Repository: sling-site
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master b08c52ab6 -> 60e5a8807

remove table cells which only contain "-" as that fails with JBake


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 33de87e217eba36f5b0f67c9b8768e6baa4bee01
Parents: 9de648f
Author: Konrad Windszus <>
Authored: Fri Sep 29 12:26:17 2017 +0200
Committer: Konrad Windszus <>
Committed: Fri Sep 29 12:26:17 2017 +0200

 .../content/documentation/bundles/     | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/bundles/ 
index 30fb51f..f28351f 100644
--- a/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/bundles/
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/bundles/
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ The `ValidationModel` is constructed from resources with 
the resourceType **slin
 The resources should have the following format:
-Property/Resource Name      | Property or Resource |  Type   |  Description   
|  Mandatory   |  Example 
+Property/Resource Name      | Property or Resource |  Type   |  Description   
|  Mandatory   |  Example Value
 -------------------- | ------- | -------------- | -------------| --------- | 
 `sling:resourceType` | Property | `String` | Always `sling/validation/model`, 
otherwise model will never be picked up by Sling Validation. | yes | 
 `validatingResourceType` | Property | `String` | The resource type of the 
resource for which this validation model should be applied. Must always be 
relative to the resource resolver's search path (i.e. not start with a "/"). | 
yes | `my/own/resourcetype` 
-`applicablePaths` | Property |  `String[]` | Path prefixes which restrict the 
validation model to resources which are below one of the given prefixes. No 
wildcards are supported. If not given, there is no path restriction. If there 
are multiple validation models registered for the same resource type the one 
with the longest matching applicablePath is chosen. | no | `/content/mysite`
-`properties\<propertyName>` | Resource | - | This resource ensures that the 
property with the name `<propertyName>` is there. The resource name has no 
longer a meaning if the property `nameRegex` is set on this node. | no | `false`
-`properties\<propertyName>\optional` | Property | `Boolean` | If `true` it is 
not an error if there is no property with the given `<propertyName>` or none 
matching the  `nameRegex`. If not set or `false` the property must be there.  | 
no | `false`
-`properties\<propertyName>\propertyMultiple` | Property | `Boolean` | If 
`true` only multivalue properties are allowed with the name `<propertyName>` or 
matching the `nameRegex`. If not set or `false`, multi- and single-value 
properties are accepted.  | no | `false`
+`applicablePaths` | Property | `String[]` | Path prefixes which restrict the 
validation model to resources which are below one of the given prefixes. No 
wildcards are supported. If not given, there is no path restriction. If there 
are multiple validation models registered for the same resource type the one 
with the longest matching applicablePath is chosen. | no | `/content/mysite` 
+`properties\<propertyName>` | Resource | n/a | This resource ensures that the 
property with the name `<propertyName>` is there. The resource name has no 
longer a meaning if the property `nameRegex` is set on this node. | no | n/a 
+`properties\<propertyName>\optional` | Property | `Boolean` | If `true` it is 
not an error if there is no property with the given `<propertyName>` or none 
matching the `nameRegex`. If not set or `false` the property must be there. | 
no | `false` 
+`properties\<propertyName>\propertyMultiple` | Property | `Boolean` | If 
`true` only multivalue properties are allowed with the name `<propertyName>` or 
matching the `nameRegex`. If not set or `false`, multi- and single-value 
properties are accepted. | no | `false`
 `properties\<propertyName>\nameRegex` | Property | `String` | If set the 
`<propertyName>` has no longer a meaning. Rather all properties which match the 
given regular expression are considered. At least one match is required, 
otherwise the validated resource/valuemap is considered invalid. | no | 
-`properties\<propertyName>\validators\<validatorId>` | Resource | - | The 
`<validatorId>` must be the id of a validator. The id is given by the OSGi 
service property `` set in the validator. Each validators node 
might have arbitrarily many child resources (one per validator).  | no | 
+`properties\<propertyName>\validators\<validatorId>` | Resource | n/a | The 
`<validatorId>` must be the id of a validator. The id is given by the OSGi 
service property `` set in the validator. Each validators node 
might have arbitrarily many child resources (one per validator).  | no |  n/a 
 `properties\<propertyName>\validators\<validatorId>\validatorArguments` | 
Property | `String[]` | The parametrization for the validator with the id  
`<validatorId>`. Each value must have the pattern `key=value`. The 
parametrization differs per validator. | no | `regex=^[a-z]*$`
 `properties\<propertyName>\validators\<validatorId>\severity` | Property | 
`Integer` | The severity which should be set on all emitted validation failures 
by this validator. | no | `0` 
-`children\<resourceName>` | Resource | - | This resource ensures that the 
resource with the name `<resourceName>` is there. The resource name has no 
longer a meaning if the property `nameRegex` is set on this node. | no | 
+`children\<resourceName>` | Resource | n/a | This resource ensures that the 
resource with the name `<resourceName>` is there. The resource name has no 
longer a meaning if the property `nameRegex` is set on this node. | no | n/a
 `children\<resourceName>\nameRegex` | Property | `String` | If set the 
`<resourceName>` has no longer a meaning. Rather all resources whose name match 
the given regular expression are considered. At least one match is required, 
otherwise the validated resource/valuemap is considered invalid. | no | 
 `children\<resourceName>\optional` | Property | `Boolean` | If `true` it is 
not an error if there is no resource with the given `<resourceName>` or none 
matching the  `nameRegex`. If not set or `false` the resource must be there. | 
no | `false`
-`children\<resourceName>\properties` | Resource | - | The properties can be 
configured on the child level in the same way as on the root level. | no | -
+`children\<resourceName>\properties` | Resource | n/a | The properties can be 
configured on the child level in the same way as on the root level. | no | n/a
 ## Validation Model Inheritance
 Sling Validation optionally supports the inheritance of Sling Validation 
Models. This means not only the model for exactly the given resource type is 
considered, but also the models for all resource super types.

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