Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-53.html
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+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-53.html Wed Oct 18 
19:12:24 2023
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             <!-- /// Content Start -->
             <div id="content">
                             <div id="ConfluenceContent"><p>This is the 
consolidated list of changes between Tapestry versions 5.2 and 5.3. To upgrade 
from 5.2 to 5.3, most users who are not using deprecated features will be able 
to just update the Maven dependency in their POM file (or <a 
href="release-notes-53.html">download</a> the new JAR file) and the new version 
will just work. However, please read carefully below before upgrading, and also 
review the&#160;<a href="how-to-upgrade.html">How to Upgrade</a> 
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a 
href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-BreakingChanges">Breaking Changes</a></li><li><a 
href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-NewFeatures">New Features</a></li><li><a 
href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-Sub-tasksCompleted">Sub-tasks Completed</a></li><li><a 
href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-BugsFixed">Bugs Fixed</a></li><li><a 
href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-ImprovementsMade">Improvements Made</a></li><li><a 
href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-NewFeaturesImplemented">New Features 
Implemented</a></li><li><a href="#ReleaseNotes5.3-TasksCompleted">Tasks 
 </div><h2 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-BreakingChanges">Breaking 
Changes</h2><p>Tapestry now depends on Servlet API version <strong>2.5</strong> 
(prior releases worked with 2.4).</p><p>Tapestry no longer supports the ability 
to inject the component id into a String field. This was rarely (if ever) used 
functionality that caused unwanted conflicts elsewhere. When a component needs 
to know its component id, it may inject the <a class="external-link" 
 object, and invoke <code>getCompleteId()</code>.</p><p>Tapestry templates 
without a &lt;!DOCTYPE&gt; are treated a bit differently in Tapestry 5.3; they 
are treated as if they have the HTML5 doctype (<code>&lt;!DOCTYPE 
html&gt;</code>). See further notes about <a 
href="component-templates.html">component templates</a>.</p><p>Many classes and 
interfaces that were deprecated in prior releases of Tapestry have been removed 
in Tapestry 5.3.
  See <a class="external-link" 
href="";>the full list</a>. As 
always, you should use your IDE to find and replace all deprecated items 
<em>before</em> you upgrade. The following are the most significant of 
these:</p><ul><li>@IncludeJavaScriptLibrary and @IncludeStylesheet annotations 
(replaced by @<a class="external-link" 
 annotation (replaced with @<a class="external-link" 
 event triggered by Form component (replaced with "validate" 
event)</li><li>Code and constants related to page pooling</li></ul><p>In 
addition, some of the abstract base classes used with the tapestry-func library 
have changed into interfaces; you will want to recompile, but may also need to 
adjust your code,
  depending on your compiler settings and use of the standard Java @Override 
annotation.</p><p>Because of the upgrade to Prototype 1.7, existing JavaScript 
that uses <code>value.toJSON()</code> may break; replace with 
<code>Object.toJSON(value)</code>.</p><p>Some number of interfaces and APIs in 
Tapestry 5.3 will be removed in Tapestry 5.4 or later. These 
include:</p><ul><li>The <a class="external-link" 
 environmental (replaced with the <a class="external-link" 
 environmental)</li><li>The <a class="external-link" 
 object, replaced with <a class="external-link" 
 esponseRenderer.html">AjaxResponseRenderer</a></li><li>ClassFactory service 
and ClassFab interface (replaced with the <a class="external-link" 
 service and <a class="external-link" 
 interface)</li><li>The "suppress redirects" functionality, which allows 
component event requests to respond directly with HTML, as in Tapestry 
4.</li></ul><h2 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-NewFeatures">New Features</h2><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Underscore.js">Underscore.js</h3><p>Tapestry now bundles <a 
class="external-link" href=""; 
rel="nofollow">Underscore.js</a>, a useful library for expressive functional 
programming in the browser. It is used in <em>no conflict mode</em>, made 
available as the <code>T5._</code> object.</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-UserAlerts
 ">User Alerts</h3><p>Tapestry now has a central mechanism for handling user 
alerts; this includes the AlertManager service and the Alerts component. Just 
add an Alerts component to your application's standard layout component and 
Tapestry takes care of the rest. Alerts can be added during both traditional 
and Ajax requests, and may be transient (displayed for a few seconds), normal, 
or sticky (persist until the user expressly dismisses them). Alerts support 
three severities: info, warn(ing) and error; the look and feel can be 
customized by overriding Tapestry's default CSS rules.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Renderingcomments">Rendering comments</h3><p>It is now 
possible to have Tapestry emit rendering comments; these are comments (such as 
<code>&lt;!--BEGIN Index:loop (context:Index.tml, line 15)--&gt;</code>) that 
can assist you in debugging markup output on the client-side. This is enabled 
for all requests using the configuration symbol 
 ed</code>, and can be added to any request by adding the query parameter 
<code>t:component-trace=true</code> to the URL. This will significantly 
increase the size of the rendered markup, but can be very helpful with complex 
layouts to determine which component was responsible for which portion of the 
rendered page.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Adaptableservicecontributions">Adaptable service 
contributions</h3><p>When making contributions to a service, you are no longer 
restricted to contributing a value that is assignable to the type associated 
with the configuration; objects of any type may be contributed, and the 
TypeCoercer service is used to coerce the value to the configuration's 
type.</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Componentdebuggingimprovements">Component 
debugging improvements</h3><p>Because of how Tapestry instruments your pages 
and components, using a debugger has been difficult with Tapestry page and 
component classes; any mutable field shows its default value in the debugger, 
 regardless of what has been written to the field or read out of it. In 
Tapestry 5.3, when in <em>development mode</em>, Tapestry now shadows values 
read from or written to such fields into the fields themselves (this has also 
been fixed in the 5.2.5 maintenance release). This shadowing does not occur in 
production, to avoid potential memory leaks.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Reloadingdisabledinproduction">Reloading disabled in 
production</h3><p>Tapestry no longer checks for changes to Tapestry component 
class files, templates, or message catalogs in production mode. It is assumed 
that Tapestry applications are packaged as WAR files in production, and that 
changing the WAR file causes the servlet container to redeploy the entire 
application. This change is to improve throughput and reduce memory consumption 
in production applications.</p><h3 
coercions</h3><p>The TypeCoercer service now automatically generates 
String-to-Enum c
 oercions without requiring a specific contribution. This coercion is case 
insensitive. A contribution is still allowed, and will take priority over the 
default coercion, but is only necessary to support "aliases" for enum values 
outside those defined by the enum type itself.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-JavaScriptandCSSminimization">JavaScript and CSS 
minimization</h3><p>A new optional library, tapestry-yuicompressor, has been 
added. This library adds support for compressing JavaScript libraries and CSS 
files using <a class="external-link" 
href=""; rel="nofollow">the 
YUICompressor library</a>.</p><h3 
 Service</h3><p>The type of this service has changed from <a 
 to <a class="external-link" href="h
 Contributions of type ComponentClassTransformWorker will automatically be 
coerced to the new ComponentClassTransformWorker2 interface. However, if you 
use the @Contribute annotation to mark the method that makes contributions, you 
will need to update the annotation to indicate the new service interface. If 
you followed the naming convention, and named your method 
<code>contributeComponentClassTransformWorker()</code>, you don't need to 
change anything.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-AjaxResponseRenderer">AjaxResponseRenderer</h3><p>The <a 
 service makes it easier to customize the partial page response generated when 
updating a <a class="external-link" href="
 apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/Zone.html">Zone</a> component, 
replacing the <a class="external-link" 
 object as an event handler method return value.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-TapestryJavaDoc">Tapestry JavaDoc</h3><p>Tapestry now 
includes a new library, tapestry-javadoc, that replaces the old Maven-based 
component report. Simply by placing a <code>@tapestrydoc</code> annotation into 
your component's JavaDoc, Tapestry will generate complete documentation as part 
of JavaDoc ... no more switching back and forth between JavaDoc and the 
Maven-generated component report, and no more reliance on Maven for component 
documentation.</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Skinning/ThemingSupport">Skinning / 
Theming Support</h3><p>Tapestry now adds the ability to skin and/or theme your 
pages and components. Its an extension of how Tapestry manages pages per 
locale, but adds new 
 application-defined <em>axes</em> along with rules to find the resources. See 
<a class="external-link" 
 and <a class="external-link" 
 also a new <a class="external-link" 
 component, which uses an external template, not a Tapestry template, which can 
be selected at runtime.</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-TreeComponent">Tree 
Component</h3><p>Tapestry finally has a proper <a class="external-link" 
 component for navigating hierarchical data. It's efficient and Ajax-en
 abled, and fully customizable.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-FormCancelledEvent">Form Cancelled Event</h3><p>Form 
components now recognize when the client-side form was cancelled. A new 
"cancelled" event is triggered early in the submission process, which allows 
the page to bypass all property updates and input validations, when 
OrderedConfiguration Constraints</h3><p>When using <a class="external-link" 
 with no constraints, Tapestry will now implicitly order the added element 
after the previously added element, within the same method. In prior releases, 
such elements were added with no constraints. This makes it easier to 
contribute a group of related items with an implicit ordering.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-NewComponentClassValidations">New Component Class 
 <p>Tapestry includes new validations of component classes to help cut down on 
many common errors; Tapestry now checks that component ids referenced by an 
event handler method (the <code>From</code><em>component id</em> part of the 
method name) actually matches a component defined in the template ... this 
quickly identifies typos in method names. This check can be disabled with a 
configuration symbol, as existing 5.2 apps may have such errors and still 
operate (that is, they may have <em>dead</em> event handler methods that will 
never be invoked).</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-ApplicationFolder">Application 
Folder</h3><p>Tapestry can now be configured to execute inside a folder, which 
can be useful when running Tapestry inside a web application that contains 
other servlets or filters, as a way to prevent conflicts.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-ImprovedQuickstartArchetype">Improved Quickstart 
Archetype</h3><p>The Maven quickstart archetype has been brought up to date, 
and now demonstrates 
 several new bits of common useful functionality. It also generates support for 
<a class="external-link" href=""; rel="nofollow">Gradle</a> as 
the build tool.</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-WhitelistedPages">Whitelisted 
Pages</h3><p>The new @<a class="external-link" 
 annotation marks a page as accessible only from white-listed clients; the 
rules for the whitelist are <a class="external-link" 
 The default rule is that only access from localhost is on the white-list. Use 
this annotation on pages that may expose sensitive data, such as built-in 
application dashboards and the like.</p><h3 
id="ReleaseNotes5.3-PageCatalog">Page Catalog</h3><p>Tapestry applications now 
include a built-in "PageCatalog" page, which lists all the loaded 
 pages of the application, with details about construction time and number of 
components. The page requires whitelist access (see above comment), and some 
functionality is only available in development mode. PageCatalog can be used to 
load all pages of your application, which is useful to quickly spot problems in 
your pages ... especially useful when upgrading from a prior release of 
Tapestry.</p><h3 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Client-SideJavaScriptLogging">Client-Side 
JavaScript Logging</h3><p>The integrated Blackbird client-side console has been 
removed. In its place are the floating console messages combined with logging 
to the Firebug or WebKit console. Tapestry no longer captures JavaScript 
initialization exceptions, so that they may be properly reported to the native 
console. These changes should make debugging client-side JavaScript much 
easier.</p><p>In addition, Tapestry will now display a pop-up window containing 
the full exception report for a server-side error that occurs during 
 an Ajax request, which makes debugging server-side problems that occur as part 
of an Ajax request <em>significantly</em> easier. Note that this logic is tied 
to performing a <a class="external-link" 
 update.</p><h2 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-Sub-tasksCompleted">Sub-tasks 
Completed</h2><p>&#160;&#160;</p><h2 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-BugsFixed">Bugs 
Made</h2><p>&#160;&#160;</p><h2 id="ReleaseNotes5.3-NewFeaturesImplemented">New 
Features Implemented</h2><p>&#160;&#160;</p><h2 

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/release-upgrade-faq.html
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19:12:24 2023
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@
             <!-- /// Content Start -->
             <div id="content">
                             <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="ReleaseUpgradeFAQ-ReleaseUpgrade">Release Upgrade</h1><p>Main Article: <a 
href="release-upgrade-faq.html">Release Upgrade FAQ</a></p><h2 
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a 
 do I get an exception about after upgrading to 
 do I get an exception about after upgrading to 
5.2?</h2><p>Although Tapestry works very hard to keep backwards compatibility 
between releases for <em>public</em> APIs, all <em>internal</em> APIs are 
subject to change. This error is commonly due to the use of the ChenilleKit 
library, which makes use of some internal APIs. You must also upgrade your 
ChenilleKit dependency when moving from Tapestry 5.1 to 5.2 or later. See the 
<a class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">complete discussion of this from the Tapestry user mailing 

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/request-processing-faq.html
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19:12:24 2023
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             <!-- /// Content Start -->
             <div id="content">
                             <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="RequestProcessingFAQ-RequestProcessing">Request Processing</h1><h2 
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a 
href="#RequestProcessingFAQ-HowdoIgetTapestrytonothandlearequest?">How do I get 
Tapestry to not handle a request?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="RequestProcessingFAQ-HowdoIgetTapestrytonothandlearequest?">How 
do I get Tapestry to <strong>not</strong> handle a request?</h2><p>Often, when 
<a href="integration-with-existing-applications.html">integrating with outside 
libraries, or working with legacy code</a>, you will want Tapestry to ignore a 
request and let the normal servlet or other processing handle the 
request.</p><p>The easy way to do this is to contribute a regular expression to 
the <a href="configuration.html">IgnoredPathsFilter service</a>, whose job is 
to exclude some requests.</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-java">public static void 
contributeIgnoredPathsFilter(Configuration&lt;String&gt; configuration)

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/security-faq.html
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             <!-- /// Content Start -->
             <div id="content">
                             <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="SecurityFAQ-Security">Security</h1><p>Main Article: <a 
id="SecurityFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a 
 built-in Dashboard page are visible in my production application and I don't 
want them to be, what can I do?</a></li></ul>
 </div><div class="aui-label" style="float:right" title="Related Articles">

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/session-storage.html
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19:12:24 2023
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 <p>Ordinary <a href="persistent-page-data.html">page-persistent 
fields</a></p><p>won't work for this, since persistent fields are available 
only to a specific page, not shared across multiple pages.</p><p>Tapestry 
provides two mechanisms for storing such data: Session State Objects and 
Session Attributes. When deciding between the two, it's best to use Session 
State Objects for complex objects, and Session Attributes for simple 
types.</p><h2 id="SessionStorage-SessionStateObjects">Session State 
Objects</h2><p>With a Session State Object (SSO), the value is automatically 
stored outside the page; with the default storage strategy, it is stored in the 
session. Such a value is global to all pages <em>for the same user</em>, but is 
stored separately for different users.</p><p>A field holding an SSO is marked 
with the @<a class="external-link" 
 annotation.</p><div class="na
 vmenu" style="float:right; background:white; margin:3px; padding:3px">
 <div class="panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" 
style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b>Contents</b></div><div 
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li>Related Articles</li></ul>
 <ul><li><a href="#SessionStorage-SessionStateObjects">Session State Objects</a>
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a 
href="#SessionStorage-CheckforCreation">Check for Creation</a></li><li><a 
Strategies</a></li><li><a href="#SessionStorage-ConfiguringSSOs">Configuring 

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html 
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html Wed Oct 
18 19:12:24 2023
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             <!-- /// Content Start -->
             <div id="content">
                             <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="TemplatingandMarkupFAQ-TemplatingandMarkup">Templating and 
Markup</h1><p>Main Article: <a href="component-templates.html">Component 
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a 
 do I get a SAXParseException when I use an HTML entity, such as &amp;nbsp; in 
my template?</a></li><li><a 
do some images in my page show up as broken links?</a></li><li><a 
href="#TemplatingandMarkupFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenidandt:id?">What's the 
difference between id and t:id?</a></li><li><a 
 do my images and stylesheets end up with a weird URLs like 
href="#TemplatingandMarkupFAQ-HowdoIaddaCSSclasstoaTapestrycomponent?">How do I 
add a CSS class to a Tapestry component?</a></li></ul>
 do I get a SAXParseException when I use an HTML entity, such as 
<code>&amp;nbsp;</code> in my template?</h2><p>Tapestry uses a standard SAX 
parser to read your templates. This means that your templates must be <em>well 
formed</em>: open and close tags must balance, attribute values must be quoted, 
and entities must be declared. The easiest way to accomplish this is to add a 
DOCTYPE to your the top of your template:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-xml">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 
1.0 Strict//EN"

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