[6/7] git commit: ContextualWorkManager has been changed over to present a ScheduledExecutorService for applications to use, rather than a WorkManager.

2014-02-17 Thread gtrasuk
ContextualWorkManager has been changed over to present a ScheduledExecutorService for applications to use, rather than a WorkManager. Starting up the Admin service now works. AdminService is not yet fully implemented. Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/river-container/repo

[2/7] git commit: There is now an Ideas page in river-container that describes the concepts of the plugin. The river-container-maven-plugin project has a 'listApps' goal that one can install and then

2014-02-17 Thread gtrasuk
There is now an Ideas page in river-container that describes the concepts of the plugin. The river-container-maven-plugin project has a 'listApps' goal that one can install and then print out the configured container home. Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/river-container/repo

[3/7] git commit: Client-profile command line admin app now exists. Files in product/root/bin now have correct file modes on Unix. 'run.sh' is renamed to 'run'. river-container-core 'core-config.xml'

2014-02-17 Thread gtrasuk
Client-profile command line admin app now exists. Files in product/root/bin now have correct file modes on Unix. 'run.sh' is renamed to 'run'. river-container-core 'core-config.xml' is updated to include the river-hsm jar in runtime classpath. Project: