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-          <div class="docbook"><div class="navheader"><table 
summary="Navigation header" width="100%"><tr><th align="center" 
-      Managing the AMQP Messaging Broker
-    </th></tr><tr><td align="left" width="20%"><a accesskey="p" 
href="ha-queue-replication.html">Prev</a>&#160;</td><th align="center" 
width="60%">&#160;</th><td align="right" width="20%">&#160;<a accesskey="n" 
href="ch02s02.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div 
class="chapter"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title"><a 
-      Managing the AMQP Messaging Broker
-    </h1></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><strong>Table of 
Contents</strong></p><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a 
Managing the C++ Broker </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Using qpid-config
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Using qpid-route
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Using qpid-tool
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Using
-            qpid-printevents
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#idm139836367882816">2.1.5. Using 
qpid-ha</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a 
-      Qpid Management Framework
-    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            What Is QMF
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Getting
-            Started with QMF
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            QMF Concepts
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            The QMF
-            Protocol
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            How
-            to Write a QMF Console
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            How to
-            Write a QMF Agent
-          </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a 
-      QMF Python Console Tutorial
-    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Prerequisite
-            - Install Qpid Messaging
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Synchronous
-            Console Operations
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Asynchronous
-            Console Operations
-          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a 
-            Discovering what Kinds of Objects are Available
-          </a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div><div class="section"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a 
id="section-Managing-CPP-Broker"></a>2.1.&#160; Managing the C++ Broker 
-            There are quite a few ways to interact with the C++ broker. The
-            command line tools
-            include:
-          </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" 
type="disc"><li class="listitem"><p>qpid-route - used to configure federation 
(a set of federated
-            brokers)
-            </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>qpid-config - used to configure 
queues, exchanges, bindings
-            and list them etc
-            </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>qpid-tool - used to view 
management information/statistics
-            and call any management actions on the broker
-            </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>qpid-printevents - used to 
receive and print QMF events
-            </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>qpid-ha - used to interact with 
the High Availability module
-            </p></li></ul></div><div class="section"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a 
-            Using qpid-config
-          </h3></div></div></div><p>
-            This utility can be used to create queues exchanges and bindings,
-            both durable and transient. Always check for latest options by
-            running --help command.
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ qpid-config --help
-Usage:  qpid-config [OPTIONS]
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] exchanges [filter-string]
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] queues    [filter-string]
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] add exchange &lt;type&gt; &lt;name&gt; 
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] del exchange &lt;name&gt;
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] add queue &lt;name&gt; [AddQueueOptions]
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] del queue &lt;name&gt;
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] bind   &lt;exchange-name&gt; &lt;queue-name&gt; 
-        qpid-config [OPTIONS] unbind &lt;exchange-name&gt; &lt;queue-name&gt; 
-    -b [ --bindings ]                         Show bindings in queue or 
exchange list
-    -a [ --broker-addr ] Address (localhost)  Address of qpidd broker
-         broker-addr is in the form:   [username/password@] hostname | 
ip-address [:&lt;port&gt;]
-         ex:  localhost,, broker-host:10000, 
-Add Queue Options:
-    --durable            Queue is durable
-    --file-count N (8)   Number of files in queue's persistence journal
-    --file-size  N (24)  File size in pages (64Kib/page)
-    --max-queue-size N   Maximum in-memory queue size as bytes
-    --max-queue-count N  Maximum in-memory queue size as a number of messages
-    --limit-policy [none | reject | flow-to-disk | ring | ring-strict]
-                         Action taken when queue limit is reached:
-                             none (default) - Use broker's default policy
-                             reject         - Reject enqueued messages
-                             flow-to-disk   - Page messages to disk
-                             ring           - Replace oldest unacquired 
message with new
-                             ring-strict    - Replace oldest message, reject 
if oldest is acquired
-    --order [fifo | lvq | lvq-no-browse]
-                         Set queue ordering policy:
-                             fifo (default) - First in, first out
-                             lvq            - Last Value Queue ordering, 
allows queue browsing
-                             lvq-no-browse  - Last Value Queue ordering, 
browsing clients may lose data
-    --generate-queue-events N
-                         If set to 1, every enqueue will generate an event 
that can be processed by
-                         registered listeners (e.g. for replication). If set 
to 2, events will be
-                         generated for enqueues and dequeues
-Add Exchange Options:
-    --durable    Exchange is durable
-    --sequence   Exchange will insert a 'qpid.msg_sequence' field in the 
message header
-                 with a value that increments for each message forwarded.
-    --ive        Exchange will behave as an 'initial-value-exchange', keeping 
a reference
-                 to the last message forwarded and enqueuing that message to 
newly bound
-                 queues.
-            Get the summary page
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ qpid-config
-Total Exchanges: 6
-          topic: 2
-        headers: 1
-         fanout: 1
-         direct: 2
-   Total Queues: 7
-        durable: 0
-    non-durable: 7
-            List the queues
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ qpid-config queues
-Queue Name                                  Attributes
-perftest0                                   --durable  auto-del excl  auto-del excl
-            List the exchanges with bindings
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ ./qpid-config -b exchanges
-Exchange '' (direct)
-    bind pub_start =&gt; pub_start
-    bind pub_done =&gt; pub_done
-    bind sub_ready =&gt; sub_ready
-    bind sub_done =&gt; sub_done
-    bind perftest0 =&gt; perftest0
-    bind mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; 
-    bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; 
-Exchange '' (direct)
-    bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; 
-    bind repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837 =&gt; 
-    bind repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae =&gt; 
-Exchange 'amq.topic' (topic)
-Exchange 'amq.fanout' (fanout)
-Exchange 'amq.match' (headers)
-Exchange '' (topic)
-    bind mgmt.# =&gt; mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
-</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidroute"></a>2.1.2.&#160;
-            Using qpid-route
-          </h3></div></div></div><p>
-            This utility is to create federated networks of brokers, This
-            allows you for forward messages between brokers in a network.
-            Messages can be routed statically (using "qpid-route route add")
-            where the bindings that control message forwarding are supplied
-            in the route. Message routing can also be dynamic (using
-            "qpid-route dynamic add") where the messages are automatically
-            forwarded to clients based on their bindings to the local broker.
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ qpid-route
-Usage:  qpid-route [OPTIONS] dynamic add &lt;dest-broker&gt; 
&lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; [tag] [exclude-list]
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] dynamic del &lt;dest-broker&gt; 
&lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt;
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route add   &lt;dest-broker&gt; 
&lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;routing-key&gt; [tag] [exclude-list]
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route del   &lt;dest-broker&gt; 
&lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;routing-key&gt;
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] queue add   &lt;dest-broker&gt; 
&lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;queue&gt;
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] queue del   &lt;dest-broker&gt; 
&lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;queue&gt;
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route list  [&lt;dest-broker&gt;]
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route flush [&lt;dest-broker&gt;]
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route map   [&lt;broker&gt;]
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] link add  &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt;
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] link del  &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt;
-        qpid-route [OPTIONS] link list [&lt;dest-broker&gt;]
-    -v [ --verbose ]         Verbose output
-    -q [ --quiet ]           Quiet output, don't print duplicate warnings
-    -d [ --durable ]         Added configuration shall be durable
-    -e [ --del-empty-link ]  Delete link after deleting last route on the link
-    -s [ --src-local ]       Make connection to source broker (push route)
-    -t &lt;transport&gt; [ --transport &lt;transport&gt;]
-                             Specify transport to use for links, defaults to 
-  dest-broker and src-broker are in the form:  [username/password@] hostname | 
ip-address [:&lt;port&gt;]
-  ex:  localhost,, broker-host:10000, guest/guest@localhost
-            A few examples:
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-qpid-route dynamic add host1 host2 fed.topic
-qpid-route dynamic add host2 host1 fed.topic
-qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic
-qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic hub2.topic.stock.sell
-qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.topic.stock.#'
-qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.#'
-qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.topic.#'
-qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic ''
-            The link map feature can be used to display the entire federated
-            network configuration by supplying a single broker as an entry
-            point:
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ qpid-route route map localhost:10001
-Finding Linked Brokers:
-    localhost:10001... Ok
-    localhost:10002... Ok
-    localhost:10003... Ok
-    localhost:10004... Ok
-    localhost:10005... Ok
-    localhost:10006... Ok
-    localhost:10007... Ok
-    localhost:10008... Ok
-Dynamic Routes:
-  Exchange fed.topic:
-    localhost:10002 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10001
-    localhost:10003 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10002
-    localhost:10004 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10002
-    localhost:10005 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10002
-    localhost:10006 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10005
-    localhost:10007 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10006
-    localhost:10008 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10006
-  Exchange
-    localhost:10002  =&gt; localhost:10001
-    localhost:10004  =&gt; localhost:10003
-    localhost:10003  =&gt; localhost:10002
-    localhost:10001  =&gt; localhost:10004
-Static Routes:
-  localhost:10003( &lt;= localhost:10005( key=rkey
-  localhost:10003( &lt;= localhost:10005( key=rkey2
-</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidtool"></a>2.1.3.&#160;
-            Using qpid-tool
-          </h3></div></div></div><p>
-            This utility provided a telnet style interface to be able to
-            view, list all stats and action
-            all the methods. Simple capture below. Best to just play with it
-            and mail the list if you have
-            questions or want features added.
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-qpid: help
-Management Tool for QPID
-    list                            - Print summary of existing objects by 
-    list &lt;className&gt;                - Print list of objects of the 
specified class
-    list &lt;className&gt; all            - Print contents of all objects of 
specified class
-    list &lt;className&gt; active         - Print contents of all non-deleted 
objects of specified class
-    list &lt;list-of-IDs&gt;              - Print contents of one or more 
objects (infer className)
-    list &lt;className&gt; &lt;list-of-IDs&gt;  - Print contents of one or 
more objects
-        list is space-separated, ranges may be specified (i.e. 1004-1010)
-    call &lt;ID&gt; &lt;methodName&gt; &lt;args&gt; - Invoke a method on an 
-    schema                          - Print summary of object classes seen on 
the target
-    schema &lt;className&gt;              - Print details of an object class
-    set time-format short           - Select short timestamp format (default)
-    set time-format long            - Select long timestamp format
-    quit or ^D                      - Exit the program
-qpid: list
-Management Object Types:
-    ObjectType     Active  Deleted
-    ================================
-    qpid.binding   21      0
-    1       0
-    qpid.client    1       0
-  6       0
-    qpid.queue     13      0
-    qpid.session   4       0
-    qpid.system    1       0
-    qpid.vhost     1       0
-qpid: list qpid.system
-Objects of type qpid.system
-    ID    Created   Destroyed  Index
-    ==================================
-    1000  21:00:02  -          host
-qpid: list 1000
-Object of type qpid.system: (last sample time: 21:26:02)
-    Type    Element   1000
-    =======================================================
-    config  sysId     host
-    config  osName    Linux
-    config  nodeName  localhost.localdomain
-    config  release
-    config  version   #1 SMP Sat Mar 29 09:15:49 EDT 2008
-    config  machine   x86_64
-qpid: schema queue
-Schema for class 'qpid.queue':
-    Element                Type          Unit         Access      Notes   
-    vhostRef               reference                  ReadCreate  index
-    name                   short-string               ReadCreate  index
-    durable                boolean                    ReadCreate
-    autoDelete             boolean                    ReadCreate
-    exclusive              boolean                    ReadCreate
-    arguments              field-table                ReadOnly            
Arguments supplied in queue.declare
-    storeRef               reference                  ReadOnly            
Reference to persistent queue (if durable)
-    msgTotalEnqueues       uint64        message                          
Total messages enqueued
-    msgTotalDequeues       uint64        message                          
Total messages dequeued
-    msgTxnEnqueues         uint64        message                          
Transactional messages enqueued
-    msgTxnDequeues         uint64        message                          
Transactional messages dequeued
-    msgPersistEnqueues     uint64        message                          
Persistent messages enqueued
-    msgPersistDequeues     uint64        message                          
Persistent messages dequeued
-    msgDepth               uint32        message                          
Current size of queue in messages
-    msgDepthHigh           uint32        message                          
Current size of queue in messages (High)
-    msgDepthLow            uint32        message                          
Current size of queue in messages (Low)
-    byteTotalEnqueues      uint64        octet                            
Total messages enqueued
-    byteTotalDequeues      uint64        octet                            
Total messages dequeued
-    byteTxnEnqueues        uint64        octet                            
Transactional messages enqueued
-    byteTxnDequeues        uint64        octet                            
Transactional messages dequeued
-    bytePersistEnqueues    uint64        octet                            
Persistent messages enqueued
-    bytePersistDequeues    uint64        octet                            
Persistent messages dequeued
-    byteDepth              uint32        octet                            
Current size of queue in bytes
-    byteDepthHigh          uint32        octet                            
Current size of queue in bytes (High)
-    byteDepthLow           uint32        octet                            
Current size of queue in bytes (Low)
-    enqueueTxnStarts       uint64        transaction                      
Total enqueue transactions started
-    enqueueTxnCommits      uint64        transaction                      
Total enqueue transactions committed
-    enqueueTxnRejects      uint64        transaction                      
Total enqueue transactions rejected
-    enqueueTxnCount        uint32        transaction                      
Current pending enqueue transactions
-    enqueueTxnCountHigh    uint32        transaction                      
Current pending enqueue transactions (High)
-    enqueueTxnCountLow     uint32        transaction                      
Current pending enqueue transactions (Low)
-    dequeueTxnStarts       uint64        transaction                      
Total dequeue transactions started
-    dequeueTxnCommits      uint64        transaction                      
Total dequeue transactions committed
-    dequeueTxnRejects      uint64        transaction                      
Total dequeue transactions rejected
-    dequeueTxnCount        uint32        transaction                      
Current pending dequeue transactions
-    dequeueTxnCountHigh    uint32        transaction                      
Current pending dequeue transactions (High)
-    dequeueTxnCountLow     uint32        transaction                      
Current pending dequeue transactions (Low)
-    consumers              uint32        consumer                         
Current consumers on queue
-    consumersHigh          uint32        consumer                         
Current consumers on queue (High)
-    consumersLow           uint32        consumer                         
Current consumers on queue (Low)
-    bindings               uint32        binding                          
Current bindings
-    bindingsHigh           uint32        binding                          
Current bindings (High)
-    bindingsLow            uint32        binding                          
Current bindings (Low)
-    unackedMessages        uint32        message                          
Messages consumed but not yet acked
-    unackedMessagesHigh    uint32        message                          
Messages consumed but not yet acked (High)
-    unackedMessagesLow     uint32        message                          
Messages consumed but not yet acked (Low)
-    messageLatencySamples  delta-time    nanosecond                       
Broker latency through this queue (Samples)
-    messageLatencyMin      delta-time    nanosecond                       
Broker latency through this queue (Min)
-    messageLatencyMax      delta-time    nanosecond                       
Broker latency through this queue (Max)
-    messageLatencyAverage  delta-time    nanosecond                       
Broker latency through this queue (Average)
-Method 'purge' Discard all messages on queue
-qpid: list queue
-Objects of type qpid.queue
-    ID    Created   Destroyed  Index
-    ===========================================================================
-    1012  21:08:13  -          1002.pub_start
-    1014  21:08:13  -          1002.pub_done
-    1016  21:08:13  -          1002.sub_ready
-    1018  21:08:13  -          1002.sub_done
-    1020  21:08:13  -          1002.perftest0
-    1038  21:09:08  -          1002.mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
-    1040  21:09:08  -          1002.repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
-    1046  21:09:32  -          1002.mgmt-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
-    1048  21:09:32  -          1002.repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
-    1054  21:10:01  -          1002.mgmt-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
-    1056  21:10:01  -          1002.repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
-    1063  21:26:00  -          1002.mgmt-8d621997-6356-48c3-acab-76a37081d0f3
-    1065  21:26:00  -          1002.repl-8d621997-6356-48c3-acab-76a37081d0f3
-qpid: list 1020
-Object of type qpid.queue: (last sample time: 21:26:02)
-    Type    Element                1020
-    ==========================================================================
-    config  vhostRef               1002
-    config  name                   perftest0
-    config  durable                False
-    config  autoDelete             False
-    config  exclusive              False
-    config  arguments              {'qpid.max_size': 0, 'qpid.max_count': 0}
-    config  storeRef               NULL
-    inst    msgTotalEnqueues       500000 messages
-    inst    msgTotalDequeues       500000
-    inst    msgTxnEnqueues         0
-    inst    msgTxnDequeues         0
-    inst    msgPersistEnqueues     0
-    inst    msgPersistDequeues     0
-    inst    msgDepth               0
-    inst    msgDepthHigh           0
-    inst    msgDepthLow            0
-    inst    byteTotalEnqueues      512000000 octets
-    inst    byteTotalDequeues      512000000
-    inst    byteTxnEnqueues        0
-    inst    byteTxnDequeues        0
-    inst    bytePersistEnqueues    0
-    inst    bytePersistDequeues    0
-    inst    byteDepth              0
-    inst    byteDepthHigh          0
-    inst    byteDepthLow           0
-    inst    enqueueTxnStarts       0 transactions
-    inst    enqueueTxnCommits      0
-    inst    enqueueTxnRejects      0
-    inst    enqueueTxnCount        0
-    inst    enqueueTxnCountHigh    0
-    inst    enqueueTxnCountLow     0
-    inst    dequeueTxnStarts       0
-    inst    dequeueTxnCommits      0
-    inst    dequeueTxnRejects      0
-    inst    dequeueTxnCount        0
-    inst    dequeueTxnCountHigh    0
-    inst    dequeueTxnCountLow     0
-    inst    consumers              0 consumers
-    inst    consumersHigh          0
-    inst    consumersLow           0
-    inst    bindings               1 binding
-    inst    bindingsHigh           1
-    inst    bindingsLow            1
-    inst    unackedMessages        0 messages
-    inst    unackedMessagesHigh    0
-    inst    unackedMessagesLow     0
-    inst    messageLatencySamples  0
-    inst    messageLatencyMin      0
-    inst    messageLatencyMax      0
-    inst    messageLatencyAverage  0
-</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidprintevents"></a>2.1.4.&#160;
-            Using
-            qpid-printevents
-          </h3></div></div></div><p>
-            This utility connects to one or more brokers and collects events,
-            printing out a line per event.
-          </p><pre class="programlisting">
-$ qpid-printevents --help
-Usage: qpid-printevents [options] [broker-addr]...
-Collect and print events from one or more Qpid message brokers.  If no broker-
-addr is supplied, qpid-printevents will connect to 'localhost:5672'. broker-
-addr is of the form:  [username/password@] hostname | ip-address 
[:&lt;port&gt;] ex:
-localhost,, broker-host:10000, guest/guest@localhost
-  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
-            You get the idea... have fun!
-          </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="idm139836367882816"></a>2.1.5.&#160;Using 
qpid-ha</h3></div></div></div><p>This utility lets you monitor and control the 
activity of the clustering behavior provided by the HA module.
-  </p><pre class="programlisting">
-qpid-ha --help
-usage: qpid-ha &lt;command&gt; [&lt;arguments&gt;]
-Commands are:
-  ready        Test if a backup broker is ready.
-  query        Print HA configuration settings.
-  set          Set HA configuration settings.
-  promote      Promote broker from backup to primary.
-  replicate    Set up replication from &lt;queue&gt; on &lt;remote-broker&gt; 
to &lt;queue&gt; on the current broker.
-For help with a command type: qpid-ha &lt;command&gt; --help
-  </pre></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table 
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-          <div class="docbook"><div class="navheader"><table 
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colspan="3">1.12.&#160;Active-Passive Messaging Clusters</th></tr><tr><td 
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href="Using-message-groups.html">Prev</a>&#160;</td><th align="center" 
-      Running the AMQP Messaging Broker
-    </th><td align="right" width="20%">&#160;<a accesskey="n" 
href="ha-queue-replication.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div 
class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a 
id="chapter-ha"></a>1.12.&#160;Active-Passive Messaging 
Clusters</h2></div></div></div><div class="section"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a 
-      The High Availability (HA) module provides
-      <em class="firstterm">active-passive</em>, <em 
-      messaging clusters to provide fault tolerant message delivery.
-    </p><p>
-      In an active-passive cluster only one broker, known as the
-      <em class="firstterm">primary</em>, is active and serving clients at a 
time. The other
-      brokers are standing by as <em class="firstterm">backups</em>. Changes 
on the primary
-      are replicated to all the backups so they are always up-to-date or 
"hot". Backup
-      brokers reject client connection attempts, to enforce the requirement 
that clients
-      only connect to the primary.
-    </p><p>
-      If the primary fails, one of the backups is promoted to take over as the 
-      primary. Clients fail-over to the new primary automatically. If there 
are multiple
-      backups, the other backups also fail-over to become backups of the new 
-    </p><p>
-      This approach relies on an external <em class="firstterm">cluster 
resource manager</em>
-      to detect failures, choose the new primary and handle network 
partitions. <a class="ulink" 
target="_top">Rgmanager</a> is supported
-      initially, but others may be supported in the future.
-    </p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 
class="title"><a id="ha-at-least-once"></a>;Avoiding message 
-       In order to avoid message loss, the primary broker <span 
-       acknowledgment</em></span> of messages received from clients until the
-       message has been replicated and acknowledged by all of the back-up
-       brokers, or has been consumed from the primary queue.
-      </p><p>
-       This ensures that all acknowledged messages are safe: they have either
-       been consumed or backed up to all backup brokers.  Messages that are
-       consumed <span class="emphasis"><em>before</em></span> they are 
replicated do not need to
-       be replicated. This reduces the work load when replicating a queue with
-       active consumers.
-      </p><p>
-       Clients keep <span class="emphasis"><em>unacknowledged</em></span> 
messages in a buffer
-       <a class="footnote" href="#ftn.idm139836366433200" 
id="idm139836366433200"><sup class="footnote">[1]</sup></a>
-       until they are acknowledged by the primary. If the primary fails, 
clients will
-       fail-over to the new primary and <span 
class="emphasis"><em>re-send</em></span> all their
-       unacknowledged messages.
-       <a class="footnote" href="#ftn.idm139836367357152" 
id="idm139836367357152"><sup class="footnote">[2]</sup></a>
-      </p><p>
-       If the primary crashes, all the <span 
-       messages will be available on the backup that takes over as the new
-       primary. The <span class="emphasis"><em>unacknowledged</em></span> 
messages will be
-       re-sent by the clients.  Thus no messages are lost.
-      </p><p>
-       Note that this means it is possible for messages to be
-       <span class="emphasis"><em>duplicated</em></span>. In the event of a 
failure it is possible for a
-       message to received by the backup that becomes the new primary
-       <span class="emphasis"><em>and</em></span> re-sent by the client.  The 
application must take steps
-       to identify and eliminate duplicates.
-      </p><p>
-       When a new primary is promoted after a fail-over it is initially in
-       "recovering" mode. In this mode, it delays acknowledgment of messages
-       on behalf of all the backups that were connected to the previous
-       primary. This protects those messages against a failure of the new
-       primary until the backups have a chance to connect and catch up.
-      </p><p>
-       Not all messages need to be replicated to the back-up brokers. If a
-       message is consumed and acknowledged by a regular client before it has
-       been replicated to a backup, then it doesn't need to be replicated.
-      </p><div class="variablelist"><p class="title"><strong>HA Broker 
States</strong></p><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span 
-             Initial state of a new broker that has not yet connected to the 
-           </p></dd><dt><span class="term">Catch-up</span></dt><dd><p>
-             A backup broker that is connected to the primary and catching up
-             on queues and messages.
-           </p></dd><dt><span class="term">Ready</span></dt><dd><p>
-             A backup broker that is fully caught-up and ready to take over as
-             primary.
-           </p></dd><dt><span class="term">Recovering</span></dt><dd><p>
-             The newly-promoted primary, waiting for backups to connect and 
catch up.
-           </p></dd><dt><span class="term">Active</span></dt><dd><p>
-             The active primary broker with all backups connected and 
-           </p></dd></dl></div></div><div class="section"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a 
-       There are a some known limitations in the current implementation. These
-       will be fixed in future versions.
-      </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li 
-           Transactional changes to queue state are not replicated atomically. 
-           the primary crashes during a transaction, it is possible that the
-           backup could contain only part of the changes introduced by a
-           transaction.
-         </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
-           Configuration changes (creating or deleting queues, exchanges and
-           bindings) are replicated asynchronously. Management tools used to
-           make changes will consider the change complete when it is complete
-           on the primary, it may not yet be replicated to all the backups.
-         </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
-           Federation links <span class="emphasis"><em>to</em></span> the 
primary will fail over
-           correctly.  Federated links <span 
class="emphasis"><em>from</em></span> the primary
-           will be lost in fail over, they will not be re-connected to the new
-           primary. It is possible to work around this by replacing the
-           <code class="literal">qpidd-primary</code> start up script with a 
script that
-           re-creates federation links when the primary is promoted.
-         </p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="section"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a 
id="ha-virtual-ip"></a>1.12.2.&#160;Virtual IP 
-      Some resource managers (including <span 
class="command"><strong>rgmanager</strong></span>) support
-      <em class="firstterm">virtual IP addresses</em>. A virtual IP address is 
an IP
-      address that can be relocated to any of the nodes in a cluster.  The
-      resource manager associates this address with the primary node in the
-      cluster, and relocates it to the new primary when there is a failure. 
-      simplifies configuration as you can publish a single IP address rather
-      than a list.
-    </p><p>
-      A virtual IP address can be used by clients to connect to the primary. 
-      following sections will explain how to configure virtual IP addresses for
-      clients or brokers.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-broker-config"></a>1.12.3.&#160;Configuring the 
-      The broker must load the <code class="filename">ha</code> module, it is 
loaded by
-      default. The following broker options are available for the HA module.
-    </p><div class="table"><a id="ha-broker-options"></a><p 
class="title"><strong>Table&#160;1.27.&#160;Broker Options for High 
Availability Messaging Cluster</strong></p><div class="table-contents"><table 
border="1" summary="Broker Options for High Availability Messaging 
Cluster"><colgroup><col align="left" class="c1" /><col align="left" class="c2" 
/></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="center" colspan="2">
-             Options for High Availability Messaging Cluster
-           </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">
-             <code class="literal">ha-cluster <em 
-           </td><td align="left">
-             Set to "yes" to have the broker join a cluster.
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left">
-             <code class="literal">ha-queue-replication <em 
-           </td><td align="left">
-             Enable replication of specific queues without joining a cluster, 
see <a class="xref" href="ha-queue-replication.html" 
title="1.13.&#160;Replicating Queues with the HA module">Section&#160;1.13, 
&#8220;Replicating Queues with the HA module&#8221;</a>.
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left">
-             <code class="literal">ha-brokers-url <em 
-           </td><td align="left">
-             <p>
-               The URL
-               <a class="footnote" href="#ftn.ha-url-grammar" 
id="ha-url-grammar"><sup class="footnote">[a]</sup></a>
-               used by cluster brokers to connect to each other. The URL should
-               contain a comma separated list of the broker addresses, rather 
than a
-               virtual IP address.
-             </p>
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left"><code class="literal">ha-public-url 
<em class="replaceable"><code>URL</code></em></code> </td><td align="left">
-             <p>
-               The URL <a class="footnoteref" 
class="footnoteref">[a]</sup></a> is advertised to
-               clients as the "known-hosts" for fail-over.  It can be a list or
-               a single virtual IP address. A virtual IP address is 
-             </p>
-             <p>
-               Using this option you can put client and broker traffic on
-               separate networks, which is recommended.
-             </p>
-             <p>
-               Note: When HA clustering is enabled the broker option
-               <code class="literal">known-hosts-url</code> is ignored and 
over-ridden by
-               the <code class="literal">ha-public-url</code> setting.
-             </p>
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left"><code class="literal">ha-replicate 
</code><em class="replaceable"><code>VALUE</code></em></td><td align="left">
-             <p>
-               Specifies whether queues and exchanges are replicated by 
-               <em class="replaceable"><code>VALUE</code></em> is one of: 
<code class="literal">none</code>,
-               <code class="literal">configuration</code>, <code 
-               For details see <a class="xref" 
href="chapter-ha.html#ha-replicate-values" title="1.12.7.&#160;Controlling 
replication of queues and exchanges">Section&#160;1.12.7, &#8220;Controlling 
replication of queues and exchanges&#8221;</a>.
-             </p>
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left">
-             <p><code class="literal">ha-username <em 
-             <p><code class="literal">ha-password <em 
-             <p><code class="literal">ha-mechanism <em 
-           </td><td align="left">
-             Authentication settings used by HA brokers to connect to each 
-             see <a class="xref" href="chapter-ha.html#ha-security" 
title="1.12.9.&#160;Security and Access Control.">Section&#160;1.12.9, 
&#8220;Security and Access Control.&#8221;</a>
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left"><code 
-           <a class="footnote" href="#ftn.ha-seconds-spec" 
id="ha-seconds-spec"><sup class="footnote">[b]</sup></a>
-           </td><td align="left">
-             <p>
-               Maximum time that a recovering primary will wait for an expected
-               backup to connect and become ready.
-             </p>
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left">
-             <code class="literal">link-maintenance-interval <em 
-             <a class="footnoteref" 
-           </td><td align="left">
-             <p>
-               Interval for the broker to check link health and re-connect 
links if need
-               be. If you want brokers to fail over quickly you can set this 
to a
-               fraction of a second, for example: 0.1.
-             </p>
-           </td></tr><tr><td align="left">
-             <code class="literal">link-heartbeat-interval <em 
-             <a class="footnoteref" 
-           </td><td align="left">
-             <p>
-               Heartbeat interval for replication links. The link will be 
assumed broken
-               if there is no heartbeat for twice the interval.
-             </p>
-           </td></tr></tbody><tbody class="footnotes"><tr><td colspan="2"><div 
class="footnote" id="ftn.ha-url-grammar"><p><a class="para" 
href="#ha-url-grammar"><sup class="para">[a] </sup></a>
-                 The full format of the URL is given by this grammar:
-                 </p><pre class="programlisting">
-url = ["amqp:"][ user ["/" password] "@" ] addr ("," addr)*
-addr = tcp_addr / rmda_addr / ssl_addr / ...
-tcp_addr = ["tcp:"] host [":" port]
-rdma_addr = "rdma:" host [":" port]
-ssl_addr = "ssl:" host [":" port]'
-                 </pre><p>
-                 </p></div><div class="footnote" 
id="ftn.ha-seconds-spec"><p><a class="para" href="#ha-seconds-spec"><sup 
class="para">[b] </sup></a>
-               Values specified as <em 
class="replaceable"><code>SECONDS</code></em> can be a
-               fraction of a second, e.g. "0.1" for a tenth of a second.
-               They can also have an explicit unit, e.g. 10s, 10ms, 10us, 10ns
-             </p></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br 
class="table-break" /><p>
-      To configure a HA cluster you must set at least <code 
class="literal">ha-cluster</code> and
-      <code class="literal">ha-brokers-url</code>.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-rm"></a>1.12.4.&#160;The Cluster Resource 
-      Broker fail-over is managed by a <em class="firstterm">cluster resource
-      manager</em>.  An integration with <a class="ulink" 
target="_top">rgmanager</a> is
-      provided, but it is possible to integrate with other resource managers.
-    </p><p>
-      The resource manager is responsible for starting the <span 
class="command"><strong>qpidd</strong></span> broker
-      on each node in the cluster. The resource manager then <em 
-      one of the brokers to be the primary. The other brokers connect to the 
primary as
-      backups, using the URL provided in the <code 
class="literal">ha-brokers-url</code> configuration
-      option.
-    </p><p>
-      Once connected, the backup brokers synchronize their state with the
-      primary.  When a backup is synchronized, or "hot", it is ready to take
-      over if the primary fails.  Backup brokers continually receive updates
-      from the primary in order to stay synchronized.
-    </p><p>
-      If the primary fails, backup brokers go into fail-over mode. The resource
-      manager must detect the failure and promote one of the backups to be the
-      new primary.  The other backups connect to the new primary and 
-      their state with it.
-    </p><p>
-      The resource manager is also responsible for protecting the cluster from
-      <em class="firstterm">split-brain</em> conditions resulting from a 
network partition.  A
-      network partition divide a cluster into two sub-groups which cannot see 
each other.
-      Usually a <em class="firstterm">quorum</em> voting algorithm is used 
that disables nodes
-      in the inquorate sub-group.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-rm-config"></a>1.12.5.&#160;Configuring <span 
class="command"><strong>rgmanager</strong></span> as resource 
-      This section assumes that you are already familiar with setting up and 
-      clustered services using <span 
class="command"><strong>cman</strong></span> and
-      <span class="command"><strong>rgmanager</strong></span>. It will show 
you how to configure an active-passive,
-      hot-standby <span class="command"><strong>qpidd</strong></span> HA 
cluster with <span class="command"><strong>rgmanager</strong></span>.
-    </p><p>
-      You must provide a <code class="literal">cluster.conf</code> file to 
-      <span class="command"><strong>cman</strong></span> and <span 
class="command"><strong>rgmanager</strong></span>.  Here is
-      an example <code class="literal">cluster.conf</code> file for a cluster 
of 3 nodes named
-      node1, node2 and node3. We will go through the configuration 
-    </p><pre class="programlisting">
-&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
-This is an example of a cluster.conf file to run qpidd HA under rgmanager.
-This example assumes a 3 node cluster, with nodes named node1, node2 and node3.
-NOTE: fencing is not shown, you must configure fencing appropriately for your 
-&lt;cluster name="qpid-test" config_version="18"&gt;
-  &lt;!-- The cluster has 3 nodes. Each has a unique nodid and one vote
-       for quorum. --&gt;
-  &lt;clusternodes&gt;
-    &lt;clusternode name="" nodeid="1"/&gt;
-    &lt;clusternode name="" nodeid="2"/&gt;
-    &lt;clusternode name="" nodeid="3"/&gt;
-  &lt;/clusternodes&gt;
-  &lt;!-- Resouce Manager configuration. --&gt;
-  &lt;rm&gt;
-    &lt;!--
-       There is a failoverdomain for each node containing just that node.
-       This lets us stipulate that the qpidd service should always run on each 
-    --&gt;
-    &lt;failoverdomains&gt;
-      &lt;failoverdomain name="node1-domain" restricted="1"&gt;
-       &lt;failoverdomainnode name=""/&gt;
-      &lt;/failoverdomain&gt;
-      &lt;failoverdomain name="node2-domain" restricted="1"&gt;
-       &lt;failoverdomainnode name=""/&gt;
-      &lt;/failoverdomain&gt;
-      &lt;failoverdomain name="node3-domain" restricted="1"&gt;
-       &lt;failoverdomainnode name=""/&gt;
-      &lt;/failoverdomain&gt;
-    &lt;/failoverdomains&gt;
-    &lt;resources&gt;
-      &lt;!-- This script starts a qpidd broker acting as a backup. --&gt;
-      &lt;script file="/etc/init.d/qpidd" name="qpidd"/&gt;
-      &lt;!-- This script promotes the qpidd broker on this node to primary. 
-      &lt;script file="/etc/init.d/qpidd-primary" name="qpidd-primary"/&gt;
-      &lt;!-- This is a virtual IP address for client traffic. --&gt;
-      &lt;ip address="" monitor_link="1"/&gt;
-    &lt;/resources&gt;
-    &lt;!-- There is a qpidd service on each node, it should be restarted if 
it fails. --&gt;
-    &lt;service name="node1-qpidd-service" domain="node1-domain" 
-      &lt;script ref="qpidd"/&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service name="node2-qpidd-service" domain="node2-domain" 
-      &lt;script ref="qpidd"/&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service name="node3-qpidd-service" domain="node3-domain"  
-      &lt;script ref="qpidd"/&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;!-- There should always be a single qpidd-primary service, it can run 
on any node. --&gt;
-    &lt;service name="qpidd-primary-service" autostart="1" exclusive="0" 
-      &lt;script ref="qpidd-primary"/&gt;
-      &lt;!-- The primary has the IP addresses for brokers and clients to 
connect. --&gt;
-      &lt;ip ref=""/&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-  &lt;/rm&gt;
-    </pre><p>
-      There is a <code class="literal">failoverdomain</code> for each node 
containing just that
-      one node.  This lets us stipulate that the qpidd service should always 
run on all
-      nodes.
-    </p><p>
-      The <code class="literal">resources</code> section defines the <span 
-      script used to start the <span 
class="command"><strong>qpidd</strong></span> service. It also defines the
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpid-primary</strong></span> script which 
does not
-      actually start a new service, rather it promotes the existing
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpidd</strong></span> broker to primary 
-    </p><p>
-      The <code class="literal">resources</code> section also defines a 
virtual IP
-      address for clients.
-    </p><p>
-      To take advantage of the virtual IP addresses, <code 
-      should contain these  lines:
-    </p><pre class="programlisting">
-      ha-cluster=yes
-      ha-public-url=
-      ha-brokers-url=,,
-    </pre><p>
-      This configuration allows clients to connect to a single address:
-  The brokers connect to each other directly via the 
-      listed in <span class="command"><strong>ha-brokers-url</strong></span>. 
Note the client and broker
-      addresses are on separate sub-nets, this is recommended but not required.
-    </p><p>
-      The <code class="literal">service</code> section defines 3 <code 
-      services, one for each node. Each service is in a restricted fail-over
-      domain containing just that node, and has the <code 
-      recovery policy. The effect of this is that rgmanager will run
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpidd</strong></span> on each node, 
restarting if it fails.
-    </p><p>
-      There is a single <code class="literal">qpidd-primary-service</code> 
using the
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpidd-primary</strong></span> script which 
is not restricted to a
-      domain and has the <code class="literal">relocate</code> recovery 
policy. This means
-      rgmanager will start <span 
class="command"><strong>qpidd-primary</strong></span> on one of the nodes
-      when the cluster starts and will relocate it to another node if the
-      original node fails. Running the <code 
class="literal">qpidd-primary</code> script
-      does not start a new broker process, it promotes the existing broker to
-      become the primary.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-broker-admin"></a>1.12.6.&#160;Broker Administration 
-      Normally, clients are not allowed to connect to a backup broker. However
-      management tools are allowed to connect to a backup brokers. If you use
-      these tools you <span class="emphasis"><em>must not</em></span> add or 
remove messages from
-      replicated queues, nor create or delete replicated queues or exchanges as
-      this will disrupt the replication process and may cause message loss.
-    </p><p>
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpid-ha</strong></span> allows you to view 
and change HA configuration settings.
-    </p><p>
-      The tools <span class="command"><strong>qpid-config</strong></span>, 
<span class="command"><strong>qpid-route</strong></span> and
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpid-stat</strong></span> will connect to 
a backup if you pass the flag <span 
class="command"><strong>ha-admin</strong></span> on the
-      command line.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-replicate-values"></a>1.12.7.&#160;Controlling 
replication of queues and exchanges</h3></div></div></div><p>
-      By default, queues and exchanges are not replicated automatically. You 
can change
-      the default behavior by setting the <code 
class="literal">ha-replicate</code> configuration
-      option. It has one of the following values:
-      </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li 
-           <em class="firstterm">all</em>: Replicate everything automatically: 
-           exchanges, bindings and messages.
-         </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
-           <em class="firstterm">configuration</em>: Replicate the existence 
of queues,
-           exchange and bindings but don't replicate messages.
-         </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
-           <em class="firstterm">none</em>: Don't replicate anything, this is 
the default.
-         </p></li></ul></div><p>
-    </p><p>
-      You can over-ride the default for a particular queue or exchange by 
passing the
-      argument <code class="literal">qpid.replicate</code> when creating the 
queue or exchange. It
-      takes the same values as <code class="literal">ha-replicate</code>
-    </p><p>
-      Bindings are automatically replicated if the queue and exchange being 
bound both
-      have replication <code class="literal">all</code> or <code 
class="literal">configuration</code>, they
-      are not replicated otherwise.
-    </p><p>
-      You can create replicated queues and exchanges with the
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpid-config</strong></span> management 
tool like this:
-    </p><pre class="programlisting">
-      qpid-config add queue myqueue --replicate all
-    </pre><p>
-      To create replicated queues and exchanges via the client API, add a
-      <code class="literal">node</code> entry to the address like this:
-    </p><pre class="programlisting">
-    </pre><p>
-      There are some built-in exchanges created automatically by the broker, 
-      exchanges are never replicated. The built-in exchanges are the default 
-      exchange, the AMQP standard exchanges (<code class="literal">, 
amq.topic, amq.fanout</code> and
-      <code class="literal">amq.match</code>) and the management exchanges 
(<code class="literal">,</code> and
-      <code class="literal">qmf.default.topic</code>)
-    </p><p>
-      Note that if you bind a replicated queue to one of these exchanges, the
-      binding will <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> be replicated, 
so the queue will not
-      have the binding after a fail-over.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-failover"></a>1.12.8.&#160;Client Connection and 
-      Clients can only connect to the primary broker. Backup brokers reject any
-      connection attempt by a client. Clients rejected by a backup broker will
-      automatically fail-over until they connect to the primary. if
-      <code class="literal">ha-public-url</code> contains multiple addresses, 
the client
-      will them all in rotation. If it is a virtual IP address the clients will
-      retry on the same address until it is reconnected.
-    </p><p>
-      Clients are configured with the URL for the cluster (details below for
-      each type of client). There are two possibilities
-      </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li 
-           The URL contains multiple addresses, one for each broker in the 
-         </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
-           The URL contains a single <em class="firstterm">virtual IP 
-           that is assigned to the primary broker by the resource manager.
-           This is the recommended configuration.
-         </p></li></ul></div><p>
-      In the first case, clients will repeatedly re-try each address in the URL
-      until they successfully connect to the primary. In the second case the
-      resource manager will assign the virtual IP address to the primary 
-      so clients only need to re-try on a single address.
-    </p><p>
-      When the primary broker fails, clients re-try all known cluster addresses
-      until they connect to the new primary.  The client re-sends any messages
-      that were previously sent but not acknowledged by the broker at the time
-      of the failure.  Similarly messages that have been sent by the broker, 
-      not acknowledged by the client, are re-queued.
-    </p><p>
-      TCP can be slow to detect connection failures. A client can configure a
-      connection to use a <em class="firstterm">heartbeat</em> to detect 
-      failure, and can specify a time interval for the heartbeat. If heartbeats
-      are in use, failures will be detected no later than twice the heartbeat
-      interval. The following sections explain how to enable heartbeat in each
-      client.
-    </p><p>
-      Note: the following sections explain how to configure clients with
-      multiple dresses, but if you are using a virtual IP address you only need
-      to configure that one address for clients, you don't need to list all the
-      addresses.
-    </p><p>
-      Suppose your cluster has 3 nodes: <code class="literal">node1</code>,
-      <code class="literal">node2</code> and <code 
class="literal">node3</code> all using the
-      default AMQP port, and you are not using a virtual IP address. To connect
-      a client you need to specify the address(es) and set the
-      <code class="literal">reconnect</code> property to <code 
class="literal">true</code>. The
-      following sub-sections show how to connect each type of client.
-    </p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 
class="title"><a id="ha-clients"></a>;C++ 
-       With the C++ client, you specify multiple cluster addresses in a single 
-       <a class="footnote" href="#ftn.idm139836370894704" 
id="idm139836370894704"><sup class="footnote">[3]</sup></a>
-       You also need to specify the connection option
-       <code class="literal">reconnect</code> to be true.  For example:
-      </p><pre class="programlisting">
-       qpid::messaging::Connection c("node1,node2,node3","{reconnect:true}");
-      </pre><p>
-       Heartbeats are disabled by default. You can enable them by specifying a
-       heartbeat interval (in seconds) for the connection via the
-       <code class="literal">heartbeat</code> option. For example:
-       </p><pre class="programlisting">
-         qpid::messaging::Connection 
-       </pre><p>
-      </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 
class="title"><a id="ha-python-client"></a>;Python 
-       With the python client, you specify <code 
-       and a list of <em class="replaceable"><code>host:port</code></em> 
addresses as
-       <code class="literal">reconnect_urls</code> when calling
-       <code class="literal">Connection.establish</code> or
-       <code class="literal"></code>
-      </p><pre class="programlisting">
-       connection = qpid.messaging.Connection.establish("node1", 
reconnect=True, reconnect_urls=["node1", "node2", "node3"])
-      </pre><p>
-       Heartbeats are disabled by default. You can
-       enable them by specifying a heartbeat interval (in seconds) for the
-       connection via the 'heartbeat' option. For example:
-      </p><pre class="programlisting">
-       connection = qpid.messaging.Connection.establish("node1", 
reconnect=True, reconnect_urls=["node1", "node2", "node3"], heartbeat=10)
-      </pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 
class="title"><a id="ha-jms-client"></a>;Java JMS 
-       In Java JMS clients, client fail-over is handled automatically if it is
-       enabled in the connection.  You can configure a connection to use
-       fail-over using the <span 
class="command"><strong>failover</strong></span> property:
-      </p><pre class="screen">
-       connectionfactory.qpidConnectionfactory = 
-      </pre><p>
-       This property can take three values:
-      </p><div class="variablelist"><p class="title"><strong>Fail-over 
Modes</strong></p><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span 
-             If the connection fails, fail over to any other broker in the 
-           </p></dd><dt><span class="term">roundrobin</span></dt><dd><p>
-             If the connection fails, fail over to one of the brokers 
specified in the <span class="command"><strong>brokerlist</strong></span>.
-           </p></dd><dt><span class="term">singlebroker</span></dt><dd><p>
-             Fail-over is not supported; the connection is to a single broker 
-           </p></dd></dl></div><p>
-       In a Connection URL, heartbeat is set using the <span 
class="command"><strong>heartbeat</strong></span> property, which is an integer 
corresponding to the heartbeat period in seconds. For instance, the following 
line from a JNDI properties file sets the heartbeat time out to 3 seconds:
-      </p><pre class="screen">
-       connectionfactory.qpidConnectionfactory = 
-      </pre></div></div><div class="section"><div 
class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a 
id="ha-security"></a>1.12.9.&#160;Security and Access 
-      You can secure your cluster using the authentication and authorization
-      features described in <a class="xref" 
title="1.5.&#160;Security">Section&#160;1.5, &#8220;Security&#8221;</a>.
-      HA brokers use the credentials set by the following options:
-    </p><div class="table"><a id="ha-security-options"></a><p 
class="title"><strong>Table&#160;1.28.&#160;HA Security 
Options</strong></p><div class="table-contents"><table border="1" summary="HA 
Security Options"><colgroup><col align="left" class="c1" /><col align="left" 
class="c2" /></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="center" colspan="2">
-             HA Security Options
-           </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left"><p><code 
class="literal">ha-username</code> <em 
class="replaceable"><code>USER</code></em></p></td><td align="left"><p>User 
name for HA brokers.</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left"><p><code 
class="literal">ha-password</code> <em 
class="replaceable"><code>PASS</code></em></p></td><td align="left"><p>Password 
for HA brokers.</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left"><p><code 
class="literal">ha-mechanism</code> <em 
align="left"><p>Mechanism for HA 
brokers.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break" /><p>
-      This identity is used to authorize federation links from backup to
-      primary.  It is also used to authorize actions on the backup to replicate
-      primary state, for example creating queues and exchanges.
-    </p><p>
-      When using an Access Control List the following ACL rule is required
-      when <code class="literal">ha-username</code>=<em 
-    </p><pre class="programlisting">
-      acl allow <em class="replaceable"><code>USER</code></em>@QPID all all
-    </pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-other-rm"></a>1.12.10.&#160;Integrating with other 
Cluster Resource Managers</h3></div></div></div><p>
-      To integrate with a different resource manager you must configure it to:
-      </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li 
class="listitem"><p>Start a qpidd process on each node of the 
cluster.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Restart qpidd if it 
crashes.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Promote exactly one of the brokers to 
primary.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Detect a failure and promote a new 
-    </p><p>
-      The <span class="command"><strong>qpid-ha</strong></span> command allows 
you to check if a broker is primary,
-      and to promote a backup to primary.
-    </p><p>
-      To test if a broker is the primary:
-      </p><pre class="programlisting">
-       qpid-ha -b <em class="replaceable"><code>broker-address</code></em> 
status --expect=primary
-      </pre><p>
-      This command will return 0 if the broker at <em 
-      is the primary, non-0 otherwise.
-    </p><p>
-      To promote a broker to primary:
-      </p><pre class="programlisting">
-       qpid-ha -b <em class="replaceable"><code>broker-address</code></em> 
-      </pre><p>
-    </p><p>
-      <span class="command"><strong>qpid-ha --help</strong></span> gives 
information on other commands and options available.
-      You can also use <span class="command"><strong>qpid-ha</strong></span> 
to manually examine and promote brokers. This
-      can be useful for testing failover scenarios without having to set up a 
full resource manager,
-      or to simulate a cluster on a single node. For deployment, a resource 
manager is required.
-    </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 
class="title"><a id="ha-store"></a>1.12.11.&#160;Using a message store in a 
-      If you use a persistent store for your messages then each broker in a
-      cluster will have its own store. If the entire cluster fails and is
-      restarted, the *first* broker that becomes primary will recover from its
-      store. All the other brokers will clear their stores and get an update
-      from the primary to ensure consistency.
-    </p></div><div class="footnotes"><br /><hr align="left" width="100" /><div 
class="footnote" id="ftn.idm139836366433200"><p><a class="para" 
href="#idm139836366433200"><sup class="para">[1] </sup></a>
-           You can control the maximum number of messages in the buffer by 
setting the
-           client's <code class="literal">capacity</code>. For details of how 
to set the capacity
-           in client code see "Using the Qpid Messaging API" in
-           <em class="citetitle">Programming in Apache Qpid</em>.
-         </p></div><div class="footnote" id="ftn.idm139836367357152"><p><a 
class="para" href="#idm139836367357152"><sup class="para">[2] </sup></a>
-         Clients must use "at-least-once" reliability to enable re-send of 
-         messages. This is the default behavior, no options need be set to 
enable it. For
-         details of client addressing options see "Using the Qpid Messaging 
-         in <em class="citetitle">Programming in Apache Qpid</em>.
-         </p></div><div class="footnote" id="ftn.idm139836370894704"><p><a 
class="para" href="#idm139836370894704"><sup class="para">[3] </sup></a>
-           The full grammar for the URL is:
-         </p><pre class="programlisting">
-           url = ["amqp:"][ user ["/" password] "@" ] addr ("," addr)*
-           addr = tcp_addr / rmda_addr / ssl_addr / ...
-           tcp_addr = ["tcp:"] host [":" port]
-           rdma_addr = "rdma:" host [":" port]
-           ssl_addr = "ssl:" host [":" port]'
-         </pre></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table 
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