 
a special queue in MasterProcedureScheduler.
+* [HBASE-27381]( | *Major* | 
**Still seeing 'Stuck' in static initialization creating RegionInfo instance**
+Static constant UNDEFINED has been removed from public interface RegionInfo. 
This is a breaking change, but resolves a critical deadlock bug. This constant 
was never meant to be exposed and has been deprecated since version 2.3.2 with 
no replacement.
+* [HBASE-27434]( | *Major* | 
**Use $revision as placeholder for maven version to make it easier to control 
the version from command line**
+Use ${revision} as placeholder for maven version in pom, so later you can use 
'mvn install -Drevision=xxx' to specify the version at build time.
+After this change, you can not use mvn versions:set to bump the version, 
instead. you should just modify the parent pom to change the value of the 
'revision' property in the properties section.
+* [HBASE-27091]( | *Minor* | 
**Speed up the loading of table descriptor from filesystem**
+Loading table descriptors with multiple threads is supported after HBASE-27091 
(but turned off by default). The thread number could be configured via 
\`hbase.tabledescriptor.parallel.load.threads\`, and setting it back to zero 
will turn off the feature.
+* [HBASE-27472]( | *Major* | 
**The personality script set wrong hadoop2 check version for branch-2**
+This only affects branch-2 but for aliging the personality scripts across all 
active branches, we apply it to all active branches.
+* [HBASE-27477]( | *Major* | 
**Tweak to support hbase-thirdparty**
+\`dev-support/\` can now be used for evaluating release 
candidates from the hbase-thirdparty repo.
+* [HBASE-27443]( | *Major* | 
**Use java11 in the general check of our jenkins job**
+Change to use java 11 in nightly and pre commit jobs.
+Bump error prone to 2.16 and force using jdk11 when error prone is enabled.
+* [HBASE-27444]( | *Minor* | 
**Add tool commands list\_enabled\_tables and list\_disabled\_tables**
+Introduce two shell commands 'list\_enabled\_tables' and 
'list\_disabled\_tables' to list enabled or disabled tables.
+* [HBASE-27506]( | *Minor* | 
**Optionally disable sorting directories by size in CleanerChore**
+Added \`\` configuration to enable the 
CleanerChore to sort the subdirectories by consumed space and start the 
cleaning with the largest subdirectory. Enabled by default.
+* [HBASE-27513]( | *Major* | 
**Modify README.txt to mention how to contribue**
+Remove README.txt and replace it with
+Add a 'How to Contribute' section to tell contributors how to acquire a jira 
+* [HBASE-27474]( | *Major* | 
**Evict blocks on split/merge; Avoid caching reference/hlinks if compaction is 
+This modifies behaviour of block cache management as follows:
+1) Always evict blocks for the files from parent split region once it's 
closed, regardless of the "" configured value;
+2) If compactions are enabled, doesn't cache blocks for the refs/link files 
under split daughters once these regions are opened;
+For #1 above, an additional evict\_cache property has been added to the 
CloseRegionRequest protobuf message. It's default to false. Rolling upgrading 
cluster would retain the previous behaviour on RSes not yet upgraded.
+* [HBASE-27233]( | *Major* | 
**Read blocks into off-heap if caching is disabled for read**
+Using Scan.setCacheBlocks(false) with on-heap LRUBlockCache will now result in 
significantly less heap allocations for those scans if 
hbase.server.allocator.pool.enabled is enabled. Previously all allocations went 
to on-heap if LRUBlockCache was used, but now it will go to the off-heap pool 
if cache blocks is enabled.
+* [HBASE-27514]( | *Major* | 
**Move some persistent states from zookeeper to master region**
+Moved the follow states from zookeeper to master local region's 'state' family.
+The on/off state for load balancer
+The on/off state for region normalizer
+The enable/disable state for snapshot cleanup task
+The enable/disable for split/merge
+* [HBASE-27565]( | *Major* | 
**Make the initial corePoolSize configurable for ChoreService**
+Add 'hbase.choreservice.initial.pool.size' configuration property to set the 
initial number of threads for the ChoreService.
+* [HBASE-27529]( | *Major* | 
**Provide RS coproc ability to attach WAL extended attributes to mutations at 
replication sink**
+New regionserver coproc endpoints that can be used by coproc at the 
replication sink cluster if WAL has extended attributes.
+Using the new endpoints, WAL extended attributes can be transferred to 
Mutation attributes at the replication sink cluster.
+* [HBASE-27493]( | *Major* | 
**Allow namespace admins to clone snapshots created by them**
+Allow namespace admins to clone snapshots created by them to any table inside 
their namespace, not just re-create the old table
+* [HBASE-27575]( | *Minor* | 
**Bump future from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 in /dev-support**
+pushed to 2.4, 2.5, branch-2, and master
+* [HBASE-27541]( | *Minor* | 
**Backups should be able to be restored to a separate filesystem**
+Adds a new withRestoreRootDir method to RestoreRequest. When specified, the 
bulk output will be sent to that directory rather than the value of 
hbase.fs.tmp.dir (which defaults to current user's home dir on current FS). You 
can pass a fully qualified URI to withRestoreRootDir, which allows the 
RestoreJob to save the output to a remote cluster if you've loaded the job's 
Configuration with the appropriate hdfs configs to connect to that cluster.
+* [HBASE-27551]( | *Major* | 
**Add config options to delay assignment to retain last region location**
+This change introduces a boolean hbase.master.scp.retain.assignment.force 
property with default value of false to the AssignmentManager. 
+AssignmentManager already defines a hbase.master.scp.retain.assignment 
property, which enables AssignmentManager to prioritise the previous 
RegionServer the region was online when coming up with an assignment plan. 
This, however, does not guarantee the assignment retainment, in case the SCP 
triggers the TransitRegionStateProcedure (TRSP) before the given RegionServer 
is online. 
+To forcibly "honour" the retainment, hbase.master.scp.retain.assignment.force 
property should be also set to true. 
+Note that this could delay the region assignment until the given RegionServer 
reports itself as online to the master, and RITs may be reported on master UI 
or by HBCK. 
+The amount of time the TRSP will try to open the region on the given RS is 
determined by hbase.master.scp.retain.assignment.force.retries (default to 
600). Between each retry, the TRSP will sleep for an exponential factor of the 
value defined in hbase.master.scp.retain.assignment.force.wait-interval 
(default to 50) in millis.
+* [HBASE-27558]( | *Major* | 
**Scan quotas and limits should account for total block IO**
+Scan quotas and hbase.server.scanner.max.result.size will now be enforced 
against the total bytes of actual blocks scanned by the request. Block bytes 
scanned will typically be much higher for heavily filtered scans, since the 
cost will include the size of every block read rather than just the size of the 
returned cells. If you have heavily filtered scans, you may need to account for 
that in your defined quotas.
+* [HBASE-27570]( | *Major* | 
**Unify tracking of block IO across all read request types**
+Unifies block IO accounting code across all request types. As a result, the 
behavior of MultiActionResultTooLarge handling may change slightly. In certain 
circumstances, a multiget might trip the "too large" threshold sooner than it 
used to in the past. This should largely be transparent to users since the 
client automatically retries, and the behavior change should only be noticeable 
for very large multigets that fetch many rows from the same block.
+* [HBASE-27534]( | *Major* | 
**Determine too large requests by response block size rather than cell size**
+In addition to response size, requests will now show up in the slow log if the 
block bytes scanned to retrieve the cells exceeds the 
hbase.ipc.warn.response.size. This will cause heavily filtered scans which scan 
lots of data but don't return much to start showing up.
+* [HBASE-27689]( | *Major* | 
**Update about how to request a jira account**
+Guide contributors to for 
requesting a jira account in
+* [HBASE-27250]( | *Minor* | 
**MasterRpcService#setRegionStateInMeta does not support replica region 
encodedNames or region names**
+MasterRpcServices#setRegionStateInMeta can now work with both primary and 
timeline-consistent replica regions.
+* [HBASE-27681]( | *Major* | 
**Refactor Table Latency Metrics**
+Table request metrics (table latency histograms and 
TableReadQueryMeter/TableWriteQueryMeter) have been reorganized into a new 
metric bean TableRequests. The new TableRequests bean is published separately 
for each table on the regionserver, with the bean name including the table name 
and metric names within the bean simplified. Beans will be cleaned up after 
tables leave the regionserver. 
+Users who collect TableLatencies or table query meters will have to update 
metric collection to work with the new structure. For example:
+      "name": "Hadoop:service=HBase,name=RegionServer,sub=TableLatencies",
+      "modelerType": "RegionServer,sub=TableLatencies",
+      "tag.Context": "regionserver",
+      "tag.Hostname": "hostname",
+      "Namespace\_default\_table\_usertable\_metric\_deleteTime\_num\_ops": 0,
+      "Namespace\_default\_table\_usertable\_metric\_deleteTime\_min": 0,
+      "Namespace\_default\_table\_usertable\_metric\_deleteTime\_max": 0,
+      "Namespace\_default\_table\_usertable\_metric\_deleteTime\_mean": 0,
+      ...
+      "name": 
+      "modelerType": 
+      "tag.Context": "regionserver",
+      "tag.Hostname": "hostname",
+      "DeleteTime\_num\_ops": 0,
+      "DeleteTime\_min": 0,
+      "DeleteTime\_max": 0,
+      "DeleteTime\_mean": 0,
+      ...
+* [HBASE-27632]( | *Major* | 
**Refactor WAL.Reader implementation so we can better support WAL splitting and 
+Introduced two types of WAL reader, WALStreamReader and WALTailingReader. The 
former one is for most use cases where we only need to read closed WAL files, 
such as splitting and replaying, and the second one is for replication, where 
we need to tail a WAL file which is being written currently.
+The config 'hbase.regionserver.hlog.reader.impl' is removed, as now we have 
two types of WAL reader. And starting from at least 0.98, we do not support 
sequence file format WAL file any more, the only accepted format is protobuf. 
And for encrypted WAL files, now you do not need to specify 
SecureProtobufLogReader either, as the new implementation will choose to use 
SecureWALCellCodec based on the properties in WALHeader.
+There is still a config called '', 
for specifying the implementation for WALStreamReader. This is only designed to 
be used in HBase itself, for injecting some error when writing UTs, downstream 
users should not use it as it is unstable.
+* [HBASE-27702]( | *Major* | 
**Remove 'hbase.regionserver.hlog.writer.impl' config**
+Changed the configuration names to 'hbase.regionserver.wal.writer.impl' and 
'hbase.regionserver.wal.async.writer.impl', which are mainly used for unit 
testing. End users should not use them.
+Removed 'SecureProtobufLogWriter' and 'SecureAsyncProtobufLogWriter'. You can 
now use ProtobufLogWriter and AsyncProtobufLogWriter to write encrypted data 
directly. Since the configuration names have changed, there will be no problems 
if users’ old configuration files contain SecureProtobufLogWriter and 
SecureAsyncProtobufLogWriter, as they will never be loaded. But we still 
suggest that you remove these unused configurations from your configuration 
+* [HBASE-27651]( | *Minor* | 
** foreground\_start should propagate SIGHUP and SIGTERM**
+<!-- markdown -->
+Introduce separate `trap`s for SIGHUP vs. the rest. Treat `SIGINT`, `SIGKILL`, 
and `EXIT` identically, as before. Use the signal name without `SIG` prefix for 
increased portability, as per the POSIX man page for `trap`.
+`SIGTERM` handler will now honor `HBASE_STOP_TIMEOUT` as described in the file 
+* [HBASE-27748]( | *Major* | 
**Bump jettison from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4**
+Bump jettison from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4 for CVE-2023-1436.
+* [HBASE-27765]( | *Major* | 
**Add biggest cell related info into web ui**
+Save len and key of the biggest cell into fileinfo when generate hfile, and 
shows them on webui for better monitor.
+* [HBASE-27110]( | *Major* | 
**Move replication peer storage from zookeeper to other storage systems**
+Introduced a ‘’ config to support using 
different replication peer storage implementation. For now there are two built 
in implementations, ‘zookeeper’ and ‘filesystem’. The default 
implementation is still zookeeper as users do not need to specify this 
configuration in the past so if we change the default implementation, after 
upgrading, the implementation will be changed and cause data loss.
+For filesystem replication peer storage, there is a config 
‘’ for specifying the directory. The value 
is relative to the hbase root directory and the default value is ‘peers’.
+We also implemented a tool for migrating replication peer data across 
different replication peer storage implementations. Use
+./bin/hbase copyreppeers \<SRC\_REPLICATION\_PEER\_STORAGE\> 
+to copy the replication peer data. Notice that we will not delete the data in 
the src storage, for supporting online migration. You need to delete the old 
storage manually after copying.
+For supporting online migration, we implemented a shell command to disable 
replication peer modification. Use
+peer\_modification\_switch \<disableOrEnable\>, \<drainProcedures\>
+to enable or disable replication peer modification. The \`drainProcedures\` 
parameter means whether you want to wait until all the existing peer 
modification procedures to finish before returning when disabling peer 
modification. We also implemented a shell command 
‘peer\_modification\_enabled’ to query whether replication peer 
modification is enabled currently.
+So when you want to migrate replication peer storage online, you can disable 
replication peer modification first, then run the copyreppeers tool to copy the 
replication data from the old storage to new storage, then update all the 
config files in the cluster, then trigger a online configuration update to load 
the configuration.
+* [HBASE-27808]( | *Major* | 
**Change flatten mode for oss in our pom file**
+Changed the flatten mode from default to oss. It will include these extra 
section in the published pom files:
+name, description, url, developers, scm, inceptionYear, organization, 
mailingLists, issueManagement, distributionManagement.
+* [HBASE-27693]( | *Major* | 
**Support for Hadoop's LDAP Authentication mechanism (Web UI only)**
+Support for LDAP Authentication in the HBase Web UI via Hadoop's 
+* [HBASE-27762]( | *Major* | 
**Include EventType and ProcedureV2 pid in logging via MDC**
+<!-- markdown -->
+Log the `o.a.h.hbase.executor.EventType` and ProcedureV2 pid in log messages 
via MDC. PatternLayouts on master and branch-2 have been updated to make use of 
the MDC variables. Note that due to LOG4J2-3660, log lines for which the MDC is 
empty will have extraneous characters. To opt-in on branch-2.5 or branch-2.4, 
make an appropriate change to `conf/`.
+* [HBASE-27799]( | *Major* | 
**RpcThrottlingException wait interval message is misleading between 0-1s**
+The RpcThrottleException now includes millis in the message
+* [HBASE-27838]( | *Minor* | 
**Update zstd-jni from version 1.5.4-2 -\> 1.5.5-2**
+Bump zstd-jni from 1.5.4-2 to 1.5.5-2, which fixed a critical issue on s390x.
+* [HBASE-27109]( | *Major* | 
**Move replication queue storage from zookeeper to a separated HBase table**
+We introduced a table based replication queue storage in this issue. The queue 
data will be stored in hbase:replication table. This is the last piece of 
persistent data on zookeeper. So after this change, we are OK to clean up all 
the data on zookeeper, as now they are all transient, a cluster restarting can 
fix everything.
+The data structure has been changed a bit as now we only support an offset for 
a WAL group instead of storing all the WAL files for a WAL group. Please see 
the replication internals section in our ref guide for more details.
+To break the cyclic dependency issue, i.e, creating a new WAL writer requires 
writing to replication queue storage first but with table based replication 
queue storage, you first need a WAL writer when you want to update to table, 
now we will not record a queue when creating a new WAL writer instance. The 
downside for this change is that, the logic for claiming queue and WAL cleaner 
are much more complicated. See AssignReplicationQueuesProcedure and 
ReplicationLogCleaner for more details if you have interest.
+Notice that, we will use a separate WAL provider for hbase:replication table, 
so you will see a new WAL file for the region server which holds the 
hbase:replication table. If we do not do this, the update to hbase:replication 
table will also generate some WAL edits in the WAL file we need to track in 
replication, and then lead to more updates to hbase:replication table since we 
have advanced the replication offset. In this way we will generate a lot of 
garbage in our WAL file, even if we write nothing to the cluster. So a 
separated WAL provider which is not tracked by replication is necessary here.
+The data migration will be done automatically during rolling upgrading, of 
course the migration via a full cluster restart is also supported, but please 
make sure you restart master with new code first. The replication peers will be 
disabled during the migration and no claiming queue will be scheduled at the 
same time. So you may see a lot of unfinished SCPs during the migration but do 
not worry, it will not block the normal failover, all regions will be assigned. 
The replication peers will be enabled again after the migration is done, no 
manual operations needed.
+The ReplicationSyncUp tool is also affected. The goal of this tool is to 
replicate data to peer cluster while the source cluster is down. But if we 
store the replication queue data in a hbase table, it is impossible for us to 
get the newest data if the source cluster is down. So here we choose to read 
from the region directory directly to load all the replication queue data in 
memory, and do the sync up work. We may lose the newest data so in this way we 
need to replicate more data but it will not affect correctness.
+# HBASE  3.0.0-alpha-3 Release Notes
+These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, 
important issues, features, and major improvements.
+* [HBASE-26956]( | *Major* | 
**ExportSnapshot tool supports removing TTL**
+ExportSnapshot tool support removing TTL of snapshot. If we use the 
ExportSnapshot tool to recover snapshot with TTL from cold storage to hbase 
cluster, we can set \`-reset-ttl\` to prevent snapshot from being deleted 
+* [HBASE-26167]( | *Major* | 
**Allow users to not start zookeeper and dfs cluster when using 
+Introduce two new methods when creating a TestingHBaseClusterOption.
+public Builder useExternalDfs(String uri)
+public Builder useExternalZooKeeper(String connectString)
+Users can use these two methods to specify external zookeeper or HDFS cluster 
to be used by the TestingHBaseCluster.
+* [HBASE-27108]( | *Blocker* 
| **Revert HBASE-25709**
+HBASE-25709 caused a regression for scans that result in a large number of 
rows and has been reverted in this release.
+* [HBASE-15519]( | *Major* | 
**Add per-user metrics**
+Adds per-user metrics for reads/writes to each RegionServer. These metrics are 
exported by default. hbase.regionserver.user.metrics.enabled can be used to 
disable the feature if desired for any reason.
+* [HBASE-26923]( | *Minor* | 
**PerformanceEvaluation support encryption option**
+Add a new command line argument: --encryption to enable encryptopn in 
PerformanceEvaluation tool.
+ encryption          Encryption type to use (AES, ...). Default: 'NONE'"
+ To run a AES encryption sequentialWrite:
+ $ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation --table=xxx 
--encryption='AES' sequentialWrite 10
+* [HBASE-26983]( | *Major* | 
**Upgrade JRuby to**
+Updates the version of JRuby that ships with HBase for the HBase shell to
+Note that this changes the supported version of Ruby for HBase shell 
integration to Ruby 2.6.
+* [HBASE-26993]( | *Major* | 
**Make the new framework for region replication could work for SKIP\_WAL**
+In this issue we make the new region replication framework introduced by 
HBASE-26233 could also replicate for table which DURABILITY  is 
Durability.SKIP\_WAL or for individual Mutation which is Durability.SKIP\_WAL.
+It is implemented entirely on the basis of HBASE-26233 and requires no 
additional configuration.
+* [HBASE-26649]( | *Major* | 
**Support meta replica LoadBalance mode for 
+When setting 'hbase.locator.meta.replicas.mode' to "LoadBalance" at HBase 
client, RegionLocator#getAllRegionLocations() now load balances across all Meta 
Replica Regions. Please note,  results from non-primary meta replica regions 
may contain stale data.
+* [HBASE-27055]( | *Minor* | 
**Add additional comments when using HBASE\_TRACE\_OPTS with standalone mode**
+ has been updated with an optional configuration HBASE\_OPTS for 
standalone mode
+* [HBASE-26342]( | *Major* | 
**Support custom paths of independent configuration and pool for hfile cleaner**
+Configure the custom hifle paths (under archive directory), e.g. 
data/default/testTable1,data/default/testTable2 by 
+Configure hfile cleaner classes for the custom paths by 
+Configure the shared pool size of custom hfile cleaner paths by 
+* [HBASE-27047]( | *Minor* | 
**Fix typo for metric drainingRegionServers**
+Fix typo for metric drainingRegionServers. Change metric name from 
draininigRegionServers to drainingRegionServers.
+* [HBASE-25465]( | *Minor* | 
**Use javac --release option for supporting cross version compilation**
+When compiling with java 11 and above, we will use --release 8 to maintain 
java 8 compatibility.
+Also upgrade jackson to 2.13.1 because in hbase-thirdparty 4.1.0 we shade 
jackson 2.13.1.
+* [HBASE-27024]( | *Major* | 
**The User API and Developer API links are broken on**
+Upgrade maven-site-plugin to 3.12.0, maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.4.0.
+* [HBASE-26986]( | *Major* | 
**Trace a one-shot execution of a Master procedure**
+Individual executions of procedures are now wrapped in a tracing span. No 
effort is made to coordinate multiple executions back to a common PID.
+* [HBASE-27013]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce read all bytes when using pread for prefetch**
+Introduce optional flag hfile.pread.all.bytes.enabled for pread that must read 
full bytes with the next block header. This feature is specially helpful when 
users are running HBase with Blob storage like S3 and Azure Blob storage. 
Especially when using HBase with S3A and set 
fs.s3a.experimental.input.fadvise=sequential, it can save input stream from 
seeking backward that spent more time on storage connection reset time.
+* [HBASE-26899]( | *Major* | 
**Run spotless:apply**
+Run spotless:apply to format our code base.
+When viewing 'git blame', you may find a file has a large amount lines are 
modified by the commit of HBASE-26899, so you need to go back to the commit 
before this commit, and viewing 'git blame' again.
+* [HBASE-26617]( | *Major* | 
**Use spotless to reduce the pain on fixing checkstyle issues**
+Use spotless to format our java file and pom file, using the 
hbase\_eclipse\_formatter.xml and eclipse.importerorder file under our 
dev-support directory.
+On all branches, the ratchetFrom is set the commit just before the commit 
which introduces the spotless plugin, so we will only format the files which 
are touched in later commits.
+From now on, you should type mvn spotless:apply before generating a PR, the 
spotless plugin will fix most of the format issues for you.
+* [HBASE-22349]( | *Major* | 
**Stochastic Load Balancer skips balancing when node is replaced in cluster**
+StochasticLoadBalancer now respects the hbase.regions.slop configuration value 
as another factor in determining whether to attempt a balancer run. If any 
regionserver has a region count outside of the target range, the balancer will 
attempt to balance. Using the default 0.2 value, the target range is 80%-120% 
of the average (mean) region count per server. Whether the balancer will 
ultimately move regions will still depend on the weights of 
StochasticLoadBalancer's cost functions.
+* [HBASE-26581]( | *Minor* | 
**Add metrics around failed replication edits**
+Adds new metrics sink.failedBatches and source.failedBatches to replication 
metrics, allowing one to track failures on both sides of a replication stream. 
As with other source metrics, the new source.failedBatches is reported globally 
and by peer id.
+* [HBASE-26807]( | *Major* | 
**Unify CallQueueTooBigException special pause with CallDroppedException**
+Introduces a new config "hbase.client.pause.server.overloaded", deprecating 
old "hbase.client.pause.cqtbe". The new config specifies a special pause time 
to use when the client receives an exception from the server indicating that it 
is overloaded. Currently this applies to CallQueueTooBigException and 
+* [HBASE-26942]( | *Minor* | 
**cache region locations when getAllRegionLocations()**
+Calling AsyncRegionLocator.getAllRegionLocations() will now add all of those 
returned region locations into the meta cache for the client.
+* [HBASE-26891]( | *Minor* | 
**Make MetricsConnection scope configurable**
+Adds a new "hbase.client.metrics.scope" config which allows users to define a 
custom scope for each Connection's metric instance. The default scope has also 
been changed to include the clusterId of the Connection, which should help 
differentiate metrics for processes connecting to multiple clusters. The scope 
is added to the ObjectName for JMX beans, so can be used to query for metrics 
for a particular connection. Using a custom scope might be useful in cases 
where you maintain separate Connections for writes vs reads. In that case you 
can set the scope appropriately and differentiate metrics for each.
+* [HBASE-26067]( | *Major* | 
**Change the way on how we track store file list**
+Introduces the StoreFileTracker interface to HBase. This is a server-side 
interface which abstracts how a Store (column family) knows what files should 
be included in that Store. Previously, HBase relied on a listing the directory 
a Store used for storage to determine the files which should make up that Store.
+After this feature, there are two implementations of StoreFileTrackers. The 
first (and default) implementation is listing the Store directory. The second 
is a new implementation which records files which belong to a Store within each 
Store. Whenever the list of files that make up a Store change, this metadata 
file will be updated.
+This feature is notable in that it better enables HBase to function on storage 
systems which do not provide the typical posix filesystem semantics, most 
importantly, those which do not implement a file rename operation which is 
atomic. Storage systems which do not implement atomic renames often implement a 
rename as a copy and delete operation which amplifies the I/O costs by 2x.
+At scale, this feature should have a 2x reduction in I/O costs when using 
storage systems that do not provide atomic renames, most importantly in HBase 
compactions and memstore flushes. See the corresponding section, "Store File 
Tracking", in the HBase book for more information on how to use this feature.
+* [HBASE-26618]( | *Minor* | 
**Involving primary meta region in meta scan with 
+When META replica LoadBalance mode is enabled at client-side, clients will try 
to read from one META region first. If META location is from any non-primary 
META regions, in case of errors, it will fall back to the primary META region.
+* [HBASE-26245]( | *Major* | 
**Store region server list in master local region**
+A typical HBase deployment on cloud is to store the data other than WAL on 
OSS, and store the WAL data on a special HDFS cluster. A common operation is to 
rebuild the cluster with fresh new zk cluster and HDFS cluster, with only the 
old rootdir on OSS. But it requires extra manual steps since we rely on the WAL 
directory to find out previous live region servers, so we can schedule SCP to 
bring regions online.
+After this issue, now it is possible to rebuild the cluster without extra 
manual  steps as we will also store the previous live region servers in master 
local region.
+But notice that you'd better stop masters first and then region servers when 
rebuilding, as some tests show that if there are some pending procedures, the 
new clusters may still hang.
+* [HBASE-26810]( | *Major* | 
**Add dynamic configuration support for system coprocessors**
+Now dynamic configuration, configurign hbase-site and then call 
update\_all\_config, can also applied for the following properties.
+* [HBASE-25895]( | *Major* | 
**Implement a Cluster Metrics JSON endpoint**
+Introduces a REST+JSON endpoint on the master info server port, which is used 
to render the "Region Visualizer" section of the Master Status page. When 
enabled, access to this API is gated by authentication only, just like the 
Master Status page. This API is considered InterfaceAudience.Private, can 
change or disappear without notice.
+* [HBASE-26323]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce a SnapshotProcedure**
+Introduce a snapshot procedure to snapshot tables. Set 
hbase.snapshot.procedure.enabled to false to disable snapshot procedure.
+* [HBASE-26822]( | *Major* | 
**Revert the changes on after switching to log4j2 properties 
environment variables as log4j 2.17.2 supports set level and appenders at once.
+You can still use HBASE\_ROOT\_LOGGER and HBASE\_SECURITY\_LOGGER environment 
+* [HBASE-26552]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce retry to logroller to avoid abort**
+For retrying to roll log, the wait timeout is limited by 
+and the max retry time is limited by "hbase.regionserver.logroll.retries".
+Do not retry to roll log is the default behavior.
+* [HBASE-26723]( | *Major* | 
**Switch to use file to configure log4j2**
+Use file instead of log4j2.xml.
+With LOG4J2-3341 in place, we could still make use of the old syntax where we 
could specify level and appenders at once, so we do not need to do splitting in 
our bash script and also make it less hurt for our users to upgrade.
+* [HBASE-26640]( | *Major* | 
**Reimplement master local region initialization to better work with SFT**
+Introduced a '' config to specify 
the store file tracker implementation for master local region.
+If not present, master local region will use the cluster level store file 
tracker implementation.
+* [HBASE-26673]( | *Major* | 
**Implement a shell command for change SFT implementation**
+Introduced two shell commands for change table's or family's sft:
+  Change table's or table column family's sft. Examples:
+    hbase\> change\_sft 't1','FILE'
+    hbase\> change\_sft 't2','cf1','FILE'
+  Change all of the tables's sft matching the given regex:
+    hbase\> change\_sft\_all 't.\*','FILE'
+    hbase\> change\_sft\_all 'ns:.\*','FILE'
+    hbase\> change\_sft\_all 'ns:t.\*','FILE'
+* [HBASE-26742]( | *Major* | 
**Comparator of NOT\_EQUAL NULL is invalid for checkAndMutate**
+The semantics of checkAndPut for null(or empty) value comparator is changed, 
the old match is always true. 
+But we should consider that  EQUAL or NOT\_EQUAL for null check is a common 
usage, so the semantics of checkAndPut for matching null is correct now.
+There is rare use of LESS or GREATER null, so keep the semantics for them.
+* [HBASE-26688]( | *Major* | 
**Threads shared EMPTY\_RESULT may lead to unexpected client job down.**
+Result#advance with empty cell list will always return false but not raise 
NoSuchElementException when called multiple times.
+This is a behavior change so it is an 'incompatible change', but since it will 
not introduce any compile error and the old behavior is 'broken', so we also 
fix it for current release branches.
+* [HBASE-26714]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce path configuration for system coprocessors**
+After HBASE-26714, users of hbase can now set system coprocessor with a path 
of the JAR file other than the files in default classpath. E.g. when setting 
 user can set a comma-separated list with the format of 
className\|priority\|path, where the path could be a file path of the supported 
+* [HBASE-26473]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce \`db.hbase.container\_operations\` span attribute**
+<!-- markdown --> Introduces an HBase-specific tracing attribute called 
`db.hbase.container_operations`. This attribute contains a list of table 
operations contained in the batch/list/envelope operation, allowing an operator 
to seek, for example, all `PUT` operations, even they occur inside of a `BATCH` 
+* [HBASE-26587]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce a new Admin API to change SFT implementation**
+Introduced two admin methods:
+void modifyTableStoreFileTracker(TableName, String) throws IOException;
+void modifyColumnFamilyStoreFileTracker(TableName, byte[], String) throws 
+You can use these two methods to change the store file tracker implementation 
for a table or a family, where you just need to specify the final store file 
tracker implementation, and do not need to take care of the 'migration' 
intermediate state, at master side we will take care of it for you.
+* [HBASE-26661]( | *Major* | 
**Remove deprecated methods in MasterObserver**
+Removed the below methods in MasterObserver
+void preModifyTable(ObserverContext\<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment\>, 
TableName, TableDescriptor) throws IOException;
+void postModifyTable(ObserverContext\<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment\>, 
TableName, TableDescriptor) throws IOException;
+void preModifyTableAction(ObserverContext\<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment\>, 
TableName, TableDescriptor) throws IOException;
TableName, TableDescriptor) throws IOException;
+void preModifyNamespace(ObserverContext\<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment\>, 
NamespaceDescriptor) throws IOException;
+void postModifyNamespace(ObserverContext\<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment\>, 
NamespaceDescriptor) throws IOException;
+* [HBASE-26469]( | 
*Critical* | **correct HBase shell exit behavior to match code passed to exit**
+<!-- markdown -->
+User input handling has been refactored to make use of IRB sessions directly 
and the HBase shell attempts to ensure user provided calls to exit are able to 
convey failure and success.
+Those scripting use of the HBase shell should be aware that the exit code may 
have changed:
+    * a 0 code, or no code, passed to a call to exit from stdin in 
non-interactive mode will now exit cleanly. in prior versions this would have 
exited with an error and non-zero exit code. (note that in HBase 2.4.x this 
call will still result in a non-zero exit code)
+    * for other combinations of passing in an initialization script or reading 
from stdin with using the non-interactive flag, the exit code being 0 or non-0 
should now line up with releases prior to 2.4, which is a change in behavior 
compared to versions 2.4.0 - 2.4.9.
+Please see the issue details for a table of expected exit codes.
+* [HBASE-26631]( | *Major* | 
**Upgrade junit to 4.13.2**
+Upgrade junit to 4.13.2 for addressing CVE-2020-15250.
+* [HBASE-26233]( | *Major* | 
**The region replication framework should not be built upon the general 
replication framework**
+In this issue we re-implement the 'Async WAL Replication' mechanism fo region 
replication, to decouple with the general replication framwork.
+Now, we extend the MVCC write entry to be able to carry an action once it is 
completed, so we can attach the WAL edits to this action and send them out 
directly after the write entry is completed, without touch the actual WAL 
system. So the special 'region\_replica\_replication' peer is also useless.
+We also introduce a new replicateToReplica method at region server side for 
receiving the WAL edits, which has a much simpler logic than the old replay 
+After this issue, we do not need to treat META table specially in region 
replication, as said above, we do not depend on the general replication 
framework any more. But to avoid effecting the usage too much, the 'config 
hbase.region.replica.replication.catalog.enabled' is kept, you still need to 
enable this flag if you want to enable 'Async WAL Replication' support for META 
+Rolling upgrading with 'Async WAL Replication enabled is supported. During 
rolling upgrading, the 'region\_replica\_replication' will be removed 
automatically after master is upgraded. And at region server side, if the new 
replicateToReplica method is not available when it tries to replicate to 
secondary replicas, it will fallback to use replay method automatically.
+Please related sections in our ref guide are:
+* [HBASE-26347]( | *Major* | 
**Support detect and exclude slow DNs in fan-out of WAL**
+This issue provides the method to detect slow datanodes by checking the 
packets processing time of each datanode connected by the WAL. When a datanode 
is considered slow, the datanode will be added to an exclude cache on the 
regionserver, and every stream created will exclude all the cached slow 
datanodes in a configured period. The exclude logic cooperate with the log 
rolling logic, will react more sensitively to the lower slow datanodes, 
whatever there is hardware failure or hotspots.
+hbase.regionserver.async.wal.max.exclude.datanode.count(default 3)and (default 6) means 
no more than 3 slow datanodes will be excluded on one regionserver, and the 
exclude cache for the slow datanodes is valid in 6 hours.
+There are two conditions used to determine whether a datanode is slow,
+1. For small packet, we just have a simple time limit(configured by 
hbase.regionserver.async.wal.datanode.slow.packet.process.time.millis, default 
6s), without considering the size of the packet.
+2. For large packet, we will calculate the speed, and check if the speed 
(configured by hbase.regionserver.async.wal.datanode.slow.packet.speed.min.kbs, 
default 20KB/s) is too slow.
+The large and small split point is configured by 
(default 64KB).
+* [HBASE-26079]( | *Major* | 
**Use StoreFileTracker when splitting and merging**
+Changes MergeTableRegionProcedure and SplitTableRegionProcedure to use the 
underlying StoreFileTracker implementation to select the valid files on regions 
to be merged/split, rather than direct listing those from file system. It also 
changes merge/split commit logic in HRegionFileSystem, to add the links/refs on 
resulting split/merged regions to the StoreFileTracker.
+# HBASE  3.0.0-alpha-2 Release Notes
+These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, 
important issues, features, and major improvements.
+* [HBASE-26606]( | *Major* | 
**Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.0**
+Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.0 to address CVE-2021-45105.
+* [HBASE-26542]( | *Minor* | 
**Apply a \`package\` to test protobuf files**
+The protobuf structures used in test are all now scoped by the package name 
+* [HBASE-26572]( | *Major* | 
**Upgrade to log4j 2.16.0**
+Upgrade log4j2 to 2.16.0 to address CVE-2021-45046.
+* [HBASE-26554]( | *Minor* | 
**Introduce a new parameter in jmx servlet to exclude the specific mbean**
+introduce a new parameter 'excl' in jmx servlet to exclude the specific mbean
+* [HBASE-26557]( | *Major* | 
**log4j2 has a critical RCE vulnerability**
+Upgrade log4j2 to 2.15.0 for addressing CVE-2021-44228.
+* [HBASE-26524]( | *Major* | 
**Support remove coprocessor by class name via alter table command**
+This is an incompatible change for TableDescriptorBuilder#removeCoprocessor, 
if coprocessor does not exist and removeCoprocessor is being called, the new 
behavior is emitting an IllegalArgumentException instead of previously do 
+From now on, alter command introduces a new method table\_remove\_coprocessor 
that operator can remove table coprocessor by class name. Please see the usage 
as below 
+\* remove a single table coprocessor
+alter 't1', METHOD =\> 'table\_remove\_coprocessor', CLASSNAME =\> 
+\* remove multiple coprocessors 
+alter 't1', METHOD =\> 'table\_remove\_coprocessor', CLASSNAME =\> 
+* [HBASE-26529]( | *Minor* | 
**Document HBASE-26524 to section of Dynamic Unloading**
+added the basic command usage of \`table\_remove\_coprocessor\` to the 
definition guide at src/main/asciidoc/\_chapters/cp.adoc.
+hbase\> alter 'users', METHOD =\> 'table\_remove\_coprocessor', CLASSNAME =\>
+         'org.myname.hbase.Coprocessor.RegionObserverExample'
+* [HBASE-26512]( | *Major* | 
**Make timestamp format configurable in HBase shell scan output**
+HBASE-23930 changed the formatting of the timestamp attribute on each Cell as 
displayed by the HBase shell to be formatted as an ISO-8601 string rather that 
milliseconds since the epoch. Some users may have logic which expects the 
timestamp to be displayed as milliseconds since the epoch. This change 
introduces the configuration property which 
controls whether the shell will print an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp (the 
default "false") or milliseconds since the epoch ("true").
+* [HBASE-26484]( | *Major* | 
**Update vote.tmpl in our create-release scripts to link KEYS from 
downloads.a.o instead of dist.a.o**
+Use downloads.a.o instead of dist.a.o in our vote.tmpl for releasing.
+* [HBASE-26426]( | *Major* | 
**Remove 'Review Board' section from the site**
+HBase now uses github PR for submitting and reviewing patches, so remove 
Review board link on our website.
+* [HBASE-26363]( | *Major* | 
**OpenTelemetry configuration support for per-process service names**
+<!-- markdown -->Each HBase process can have its own ``, a value 
that can be completely customized by the operator. See the comment and examples 
in conf/
+* [HBASE-26362]( | *Major* | 
**Upload mvn site artifacts for nightly build to nightlies**
+Now we will upload the site artifacts to nightlies for nightly build as well 
as pre commit build.
+* [HBASE-26316]( | *Minor* | 
**Per-table or per-CF compression codec setting overrides**
+It is now possible to specify codec configuration options as part of table or 
column family schema definitions. The configuration options will only apply to 
the defined scope. For example: 
+  hbase\> create 'sometable', \\
+    { NAME =\> 'somefamily', COMPRESSION =\> 'ZSTD' }, \\
+    CONFIGURATION =\> { '' =\> '9' }
+* [HBASE-26329]( | *Major* | 
**Upgrade commons-io to 2.11.0**
+Upgraded commons-io to 2.11.0.
+* [HBASE-26186]( | *Major* | 
**jenkins script for caching artifacts should verify cached file before relying 
on it**
+Add a '--verify-tar-gz' option to for 
verifying whether the cached file can be parsed as a gzipped tarball.
+Use this option in our nightly job to avoid failures on broken cached hadoop 
+* [HBASE-26339]( | *Major* | 
**SshPublisher will skip uploading artifacts if the build is failure**
+Now we will mark build as unstable instead of failure when the yetus script 
returns error. This is used to solve the problem that the SshPublisher jenkins 
plugin will skip uploading artifacts if the build is marked as failure. In 
fact, the test output will be more important when there are UT failures.
+* [HBASE-26317]( | *Major* | 
**Publish the test logs for pre commit jenkins job to nightlies**
+Now we will upload test\ for our pre commit jobs to nightlies to save 
space on jenkins node. You can see the test\_logs.txt to get the actual url of 
the test\, or visit directly to 
find the artifacts.
+* [HBASE-26313]( | *Major* | 
**Publish the test logs for our nightly jobs to**
+Now we will upload test\ for our nightly jobs to nightlies to save 
space on jenkins node. You can see the test\_logs.txt to get the actual url of 
the test\, or visit directly to 
find the artifacts.
+* [HBASE-26318]( | *Major* | 
**Publish test logs for flaky jobs to nightlies**
+Now we will upload the surefire output for our flaky test jobs to nightlies to 
save space on jenkins node. You can see the test\_logs.txt to get the actual 
url of the surefire output, or visit 
directly to find the artifacts.
+* [HBASE-26259]( | *Major* | 
**Fallback support to pure Java compression**
+This change introduces provided compression codecs to HBase as
+ new Maven modules. Each module provides compression codec support that 
formerly required Hadoop native codecs, which in turn relies on native code 
integration, which may or may not be available on a given hardware platform or 
in an operational environment. We now provide codecs in the HBase distribution 
for users whom for whatever reason cannot or do not wish to deploy the Hadoop 
native codecs.
+* [HBASE-26321]( | *Major* | 
**Post blog to on SCR cache sizing**
+Pushed blog at
+* [HBASE-26270]( | *Minor* | 
**Provide getConfiguration method for Region and Store interface**
+Provide 'getReadOnlyConfiguration' method for Store and Region interface
+* [HBASE-26273]( | *Major* | 
**TableSnapshotInputFormat/TableSnapshotInputFormatImpl should use 
ReadType.STREAM for scanning HFiles**
+HBase's MapReduce API which can operate over HBase snapshots will now default 
to using ReadType.STREAM instead of ReadType.DEFAULT (which is PREAD) as a 
result of this change. HBase developers expect that STREAM will perform 
significantly better for average Snapshot-based batch jobs. Users can restore 
the previous functionality (using PREAD) by updating their code to explicitly 
set a value of \`ReadType.PREAD\` on the \`Scan\` object they provide to 
TableSnapshotInputFormat, or by setting the configuration property 
"hbase.TableSnapshotInputFormat.scanner.readtype" to "PREAD" in hbase-site.xml.
+* [HBASE-25288]( | *Major* | 
**Make MasterRpcServices not extends RSRpcServices and also HMaster not extends 
+HMaster is not a sub class for HRegionServer now, and also MasterRpcServices 
is not a sub class for RSRpcServices.
+MasterRpcServices still implements the AdminService interface, but only 
updateConfiguration, getRegionInfo, clearSlowLogsResponses and getLogEntries 
can be called, for other methods in AdminService, you will get a 
DoNotRetryIOException when calling against master.
+* [HBASE-25891]( | *Major* | 
**Remove dependence on storing WAL filenames for backup**
+\* Remove dependence on storing WAL filenames for backup in backup:system meta 
+* [HBASE-26276]( | *Major* | 
**Allow HashTable/SyncTable to perform rawScan when comparing cells**
+Added --rawScan option to HashTable job, which allows HashTable/SyncTable to 
perform raw scans. If this property is omitted, it defaults to false. When used 
together with --versions set to a high value, SyncTable will fabricate delete 
markers to all old versions still hanging (not cleaned yet by major 
compaction), avoiding the inconsistencies reported in HBASE-21596.
+* [HBASE-26230]( | *Major* | 
**Start an in process HRegionServer in maintenance mode**
+When enabling maintenance mode, now we will start an in process region server 
instead of letting HMaster carry the system regions.
+* [HBASE-26147]( | *Major* | 
**Add dry run mode to hbase balancer**
+This change adds new API to the Admin interface for triggering Region 
balancing on a cluster. A new BalanceRequest object was introduced which allows 
for configuring a dry run of the balancer (compute a plan without enacting it) 
and running the balancer in the presence of RITs. Corresponding API was added 
to the HBase shell as well.
+* [HBASE-26103]( | *Major* | 
**conn.getBufferedMutator(tableName) leaks thread executors and other problems 
(for master branch)**
+Deprecate (unused) BufferedMutatorParams#pool and BufferedMutatorParams#getPool
+* [HBASE-26204]( | *Major* | 
**VerifyReplication should obtain token for peerQuorumAddress too**
+VerifyReplication obtains tokens even if the peer quorum parameter is used. 
VerifyReplication with peer quorum can be used for secure clusters also.
+* [HBASE-26180]( | *Major* | 
**Introduce a initial refresh interval for RpcConnectionRegistry**
+Introduced a 'hbase.client.bootstrap.initial\_refresh\_delay\_secs' config to 
control the first refresh delay for bootstrap nodes. The default value is 1/10 
of periodic refresh interval.
+* [HBASE-26173]( | *Major* | 
**Return only a sub set of region servers as bootstrap nodes**
+Introduced a 'hbase.client.bootstrap.node.limit' config to limit the max 
number of bootstrap nodes we return to client. The default value is 10.
+* [HBASE-26182]( | *Major* | 
**Allow disabling refresh of connection registry endpoint**
+Set 'hbase.client.bootstrap.refresh\_interval\_secs' to -1 can disable refresh 
of connection registry endpoint.
+* [HBASE-26212]( | *Minor* | 
**Allow AuthUtil automatic renewal to be disabled**
+This change introduces a configuration property 
"hbase.client.keytab.automatic.renewal" to control AuthUtil, the class which 
automatically tries to perform Kerberos ticket renewal in client applications. 
This configuration property defaults to "true", meaning that AuthUtil will 
automatically attempt to renew Kerberos tickets per its capabilities. Those who 
want AuthUtil to not renew client Kerberos tickets can set this property to be 
+* [HBASE-26174]( | *Major* | 
**Make rpc connection registry the default registry on 3.0.0**
+Now RpcConnectionRegistry is the default ConnectionRegistry.
+* [HBASE-26172]( | *Major* | 
**Deprecate MasterRegistry**
+MasterRegistry is deprecated. Please use RpcConnectionRegistry instead.
+* [HBASE-26193]( | *Major* | 
**Do not store meta region location as permanent state on zookeeper**
+Introduce a new 'info' family in master local region for storing the location 
of meta regions.

[... 5943 lines stripped ...]

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