 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>PutGCSObject</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">PutGCSObject</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Puts flow files to a Google 
Cloud Bucket.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>google, google cloud, gcs, archive, 
put</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, whether a 
property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that 
its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a
  sensitive property, ensure that the <strong></strong> file has 
an entry for the property <strong>nifi.sensitive.props.key</strong>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>GCP Credentials 
Provider Service</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
</strong><br/>GCPCredentialsService<br/><strong>Implementation: </strong><a 
 id="description">The Controller Service used to obtain Google Cloud Platform 
credentials.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Project ID</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Google Cloud Project ID</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Number of retries</strong></td><td 
 id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">How many retry attempts should 
be made before routing to the failure relationship.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="default-value">${gcs.bucket}</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Bucket of the object.<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Key</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">${filename}</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Name of the object.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Content Type</td><td 
id="default-value">${mime.type}</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Content Type for the file, i.e. 
text/plain<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">MD5 Hash</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">MD5 
Hash (encoded in Base64) of the file for server-side validatio
 n.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">CRC32C Checksum</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">CRC32C Checksum (encoded in 
Base64, big-Endian order) of the file for server-side 
validation.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Object ACL</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>All Authenticated 
Users <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives the bucket 
or object owner OWNER permission, and gives all authenticated Google account 
holders READER and WRITER permissions. All other permissions are removed." 
title="Gives the bucket or object owner OWNER permission, and gives all 
authenticated Google account holders READER and WRITER permissions. All other 
permissions are removed."></img></li><li>Authenticated Read <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives the bucket or object 
owner OWNER per
 mission, and gives all authenticated Google account holders READER permission. 
All other permissions are removed." title="Gives the bucket or object owner 
OWNER permission, and gives all authenticated Google account holders READER 
permission. All other permissions are removed."></img></li><li>Bucket Owner 
Full Control <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives the 
object and bucket owners OWNER permission. All other permissions are removed." 
title="Gives the object and bucket owners OWNER permission. All other 
permissions are removed."></img></li><li>Bucket Owner Read Only <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives the object owner OWNER 
permission, and gives the bucket owner READER permission. All other permissions 
are removed." title="Gives the object owner OWNER permission, and gives the 
bucket owner READER permission. All other permissions are 
removed."></img></li><li>Private <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives the 
 bucket or object owner OWNER permission for a bucket or object, and removes 
all other access permissions." title="Gives the bucket or object owner OWNER 
permission for a bucket or object, and removes all other access 
permissions."></img></li><li>Project Private <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives permission to the 
project team based on their roles. Anyone who is part of the team has READER 
permission. Project owners and project editors have OWNER permission. This is 
the default ACL for newly created buckets. This is also the default ACL for 
newly created objects unless the default object ACL for that bucket has been 
changed." title="Gives permission to the project team based on their roles. 
Anyone who is part of the team has READER permission. Project owners and 
project editors have OWNER permission. This is the default ACL for newly 
created buckets. This is also the default ACL for newly created objects unless 
the default object ACL for that bucket has bee
 n changed."></img></li><li>Public Read Only <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Gives the bucket or object 
owner OWNER permission, and gives all users, both authenticated and anonymous, 
READER permission. When you apply this to an object, anyone on the Internet can 
read the object without authenticating." title="Gives the bucket or object 
owner OWNER permission, and gives all users, both authenticated and anonymous, 
READER permission. When you apply this to an object, anyone on the Internet can 
read the object without authenticating."></img></li></ul></td><td 
id="description">Access Control to be attached to the object uploaded. Not 
providing this will revert to bucket defaults.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Server Side Encryption Key</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">An AES256 Encryption Key 
(encoded in base64) for server-side encryption of the 
object.<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: true</strong><br/><strong>Suppor
 ts Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Overwrite Object</strong></td><td 
id="description">If false, the upload to GCS will succeed only if the object 
does not exist.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Content Disposition Type</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Inline <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Indicates that the object 
should be loaded and rendered within the browser." title="Indicates that the 
object should be loaded and rendered within the 
browser."></img></li><li>Attachment <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Indicates that the object 
should be saved (using a Save As... dialog) rather than opened directly within 
the browser" title="Indicates that the object should be saved (using a Save 
As... dialog) rather than opened directly within the 
browser"></img></li></ul></td><td id="de
 scription">Type of RFC-6266 Content Disposition to be attached to the 
object</td></tr></table><h3>Dynamic Properties: </h3><p>Dynamic Properties 
allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.<table 
 id="name">The name of a User-Defined Metadata field to add to the GCS 
Object</td><td id="value">The value of a User-Defined Metadata field to add to 
the GCS Object</td><td>Allows user-defined metadata to be added to the GCS 
object as key/value pairs<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr></table></p><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 are routed to this relationship after a successful Google Cloud Storage 
operation.</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>FlowFiles are routed to this 
relationship if the Google Cloud Storage operation 
fails.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes
 : </h3><table 
 the FlowFile's filename as the filename for the GCS 
object</td></tr><tr><td>mime.type</td><td>Uses the FlowFile's MIME type as the 
content-type for the GCS object</td></tr></table><h3>Writes Attributes: 
 of the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.key</td><td>Name of the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.size</td><td>Size of the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.cache.control</td><td>Data cache control of the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.component.count</td><td>The number of components 
which make up the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.content.disposition</td><td>The 
data content disposition of the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.content.encoding</td><td>The content encoding of 
the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.content.language</td><td>The content language 
of the object.</td></tr><tr><td>mime.t
 ype</td><td>The MIME/Content-Type of the 
object</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.crc32c</td><td>The CRC32C checksum of object's 
data, encoded in base64 in big-endian 
order.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.create.time</td><td>The creation time of the object 
(milliseconds)</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.update.time</td><td>The last modification 
time of the object 
(milliseconds)</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.encryption.algorithm</td><td>The algorithm 
used to encrypt the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.encryption.sha256</td><td>The 
SHA256 hash of the key used to encrypt the 
object</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.etag</td><td>The HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The service-generated for the 
object</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.generation</td><td>The data generation of the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.md5</td><td>The MD5 hash of the object's data 
encoded in base64.</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The media download 
link to the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.metageneration</td><td>The 
metageneration of
  the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.owner</td><td>The owner (uploader) of the 
object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.owner.type</td><td>The ACL entity type of the 
uploader of the object.</td></tr><tr><td>gcs.uri</td><td>The URI of the object 
as a string.</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does 
not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>Input 
requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming relationship.<h3>See 
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>InvokeGRPC</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">InvokeGRPC</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Sends FlowFiles, optionally with 
content, to a configurable remote gRPC service endpoint. The remote gRPC 
service must abide by the service IDL defined in NiFi.  gRPC isn't intended to 
carry large payloads,  so this processor should be used only when FlowFile 
sizes are on the order of megabytes. The default maximum message size is 
4MB.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>grpc, rpc, client</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the 
list below, the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. 
Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also ind
 icates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Remote gRPC 
service hostname</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Remote host which will be 
connected to</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Remote gRPC service 
port</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Remote port which will be 
connected to</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Max Message Size</td><td 
id="default-value">4MB</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The maximum size of FlowFiles that this processor will allow 
to be received. The default is 4MB. If FlowFiles exceed this size, you should 
consider using another transport mechanism as gRPC isn't designed for heavy 
payloads.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Use SSL/TLS</td><td 
id="default-value">false</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>true</li><
 li>false</li></ul></td><td id="description">Whether or not to use SSL/TLS to 
send the contents of the gRPC messages.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL Context 
Service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
</strong><br/>SSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><a 
 id="description">The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate 
information for TLS/SSL (https) connections.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Send 
FlowFile Content</td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">Whether or not to include the FlowFile content in the 
 uest to the gRPC service.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Always Output 
Response</td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Will force a response FlowFile to be generated and routed to 
the 'Response' relationship regardless of what the server status code received 
is or if the processor is configured to put the server response body in the 
request attribute. In the later configuration a request FlowFile with the 
response body in the attribute and a typical response FlowFile will be emitted 
to their respective relationships.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Penalize on "No 
Retry"</td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Enabling this property will penalize FlowFiles that are routed 
to the "No Retry" relationship.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 nal</td><td>The original FlowFile will be routed upon success. It will have 
new attributes detailing the success of the 
request.</td></tr><tr><td>Failure</td><td>The original FlowFile will be routed 
on any type of connection failure, timeout or general exception. It will have 
new attributes detailing the request.</td></tr><tr><td>Retry</td><td>The 
original FlowFile will be routed on any status code that can be retried. It 
will have new attributes detailing the request.</td></tr><tr><td>No 
Retry</td><td>The original FlowFile will be routed on any status code that 
should NOT be retried.  It will have new attributes detailing the 
request.</td></tr><tr><td>Response</td><td>A Response FlowFile will be routed 
upon success. If the 'Output Response Regardless' property is true then the 
response will be sent to this relationship regardless of the status code 
received.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes 
Attributes: </h3><table id="writes-attributes"><tr><th>
response code that is returned (0 = ERROR, 1 = SUCCESS, 2 = 
RETRY)</td></tr><tr><td>invokegrpc.response.body</td><td>The response message 
that is returned</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The remote 
gRPC service hostname</td></tr><tr><td>invokegrpc.service.port</td><td>The 
remote gRPC service 
port</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The Java 
exception class raised when the processor 
fails</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The Java 
exception message raised when the processor fails</td></tr></table><h3>State 
management: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This 
component is not restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires 
an incoming relationship.</body></html>
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ListenGRPC</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ListenGRPC</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Starts a gRPC server and listens 
on the given port to transform the incoming messages into FlowFiles. The 
message format is defined by the standard gRPC protobuf IDL provided by NiFi. 
gRPC isn't intended to carry large payloads, so this processor should be used 
only when FlowFile sizes are on the order of megabytes. The default maximum 
message size is 4MB.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>ingest, grpc, rpc, 
listen</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered
  optional. The table also indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Local gRPC 
Service Port</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The local port that the gRPC 
service will listen on.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Use TLS</td><td 
id="description">Whether or not to use TLS to send the contents of the gRPC 
messages.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">SSL Context Service</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service 
API: </strong><br/>RestrictedSSLContextService<br/><strong>Implementation: 
 >The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for 
 >TLS (https) connections.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Flow Control 
 >Window</td><td id="default-value">1MB</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
 >id="description">The initial HTTP/2 flow control window for both new streams 
 >and overall connection. Flow-control schemes ensure that streams on the same 
 >connection do not destructively interfere with each other. The default is 
 >1MB.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Authorized DN 
 >Pattern</strong></td><td id="default-value">.*</td><td 
 >id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A Regular Expression to apply 
 >against the Distinguished Name of incoming connections. If the Pattern does 
 >not match the DN, the connection will be refused.</td></tr><tr><td 
 >id="name">Maximum Message Size</td><td id="default-value">4MB</td><td 
 >id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The maximum size of FlowFiles 
 >that this processor will allow to be received. The default is 4MB. If Flo
 wFiles exceed this size, you should consider using another transport mechanism 
as gRPC isn't designed for heavy payloads.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 FlowFile was received successfully.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: 
</h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 DN of the user who sent the FlowFile to this 
NiFi</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The IP of the client who 
sent the FlowFile to this NiFi</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This 
component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component does not allow an 
incoming relationship.</body></html>
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <!--
+      Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+      contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+      this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+      The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+      (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+      the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+      limitations under the License.
+    -->
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="utf-8" />
+        <title>CreateHadoopSequenceFile</title>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css" />
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <!-- Processor Documentation 
================================================== -->
+        <h2>Description:</h2>
+        <p>This processor is used to create a Hadoop Sequence File, which 
essentially is a file of key/value pairs. The key 
+            will be a file name and the value will be the flow file content. 
The processor will take either a merged (a.k.a. packaged) flow 
+            file or a singular flow file. Historically, this processor handled 
the merging by type and size or time prior to creating a 
+            SequenceFile output; it no longer does this. If creating a 
SequenceFile that contains multiple files of the same type is desired,
+            precede this processor with a <code>RouteOnAttribute</code> 
processor to segregate files of the same type and follow that with a
+            <code>MergeContent</code> processor to bundle up files. If the 
type of files is not important, just use the 
+            <code>MergeContent</code> processor. When using the 
<code>MergeContent</code> processor, the following Merge Formats are 
+            supported by this processor:
+        <ul>
+            <li>TAR</li>
+            <li>ZIP</li>
+            <li>FlowFileStream v3</li>
+        </ul>
+        The created SequenceFile is named the same as the incoming FlowFile 
with the suffix '.sf'. For incoming FlowFiles that are 
+        bundled, the keys in the SequenceFile are the individual file names, 
the values are the contents of each file.
+    </p>
+    NOTE: The value portion of a key/value pair is loaded into memory. While 
there is a max size limit of 2GB, this could cause memory
+    issues if there are too many concurrent tasks and the flow file sizes are 

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">CreateHadoopSequenceFile</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Creates Hadoop 
Sequence Files from incoming flow files</p><p><a 
href="additionalDetails.html">Additional Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>hadoop, sequence file, create, sequencefile</p><h3>Properties: 
</h3><p>In the list below, the names of required properties appear in 
<strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property 
supports the <a href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi 
Expression Language</a>.</p><table 
 id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name">Hadoop Configuration 
Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A file or comma separated list of files which contains the 
Hadoop file system configuration. Without this, Hadoop will search the 
classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and 'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to a 
default configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Require
 s nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin Period</td><td 
id="default-value">4 hours</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Period of time which should pass before attempting a kerberos 
relogin<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Additional Classpath Resources</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories that will be added to 
the classpath. When specifying a directory, all files with in the directory 
will be added to the classpath, but further sub-directories will not be 
included.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Compression type</td><td 
 id="description">Type of compression to use when creating Sequence Fi
 le</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Compression codec</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">NONE</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>NONE <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="No compression" title="No 
compression"></img></li><li>DEFAULT <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Default ZLIB compression" 
title="Default ZLIB compression"></img></li><li>BZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="BZIP compression" 
title="BZIP compression"></img></li><li>GZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="GZIP compression" 
title="GZIP compression"></img></li><li>LZ4 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZ4 compression" title="LZ4 
compression"></img></li><li>LZO <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZO compression - it assumes 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is available" title="LZO compression - it 
assumes LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is 
available"></img></li><li>SNAPPY <img s
 rc="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Snappy compression" 
title="Snappy compression"></img></li><li>AUTOMATIC <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Will attempt to 
automatically detect the compression codec." title="Will attempt to 
automatically detect the compression codec."></img></li></ul></td><td 
id="description">No Description Provided.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 Sequence Files are sent to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>Incoming files that failed to 
generate a Sequence File are sent to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is 
not restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming 
relationship.<h3>See Also:</h3><p>
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>DeleteHDFS</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">DeleteHDFS</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Deletes one or more files or 
directories from HDFS. The path can be provided as an attribute from an 
incoming FlowFile, or a statically set path that is periodically removed. If 
this processor has an incoming connection, itwill ignore running on a periodic 
basis and instead rely on incoming FlowFiles to trigger a delete. Note that you 
may use a wildcard character to match multiple files or directories. If there 
are no incoming connections no flowfiles will be transfered to any output 
relationships.  If there is an incoming flowfile then provided there are no de
 tected failures it will be transferred to success otherwise it will be sent to 
false. If knowledge of globbed files deleted is necessary use ListHDFS first to 
produce a specific list of files to delete. </p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>hadoop, HDFS, 
delete, remove, filesystem, restricted</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list 
below, the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any 
other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also 
indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Hadoop Configuration Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A file or comma separated list 
of files which contains the Hadoop file system configuration. Without this, 
Hadoop will search t
 he classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and 'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to 
a default configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin 
Period</td><td id="default-value">4 hours</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Period of time which should 
pass before attempting a kerberos relogin<br/><strong>Supports Expression Langu
 age: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Additional Classpath 
Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories 
that will be added to the classpath. When specifying a directory, all files 
with in the directory will be added to the classpath, but further 
sub-directories will not be included.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Path</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The HDFS file or directory to 
delete. A wildcard expression may be used to only delete certain 
files<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Recursive</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">Remove contents of a non-empty directory 
recursively</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 Name</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>success</td><td>When an incoming 
flowfile is used then if there are no errors invoking delete the flowfile will 
route here.</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>When an incoming flowfile is used 
and there is a failure while deleting then the flowfile will route 
here.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes 
Attributes: </h3><table 
 file to be deleted</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.path</td><td>HDFS Path specified in 
the delete request</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.error.message</td><td>HDFS error 
message related to the hdfs.error.code</td></tr></table><h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>Provides operator 
the ability to delete any file that NiFi has access to in HDFS or the local 
filesystem.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component allows an incoming 
relationship.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a hr
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>FetchHDFS</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">FetchHDFS</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Retrieves a file from HDFS. The 
content of the incoming FlowFile is replaced by the content of the file in 
HDFS. The file in HDFS is left intact without any changes being made to 
it.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>hadoop, hdfs, get, ingest, fetch, source, 
restricted</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and 
whether a property supports the <a 
 ">NiFi Expression Language</a>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name">Hadoop Configuration 
Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A file or comma separated list of files which contains the 
Hadoop file system configuration. Without this, Hadoop will search the 
classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and 'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to a 
default configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos key
 tab associated with the principal. Requires nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set 
in your<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin Period</td><td 
id="default-value">4 hours</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Period of time which should pass before attempting a kerberos 
relogin<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Additional Classpath Resources</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories that will be added to 
the classpath. When specifying a directory, all files with in the directory 
will be added to the classpath, but further sub-directories will not be 
included.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>HDFS Filename</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">${path}/${filename}</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The name of the HDFS file to
  retrieve<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Compression 
codec</strong></td><td id="default-value">NONE</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>NONE <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="No compression" title="No 
compression"></img></li><li>DEFAULT <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Default ZLIB compression" 
title="Default ZLIB compression"></img></li><li>BZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="BZIP compression" 
title="BZIP compression"></img></li><li>GZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="GZIP compression" 
title="GZIP compression"></img></li><li>LZ4 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZ4 compression" title="LZ4 
compression"></img></li><li>LZO <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZO compression - it assumes 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is available" title="LZO compression - it 
 has been set and jar is available"></img></li><li>SNAPPY <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Snappy compression" 
title="Snappy compression"></img></li><li>AUTOMATIC <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Will attempt to 
automatically detect the compression codec." title="Will attempt to 
automatically detect the compression codec."></img></li></ul></td><td 
id="description">No Description Provided.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 will be routed to this relationship once they have been updated with the 
content of the HDFS file</td></tr><tr><td>comms.failure</td><td>FlowFiles will 
be routed to this relationship if the content of the HDFS file cannot be 
retrieve due to a communications failure. This generally indicates that the 
Fetch should be tried again.</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>FlowFiles will be 
routed to this relationship if the c
 ontent of the HDFS file cannot be retrieved and trying again will likely not 
be helpful. This would occur, for instance, if the file is not found or if 
there is a permissions issue</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 a FlowFile is routed to 'failure', this attribute is added indicating why the 
file could not be fetched from HDFS</td></tr></table><h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>Provides operator 
the ability to retrieve any file that NiFi has access to in HDFS or the local 
filesystem.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming 
relationship.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a 
<a href="../org.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.GetHDFS/index.html">GetHDFS</a>, 
<a href="../org.apache.nifi.processo
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>GetHDFS</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">GetHDFS</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Fetch files from Hadoop Distributed 
File System (HDFS) into FlowFiles. This Processor will delete the file from 
HDFS after fetching it.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>hadoop, HDFS, get, fetch, ingest, 
source, filesystem, restricted</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, 
the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values, and whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
 le id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name">Hadoop Configuration 
Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A file or comma separated list of files which contains the 
Hadoop file system configuration. Without this, Hadoop will search the 
classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and 'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to a 
default configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Requ
 ires nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin Period</td><td 
id="default-value">4 hours</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Period of time which should pass before attempting a kerberos 
relogin<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Additional Classpath Resources</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories that will be added to 
the classpath. When specifying a directory, all files with in the directory 
will be added to the classpath, but further sub-directories will not be 
included.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Directory</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
HDFS directory from which files should be read<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
 e: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Recurse 
Subdirectories</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">Indicates whether to pull files from subdirectories of the 
HDFS directory</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Keep Source 
File</strong></td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Determines whether to delete the file from HDFS after it has 
been successfully transferred. If true, the file will be fetched repeatedly. 
This is intended for testing only.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">File Filter 
Regex</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A Java Regular Expression for filtering Filenames; if a filter 
is supplied then only files whose names match that Regular Expression will be 
fetched, otherwise all files will be fetched</td></tr><tr><td 
  Match Name Only</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">If true then File Filter Regex will match on just the 
filename, otherwise subdirectory names will be included with filename in the 
regex comparison</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Ignore Dotted 
Files</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">If true, files whose names begin with a dot (".") will be 
ignored</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Minimum File Age</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">0 sec</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The minimum age that a file must be in order to be pulled; any 
file younger than this amount of time (based on last modification date) will be 
ignored</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Maximum File Age</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
maximum age 
 that a file must be in order to be pulled; any file older than this amount of 
time (based on last modification date) will be ignored</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Polling Interval</strong></td><td id="default-value">0 
sec</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Indicates how long 
to wait between performing directory listings</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Batch Size</strong></td><td id="default-value">100</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The maximum number of files to 
pull in each iteration, based on run schedule.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">IO 
Buffer Size</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Amount of memory to use to buffer file contents during IO. 
This overrides the Hadoop Configuration</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Compression codec</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">NONE</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>NONE <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="No compress
 ion" title="No compression"></img></li><li>DEFAULT <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Default ZLIB compression" 
title="Default ZLIB compression"></img></li><li>BZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="BZIP compression" 
title="BZIP compression"></img></li><li>GZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="GZIP compression" 
title="GZIP compression"></img></li><li>LZ4 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZ4 compression" title="LZ4 
compression"></img></li><li>LZO <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZO compression - it assumes 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is available" title="LZO compression - it 
assumes LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is 
available"></img></li><li>SNAPPY <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Snappy compression" 
title="Snappy compression"></img></li><li>AUTOMATIC <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Will attempt to automatically
  detect the compression codec." title="Will attempt to automatically detect 
the compression codec."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">No 
Description Provided.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 files retrieved from HDFS are transferred to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 name of the file that was read from HDFS.</td></tr><tr><td>path</td><td>The 
path is set to the relative path of the file's directory on HDFS. For example, 
if the Directory property is set to /tmp, then files picked up from /tmp will 
have the path attribute set to "./". If the Recurse Subdirectories property is 
set to true and a file is picked up from /tmp/abc/1/2/3, then the path 
attribute will be set to "abc/1/2/3".</td></tr></table><h3>
 State management: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: 
</h3>Provides operator the ability to retrieve and delete any file that NiFi 
has access to in HDFS or the local filesystem.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This 
component does not allow an incoming relationship.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a 
href="../org.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.PutHDFS/index.html">PutHDFS</a>, <a 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>GetHDFSSequenceFile</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">GetHDFSSequenceFile</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Fetch sequence files 
from Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) into FlowFiles</p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>hadoop, HDFS, get, fetch, ingest, source, sequence 
file</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and 
whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>De
 fault Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Hadoop Configuration Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A file or comma separated list 
of files which contains the Hadoop file system configuration. Without this, 
Hadoop will search the classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and 'hdfs-site.xml' file 
or will revert to a default configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in 
 your<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin Period</td><td 
id="default-value">4 hours</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Period of time which should pass before attempting a kerberos 
relogin<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Additional Classpath Resources</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories that will be added to 
the classpath. When specifying a directory, all files with in the directory 
will be added to the classpath, but further sub-directories will not be 
included.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Directory</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
HDFS directory from which files should be read<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name
 "><strong>Recurse Subdirectories</strong></td><td 
id="description">Indicates whether to pull files from subdirectories of the 
HDFS directory</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Keep Source 
File</strong></td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Determines whether to delete the file from HDFS after it has 
been successfully transferred. If true, the file will be fetched repeatedly. 
This is intended for testing only.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">File Filter 
Regex</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A Java Regular Expression for filtering Filenames; if a filter 
is supplied then only files whose names match that Regular Expression will be 
fetched, otherwise all files will be fetched</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Filter Match Name Only</strong></td><td id="defa
id="description">If true then File Filter Regex will match on just the 
filename, otherwise subdirectory names will be included with filename in the 
regex comparison</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Ignore Dotted 
Files</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">If true, files whose names begin with a dot (".") will be 
ignored</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Minimum File Age</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">0 sec</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The minimum age that a file must be in order to be pulled; any 
file younger than this amount of time (based on last modification date) will be 
ignored</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Maximum File Age</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
maximum age that a file must be in order to be pulled;
  any file older than this amount of time (based on last modification date) 
will be ignored</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Polling 
Interval</strong></td><td id="default-value">0 sec</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Indicates how long to wait 
between performing directory listings</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Batch 
Size</strong></td><td id="default-value">100</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The maximum number of files to 
pull in each iteration, based on run schedule.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">IO 
Buffer Size</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Amount of memory to use to buffer file contents during IO. 
This overrides the Hadoop Configuration</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Compression codec</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">NONE</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>NONE <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="No compression" title="No 
 >DEFAULT <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Default ZLIB 
 >compression" title="Default ZLIB compression"></img></li><li>BZIP <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="BZIP compression" 
 >title="BZIP compression"></img></li><li>GZIP <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="GZIP compression" 
 >title="GZIP compression"></img></li><li>LZ4 <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZ4 compression" 
 >title="LZ4 compression"></img></li><li>LZO <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZO compression - it 
 >assumes LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is available" title="LZO 
 >compression - it assumes LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is 
 >available"></img></li><li>SNAPPY <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Snappy compression" 
 >title="Snappy compression"></img></li><li>AUTOMATIC <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Will attempt to 
 >automatically detect the compression codec." title="Wil
 l attempt to automatically detect the compression 
codec."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">No Description 
Provided.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>FlowFile Content</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">VALUE ONLY</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>VALUE 
ONLY</li><li>KEY VALUE PAIR</li></ul></td><td id="description">Indicate if the 
content is to be both the key and value of the Sequence File, or just the 
value.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 files retrieved from HDFS are transferred to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 name of the file that was read from HDFS.</td></tr><tr><td>path</td><td>The 
path is set to the relative path of the file's directory on HDFS. For example, 
if the Directory property 
 is set to /tmp, then files picked up from /tmp will have the path attribute 
set to "./". If the Recurse Subdirectories property is set to true and a file 
is picked up from /tmp/abc/1/2/3, then the path attribute will be set to 
"abc/1/2/3".</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does 
not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>Provides operator the ability to retrieve 
and delete any file that NiFi has access to in HDFS or the local 
filesystem.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component does not allow an 
incoming relationship.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ListHDFS</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ListHDFS</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Retrieves a listing of files from 
HDFS. Each time a listing is performed, the files with the latest timestamp 
will be excluded and picked up during the next execution of the processor. This 
is done to ensure that we do not miss any files, or produce duplicates, in the 
cases where files with the same timestamp are written immediately before and 
after a single execution of the processor. For each file that is listed in 
HDFS, this processor creates a FlowFile that represents the HDFS file to be 
fetched in conjunction with FetchHDFS. This Processor is designed to run o
 n Primary Node only in a cluster. If the primary node changes, the new Primary 
Node will pick up where the previous node left off without duplicating all of 
the data. Unlike GetHDFS, this Processor does not delete any data from 
HDFS.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>hadoop, HDFS, get, list, ingest, source, 
filesystem</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and 
whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Hadoop Configuration Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A file or comma separated list 
of files which contains the Hadoop file system configuration. Witho
 ut this, Hadoop will search the classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and 
'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to a default 
configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin 
Period</td><td id="default-value">4 hours</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Period of time which should 
pass before attempting a kerberos relogin<br/><str
 ong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Additional Classpath Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A comma-separated list of paths 
to files and/or directories that will be added to the classpath. When 
specifying a directory, all files with in the directory will be added to the 
classpath, but further sub-directories will not be included.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Distributed Cache Service</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
 id="description">Specifies the Controller Service that should be used to 
maintain state about what has been pulled from HDFS so that if a new node 
begins pulling data, it won't duplicate all of the work that has been 
done.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Directory</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
HDFS directory from which files should be read<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Recurse 
Subdirectories</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">Indicates whether to list files from subdirectories of the 
HDFS directory</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>File Filter</strong></td><td 
 ^\.].*</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Only files 
whose names match the given regular expression will be picked 
up</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Minimum File Age</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
minimum age that a file must be in order to be pulled; any file younger than 
this amount of time (based on last modification date) will be 
ignored</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Maximum File Age</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
maximum age that a file must be in order to be pulled; any file older than this 
amount of time (based on last modification date) will be ignored. Minimum value 
is 100ms.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 FlowFiles are transferred to this relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads 
Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table
 name of the file that was read from HDFS.</td></tr><tr><td>path</td><td>The 
path is set to the absolute path of the file's directory on HDFS. For example, 
if the Directory property is set to /tmp, then files picked up from /tmp will 
have the path attribute set to "./". If the Recurse Subdirectories property is 
set to true and a file is picked up from /tmp/abc/1/2/3, then the path 
attribute will be set to 
"/tmp/abc/1/2/3".</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.owner</td><td>The user that owns the 
file in HDFS</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>The group that owns the file 
in HDFS</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.lastModified</td><td>The timestamp of when the 
file in HDFS was last modified, as milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 
UTC</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.length</td><td>The number of bytes in the file in 
HDFS</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.replication</td><td>The number of HDFS replicas for 
hte file</td></tr><tr><td>hdfs.p
 ermissions</td><td>The permissions for the file in HDFS. This is formatted as 
3 characters for the owner, 3 for the group, and 3 for other users. For example 
rw-rw-r--</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3><table 
 performing a listing of HDFS files, the latest timestamp of all the files 
listed and the latest timestamp of all the files transferred are both stored. 
This allows the Processor to list only files that have been added or modified 
after this date the next time that the Processor is run, without having to 
store all of the actual filenames/paths which could lead to performance 
problems. State is stored across the cluster so that this Processor can be run 
on Primary Node only and if a new Primary Node is selected, the new node can 
pick up where the previous node left off, without duplicating the 
data.</td></tr></table><h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
restricted.<h3>Input requi
 rement: </h3>This component does not allow an incoming relationship.<h3>See 
href="../org.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.GetHDFS/index.html">GetHDFS</a>, <a 
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 Tue Oct  3 13:30:16 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>PutHDFS</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">PutHDFS</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Write FlowFile data to Hadoop 
Distributed File System (HDFS)</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>hadoop, HDFS, put, copy, 
filesystem, restricted</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names 
of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties 
(not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default 
values, and whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Descr
 iption</th></tr><tr><td id="name">Hadoop Configuration Resources</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
file or comma separated list of files which contains the Hadoop file system 
configuration. Without this, Hadoop will search the classpath for a 
'core-site.xml' and 'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to a default 
configuration.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Principal</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos 
Keytab</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Requires 
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be set in your<br/><strong>Supports 
 on Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Kerberos Relogin 
Period</td><td id="default-value">4 hours</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Period of time which should 
pass before attempting a kerberos relogin<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Additional Classpath 
Resources</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A comma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories 
that will be added to the classpath. When specifying a directory, all files 
with in the directory will be added to the classpath, but further 
sub-directories will not be included.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Directory</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The parent HDFS directory to 
which files should be written. The directory will be created if it doesn't 
exist.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><t
 d id="name"><strong>Conflict Resolution Strategy</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">fail</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>replace <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Replaces the existing file 
if any." title="Replaces the existing file if any."></img></li><li>ignore <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Ignores the flow file and 
routes it to success." title="Ignores the flow file and routes it to 
success."></img></li><li>fail <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Penalizes the flow file and 
routes it to failure." title="Penalizes the flow file and routes it to 
failure."></img></li><li>append <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Appends to the existing file 
if any, creates a new file otherwise." title="Appends to the existing file if 
any, creates a new file otherwise."></img></li></ul></td><td 
id="description">Indicates what should happen when a file with the same name 
already exists in the output direct
 ory</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Block Size</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Size of each block as written 
to HDFS. This overrides the Hadoop Configuration</td></tr><tr><td id="name">IO 
Buffer Size</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Amount of memory to use to buffer file contents during IO. 
This overrides the Hadoop Configuration</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Replication</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Number of times that HDFS will 
replicate each file. This overrides the Hadoop Configuration</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Permissions umask</td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A umask represented as an octal 
number which determines the permissions of files written to HDFS. This 
overrides the Hadoop Configuration dfs.umaskmode</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name">Remote Owner</td><td id="default-value"></td
 ><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Changes the owner of the 
 >HDFS file to this value after it is written. This only works if NiFi is 
 >running as a user that has HDFS super user privilege to change 
 >owner<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
 >true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Remote Group</td><td 
 >id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
 >id="description">Changes the group of the HDFS file to this value after it is 
 >written. This only works if NiFi is running as a user that has HDFS super 
 >user privilege to change group<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
 >true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Compression 
 >codec</strong></td><td id="default-value">NONE</td><td 
 >id="allowable-values"><ul><li>NONE <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="No compression" title="No 
 >compression"></img></li><li>DEFAULT <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Default ZLIB compression" 
 >title="Default ZLIB compression"></img>
 </li><li>BZIP <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="BZIP 
compression" title="BZIP compression"></img></li><li>GZIP <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="GZIP compression" 
title="GZIP compression"></img></li><li>LZ4 <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZ4 compression" title="LZ4 
compression"></img></li><li>LZO <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="LZO compression - it assumes 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is available" title="LZO compression - it 
assumes LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set and jar is 
available"></img></li><li>SNAPPY <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Snappy compression" 
title="Snappy compression"></img></li><li>AUTOMATIC <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Will attempt to 
automatically detect the compression codec." title="Will attempt to 
automatically detect the compression codec."></img></li></ul></td><td 
id="description">No Description Provided.</td><
 /tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 that have been successfully written to HDFS are transferred to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>Files that could not be written 
to HDFS for some reason are transferred to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3><table 
 name of the file written to HDFS comes from the value of this 
attribute.</td></tr></table><h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 name of the file written to HDFS is stored in this 
attribute.</td></tr><tr><td>absolute.hdfs.path</td><td>The absolute path to the 
file on HDFS is stored in this attribute.</td></tr></table><h3>State 
management: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: 
</h3>Provides operator t
 he ability to write to any file that NiFi has access to in HDFS or the local 
filesystem.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component requires an incoming 
relationship.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a 
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