Repository: incubator-singa
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 12db1be01 -> 6a162ad62

SINGA-325 - Fix the bug of numpy version mis-match

update tool/conda/meta.yaml for the versions of dependent libs for compilation 
and running.
update the FAQ for 'No module named _singa_wrap'


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6a162ad624272e42f54e4d921323dbe1adc766ab
Parents: 12db1be
Author: wangwei <>
Authored: Fri Jun 23 12:23:33 2017 +0800
Committer: wangwei <>
Committed: Fri Jun 23 12:23:33 2017 +0800

 doc/en/docs/ | 17 +++++++++++++----
 tool/conda/meta.yaml        | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/en/docs/ b/doc/en/docs/
index 7772cc0..d60e572 100755
--- a/doc/en/docs/
+++ b/doc/en/docs/
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ just copy the dll files into the same folder as 
 * Q: Error from 'import singa' using PySINGA installed from wheel.
     A: Please check the detailed error from `python -c  "from singa import 
_singa_wrap"`. Sometimes it is
-    caused by the dependent libraries, e.g. there are multiple versions of 
protobuf or missing of cudnn. Following
+    caused by the dependent libraries, e.g. there are multiple versions of 
protobuf, missing of cudnn, numpy version mismatch. Following
     steps show the solutions for different cases
     1. Check the cudnn and cuda and gcc versions, cudnn5 and cuda7.5 and 
gcc4.8/4.9 are preferred. if gcc is 5.0, then downgrade it.
        If cudnn is missing or not match with the wheel version, you can 
download the correct version of cudnn into ~/local/cudnn/ and
@@ -316,9 +316,18 @@ just copy the dll files into the same folder as 
             $ source ~/.bashrc
     3. If it cannot find other libs including python, then create virtual env 
using pip or conda;
-       and then install SINGA via
-            $ pip install --upgrade <url of singa wheel>
+    4. If it is not caused by the above reasons, go to the folder of 
+            $ python
+            >> import importlib
+            >> importlib.import_module('_singa_wrap')
+      Check the error message. For example, if the numpy version mismatches, 
the error message would be,
+            RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xb but this 
version of numpy is 0xa
+      Then you need to upgrade the numpy.
 * Q: Error from running `cmake ..`, which cannot find the dependent libraries.
@@ -417,7 +426,7 @@ just copy the dll files into the same folder as 
 * Q: When I run PySINGA in Mac OS X, I got the error "Fatal Python error: 
PyThreadState_Get: no current thread  Abort trap: 6"
-    A: This error happens typically when you have multiple version of Python 
on your system,
+    A: This error happens typically when you have multiple version of Python 
on your system and you installed SINGA via pip (this problem is resolved for 
installation via conda),
     e.g, the one comes with the OS and the one installed by Homebrew. The 
Python linked by PySINGA must be the same as the Python interpreter.
     You can check your interpreter by `which python` and check the Python 
linked by PySINGA via `otool -L <path to>`.
     To fix this error, compile SINGA with the correct version of Python.
diff --git a/tool/conda/meta.yaml b/tool/conda/meta.yaml
index 67aeec7..6d4b67b 100644
--- a/tool/conda/meta.yaml
+++ b/tool/conda/meta.yaml
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ build:
     - python 2.7*
-    - numpy >=1.10
-    - swig >=3.0
-    - openblas >=0.2.10
+    - numpy 1.10
+    - swig 3.0
+    - openblas 0.2.10
     - protobuf 3.0.0
     - glog 0.3.4
     - gcc 4.8.5 # [linux]
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ requirements:
     - python 2.7*
     - numpy >=1.10
-    - protobuf 3.0.0
-    - glog 0.3.4
+    - protobuf >=3.0.0
+    - glog >=0.3.4
     - openblas >=0.2.10
     - flask >=0.10.1
     - flask-cors >=3.0.2

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