This closes #270

NRF_SPIM1 didnt appear to exist. I believe its supposed to be NRF_SPI1


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d5cfc5cdb7684c1c902d62baea79e7a40139d2d9
Parents: eb4f289 f42bc72
Author: William San Filippo <>
Authored: Tue May 9 21:08:05 2017 -0700
Committer: William San Filippo <>
Committed: Tue May 9 21:08:05 2017 -0700

 apps/iptest/src/main.c                          |    4 +-
 apps/loraping/pkg.yml                           |   47 +
 apps/loraping/src/loraping.h                    |   27 +
 apps/loraping/src/main.c                        |  277 ++
 apps/loraping/src/rxinfo.c                      |  139 +
 apps/lorashell/pkg.yml                          |   34 +
 apps/lorashell/src/main.c                       |  514 ++
 apps/lorashell/syscfg.yml                       |   29 +
 compiler/xc32/compiler.yml                      |    4 +-
 compiler/xc32/pkg.yml                           |    3 +
 encoding/cborattr/src/cborattr.c                |    3 +-
 encoding/cborattr/test/src/test_cborattr.c      |    1 +
 encoding/cborattr/test/src/test_cborattr.h      |    1 +
 .../testcases/cborattr_decode_substring_key.c   |  111 +
 hw/bsp/nrf51-blenano/src/hal_bsp.c              |   31 +
 hw/bsp/nrf51-blenano/syscfg.yml                 |   26 +
 hw/bsp/pic32mx470_6lp_clicker/pkg.yml           |    4 +-
 hw/bsp/pic32mx470_6lp_clicker/src/hal_bsp.c     |    2 +-
 hw/bsp/pic32mz2048_wi-fire/pkg.yml              |    2 +
 hw/bsp/pic32mz2048_wi-fire/src/hal_bsp.c        |    2 +-
 hw/bsp/pic32mz2048_wi-fire/src/os_bsp.c         |    2 +-
 .../src/arch/cortex_m4/startup_STM32F429x.s     |    3 -
 hw/bsp/telee02/pkg.yml                          |    3 +
 hw/bsp/telee02/syscfg.yml                       |    1 +
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/LICENSE.txt              |   25 +
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/include/radio/radio.h    |   33 +
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/pkg.yml                  |   32 +
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/src/sx1276-board.c       |  179 +
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/src/sx1276-board.h       |  127 +
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/src/sx1276.c             | 1824 +++++++
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/src/sx1276.h             |  364 ++
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/src/sx1276Regs-Fsk.h     | 1134 +++++
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/src/sx1276Regs-LoRa.h    |  565 +++
 hw/drivers/lora/sx1276/syscfg.yml               |   27 +
 hw/drivers/lwip/stm32_eth/src/stm32_eth.c       |    2 +-
 hw/mcu/microchip/pic32mx470f512h/pkg.yml        |    2 -
 .../pic32mz2048efg100/include/mcu/mcu.h         |   16 +
 hw/mcu/microchip/pic32mz2048efg100/pkg.yml      |    2 -
 .../microchip/pic32mz2048efg100/src/hal_gpio.c  |  485 ++
 .../microchip/pic32mz2048efg100/src/hal_uart.c  |    2 +-
 hw/mcu/nordic/nrf51xxx/src/hal_spi.c            |    2 +-
 hw/scripts/                             |   10 +-
 hw/scripts/                           |    6 +-
 .../arch/pic32/startup/cache-err-exception.S    |  129 +
 kernel/os/src/arch/pic32/startup/crt0.S         |  623 +++
 .../src/arch/pic32/startup/general-exception.S  |  141 +
 .../pic32/startup/simple-tlb-refill-exception.S |  135 +
 .../stubs/default-bootstrap-exception-handler.c |   58 +
 .../stubs/default-cache-err-exception-handler.c |   56 +
 .../stubs/default-general-exception-handler.c   |   54 +
 .../src/arch/pic32/stubs/default-nmi-handler.S  |   63 +
 .../src/arch/pic32/stubs/default-on-bootstrap.c |   43 +
 .../os/src/arch/pic32/stubs/default-on-reset.c  |   43 +
 ...efault-simple-tlb-refill-exception-handler.c |   56 +
 .../os/src/arch/pic32/stubs/pic32_init_cache.S  |  299 ++
 .../arch/pic32/stubs/pic32_init_tlb_ebi_sqi.S   |  145 +
 kernel/os/src/os_callout.c                      |    6 +-
 net/lora/node/LICENSE.txt                       |   25 +
 net/lora/node/                         |   28 +
 net/lora/node/include/node/lora.h               |   34 +
 .../node/include/node/mac/LoRaMac-definitions.h |  610 +++
 net/lora/node/include/node/mac/LoRaMac.h        | 1830 ++++++++
 net/lora/node/include/node/mac/LoRaMacCrypto.h  |  111 +
 net/lora/node/include/node/mac/LoRaMacTest.h    |   81 +
 net/lora/node/include/node/radio.h              |  337 ++
 net/lora/node/include/node/utilities.h          |   79 +
 net/lora/node/pkg.yml                           |   41 +
 net/lora/node/src/lora_cli.c                    |  569 +++
 net/lora/node/src/lora_node.c                   |   48 +
 net/lora/node/src/lora_priv.h                   |   44 +
 net/lora/node/src/mac/LoRaMac.c                 | 4442 ++++++++++++++++++
 net/lora/node/src/mac/LoRaMacCrypto.c           |  203 +
 net/lora/node/src/mac/aes.h                     |  160 +
 net/lora/node/src/mac/cmac.h                    |   63 +
 net/lora/node/src/utilities.c                   |   67 +
 net/lora/node/syscfg.yml                        |   39 +
 sys/console/full/src/console.c                  |    6 +-
 sys/console/minimal/src/console.c               |    6 +-
 util/parse/include/parse/parse.h                |   47 +
 util/parse/pkg.yml                              |   32 +
 util/parse/src/parse.c                          |  263 ++
 81 files changed, 17094 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

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