Author: dsahlberg
Date: Mon Jul 10 07:32:51 2023
New Revision: 1910908

In site/publish: Merge 1902723,1910824-1910900 from site/staging

* docs/community-guide/releasing.part.html
  (#before-release-pristine-tools): Remove one release process variation that
    doesn't work anymore

* faq.html
  (#reverseproxy): New section
  (many different sections): Removed or updated dead links

    subversion/site/publish/   (props changed)

Propchange: subversion/site/publish/
  Merged /subversion/site/staging:r1902723,1910824-1910900

Modified: subversion/site/publish/docs/community-guide/releasing.part.html
--- subversion/site/publish/docs/community-guide/releasing.part.html (original)
+++ subversion/site/publish/docs/community-guide/releasing.part.html Mon Jul 10 
07:32:51 2023
@@ -827,8 +827,7 @@ time pass.</p>
 the release. The details of the rolling process are automated by the
 helper script. To run this script, you'll need a Subversion trunk working
-copy (or a shallow trunk working copy containing the <tt>tools/dist</tt> and
-<tt>build/generator</tt> directories). Run <tt> -h</tt> to get a
+copy. Run <tt> -h</tt> to get a
 list of available subcommands.</p>
 <p>Before you can actually roll the archives, you need to

Modified: subversion/site/publish/faq.html
--- subversion/site/publish/faq.html (original)
+++ subversion/site/publish/faq.html Mon Jul 10 07:32:51 2023
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ For older questions, see <a href="#depre
 <li><a href="#cvs2svn">How do I convert an existing CVS repository
     into a Subversion repository?</a></li>
     <li><a href="#proxy">What if I'm behind a proxy?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#reverseproxy">I need to put Subversion behind a reverse 
 <li><a href="#paranoid">My admins don't want me to have a HTTP server for
     Subversion.  What can I do if I still want remote usage?</a></li> 
 <li><a href="#multi-proj">How do I manage several different projects
@@ -938,6 +939,142 @@ running <tt>svn --version</tt>.</p>
+<div class="h3" id="reverseproxy">
+<h3>I need to put Subversion behind a reverse proxy
+  <a class="sectionlink" href="#proxy"
+    title="Link to this section">&para;</a>
+<p>A reverse proxy can be used if the Subversion server is not directly
+connected to the internet. It will forward HTTP/HTTPS traffic from a public
+facing server to the Subversion server, potentially removing HTTPS
+encryption. It can also be useful if several different HTTP servers must
+be served on the same port.</p>
+<p>Subversion uses a subset of the WebDAV/DeltaV protocol; see <a 
+href="#http-methods">this FAQ item</a> for the details.
+As far as the proxy server is concerned, Subversion uses plain WebDAV
+protocol. For the <tt>svn copy</tt> and <tt>svn move</tt> commands, an extra 
+HTTP_DESTINATION header is used; this must be rewritten separately.</p>
+<p>Detailed instructions are provided for a few different proxy servers. It
+should be fairly easy to copy the ideas from these examples.</p>
+<h4>Detailed instructions for Apache HTTPD</h4>
+<p>The information below is based on an article written by Konrad Rosenbaum,
+originally found on <a href="";
+></a>. Copied with permission.</p>
+<p>The proxy side of Apache requires mod_proxy to work. In many Linux
+distributions there are ready-made configuration files that can be activated,
+otherwise insert this configuration in httpd.conf:</p>
+#load the module
+LoadModule proxy_module modules/
+#per default disallow all requests (for security)
+ProxyRequests Off
+&lt;Proxy *&gt;
+  Order deny,allow
+  Deny from all
+ProxyVia On
+<p>In the VirtualHost directive for the proxying virtual host, configure
+requests for your subversion directory (we'll assume it is called svn) to be
+relayed to the real subversion server:</p>
+ProxyPass /svn/ http://realsvnserver/svn/
+&lt;Location /svn/&gt;
+        ProxyPassReverse /svn/ http://realsvnserver/svn/
+          Order Deny,Allow
+          Allow from all
+          Satisfy Any
+        &lt;/Limit&gt;
+        RewriteCond %{HTTP:Destination} .+/(svn/.*$)
+        RewriteRule ^/svn/.* - [E=MyDestination:http://realsvnserver/%1,PT]
+        RequestHeader set Destination %{MyDestination}e env=MyDestination
+<p>The ProxyPass directive tells Apache to redirect requests below /svn to
+the subversion-Apache (http://realsvnserver/svn). The ProxyPassReverse
+directive tells it to alter the request headers (Location, Content-Location,
+and URI) to match the target server &mdash; depending on your version of 
Apache and
+its configuration you may need to leave out either /svn/ or
+http://realsvnserver/svn/. If possible the same path should be used on both
+servers (otherwise DAV might make trouble). The Limit directive tells Apache
+to let all DAV requests from all clients (Allow) through and let the real
+subversion server handle authentication (Satisfy). The Rewrite rules
+update the HTTP_DESTINATION header to the correct server/protocol.</p>
+<h4>Detailed instructions for Microsoft IIS</h4>
+<p>First download and install the URL Rewrite module from <a
+href="";></a>. The
+example below has been tested with IIS 10 and URL Rewrite 2.1.<br/>
+Next configure URL Rewrite to allow the HTTP_DESTINATION server variable: In
+IIS Manager under URL Rewrite, in the right hand pane click View Server
+Variables and add HTTP_DESTINATION.<br/>
+Finally create a few rewrite rules:
+<li>"ToHttps", if you would like to ensure all Subversion traffic is
+encrypted, this sends an HTTP redirect to the client if the request is sent
+<li>"ProxyWithDestination", capturing all requests with the HTTP_DESTINATION
+server variable (ie. all <tt>svn copy</tt> and <tt>svn move</tt> requests).
+The HTTP_DESTINATION header is rewritten and the traffic is forwarded to the
+Subversion server.
+<li>"ProxyRest", forwarding all other traffic to the Subversion server.</li>
+The example below can be copied into web.config. It assumes the Subversion
+server is running on port 81 on the same computer as IIS.</p>
+ &lt;rewrite&gt;
+  &lt;rules&gt;
+   &lt;clear /&gt;
+   &lt;rule name="ToHttps" stopProcessing="true"&gt;
+    &lt;match url="(.*)" /&gt;
+    &lt;conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false"&gt;
+     &lt;add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" /&gt;
+    &lt;/conditions&gt;
+    &lt;action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}"/&gt;
+   &lt;/rule&gt;
+   &lt;rule name="ProxyWithDestination" enabled="true" 
patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true"&gt;
+    &lt;match url="(.*)" /&gt;
+    &lt;conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false"&gt;
+     &lt;add input="{HTTP_DESTINATION}" pattern="https://(.*)"/&gt;
+    &lt;/conditions&gt;
+    &lt;serverVariables&gt;
+     &lt;set name="HTTP_DESTINATION" value="http://{C:1}"; /&gt;
+    &lt;/serverVariables&gt;
+    &lt;action type="Rewrite" url="{R:0}"; 
logRewrittenUrl="true" /&gt;
+   &lt;/rule&gt;
+   &lt;rule name="ProxyRest" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" 
+    &lt;match url="(.*)" negate="false" /&gt;
+    &lt;conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false" /&gt;
+    &lt;action type="Rewrite" url="{R:0}"; 
logRewrittenUrl="true" /&gt;
+   &lt;/rule&gt;
+  &lt;/rules&gt;
+ &lt;/rewrite&gt;
+ &lt;security&gt;
+  &lt;requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" /&gt;
+ &lt;/security&gt;
 <div class="h3" id="paranoid">
 <h3>My admins don't want me to have a HTTP server for
     Subversion.  What can I do if I still want remote usage?
@@ -2062,13 +2199,7 @@ OpenSSH keys and <b><tt>pageant</tt></b>
 <p>Setting up <tt>ssh-agent</tt> is outside the scope of this
 document, but a <a
->Google search for "ssh-agent"</a> will quickly get you answers.  Or
-if you're <i>really</i> impatient, try this one:</p>
-   <a href="";
-           ></a>
+>Google search for "ssh-agent"</a> will quickly get you answers.</p>
@@ -2642,23 +2773,13 @@ divergent branch, while still incorporat
 upstream source.  This is commonly called a <em>vendor branch</em>
 (the term long predates Subversion), and the techniques for
 maintaining one in Subversion are <a
 >described here</a>.</p>
 <p>If the vendor code is hosted in a remote Subversion repository,
 then you can use <a href="";>Piston</a> to
 manage your copy of the vendor's code.</p>
-<p>As a last resort, if using <tt></tt> is taking too
-much time or you're looking for the lazy solution, see also Jon
-Stevens' step-by-step explanation at <a
->Subversion Vendor Branches Howto</a>.  This solution does not make
-use of the space saving features in the Subversion backend when you
-copy new code over old code; in this solution, each import of a vendor
-code gets an entire new copy and there is no space savings for
-identical files.</p>
 <div class="h3" id="undo">
@@ -4379,7 +4500,7 @@ to 1.9+ servers.</p>
     title="Link to this section">&para;</a>
-<p>See Poul-Henning Kamp's post to freebsd-hackers: <a 
+<p>See Poul-Henning Kamp's post to freebsd-hackers: <a 
@@ -4471,12 +4592,12 @@ scoring lower and more risky vunerabilit
 calculated by determining the metrics of the vunerability and then calculating
 the score based on those metrics.  If you want to understand how a score was
 determined you would need the vector and an understanding of the
+<a href="";
 >formula as specified by the standard</a>.
 <p>The vector is an
-<a href="";
+<a href="";
 >abbreviated description</a> of the metrics that apply to the vulnerability.

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