sandeep-krishnamurthy closed pull request #11140: [MXNET-344] [ONNX-MXNet] Add 
new Operator Translations for ONNX import module

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/onnx/_import/ 
index c8d45216729..3dfff3ed681 100644
--- a/python/mxnet/contrib/onnx/_import/
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/onnx/_import/
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
 from .op_translations import reduce_max, reduce_mean, reduce_min, reduce_sum
 from .op_translations import reduce_prod, avg_pooling, max_pooling
 from .op_translations import argmax, argmin, maximum, minimum
+from .op_translations import clip, reduce_log_sum, reduce_log_sum_exp
+from .op_translations import reduce_sum_square, reduce_l2, max_roi_pooling, 
+from .op_translations import log_softmax, softsign, lesser, greater, equal
+from .op_translations import logical_and, logical_or, logical_xor, logical_not
 # convert_map defines maps of ONNX operator names to converter 
 # defined in the op_translations module.
@@ -102,6 +106,22 @@
     # Sorting and Searching
     'ArgMax'            : argmax,
     'ArgMin'            : argmin,
-    'Max'               : maximum, #elemwise maximum
-    'Min'               : minimum #elemwise minimum
+    'Max'               : maximum,
+    'Min'               : minimum,
+    'Clip'              : clip,
+    'ReduceLogSum'      : reduce_log_sum,
+    'ReduceLogSumExp'   : reduce_log_sum_exp,
+    'ReduceSumSquare'   : reduce_sum_square,
+    'ReduceL2'          : reduce_l2,
+    'MaxRoiPool'        : max_roi_pooling,
+    'InstanceNormalization' : instance_norm,
+    'LogSoftmax'        : log_softmax,
+    'Softsign'          : softsign,
+    'Less'              : lesser,
+    'Greater'           : greater,
+    'Equal'             : equal,
+    'And'               : logical_and,
+    'Xor'               : logical_xor,
+    'Not'               : logical_not,
+    'Or'                : logical_or
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/onnx/_import/ 
index e02cb0c2b62..0fad0080bef 100644
--- a/python/mxnet/contrib/onnx/_import/
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/onnx/_import/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 """ Module for translating ONNX operators into Mxnet operatoes"""
 # pylint: disable=unused-argument,protected-access
+import numpy as np
 from . import translation_utils
 from .... import symbol
@@ -80,6 +81,22 @@ def divide(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
         return op_value, new_attr, inputs
     return 'broadcast_div', new_attr, inputs
+def logical_and(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical and of two input arrays."""
+    return 'broadcast_logical_and', attrs, inputs
+def logical_or(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical or of two input arrays."""
+    return 'broadcast_logical_or', attrs, inputs
+def logical_xor(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical xor of two input arrays."""
+    return 'broadcast_logical_xor', attrs, inputs
+def logical_not(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical not of two input arrays."""
+    return 'logical_not', attrs, inputs
 def absolute(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Returns element-wise absolute value of the input."""
     return 'abs', attrs, inputs
@@ -97,7 +114,6 @@ def argmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Returns indices of the maximum values along an axis"""
     return 'argmax', attrs, inputs
 def argmin(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Returns indices of the minimum values along an axis."""
     return 'argmin', attrs, inputs
@@ -130,6 +146,18 @@ def minimum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
         mxnet_op = inputs[0]
     return mxnet_op, attrs, inputs
+def lesser(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical Lesser operator with broadcasting."""
+    return 'broadcast_lesser', attrs, inputs
+def greater(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical Greater operator with broadcasting."""
+    return 'broadcast_greater', attrs, inputs
+def equal(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Logical Equal operator with broadcasting."""
+    return 'broadcast_equal', attrs, inputs
 #Hyperbolic functions
 def tanh(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input array."""
@@ -151,6 +179,10 @@ def concat(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     return 'concat', new_attrs, inputs
 # Basic neural network functions
+def softsign(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Computes softsign of x element-wise."""
+    return 'softsign', attrs, inputs
 def sigmoid(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Computes elementwise sigmoid of the input array"""
     return 'sigmoid', attrs, inputs
@@ -183,6 +215,11 @@ def batch_norm(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     new_attrs['fix_gamma'] = not attrs.get('is_test', 1)
     return 'BatchNorm', new_attrs, inputs
+def instance_norm(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Instance Normalization."""
+    new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'epsilon' : 
+    return 'InstanceNorm', new_attrs, inputs
 def leaky_relu(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Leaky Relu function"""
     if 'alpha' in attrs:
@@ -211,6 +248,16 @@ def softmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
         attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'axis': 1})
     return 'softmax', attrs, inputs
+def log_softmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Computes the log softmax of the input. This is equivalent to
+    computing softmax followed by log."""
+    return 'log_softmax', attrs, inputs
+def softplus(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Applies the sofplus activation function element-wise to the input."""
+    new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'act_type' : 
+    return 'Activation', new_attrs, inputs
 def conv(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Compute N-D convolution on (N+2)-D input."""
     new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'kernel_shape' 
: 'kernel',
@@ -389,15 +436,9 @@ def transpose(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
 def squeeze(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a tensor."""
-    # MXNet doesnt have a squeeze operator.
-    # Using "split" to perform similar operation.
     new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,
                                                        {'axes' : 'axis'})
-    axes = new_attrs.get('axis')
-    mxnet_op = symbol.split(inputs[0], axis=axes[0], num_outputs=1, 
-    for i in axes[1:]:
-        mxnet_op = symbol.split(mxnet_op, axis=i-1, num_outputs=1, 
-    return mxnet_op, new_attrs, inputs
+    return 'squeeze', new_attrs, inputs
 def unsqueeze(attrs, inputs, cls):
     """Inserts a new axis of size 1 into the array shape"""
@@ -417,6 +458,16 @@ def flatten(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(attrs, ['axis'])
     return 'Flatten', new_attrs, inputs
+def clip(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Clips (limits) the values in an array."""
+    new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'min' : 'a_min',
+                                                               'max' : 
+    if 'a_max' not in new_attrs:
+        new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, 
{'a_max' : np.inf})
+    if 'a_min' not in new_attrs:
+        new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, 
{'a_min' : -np.inf})
+    return 'clip', new_attrs, inputs
 def reciprocal(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """Returns the reciprocal of the argument, element-wise."""
@@ -454,20 +505,49 @@ def reduce_mean(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     return 'mean', new_attrs, inputs
 def reduce_min(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
-    """Reduce the array along a given axis by mean value"""
+    """Reduce the array along a given axis by minimum value"""
     new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})
     return 'min', new_attrs, inputs
 def reduce_sum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
-    """Reduce the array along a given axis by mean value"""
+    """Reduce the array along a given axis by sum value"""
     new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})
     return 'sum', new_attrs, inputs
 def reduce_prod(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
-    """Reduce the array along a given axis by mean value"""
+    """Reduce the array along a given axis by product value"""
     new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})
     return 'prod', new_attrs, inputs
+def reduce_log_sum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Reduce the array along a given axis by log sum value"""
+    keep_dims = True if 'keepdims' not in attrs else attrs.get('keepdims')
+    sum_op = symbol.sum(inputs[0], axis=attrs.get('axes'),
+                        keepdims=keep_dims)
+    log_sym = symbol.log(sum_op)
+    return log_sym, attrs, inputs
+def reduce_log_sum_exp(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Reduce the array along a given axis by log sum exp value"""
+    keep_dims = True if 'keepdims' not in attrs else attrs.get('keepdims')
+    exp_op = symbol.exp(inputs[0])
+    sum_op = symbol.sum(exp_op, axis=attrs.get('axes'),
+                        keepdims=keep_dims)
+    log_sym = symbol.log(sum_op)
+    return log_sym, attrs, inputs
+def reduce_sum_square(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Reduce the array along a given axis by sum square value"""
+    square_op = symbol.square(inputs[0])
+    sum_op = symbol.sum(square_op, axis=attrs.get('axes'),
+                        keepdims=attrs.get('keepdims'))
+    return sum_op, attrs, inputs
+def reduce_l2(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Reduce input tensor by l2 normalization."""
+    new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})
+    return 'norm', new_attrs, inputs
 def avg_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     """ Average pooling"""
     new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,
@@ -497,3 +577,11 @@ def max_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
     new_op = translation_utils._fix_pooling('max', inputs, new_attrs)
     return new_op, new_attrs, inputs
+def max_roi_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):
+    """Max ROI Pooling."""
+    new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,
+                                                       {'pooled_shape': 
+                                                        'spatial_scale': 
+                                                       })
+    return 'ROIPooling', new_attrs, inputs
diff --git a/tests/python-pytest/onnx/import/ 
index 741ae1febb1..573dd74a471 100644
--- a/tests/python-pytest/onnx/import/
+++ b/tests/python-pytest/onnx/import/
@@ -77,6 +77,78 @@ def test_broadcast():
     output =[input1, input2])
     npt.assert_almost_equal(output[0], numpy_op)
+def test_greater():
+    """Test for logical greater in onnx operators."""
+    input1 = np.random.rand(1, 3, 4, 5).astype("float32")
+    input2 = np.random.rand(1, 5).astype("float32")
+    inputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info("input1", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 3, 4, 5)),
+              helper.make_tensor_value_info("input2", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 5))]
+    outputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info("output", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 3, 4, 5))]
+    nodes = [helper.make_node("Greater", ["input1", "input2"], ["output"])]
+    graph = helper.make_graph(nodes,
+                              "greater_test",
+                              inputs,
+                              outputs)
+    greater_model = helper.make_model(graph)
+    bkd_rep = mxnet_backend.prepare(greater_model)
+    numpy_op = np.greater(input1, input2).astype(np.float32)
+    output =[input1, input2])
+    npt.assert_almost_equal(output[0], numpy_op)
+def test_lesser():
+    """Test for logical greater in onnx operators."""
+    input1 = np.random.rand(1, 3, 4, 5).astype("float32")
+    input2 = np.random.rand(1, 5).astype("float32")
+    inputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info("input1", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 3, 4, 5)),
+              helper.make_tensor_value_info("input2", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 5))]
+    outputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info("output", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 3, 4, 5))]
+    nodes = [helper.make_node("Less", ["input1", "input2"], ["output"])]
+    graph = helper.make_graph(nodes,
+                              "lesser_test",
+                              inputs,
+                              outputs)
+    greater_model = helper.make_model(graph)
+    bkd_rep = mxnet_backend.prepare(greater_model)
+    numpy_op = np.less(input1, input2).astype(np.float32)
+    output =[input1, input2])
+    npt.assert_almost_equal(output[0], numpy_op)
+def test_equal():
+    """Test for logical greater in onnx operators."""
+    input1 = np.random.rand(1, 3, 4, 5).astype("float32")
+    input2 = np.random.rand(1, 5).astype("float32")
+    inputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info("input1", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 3, 4, 5)),
+              helper.make_tensor_value_info("input2", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 5))]
+    outputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info("output", TensorProto.FLOAT, 
shape=(1, 3, 4, 5))]
+    nodes = [helper.make_node("Equal", ["input1", "input2"], ["output"])]
+    graph = helper.make_graph(nodes,
+                              "equal_test",
+                              inputs,
+                              outputs)
+    greater_model = helper.make_model(graph)
+    bkd_rep = mxnet_backend.prepare(greater_model)
+    numpy_op = np.equal(input1, input2).astype(np.float32)
+    output =[input1, input2])
+    npt.assert_almost_equal(output[0], numpy_op)
 def test_super_resolution_example():
     """Test the super resolution example in the example/onnx folder"""
     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CURR_PATH, '../../../../example/onnx/'))
diff --git a/tests/python-pytest/onnx/import/ 
index 8e6dc443bba..1a4d8c4fe37 100644
--- a/tests/python-pytest/onnx/import/
+++ b/tests/python-pytest/onnx/import/
@@ -58,6 +58,16 @@
+    'test_logical_and',
+    'test_logical_xor',
+    'test_logical_not',
+    'test_logical_or',
+    'test_clip',
+    'test_softsign',
+    'test_reduce_l2',
+    'test_reduce_log_sum',
+    'test_reduce_log_sum_exp',
+    'test_reduce_sum_square'
     #pytorch operator tests


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