hms-tool: refactor check tool and combine upgrade and fix

This commit combines the 'hms upgrade' and 'hms fix' tools. The tools
previously had overlapping responsibilities for checking some types of
inconsistencies. The 'fix' tool now has flags which can control whether
it attempts certain types of fixes:


`drop_orphan_hms_tables` defaults to false since it deletes Hive tables,
and the tool can not rule-out that they are being used. Additionally, a
--dryrun flag is provided in order to print steps that would be taken
without actually making modifications.

The checking logic has been expanded to account for more potential
inconsistencies, and where possible the fix tool now can automatically
repair these inconsistencies.

Finally, the input prompt and default database functionality has been
removed in order to simplify the tool. Instead, the check tool will
issue hints including instructions for how to rename tables without a
database or with a Hive-incompatible name using the
'kudu table rename_table' tool. We can always add this functionality
back in the future if we determine it helps out users.

Change-Id: Ieee478002eb56a278cfd74255670baaf28109b8f
Tested-by: Dan Burkert <>
Reviewed-by: Hao Hao <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8e40dfdb97ee54906dfa519e28fbcffc290095ac
Parents: 660ee80
Author: Dan Burkert <>
Authored: Fri Jul 6 17:04:10 2018 -0700
Committer: Dan Burkert <>
Committed: Mon Jul 30 18:46:28 2018 +0000

 src/kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h |  10 +-
 src/kudu/hms/       |  14 +-
 src/kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h        |  17 +-
 src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt     |   7 +-
 src/kudu/tools/  | 777 ++++++++++++++---------------
 src/kudu/tools/ | 888 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 6 files changed, 891 insertions(+), 822 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h 
index c39bf8a..1f40f68 100644
--- a/src/kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h
+++ b/src/kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h
@@ -142,7 +142,15 @@ bool CUnescape(const StringPiece& source, std::string* 
dest, std::string* error)
 // A version with no error reporting.
 inline bool CUnescape(const StringPiece& source, std::string* dest) {
-  return CUnescape(source, dest, NULL);
+  return CUnescape(source, dest, nullptr);
+// A version which CHECK fails if the string can not be unescaped.
+inline std::string CUnescapeOrDie(const StringPiece& source) {
+  std::string dest;
+  std::string err;
+  CHECK(CUnescape(source, &dest, &err)) << err;
+  return dest;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/kudu/hms/ b/src/kudu/hms/
index 11faec0..deabb13 100644
--- a/src/kudu/hms/
+++ b/src/kudu/hms/
@@ -151,13 +151,19 @@ Status HmsCatalog::CreateTable(const string& id,
 Status HmsCatalog::DropTable(const string& id, const string& name) {
-  Slice hms_database;
-  Slice hms_table;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseTableName(name, &hms_database, &hms_table));
   hive::EnvironmentContext env_ctx = EnvironmentContext();, id));
+  return DropTable(name, env_ctx);
+Status HmsCatalog::DropLegacyTable(const string& name) {
+  return DropTable(name, EnvironmentContext());
+Status HmsCatalog::DropTable(const string& name, const 
hive::EnvironmentContext& env_ctx) {
+  Slice hms_database;
+  Slice hms_table;
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseTableName(name, &hms_database, &hms_table));
   return Execute([&] (HmsClient* client) {
     return client->DropTable(hms_database.ToString(), hms_table.ToString(), 
diff --git a/src/kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h b/src/kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h
index f75ee3e..ebb1f41 100644
--- a/src/kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h
+++ b/src/kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h
@@ -75,8 +75,17 @@ class HmsCatalog {
   // This method will fail if the HMS is unreachable, if the table does not
   // exist in the HMS, or if the table entry in the HMS doesn't match the
   // specified Kudu table ID.
-  Status DropTable(const std::string& id,
-                   const std::string& name) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  Status DropTable(const std::string& id, const std::string& name) 
+  // Drops a legacy table from the HMS.
+  //
+  // This method will fail if the HMS is unreachable, or if the table does not
+  // exist in the HMS.
+  //
+  // Note: it's possible to drop a non-legacy table using this method, but that
+  // should be avoided, since it will skip the table ID checks in the Kudu HMS
+  // plugin.
+  Status DropLegacyTable(const std::string& name) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
   // Alters a table entry in the HMS.
@@ -165,6 +174,10 @@ class HmsCatalog {
   // are unavailable.
   Status Reconnect();
+  // Drops a table entry from the HMS, supplying the provided environment 
+  Status DropTable(const std::string& name,
+                   const hive::EnvironmentContext& env_ctx) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
   // Returns true if the RPC status is 'fatal', e.g. the Thrift connection on
   // which it occurred should be shut down.
   static bool IsFatalError(const Status& status);
diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt b/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt
index cfc3ce0..3f6020f 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -154,11 +154,12 @@ target_link_libraries(kudu_tools_test_util
+  itest_util
-  kudu_tools_util
-  kudu_tools_test_util
+  kudu_hms
-  itest_util
+  kudu_tools_test_util
+  kudu_tools_util
diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/ b/src/kudu/tools/
index f9ca66b..bb13efa 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tools/
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include <tuple>  // IWYU pragma: keep
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
@@ -75,8 +76,10 @@
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/strcat.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/strip.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
+#include "kudu/gutil/strings/escaping.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
 #include "kudu/hms/hive_metastore_types.h"
+#include "kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h"
 #include "kudu/hms/hms_client.h"
 #include "kudu/hms/mini_hms.h"
 #include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_itest_util.h"
@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@
 #include "kudu/util/url-coding.h"
@@ -149,6 +153,7 @@ using kudu::consensus::ReplicateRefPtr;
 using kudu::fs::BlockDeletionTransaction;
 using kudu::fs::FsReport;
 using kudu::fs::WritableBlock;
+using kudu::hms::HmsCatalog;
 using kudu::hms::HmsClient;
 using kudu::hms::HmsClientOptions;
 using kudu::itest::MiniClusterFsInspector;
@@ -176,6 +181,7 @@ using std::pair;
 using std::string;
 using std::unique_ptr;
 using std::unordered_map;
+using std::unordered_set;
 using std::vector;
 using strings::Substitute;
@@ -2078,26 +2084,20 @@ TEST_F(ToolTest, TestRenameColumn) {
 Status CreateLegacyHmsTable(HmsClient* client,
-                            const string& database_name,
-                            const string& table_name,
+                            const string& hms_database_name,
+                            const string& hms_table_name,
+                            const string& kudu_table_name,
+                            const string& kudu_master_addrs,
                             const string& table_type) {
   hive::Table table;
-  string kudu_table_name(table_name);
-  table.dbName = database_name;
-  table.tableName = table_name;
+  table.dbName = hms_database_name;
+  table.tableName = hms_table_name;
   table.tableType = table_type;
-  if (table_type == HmsClient::kManagedTable) {
-    kudu_table_name = Substitute("$0$1.$2", HmsClient::kLegacyTablePrefix,
-                                 database_name, table_name);
-  }
-      make_pair(HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey,
-                HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler),
-      make_pair(HmsClient::kLegacyKuduTableNameKey,
-                kudu_table_name),
-      make_pair(HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey,
-                "Master_Addrs"),
+      make_pair(HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey, 
+      make_pair(HmsClient::kLegacyKuduTableNameKey, kudu_table_name),
+      make_pair(HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey, kudu_master_addrs),
   // TODO(Hao): Remove this once HIVE-19253 is fixed.
@@ -2120,12 +2120,9 @@ Status CreateHmsTable(HmsClient* client,
   table.tableType = table_type;
-      make_pair(HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey,
-                HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler),
-      make_pair(HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey,
-                table_id),
-      make_pair(HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey,
-                master_addresses),
+      make_pair(HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey, HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler),
+      make_pair(HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey, table_id),
+      make_pair(HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey, master_addresses),
   // TODO(Hao): Remove this once HIVE-19253 is fixed.
@@ -2169,140 +2166,11 @@ void ValidateHmsEntries(HmsClient* hms_client,
   hive::Table hms_table;
   ASSERT_OK(hms_client->GetTable(database_name, table_name, &hms_table));
   shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(Substitute("$0.$1", database_name, 
-                                   &kudu_table));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] ==
-                  HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler &&
-              hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey] ==
-                  kudu_table->id() &&
-              hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey] == 
master_addr &&
-              !ContainsKey(hms_table.parameters, 
-TEST_F(ToolTest, TestHmsUpgrade) {
-  ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts;
-  opts.hms_mode = HmsMode::ENABLE_HIVE_METASTORE;
-  NO_FATALS(StartExternalMiniCluster(std::move(opts)));
-  string master_addr = cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString();
-  HmsClient hms_client(cluster_->hms()->address(), HmsClientOptions());
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.Start());
-  ASSERT_TRUE(hms_client.IsConnected());
-  const string kDatabaseName = "my_db";
-  const string kDefaultDatabaseName = "default";
-  const string kManagedTableName = "managed_table";
-  const string kExternalTableName = "external_table";
-  const string kKuduTableName = "kudu_table";
-  shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
-  ASSERT_OK(KuduClientBuilder()
-      .add_master_server_addr(master_addr)
-      .Build(&kudu_client));
-  // 1. Create a managed impala table in HMS and the corresponding table in 
-  {
-    string legacy_managed_table_name = Substitute("$0$1.$2", 
-                                                  kDatabaseName, 
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, legacy_managed_table_name));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(legacy_managed_table_name, &table));
-    hive::Database db;
- = kDatabaseName;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.CreateDatabase(db));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, kDatabaseName, 
-                                   HmsClient::kManagedTable));
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable(kDatabaseName, kManagedTableName, 
-    ASSERT_EQ(HmsClient::kManagedTable, hms_table.tableType);
-  }
-  // 2. Create an external impala table in HMS and the corresponding table in 
-  {
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, kExternalTableName));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(kExternalTableName, &table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, kDatabaseName, 
-                                   HmsClient::kExternalTable));
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable(kDatabaseName, kExternalTableName, 
-    ASSERT_EQ(HmsClient::kExternalTable, hms_table.tableType);
-  }
-  // 3. Create several non-impala Kudu tables. One with hive compatible name, 
and the
-  //    other ones with hive incompatible names.
-  {
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, kKuduTableName));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(kKuduTableName, &table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "invalid#table"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("invalid#table", &table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "invalid.@"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("invalid.@", &table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "@.invalid"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("@.invalid", &table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "invalid"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("invalid", &table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, ""));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("", &table));
-  }
-  {
-    vector<string> table_names;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTableNames(kDatabaseName, &table_names));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, table_names.size());
-  }
-  // Restart external mini cluster to enable Hive Metastore integration.
-  cluster_->EnableMetastoreIntegration();
-  cluster_->ShutdownNodes(cluster::ClusterNodes::ALL);
-  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->Restart());
-  // Upgrade the historical metadata in both Hive Metastore and Kudu.
-  string out;
-  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdinStdoutString(
-      Substitute("hms upgrade $0 $1 --unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                 "--hive_metastore_uris=$2", master_addr,
-                 kDefaultDatabaseName, cluster_->hms()->uris()),
-      "valid_1\nvalid_2\nvalid_3\nvalid_4\nvalid_5\n", &out));
-  // Validate the Kudu table names and metadata format of hms entries.
-  {
-    vector<string> table_names;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->ListTables(&table_names));
-    ASSERT_EQ(8, table_names.size());
-    for (const auto& n : table_names) {
-      ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidTableName(n));
-    }
-    NO_FATALS(ValidateHmsEntries(&hms_client, kudu_client, kDatabaseName,
-                                 kManagedTableName, master_addr));
-    NO_FATALS(ValidateHmsEntries(&hms_client, kudu_client, kDatabaseName,
-                                 kExternalTableName, master_addr));
-    NO_FATALS(ValidateHmsEntries(&hms_client, kudu_client, 
-                                 kKuduTableName, master_addr));
-    table_names.clear();
-    vector<string> db_names;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetAllDatabases(&db_names));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, db_names.size());
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTableNames(kDatabaseName, &table_names));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, table_names.size());
-    table_names.clear();
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTableNames(kDefaultDatabaseName, &table_names));
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, table_names.size());
-    string out;
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutString(Substitute("hms check $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                               "--hive_metastore_uris=$1",
-                                               master_addr, 
cluster_->hms()->uris()), &out));
-  }
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.Stop());
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(Substitute("$0.$1", database_name, 
table_name), &kudu_table));
+  ASSERT_EQ(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey], 
+  ASSERT_EQ(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey], 
+  ASSERT_EQ(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey], master_addr);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(!ContainsKey(hms_table.parameters, 
 TEST_F(ToolTest, TestHmsDowngrade) {
@@ -2315,54 +2183,38 @@ TEST_F(ToolTest, TestHmsDowngrade) {
   shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
-  ASSERT_OK(KuduClientBuilder()
-      .add_master_server_addr(master_addr)
-      .Build(&kudu_client));
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &kudu_client));
-  {
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.a"));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.a", &kudu_table));
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "a", &hms_table));
+  string base_flags = Substitute("$0 --unlock_experimental_flags 
+                                 master_addr, cluster_->hms()->uris());
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.b"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.b", &kudu_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "b", &hms_table));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.a"));
+  NO_FATALS(ValidateHmsEntries(&hms_client, kudu_client, "default", "a", 
-    // Downgrade to legacy table in both Hive Metastore and Kudu.
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms downgrade $0 "
-                                             "--unlock_experimental_flags=true 
-                                             "--hive_metastore_uris=$1", 
-                                             cluster_->hms()->uris())));
-  }
+  // Downgrade to legacy table in both Hive Metastore and Kudu.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms downgrade $0", base_flags)));
-  {
-    // Upgrade the metadata in both the Hive Metastore and Kudu.
-    string out;
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdinStdoutString(
-        Substitute("hms upgrade $0 $1 --unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                   "--hive_metastore_uris=$2", master_addr, "default",
-                   cluster_->hms()->uris()),
-        "", &out));
+  // The check tool should report the legacy table.
+  string out;
+  string err;
+  Status s = RunActionStdoutStderrString(Substitute("hms check $0", 
base_flags), &out, &err);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
+  ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, hms::HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler);
+  ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "default.a");
-    // Check if the metadata is in sync between the Hive Metastore and Kudu.
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutString(
-        Substitute("hms check $0 --unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                   "--hive_metastore_uris=$1", master_addr, 
-        &out));
+  // The table should still be accessible in both Kudu and the HMS.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.a", &kudu_table));
+  hive::Table hms_table;
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "a", &hms_table));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.a", &kudu_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.b", &kudu_table));
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "a", &hms_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "b", &hms_table));
-  }
+  // Check that re-upgrading works as expected.
+  RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms fix $0", base_flags));
+  RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms check $0", base_flags));
-TEST_F(ToolTest, TestCheckHmsMetadata) {
+// Test HMS inconsistencies that can be automatically fixed.
+TEST_F(ToolTest, TestCheckAndAutomaticFixHmsMetadata) {
   ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts;
   opts.hms_mode = HmsMode::ENABLE_HIVE_METASTORE;
@@ -2372,140 +2224,245 @@ TEST_F(ToolTest, TestCheckHmsMetadata) {
-  string hms_table_id = "table_id";
+  FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris = cluster_->hms()->uris();
+  HmsCatalog hms_catalog(master_addr);
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.Start());
   shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
-  ASSERT_OK(KuduClientBuilder()
-      .add_master_server_addr(master_addr)
-      .Build(&kudu_client));
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &kudu_client));
+  string base_flags = Substitute("$0 --unlock_experimental_flags 
+                                 master_addr, cluster_->hms()->uris());
+  // While the metastore integration is disabled create tables in Kudu and the
+  // HMS with inconsistent metadata.
+  // Control case: the check tool should not flag this table.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> control;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.control"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.control", &control));
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        control->id(), control->name(),
+        client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(control->schema())));
+  // Test case: Upper-case names are handled specially in a few places.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> test_uppercase;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.UPPERCASE"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.UPPERCASE", &test_uppercase));
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        test_uppercase->id(), test_uppercase->name(),
+        client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(test_uppercase->schema())));
+  // Test case: inconsistent schema.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> inconsistent_schema;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.inconsistent_schema"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.inconsistent_schema", 
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        inconsistent_schema->id(), inconsistent_schema->name(),
+        SchemaBuilder().Build()));
+  // Test case: inconsistent name.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> inconsistent_name;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.inconsistent_name"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.inconsistent_name", 
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        inconsistent_name->id(), "default.inconsistent_name_hms",
+        client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(inconsistent_name->schema())));
+  // Test case: inconsistent master addresses.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> inconsistent_master_addrs;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.inconsistent_master_addrs"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.inconsistent_master_addrs",
+        &inconsistent_master_addrs));
+  HmsCatalog invalid_hms_catalog("invalid-master-addrs");
+  ASSERT_OK(invalid_hms_catalog.Start());
+  ASSERT_OK(invalid_hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        inconsistent_master_addrs->id(), inconsistent_master_addrs->name(),
+        client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(inconsistent_master_addrs->schema())));
+  // Test cases: orphan tables in the HMS.
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        "orphan-hms-table-id", "default.orphan_hms_table",
+        SchemaBuilder().Build()));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", 
+        "default.orphan_hms_table_legacy_external",
+        master_addr, HmsClient::kExternalTable));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", 
+        "impala::default.orphan_hms_table_legacy_managed",
+        master_addr, HmsClient::kExternalTable));
+  // Test case: orphan table in Kudu.
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.kudu_orphan"));
+  // Test case: legacy external table.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> legacy_external;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.legacy_external"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.legacy_external", 
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "legacy_external",
+        "default.legacy_external",
+        master_addr, HmsClient::kExternalTable));
+  // Test case: legacy managed table.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> legacy_managed;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "impala::default.legacy_managed"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("impala::default.legacy_managed", 
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "legacy_managed",
+        "impala::default.legacy_managed", master_addr, 
+  // Test case: legacy external table with a Hive-incompatible name (no 
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, 
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name",
+  &legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", 
+        "legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name", master_addr, 
+  // Test case: Kudu table in non-default database.
+  hive::Database db;
+ = "my_db";
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.CreateDatabase(db));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "my_db.table"));
+  // Enable the HMS integration.
+  cluster_->ShutdownNodes(cluster::ClusterNodes::MASTERS_ONLY);
+  cluster_->EnableMetastoreIntegration();
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->Restart());
-  // 1. Create a Kudu table in Kudu and a legacy table in the HMS, and check 
the metadata
-  //    consistency.
-  {
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "a"));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("a", &kudu_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "legacy_table",
-                                   HmsClient::kExternalTable));
+  unordered_set<string> consistent_tables = {
+    "default.control",
+  };
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    RunActionStdoutStderrString(Substitute("hms check $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                           "--hive_metastore_uris=$1",
-                                           master_addr, 
cluster_->hms()->uris()), &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "metadata check tool discovered inconsistent 
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, kudu_table->id());
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, kudu_table->name());
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, master_addr);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "Found legacy tables in the Hive Metastore");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "legacy_table");
-  }
-  // 2. Create tables in Kudu and the HMS with inconsistent metadata. Then 
validate the tool
-  //    can detect the metadata inconsistency.
-  {
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    // Create a table in Kudu and in the HMS with the same table name
-    // but different table ID.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.b"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.b", &kudu_table));
-    string table_id_b = kudu_table->id();
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "b", 
-                             master_addr, hms_table_id));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "b", &hms_table));
-    // Create a table in Kudu and in the HMS with same table name/ID
-    // but different schema. And a table in the HMS with same table
-    // ID but different name.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.c"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.c", &kudu_table));
-    string table_id_c = kudu_table->id();
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "c", 
-                             master_addr, table_id_c));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "c", &hms_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "d", 
-                             master_addr, table_id_c));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "d", &hms_table));
-    // Create a table in Kudu and in the HMS with same table name/ID
-    // but different schema/master address.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.e"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.e", &kudu_table));
-    string table_id_e = kudu_table->id();
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "e", 
-                             "dummy_master_addr", table_id_c));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "e", &hms_table));
-    // Finally, create an orphan table in the HMS.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "orphan_table",
-                             HmsClient::kExternalTable, master_addr, 
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "orphan_table", &hms_table));
+  unordered_set<string> inconsistent_tables = {
+    "default.UPPERCASE",
+    "default.inconsistent_schema",
+    "default.inconsistent_name",
+    "default.inconsistent_master_addrs",
+    "default.orphan_hms_table",
+    "default.orphan_hms_table_legacy_external",
+    "default.orphan_hms_table_legacy_managed",
+    "default.kudu_orphan",
+    "default.legacy_external",
+    "default.legacy_managed",
+    "legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name",
+    "my_db.table",
+  };
+  // Move a list of tables from the inconsistent set to the consistent set.
+  auto make_consistent = [&] (const vector<string>& tables) {
+    for (const string& table : tables) {
+      ASSERT_EQ(inconsistent_tables.erase(table), 1);
+    }
+    consistent_tables.insert(tables.begin(), tables.end());
+  };
+  // Run the HMS check tool and verify that the consistent tables are not
+  // reported, and the inconsistent tables are reported.
+  auto check = [&] () {
     string out;
     string err;
-    RunActionStdoutStderrString(Substitute("hms check $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                           "--hive_metastore_uris=$1", 
-                                           cluster_->hms()->uris()), &out, 
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "metadata check tool discovered inconsistent 
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, table_id_b);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "default.b");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, table_id_c);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "default.c");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "c");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "d");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, table_id_e);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "default.e");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "e");
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, master_addr);
-    // Orphan table is not included.
-    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(out, "orphan_table");
-  }
-  // Delete these tables and restart external mini cluster to enable Hive
-  // Metastore integration.
-  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->DeleteTable("a"));
-  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->DeleteTable("default.b"));
-  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->DeleteTable("default.c"));
-  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->DeleteTable("default.e"));
-  hive::EnvironmentContext env_ctx;
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "b", env_ctx));
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "c", env_ctx));
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "d", env_ctx));
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "e", env_ctx));
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "legacy_table", env_ctx));
-  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "orphan_table", env_ctx));
-  cluster_->EnableMetastoreIntegration();
-  cluster_->ShutdownNodes(cluster::ClusterNodes::ALL);
-  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->Restart());
+    Status s = RunActionStdoutStderrString(Substitute("hms check $0", 
base_flags), &out, &err);
+    SCOPED_TRACE(strings::CUnescapeOrDie(out));
+    if (inconsistent_tables.empty()) {
+      ASSERT_OK(s);
+      ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(err, "found inconsistencies in the Kudu and HMS 
+    } else {
+      ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
+      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "found inconsistencies in the Kudu and HMS 
+    }
+    for (const string& table : consistent_tables) {
+      ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(out, table);
+    }
+    for (const string& table : inconsistent_tables) {
+      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, table);
+    }
+  };
-  // 3. Create a Kudu table with HMS integration enabled (a corresponding 
table will
-  //    be created in the Hms), and an orphan table in the HMS, the metadata 
-  //    be in sync.
-  {
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.a"));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.a", &kudu_table));
+  // 'hms check' should point out all of the test-case tables, but not the 
control tables.
+  NO_FATALS(check());
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "a", &hms_table));
+  // 'hms fix --dryrun should not change the output of 'hms check'.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(
+        Substitute("hms fix $0 --dryrun --drop_orphan_hms_tables", 
+  NO_FATALS(check());
+  // Drop orphan tables.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(
+        Substitute("hms fix $0 --drop_orphan_hms_tables 
--nocreate_missing_hms_tables "
+                   "--noupgrade_hms_tables --nofix_inconsistent_tables", 
+  make_consistent({
+    "default.orphan_hms_table",
+    "default.orphan_hms_table_legacy_external",
+    "default.orphan_hms_table_legacy_managed",
+  });
+  NO_FATALS(check());
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "b", 
-                             master_addr, hms_table_id));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "b", &hms_table));
+  // Create missing hms tables.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(
+        Substitute("hms fix $0 --noupgrade_hms_tables 
--nofix_inconsistent_tables", base_flags)));
+  make_consistent({
+    "default.kudu_orphan",
+    "my_db.table",
+  });
+  NO_FATALS(check());
-    string out;
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutString(Substitute("hms check $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                               "--hive_metastore_uris=$1",
-                                               master_addr, 
cluster_->hms()->uris()), &out));
-  }
+  // Upgrade legacy HMS tables.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(
+        Substitute("hms fix $0 --nofix_inconsistent_tables", base_flags)));
+  make_consistent({
+    "default.legacy_external",
+    "default.legacy_managed",
+    "legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name",
+  });
+  NO_FATALS(check());
+  // Refresh stale HMS tables.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms fix $0", base_flags)));
+  make_consistent({
+    "default.UPPERCASE",
+    "default.inconsistent_schema",
+    "default.inconsistent_name",
+    "default.inconsistent_master_addrs",
+  });
+  NO_FATALS(check());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(inconsistent_tables.empty());
+  for (const string& table : {
+    "control",
+    "uppercase",
+    "inconsistent_schema",
+    "inconsistent_name_hms",
+    "inconsistent_master_addrs",
+    "kudu_orphan",
+    "legacy_external",
+    "legacy_managed",
+    "legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name",
+  }) {
+    NO_FATALS(ValidateHmsEntries(&hms_client, kudu_client, "default", table, 
+  }
+  // Validate the tables in the other databases.
+  NO_FATALS(ValidateHmsEntries(&hms_client, kudu_client, "my_db", "table", 
+  vector<string> kudu_tables;
+  kudu_client->ListTables(&kudu_tables);
+  std::sort(kudu_tables.begin(), kudu_tables.end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(kudu_tables, vector<string>({
+    "default.control",
+    "default.inconsistent_master_addrs",
+    "default.inconsistent_name_hms",
+    "default.inconsistent_schema",
+    "default.kudu_orphan",
+    "default.legacy_external",
+    "default.legacy_external_hive_incompatible_name",
+    "default.legacy_managed",
+    "default.uppercase",
+    "my_db.table",
+  }));
-TEST_F(ToolTest, TestFixHmsMetadata) {
+// Test HMS inconsistencies that must be manually fixed.
+TEST_F(ToolTest, TestCheckAndManualFixHmsMetadata) {
   ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts;
   opts.hms_mode = HmsMode::ENABLE_HIVE_METASTORE;
@@ -2515,98 +2472,126 @@ TEST_F(ToolTest, TestFixHmsMetadata) {
-  string hms_table_id = "table_id";
-  shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
-  ASSERT_OK(KuduClientBuilder()
-                .add_master_server_addr(master_addr)
-                .Build(&kudu_client));
-  {
-    // Create a table with the same name/ID but different schema in Kudu and 
the HMS.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.a"));
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.a", &kudu_table));
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "a",
-                             HmsClient::kManagedTable, master_addr, 
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "a", &hms_table));
-    // Create a table with the same ID but different name/schema in Kudu and 
the HMS.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.b"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.b", &kudu_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "c",
-                             HmsClient::kManagedTable, master_addr, 
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "c", &hms_table));
+  FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris = cluster_->hms()->uris();
+  HmsCatalog hms_catalog(master_addr);
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.Start());
-    // Create a table in Kudu but not the HMS.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.d"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.d", &kudu_table));
-    // Create an orphan table in the HMS.
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "e",
-                             HmsClient::kManagedTable, master_addr, 
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "e", &hms_table));
-    // Create multiple tables in the HMS sharing the same table ID .
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.kudu"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.kudu", &kudu_table));
-    string id = kudu_table->id();
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "kudu",
-                             HmsClient::kManagedTable, master_addr, id));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "kudu", &hms_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", "diff_name",
-                             HmsClient::kManagedTable, master_addr, id));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "diff_name", &hms_table));
-  }
-  // Restart external mini cluster to enable Hive Metastore integration.
+  shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &kudu_client));
+  string base_flags = Substitute("$0 --unlock_experimental_flags 
+                                 master_addr, cluster_->hms()->uris());
+  // While the metastore integration is disabled create tables in Kudu and the
+  // HMS with inconsistent metadata.
+  // Test case: Multiple HMS tables pointing to a single Kudu table.
+  shared_ptr<KuduTable> duplicate_hms_tables;
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.duplicate_hms_tables"));
+  ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.duplicate_hms_tables", 
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        duplicate_hms_tables->id(), "default.duplicate_hms_tables",
+        client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(duplicate_hms_tables->schema())));
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.CreateTable(
+        duplicate_hms_tables->id(), "default.duplicate_hms_tables_2",
+        client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(duplicate_hms_tables->schema())));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", 
+        "default.duplicate_hms_tables",
+        master_addr, HmsClient::kExternalTable));
+  // Test case: Kudu tables Hive-incompatible names.
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.hive-incompatible-name"));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "no_database"));
+  // Test case: Kudu table in non-existent database.
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "non_existent_database.table"));
+  // Test case: a legacy table with a Hive name which conflicts with another 
table in Kudu.
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateLegacyHmsTable(&hms_client, "default", 
+        "impala::default.conflicting_legacy_table",
+        master_addr, HmsClient::kManagedTable));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, 
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateKuduTable(kudu_client, "default.conflicting_legacy_table"));
+  // Enable the HMS integration.
+  cluster_->ShutdownNodes(cluster::ClusterNodes::MASTERS_ONLY);
-  cluster_->ShutdownNodes(cluster::ClusterNodes::ALL);
-  // 2. Run the fix tool and expect it to fail.
-  {
+  // Run the HMS check tool and verify that the inconsistent tables are 
+  auto check = [&] () {
+    string out;
     string err;
-    RunActionStderrString(Substitute("hms fix $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                     "--hive_metastore_uris=$1",
-                                     master_addr, cluster_->hms()->uris()), 
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "Illegal state: error fixing inconsistent 
metadata: "
-                             "Found more than one tables");
-  }
+    Status s = RunActionStdoutStderrString(Substitute("hms check $0", 
base_flags), &out, &err);
+    SCOPED_TRACE(strings::CUnescapeOrDie(out));
+    for (const string& table : vector<string>({
+      "duplicate_hms_tables",
+      "duplicate_hms_tables_2",
+      "duplicate_hms_tables_3",
+      "default.hive-incompatible-name",
+      "no_database",
+      "non_existent_database.table",
+      "default.conflicting_legacy_table",
+    })) {
+      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, table);
+    }
+  };
+  // Check should recognize this inconsistent tables.
+  NO_FATALS(check());
-  // 3. Delete one of the tables that share the same table ID in the HMS and 
-  //    run the fix tool again and expect it to succeed.
+  // Fix should fail, since these are not automatically repairable issues.
-    hive::EnvironmentContext env_ctx;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.DropTable("default", "diff_name", env_ctx));
     string out;
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdinStdoutString(Substitute("hms fix $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                                    "--hive_metastore_uris=$1",
-                                                    master_addr, 
-                                         "default.c\n", &out));
+    string err;
+    Status s = RunActionStdoutStderrString(Substitute("hms fix $0", 
base_flags), &out, &err);
+    SCOPED_TRACE(strings::CUnescapeOrDie(out));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
+  }
-    NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutString(Substitute("hms check $0 
--unlock_experimental_flags=true "
-                                               "--hive_metastore_uris=$1",
-                                               master_addr, 
cluster_->hms()->uris()), &out));
+  // Check should still fail.
+  NO_FATALS(check());
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.a", &kudu_table));
-    hive::Table hms_table;
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "a", &hms_table));
+  // Manually drop the duplicate HMS entries.
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.DropTable(duplicate_hms_tables->id(), 
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_catalog.DropLegacyTable("default.duplicate_hms_tables_3"));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.c", &kudu_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "c", &hms_table));
+  // Rename the incompatible names.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute(
+          "table rename-table --noalter-external-catalogs $0 "
+          "default.hive-incompatible-name default.hive_compatible_name", 
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute(
+          "table rename-table --noalter-external-catalogs $0 "
+          "no_database default.with_database", master_addr)));
-    ASSERT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable("default.d", &kudu_table));
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "d", &hms_table));
+  // Create the missing database.
+  hive::Database db;
+ = "non_existent_database";
+  ASSERT_OK(hms_client.CreateDatabase(db));
-    Status s = kudu_client->OpenTable("default.e", &kudu_table);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound());
-    ASSERT_OK(hms_client.GetTable("default", "e", &hms_table));
-  }
+  // Rename the conflicting table.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute(
+          "table rename-table --noalter-external-catalogs $0 "
+          "default.conflicting_legacy_table 
default.non_conflicting_legacy_table", master_addr)));
+  // Run the automatic fixer to create missing HMS table entries.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms fix $0", base_flags)));
+  // Check should now be clean.
+  NO_FATALS(RunActionStdoutNone(Substitute("hms check $0", base_flags)));
+  // Ensure the tables are available.
+  vector<string> kudu_tables;
+  kudu_client->ListTables(&kudu_tables);
+  std::sort(kudu_tables.begin(), kudu_tables.end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(kudu_tables, vector<string>({
+    "default.conflicting_legacy_table",
+    "default.duplicate_hms_tables",
+    "default.hive_compatible_name",
+    "default.non_conflicting_legacy_table",
+    "default.with_database",
+    "non_existent_database.table",
+  }));
 // This test is parameterized on the serialization mode and Kerberos.

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