Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master dcefac438 -> 0243b3287

[SPARK-17272][SQL] Move subquery optimizer rules into its own file

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
As part of breaking Optimizer.scala apart, this patch moves various subquery 
rules into a single file.

## How was this patch tested?
This should be covered by existing tests.

Author: Reynold Xin <>

Closes #14844 from rxin/SPARK-17272.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 0243b328736f83faea5f83d18c4d331890ed8e81
Parents: dcefac4
Author: Reynold Xin <>
Authored: Sat Aug 27 00:32:57 2016 -0700
Committer: Reynold Xin <>
Committed: Sat Aug 27 00:32:57 2016 -0700

 .../sql/catalyst/optimizer/Optimizer.scala      | 323 -----------------
 .../spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/subquery.scala | 356 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 356 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)
diff --git 
index d055bc3..8a50368 100644
@@ -1637,326 +1637,3 @@ object RemoveRepetitionFromGroupExpressions extends 
Rule[LogicalPlan] {
       a.copy(groupingExpressions = newGrouping)
- * This rule rewrites predicate sub-queries into left semi/anti joins. The 
following predicates
- * are supported:
- * a. EXISTS/NOT EXISTS will be rewritten as semi/anti join, unresolved 
conditions in Filter
- *    will be pulled out as the join conditions.
- * b. IN/NOT IN will be rewritten as semi/anti join, unresolved conditions in 
the Filter will
- *    be pulled out as join conditions, value = selected column will also be 
used as join
- *    condition.
- */
-object RewritePredicateSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper 
-  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
-    case Filter(condition, child) =>
-      val (withSubquery, withoutSubquery) =
-      // Construct the pruned filter condition.
-      val newFilter: LogicalPlan = withoutSubquery match {
-        case Nil => child
-        case conditions => Filter(conditions.reduce(And), child)
-      }
-      // Filter the plan by applying left semi and left anti joins.
-      withSubquery.foldLeft(newFilter) {
-        case (p, PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, _, _)) =>
-          val (joinCond, outerPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(conditions, p)
-          Join(outerPlan, sub, LeftSemi, joinCond)
-        case (p, Not(PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, false, _))) =>
-          val (joinCond, outerPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(conditions, p)
-          Join(outerPlan, sub, LeftAnti, joinCond)
-        case (p, Not(PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, true, _))) =>
-          // This is a NULL-aware (left) anti join (NAAJ) e.g. col NOT IN expr
-          // Construct the condition. A NULL in one of the conditions is 
regarded as a positive
-          // result; such a row will be filtered out by the Anti-Join operator.
-          // Note that will almost certainly be planned as a Broadcast Nested 
Loop join.
-          // Use EXISTS if performance matters to you.
-          val (joinCond, outerPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(conditions, p)
-          val anyNull = 
-          Join(outerPlan, sub, LeftAnti, Option(Or(anyNull, joinCond.get)))
-        case (p, predicate) =>
-          val (newCond, inputPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(Seq(predicate), p)
-          Project(p.output, Filter(newCond.get, inputPlan))
-      }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Given a predicate expression and an input plan, it rewrites
-   * any embedded existential sub-query into an existential join.
-   * It returns the rewritten expression together with the updated plan.
-   * Currently, it does not support null-aware joins. Embedded NOT IN 
-   * are blocked in the Analyzer.
-   */
-  private def rewriteExistentialExpr(
-      exprs: Seq[Expression],
-      plan: LogicalPlan): (Option[Expression], LogicalPlan) = {
-    var newPlan = plan
-    val newExprs = { e =>
-      e transformUp {
-        case PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, nullAware, _) =>
-          // TODO: support null-aware join
-          val exists = AttributeReference("exists", BooleanType, nullable = 
-          newPlan = Join(newPlan, sub, ExistenceJoin(exists), 
-          exists
-        }
-    }
-    (newExprs.reduceOption(And), newPlan)
-  }
- * This rule rewrites correlated [[ScalarSubquery]] expressions into LEFT 
OUTER joins.
- */
-object RewriteCorrelatedScalarSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
-  /**
-   * Extract all correlated scalar subqueries from an expression. The 
subqueries are collected using
-   * the given collector. The expression is rewritten and returned.
-   */
-  private def extractCorrelatedScalarSubqueries[E <: Expression](
-      expression: E,
-      subqueries: ArrayBuffer[ScalarSubquery]): E = {
-    val newExpression = expression transform {
-      case s: ScalarSubquery if s.children.nonEmpty =>
-        subqueries += s
-        s.plan.output.head
-    }
-    newExpression.asInstanceOf[E]
-  }
-  /**
-   * Statically evaluate an expression containing zero or more placeholders, 
given a set
-   * of bindings for placeholder values.
-   */
-  private def evalExpr(expr: Expression, bindings: Map[ExprId, Option[Any]]) : 
Option[Any] = {
-    val rewrittenExpr = expr transform {
-      case r: AttributeReference =>
-        bindings(r.exprId) match {
-          case Some(v) => Literal.create(v, r.dataType)
-          case None => Literal.default(NullType)
-        }
-    }
-    Option(rewrittenExpr.eval())
-  }
-  /**
-   * Statically evaluate an expression containing one or more aggregates on an 
empty input.
-   */
-  private def evalAggOnZeroTups(expr: Expression) : Option[Any] = {
-    // AggregateExpressions are Unevaluable, so we need to replace all 
-    // in the expression with the value they would return for zero input 
-    // Also replace attribute refs (for example, for grouping columns) with 
-    val rewrittenExpr = expr transform {
-      case a @ AggregateExpression(aggFunc, _, _, resultId) =>
-        aggFunc.defaultResult.getOrElse(Literal.default(NullType))
-      case _: AttributeReference => Literal.default(NullType)
-    }
-    Option(rewrittenExpr.eval())
-  }
-  /**
-   * Statically evaluate a scalar subquery on an empty input.
-   *
-   * <b>WARNING:</b> This method only covers subqueries that pass the checks 
-   * [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis]]. If the checks in
-   * CheckAnalysis become less restrictive, this method will need to change.
-   */
-  private def evalSubqueryOnZeroTups(plan: LogicalPlan) : Option[Any] = {
-    // Inputs to this method will start with a chain of zero or more 
-    // and Project operators, followed by an optional Filter, followed by an
-    // Aggregate. Traverse the operators recursively.
-    def evalPlan(lp : LogicalPlan) : Map[ExprId, Option[Any]] = lp match {
-      case SubqueryAlias(_, child, _) => evalPlan(child)
-      case Filter(condition, child) =>
-        val bindings = evalPlan(child)
-        if (bindings.isEmpty) bindings
-        else {
-          val exprResult = evalExpr(condition, bindings).getOrElse(false)
-            .asInstanceOf[Boolean]
-          if (exprResult) bindings else Map.empty
-        }
-      case Project(projectList, child) =>
-        val bindings = evalPlan(child)
-        if (bindings.isEmpty) {
-          bindings
-        } else {
- => (ne.exprId, evalExpr(ne, bindings))).toMap
-        }
-      case Aggregate(_, aggExprs, _) =>
-        // Some of the expressions under the Aggregate node are the join 
-        // for joining with the outer query block. Fill those expressions in 
-        // nulls and statically evaluate the remainder.
- {
-          case ref: AttributeReference => (ref.exprId, None)
-          case alias @ Alias(_: AttributeReference, _) => (alias.exprId, None)
-          case ne => (ne.exprId, evalAggOnZeroTups(ne))
-        }.toMap
-      case _ => sys.error(s"Unexpected operator in scalar subquery: $lp")
-    }
-    val resultMap = evalPlan(plan)
-    // By convention, the scalar subquery result is the leftmost field.
-    resultMap(plan.output.head.exprId)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Split the plan for a scalar subquery into the parts above the innermost 
query block
-   * (first part of returned value), the HAVING clause of the innermost query 
-   * (optional second part) and the parts below the HAVING CLAUSE (third part).
-   */
-  private def splitSubquery(plan: LogicalPlan) : (Seq[LogicalPlan], 
Option[Filter], Aggregate) = {
-    val topPart = ArrayBuffer.empty[LogicalPlan]
-    var bottomPart: LogicalPlan = plan
-    while (true) {
-      bottomPart match {
-        case havingPart @ Filter(_, aggPart: Aggregate) =>
-          return (topPart, Option(havingPart), aggPart)
-        case aggPart: Aggregate =>
-          // No HAVING clause
-          return (topPart, None, aggPart)
-        case p @ Project(_, child) =>
-          topPart += p
-          bottomPart = child
-        case s @ SubqueryAlias(_, child, _) =>
-          topPart += s
-          bottomPart = child
-        case Filter(_, op) =>
-          sys.error(s"Correlated subquery has unexpected operator $op below 
-        case op @ _ => sys.error(s"Unexpected operator $op in correlated 
-      }
-    }
-    sys.error("This line should be unreachable")
-  }
-  // Name of generated column used in rewrite below
-  val ALWAYS_TRUE_COLNAME = "alwaysTrue"
-  /**
-   * Construct a new child plan by left joining the given subqueries to a base 
-   */
-  private def constructLeftJoins(
-      child: LogicalPlan,
-      subqueries: ArrayBuffer[ScalarSubquery]): LogicalPlan = {
-    subqueries.foldLeft(child) {
-      case (currentChild, ScalarSubquery(query, conditions, _)) =>
-        val origOutput = query.output.head
-        val resultWithZeroTups = evalSubqueryOnZeroTups(query)
-        if (resultWithZeroTups.isEmpty) {
-          // CASE 1: Subquery guaranteed not to have the COUNT bug
-          Project(
-            currentChild.output :+ origOutput,
-            Join(currentChild, query, LeftOuter, conditions.reduceOption(And)))
-        } else {
-          // Subquery might have the COUNT bug. Add appropriate corrections.
-          val (topPart, havingNode, aggNode) = splitSubquery(query)
-          // The next two cases add a leading column to the outer join input 
to make it
-          // possible to distinguish between the case when no tuples join and 
the case
-          // when the tuple that joins contains null values.
-          // The leading column always has the value TRUE.
-          val alwaysTrueExprId = NamedExpression.newExprId
-          val alwaysTrueExpr = Alias(Literal.TrueLiteral,
-            ALWAYS_TRUE_COLNAME)(exprId = alwaysTrueExprId)
-          val alwaysTrueRef = AttributeReference(ALWAYS_TRUE_COLNAME,
-            BooleanType)(exprId = alwaysTrueExprId)
-          val aggValRef = query.output.head
-          if (havingNode.isEmpty) {
-            // CASE 2: Subquery with no HAVING clause
-            Project(
-              currentChild.output :+
-                Alias(
-                  If(IsNull(alwaysTrueRef),
-                    Literal.create(resultWithZeroTups.get, 
-                    aggValRef), = origOutput.exprId),
-              Join(currentChild,
-                Project(query.output :+ alwaysTrueExpr, query),
-                LeftOuter, conditions.reduceOption(And)))
-          } else {
-            // CASE 3: Subquery with HAVING clause. Pull the HAVING clause 
above the join.
-            // Need to modify any operators below the join to pass through all 
-            // referenced in the HAVING clause.
-            var subqueryRoot: UnaryNode = aggNode
-            val havingInputs: Seq[NamedExpression] = aggNode.output
-            topPart.reverse.foreach {
-              case Project(projList, _) =>
-                subqueryRoot = Project(projList ++ havingInputs, subqueryRoot)
-              case s @ SubqueryAlias(alias, _, None) =>
-                subqueryRoot = SubqueryAlias(alias, subqueryRoot, None)
-              case op => sys.error(s"Unexpected operator $op in corelated 
-            }
-            // CASE WHEN alwayTrue IS NULL THEN resultOnZeroTups
-            //      WHEN NOT (original HAVING clause expr) THEN CAST(null AS 
<type of aggVal>)
-            //      ELSE (aggregate value) END AS (original column name)
-            val caseExpr = Alias(CaseWhen(Seq(
-              (IsNull(alwaysTrueRef), Literal.create(resultWithZeroTups.get, 
-              (Not(havingNode.get.condition), Literal.create(null, 
-              aggValRef),
-     = origOutput.exprId)
-            Project(
-              currentChild.output :+ caseExpr,
-              Join(currentChild,
-                Project(subqueryRoot.output :+ alwaysTrueExpr, subqueryRoot),
-                LeftOuter, conditions.reduceOption(And)))
-          }
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Rewrite [[Filter]], [[Project]] and [[Aggregate]] plans containing 
correlated scalar
-   * subqueries.
-   */
-  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
-    case a @ Aggregate(grouping, expressions, child) =>
-      val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[ScalarSubquery]
-      val newExpressions =, subqueries))
-      if (subqueries.nonEmpty) {
-        // We currently only allow correlated subqueries in an aggregate if 
they are part of the
-        // grouping expressions. As a result we need to replace all the scalar 
subqueries in the
-        // grouping expressions by their result.
-        val newGrouping = { e =>
-        }
-        Aggregate(newGrouping, newExpressions, constructLeftJoins(child, 
-      } else {
-        a
-      }
-    case p @ Project(expressions, child) =>
-      val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[ScalarSubquery]
-      val newExpressions =, subqueries))
-      if (subqueries.nonEmpty) {
-        Project(newExpressions, constructLeftJoins(child, subqueries))
-      } else {
-        p
-      }
-    case f @ Filter(condition, child) =>
-      val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[ScalarSubquery]
-      val newCondition = extractCorrelatedScalarSubqueries(condition, 
-      if (subqueries.nonEmpty) {
-        Project(f.output, Filter(newCondition, constructLeftJoins(child, 
-      } else {
-        f
-      }
-  }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14aaab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+ * This file defines optimization rules related to subqueries.
+ */
+ * This rule rewrites predicate sub-queries into left semi/anti joins. The 
following predicates
+ * are supported:
+ * a. EXISTS/NOT EXISTS will be rewritten as semi/anti join, unresolved 
conditions in Filter
+ *    will be pulled out as the join conditions.
+ * b. IN/NOT IN will be rewritten as semi/anti join, unresolved conditions in 
the Filter will
+ *    be pulled out as join conditions, value = selected column will also be 
used as join
+ *    condition.
+ */
+object RewritePredicateSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper 
+  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
+    case Filter(condition, child) =>
+      val (withSubquery, withoutSubquery) =
+      // Construct the pruned filter condition.
+      val newFilter: LogicalPlan = withoutSubquery match {
+        case Nil => child
+        case conditions => Filter(conditions.reduce(And), child)
+      }
+      // Filter the plan by applying left semi and left anti joins.
+      withSubquery.foldLeft(newFilter) {
+        case (p, PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, _, _)) =>
+          val (joinCond, outerPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(conditions, p)
+          Join(outerPlan, sub, LeftSemi, joinCond)
+        case (p, Not(PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, false, _))) =>
+          val (joinCond, outerPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(conditions, p)
+          Join(outerPlan, sub, LeftAnti, joinCond)
+        case (p, Not(PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, true, _))) =>
+          // This is a NULL-aware (left) anti join (NAAJ) e.g. col NOT IN expr
+          // Construct the condition. A NULL in one of the conditions is 
regarded as a positive
+          // result; such a row will be filtered out by the Anti-Join operator.
+          // Note that will almost certainly be planned as a Broadcast Nested 
Loop join.
+          // Use EXISTS if performance matters to you.
+          val (joinCond, outerPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(conditions, p)
+          val anyNull = 
+          Join(outerPlan, sub, LeftAnti, Option(Or(anyNull, joinCond.get)))
+        case (p, predicate) =>
+          val (newCond, inputPlan) = rewriteExistentialExpr(Seq(predicate), p)
+          Project(p.output, Filter(newCond.get, inputPlan))
+      }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Given a predicate expression and an input plan, it rewrites
+   * any embedded existential sub-query into an existential join.
+   * It returns the rewritten expression together with the updated plan.
+   * Currently, it does not support null-aware joins. Embedded NOT IN 
+   * are blocked in the Analyzer.
+   */
+  private def rewriteExistentialExpr(
+      exprs: Seq[Expression],
+      plan: LogicalPlan): (Option[Expression], LogicalPlan) = {
+    var newPlan = plan
+    val newExprs = { e =>
+      e transformUp {
+        case PredicateSubquery(sub, conditions, nullAware, _) =>
+          // TODO: support null-aware join
+          val exists = AttributeReference("exists", BooleanType, nullable = 
+          newPlan = Join(newPlan, sub, ExistenceJoin(exists), 
+          exists
+        }
+    }
+    (newExprs.reduceOption(And), newPlan)
+  }
+ * This rule rewrites correlated [[ScalarSubquery]] expressions into LEFT 
OUTER joins.
+ */
+object RewriteCorrelatedScalarSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
+  /**
+   * Extract all correlated scalar subqueries from an expression. The 
subqueries are collected using
+   * the given collector. The expression is rewritten and returned.
+   */
+  private def extractCorrelatedScalarSubqueries[E <: Expression](
+      expression: E,
+      subqueries: ArrayBuffer[ScalarSubquery]): E = {
+    val newExpression = expression transform {
+      case s: ScalarSubquery if s.children.nonEmpty =>
+        subqueries += s
+        s.plan.output.head
+    }
+    newExpression.asInstanceOf[E]
+  }
+  /**
+   * Statically evaluate an expression containing zero or more placeholders, 
given a set
+   * of bindings for placeholder values.
+   */
+  private def evalExpr(expr: Expression, bindings: Map[ExprId, Option[Any]]) : 
Option[Any] = {
+    val rewrittenExpr = expr transform {
+      case r: AttributeReference =>
+        bindings(r.exprId) match {
+          case Some(v) => Literal.create(v, r.dataType)
+          case None => Literal.default(NullType)
+        }
+    }
+    Option(rewrittenExpr.eval())
+  }
+  /**
+   * Statically evaluate an expression containing one or more aggregates on an 
empty input.
+   */
+  private def evalAggOnZeroTups(expr: Expression) : Option[Any] = {
+    // AggregateExpressions are Unevaluable, so we need to replace all 
+    // in the expression with the value they would return for zero input 
+    // Also replace attribute refs (for example, for grouping columns) with 
+    val rewrittenExpr = expr transform {
+      case a @ AggregateExpression(aggFunc, _, _, resultId) =>
+        aggFunc.defaultResult.getOrElse(Literal.default(NullType))
+      case _: AttributeReference => Literal.default(NullType)
+    }
+    Option(rewrittenExpr.eval())
+  }
+  /**
+   * Statically evaluate a scalar subquery on an empty input.
+   *
+   * <b>WARNING:</b> This method only covers subqueries that pass the checks 
+   * [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis]]. If the checks in
+   * CheckAnalysis become less restrictive, this method will need to change.
+   */
+  private def evalSubqueryOnZeroTups(plan: LogicalPlan) : Option[Any] = {
+    // Inputs to this method will start with a chain of zero or more 
+    // and Project operators, followed by an optional Filter, followed by an
+    // Aggregate. Traverse the operators recursively.
+    def evalPlan(lp : LogicalPlan) : Map[ExprId, Option[Any]] = lp match {
+      case SubqueryAlias(_, child, _) => evalPlan(child)
+      case Filter(condition, child) =>
+        val bindings = evalPlan(child)
+        if (bindings.isEmpty) bindings
+        else {
+          val exprResult = evalExpr(condition, bindings).getOrElse(false)
+            .asInstanceOf[Boolean]
+          if (exprResult) bindings else Map.empty
+        }
+      case Project(projectList, child) =>
+        val bindings = evalPlan(child)
+        if (bindings.isEmpty) {
+          bindings
+        } else {
+ => (ne.exprId, evalExpr(ne, bindings))).toMap
+        }
+      case Aggregate(_, aggExprs, _) =>
+        // Some of the expressions under the Aggregate node are the join 
+        // for joining with the outer query block. Fill those expressions in 
+        // nulls and statically evaluate the remainder.
+ {
+          case ref: AttributeReference => (ref.exprId, None)
+          case alias @ Alias(_: AttributeReference, _) => (alias.exprId, None)
+          case ne => (ne.exprId, evalAggOnZeroTups(ne))
+        }.toMap
+      case _ => sys.error(s"Unexpected operator in scalar subquery: $lp")
+    }
+    val resultMap = evalPlan(plan)
+    // By convention, the scalar subquery result is the leftmost field.
+    resultMap(plan.output.head.exprId)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Split the plan for a scalar subquery into the parts above the innermost 
query block
+   * (first part of returned value), the HAVING clause of the innermost query 
+   * (optional second part) and the parts below the HAVING CLAUSE (third part).
+   */
+  private def splitSubquery(plan: LogicalPlan) : (Seq[LogicalPlan], 
Option[Filter], Aggregate) = {
+    val topPart = ArrayBuffer.empty[LogicalPlan]
+    var bottomPart: LogicalPlan = plan
+    while (true) {
+      bottomPart match {
+        case havingPart @ Filter(_, aggPart: Aggregate) =>
+          return (topPart, Option(havingPart), aggPart)
+        case aggPart: Aggregate =>
+          // No HAVING clause
+          return (topPart, None, aggPart)
+        case p @ Project(_, child) =>
+          topPart += p
+          bottomPart = child
+        case s @ SubqueryAlias(_, child, _) =>
+          topPart += s
+          bottomPart = child
+        case Filter(_, op) =>
+          sys.error(s"Correlated subquery has unexpected operator $op below 
+        case op @ _ => sys.error(s"Unexpected operator $op in correlated 
+      }
+    }
+    sys.error("This line should be unreachable")
+  }
+  // Name of generated column used in rewrite below
+  val ALWAYS_TRUE_COLNAME = "alwaysTrue"
+  /**
+   * Construct a new child plan by left joining the given subqueries to a base 
+   */
+  private def constructLeftJoins(
+      child: LogicalPlan,
+      subqueries: ArrayBuffer[ScalarSubquery]): LogicalPlan = {
+    subqueries.foldLeft(child) {
+      case (currentChild, ScalarSubquery(query, conditions, _)) =>
+        val origOutput = query.output.head
+        val resultWithZeroTups = evalSubqueryOnZeroTups(query)
+        if (resultWithZeroTups.isEmpty) {
+          // CASE 1: Subquery guaranteed not to have the COUNT bug
+          Project(
+            currentChild.output :+ origOutput,
+            Join(currentChild, query, LeftOuter, conditions.reduceOption(And)))
+        } else {
+          // Subquery might have the COUNT bug. Add appropriate corrections.
+          val (topPart, havingNode, aggNode) = splitSubquery(query)
+          // The next two cases add a leading column to the outer join input 
to make it
+          // possible to distinguish between the case when no tuples join and 
the case
+          // when the tuple that joins contains null values.
+          // The leading column always has the value TRUE.
+          val alwaysTrueExprId = NamedExpression.newExprId
+          val alwaysTrueExpr = Alias(Literal.TrueLiteral,
+            ALWAYS_TRUE_COLNAME)(exprId = alwaysTrueExprId)
+          val alwaysTrueRef = AttributeReference(ALWAYS_TRUE_COLNAME,
+            BooleanType)(exprId = alwaysTrueExprId)
+          val aggValRef = query.output.head
+          if (havingNode.isEmpty) {
+            // CASE 2: Subquery with no HAVING clause
+            Project(
+              currentChild.output :+
+                Alias(
+                  If(IsNull(alwaysTrueRef),
+                    Literal.create(resultWithZeroTups.get, 
+                    aggValRef), = origOutput.exprId),
+              Join(currentChild,
+                Project(query.output :+ alwaysTrueExpr, query),
+                LeftOuter, conditions.reduceOption(And)))
+          } else {
+            // CASE 3: Subquery with HAVING clause. Pull the HAVING clause 
above the join.
+            // Need to modify any operators below the join to pass through all 
+            // referenced in the HAVING clause.
+            var subqueryRoot: UnaryNode = aggNode
+            val havingInputs: Seq[NamedExpression] = aggNode.output
+            topPart.reverse.foreach {
+              case Project(projList, _) =>
+                subqueryRoot = Project(projList ++ havingInputs, subqueryRoot)
+              case s @ SubqueryAlias(alias, _, None) =>
+                subqueryRoot = SubqueryAlias(alias, subqueryRoot, None)
+              case op => sys.error(s"Unexpected operator $op in corelated 
+            }
+            // CASE WHEN alwayTrue IS NULL THEN resultOnZeroTups
+            //      WHEN NOT (original HAVING clause expr) THEN CAST(null AS 
<type of aggVal>)
+            //      ELSE (aggregate value) END AS (original column name)
+            val caseExpr = Alias(CaseWhen(Seq(
+              (IsNull(alwaysTrueRef), Literal.create(resultWithZeroTups.get, 
+              (Not(havingNode.get.condition), Literal.create(null, 
+              aggValRef),
+     = origOutput.exprId)
+            Project(
+              currentChild.output :+ caseExpr,
+              Join(currentChild,
+                Project(subqueryRoot.output :+ alwaysTrueExpr, subqueryRoot),
+                LeftOuter, conditions.reduceOption(And)))
+          }
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Rewrite [[Filter]], [[Project]] and [[Aggregate]] plans containing 
correlated scalar
+   * subqueries.
+   */
+  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
+    case a @ Aggregate(grouping, expressions, child) =>
+      val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[ScalarSubquery]
+      val newExpressions =, subqueries))
+      if (subqueries.nonEmpty) {
+        // We currently only allow correlated subqueries in an aggregate if 
they are part of the
+        // grouping expressions. As a result we need to replace all the scalar 
subqueries in the
+        // grouping expressions by their result.
+        val newGrouping = { e =>
+        }
+        Aggregate(newGrouping, newExpressions, constructLeftJoins(child, 
+      } else {
+        a
+      }
+    case p @ Project(expressions, child) =>
+      val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[ScalarSubquery]
+      val newExpressions =, subqueries))
+      if (subqueries.nonEmpty) {
+        Project(newExpressions, constructLeftJoins(child, subqueries))
+      } else {
+        p
+      }
+    case f @ Filter(condition, child) =>
+      val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[ScalarSubquery]
+      val newCondition = extractCorrelatedScalarSubqueries(condition, 
+      if (subqueries.nonEmpty) {
+        Project(f.output, Filter(newCondition, constructLeftJoins(child, 
+      } else {
+        f
+      }
+  }

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