Repository: incubator-tamaya
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Reorganized doc module for easier documentation.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3d780be6fbe042b6378b9a346d32400772bb4d24
Parents: e586a44
Author: anatole <>
Authored: Mon Jan 12 23:31:12 2015 +0100
Committer: anatole <>
Committed: Mon Jan 12 23:31:12 2015 +0100

 docs/modules/injection.adoc              | 139 ++++++++
 docs/modules/modules.adoc                |  20 ++
 docs/src/main/asciidoc/design/2_API.adoc | 469 --------------------------
 3 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 469 deletions(-)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eec5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/injection.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Apache Tamaya -- Injection Module
+:name: Tamaya
+:rootpackage: org.apache.tamaya.inject
+:title: Apache Tamaya Injection
+:revnumber: 0.1-SNAPSHOT
+:revremark: Incubator
+:revdate: November 2014
+:longversion: {revnumber} ({revremark}) {revdate}
+:authorinitials: ATR
+:author: Anatole Tresch
+:email: <>
+:source-highlighter: coderay
+:iconsdir: {imagesdir}/icons
+:toc-placement: manual
+:encoding: UTF-8
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+== The Tamaya Injection API
+=== Overview
+Inversion of Control (aka IoC/the Hollywood Principle) has proven to be very 
handy and effective in avoiding boilerplate
+code. In Java there are different frameworks available that all provide IoC 
mechanisms. Unfortunately IoC is not a
+built-in language feature. So for a portable solution OOTB that works also in 
Java SE Tamaya itself has to provide the
+according injection services. As an example refer to the following example:
+.Annotated Example Class
+public class ConfiguredClass{
+    // resolved by default, using property name, class and package name
+    private String testProperty;
+    @ConfiguredProperty(config="pluginConfig", 
+    @ConfiguredProperty(config="productConfig", keys="area1.key2")
+    @DefaultValue("The current \\${JAVA_HOME} env property is 
+    String value1;
+    @ConfiguredProperty(keys="a.b.c.key2")
+    private int value2;
+    // resolved by default
+    @DefaultValue("";)
+    private URL accessUrl;
+    // Config injection disabled for this property
+    @NoConfig
+    private Integer int1;
+    @ConfiguredProperty("BD")
+    @WithAdapter(MyBigDecimalRoundingAdapter.class)
+    private BigDecimal bigNumber;
+    ...
+The class does not show all (but most all) the possibilities that are 
provided. Configuring an instance of the
+class using Tamaya is very simple:
+.Configuring the +ConfiguredClass+ Instance
+ConfiguredClass classInstance = new ConfiguredClass();
+==== The Annotations in detail
+The +Configuration+ interface provides static methods that allow to any kind 
of instances be configured
+ny just passing the instances calling +Configuration.configure(instance);+. 
The classes passed hereby must
+be annotated with +@ConfiguredProperty+ to define the configured properties. 
Hereby this annotation can be
+used in multiple ways and combined with other annotations such as 
++@WithLoadPolicy+, +@WithConfig+, +@WithConfigOperator+, 
+To illustrate the mechanism below the most simple variant of a configured 
class is given:
+.Most simple configured class
+pubic class ConfiguredItem{
+  @ConfiguredProperty
+  private String aValue;
+When this class is configured, e.g. by passing it to 
+the following is happening:
+* The current valid +Configuration+ is evaluated by calling +Configuration cfg 
= Configuration.of();+
+* The current property value (String) is evaluated by calling 
+* if not successful, an error is thrown (+ConfigException+)
+* On success, since no type conversion is involved, the value is injected.
+* The configured bean is registered as a weak change listener in the config 
system's underlying
+  configuration, so future config changes can be propagated (controllable by 
applying the
+  +@WithLoadPolicy+ annotation).
+In the next example we explicitly define the property value:
+pubic class ConfiguredItem{
+  @ConfiguredProperty
+  @ConfiguredProperty("a.b.value")
+  @configuredProperty("a.b.deprecated.value")
+  @DefaultValue("${env:java.version}")
+  private String aValue;
+Within this example we evaluate multiple possible keys. Evaluation is aborted 
if a key could be successfully
+resolved. Hereby the ordering of the annotations define the ordering of 
resolution, so in the example above
+resolution equals to +"aValue", "a.b.value", "a.b.deprecated.value"+. If no 
value could be read
+from the configuration, it uses the value from the +@DefaultValue+ annotation. 
Interesting here
+is that this value is not static, it is evaluated by calling 
+Configuration.evaluateValue(Configuration, String)+.
diff --git a/docs/modules/modules.adoc b/docs/modules/modules.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19421db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/modules.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension Mdoules
+:name: Tamaya
+:rootpackage: org.apache.tamaya
+:title: Apache Tamaya Extension Modules
+:revnumber: 0.1-SNAPSHOT
+:revremark: Incubator
+:revdate: November 2014
+:longversion: {revnumber} ({revremark}) {revdate}
+:authorinitials: ATR
+:author: Anatole Tresch
+:email: <>
+:source-highlighter: coderay
+:toc-placement: manual
+:encoding: UTF-8
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/design/2_API.adoc 
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a06c1..0000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/design/2_API.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-== The Tamaya API
-=== Overview
-Though Tamaya is a very powerful and flexible solution there are basically 
only a few simple core concepts required that build
-the base of all the other mechanisms:
-The API provides these artifacts, which are:
-* A simple but complete SE API for accessing key/value based _Configuration_.
-* _Configuration_ hereby models configuration and as well provides the static 
entry point to access configuration.
-  _ Configuration_ provides
-     ** access to literal key/value pairs.
-     ** +PropertyAdapter+ support to convert String values to arbitrary 
non-String types for type safe configuration access.
-     ** functional extension points (+with,query+) based un 
+UnaryOperator<Configuration>+ (operator) and +Function<Configuration,T>+ 
-     ** provides static access to the current +Configuration+ (default 
-     ** provides static access to the additional named +Configuration+ 
-     ** a service to inject configuration into beans, including listener and 
callback support
-     ** a service for creating onfiguration _templates_ based on interfaces.
-* +PropertyAdapter+ defines a functional interface for converting String 
values into any required target types. It also
-  provides static access to the adapters registered to implement transparent 
type conversion as needed, if possible.
-* _PropertySource:_ is the the SPI for a source that provides configuration 
data. A +PropertySource+
-     hereby
-     ** is designed as a minimalistic data interface to be implemented by any 
kind of data providers (local or remote)
-     ** provides data key/value pairs in raw format as String key/values only
-     ** can optionally support scanning of its provided values
-* _Annotations_ a set of annotations allows to configure configuration 
injection on classes or interface (aka config templates).
-The SPI contains the following core concepts/artifacts:
-* _ServiceContext_ is the delegate singleton that is used by the framework to 
resolve components. The effective component
-  loading can be accessed by implementing and registering an instance of 
+ServiceContextProvider+ using +java.util.ServiceLoader+.
-* All the singleton used explicitly (+Configuration, PropertyAdapter+) are 
backed up corresponding API interfaces
-  (+ConfigurationSpi, PropertyAdapterSpi+).
-  To override a singleton's behaviour the corresponding SPI has to be 
implemented and registered, so it can be loaded
-  by the current +ServiceContext+ setup (by default ServiceLoader based).
-This is also reflected in the main parts of the API, which is quite small:
-* +org.apache.tamaya+ contains the main abstractions +Configuration, 
ConfigQuery, PropertyAdapter,
-  PropertySource+ and +ConfigException+
-* +org.apache.tamaya.spi+ contains the SPI interfaces to be implemented by 
implementations and the +ServiceContextManager+
-  mechanism (+ConfigurationSpi, PropertyAdapterSpi, ServiceContext+).
-+ +org.apache.tamaya.annot+ contains the annotations defined to control 
configuration injection.
-So basically an implementation has to implement the SPIs provided. The 
+ServiceContext+ only has to be overridden, when
-a default SE +java.util.ServiceLoader+ mechanism is not sufficient.
-=== Key/Value Pairs
-Basically configuration is a very generic concept. Therefore it should be 
modelled in a generic way. The most simple
-and most commonly used approach are simple literal key/value pairs. So the 
core building block of {name} are key/value pairs.
-You can think of a common file, e.g.
-.A simple properties file
-Now you can use +java.util.Properties+ to read this file and access the 
corresponding properties, e.g.
-.Accessing some properties
-Properties props = new Properties();
-String val = props.getProperty("a.b.c");
-val = props.getProperty("a.b.c.1");
-This looks familiar to most of you. Nevertheless when looking closer to the 
above key/value pairs,
-there are more things in place: looking at the keys +a.b.c+, +a.b.c.1+, 
+a.b.c.2+, +a+, +a.b+ we
-see that the key names build up a flattened tree structure. So we can define 
the following:
-Given a key +p1.p2.p3.k=value+:
-* +p1.p2.p3.k+ is called the _qualified key_
-* +p1.p2.p3+ is the key's _area_
-* the child areas +p1.p2", "p1+ are called _areas_ as well
-* +k+ is the _(unqualified) key_
-This terminology is used also later ta some locations. Nevertheless given that 
you can perform some very useful actions:
-* you can filter the keys with an area. E.g. in the example before you can 
query for all keys within the area +a.b.c+
-  and map them to new property set.
-* you can access all child keys of an area
-* you can evaluate the areas present.
-* ...and more.
-All this kind of actions (and more) must not be included in the API, because 
they can be modelled as +ConfigQuery+ instances and
-implemented/provided by implementation code.
-==== Why Using Strings Only
-There are good reason to keep of non String-values as core storage 
representation of configuration. Mostly
-there are several huge advantages:
-* Strings are simple to understand
-* Strings are human readable and therefore easy to prove for correctness
-* Strings can easily be used within different language, different VMs, files 
or network communications.
-* Strings can easily be compared and manipulated
-* Strings can easily be searched, indexed and cached
-* It is very easy to provide Strings as configuration, which gives much 
flexibility for providing configuration in
-  production as well in testing.
-* and more...
-On the other side there are also disadvantages:
-* Strings are inherently not type safe, they do not provide validation out of 
the box for special types, such as
-numbers, dates etc.
-* In many cases you want to access configuration in a typesafe way avoiding 
conversion to the target types explicitly
-  throughout your code.
-* Strings are neither hierarchical nor multi-valued, so mapping hierarchical 
and collection structures requires some
-  extra efforts.
-Nevertheless most of these advantages can be mitigated easily, hereby still 
keeping all the benefits from above:
-* Adding type safe adapters on top of String allow to add any type easily, 
that can be directly mapped out of Strings.
-  This includes all common base types such as numbers, dates, time, but also 
timezones, formatting patterns and more.
-* Also multi-valued, complex and collection types can be defined as a 
corresponding +PropertyAdapter+ knows how to
-  parse and create the target instance required.
-* String s also can be used as references pointing to other locations and 
formats, where configuration is
-  accessible.
-[API PropertySource]
-=== PropertySource
-==== Basic Model
-We have seen that constraining configuration aspects to simple literal 
key/value pairs provides us with an easy to
-understand, generic, flexible, yet expendable mechanism. Looking at the Java 
language features a +java.util.Map<String,
-String>+ and +java.util.Properties+ basically model these aspects out of the 
-Though there are advantages in using these types as a model, there are some 
severe drawbacks, mostly implementation
-of these types is far not trivial or the basic model has sever drawbacks, 
because of backward compatibility with
-the original collection API.
-To make implementation of a custom property source as convinient as possible 
only the following methods were
-identified to be necessary:
-.Interface PropertySource
-public interface PropertySource{
-      Optional<String> get(String key);
-      boolean isBrowseable();
-      Map<String, String> getProperties();
-* +get+ looks similar to the methods on +Map+, though +get+ uses the 
+Optional+ type introduced
-  with Java 8. This avoids returning +null+ or throwing exceptions in case no 
such entry is available and also
-  reduces the API's footprint, since default values can be easily implemented 
by calling +Optional.orElse+ and
-  similar methods.
-* +getProperties+ allows to extract mapped data to a +Map+. Other methods like 
+containsKey, keySet+ as well as
-  streaming operations then can be applied on the returned +Map+ instance.
-* But not in all scenarios a property source may be browseable. This can be 
evaluated by calling +isBrowseable()+.
-This interface can be implemented by any kind of logic. It could be a simple 
in memory map, a distributed configuration
-provided by a data grid, a database, the JNDI tree or other resources. Or it 
can be a combination of multiple
-property sources with additional combination/aggregation rules in place.
-==== Meta Information
-Meta information is not explicitly modelled, since it can be easily added by 
some key naming schemes. E.g. look at
-the example below, which return a map of all metadata keys for +a.b.c+.:
-.Modelling Meta Data
-PropertySource src = ...;
-Map<String, String> metaData = src.getArea("a.b.c[meta]");
-The API does not provide any explicit support for meta-data, whereas 
implementations may provide metadata editors
-or readers.
-==== Mutability
-In general Property sources can be modeled as mutable. Nevertheless the API 
does not support out of the box mutability,
-due to the following reasons:
-* Mutability is rather complex
-* Mutability is only rarely required
-* Mutability can be implemented in various ways
-As a consequence mutability mechanisms may be provided by implementations as 
needed, but are not part of the API.
-[[API Configuration]]
-=== Configuration
-==== Basic Model: Extending PropertySource
-+Configuration+ inherits all basic features from +PropertySource+, but 
additionally adds functionality for
-type safety and external features of any interacting with configuration:
-.Interface Configuration
-public interface Configuration extends PropertySource{
-    // type support
-    default Optional<Boolean> getBoolean(String key);
-    default OptionalInt getInteger(String key);
-    default OptionalLong getLong(String key);
-    default OptionalDouble getDouble(String key);
-    default <T> Optional<T> getAdapted(String key, PropertyAdapter<T> adapter);
-    <T> Optional<T> get(String key, Class<T> type);
-    // extension points
-    default Configuration with(UnaryOperator<Configuration> operator);
-    default <T> T query(ConfigQuery<T> query);
-* +XXX getXXX(String)+ provide type safe accessors for all basic wrapper types 
of the JDK. Basically all this
-  methods delegate to the +getAdapted+ method, additionally passing the 
required +PropertyAdapter+.
-* +getAdapted+ allow accessing any type, hereby also passing a 
+PropertyAdapter+ that converts
-  the configured literal value to the type required.
-* +with, query+ provide the extension points for adding additional 
-Additionally +Configuration+ provides several access methods:
-.Interface Configuration
-public interface Configuration extends PropertySource{
-   ...
-    // accessors for configuration
-    public static Configuration current();
-    public static Configuration current(String name);
-    public static boolean isAvailable(String name);
-    // accessors for template and injection
-    public static <T> T createTemplate(Class<T> template, Configuration... 
-    public static void configure(Object instance, Configuration... 
-* +current()+ returns the _default_ +Configuration+
-* +current(String name)+ returns a named +Configuration+ (there may be 
arbitrary additional +Configuration+ instance
-  additionally to the default +Configuration+ instance.
-* +isAvailable(String name)+ allows to determine if a named +Configuration+ is 
-* +createTemplate(Class<T> template, Configuration... configurations)+ allows 
to create a new template instance based
-  on a (optionally) annotated interface. The according getter methods are 
backed up and implemented by Tamaya based
-  on the configuration values available. The +configurations+ parameter allows 
parts of +Configuration+ instances to be
-  passed that override any instances available through +current(name), 
-* +configure+ performs injection of configured values on a (optionally) 
annotated non abstract type.
-  The +configurations+ parameter allows parts of +Configuration+ instances to 
-  passed that override any instances available through +current(name), 
-==== Type Conversion
-Configuration extend +PropertySource+ and adds additional support for non 
String types. This is achieved
-with the help of +PropertyAdapter+ instances:
-public interface PropertyAdapter<T>{
-    T adapt(String value);
-+PropertyAdapter+ instances can be implemented manually or registered and 
accessed from the
-+PropertyAdaper+ using static methods. Hereby the exact mechanism is 
determined by the implementation
-of +PropertyAdapterSpi+ backing up the static methods.
-By default corresponding +PropertyAdapter+ instances can be registered using 
the Java +ServiceLoader+
-mechanism, or programmatically ba calling the +register(Class, 
-public interface PropertyAdapter<T>{
-    T adapt(String value);
-    public static <T> PropertyAdapter<T> register(Class<T> targetType, 
PropertyAdapter<T> adapter);
-    public static boolean isTargetTypeSupported(Class<?> targetType);
-    public static  <T> PropertyAdapter<T> getAdapter(Class<T> targetType);
-    public static  <T> PropertyAdapter<T> getAdapter(Class<T> targetType, 
WithPropertyAdapter annotation);
-The now a typed instance of a +Configuration+ is required, by default the 
+Configuration+ implementation acquires
-a matching +PropertyAdapter+. If one is found it can easily pass the String 
value from its String property store
-for converting it to the required target type. In the normal case for the 
mostly needed types this is completely
-transparent to the user.
-But basically this mechanism can also be used for adaptive filtering of values 
accessed. As an example lets assume
-we want to decode an encryped password on the fly, so we can achieve this with 
as less code as follows:
-.Simple Filtering Adapter Use Case
-Configuration config = Configuration.cuirrent();
-String decryptedPassword = config.getAdapted(String.class, "user.password", p 
-> PKI.decrypt(p));
-=== Inversion of Control
-==== Overview
-Inversion of Control (aka IoC/the Hollywood Principle) has proven to be very 
handy and effective in avoiding boilerplate
-code. In Java there are different frameworks available that all provide IoC 
mechanisms. Unfortunately IoC is not a
-built-in language feature. So for a portable solution OOTB that works also in 
Java SE Tamaya itself has to provide the
-according injection services. As an example refer to the following example:
-.Annotated Example Class
-public class ConfiguredClass{
-    // resolved by default, using property name, class and package name
-    private String testProperty;
-    @ConfiguredProperty(config="pluginConfig", 
-    @ConfiguredProperty(config="productConfig", keys="area1.key2")
-    @DefaultValue("The current \\${JAVA_HOME} env property is 
-    String value1;
-    @ConfiguredProperty(keys="a.b.c.key2")
-    private int value2;
-    // resolved by default
-    @DefaultValue("";)
-    private URL accessUrl;
-    // Config injection disabled for this property
-    @NoConfig
-    private Integer int1;
-    @ConfiguredProperty("BD")
-    @WithAdapter(MyBigDecimalRoundingAdapter.class)
-    private BigDecimal bigNumber;
-    ...
-The class does not show all (but most all) the possibilities that are 
provided. Configuring an instance of the
-class using Tamaya is very simple:
-.Configuring the +ConfiguredClass+ Instance
-ConfiguredClass classInstance = new ConfiguredClass();
-==== The Annotations in detail
-The +Configuration+ interface provides static methods that allow to any kind 
of instances be configured
-ny just passing the instances calling +Configuration.configure(instance);+. 
The classes passed hereby must
-be annotated with +@ConfiguredProperty+ to define the configured properties. 
Hereby this annotation can be
-used in multiple ways and combined with other annotations such as 
-+@WithLoadPolicy+, +@WithConfig+, +@WithConfigOperator+, 
-To illustrate the mechanism below the most simple variant of a configured 
class is given:
-.Most simple configured class
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @ConfiguredProperty
-  private String aValue;
-When this class is configured, e.g. by passing it to 
-the following is happening:
-* The current valid +Configuration+ is evaluated by calling +Configuration cfg 
= Configuration.of();+
-* The current property value (String) is evaluated by calling 
-* if not successful, an error is thrown (+ConfigException+)
-* On success, since no type conversion is involved, the value is injected.
-* The configured bean is registered as a weak change listener in the config 
system's underlying
-  configuration, so future config changes can be propagated (controllable by 
applying the
-  +@WithLoadPolicy+ annotation).
-In the next example we explicitly define the property value:
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @ConfiguredProperty
-  @ConfiguredProperty("a.b.value")
-  @configuredProperty("a.b.deprecated.value")
-  @DefaultValue("${env:java.version}")
-  private String aValue;
-Within this example we evaluate multiple possible keys. Evaluation is aborted 
if a key could be successfully
-resolved. Hereby the ordering of the annotations define the ordering of 
resolution, so in the example above
-resolution equals to +"aValue", "a.b.value", "a.b.deprecated.value"+. If no 
value could be read
-from the configuration, it uses the value from the +@DefaultValue+ annotation. 
Interesting here
-is that this value is not static, it is evaluated by calling 
+Configuration.evaluateValue(Configuration, String)+.
-=== Extension Points
-We are well aware of the fact that this library will not be able to cover all 
kinds of use cases. Therefore
-we have added functional extension mechanisms to +Configuration+ that were 
used in other areas of the Java eco-system as well:
-* +with(UnaryOperator<Configuration> operator)+ allows to pass arbitrary 
functions that take adn return instances of +Configuration+.
-  They can be used to cover use cases such as filtering, configuration views, 
security interception and more.
-* +query(Function<Configuration,T> query)+ ConfigQuery+ defines a function 
returning any kind of result based on a
-  configuration instance. Queries are used for accessing/deriving any kind of 
data of a +Configuration+ instance,
-  e.g. accessing a +Set<String>+ of area keys present.
-Both interfaces hereby are functional interfaces, defined in 
+java.util.function+ and can be applied using Lambdas or
-method references:
-.Applying a Configuration Query
-ConfigSecurity securityContext = 
-NOTE: +ConfigSecurity+ is an arbitrary class.
-Or an operator calls looks as follows:
-.Applying a Configuration Operators
-Configuration secured = Configuration.current().with(ConfigSecurity::secure);
-== SPI

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