Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/ (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/ Sat May 23 14:16:56 2020
@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ import sys
 import glob
 import fnmatch
 import shutil
-import urllib2
+  from urllib.request import urlopen  # Python 3
+  from urllib2 import urlopen  # Python 2
 import hashlib
 import tarfile
 import logging
@@ -51,6 +54,10 @@ import operator
 import itertools
 import subprocess
 import argparse       # standard in Python 2.7
+import io
+import yaml
+import backport.status
 # Find ezt, using Subversion's copy, if there isn't one on the system.
@@ -64,52 +71,33 @@ except ImportError:
+def get_dist_metadata_file_path():
+    return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]), 'release-lines.yaml')
+# Read the dist metadata (about release lines)
+with open(get_dist_metadata_file_path(), 'r') as stream:
+    dist_metadata = yaml.safe_load(stream)
 # Our required / recommended release tool versions by release branch
-tool_versions = {
-  'trunk' : {
-            'autoconf' : ['2.69',
-            'libtool'  : ['2.4.6',
-            'swig'     : ['3.0.10',
-  },
-  '1.10' : {
-            'autoconf' : ['2.69',
-            'libtool'  : ['2.4.6',
-            'swig'     : ['3.0.10',
-  },
-  '1.9' : {
-            'autoconf' : ['2.69',
-            'libtool'  : ['2.4.6',
-            'swig'     : ['2.0.12',
-  },
-  '1.8' : {
-            'autoconf' : ['2.69',
-            'libtool'  : ['2.4.3',
-            'swig'     : ['2.0.9',
-  },
+tool_versions = dist_metadata['tool_versions']
 # The version that is our current recommended release
-# ### TODO: derive this from svn_version.h; see ../../build/
-recommended_release = '1.9'
+recommended_release = dist_metadata['recommended_release']
+# For clean-dist, a whitelist of artifacts to keep, by version.
+supported_release_lines = frozenset(dist_metadata['supported_release_lines'])
+# Long-Term Support (LTS) versions
+lts_release_lines = frozenset(dist_metadata['lts_release_lines'])
 # Some constants
-repos = ''
-secure_repos = ''
-dist_repos = ''
+svn_repos = os.getenv('SVN_RELEASE_SVN_REPOS',
+                      '')
+dist_repos = os.getenv('SVN_RELEASE_DIST_REPOS',
+                       '')
 dist_dev_url = dist_repos + '/dev/subversion'
 dist_release_url = dist_repos + '/release/subversion'
+dist_archive_url = ''
+buildbot_repos = os.getenv('SVN_RELEASE_BUILDBOT_REPOS',
 KEYS = ''
 extns = ['zip', 'tar.gz', 'tar.bz2']
@@ -154,18 +142,6 @@ class Version(object):
     def is_prerelease(self):
         return self.pre != None
-    def is_recommended(self):
-        return self.branch == recommended_release
-    def get_download_anchor(self):
-        if self.is_prerelease():
-            return 'pre-releases'
-        else:
-            if self.is_recommended():
-                return 'recommended-release'
-            else:
-                return 'supported-releases'
     def get_ver_tags(self, revnum):
         # These get substituted into svn_version.h
         ver_tag = ''
@@ -174,7 +150,7 @@ class Version(object):
             ver_tag = '" (Alpha %d)"' % self.pre_num
             ver_numtag = '"-alpha%d"' % self.pre_num
         elif self.pre == 'beta':
-            ver_tag = '" (Beta %d)"' % args.version.pre_num
+            ver_tag = '" (Beta %d)"' % self.pre_num
             ver_numtag = '"-beta%d"' % self.pre_num
         elif self.pre == 'rc':
             ver_tag = '" (Release Candidate %d)"' % self.pre_num
@@ -183,7 +159,7 @@ class Version(object):
             ver_tag = '" (Nightly Build r%d)"' % revnum
             ver_numtag = '"-nightly-r%d"' % revnum
-            ver_tag = '" (r%d)"' % revnum 
+            ver_tag = '" (r%d)"' % revnum
             ver_numtag = '""'
         return (ver_tag, ver_numtag)
@@ -253,15 +229,21 @@ def get_exportdir(base_dir, version, rev
     return os.path.join(get_tempdir(base_dir),
                         'subversion-%s-r%d' % (version, revnum))
-def get_deploydir(base_dir):
-    return os.path.join(base_dir, 'deploy')
 def get_target(args):
     "Return the location of the artifacts"
-        return get_deploydir(args.base_dir)
+        return os.path.join(args.base_dir, 'deploy')
+def get_branch_path(args):
+    if not args.branch:
+        try:
+            args.branch = 'branches/%d.%d.x' % (args.version.major, 
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise RuntimeError("Please specify the branch using the release 
version label argument (for certain subcommands) or the '--branch' global 
+    return args.branch.rstrip('/')  # canonicalize for later comparisons
 def get_tmpldir():
     return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]), 'templates')
@@ -271,12 +253,14 @@ def get_tmplfile(filename):
         return open(os.path.join(get_tmpldir(), filename))
     except IOError:
         # Hmm, we had a problem with the local version, let's try the repo
-        return urllib2.urlopen(repos + '/trunk/tools/dist/templates/' + 
+        return urlopen(svn_repos + '/trunk/tools/dist/templates/' + filename)
 def get_nullfile():
     return open(os.path.devnull, 'w')
-def run_script(verbose, script, hide_stderr=False):
+def run_command(cmd, verbose=True, hide_stderr=False, dry_run=False):
+    if verbose:
+        print("+ " + ' '.join(cmd))
     stderr = None
     if verbose:
         stdout = None
@@ -285,23 +269,62 @@ def run_script(verbose, script, hide_std
         if hide_stderr:
             stderr = get_nullfile()
+    if not dry_run:
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+    else:
+        print('  ## dry-run; not executed')
+def run_script(verbose, script, hide_stderr=False):
     for l in script.split('\n'):
-        subprocess.check_call(l.split(), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+        run_command(l.split(), verbose, hide_stderr)
 def download_file(url, target, checksum):
-    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-    target_file = open(target, 'w+')
+    """Download the file at URL to the local path TARGET.
+    If CHECKSUM is a string, verify the checksum of the downloaded
+    file and raise RuntimeError if it does not match.  If CHECKSUM
+    is None, do not verify the downloaded file.
+    """
+    assert checksum is None or isinstance(checksum, str)
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    target_file = open(target, 'w+b')
     m = hashlib.sha256()
     checksum2 = m.hexdigest()
-    if checksum != checksum2:
+    if checksum is not None and checksum != checksum2:
         raise RuntimeError("Checksum mismatch for '%s': "\
                            "downloaded: '%s'; expected: '%s'" % \
                            (target, checksum, checksum2))
+def run_svn(cmd, verbose=True, dry_run=False, username=None):
+    if (username):
+        cmd[:0] = ['--username', username]
+    run_command(['svn'] + cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
+def run_svnmucc(cmd, verbose=True, dry_run=False, username=None):
+    if (username):
+        cmd[:0] = ['--username', username]
+    run_command(['svnmucc'] + cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
+def is_lts(version):
+    return version.branch in lts_release_lines
+def is_recommended(version):
+    return version.branch == recommended_release
+def get_download_anchor(version):
+    if version.is_prerelease():
+        return 'pre-releases'
+    else:
+        if is_recommended(version):
+            return 'recommended-release'
+        else:
+            return 'supported-releases'
 # ezt helpers
@@ -325,7 +348,7 @@ def cleanup(args):
     shutil.rmtree(get_prefix(args.base_dir), True)
     shutil.rmtree(get_tempdir(args.base_dir), True)
-    shutil.rmtree(get_deploydir(args.base_dir), True)
+    shutil.rmtree(get_target(args), True)
@@ -340,7 +363,8 @@ class RollDep(object):
     def _test_version(self, cmd):
         proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                                universal_newlines=True)
         (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
         rc = proc.wait()
         if rc: return ''
@@ -482,13 +506,236 @@ def build_env(args):
+# Create a new minor release branch
+def get_trunk_wc_path(base_dir, path=None):
+    trunk_wc_path = os.path.join(get_tempdir(base_dir), 'svn-trunk')
+    if path is None: return trunk_wc_path
+    return os.path.join(trunk_wc_path, path)
+def get_buildbot_wc_path(base_dir, path=None):
+    buildbot_wc_path = os.path.join(get_tempdir(base_dir), 'svn-buildmaster')
+    if path is None: return buildbot_wc_path
+    return os.path.join(buildbot_wc_path, path)
+def get_trunk_url(revnum=None):
+    return svn_repos + '/trunk' + '@' + (str(revnum) if revnum else '')
+def get_branch_url(ver):
+    return svn_repos + '/branches/' + ver.branch + '.x'
+def get_tag_url(ver):
+    return svn_repos + '/tags/' + ver.base
+def edit_file(path, pattern, replacement):
+    print("Editing '%s'" % (path,))
+    print("  pattern='%s'" % (pattern,))
+    print("  replace='%s'" % (replacement,))
+    old_text = open(path, 'r').read()
+    new_text = re.sub(pattern, replacement, old_text)
+    assert new_text != old_text
+    open(path, 'w').write(new_text)
+def edit_changes_file(path, newtext):
+    """Insert NEWTEXT in the 'CHANGES' file found at PATH,
+       just before the first line that starts with 'Version '.
+    """
+    print("Prepending to '%s'" % (path,))
+    print("  text='%s'" % (newtext,))
+    lines = open(path, 'r').readlines()
+    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+      if line.startswith('Version '):
+        with open(path, 'w') as newfile:
+          newfile.writelines(lines[:i])
+          newfile.write(newtext)
+          newfile.writelines(lines[i:])
+        break
+def make_release_branch(args):
+    ver = args.version
+    run_svn(['copy',
+             get_trunk_url(args.revnum),
+             get_branch_url(ver),
+             '-m', 'Create the ' + ver.branch + '.x release branch.'],
+            dry_run=args.dry_run)
+def update_minor_ver_in_trunk(args):
+    """Change the minor version in trunk to the next (future) minor version.
+    """
+    ver = args.version
+    trunk_wc = get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir)
+    run_svn(['checkout',
+             get_trunk_url(args.revnum),
+             trunk_wc])
+    prev_ver = Version('1.%d.0' % (ver.minor - 1,))
+    next_ver = Version('1.%d.0' % (ver.minor + 1,))
+    relpaths = []
+    relpath = 'subversion/include/svn_version.h'
+    relpaths.append(relpath)
+    edit_file(get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+              r'(#define SVN_VER_MINOR *)%s' % (ver.minor,),
+              r'\g<1>%s' % (next_ver.minor,))
+    relpath = 'subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/'
+    relpaths.append(relpath)
+    edit_file(get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+              r'(SVN_VER_MINOR = )%s' % (ver.minor,),
+              r'\g<1>%s' % (next_ver.minor,))
+    relpath = 
+    relpaths.append(relpath)
+    try:
+        # since r1817921 (just after branching 1.10)
+        edit_file(get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+                  r'SVN_VER_MINOR = %s;' % (ver.minor,),
+                  r'SVN_VER_MINOR = %s;' % (next_ver.minor,))
+    except:
+        # before r1817921: two separate places
+        edit_file(get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+                  r'version.isAtLeast\(1, %s, 0\)' % (ver.minor,),
+                  r'version.isAtLeast\(1, %s, 0\)' % (next_ver.minor,))
+        edit_file(get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+                  r'1.%s.0, but' % (ver.minor,),
+                  r'1.%s.0, but' % (next_ver.minor,))
+    relpath = 'CHANGES'
+    relpaths.append(relpath)
+    # insert at beginning of CHANGES file
+    edit_changes_file(get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+                 'Version ' + next_ver.base + '\n'
+                 + '(?? ??? 20XX, from /branches/' + next_ver.branch + '.x)\n'
+                 + get_tag_url(next_ver) + '\n'
+                 + '\n')
+    log_msg = '''\
+Increment the trunk version number to %s, and introduce a new CHANGES
+section, following the creation of the %s.x release branch.
+* subversion/include/svn_version.h,
+  subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/
+    (SVN_VER_MINOR): Increment to %s.
+* CHANGES: New section for %s.0.
+''' % (next_ver.branch, ver.branch, next_ver.minor, next_ver.branch)
+    commit_paths = [get_trunk_wc_path(args.base_dir, p) for p in relpaths]
+    run_svn(['commit'] + commit_paths + ['-m', log_msg],
+            dry_run=args.dry_run)
+def create_status_file_on_branch(args):
+    ver = args.version
+    branch_wc = get_workdir(args.base_dir)
+    branch_url = get_branch_url(ver)
+    run_svn(['checkout', branch_url, branch_wc, '--depth=immediates'])
+    status_local_path = os.path.join(branch_wc, 'STATUS')
+    template_filename = 'STATUS.ezt'
+    data = { 'major-minor'          : ver.branch,
+             'major-minor-patch'    : ver.base,
+           }
+    template = ezt.Template(compress_whitespace=False)
+    template.parse(get_tmplfile(template_filename).read())
+    with open(status_local_path, 'wx') as g:
+        template.generate(g, data)
+    run_svn(['add', status_local_path])
+    run_svn(['commit', status_local_path,
+             '-m', '* branches/' + ver.branch + '.x/STATUS: New file.'],
+            dry_run=args.dry_run)
+def update_backport_bot(args):
+    ver = args.version
+    print("""\
+  Ask someone with appropriate access to add the %s.x branch
+  to the backport merge bot.  See
+""" % (ver.branch,))
+def update_buildbot_config(args):
+    """Add the new branch to the list of branches monitored by the buildbot
+       master.
+    """
+    ver = args.version
+    buildbot_wc = get_buildbot_wc_path(args.base_dir)
+    run_svn(['checkout', buildbot_repos, buildbot_wc])
+    prev_ver = Version('1.%d.0' % (ver.minor - 1,))
+    next_ver = Version('1.%d.0' % (ver.minor + 1,))
+    relpath = 'master1/projects/subversion.conf'
+    edit_file(get_buildbot_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath),
+              r'(MINOR_LINES=\[.*%s)(\])' % (prev_ver.minor,),
+              r'\1, %s\2' % (ver.minor,))
+    log_msg = '''\
+Subversion: start monitoring the %s branch.
+''' % (ver.branch)
+    commit_paths = [get_buildbot_wc_path(args.base_dir, relpath)]
+    run_svn(['commit'] + commit_paths + ['-m', log_msg],
+            dry_run=args.dry_run)
+def create_release_branch(args):
+    make_release_branch(args)
+    update_minor_ver_in_trunk(args)
+    create_status_file_on_branch(args)
+    update_backport_bot(args)
+    update_buildbot_config(args)
+def write_release_notes(args):
+    # Create a skeleton release notes file from template
+    template_filename = \
+        'release-notes-lts.ezt' if is_lts(args.version) else 
+    prev_ver = Version('%d.%d.0' % (args.version.major, args.version.minor - 
+    data = { 'major-minor'          : args.version.branch,
+             'previous-major-minor' : prev_ver.branch,
+           }
+    template = ezt.Template(compress_whitespace=False)
+    template.parse(get_tmplfile(template_filename).read())
+    if args.edit_html_file:
+        with open(args.edit_html_file, 'w') as g:
+            template.generate(g, data)
+    else:
+        template.generate(sys.stdout, data)
+    # Add an "in progress" entry in the release notes index
+    #
+    index_file = os.path.normpath(args.edit_html_file + '/../index.html')
+    marker = '<ul id="release-notes-list">\n'
+    new_item = '<li><a href="%s.html">Subversion %s</a> – <i>in 
progress</i></li>\n' % (args.version.branch, args.version.branch)
+    edit_file(index_file,
+              re.escape(marker),
+              (marker + new_item).replace('\\', r'\\'))
 # Create release artifacts
 def compare_changes(repos, branch, revision):
     mergeinfo_cmd = ['svn', 'mergeinfo', '--show-revs=eligible',
                      repos + '/trunk/CHANGES',
                      repos + '/' + branch + '/' + 'CHANGES']
-    stdout = subprocess.check_output(mergeinfo_cmd)
+    stdout = subprocess.check_output(mergeinfo_cmd, universal_newlines=True)
     if stdout:
       # Treat this as a warning since we are now putting entries for future
       # minor releases in CHANGES on trunk.
@@ -506,7 +753,7 @@ def check_copyright_year(repos, branch,
         file_url = (repos + '/' + branch + '/'
                     + branch_relpath + '@' + str(revision))
         cat_cmd = ['svn', 'cat', file_url]
-        stdout = subprocess.check_output(cat_cmd)
+        stdout = subprocess.check_output(cat_cmd, universal_newlines=True)
         m =
         if m:
             year ='year')
@@ -531,16 +778,12 @@ def replace_lines(path, actions):
 def roll_tarballs(args):
     'Create the release artifacts.'
-    if not args.branch:
-        args.branch = 'branches/%d.%d.x' % (args.version.major, 
-    branch = args.branch # shorthand
-    branch = branch.rstrip('/') # canonicalize for later comparisons
+    branch = get_branch_path(args)'Rolling release %s from branch %s@%d' % (args.version,
-    check_copyright_year(repos, args.branch, args.revnum)
+    check_copyright_year(svn_repos, branch, args.revnum)
     # Ensure we've got the appropriate rolling dependencies available
     autoconf = AutoconfDep(args.base_dir, False, args.verbose,
@@ -559,20 +802,21 @@ def roll_tarballs(args):
     if branch != 'trunk':
         # Make sure CHANGES is sync'd.
-        compare_changes(repos, branch, args.revnum)
+        compare_changes(svn_repos, branch, args.revnum)
     # Ensure the output directory doesn't already exist
-    if os.path.exists(get_deploydir(args.base_dir)):
+    if os.path.exists(get_target(args)):
         raise RuntimeError('output directory \'%s\' already exists'
-                                            % get_deploydir(args.base_dir))
+                                            % get_target(args))
-    os.mkdir(get_deploydir(args.base_dir))
+    os.mkdir(get_target(args))'Preparing working copy source')
     shutil.rmtree(get_workdir(args.base_dir), True)
-    run_script(args.verbose, 'svn checkout %s %s'
-               % (repos + '/' + branch + '@' + str(args.revnum),
-                  get_workdir(args.base_dir)))
+    run_svn(['checkout',
+             svn_repos + '/' + branch + '@' + str(args.revnum),
+             get_workdir(args.base_dir)],
+            verbose=args.verbose)
     # Exclude stuff we don't want in the tarball, it will not be present
     # in the exported tree.
@@ -583,8 +827,8 @@ def roll_tarballs(args):
             exclude += ['packages', 'www']
     cwd = os.getcwd()
-    run_script(args.verbose,
-               'svn update --set-depth exclude %s' % " ".join(exclude))
+    run_svn(['update', '--set-depth=exclude'] + exclude,
+            verbose=args.verbose)
     if args.patches:
@@ -594,10 +838,10 @@ def roll_tarballs(args):
         for name in os.listdir(args.patches):
             if name.find(majmin) != -1 and name.endswith('patch'):
       'Applying patch %s' % name)
-                run_script(args.verbose,
-                           '''svn patch %s %s'''
-                           % (os.path.join(args.patches, name),
-                              get_workdir(args.base_dir)))
+                run_svn(['patch',
+                         os.path.join(args.patches, name),
+                         get_workdir(args.base_dir)],
+                        verbose=args.verbose)
     # Massage the new version number into svn_version.h.
     ver_tag, ver_numtag = args.version.get_ver_tags(args.revnum)
@@ -632,11 +876,12 @@ def roll_tarballs(args):
     def export(windows):
         shutil.rmtree(exportdir, True)
         if windows:
-            eol_style = "--native-eol CRLF"
+            eol_style = "--native-eol=CRLF"
-            eol_style = "--native-eol LF"
-        run_script(args.verbose, "svn export %s %s %s"
-                   % (eol_style, get_workdir(args.base_dir), exportdir))
+            eol_style = "--native-eol=LF"
+        run_svn(['export',
+                 eol_style, get_workdir(args.base_dir), exportdir],
+                verbose=args.verbose)
     def transform_sql():
         for root, dirs, files in os.walk(exportdir):
@@ -687,7 +932,7 @@ def roll_tarballs(args):
     # Use the gzip -n flag - this prevents it from storing the
     # original name of the .tar file, and far more importantly, the
     # mtime of the .tar file, in the produced .tar.gz file. This is
-    # important, because it makes the gzip encoding reproducable by
+    # important, because it makes the gzip encoding reproducible by
     # anyone else who has an similar version of gzip, and also uses
     # "gzip -9n". This means that committers who want to GPG-sign both
     # the .tar.gz and the .tar.bz2 can download the .tar.bz2 (which is
@@ -710,21 +955,33 @@ def roll_tarballs(args):
     for e in extns:
         filename = basename + '.' + e
         filepath = os.path.join(get_tempdir(args.base_dir), filename)
-        shutil.move(filepath, get_deploydir(args.base_dir))
-        filepath = os.path.join(get_deploydir(args.base_dir), filename)
-        m = hashlib.sha1()
-        m.update(open(filepath, 'r').read())
-        open(filepath + '.sha1', 'w').write(m.hexdigest())
+        shutil.move(filepath, get_target(args))
+        filepath = os.path.join(get_target(args), filename)
+        if args.version < Version("1.11.0-alpha1"):
+            # 1.10 and earlier generate *.sha1 files for compatibility reasons.
+            # They are deprecated, however, so we don't publicly link them in
+            # the announcements any more.
+            m = hashlib.sha1()
+            m.update(open(filepath, 'rb').read())
+            open(filepath + '.sha1', 'w').write(m.hexdigest())
         m = hashlib.sha512()
-        m.update(open(filepath, 'r').read())
+        m.update(open(filepath, 'rb').read())
         open(filepath + '.sha512', 'w').write(m.hexdigest())
     # Nightlies do not get tagged so do not need the header
     if args.version.pre != 'nightly':
                                  'subversion', 'include', 'svn_version.h'),
-                    os.path.join(get_deploydir(args.base_dir),
-                                 'svn_version.h.dist-%s' % str(args.version)))
+                    os.path.join(get_target(args),
+                                 'svn_version.h.dist-%s'
+                                   % (str(args.version),)))
+        # Download and "tag" the KEYS file (in case a signing key is removed
+        # from a committer's LDAP profile down the road)
+        basename = 'subversion-%s.KEYS' % (str(args.version),)
+        filepath = os.path.join(get_tempdir(args.base_dir), basename)
+        download_file(KEYS, filepath, None)
+        shutil.move(filepath, get_target(args))
     # And we're done!
@@ -737,8 +994,12 @@ def sign_candidates(args):
     def sign_file(filename):
         asc_file = open(filename + '.asc', 'a')"Signing %s" % filename)
-        proc = subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '-ba', '-o', '-', filename],
-                                     stdout=asc_file)
+        if args.userid:
+            proc = subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '-ba', '-u', args.userid,
+                                         '-o', '-', filename], stdout=asc_file)
+        else:
+            proc = subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '-ba', '-o', '-', filename],
+                                         stdout=asc_file)
     target = get_target(args)
@@ -746,7 +1007,7 @@ def sign_candidates(args):
     for e in extns:
         filename = os.path.join(target, 'subversion-%s.%s' % (args.version, e))
-        if args.version.major >= 1 and args.version.minor <= 6:
+        if args.version.major == 1 and args.version.minor <= 6:
             filename = os.path.join(target,
                                    'subversion-deps-%s.%s' % (args.version, e))
@@ -762,107 +1023,125 @@ def post_candidates(args):'Importing tarballs to %s' % dist_dev_url)
     ver = str(args.version)
-    svn_cmd = ['svn', 'import', '-m',
+    svn_cmd = ['import', '-m',
                'Add Subversion %s candidate release artifacts' % ver,
                '--auto-props', '--config-option',
                target, dist_dev_url]
-    if (args.username):
-        svn_cmd += ['--username', args.username]
-    subprocess.check_call(svn_cmd)
+    run_svn(svn_cmd, verbose=args.verbose, username=args.username)
 # Create tag
+# Bump versions on branch
-def create_tag(args):
+def create_tag_only(args):
     'Create tag in the repository'
     target = get_target(args)'Creating tag for %s' % str(args.version))
-    if not args.branch:
-        args.branch = 'branches/%d.%d.x' % (args.version.major, 
-    branch = secure_repos + '/' + args.branch.rstrip('/')
+    branch_url = svn_repos + '/' + get_branch_path(args)
-    tag = secure_repos + '/tags/' + str(args.version)
+    tag = svn_repos + '/tags/' + str(args.version)
-    svnmucc_cmd = ['svnmucc', '-m',
-                   'Tagging release ' + str(args.version)]
-    if (args.username):
-        svnmucc_cmd += ['--username', args.username]
-    svnmucc_cmd += ['cp', str(args.revnum), branch, tag]
+    svnmucc_cmd = ['-m', 'Tagging release ' + str(args.version)]
+    svnmucc_cmd += ['cp', str(args.revnum), branch_url, tag]
     svnmucc_cmd += ['put', os.path.join(target, 'svn_version.h.dist' + '-' +
                     tag + '/subversion/include/svn_version.h']
     # don't redirect stdout/stderr since svnmucc might ask for a password
-        subprocess.check_call(svnmucc_cmd)
+        run_svnmucc(svnmucc_cmd, verbose=args.verbose, username=args.username)
     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
         if args.version.is_prerelease():
             logging.error("Do you need to pass --branch=trunk?")
-    if not args.version.is_prerelease():
-'Bumping revisions on the branch')
-        def replace_in_place(fd, startofline, flat, spare):
-            """In file object FD, replace FLAT with SPARE in the first line
-            starting with STARTOFLINE."""
-  , os.SEEK_SET)
-            lines = fd.readlines()
-            for i, line in enumerate(lines):
-                if line.startswith(startofline):
-                    lines[i] = line.replace(flat, spare)
-                    break
-            else:
-                raise RuntimeError('Definition of %r not found' % startofline)
+def bump_versions_on_branch(args):
+    'Bump version numbers on branch'
+'Bumping version numbers on the branch')
+    branch_url = svn_repos + '/' + get_branch_path(args)
+    def replace_in_place(fd, startofline, flat, spare):
+        """In file object FD, replace FLAT with SPARE in the first line
+        starting with regex STARTOFLINE."""
+        pattern = r'^(%s)%s' % (startofline, re.escape(flat))
+        repl =    r'\g<1>%s' % (spare,)
+, os.SEEK_SET)
+        lines = fd.readlines()
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            replacement = re.sub(pattern, repl, line)
+            if replacement != line:
+                lines[i] = replacement
+                break
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("Could not replace r'%s' with r'%s' in '%s'"
+                               % (pattern, repl, fd.url))
+, os.SEEK_SET)
+        fd.writelines(lines)
+        fd.truncate() # for current callers, new value is never shorter.
+    new_version = Version('%d.%d.%d' %
+                          (args.version.major, args.version.minor,
+                           args.version.patch + 1))
+    HEAD = subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'info', '--show-item=revision',
+                                    '--', branch_url],
+                                   universal_newlines=True).strip()
+    HEAD = int(HEAD)
+    def file_object_for(relpath):
+        fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', encoding='UTF-8')
+        url = branch_url + '/' + relpath
+        fd.url = url
+        subprocess.check_call(['svn', 'cat', '%s@%d' % (url, HEAD)],
+                              stdout=fd)
+        return fd
+    svn_version_h = file_object_for('subversion/include/svn_version.h')
+    replace_in_place(svn_version_h, '#define SVN_VER_PATCH  *',
+                     str(args.version.patch), str(new_version.patch))
+    STATUS = file_object_for('STATUS')
+    replace_in_place(STATUS, 'Status of ',
+                     str(args.version), str(new_version))
+, os.SEEK_SET)
+, os.SEEK_SET)
+    run_svnmucc(['-r', str(HEAD),
+                 '-m', 'Post-release housekeeping: '
+                       'bump the %s branch to %s.'
+                 % (branch_url.split('/')[-1], str(new_version)),
+                 'put',, svn_version_h.url,
+                 'put',, STATUS.url,
+                ],
+                verbose=args.verbose, username=args.username)
+    del svn_version_h
+    del STATUS
+def create_tag_and_bump_versions(args):
+    '''Create tag in the repository and, if not a prerelease version,
+       bump version numbers on the branch'''
+    create_tag_only(args)
-  , os.SEEK_SET)
-            fd.writelines(lines)
-            fd.truncate() # for current callers, new value is never shorter.
-        new_version = Version('%d.%d.%d' %
-                              (args.version.major, args.version.minor,
-                               args.version.patch + 1))
-        def file_object_for(relpath):
-            fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-            url = branch + '/' + relpath
-            fd.url = url
-            subprocess.check_call(['svn', 'cat', '%s@%d' % (url, args.revnum)],
-                                  stdout=fd)
-            return fd
-        svn_version_h = file_object_for('subversion/include/svn_version.h')
-        replace_in_place(svn_version_h, '#define SVN_VER_PATCH ',
-                         str(args.version.patch), str(new_version.patch))
-        STATUS = file_object_for('STATUS')
-        replace_in_place(STATUS, 'Status of ',
-                         str(args.version), str(new_version))
-, os.SEEK_SET)
-, os.SEEK_SET)
-        subprocess.check_call(['svnmucc', '-r', str(args.revnum),
-                               '-m', 'Post-release housekeeping: '
-                                     'bump the %s branch to %s.'
-                               % (branch.split('/')[-1], str(new_version)),
-                               'put',, svn_version_h.url,
-                               'put',, STATUS.url,
-                              ])
-        del svn_version_h
-        del STATUS
+    if not args.version.is_prerelease():
+        bump_versions_on_branch(args)
 # Clean dist
 def clean_dist(args):
-    'Clean the distribution directory of all but the most recent artifacts.'
+    '''Clean the distribution directory of release artifacts of
+    no-longer-supported minor lines.'''
-    stdout = subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'list', dist_release_url])
+    stdout = subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'list', dist_release_url],
+                                     universal_newlines=True)
     def minor(version):
         """Return the minor release line of the parameter, which must be
@@ -872,23 +1151,20 @@ def clean_dist(args):
     filenames = stdout.split('\n')
     filenames = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('subversion-'), filenames)
     versions = set(map(Version, filenames))
-    minor_lines = set(map(minor, versions))
     to_keep = set()
-    # Keep 3 minor lines: 1.10.0-alpha3, 1.9.7, 1.8.19.
     # TODO: When we release 1.A.0 GA we'll have to manually remove 1.(A-2).* 
-    for recent_line in sorted(minor_lines, reverse=True)[:3]:
-        to_keep.add(max(
+    for line_to_keep in [minor(Version(x + ".0")) for x in 
+        candidates = list(
             x for x in versions
-            if minor(x) == recent_line
-        ))
+            if minor(x) == line_to_keep
+        )
+        if candidates:
+            to_keep.add(max(candidates))
     for i in sorted(to_keep):"Saving release '%s'", i)
-    svnmucc_cmd = ['svnmucc', '-m', 'Remove old Subversion releases.\n' +
-                   'They are still available at ' +
-                   '']
-    if (args.username):
-        svnmucc_cmd += ['--username', args.username]
+    svnmucc_cmd = ['-m', 'Remove old Subversion releases.\n' +
+                   'They are still available at ' + dist_archive_url]
     for filename in filenames:
         if Version(filename) not in to_keep:
   "Removing %r", filename)
@@ -896,7 +1172,7 @@ def clean_dist(args):
     # don't redirect stdout/stderr since svnmucc might ask for a password
     if 'rm' in svnmucc_cmd:
-        subprocess.check_call(svnmucc_cmd)
+        run_svnmucc(svnmucc_cmd, verbose=args.verbose, username=args.username)
     else:"Nothing to remove")
@@ -906,16 +1182,15 @@ def clean_dist(args):
 def move_to_dist(args):
     'Move candidate artifacts to the distribution directory.'
-    stdout = subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'list', dist_dev_url])
+    stdout = subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'list', dist_dev_url],
+                                     universal_newlines=True)
     filenames = []
     for entry in stdout.split('\n'):
       if fnmatch.fnmatch(entry, 'subversion-%s.*' % str(args.version)):
-    svnmucc_cmd = ['svnmucc', '-m',
+    svnmucc_cmd = ['-m',
                    'Publish Subversion-%s.' % str(args.version)]
-    if (args.username):
-        svnmucc_cmd += ['--username', args.username]
     svnmucc_cmd += ['rm', dist_dev_url + '/' + 'svn_version.h.dist'
                           + '-' + str(args.version)]
     for filename in filenames:
@@ -924,20 +1199,25 @@ def move_to_dist(args):
     # don't redirect stdout/stderr since svnmucc might ask for a password'Moving release artifacts to %s' % dist_release_url)
-    subprocess.check_call(svnmucc_cmd)
+    run_svnmucc(svnmucc_cmd, verbose=args.verbose, username=args.username)
 # Write announcements
 def write_news(args):
     'Write text for the Subversion website.'
-    data = { 'date' :'%Y%m%d'),
-             'date_pres' :'%Y-%m-%d'),
+    if args.news_release_date:
+        release_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.news_release_date, 
+    else:
+        release_date =
+    data = { 'date' : release_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),
+             'date_pres' : release_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
              'major-minor' : args.version.branch,
              'version' : str(args.version),
              'version_base' : args.version.base,
-             'anchor': args.version.get_download_anchor(),
-             'is_recommended': ezt_bool(args.version.is_recommended()),
+             'anchor': get_download_anchor(args.version),
+             'is_recommended': ezt_bool(is_recommended(args.version)),
+             'announcement_url': args.announcement_url,
     if args.version.is_prerelease():
@@ -947,41 +1227,56 @@ def write_news(args):
     template = ezt.Template()
-    template.generate(sys.stdout, data)
+    # Insert the output into an existing file if requested, else print it
+    if args.edit_html_file:
+        tmp_name = args.edit_html_file + '.tmp'
+        with open(args.edit_html_file, 'r') as f, open(tmp_name, 'w') as g:
+            inserted = False
+            for line in f:
+                if not inserted and line.startswith('<div class="h3" 
+                    template.generate(g, data)
+                    g.write('\n')
+                    inserted = True
+                g.write(line)
+        os.remove(args.edit_html_file)
+        os.rename(tmp_name, args.edit_html_file)
+    else:
+        template.generate(sys.stdout, data)
-def get_sha1info(args):
-    'Return a list of sha1 info for the release'
+def get_fileinfo(args):
+    'Return a list of file info (filenames) for the release tarballs'
     target = get_target(args)
-    sha1s = glob.glob(os.path.join(target, 'subversion*-%s*.sha1' % 
+    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(target, 'subversion*-%s.*.asc' % 
+    files.sort()
     class info(object):
-    sha1info = []
-    for s in sha1s:
+    fileinfo = []
+    for f in files:
         i = info()
-        # strip ".sha1"
-        i.filename = os.path.basename(s)[:-5]
-        i.sha1 = open(s, 'r').read()
-        sha1info.append(i)
+        # strip ".asc"
+        i.filename = os.path.basename(f)[:-4]
+        fileinfo.append(i)
-    return sha1info
+    return fileinfo
 def write_announcement(args):
     'Write the release announcement.'
-    sha1info = get_sha1info(args)
-    siginfo = "\n".join(get_siginfo(args, True)) + "\n"
+    siginfo = get_siginfo(args, True)
+    if not siginfo:
+      raise RuntimeError("No signatures found for %s at %s" % (args.version,
     data = { 'version'              : str(args.version),
-             'sha1info'             : sha1info,
-             'siginfo'              : siginfo,
+             'siginfo'              : "\n".join(siginfo) + "\n",
              'major-minor'          : args.version.branch,
              'major-minor-patch'    : args.version.base,
-             'anchor'               : args.version.get_download_anchor(),
+             'anchor'               : get_download_anchor(args.version),
     if args.version.is_prerelease():
@@ -1007,10 +1302,10 @@ def write_announcement(args):
 def write_downloads(args):
     'Output the download section of the website.'
-    sha1info = get_sha1info(args)
+    fileinfo = get_fileinfo(args)
     data = { 'version'              : str(args.version),
-             'fileinfo'             : sha1info,
+             'fileinfo'             : fileinfo,
     template = ezt.Template(compress_whitespace = False)
@@ -1046,14 +1341,12 @@ def get_siginfo(args, quiet=False):
         import security._gnupg as gnupg
     gpg = gnupg.GPG()
-    target = get_target(args)
     good_sigs = {}
     fingerprints = {}
     output = []
-    glob_pattern = os.path.join(target, 'subversion*-%s*.asc' % args.version)
-    for filename in glob.glob(glob_pattern):
+    for fileinfo in get_fileinfo(args):
+        filename = os.path.join(get_target(args), fileinfo.filename + '.asc')
         text = open(filename).read()
         keys = text.split(key_start)
@@ -1078,9 +1371,9 @@ def get_siginfo(args, quiet=False):
                                  % (n, filename, key_end))
-            fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp()
-            os.write(fd, key_start + key)
-            os.close(fd)
+            fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
+            with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as key_file:
+              key_file.write(key_start + key)
             verified = gpg.verify_file(open(fn, 'rb'), filename[:-4])
@@ -1102,6 +1395,7 @@ def get_siginfo(args, quiet=False):
         gpg_output = subprocess.check_output(
             ['gpg', '--fixed-list-mode', '--with-colons', '--fingerprint', id],
+            universal_newlines=True,
         gpg_output = gpg_output.splitlines()
@@ -1169,11 +1463,212 @@ def get_keys(args):
     'Import the LDAP-based KEYS file to gpg'
     # We use a tempfile because urlopen() objects don't have a .fileno()
     with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as fd:
-        fd.write(urllib2.urlopen(KEYS).read())
+        fd.write(urlopen(KEYS).read())
         subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '--import'], stdin=fd)
+def add_to_changes_dict(changes_dict, audience, section, change, revision):
+    # Normalize arguments
+    if audience:
+        audience = audience.upper()
+    if section:
+        section = section.lower()
+    change = change.strip()
+    if not audience in changes_dict:
+        changes_dict[audience] = dict()
+    if not section in changes_dict[audience]:
+        changes_dict[audience][section] = dict()
+    changes = changes_dict[audience][section]
+    if change in changes:
+        changes[change].add(revision)
+    else:
+        changes[change] = set([revision])
+def print_section(changes_dict, audience, section, title, mandatory=False):
+    if audience in changes_dict:
+        audience_changes = changes_dict[audience]
+        if mandatory or (section in audience_changes):
+            if title:
+                print('  - %s:' % title)
+        if section in audience_changes:
+            print_changes(audience_changes[section])
+        elif mandatory:
+            print('    (none)')
+def print_changes(changes):
+    # Print in alphabetical order, so entries with the same prefix are together
+    for change in sorted(changes):
+        revs = changes[change]
+        rev_string = 'r' + str(min(revs)) + (' et al' if len(revs) > 1 else '')
+        print('    * %s (%s)' % (change, rev_string))
+def write_changelog(args):
+    'Write changelog, parsed from commit messages'
+    # Changelog lines are lines with the following format:
+    #   '['[audience[:section]]']' <message>
+    # or:
+    #   <message> '['[audience[:section]]']'
+    # where audience = U (User-visible) or D (Developer-visible)
+    #       section = 
+    #                 (section is optional and is treated case-insensitively)
+    #       message = the actual text for CHANGES
+    #
+    # This means the "changes label" can be used as prefix or suffix, and it
+    # can also be left empty (which results in an uncategorized changes entry),
+    # if the committer isn't sure where the changelog entry belongs.
+    #
+    # Putting [skip], [ignore], [c:skip] or [c:ignore] somewhere in the
+    # log message means this commit must be ignored for Changelog processing
+    # (ignored even with the --include-unlabeled-summaries option).
+    #
+    # If there is no changes label anywhere in the commit message, and the
+    # --include-unlabeled-summaries option is used, we'll consider the summary
+    # line of the commit message (= first line except if it starts with a *)
+    # as an uncategorized changes entry, except if it contains "status",
+    # "changes", "post-release housekeeping" or "follow-up".
+    #
+    # Examples:
+    #   [U:major] Better interactive conflict resolution for tree conflicts
+    #   ra_serf: Adjustments for serf versions with HTTP/2 support [U:minor]
+    #   [U] Fix 'svn diff URL@REV WC' wrongly looks up URL@HEAD (issue #4597)
+    #   Fix bug with canonicalizing Window-specific drive-relative URL []
+    #   New svn_ra_list() API function [D:api]
+    #   [D:bindings] JavaHL: Allow access to constructors of a couple JavaHL 
+    branch_url = svn_repos + '/' + get_branch_path(args)
+    previous = svn_repos + '/' + args.previous
+    include_unlabeled = args.include_unlabeled
+    separator_line = ('-' * 72) + '\n'
+    mergeinfo = subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'mergeinfo', '--show-revs',
+                    'eligible', '--log', branch_url, previous],
+                                        universal_newlines=True)
+    log_messages_dict = {
+        # This is a dictionary mapping revision numbers to their respective
+        # log messages.  The expression in the "key:" part of the dict
+        # comprehension extracts the revision number, as integer, from the
+        # 'svn log' output.
+        int(log_message.splitlines()[0].split()[0][1:]): log_message
+        # The [1:-1] ignores the empty first and last element of the split().
+        for log_message in mergeinfo.split(separator_line)[1:-1]
+    }
+    mergeinfo = mergeinfo.splitlines()
+    separator_pattern = re.compile('^-{72}$')
+    revline_pattern = re.compile('^r(\d+) \| [^\|]+ \| [^\|]+ \| \d+ lines?$')
+    changes_prefix_pattern = re.compile(r'^\[(U|D)?:?([^\]]+)?\](.+)$')
+    changes_suffix_pattern = re.compile(r'^(.+)\[(U|D)?:?([^\]]+)?\]$')
+    # TODO: push this into backport.status as a library function
+    auto_merge_pattern = \
+        re.compile(r'^Merge (r\d+,? |the r\d+ group |the \S+ branch:)')
+    changes_dict = dict()  # audience -> (section -> (change -> set(revision)))
+    revision = -1
+    got_firstline = False
+    unlabeled_summary = None
+    changes_ignore = False
+    audience = None
+    section = None
+    message = None
+    for line in mergeinfo:
+        if separator_pattern.match(line):
+            # New revision section. Reset variables.
+            # If there's an unlabeled summary from a previous section, and
+            # include_unlabeled is True, put it into uncategorized_changes.
+            if include_unlabeled and unlabeled_summary and not changes_ignore:
+                if auto_merge_pattern.match(unlabeled_summary):
+                    # 1. Parse revision numbers from the first line
+                    merged_revisions = [
+                        int(x) for x in
+                        re.compile(r'(?<=\br)\d+\b').findall(unlabeled_summary)
+                    ]
+                    # TODO pass each revnum in MERGED_REVISIONS through this
+                    #      logic, in order to extract CHANGES_PREFIX_PATTERN
+                    #      and CHANGES_SUFFIX_PATTERN lines from the trunk log
+                    #      message.
+                    # 2. Parse the STATUS entry
+                    this_log_message = log_messages_dict[revision]
+                    status_paragraph = this_log_message.split('\n\n')[2]
+                    logsummary = \
+                    add_to_changes_dict(changes_dict, None, None,
+                                        ' '.join(logsummary), revision)
+                else:
+                    add_to_changes_dict(changes_dict, None, None,
+                                        unlabeled_summary, revision)
+            revision = -1
+            got_firstline = False
+            unlabeled_summary = None
+            changes_ignore = False
+            audience = None
+            section = None
+            message = None
+            continue
+        revmatch = revline_pattern.match(line)
+        if revmatch and (revision == -1):
+            # A revision line: get the revision number
+            revision = int(
+            logging.debug('Changelog processing revision r%d' % revision)
+            continue
+        if line.strip() == '':
+            # Skip empty / whitespace lines
+            continue
+        if not got_firstline:
+            got_firstline = True
+            if (not'status|changes|post-release 
+                              line, re.IGNORECASE)
+                    and not changes_prefix_pattern.match(line)
+                    and not changes_suffix_pattern.match(line)):
+                unlabeled_summary = line
+        if'\[(c:)?(skip|ignore)\]', line, re.IGNORECASE):
+            changes_ignore = True
+        prefix_match = changes_prefix_pattern.match(line)
+        if prefix_match:
+            audience =
+            section =
+            message =
+            add_to_changes_dict(changes_dict, audience, section, message, 
+        suffix_match = changes_suffix_pattern.match(line)
+        if suffix_match:
+            message =
+            audience =
+            section =
+            add_to_changes_dict(changes_dict, audience, section, message, 
+    # Output the sorted changelog entries
+    # 1) Uncategorized changes
+    print_section(changes_dict, None, None, None)
+    print
+    # 2) User-visible changes
+    print(' User-visible changes:')
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', None, None)
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'general', 'General')
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'major', 'Major new features')
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'minor', 'Minor new features and 
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'client', 'Client-side bugfixes', 
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'server', 'Server-side bugfixes', 
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'clientserver', 'Client-side and 
server-side bugfixes')
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'other', 'Other tool improvements and 
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'U', 'bindings', 'Bindings bugfixes', 
+    print
+    # 3) Developer-visible changes
+    print(' Developer-visible changes:')
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'D', None, None)
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'D', 'general', 'General', mandatory=True)
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'D', 'api', 'API changes', mandatory=True)
+    print_section(changes_dict, 'D', 'bindings', 'Bindings')
 # Main entry point for argument parsing and handling
@@ -1184,13 +1679,25 @@ def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
                             description='Create an Apache Subversion release.')
     parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', default=False,
-                   help='Remove any directories previously created by 
+                   help='''Remove any directories previously created by 
+                           including the 'prefix' dir, the 'temp' dir, and the
+                           default or specified target dir.''')
     parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
                    help='Increase output verbosity')
     parser.add_argument('--base-dir', default=os.getcwd(),
                    help='''The directory in which to create needed files and
                            folders.  The default is the current working
+    parser.add_argument('--target',
+                   help='''The full path to the directory containing
+                           release artifacts. Default: <BASE_DIR>/deploy''')
+    parser.add_argument('--branch',
+                   help='''The branch to base the release on,
+                           as a path relative to ^/subversion/.
+                           Default: 'branches/MAJOR.MINOR.x'.''')
+    parser.add_argument('--username',
+                   help='Username for committing to ' + svn_repos +
+                        ' or ' + dist_repos + '.')
     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands')
     # Setup the parser for the build-env subcommand
@@ -1208,6 +1715,40 @@ def main():
                     help='''Attempt to use existing build dependencies before
                             downloading and building a private set.''')
+    # Setup the parser for the create-release-branch subcommand
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('create-release-branch',
+                    help='''Create a minor release branch: branch from trunk,
+                            update version numbers on trunk, create status
+                            file on branch, update backport bot,
+                            update buildbot config.''')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=create_release_branch)
+    subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
+                    help='''A version number to indicate the branch, such as
+                            '1.7.0' (the '.0' is required).''')
+    subparser.add_argument('revnum', type=lambda arg: int(arg.lstrip('r')),
+                           nargs='?', default=None,
+                    help='''The trunk revision number to base the branch on.
+                            Default is HEAD.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='Avoid committing any changes to repositories.')
+    # Setup the parser for the create-release-branch subcommand
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('write-release-notes',
+                    help='''Write a template release-notes file.''')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=write_release_notes)
+    subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
+                    help='''A version number to indicate the branch, such as
+                            '1.7.0' (the '.0' is required).''')
+    subparser.add_argument('revnum', type=lambda arg: int(arg.lstrip('r')),
+                           nargs='?', default=None,
+                    help='''The trunk revision number to base the branch on.
+                            Default is HEAD.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--edit-html-file',
+                    help='''Write the template release-notes to this file,
+                            and update 'index.html' in the same directory.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='Avoid committing any changes to repositories.')
     # Setup the parser for the roll subcommand
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('roll',
                     help='''Create the release artifacts.''')
@@ -1216,9 +1757,6 @@ def main():
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
     subparser.add_argument('revnum', type=lambda arg: int(arg.lstrip('r')),
                     help='''The revision number to base the release on.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--branch',
-                    help='''The branch to base the release on,
-                            relative to ^/subversion/.''')
                     help='''The path to the directory containing patches.''')
@@ -1228,9 +1766,10 @@ def main():
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--target',
-                    help='''The full path to the directory containing
-                            release artifacts.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--userid',
+                    help='''The (optional) USER-ID specifying the key to be
+                            used for signing, such as '110B1C95' (Key-ID). If
+                            omitted, uses the default key.''')
     # Setup the parser for the post-candidates subcommand
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('post-candidates',
@@ -1239,55 +1778,55 @@ def main():
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--username',
-                    help='''Username for ''' + dist_repos + '''.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--target',
-                    help='''The full path to the directory containing
-                            release artifacts.''')
     # Setup the parser for the create-tag subcommand
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('create-tag',
-                    help='''Create the release tag.''')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=create_tag)
+                    help='''Create the release tag and, if not a prerelease
+                            version, bump version numbers on the branch.''')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=create_tag_and_bump_versions)
+    subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
+                    help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('revnum', type=lambda arg: int(arg.lstrip('r')),
+                    help='''The revision number to base the release on.''')
+    # Setup the parser for the bump-versions-on-branch subcommand
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('bump-versions-on-branch',
+                    help='''Bump version numbers on branch.''')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=bump_versions_on_branch)
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
     subparser.add_argument('revnum', type=lambda arg: int(arg.lstrip('r')),
                     help='''The revision number to base the release on.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--branch',
-                    help='''The branch to base the release on,
-                            relative to ^/subversion/.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--username',
-                    help='''Username for ''' + secure_repos + '''.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--target',
-                    help='''The full path to the directory containing
-                            release artifacts.''')
     # The clean-dist subcommand
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('clean-dist',
-                    help='''Clean the distribution directory (and mirrors) of
-                            all but the most recent MAJOR.MINOR release.''')
+                    help=clean_dist.__doc__.split('\n\n')[0])
                     help='''The directory to clean.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--username',
-                    help='''Username for ''' + dist_repos + '''.''')
     # The move-to-dist subcommand
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('move-to-dist',
-                    help='''Move candiates and signatures from the temporary
+                    help='''Move candidates and signatures from the temporary
                             release dev location to the permanent distribution
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--username',
-                    help='''Username for ''' + dist_repos + '''.''')
     # The write-news subcommand
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('write-news',
                     help='''Output to stdout template text for use in the news
                             section of the Subversion website.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--announcement-url',
+                    help='''The URL to the archived announcement email.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--news-release-date',
+                    help='''The release date for the news, as YYYY-MM-DD.
+                            Default: today.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--edit-html-file',
+                    help='''Insert the text into this file
+                            news.html, index.html).''')
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
@@ -1299,9 +1838,6 @@ def main():
     subparser.add_argument('--security', action='store_true', default=False,
                     help='''The release being announced includes security
-    subparser.add_argument('--target',
-                    help='''The full path to the directory containing
-                            release artifacts.''')
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
@@ -1310,9 +1846,6 @@ def main():
                     help='''Output to stdout template text for the download
                             table for''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--target',
-                    help='''The full path to the directory containing
-                            release artifacts.''')
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
@@ -1323,9 +1856,6 @@ def main():
     subparser.add_argument('version', type=Version,
                     help='''The release label, such as '1.7.0-alpha1'.''')
-    subparser.add_argument('--target',
-                    help='''The full path to the directory containing
-                            release artifacts.''')
     # get-keys
     subparser = subparsers.add_parser('get-keys',
@@ -1338,6 +1868,25 @@ def main():
                             separate subcommand.''')
+    # write-changelog
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('write-changelog',
+                    help='''Output to stdout changelog entries parsed from
+                            commit messages, optionally labeled with a category
+                            like [U:client], [D:api], [U], ...''')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=write_changelog)
+    subparser.add_argument('previous',
+                    help='''The "previous" branch or tag, relative to
+                            ^/subversion/, to compare "branch" against.''')
+    subparser.add_argument('--include-unlabeled-summaries',
+                    dest='include_unlabeled',
+                    action='store_true', default=False,
+                    help='''Include summary lines that do not have a changes
+                            label, unless an explicit [c:skip] or [c:ignore]
+                            is part of the commit message (except if the
+                            summary line contains 'STATUS', 'CHANGES',
+                            'Post-release housekeeping', 'Follow-up' or starts
+                            with '*').''')
     # Parse the arguments
     args = parser.parse_args()

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/security/
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/security/ (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/security/ Sat May 23 
14:16:56 2020
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2008-2014 by Vinay Sajip.
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 #    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 #      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 #    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/security/
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/security/ (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/security/ Sat May 23 
14:16:56 2020
@@ -50,9 +50,16 @@ class Notification(object):
         CULPRIT_SERVER = 'server'
         CULPRIT_CLIENT = 'client'
-                      (CULPRIT_SERVER, CULPRIT_CLIENT),
-                      (CULPRIT_CLIENT, CULPRIT_SERVER)))
+        # For compatibility, 'client' and 'server' may be specified either with
+        # or without a tuple.
+        __CULPRITS = (
+            CULPRIT_SERVER,
+            CULPRIT_CLIENT,
+            (CULPRIT_SERVER,)
+            (CULPRIT_CLIENT,)
+        )
         def __init__(self, basedir, tracking_id,
                      title, culprit, advisory, patches):

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/download.ezt
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/download.ezt (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/download.ezt Sat May 23 
14:16:56 2020
@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
 <table class="centered">
-  <th>Checksum (SHA1)</th>
   <th>Checksum (SHA512)</th>
+  <th>PGP Public Keys</th>
 [for fileinfo]<tr>
-  <td class="checksum">[fileinfo.sha1]</td>
-  <!-- The sha512 line does not have a class="checksum" since the link needn't
-       be rendered in monospace. -->
-  <td>[<a 
-  <td>[<a 
+  <td>[<a 
+  <td>[<a 
+  <td>[<a 

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/rc-news.ezt
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/rc-news.ezt (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/rc-news.ezt Sat May 23 
14:16:56 2020
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
    release is not intended for production use, but is provided as a milestone
    to encourage wider testing and feedback from intrepid users and maintainers.
    Please see the
-   <a href="">release
+   <a href="[announcement_url]">release
    announcement</a> for more information about this release, and the
    <a href="/docs/release-notes/[major-minor].html">release notes</a> and 
-   <a 
+   <a 
    change log</a> for information about what will eventually be
    in the [version_base] release.</p> 

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/rc-release-ann.ezt
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/rc-release-ann.ezt 
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/rc-release-ann.ezt Sat 
May 23 14:16:56 2020
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
 Subject: [[]ANNOUNCE] Apache Subversion [version] released
 I'm happy to announce the release of Apache Subversion [version].
 Please choose the mirror closest to you by visiting:
-The SHA1 checksums are:
-[for sha1info]    [sha1info.sha1] [sha1info.filename]
 SHA-512 checksums are available at:[version].tar.bz2.sha512
@@ -19,13 +16,17 @@ SHA-512 checksums are available at:
 PGP Signatures are available at:
 For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:
+These public keys are available at:
 This is a pre-release for what will eventually become version 
[major-minor-patch] of the
 Apache Subversion open source version control system.  It may contain known
 issues, a complete list of [major-minor-patch]-blocking issues can be found
@@ -57,13 +58,18 @@ end users please.
 Release notes for the [major-minor].x release series may be found at:
 You can find the list of changes between [version] and earlier versions at:
 Questions, comments, and bug reports to
 - The Subversion Team
+To unsubscribe, please see:

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/stable-news.ezt
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/stable-news.ezt 
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/stable-news.ezt Sat May 
23 14:16:56 2020
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 [else]   This is the most complete release of the [major-minor].x line to date,
    and we encourage all users to upgrade as soon as reasonable.
 [end]   Please see the
-   <a href=""
+   <a href="[announcement_url]"
    >release announcement</a> and the
-   <a href="[version]/CHANGES";
-   >change log</a> for more information about this release.</p> 
+   <a href="/docs/release-notes/[major-minor]"
+   >release notes</a> for more information about this release.</p> 
 <p>To get this release from the nearest mirror, please visit our
    <a href="/download.cgi#[anchor]">download page</a>.</p> 

--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/stable-release-ann.ezt 
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/dist/templates/stable-release-ann.ezt 
Sat May 23 14:16:56 2020
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 [if-any security]Cc:,,
 [end][if-any security]Subject: [[]SECURITY][[]ANNOUNCE] Apache Subversion 
[version] released
 [else]Subject: [[]ANNOUNCE] Apache Subversion [version] released
@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ To:, user
 I'm happy to announce the release of Apache Subversion [version].
 Please choose the mirror closest to you by visiting:
 [if-any dot-zero]
 This is a stable feature release of the Apache Subversion open source
 version control system.
@@ -18,10 +19,6 @@ open source version control system.
 This is a stable bugfix release of the Apache Subversion open source
 version control system.
-The SHA1 checksums are:
-[for sha1info]    [sha1info.sha1] [sha1info.filename]
 SHA-512 checksums are available at:[version].tar.bz2.sha512
@@ -30,22 +27,31 @@ SHA-512 checksums are available at:
 PGP Signatures are available at:
 For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:
+These public keys are available at:
 Release notes for the [major-minor].x release series may be found at:
 You can find the list of changes between [version] and earlier versions at:
 Questions, comments, and bug reports to
 - The Subversion Team
+To unsubscribe, please see:

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/ (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/ Sat May 23 
14:16:56 2020
@@ -68,8 +68,11 @@ public class ExampleAuthn {
                              SSLServerCertFailures failures,
                              SSLServerCertInfo info,
                              boolean maySave) {
-          System.out.println("sslServerTrustPrompt not implemented!");
-          return SSLServerTrustResult.acceptTemporarily();
+          System.out.println("sslServerTrustPrompt");
+          System.out.println("(r)eject or (t)emporary?");
+          String s = System.console().readLine();
+          return s.equals("t") ? SSLServerTrustResult.acceptTemporarily()
+                               : SSLServerTrustResult.reject();
         public SSLClientCertResult

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/ 
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/ Sat 
May 23 14:16:56 2020
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def parse_args(args):
 def prompt_func_ssl_unknown_cert(realm, failures, cert_info, may_save, pool):
-  print( "The certficate details are as follows:")
+  print( "The certificate details are as follows:")
   print("Issuer     : " + str(cert_info.issuer_dname))
   print("Hostname   : " + str(cert_info.hostname))

Modified: subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/
--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/ (original)
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/examples/ Sat May 23 
14:16:56 2020
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ credentials found.
 """ % (sys.argv[0]))
-config_dir = svn.core.svn_config_get_user_config_path(None, '')
+config_dir = svn.core.svn_config_get_user_config_path(None, None)
 if len(sys.argv) > 1:
   config_dir = sys.argv[1]

--- subversion/branches/addremove/tools/hook-scripts/mailer/mailer.conf.example 
+++ subversion/branches/addremove/tools/hook-scripts/mailer/mailer.conf.example 
Sat May 23 14:16:56 2020
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
 # This option specifies the hostname for delivery via SMTP.
 #smtp_hostname = localhost
+# This option specifies the TCP port number to connect for SMTP.
+# If it is not specified, 25 is used for SMTP and 465 is used for
+# SMTP-Over-SSL by default.
+#smtp_port = 25
 # Username and password for SMTP servers requiring authorisation.
 #smtp_username = example
 #smtp_password = example

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