Author: hwright
Date: Mon Aug  8 20:36:47 2011
New Revision: 1155082

On the fs-py branch:
With appologies to Stefan Fuhrmann, rip out the caching ability inside of
libsvn_fs_py.  It is an implemenation detail that could be added to the Python
implementation in whatever way make sense at a later date.

* subversion/libsvn_fs_py/:
  Remove caching implementation, initialization and use throughout.


Modified: subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs.c
--- subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs.c (original)
+++ subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs.c Mon Aug  8 20:36:47 
@@ -196,7 +196,6 @@ fs_create(svn_fs_t *fs, const char *path
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__create(fs, path, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__initialize_caches(fs, pool));
   return fs_serialized_init(fs, common_pool, pool);
@@ -216,7 +215,6 @@ fs_open(svn_fs_t *fs, const char *path, 
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__open(fs, path, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__initialize_caches(fs, pool));
   return fs_serialized_init(fs, common_pool, pool);
@@ -257,7 +255,6 @@ fs_upgrade(svn_fs_t *fs, const char *pat
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs__check_fs(fs, FALSE));
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__open(fs, path, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__initialize_caches(fs, pool));
   SVN_ERR(fs_serialized_init(fs, common_pool, pool));
   return svn_fs_py__upgrade(fs, pool);
@@ -272,7 +269,6 @@ fs_verify(svn_fs_t *fs, const char *path
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs__check_fs(fs, FALSE));
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__open(fs, path, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__initialize_caches(fs, pool));
   SVN_ERR(fs_serialized_init(fs, common_pool, pool));
   return svn_fs_py__verify(fs, cancel_func, cancel_baton, pool);
@@ -289,7 +285,6 @@ fs_pack(svn_fs_t *fs,
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs__check_fs(fs, FALSE));
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__open(fs, path, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__initialize_caches(fs, pool));
   SVN_ERR(fs_serialized_init(fs, pool, pool));
   return svn_fs_py__pack(fs, notify_func, notify_baton,
                          cancel_func, cancel_baton, pool);

Modified: subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs.h
--- subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs.h (original)
+++ subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs.h Mon Aug  8 20:36:47 
@@ -221,44 +221,9 @@ typedef struct fs_fs_data_t
   /* The fsfs.conf file, parsed.  Allocated in FS->pool. */
   svn_config_t *config;
-  /* Caches of immutable data.  (Note that if these are created with
-     svn_cache__create_memcache, the data can be shared between
-     multiple svn_fs_t's for the same filesystem.) */
-  /* A cache of revision root IDs, mapping from (svn_revnum_t *) to
-     (svn_fs_id_t *).  (Not threadsafe.) */
-  svn_cache__t *rev_root_id_cache;
-  /* DAG node cache for immutable nodes */
-  svn_cache__t *rev_node_cache;
-  /* A cache of the contents of immutable directories; maps from
-     unparsed FS ID to ###x. */
-  svn_cache__t *dir_cache;
-  /* Fulltext cache; currently only used with memcached.  Maps from
-     rep key to svn_string_t. */
-  svn_cache__t *fulltext_cache;
-  /* Pack manifest cache; a cache mapping (svn_revnum_t) shard number to
-     a manifest; and a manifest is a mapping from (svn_revnum_t) revision
-     number offset within a shard to (apr_off_t) byte-offset in the
-     respective pack file. */
-  svn_cache__t *packed_offset_cache;
-  /* Cache for txdelta_window_t objects; the key is (revFilePath, offset) */
-  svn_cache__t *txdelta_window_cache;
-  /* Cache for node_revision_t objects; the key is (revision, id offset) */
-  svn_cache__t *node_revision_cache;
   /* If set, there are or have been more than one concurrent transaction */
   svn_boolean_t concurrent_transactions;
-  /* Tempoary cache for changed directories yet to be committed; maps from
-     unparsed FS ID to ###x.  NULL outside transactions. */
-  svn_cache__t *txn_dir_cache;
   /* Data shared between all svn_fs_t objects for a given filesystem. */
   fs_fs_shared_data_t *shared;

Modified: subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs_fs.c
--- subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs_fs.c (original)
+++ subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs_fs.c Mon Aug  8 
20:36:47 2011
@@ -869,7 +869,6 @@ purge_shared_txn_body(svn_fs_t *fs, cons
   const char *txn_id = baton;
   free_shared_txn(fs, txn_id);
-  svn_fs_py__reset_txn_caches(fs);
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
@@ -1881,7 +1880,6 @@ get_packed_offset(apr_off_t *rev_offset,
   fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
   svn_stream_t *manifest_stream;
-  svn_boolean_t is_cached;
   svn_revnum_t shard;
   apr_int64_t shard_pos;
   apr_array_header_t *manifest;
@@ -1892,16 +1890,6 @@ get_packed_offset(apr_off_t *rev_offset,
   /* position of the shard within the manifest */
   shard_pos = rev % ffd->max_files_per_dir;
-  /* fetch exactly that element into *rev_offset, if the manifest is found
-     in the cache */
-  SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get_partial((void **) rev_offset, &is_cached,
-                                 ffd->packed_offset_cache, &shard,
-                                 svn_fs_py__get_sharded_offset, &shard_pos,
-                                 pool));
-  if (is_cached)
-      return SVN_NO_ERROR;
   /* Open the manifest file. */
                                    path_rev_packed(fs, rev, "manifest", pool),
@@ -1937,7 +1925,7 @@ get_packed_offset(apr_off_t *rev_offset,
   /* Close up shop and cache the array. */
-  return svn_cache__set(ffd->packed_offset_cache, &shard, manifest, pool);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Open the revision file for revision REV in filesystem FS and store
@@ -2149,64 +2137,6 @@ err_dangling_id(svn_fs_t *fs, const svn_
      id_str->data, fs->path);
-/* Return a string that uniquely identifies the noderev with the
- * given ID, for use as a cache key.
- */
-static const char *
-get_noderev_cache_key(const svn_fs_id_t *id, apr_pool_t *pool)
-  const svn_string_t *id_unparsed = svn_fs_py__id_unparse(id, pool);
-  return id_unparsed->data;
-/* Look up the NODEREV_P for ID in FS' node revsion cache. If noderev
- * caching has been enabled and the data can be found, IS_CACHED will
- * be set to TRUE. The noderev will be allocated from POOL.
- *
- * Non-permanent ids (e.g. ids within a TXN) will not be cached.
- */
-static svn_error_t *
-get_cached_node_revision_body(node_revision_t **noderev_p,
-                              svn_fs_t *fs,
-                              const svn_fs_id_t *id,
-                              svn_boolean_t *is_cached,
-                              apr_pool_t *pool)
-  fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
-  if (! ffd->node_revision_cache || svn_fs_py__id_txn_id(id))
-    *is_cached = FALSE;
-  else
-    SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get((void **) noderev_p,
-                           is_cached,
-                           ffd->node_revision_cache,
-                           get_noderev_cache_key(id, pool),
-                           pool));
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-/* If noderev caching has been enabled, store the NODEREV_P for the given ID
- * in FS' node revsion cache. SCRATCH_POOL is used for temporary allcations.
- *
- * Non-permanent ids (e.g. ids within a TXN) will not be cached.
- */
-static svn_error_t *
-set_cached_node_revision_body(node_revision_t *noderev_p,
-                              svn_fs_t *fs,
-                              const svn_fs_id_t *id,
-                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
-  fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
-  if (ffd->node_revision_cache && !svn_fs_py__id_txn_id(id))
-    return svn_cache__set(ffd->node_revision_cache,
-                          get_noderev_cache_key(id, scratch_pool),
-                          noderev_p,
-                          scratch_pool);
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Get the node-revision for the node ID in FS.
    Set *NODEREV_P to the new node-revision structure, allocated in POOL.
    See svn_fs_py__get_node_revision, which wraps this and adds another
@@ -2219,12 +2149,6 @@ get_node_revision_body(node_revision_t *
   apr_file_t *revision_file;
   svn_error_t *err;
-  svn_boolean_t is_cached = FALSE;
-  /* First, try a cache lookup. If that succeeds, we are done here. */
-  SVN_ERR(get_cached_node_revision_body(noderev_p, fs, id, &is_cached, pool));
-  if (is_cached)
-    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
   if (svn_fs_py__id_txn_id(id))
@@ -2257,8 +2181,7 @@ get_node_revision_body(node_revision_t *
-  /* The noderev is not in cache, yet. Add it, if caching has been enabled. */
-  return set_cached_node_revision_body(*noderev_p, fs, id, pool);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 svn_error_t *
@@ -2907,19 +2830,12 @@ svn_fs_py__rev_get_root(svn_fs_id_t **ro
                         svn_revnum_t rev,
                         apr_pool_t *pool)
-  fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
   apr_file_t *revision_file;
   apr_off_t root_offset;
   svn_fs_id_t *root_id = NULL;
-  svn_boolean_t is_cached;
   SVN_ERR(ensure_revision_exists(fs, rev, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get((void **) root_id_p, &is_cached,
-                         ffd->rev_root_id_cache, &rev, pool));
-  if (is_cached)
-    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
   SVN_ERR(open_pack_or_rev_file(&revision_file, fs, rev, pool));
   SVN_ERR(get_root_changes_offset(&root_offset, NULL, revision_file, fs, rev,
@@ -2929,8 +2845,6 @@ svn_fs_py__rev_get_root(svn_fs_id_t **ro
   SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_close(revision_file, pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_cache__set(ffd->rev_root_id_cache, &rev, root_id, pool));
   *root_id_p = root_id;
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
@@ -3060,7 +2974,6 @@ struct rep_state
   apr_file_t *file;
                     /* The txdelta window cache to use or NULL. */
-  svn_cache__t *window_cache;
   apr_off_t start;  /* The starting offset for the raw
                        svndiff/plaintext data minus header. */
   apr_off_t off;    /* The current offset into the file. */
@@ -3077,13 +2990,11 @@ create_rep_state_body(struct rep_state *
                       svn_fs_t *fs,
                       apr_pool_t *pool)
-  fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
   struct rep_state *rs = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*rs));
   struct rep_args *ra;
   unsigned char buf[4];
   SVN_ERR(open_and_seek_representation(&rs->file, fs, rep, pool));
-  rs->window_cache = ffd->txdelta_window_cache;
   SVN_ERR(read_rep_line(&ra, rs->file, pool));
   SVN_ERR(get_file_offset(&rs->start, rs->file, pool));
@@ -3325,78 +3236,6 @@ get_window_key(struct rep_state *rs, apr
   return svn_fs_py__combine_number_and_string(offset, name, pool);
-/* Read the WINDOW_P for the rep state RS from the current FSFS session's
- * cache. This will be a no-op and IS_CACHED will be set to FALSE if no
- * cache has been given. If a cache is available IS_CACHED will inform
- * the caller about the success of the lookup. Allocations (of the window
- * in particualar) will be made from POOL.
- *
- * If the information could be found, put RS and the position within the
- * rev file into the same state as if the data had just been read from it.
- */
-static svn_error_t *
-get_cached_window(svn_txdelta_window_t **window_p,
-                  struct rep_state *rs,
-                  svn_boolean_t *is_cached,
-                  apr_pool_t *pool)
-  if (! rs->window_cache)
-    {
-      /* txdelta window has not been enabled */
-      *is_cached = FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* ask the cache for the desired txdelta window */
-      svn_fs_py__txdelta_cached_window_t *cached_window;
-      SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get((void **) &cached_window,
-                             is_cached,
-                             rs->window_cache,
-                             get_window_key(rs, rs->off, pool),
-                             pool));
-      if (*is_cached)
-        {
-          /* found it. Pass it back to the caller. */
-          *window_p = cached_window->window;
-          /* manipulate the RS as if we just read the data */
-          rs->chunk_index++;
-          rs->off = cached_window->end_offset;
-          /* manipulate the rev file as if we just read from it */
-          SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_seek(rs->file, APR_SET, &rs->off, pool));
-        }
-    }
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-/* Store the WINDOW read at OFFSET for the rep state RS in the current
- * FSFS session's cache. This will be a no-op if no cache has been given.
- * Temporary allocations will be made from SCRATCH_POOL. */
-static svn_error_t *
-set_cached_window(svn_txdelta_window_t *window,
-                  struct rep_state *rs,
-                  apr_off_t offset,
-                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
-  if (rs->window_cache)
-    {
-      /* store the window and the first offset _past_ it */
-      svn_fs_py__txdelta_cached_window_t cached_window = { window, rs->off };
-      /* but key it with the start offset because that is the known state
-       * when we will look it up */
-      return svn_cache__set(rs->window_cache,
-                            get_window_key(rs, offset, scratch_pool),
-                            &cached_window,
-                            scratch_pool);
-    }
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Skip forwards to THIS_CHUNK in REP_STATE and then read the next delta
    window into *NWIN. */
 static svn_error_t *
@@ -3404,7 +3243,6 @@ read_window(svn_txdelta_window_t **nwin,
             apr_pool_t *pool)
   svn_stream_t *stream;
-  svn_boolean_t is_cached;
   apr_off_t old_offset;
   SVN_ERR_ASSERT(rs->chunk_index <= this_chunk);
@@ -3422,11 +3260,6 @@ read_window(svn_txdelta_window_t **nwin,
-  /* Read the next window. But first, try to find it in the cache. */
-  SVN_ERR(get_cached_window(nwin, rs, &is_cached, pool));
-  if (is_cached)
-    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
   /* Actually read the next window. */
   old_offset = rs->off;
   stream = svn_stream_from_aprfile2(rs->file, TRUE, pool);
@@ -3439,9 +3272,7 @@ read_window(svn_txdelta_window_t **nwin,
                             _("Reading one svndiff window read beyond "
                               "the end of the representation"));
-  /* the window has not been cached before, thus cache it now
-   * (if caching is used for them at all) */
-  return set_cached_window(*nwin, rs, old_offset, pool);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Get one delta window that is a result of combining all but the last deltas
@@ -3486,16 +3317,6 @@ get_combined_window(svn_txdelta_window_t
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-/* Returns whether or not the expanded fulltext of the file is cachable
- * based on its size SIZE.  The decision depends on the cache used by RB.
- */
-static svn_boolean_t
-fulltext_size_is_cachable(fs_fs_data_t *ffd, svn_filesize_t size)
-  return (size < APR_SIZE_MAX)
-      && svn_cache__is_cachable(ffd->fulltext_cache, (apr_size_t)size);
 /* Close method used on streams returned by read_representation().
 static svn_error_t *
@@ -3695,12 +3516,7 @@ rep_read_contents(void *baton,
   if (rb->off == rb->len && rb->current_fulltext)
-    {
-      fs_fs_data_t *ffd = rb->fs->fsap_data;
-      SVN_ERR(svn_cache__set(ffd->fulltext_cache, rb->fulltext_cache_key,
-                             rb->current_fulltext, rb->pool));
-      rb->current_fulltext = NULL;
-    }
+    rb->current_fulltext = NULL;
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
@@ -3727,27 +3543,9 @@ read_representation(svn_stream_t **conte
-      fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
       const char *fulltext_key = NULL;
-      svn_filesize_t len = rep->expanded_size ? rep->expanded_size : rep->size;
       struct rep_read_baton *rb;
-      if (ffd->fulltext_cache && SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(rep->revision)
-          && fulltext_size_is_cachable(ffd, len))
-        {
-          svn_string_t *fulltext;
-          svn_boolean_t is_cached;
-          fulltext_key = apr_psprintf(pool, "%ld/%" APR_OFF_T_FMT,
-                                      rep->revision, rep->offset);
-          SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get((void **) &fulltext, &is_cached,
-                                 ffd->fulltext_cache, fulltext_key, pool));
-          if (is_cached)
-            {
-              *contents_p = svn_stream_from_string(fulltext, pool);
-              return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
       SVN_ERR(rep_read_get_baton(&rb, fs, rep, fulltext_key, pool));
       *contents_p = svn_stream_create(rb, pool);
@@ -3985,18 +3783,6 @@ parse_dir_entries(apr_hash_t **entries_p
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-/* Return the cache object in FS responsible to storing the directory
- * the NODEREV. If none exists, return NULL. */
-static svn_cache__t *
-locate_dir_cache(svn_fs_t *fs,
-                 node_revision_t *noderev)
-  fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
-  return svn_fs_py__id_txn_id(noderev->id)
-      ? ffd->txn_dir_cache
-      : ffd->dir_cache;
 svn_error_t *
 svn_fs_py__rep_contents_dir(apr_hash_t **entries_p,
                             svn_fs_t *fs,
@@ -4006,29 +3792,12 @@ svn_fs_py__rep_contents_dir(apr_hash_t *
   const char *unparsed_id = NULL;
   apr_hash_t *unparsed_entries, *parsed_entries;
-  /* find the cache we may use */
-  svn_cache__t *cache = locate_dir_cache(fs, noderev);
-  if (cache)
-    {
-      svn_boolean_t found;
-      unparsed_id = svn_fs_py__id_unparse(noderev->id, pool)->data;
-      SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get((void **) entries_p, &found, cache,
-                             unparsed_id, pool));
-      if (found)
-        return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-    }
   /* Read in the directory hash. */
   unparsed_entries = apr_hash_make(pool);
   SVN_ERR(get_dir_contents(unparsed_entries, fs, noderev, pool));
   SVN_ERR(parse_dir_entries(&parsed_entries, unparsed_entries,
                             unparsed_id, pool));
-  /* Update the cache, if we are to use one. */
-  if (cache)
-    SVN_ERR(svn_cache__set(cache, unparsed_id, parsed_entries, pool));
   *entries_p = parsed_entries;
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
@@ -4042,23 +3811,6 @@ svn_fs_py__rep_contents_dir_entry(svn_fs
   svn_boolean_t found = FALSE;
-  /* find the cache we may use */
-  svn_cache__t *cache = locate_dir_cache(fs, noderev);
-  if (cache)
-    {
-      const char *unparsed_id =
-        svn_fs_py__id_unparse(noderev->id, pool)->data;
-      /* Cache lookup. */
-      SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get_partial((void **)dirent,
-                                     &found,
-                                     cache,
-                                     unparsed_id,
-                                     svn_fs_py__extract_dir_entry,
-                                     (void*)name,
-                                     pool));
-    }
   /* fetch data from disk if we did not find it in the cache */
   if (! found)
@@ -5206,7 +4958,6 @@ svn_fs_py__set_entry(svn_fs_t *fs,
   const char *filename = path_txn_node_children(fs, parent_noderev->id, pool);
   apr_file_t *file;
   svn_stream_t *out;
-  fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
   if (!rep || !rep->txn_id)
@@ -5248,30 +4999,6 @@ svn_fs_py__set_entry(svn_fs_t *fs,
       out = svn_stream_from_aprfile2(file, TRUE, pool);
-  /* if we have a directory cache for this transaction, update it */
-  if (ffd->txn_dir_cache)
-    {
-      apr_pool_t *subpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
-      /* build parameters: (name, new entry) pair */
-      const char *key =
-          svn_fs_py__id_unparse(parent_noderev->id, subpool)->data;
-      replace_baton_t baton = {name, NULL};
-      if (id)
-        {
-          baton.new_entry = apr_pcalloc(subpool, sizeof(*baton.new_entry));
-          baton.new_entry->name = name;
-          baton.new_entry->kind = kind;
-          baton.new_entry->id = id;
-        }
-      /* actually update the cached directory (if cached) */
-      SVN_ERR(svn_cache__set_partial(ffd->txn_dir_cache, key, 
svn_fs_py__replace_dir_entry, &baton, subpool));
-      svn_pool_destroy(subpool);
-    }
   /* Append an incremental hash entry for the entry change. */
   if (id)
@@ -7369,16 +7096,8 @@ svn_fs_py__delete_node_revision(svn_fs_t
   if (noderev->data_rep && noderev->data_rep->txn_id
       && noderev->kind == svn_node_dir)
-      fs_fs_data_t *ffd = fs->fsap_data;
       SVN_ERR(svn_io_remove_file2(path_txn_node_children(fs, id, pool), FALSE,
-      /* remove the corresponding entry from the cache, if such exists */
-      if (ffd->txn_dir_cache)
-        {
-          const char *key = svn_fs_py__id_unparse(id, pool)->data;
-          SVN_ERR(svn_cache__set(ffd->txn_dir_cache, key, NULL, pool));
-        }
   return svn_io_remove_file2(path_txn_node_rev(fs, id, pool), FALSE, pool);

Modified: subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs_fs.h
--- subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs_fs.h (original)
+++ subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/fs_fs.h Mon Aug  8 
20:36:47 2011
@@ -502,31 +502,6 @@ svn_fs_py__get_node_origin(const svn_fs_
                            const char *node_id,
                            apr_pool_t *pool);
-/* Initialize all session-local caches in FS according to the global
-   cache settings. Use POOL for allocations.
-   Please note that it is permissible for this function to set some
-   or all of these caches to NULL, regardless of any setting. */
-svn_error_t *
-svn_fs_py__initialize_caches(svn_fs_t *fs, apr_pool_t *pool);
-/* Initialize all transaction-local caches in FS according to the global
-   cache settings and make TXN_ID part of their key space. Use POOL for
-   allocations.
-   Please note that it is permissible for this function to set some or all
-   of these caches to NULL, regardless of any setting. */
-svn_error_t *
-svn_fs_py__initialize_txn_caches(svn_fs_t *fs,
-                                 const char *txn_id,
-                                 apr_pool_t *pool);
-/* Resets the svn_cache__t structures local to the current transaction in FS.
-   Calling it more than once per txn or from outside any txn is allowed. */
-svn_fs_py__reset_txn_caches(svn_fs_t *fs);
 /* Possibly pack the repository at PATH.  This just take full shards, and
    combines all the revision files into a single one, with a manifest header.
    Use optional CANCEL_FUNC/CANCEL_BATON for cancellation support.

Modified: subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/tree.c
--- subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/tree.c (original)
+++ subversion/branches/fs-py/subversion/libsvn_fs_py/tree.c Mon Aug  8 
20:36:47 2011
@@ -132,145 +132,6 @@ static svn_error_t *make_txn_root(svn_fs
                                   svn_revnum_t base_rev, apr_uint32_t flags,
                                   apr_pool_t *pool);
-/*** Node Caching ***/
-/* Find and return the DAG node cache for ROOT and the key that
-   should be used for PATH. */
-static void
-locate_cache(svn_cache__t **cache,
-             const char **key,
-             svn_fs_root_t *root,
-             const char *path,
-             apr_pool_t *pool)
-  if (root->is_txn_root)
-    {
-      fs_txn_root_data_t *frd = root->fsap_data;
-      if (cache) *cache = frd->txn_node_cache;
-      if (key && path) *key = path;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      fs_fs_data_t *ffd = root->fs->fsap_data;
-      if (cache) *cache = ffd->rev_node_cache;
-      if (key && path) *key = apr_psprintf(pool, "%ld%s",
-                                           root->rev, path);
-    }
-/* Return NODE for PATH from ROOT's node cache, or NULL if the node
-   isn't cached; the node is copied into POOL. */
-static svn_error_t *
-dag_node_cache_get(dag_node_t **node_p,
-                   svn_fs_root_t *root,
-                   const char *path,
-                   apr_pool_t *pool)
-  svn_boolean_t found;
-  dag_node_t *node;
-  svn_cache__t *cache;
-  const char *key;
-  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(*path == '/');
-  locate_cache(&cache, &key, root, path, pool);
-  SVN_ERR(svn_cache__get((void **) &node, &found, cache, key, pool));
-  if (found && node)
-    {
-      /* Patch up the FS, since this might have come from an old FS
-       * object. */
-      svn_fs_py__dag_set_fs(node, root->fs);
-      *node_p = node;
-    }
-  else
-    *node_p = NULL;
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-/* Add the NODE for PATH to ROOT's node cache. */
-static svn_error_t *
-dag_node_cache_set(svn_fs_root_t *root,
-                   const char *path,
-                   dag_node_t *node,
-                   apr_pool_t *pool)
-  svn_cache__t *cache;
-  const char *key;
-  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(*path == '/');
-  locate_cache(&cache, &key, root, path, pool);
-  return svn_cache__set(cache, key, node, pool);
-/* Baton for find_descendents_in_cache. */
-struct fdic_baton {
-  const char *path;
-  apr_array_header_t *list;
-  apr_pool_t *pool;
-/* If the given item is a descendent of BATON->PATH, push
- * it onto BATON->LIST (copying into BATON->POOL).  Implements
- * the svn_iter_apr_hash_cb_t prototype. */
-static svn_error_t *
-find_descendents_in_cache(void *baton,
-                          const void *key,
-                          apr_ssize_t klen,
-                          void *val,
-                          apr_pool_t *pool)
-  struct fdic_baton *b = baton;
-  const char *item_path = key;
-  if (svn_dirent_is_ancestor(b->path, item_path))
-    APR_ARRAY_PUSH(b->list, const char *) = apr_pstrdup(b->pool, item_path);
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
-/* Invalidate cache entries for PATH and any of its children.  This
-   should *only* be called on a transaction root! */
-static svn_error_t *
-dag_node_cache_invalidate(svn_fs_root_t *root,
-                          const char *path,
-                          apr_pool_t *pool)
-  struct fdic_baton b;
-  svn_cache__t *cache;
-  apr_pool_t *iterpool;
-  int i;
-  b.path = path;
-  b.pool = svn_pool_create(pool);
-  b.list = apr_array_make(b.pool, 1, sizeof(const char *));
-  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(root->is_txn_root);
-  locate_cache(&cache, NULL, root, NULL, b.pool);
-  SVN_ERR(svn_cache__iter(NULL, cache, find_descendents_in_cache,
-                          &b, b.pool));
-  iterpool = svn_pool_create(b.pool);
-  for (i = 0; i < b.list->nelts; i++)
-    {
-      const char *descendent = APR_ARRAY_IDX(b.list, i, const char *);
-      svn_pool_clear(iterpool);
-      SVN_ERR(svn_cache__set(cache, descendent, NULL, iterpool));
-    }
-  svn_pool_destroy(iterpool);
-  svn_pool_destroy(b.pool);
-  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Creating transaction and revision root nodes.  */
@@ -633,16 +494,11 @@ open_path(parent_path_t **parent_path_p,
           copy_id_inherit_t inherit;
           const char *copy_path = NULL;
           svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
-          dag_node_t *cached_node;
           /* If we found a directory entry, follow it.  First, we
              check our node cache, and, failing that, we hit the DAG
              layer. */
-          SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_get(&cached_node, root, path_so_far, pool));
-          if (cached_node)
-            child = cached_node;
-          else
-            err = svn_fs_py__dag_open(&child, here, entry, pool);
+          err = svn_fs_py__dag_open(&child, here, entry, pool);
           /* "file not found" requires special handling.  */
           if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND)
@@ -680,10 +536,6 @@ open_path(parent_path_t **parent_path_p,
               parent_path->copy_inherit = inherit;
               parent_path->copy_src_path = apr_pstrdup(pool, copy_path);
-          /* Cache the node we found (if it wasn't already cached). */
-          if (! cached_node)
-            SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_set(root, path_so_far, child, pool));
       /* Are we finished traversing the path?  */
@@ -783,10 +635,6 @@ make_path_mutable(svn_fs_root_t *root,
                                          copy_id, txn_id,
-      /* Update the path cache. */
-      SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_set(root, parent_path_path(parent_path, pool),
-                                 clone, pool));
@@ -816,17 +664,10 @@ get_dag(dag_node_t **dag_node_p,
   /* Canonicalize the input PATH. */
   path = svn_fs__canonicalize_abspath(path, pool);
-  /* First we look for the DAG in our cache. */
-  SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_get(&node, root, path, pool));
-  if (! node)
-    {
-      /* Call open_path with no flags, as we want this to return an error
-         if the node for which we are searching doesn't exist. */
-      SVN_ERR(open_path(&parent_path, root, path, 0, NULL, pool));
-      node = parent_path->node;
-      /* No need to cache our find -- open_path() will do that for us. */
-    }
+  /* Call open_path with no flags, as we want this to return an error
+     if the node for which we are searching doesn't exist. */
+  SVN_ERR(open_path(&parent_path, root, path, 0, NULL, pool));
+  node = parent_path->node;
   *dag_node_p = node;
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
@@ -1729,8 +1570,6 @@ svn_fs_py__commit_txn(const char **confl
-  svn_fs_py__reset_txn_caches(fs);
   return svn_error_trace(err);
@@ -1872,10 +1711,6 @@ fs_make_dir(svn_fs_root_t *root,
-  /* Add this directory to the path cache. */
-  SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_set(root, parent_path_path(parent_path, pool),
-                             sub_dir, pool));
   /* Make a record of this modification in the changes table. */
   return add_change(root->fs, txn_id, path, svn_fs_py__dag_get_id(sub_dir),
                     svn_fs_path_change_add, FALSE, FALSE, svn_node_dir,
@@ -1922,10 +1757,6 @@ fs_delete_node(svn_fs_root_t *root,
                                 txn_id, pool));
-  /* Remove this node and any children from the path cache. */
-  SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_invalidate(root, parent_path_path(parent_path, pool),
-                                    pool));
   /* Update mergeinfo counts for parents */
   if (svn_fs_py__fs_supports_mergeinfo(root->fs) && mergeinfo_count > 0)
@@ -2060,11 +1891,6 @@ copy_helper(svn_fs_root_t *from_root,
                                   txn_id, pool));
-      if (kind == svn_fs_path_change_replace)
-        SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_invalidate(to_root,
-                                          parent_path_path(to_parent_path,
-                                                           pool), pool));
       if (svn_fs_py__fs_supports_mergeinfo(to_root->fs)
           && mergeinfo_start != mergeinfo_end)
@@ -2225,10 +2051,6 @@ fs_make_file(svn_fs_root_t *root,
-  /* Add this file to the path cache. */
-  SVN_ERR(dag_node_cache_set(root, parent_path_path(parent_path, pool), child,
-                             pool));
   /* Make a record of this modification in the changes table. */
   return add_change(root->fs, txn_id, path, svn_fs_py__dag_get_id(child),
                     svn_fs_path_change_add, TRUE, FALSE, svn_node_file,
@@ -3914,12 +3736,6 @@ make_txn_root(svn_fs_root_t **root_p,
                                       apr_pstrcat(pool, txn, ":TXN", (char 
-  /* Initialize transaction-local caches in FS.
-     Note that we cannot put those caches in frd because that content
-     fs root object is not available where we would need it. */
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_py__initialize_txn_caches(fs, txn, pool));
   root->fsap_data = frd;
   *root_p = root;

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