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+<div class="title">Pivot<div class="ingroups"><a class="el" 
href="group__grp__datatrans.html">Data Types and 
Transformations</a></div></div>  </div>
+<div class="contents">
+<div class="toc"><b>Contents</b> </p><ul>
+<a href="#categorical">Pivoting</a> </li>
+<a href="#notes">Notes</a> </li>
+<a href="#examples">Examples</a> </li>
+<a href="#literature">Literature</a> </li>
+</div><p><a class="anchor" id="categorical"></a>The goal of the MADlib pivot 
function is to provide a data summarization tool that can do basic OLAP type 
operations on data stored in one table and output the summarized data to a 
second table.</p>
+<pre class="syntax">
+    source_table,
+    output_table,
+    index,
+    pivot_cols,
+    pivot_values,
+    aggregate_func,
+    fill_value,
+    keep_null,
+    output_col_dictionary
+    )
+</pre><p> <b>Arguments</b> </p><dl class="arglist">
+<dt>source_table </dt>
+<dd>VARCHAR. Name of the source table (or view) containing data to pivot. </dd>
+<dt>output_table </dt>
+<dd><p class="startdd">VARCHAR. Name of output table that contains the pivoted 
data. The output table contains all the columns present in the <em>'index'</em> 
column list, plus additional columns for each distinct value in 
+<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The names of the columns in the 
output table are auto-generated. Please see the examples section below to see 
how this works in practice. The convention used is to concatenate the following 
strings and separate each by an underscore '_' :<ul>
+<li>name of the value column <em>'pivot_values'</em></li>
+<li>aggregate function</li>
+<li>name of the pivot column <em>'pivot_cols'</em></li>
+<li>values in the pivot column</li>
+<dt>index  </dt>
+<dd>VARCHAR. Comma-separated columns that will form the index of the output 
pivot table. By index we mean the values to group by; these are the rows in the 
output pivot table. </dd>
+<dt>pivot_cols  </dt>
+<dd>VARCHAR. Comma-separated columns that will form the columns of the output 
pivot table. </dd>
+<dt>pivot_values  </dt>
+<dd>VARCHAR. Comma-separated columns that contain the values to be summarized 
in the output pivot table. </dd>
+<dt>aggregate_func (optional) </dt>
+<dd><p class="startdd">VARCHAR. default: 'AVG'. A comma-separated list of 
aggregates to be applied to values. These can be PostgreSQL built-in aggregates 
[1] or UDAs. It is possible to assign a set of aggregates per value column. 
Please refer to the examples 12-14 below for syntax details.</p>
+<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>Only aggregates with strict 
transition functions are permitted here. A strict transition function means 
rows with null values are ignored; the function is not called and the previous 
state value is retained. If you need some other behavior for null inputs, this 
should be done prior to calling the pivot function. Aggregates with strict 
transition functions are described in [2,3].</dd></dl>
+<dt>fill_value (optional) </dt>
+<dd>VARCHAR. default: NULL. If specified, determines how to fill NULL values 
resulting from pivot operation. This is a global parameter (not applied per 
aggregate) and is applied post-aggregation to the output table. </dd>
+<dt>keep_null (optional) </dt>
+<dd>BOOLEAN. default: FALSE. If TRUE, then pivot columns are created 
corresponding to NULL categories. If FALSE, then no pivot columns will be 
created for NULL categories. </dd>
+<dt>output_col_dictionary (optional) </dt>
+<dd><p class="startdd">BOOLEAN. default: FALSE. This parameter is used to 
handle auto-generated column names that exceed the PostgreSQL limit of 63 bytes 
(could be a common occurrence). If TRUE, column names will be set as numerical 
IDs and will create a dictionary table called output_table appended with 
_dictionary. If FALSE, will auto-generate column names in the usual way unless 
the limit of 63 bytes will be exceeded. In this case, a dictionary output file 
will be created and a message given to the user. </p>
+<p class="enddd"></p>
+<p><a class="anchor" id="notes"></a></p><dl class="section 
+<li>NULLs in the index column are treated like any other value.</li>
+<li>NULLs in the pivot column are ignored unless keep_null is TRUE.</li>
+<li>Only strict transition functions are allowed so NULLs are ignored.</li>
+<li>It is not allowed to set the fill_value parameter without setting the 
aggregate_func parameter due to possible ambiguity. Set aggregate_func to NULL 
for the default behavior and use fill_value as desired.</li>
+<li>It is not allowed to set the output_col_dictionary parameter without 
setting the keep_null parameter due to possible ambiguity. Set keep_null to 
NULL for the default behavior and use output_col_dictionary as desired.</li>
+<li>Expressions (instead of column names) are not supported. Create a view 
with the desired expressions and pass it as the input table (see example 3 
+<li>It is allowed to pass a partial mapping for the aggregate_func parameter. 
The missing value columns will be aggregated using the default function 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="examples"></a></p><dl class="section 
+<ol type="1">
+<li>Create a simple dataset to demonstrate a basic pivot: <pre class="example">
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pivset CASCADE; -- View below may depend on table so use 
+                  id INTEGER,
+                  piv INTEGER,
+                  val FLOAT8
+                );
+    (0, 10, 1),
+    (0, 10, 2),
+    (0, 20, 3),
+    (1, 20, 4),
+    (1, 30, 5),
+    (1, 30, 6),
+    (1, 10, 7),
+    (NULL, 10, 8),
+    (1, NULL, 9),
+    (1, 10, NULL);
+<li>Pivot the table: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+ id | val_avg_piv_10 | val_avg_piv_20 | val_avg_piv_30
+  0 |            1.5 |              3 |
+  1 |              7 |              4 |            5.5
+    |              8 |                |
+</pre> Here NULL is showing as an empty cell in the output.</li>
+<li>Now let's add some more columns to our data set and create a view: <pre 
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pivset_ext;
+CREATE VIEW pivset_ext AS
+    SELECT *,
+    COALESCE(id + (val / 3)::integer, 0) AS id2,
+    COALESCE(100*(val / 3)::integer, 0) AS piv2,
+    COALESCE(val + 10, 0) AS val2
+   FROM pivset;
+SELECT id,id2,piv,piv2,val,val2 FROM pivset_ext
+ORDER BY id,id2,piv,piv2,val,val2;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+ id | id2 | piv | piv2 | val | val2 
+  0 |   0 |  10 |    0 |   1 |   11
+  0 |   1 |  10 |  100 |   2 |   12
+  0 |   1 |  20 |  100 |   3 |   13
+  1 |   0 |  10 |    0 |     |    0
+  1 |   2 |  20 |  100 |   4 |   14
+  1 |   3 |  10 |  200 |   7 |   17
+  1 |   3 |  30 |  200 |   5 |   15
+  1 |   3 |  30 |  200 |   6 |   16
+  1 |   4 |     |  300 |   9 |   19
+    |   0 |  10 |  300 |   8 |   18
+(10 rows)
+<li>Let's use a different aggregate function on the view we just created: <pre 
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val', 'sum');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+ id | val_sum_piv_10 | val_sum_piv_20 | val_sum_piv_30
+  0 |              3 |              3 |
+  1 |              7 |              4 |             11
+    |              8 |                |
+<li>Now create a custom aggregate. Note that the aggregate must have a strict 
transition function: <pre class="example">
+  SELECT $1 || $2
+DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS array_accum1 (anyelement);
+CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum1 (anyelement) (
+    sfunc = array_add1,
+    stype = anyarray,
+    initcond = '{}'                                                            
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val', 
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+  id | val_array_accum1_piv_10 | val_array_accum1_piv_20 | 
+  0 | {1,2}                   | {3}                     | {}
+  1 | {7}                     | {4}                     | {5,6}
+    | {8}                     | {}                      | {}
+<li>Keep null values in the pivot column: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val', 'sum', True);
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+ id | val_sum_piv_10 | val_sum_piv_20 | val_sum_piv_30 | val_sum_piv_null
+  0 |              3 |              3 |                |
+  1 |              7 |              4 |             11 |                9
+    |              8 |                |                |
+<li>Fill null results with a value of interest: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val', 'sum', '111');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+ id | val_sum_piv_10 | val_sum_piv_20 | val_sum_piv_30
+  0 |              3 |              3 |            111
+  1 |              7 |              4 |             11
+    |              8 |            111 |            111
+<li>Use multiple index columns: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id,id2', 'piv', 'val');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id,id2;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+ id | id2 | val_avg_piv_10 | val_avg_piv_20 | val_avg_piv_30
+  0 |   0 |              1 |                |
+  0 |   1 |              2 |              3 |
+  1 |   0 |                |                |
+  1 |   2 |                |              4 |
+  1 |   3 |              7 |                |            5.5
+  1 |   4 |                |                |
+    |   0 |              8 |                |
+<li>Turn on the extended view for readability: <pre class="example">
+\x on
+<li>Use multiple pivot columns: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv, piv2', 'val');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------+----
+id                      | 0
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_0   | 1
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_100 | 2
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_200 | 
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_300 | 
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_0   | 
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_100 | 3
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_200 | 
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_300 | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_0   | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_100 | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_200 | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_300 | 
+-[ RECORD 2 ]-----------+----
+id                      | 1
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_0   | 
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_100 | 
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_200 | 7
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_300 | 
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_0   | 
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_100 | 4
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_200 | 
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_300 | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_0   | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_100 | 
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_200 | 5.5
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_300 | 
+<li>Use multiple value columns: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val, val2');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]---+-----
+id              | 0
+val_avg_piv_10  | 1.5
+val_avg_piv_20  | 3
+val_avg_piv_30  | 
+val2_avg_piv_10 | 11.5
+val2_avg_piv_20 | 13
+val2_avg_piv_30 | 
+-[ RECORD 2 ]---+-----
+id              | 1
+val_avg_piv_10  | 7
+val_avg_piv_20  | 4
+val_avg_piv_30  | 5.5
+val2_avg_piv_10 | 8.5
+val2_avg_piv_20 | 14
+val2_avg_piv_30 | 15.5
+<li>Use multiple aggregate functions on the same value column (cross product): 
<pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val', 'avg, sum');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+----
+id             | 0
+val_avg_piv_10 | 1.5
+val_avg_piv_20 | 3
+val_avg_piv_30 | 
+val_sum_piv_10 | 3
+val_sum_piv_20 | 3
+val_sum_piv_30 | 
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+----
+id             | 1
+val_avg_piv_10 | 7
+val_avg_piv_20 | 4
+val_avg_piv_30 | 5.5
+val_sum_piv_10 | 7
+val_sum_piv_20 | 4
+val_sum_piv_30 | 11
+<li>Use different aggregate functions for different value columns: <pre 
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val, val2',
+    'val=avg, val2=sum');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]---+----
+id              | 0
+val_avg_piv_10  | 1.5
+val_avg_piv_20  | 3
+val_avg_piv_30  |
+val2_sum_piv_10 | 23
+val2_sum_piv_20 | 13
+val2_sum_piv_30 |
+-[ RECORD 2 ]---+----
+id              | 1
+val_avg_piv_10  | 7
+val_avg_piv_20  | 4
+val_avg_piv_30  | 5.5
+val2_sum_piv_10 | 17
+val2_sum_piv_20 | 14
+val2_sum_piv_30 | 31
+<li>Use multiple aggregate functions for different value columns: <pre 
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id', 'piv', 'val, val2',
+    'val=avg, val2=[avg,sum]');
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]---+-----
+id              | 0
+val_avg_piv_10  | 1.5
+val_avg_piv_20  | 3
+val_avg_piv_30  | 
+val2_avg_piv_10 | 11.5
+val2_avg_piv_20 | 13
+val2_avg_piv_30 | 
+val2_sum_piv_10 | 23
+val2_sum_piv_20 | 13
+val2_sum_piv_30 | 
+-[ RECORD 2 ]---+-----
+id              | 1
+val_avg_piv_10  | 7
+val_avg_piv_20  | 4
+val_avg_piv_30  | 5.5
+val2_avg_piv_10 | 8.5
+val2_avg_piv_20 | 14
+val2_avg_piv_30 | 15.5
+val2_sum_piv_10 | 17
+val2_sum_piv_20 | 14
+val2_sum_piv_30 | 31
+<li>Combine all of the options: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id, id2', 'piv, piv2', 'val, 
+    'val=avg, val2=[avg,sum]', '111', True);
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id,id2;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+-----
+id                         | 0
+id2                        | 0
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_0    | 111
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_100  | 111
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_200  | 111
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_300  | 111
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_0      | 1
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_100    | 111
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_200    | 111
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_300    | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_0      | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_100    | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_200    | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_300    | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_0      | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_100    | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_200    | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_300    | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_0   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_100 | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_200 | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_300 | 111
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_0     | 11
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_0   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_100 | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_200 | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_300 | 111
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_0     | 11
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_300   | 111
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+-----
+id                         | 0
+id2                        | 1
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_0    | 111
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_100  | 111
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_200  | 111
+val_avg_piv_null_piv2_300  | 111
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_0      | 111
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_100    | 2
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_200    | 111
+val_avg_piv_10_piv2_300    | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_0      | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_100    | 3
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_200    | 111
+val_avg_piv_20_piv2_300    | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_0      | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_100    | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_200    | 111
+val_avg_piv_30_piv2_300    | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_0   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_100 | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_200 | 111
+val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_300 | 111
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_100   | 12
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_100   | 13
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_0   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_100 | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_200 | 111
+val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_300 | 111
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_100   | 12
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_100   | 13
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_300   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_0     | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_100   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_200   | 111
+val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_300   | 111
+<li>Create a dictionary for output column names: <pre class="example">
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pivout, pivout_dictionary;
+SELECT madlib.pivot('pivset_ext', 'pivout', 'id, id2', 'piv, piv2', 'val, 
+    'val=avg, val2=[avg,sum]', '111', True, True);
+SELECT * FROM pivout_dictionary;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+  __pivot_cid__ | pval | agg | piv | piv2 |           col_name           
+ __p_1__       | val  | avg |     |  100 | "val_avg_piv_null_piv2_100"
+ __p_5__       | val  | avg |  10 |  100 | "val_avg_piv_10_piv2_100"
+ __p_9__       | val  | avg |  20 |  100 | "val_avg_piv_20_piv2_100"
+ __p_12__      | val  | avg |  30 |    0 | "val_avg_piv_30_piv2_0"
+ __p_16__      | val2 | avg |     |    0 | "val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_0"
+ __p_23__      | val2 | avg |  10 |  300 | "val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_300"
+ __p_27__      | val2 | avg |  20 |  300 | "val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_300"
+ __p_30__      | val2 | avg |  30 |  200 | "val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_200"
+ __p_34__      | val2 | sum |     |  200 | "val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_200"
+ __p_38__      | val2 | sum |  10 |  200 | "val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_200"
+ __p_41__      | val2 | sum |  20 |  100 | "val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_100"
+ __p_45__      | val2 | sum |  30 |  100 | "val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_100"
+ __p_2__       | val  | avg |     |  200 | "val_avg_piv_null_piv2_200"
+ __p_6__       | val  | avg |  10 |  200 | "val_avg_piv_10_piv2_200"
+ __p_11__      | val  | avg |  20 |  300 | "val_avg_piv_20_piv2_300"
+ __p_15__      | val  | avg |  30 |  300 | "val_avg_piv_30_piv2_300"
+ __p_19__      | val2 | avg |     |  300 | "val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_300"
+ __p_20__      | val2 | avg |  10 |    0 | "val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_0"
+ __p_24__      | val2 | avg |  20 |    0 | "val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_0"
+ __p_28__      | val2 | avg |  30 |    0 | "val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_0"
+ __p_33__      | val2 | sum |     |  100 | "val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_100"
+ __p_37__      | val2 | sum |  10 |  100 | "val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_100"
+ __p_42__      | val2 | sum |  20 |  200 | "val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_200"
+ __p_46__      | val2 | sum |  30 |  200 | "val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_200"
+ __p_3__       | val  | avg |     |  300 | "val_avg_piv_null_piv2_300"
+ __p_7__       | val  | avg |  10 |  300 | "val_avg_piv_10_piv2_300"
+ __p_10__      | val  | avg |  20 |  200 | "val_avg_piv_20_piv2_200"
+ __p_14__      | val  | avg |  30 |  200 | "val_avg_piv_30_piv2_200"
+ __p_18__      | val2 | avg |     |  200 | "val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_200"
+ __p_21__      | val2 | avg |  10 |  100 | "val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_100"
+ __p_25__      | val2 | avg |  20 |  100 | "val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_100"
+ __p_29__      | val2 | avg |  30 |  100 | "val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_100"
+ __p_32__      | val2 | sum |     |    0 | "val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_0"
+ __p_36__      | val2 | sum |  10 |    0 | "val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_0"
+ __p_43__      | val2 | sum |  20 |  300 | "val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_300"
+ __p_47__      | val2 | sum |  30 |  300 | "val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_300"
+ __p_0__       | val  | avg |     |    0 | "val_avg_piv_null_piv2_0"
+ __p_4__       | val  | avg |  10 |    0 | "val_avg_piv_10_piv2_0"
+ __p_8__       | val  | avg |  20 |    0 | "val_avg_piv_20_piv2_0"
+ __p_13__      | val  | avg |  30 |  100 | "val_avg_piv_30_piv2_100"
+ __p_17__      | val2 | avg |     |  100 | "val2_avg_piv_null_piv2_100"
+ __p_22__      | val2 | avg |  10 |  200 | "val2_avg_piv_10_piv2_200"
+ __p_26__      | val2 | avg |  20 |  200 | "val2_avg_piv_20_piv2_200"
+ __p_31__      | val2 | avg |  30 |  300 | "val2_avg_piv_30_piv2_300"
+ __p_35__      | val2 | sum |     |  300 | "val2_sum_piv_null_piv2_300"
+ __p_39__      | val2 | sum |  10 |  300 | "val2_sum_piv_10_piv2_300"
+ __p_40__      | val2 | sum |  20 |    0 | "val2_sum_piv_20_piv2_0"
+ __p_44__      | val2 | sum |  30 |    0 | "val2_sum_piv_30_piv2_0"
+(48 rows)
+</pre> <pre class="example">
+SELECT * FROM pivout ORDER BY id,id2;
+</pre> <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--
+id       | 0
+id2      | 0
+__p_0__  | 111
+__p_1__  | 111
+__p_2__  | 111
+__p_3__  | 111
+__p_4__  | 1
+__p_5__  | 111
+__p_6__  | 111
+__p_7__  | 111
+__p_8__  | 111
+__p_9__  | 111
+__p_10__ | 111
+__p_11__ | 111
+__p_12__ | 111
+__p_13__ | 111
+__p_14__ | 111
+__p_15__ | 111
+__p_16__ | 111
+__p_17__ | 111
+__p_18__ | 111
+__p_19__ | 111
+__p_20__ | 11
+__p_21__ | 111
+__p_22__ | 111
+__p_23__ | 111
+__p_24__ | 111
+__p_25__ | 111
+__p_26__ | 111
+__p_27__ | 111
+__p_28__ | 111
+__p_29__ | 111
+__p_30__ | 111
+__p_31__ | 111
+__p_32__ | 111
+__p_33__ | 111
+__p_34__ | 111
+__p_35__ | 111
+__p_36__ | 11
+__p_37__ | 111
+__p_38__ | 111
+__p_39__ | 111
+__p_40__ | 111
+__p_41__ | 111
+__p_42__ | 111
+__p_43__ | 111
+__p_44__ | 111
+__p_45__ | 111
+__p_46__ | 111
+__p_47__ | 111
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--
+id       | 0
+id2      | 1
+__p_0__  | 111
+__p_1__  | 111
+__p_2__  | 111
+__p_3__  | 111
+__p_4__  | 111
+__p_5__  | 2
+__p_6__  | 111
+__p_7__  | 111
+__p_8__  | 111
+__p_9__  | 3
+__p_10__ | 111
+__p_11__ | 111
+__p_12__ | 111
+__p_13__ | 111
+__p_14__ | 111
+__p_15__ | 111
+__p_16__ | 111
+__p_17__ | 111
+__p_18__ | 111
+__p_19__ | 111
+__p_20__ | 111
+__p_21__ | 12
+__p_22__ | 111
+__p_23__ | 111
+__p_24__ | 111
+__p_25__ | 13
+__p_26__ | 111
+__p_27__ | 111
+__p_28__ | 111
+__p_29__ | 111
+__p_30__ | 111
+__p_31__ | 111
+__p_32__ | 111
+__p_33__ | 111
+__p_34__ | 111
+__p_35__ | 111
+__p_36__ | 111
+__p_37__ | 12
+__p_38__ | 111
+__p_39__ | 111
+__p_40__ | 111
+__p_41__ | 13
+__p_42__ | 111
+__p_43__ | 111
+__p_44__ | 111
+__p_45__ | 111
+__p_46__ | 111
+__p_47__ | 111
+<p><a class="anchor" id="literature"></a></p><dl class="section 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="svm-lit-1"></a>[1] <a 
+<p>[2] <a 
+<p>[3] <a 
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@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ SELECT madlib.pmml('patients_logregr');
 </pre> Result: <pre class="result">
 &lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?&gt;
 &lt;PMML version="4.1" xmlns=""&gt;
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@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ SELECT madlib.pmml('patients_logregr_grouping',
 </pre> Result: <pre class="result">
 &lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?&gt;
  &lt;PMML version="4.1" xmlns=""&gt;
-   &lt;Header copyright="Copyright (c) 2014 gpadmin"&gt;
+   &lt;Header copyright="redacted for this example"&gt;
      &lt;Extension extender="MADlib" name="user" value="gpadmin"&gt;
      &lt;Application name="MADlib" version="1.7"&gt;
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ SELECT madlib.pmml('patients_logregr_grouping',
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+<div class="title">Prediction Metrics<div class="ingroups"><a class="el" 
href="group__grp__mdl.html">Model Evaluation</a></div></div>  </div>
+<div class="contents">
+<div class="toc"><b>Contents</b> </p><ul>
+<a href="#list">List of Prediction Metric Functions</a> </li>
+<a href="#specs">Function Specific Details</a> </li>
+<a href="#examples">Examples</a> </li>
+<a href="#literature">Literature</a> </li>
+<a href="#related">Related Topics</a> </li>
+</div><p>This module provides a set of metrics to evaluate the quality of 
predictions of a model. A typical function will take a set of "prediction" and 
"observation" values and use them to calculate the desired metric, unless noted 
otherwise. Grouping is supported for all functions (except confusion 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="list"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Prediction 
Metrics Functions</dt><dd><table  class="output">
+<th>mean_abs_error(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Mean absolute error  </td></tr>
+<th>mean_abs_perc_error(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Mean absolute percentage error  </td></tr>
+<th>mean_perc_error(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Mean percentage error  </td></tr>
+<th>mean_squared_error(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Mean squared error </td></tr>
+<th>r2_score(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>R-squared  </td></tr>
+<th>adjusted_r2_score(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
num_predictors, training_size, grouping_cols)</th><td>Adjusted R-squared  
+<th>binary_classifier(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Collection of prediction metrics related to binary 
classification </td></tr>
+<th>area_under_roc(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Area under the ROC curve (in binary classification)  
+<th>confusion_matrix(table_in, table_out, prediction_col, observed_col, 
grouping_cols)</th><td>Confusion matrix for a multi-class classifier  </td></tr>
+<p><b>Arguments</b> </p><dl class="arglist">
+<dt>table_in </dt>
+<dd>TEXT. Name of the input table. </dd>
+<dt>table_out </dt>
+<dd>TEXT. Name of the output table. For consistency, a table is created for 
all metric outputs even when grouping is not used, which may mean there is only 
a single value in the output table in some cases.  </dd>
+<dt>prediction_col </dt>
+<dd>TEXT. Name of the column of predicted values from input table. </dd>
+<dt>observed_col </dt>
+<dd>TEXT. Name of the column of observed values from input table. </dd>
+<dt>num_predictors (for adjusted R-squared score only) </dt>
+<dd>INTEGER. The number of parameters in the predicting model, not counting 
the constant term. </dd>
+<dt>training_size (for adjusted R-squared score only) </dt>
+<dd>INTEGER. The number of rows used for training, excluding any NULL rows. 
+<dt>grouping_cols (optional) </dt>
+<dd>TEXT, default: NULL. Name of the column of grouping values from input 
table. </dd>
+<p><a class="anchor" id="specs"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Function 
Specific Details</dt><dd></dd></dl>
+<p><b>R-squared Score</b></p>
+<p>This function returns the coefficient of determination (R2) between the 
predicted and observed values. An R2 of 1 indicates that the regression line 
perfectly fits the data, while an R2 of 0 indicates that the line does not fit 
the data at all. Negative values of R2 may occur when fitting non-linear 
functions to data. Please refer to reference <a href="#r2">[1]</a> for more 
+<p><b>Adjusted R-squared Score</b></p>
+<p>This function returns the adjusted R2 score in addition to the R-squared 
score described above. Adjusted R2 score is used to counter the problem of the 
R2 automatically increasing when extra explanatory variables are added to the 
model. It takes two additional parameters describing the degrees of freedom of 
the model (num_predictors) and the size of the training set over which it was 
developed (training_size):</p>
+<li>num_predictors: Indicates the number of parameters the model has other 
than the constant term. For example, if it is set to '3' the model may take the 
following form as an example: 7 + 5x + 39y + 0.91z.</li>
+<li>training_size: Indicates the number of rows in the training set (excluding 
any NULL rows).</li>
+<p>Neither of these arguments can be deduced from the predicted values and the 
test data alone which is why they are explicit inputs. Please refer to 
reference <a href="#r2">[1]</a> for more details.</p>
+<p><a class="anchor" id="bc"></a><b>Binary Classification</b></p>
+<p>This function returns an output table with a number of metrics commonly 
used in binary classification.</p>
+<p>The definitions of the various metrics are as follows:</p>
+<li><img class="formulaInl" alt="$\textit{tp}$" src="form_562.png"/> is the 
count of correctly-classified positives.</li>
+<li><img class="formulaInl" alt="$\textit{tn}$" src="form_563.png"/> is the 
count of correctly-classified negatives.</li>
+<li><img class="formulaInl" alt="$\textit{fp}$" src="form_564.png"/> is the 
count of misclassified negatives.</li>
+<li><img class="formulaInl" alt="$\textit{fn}$" src="form_565.png"/> is the 
count of misclassified positives.</li>
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" alt="$\textit{fdr}=1-\textit{ppv}$" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
 +\textit{fn})$" src="form_575.png"/>.</li>
+<li><img class="formulaInl" 
+<p><b>Area Under ROC Curve</b></p>
+<p>This function returns the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic 
curve for binary classification (the AUC). The ROC curve is the curve relating 
the classifier's TPR and FPR metrics. (See <a href="#bc">Binary 
Classification</a> above for a definition of these metrics). Please refer to 
reference <a href="#aoc">[2]</a> for more details. Note that the binary 
classification function can be used to obtain the data (TPR and FPR values) 
required for drawing the ROC curve.</p>
+<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>For 'binary_classifier' and 
'area_under_roc' functions:<ul>
+<li>The 'observed_col' column is assumed to be a numeric column with two 
values: 0 and 1, or a Boolean column. For the purposes of the metric 
calculation, 0 is considered to be negative and 1 to be positive.</li>
+<li>The 'pred_col' column is expected to contain numeric values corresponding 
to likelihood/probability. A larger value corresponds to greater certainty that 
the observed value will be '1', and a lower value corresponds to a greater 
certainty that it will be '0'.</li>
+<p><b>Confusion Matrix</b></p>
+<p>This function returns the confusion matrix of a multi-class classification. 
Each column of the matrix represents the instances in a predicted class while 
each row represents the instances in an actual class. This allows more detailed 
analysis than mere proportion of correct guesses (accuracy). Please refer to 
the reference <a href="#cm">[3]</a> for more details. Please note that grouping 
is not supported for the confusion matrix.</p>
+<p><a class="anchor" id="examples"></a></p><dl class="section 
+<ol type="1">
+<li>Create the sample data: <pre class="example">
+CREATE TABLE test_set(
+                  pred FLOAT8,
+                  obs FLOAT8
+                );
+  (37.5,53.1), (12.3,34.2), (74.2,65.4), (91.1,82.1);
+<li>Run the Mean Absolute Error function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.mean_abs_error( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ mean_abs_error
+         13.825
+<li>Run the Mean Absolute Percentage Error function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.mean_abs_perc_error( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ mean_abs_perc_error
+   0.294578793636013
+<li>Run the Mean Percentage Error function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.mean_perc_error( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ mean_perc_error
+   -0.17248930032771
+<li>Run the Mean Squared Error function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.mean_squared_error( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ mean_squared_error
+   220.3525
+<li>Run the R2 Score function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.r2_score( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ r2_score
+   0.27992908844337695865
+<li>Run the Adjusted R2 Score function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.adjusted_r2_score( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs', 3, 
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+       r2_score      | adjusted_r2_score 
+   0.279929088443375 | 0.257426872457231
+<li>Create the sample data for binary classifier metrics: <pre class="example">
+    SELECT ((a*8)::integer)/8.0 pred,
+        ((a*0.5+random()*0.5)&gt;0.5) obs
+    FROM (select random() as a from generate_series(1,100)) x;
+<li>Run the Binary Classifier metrics function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.binary_classifier( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+<li>View the True Positive Rate and the False Positive Rate: <pre 
+SELECT threshold, tpr, fpr FROM table_out ORDER BY threshold;
+</pre> Result (your results for this and other functions below will look 
different due to the presence of the random function in sample data generator): 
<pre class="result">
+       threshold        |          tpr           |          fpr
+ 0.00000000000000000000 | 1.00000000000000000000 | 1.00000000000000000000
+ 0.12500000000000000000 | 1.00000000000000000000 | 0.94915254237288135593
+ 0.25000000000000000000 | 0.92682926829268292683 | 0.64406779661016949153
+ 0.37500000000000000000 | 0.80487804878048780488 | 0.47457627118644067797
+ 0.50000000000000000000 | 0.70731707317073170732 | 0.35593220338983050847
+ 0.62500000000000000000 | 0.63414634146341463415 | 0.25423728813559322034
+ 0.75000000000000000000 | 0.48780487804878048780 | 0.06779661016949152542
+ 0.87500000000000000000 | 0.29268292682926829268 | 0.03389830508474576271
+ 1.00000000000000000000 | 0.12195121951219512195 | 0.00000000000000000000
+<li>View all metrics at a given threshold value: <pre class="example">
+-- Set extended display on for easier reading of output
+\x on
+SELECT * FROM table_out WHERE threshold=0.5;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------
+threshold | 0.50000000000000000000
+tp        | 29
+fp        | 21
+fn        | 12
+tn        | 38
+tpr       | 0.70731707317073170732
+tnr       | 0.64406779661016949153
+ppv       | 0.58000000000000000000
+npv       | 0.76000000000000000000
+fpr       | 0.35593220338983050847
+fdr       | 0.42000000000000000000
+fnr       | 0.29268292682926829268
+acc       | 0.67000000000000000000
+f1        | 0.63736263736263736264
+<li>Run the Area Under ROC curve function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.area_under_roc( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ area_under_roc
+<li>Create the sample data for confusion matrix. <pre class="example">
+    SELECT (x+y)%5+1 AS pred,
+        (x*y)%5 AS obs
+    FROM generate_series(1,5) x,
+        generate_series(1,5) y;
+<li>Run the confusion matrix function: <pre class="example">
+SELECT madlib.confusion_matrix( 'test_set', 'table_out', 'pred', 'obs');
+SELECT * FROM table_out ORDER BY class;
+</pre> Result <pre class="result">
+ class | confusion_arr
+     0 | {0,1,2,2,2,2}
+     1 | {0,2,0,1,1,0}
+     2 | {0,0,0,2,2,0}
+     3 | {0,0,2,0,0,2}
+     4 | {0,2,1,0,0,1}
+     5 | {0,0,0,0,0,0}
+<p><a class="anchor" id="literature"></a></p><dl class="section 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="r2"></a> [1] <a 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="aoc"></a> [2] <a 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="cm"></a> [3] <a 
+<p><a class="anchor" id="related"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Related 
+<p>File <a class="el" href="pred__metrics_8sql__in.html" title="A collection 
of summary statistics to gauge model accuracy based on predicted values 
vs...">pred_metrics.sql_in</a> for list of functions and usage. </p>
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@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ 
 </div><p>The Probability Functions module provides cumulative distribution, 
density/mass, and quantile functions for a wide range of probability 
 <p>Unless otherwise documented, all of these functions are wrappers around 
functionality provided by the boost C++ library [1, “<a 
 Distributions and Functions</a>”].</p>
 <p>For convenience, all cumulative distribution and density/mass functions 
(CDFs and PDF/PMFs in short) are defined over the range of all floating-point 
numbers including infinity. Inputs that are <code>NULL</code> or 
<code>NaN</code> (not a number) will always produce a <code>NULL</code> or 
<code>NaN</code> result, respectively. Inputs that are plus or minus infinity 
will return the respective limits.</p>
-<p>A quantile function for a probability distrution with CDF <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ F $" src="form_112.png"/> takes a probability 
argument <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p \in [0,1] $" src="form_240.png"/> and 
returns the value <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> so 
that <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ F(x) = p $" src="form_241.png"/>, provided 
such an <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> exists and it 
is unique. If it does not, the result will be <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ 
\sup \{ x \in D \mid F(x) \leq p \} $" src="form_242.png"/> (interpreted as 0 
if the supremum is over an empty set) if <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p < 0.5 
$" src="form_243.png"/>, and <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ \inf \{ x \in D 
\mid F(x) \geq p \} $" src="form_244.png"/> if <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p 
\geq 0.5 $" src="form_245.png"/>. Here <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ D $" 
src="form_246.png"/> denotes the domain of the distribution, which is the set
  of reals <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ \mathbb R $" src="form_247.png"/> for 
continuous and the set of nonnegative integers <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ 
\mathbb N_0 $" src="form_248.png"/> for discrete distributions.</p>
-<p>Intuitively, the formulas in the previous paragraph deal with the following 
special cases. The 0-quantile will always be the “left end” of the support, 
and the 1-quantile will be the “right end” of the support of the 
distribution. For discrete distributions, most values of <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p \in [0,1] $" src="form_240.png"/> do not admit an 
<img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> with <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ F(x) = p $" src="form_241.png"/>. Instead, there is 
an <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x \in \mathbb N_0 $" src="form_249.png"/> so 
that <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ F(x) < p < F(x + 1) $" 
src="form_250.png"/>. The above formulas mean that the value returned as <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/>-quantile is <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> if <img class="formulaInl" 
alt="$ p < 0.5 $" src="form_243.png"/>, and it is <img class="formulaInl" 
alt="$ x + 1 $" src="form_251.png"/> if <img c
 lass="formulaInl" alt="$ p \geq 0.5 $" src="form_245.png"/>. (As a special 
case, in order to ensure that quantiles are always within the support, the <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/>-quantile will be 0 if <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p < F(0) $" src="form_252.png"/>).</p>
-<p>The rationale for choosing this behavior is that <img class="formulaInl" 
alt="$p$" src="form_253.png"/>-quantiles for <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p < 
0.5 $" src="form_243.png"/> are typically requested when interested in the 
value <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> such that with 
confidence level <b>at least</b> <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ 1 - p $" 
src="form_254.png"/> a random variable will be <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ > 
x $" src="form_255.png"/> (or equivalently, with probability <b>at most</b> 
<img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/>, it will be <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ \leq x $" src="form_256.png"/>). Likewise, <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$p$" src="form_253.png"/>-quantiles for <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p \geq 0.5 $" src="form_245.png"/> are typically 
requested when interested in the value <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" 
src="form_178.png"/> such that with confidence level <b>at least</b> <img 
  alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/> a random variable will be <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ \leq x $" src="form_256.png"/>. See also [1, “<a 
 Quantiles of Discrete Distributions</a>”].</p>
+<p>A quantile function for a probability distrution with CDF <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ F $" src="form_112.png"/> takes a probability 
argument <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p \in [0,1] $" src="form_241.png"/> and 
returns the value <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> so 
that <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ F(x) = p $" src="form_242.png"/>, provided 
such an <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> exists and it 
is unique. If it does not, the result will be <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ 
\sup \{ x \in D \mid F(x) \leq p \} $" src="form_243.png"/> (interpreted as 0 
if the supremum is over an empty set) if <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p < 0.5 
$" src="form_244.png"/>, and <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ \inf \{ x \in D 
\mid F(x) \geq p \} $" src="form_245.png"/> if <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p 
\geq 0.5 $" src="form_246.png"/>. Here <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ D $" 
src="form_247.png"/> denotes the domain of the distribution, which is the set
  of reals <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ \mathbb R $" src="form_248.png"/> for 
continuous and the set of nonnegative integers <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ 
\mathbb N_0 $" src="form_249.png"/> for discrete distributions.</p>
+<p>Intuitively, the formulas in the previous paragraph deal with the following 
special cases. The 0-quantile will always be the “left end” of the support, 
and the 1-quantile will be the “right end” of the support of the 
distribution. For discrete distributions, most values of <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p \in [0,1] $" src="form_241.png"/> do not admit an 
<img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> with <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ F(x) = p $" src="form_242.png"/>. Instead, there is 
an <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x \in \mathbb N_0 $" src="form_250.png"/> so 
that <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ F(x) < p < F(x + 1) $" 
src="form_251.png"/>. The above formulas mean that the value returned as <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/>-quantile is <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> if <img class="formulaInl" 
alt="$ p < 0.5 $" src="form_244.png"/>, and it is <img class="formulaInl" 
alt="$ x + 1 $" src="form_252.png"/> if <img c
 lass="formulaInl" alt="$ p \geq 0.5 $" src="form_246.png"/>. (As a special 
case, in order to ensure that quantiles are always within the support, the <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/>-quantile will be 0 if <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p < F(0) $" src="form_253.png"/>).</p>
+<p>The rationale for choosing this behavior is that <img class="formulaInl" 
alt="$p$" src="form_254.png"/>-quantiles for <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p < 
0.5 $" src="form_244.png"/> are typically requested when interested in the 
value <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" src="form_178.png"/> such that with 
confidence level <b>at least</b> <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ 1 - p $" 
src="form_255.png"/> a random variable will be <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ > 
x $" src="form_256.png"/> (or equivalently, with probability <b>at most</b> 
<img class="formulaInl" alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/>, it will be <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ \leq x $" src="form_257.png"/>). Likewise, <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$p$" src="form_254.png"/>-quantiles for <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ p \geq 0.5 $" src="form_246.png"/> are typically 
requested when interested in the value <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ x $" 
src="form_178.png"/> such that with confidence level <b>at least</b> <img 
  alt="$ p $" src="form_110.png"/> a random variable will be <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ \leq x $" src="form_257.png"/>. See also [1, “<a 
 Quantiles of Discrete Distributions</a>”].</p>
 <p><a class="anchor" id="syntax"></a></p><dl class="section user"><dt>Function 
 <p>Cumulative distribution functions:</p>
 <pre class="syntax"><em>distribution</em>_cdf(<em>random variate</em>[, 
<em>parameter1</em> [, <em>parameter2</em> [, <em>parameter3</em>] ] 
])</pre><p>Probability density/mass functions: </p><pre 
class="syntax"><em>distribution</em>_{pdf|pmf}(<em>random variate</em>[, 
<em>parameter1</em> [, <em>parameter2</em> [, <em>parameter3</em>] ] 
])</pre><p>Quantile functions: </p><pre 
<em>parameter1</em> [, <em>parameter2</em> [, <em>parameter3</em>] ] 
])</pre><p>For concrete function signatures, see <a class="el" 
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ SELECT madlib.normal_quantile(0.5, 0, 1);
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@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ SELECT * FROM profile_full( 'pg_catalog.pg_tables',
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@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ SELECT quantile( 'tab1',
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@@ -360,7 +360,9 @@ forest_train(training_table_name,
 <p class="enddd"></p>
 <dt>sample_ratio (optional) </dt>
-<dd>double precision, in the range of (0, 1], default: 1. If sample_ratio is 
less than 1, a bootstrap sample size smaller than the data table is expected to 
be used for training each tree in the forest. A ratio that is close to 0 may 
result in trees with only the root node. This allows users to experiment with 
the function in a speedy fashion. </dd>
+<dd><p class="startdd">double precision, in the range of (0, 1], default: 1. 
If sample_ratio is less than 1, a bootstrap sample size smaller than the data 
table is expected to be used for training each tree in the forest. A ratio that 
is close to 0 may result in trees with only the root node. This allows users to 
experiment with the function in a speedy fashion.</p>
+<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The main parameters that affect 
memory usage are: depth of tree, number of features, and number of values per 
feature. If you are hitting VMEM limits, consider reducing one or more of these 
 <p><a class="anchor" id="predict"></a></p><dl class="section 
user"><dt>Prediction Function</dt><dd>The prediction function is provided to 
estimate the conditional mean given a new predictor. It has the following 
syntax: <pre class="syntax">
@@ -701,7 +703,7 @@ ORDER BY am, id;
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@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Modules</h2></td></tr>
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 <p><a class="anchor" id="background"></a></p><dl class="section 
user"><dt>Technical Background</dt><dd></dd></dl>
 <p>When doing regression analysis, we are sometimes interested in the variance 
of the computed coefficients <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ \boldsymbol c $" 
src="form_78.png"/>. While the built-in regression functions provide variance 
estimates, we may prefer a <em>robust</em> variance estimate.</p>
 <p>The robust variance calculation can be expressed in a sandwich formation, 
which is the form </p><p class="formulaDsp">
-<img class="formulaDsp" alt="\[ S( \boldsymbol c) = B( \boldsymbol c) M( 
\boldsymbol c) B( \boldsymbol c) \]" src="form_372.png"/>
+<img class="formulaDsp" alt="\[ S( \boldsymbol c) = B( \boldsymbol c) M( 
\boldsymbol c) B( \boldsymbol c) \]" src="form_373.png"/>
-<p> where <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ B( \boldsymbol c)$" 
src="form_373.png"/> and <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ M( \boldsymbol c)$" 
src="form_374.png"/> are matrices. The <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ B( 
\boldsymbol c) $" src="form_375.png"/> matrix, also known as the bread, is 
relatively straight forward, and can be computed as </p><p class="formulaDsp">
-<img class="formulaDsp" alt="\[ B( \boldsymbol c) = n\left(\sum_i^n -H(y_i, 
x_i, \boldsymbol c) \right)^{-1} \]" src="form_376.png"/>
+<p> where <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ B( \boldsymbol c)$" 
src="form_374.png"/> and <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ M( \boldsymbol c)$" 
src="form_375.png"/> are matrices. The <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ B( 
\boldsymbol c) $" src="form_376.png"/> matrix, also known as the bread, is 
relatively straight forward, and can be computed as </p><p class="formulaDsp">
+<img class="formulaDsp" alt="\[ B( \boldsymbol c) = n\left(\sum_i^n -H(y_i, 
x_i, \boldsymbol c) \right)^{-1} \]" src="form_377.png"/>
 <p> where <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ H $" src="form_107.png"/> is the 
hessian matrix.</p>
-<p>The <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ M( \boldsymbol c)$" src="form_374.png"/> 
matrix has several variations, each with different robustness properties. The 
form implemented here is the Huber-White sandwich operator, which takes the 
form </p><p class="formulaDsp">
-<img class="formulaDsp" alt="\[ M_{H} =\frac{1}{n} \sum_i^n \psi(y_i,x_i, 
\boldsymbol c)^T \psi(y_i,x_i, \boldsymbol c). \]" src="form_377.png"/>
+<p>The <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ M( \boldsymbol c)$" src="form_375.png"/> 
matrix has several variations, each with different robustness properties. The 
form implemented here is the Huber-White sandwich operator, which takes the 
form </p><p class="formulaDsp">
+<img class="formulaDsp" alt="\[ M_{H} =\frac{1}{n} \sum_i^n \psi(y_i,x_i, 
\boldsymbol c)^T \psi(y_i,x_i, \boldsymbol c). \]" src="form_378.png"/>
 <p>The above method for calculating robust variance (Huber-White estimates) is 
implemented for linear regression, logistic regression, and multinomial 
logistic regression. It is useful in calculating variances in a dataset with 
potentially noisy outliers. The Huber-White implemented here is identical to 
the "HC0" sandwich operator in the R module "sandwich".</p>
-<p>When multinomial logistic regression is computed before the multinomial 
robust regression, it uses a default reference category of zero and the 
regression coefficients are included in the output table. The regression 
coefficients in the output are in the same order as the multinomial logistic 
regression function, which is described below. For a problem with <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ K $" src="form_117.png"/> dependent variables <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ (1, ..., K) $" src="form_118.png"/> and <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ J $" src="form_119.png"/> categories <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ (0, ..., J-1) $" src="form_120.png"/>, let <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ {m_{k,j}} $" src="form_121.png"/> denote the 
coefficient for dependent variable <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ k $" 
src="form_97.png"/> and category <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ j $" 
src="form_122.png"/> . The output is <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ {m_{k_1, 
j_0}, m_{k_1, j_1} \ldots m_{k_1, j_{J-1}}, m_{k_2,
  j_0}, m_{k_2, j_1} \ldots m_{k_K, j_{J-1}}} $" src="form_322.png"/>. The 
order is NOT CONSISTENT with the multinomial regression marginal effect 
calculation with function <em>marginal_mlogregr</em>. This is deliberate 
because the interfaces of all multinomial regressions (robust, clustered, ...) 
will be moved to match that used in marginal.</p>
-<p>The robust variance of Cox proportional hazards is more complex because 
coeeficients are trained by maximizing a partial log-likelihood. Therefore, one 
cannot directly use the formula for <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ M( 
\boldsymbol c) $" src="form_378.png"/> as in Huber-White robust estimator. 
Extra terms are needed. See [4] for details.</p>
+<p>When multinomial logistic regression is computed before the multinomial 
robust regression, it uses a default reference category of zero and the 
regression coefficients are included in the output table. The regression 
coefficients in the output are in the same order as the multinomial logistic 
regression function, which is described below. For a problem with <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ K $" src="form_117.png"/> dependent variables <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ (1, ..., K) $" src="form_118.png"/> and <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ J $" src="form_119.png"/> categories <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ (0, ..., J-1) $" src="form_120.png"/>, let <img 
class="formulaInl" alt="$ {m_{k,j}} $" src="form_121.png"/> denote the 
coefficient for dependent variable <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ k $" 
src="form_97.png"/> and category <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ j $" 
src="form_122.png"/> . The output is <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ {m_{k_1, 
j_0}, m_{k_1, j_1} \ldots m_{k_1, j_{J-1}}, m_{k_2,
  j_0}, m_{k_2, j_1} \ldots m_{k_K, j_{J-1}}} $" src="form_323.png"/>. The 
order is NOT CONSISTENT with the multinomial regression marginal effect 
calculation with function <em>marginal_mlogregr</em>. This is deliberate 
because the interfaces of all multinomial regressions (robust, clustered, ...) 
will be moved to match that used in marginal.</p>
+<p>The robust variance of Cox proportional hazards is more complex because 
coeeficients are trained by maximizing a partial log-likelihood. Therefore, one 
cannot directly use the formula for <img class="formulaInl" alt="$ M( 
\boldsymbol c) $" src="form_379.png"/> as in Huber-White robust estimator. 
Extra terms are needed. See [4] for details.</p>
 <p><a class="anchor" id="literature"></a></p><dl class="section 
 <p>[1] vce(cluster) function in STATA: <a 
 <p>[2] clustered estimators in R: <a 
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