Added: tika/site/src/site/apt/2.6.0/parser.apt
--- tika/site/src/site/apt/2.6.0/parser.apt (added)
+++ tika/site/src/site/apt/2.6.0/parser.apt Mon Nov  7 11:40:42 2022
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+                       --------------------
+                       The Parser interface
+                       --------------------
+~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+~~ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+~~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+~~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+~~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+~~ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+~~ limitations under the License.
+The Parser interface
+   The
+   {{{./api/org/apache/tika/parser/Parser.html}org.apache.tika.parser.Parser}}
+   interface is the key concept of Apache Tika. It hides the complexity of
+   different file formats and parsing libraries while providing a simple and
+   powerful mechanism for client applications to extract structured text
+   content and metadata from all sorts of documents. All this is achieved
+   with a single method:
+void parse(
+    InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata,
+    ParseContext context) throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException;
+   The <<<parse>>> method takes the document to be parsed and related metadata
+   as input and outputs the results as XHTML SAX events and extra metadata.
+   The parse context argument is used to specify context information (like
+   the current local) that is not related to any individual document.
+   The main criteria that lead to this design were:
+   [Streamed parsing] The interface should require neither the client
+     application nor the parser implementation to keep the full document
+     content in memory or spooled to disk. This allows even huge documents
+     to be parsed without excessive resource requirements.
+   [Structured content] A parser implementation should be able to
+     include structural information (headings, links, etc.) in the extracted
+     content. A client application can use this information for example to
+     better judge the relevance of different parts of the parsed document.
+   [Input metadata] A client application should be able to include metadata
+     like the file name or declared content type with the document to be
+     parsed. The parser implementation can use this information to better
+     guide the parsing process.
+   [Output metadata] A parser implementation should be able to return
+     document metadata in addition to document content. Many document
+     formats contain metadata like the name of the author that may be useful
+     to client applications.
+   [Context sensitivity] While the default settings and behaviour of Tika
+     parsers should work well for most use cases, there are still situations
+     where more fine-grained control over the parsing process is desirable.
+     It should be easy to inject such context-specific information to the
+     parsing process without breaking the layers of abstraction.
+   []
+   These criteria are reflected in the arguments of the <<<parse>>> method.
+* Document input stream
+   The first argument is an
+   for reading the document to be parsed.
+   If this document stream can not be read, then parsing stops and the thrown
+   is passed up to the client application. If the stream can be read but
+   not parsed (for example if the document is corrupted), then the parser
+   throws a 
+   The parser implementation will consume this stream but <will not close it>.
+   Closing the stream is the responsibility of the client application that
+   opened it in the first place. The recommended pattern for using streams
+   with the <<<parse>>> method is:
+InputStream stream = ...;      // open the stream
+try {
+    parser.parse(stream, ...); // parse the stream
+} finally {
+    stream.close();            // close the stream
+   Some document formats like the OLE2 Compound Document Format used by
+   Microsoft Office are best parsed as random access files. In such cases the
+   content of the input stream is automatically spooled to a temporary file
+   that gets removed once parsed. A future version of Tika may make it possible
+   to avoid this extra file if the input document is already a file in the
+   local file system. See
+   {{{}TIKA-153}} for the status
+   of this feature request.
+* XHTML SAX events
+   The parsed content of the document stream is returned to the client
+   application as a sequence of XHTML SAX events. XHTML is used to express
+   structured content of the document and SAX events enable streamed
+   processing. Note that the XHTML format is used here only to convey
+   structural information, not to render the documents for browsing!
+   The XHTML SAX events produced by the parser implementation are sent to a
+   instance given to the <<<parse>>> method. If this the content handler
+   fails to process an event, then parsing stops and the thrown
+   is passed up to the client application.
+   The overall structure of the generated event stream is (with indenting
+   added for clarity):
+<html xmlns="";>
+  <head>
+    <title>...</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    ...
+  </body>
+   Parser implementations typically use the
+   {{{./api/org/apache/tika/sax/XHTMLContentHandler.html}XHTMLContentHandler}}
+   utility class to generate the XHTML output.
+   Dealing with the raw SAX events can be a bit complex, so Apache Tika
+   comes with a number of utility classes that can be used to process and
+   convert the event stream to other representations.
+   For example, the
+   {{{./api/org/apache/tika/sax/BodyContentHandler.html}BodyContentHandler}}
+   class can be used to extract just the body part of the XHTML output and
+   feed it either as SAX events to another content handler or as characters
+   to an output stream, a writer, or simply a string. The following code
+   snippet parses a document from the standard input stream and outputs the
+   extracted text content to standard output:
+ContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler(System.out);
+parser.parse(, handler, ...);
+   Another useful class is
+   {{{./api/org/apache/tika/parser/ParsingReader.html}ParsingReader}} that
+   uses a background thread to parse the document and returns the extracted
+   text content as a character stream:
+InputStream stream = ...; // the document to be parsed
+Reader reader = new ParsingReader(parser, stream, ...);
+try {
+    ...;                  // read the document text using the reader
+} finally {
+    reader.close();       // the document stream is closed automatically
+* Document metadata
+   The third argument to the <<<parse>>> method is used to pass document
+   metadata both in and out of the parser. Document metadata is expressed
+   as an {{{./api/org/apache/tika/metadata/Metadata.html}Metadata}} object.
+   The following are some of the more interesting metadata properties:
+   [Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY] The name of the file or resource that contains
+    the document.
+    A client application can set this property to allow the parser to use
+    file name heuristics to determine the format of the document.
+    The parser implementation may set this property if the file format
+    contains the canonical name of the file (for example the Gzip format
+    has a slot for the file name).
+   [Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE] The declared content type of the document.
+    A client application can set this property based on for example a HTTP
+    Content-Type header. The declared content type may help the parser to
+    correctly interpret the document.
+    The parser implementation sets this property to the content type according
+    to which the document was parsed.
+   [Metadata.TITLE] The title of the document.
+    The parser implementation sets this property if the document format
+    contains an explicit title field.
+   [Metadata.AUTHOR] The name of the author of the document.
+    The parser implementation sets this property if the document format
+    contains an explicit author field.
+   []
+   Note that metadata handling is still being discussed by the Tika development
+   team, and it is likely that there will be some (backwards incompatible)
+   changes in metadata handling before Tika 1.0.
+* Parse context
+   The final argument to the <<<parse>>> method is used to inject
+   context-specific information to the parsing process. This is useful
+   for example when dealing with locale-specific date and number formats
+   in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Another important use of the parse
+   context is passing in the delegate parser instance to be used by
+   two-phase parsers like the
+   {{{./api/org/apache/parser/pkg/PackageParser.html}PackageParser}} 
+   Some parser classes allow customization of the parsing process through
+   strategy objects in the parse context.
+* Parser implementations
+   Apache Tika comes with a number of parser classes for parsing
+   {{{./formats.html}various document formats}}. You can also extend Tika
+   with your own parsers, and of course any contributions to Tika are
+   warmly welcome.
+   The goal of Tika is to reuse existing parser libraries like
+   {{{}PDFBox}} or
+   {{{}Apache POI}} as much as possible, and so most
+   of the parser classes in Tika are adapters to such external libraries.
+   Tika also contains some general purpose parser implementations that are
+   not targeted at any specific document formats. The most notable of these
+   is the 
+   class that encapsulates all Tika functionality into a single parser that
+   can handle any types of documents. This parser will automatically determine
+   the type of the incoming document based on various heuristics and will then
+   parse the document accordingly.
+* {More Examples}
+  For more examples of calling Parsing with Apache Tika, please take a look at
+  the {{{./examples.html}Tika Examples page}}.

Added: tika/site/src/site/apt/2.6.0/parser_guide.apt
--- tika/site/src/site/apt/2.6.0/parser_guide.apt (added)
+++ tika/site/src/site/apt/2.6.0/parser_guide.apt Mon Nov  7 11:40:42 2022
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+                       --------------------------------------------
+                       Get Tika parsing up and running in 5 minutes
+                       --------------------------------------------
+~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+~~ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+~~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+~~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+~~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+~~ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+~~ limitations under the License.
+Get Tika parsing up and running in 5 minutes
+   This page is a quick start guide showing how to add a new parser to Apache 
+   Following the simple steps listed below your new parser can be running in 
only 5 minutes.
+* {Getting Started}
+   The {{{./gettingstarted.html}Getting Started}} document describes how to 
+   build Apache Tika from sources and how to start using Tika in an 
application. Pay close attention 
+   and follow the instructions in the "Getting and building the sources" 
+* {Add your MIME-Type}
+   Tika loads the core, standard MIME-Types from the file 
+   "org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml", which comes from
+   If your new MIME-Type is a standard one which is missing from Tika, 
+   submit a patch for this file!
+   If your MIME-Type needs adding, create a new file 
+   "org/apache/tika/mime/custom-mimetypes.xml" in your codebase. 
+   You should add to it something like this:
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <mime-info>
+   <mime-type type="application/hello">
+         <glob pattern="*.hi"/>
+   </mime-type>
+ </mime-info>
+* {Create your Parser class}
+   Now, you need to create your new parser. This is a class that must 
+   implement the Parser interface offered by Tika. Instead of implementing 
+   the Parser interface directly, it is recommended that you extend the
+   abstract class AbstractParser if possible. AbstractParser handles
+   translating between API changes for you.
+   A very simple Tika Parser looks like this:
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * 
+ * @Author: Arturo Beltran
+ */
+package org.apache.tika.parser.hello;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.apache.tika.exception.TikaException;
+import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;
+import org.apache.tika.mime.MediaType;
+import org.apache.tika.parser.ParseContext;
+import org.apache.tika.parser.AbstractParser;
+import org.apache.tika.sax.XHTMLContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+public class HelloParser extends AbstractParser {
+       private static final Set<MediaType> SUPPORTED_TYPES = 
+       public static final String HELLO_MIME_TYPE = "application/hello";
+       public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context) {
+               return SUPPORTED_TYPES;
+       }
+       public void parse(
+                       InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,
+                       Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)
+                       throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
+               metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, HELLO_MIME_TYPE);
+               metadata.set("Hello", "World");
+               XHTMLContentHandler xhtml = new XHTMLContentHandler(handler, 
+               xhtml.startDocument();
+               xhtml.endDocument();
+       }
+   Pay special attention to the definition of the SUPPORTED_TYPES static class 
+   field in the parser class that defines what MIME-Types it supports. If
+   your MIME-Types aren't standard ones, ensure you listed them in a 
+   "custom-mimetypes.xml" file so that Tika knows about them (see above).
+   Is in the "parse" method where you will do all your work. This is, extract 
+   the information of the resource and then set the metadata.
+* {List the new parser}
+   Finally, you should explicitly tell the AutoDetectParser to include your 
+   parser. This step is only needed if you want to use the AutoDetectParser 
+   If you figure out the correct parser in a different way, it isn't needed. 
+   List your new parser in:

Modified: tika/site/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
--- tika/site/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm (original)
+++ tika/site/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm Mon Nov  7 11:40:42 2022
@@ -42,10 +42,17 @@ Apache Tika - a content analysis toolkit
 Latest News
+   [07 November 2022: Apache Tika Release]
+    Apache Tika 2.6.0 has been released! This release includes an optional 
integration with the Siegfried detector,
+    a bug fix to the OpenSearch emitter and dependency upgrades. Please see the
+    file for the full list of changes in the release and have a look at the 
download page for more information
+    on how to obtain Apache Tika 2.6.0.
    [03 October 2022: Apache Tika Release]
     Apache Tika 2.5.0 has been released! This release includes improvements to 
     and customization as well as security related fixes
-    and dependency upgrades. Please see the 
+    and dependency upgrades. Please see the 
     file for the full list of changes in the release and have a look at the 
download page for more information
     on how to obtain Apache Tika 2.5.0.
@@ -54,7 +61,7 @@ Latest News
    [14 September 2022: Apache Tika Release]
     Apache Tika 1.28.5 has been released! This release includes a security 
related fix
-    and dependency upgrades. Please see the 
+    and dependency upgrades. Please see the 
     file for the full list of changes in the release and have a look at the 
download page for more information
     on how to obtain Apache Tika 1.28.5.

Modified: tika/site/src/site/resources/doap.rdf
--- tika/site/src/site/resources/doap.rdf (original)
+++ tika/site/src/site/resources/doap.rdf Mon Nov  7 11:40:42 2022
@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@
     <category rdf:resource=""; />
+      <name>Apache Tika 2.6.0</name>
+      <created>2022-11-07</created>
+      <revision>2.6.0</revision>
+      </Version>
+    </release>
+    <release>
+      <Version>
         <name>Apache Tika 2.5.0</name>

Modified: tika/site/src/site/site.xml
--- tika/site/src/site/site.xml (original)
+++ tika/site/src/site/site.xml Mon Nov  7 11:40:42 2022
@@ -42,7 +42,17 @@
       <item name="Security" href="security.html"/>
     <menu name="Documentation">
-      <item name="Apache Tika 2.5.0" href="2.5.0/index.html">
+      <item name="Apache Tika 2.6.0" href="2.6.0/index.html">
+        <item name="Getting Started" href="2.6.0/gettingstarted.html"/>
+        <item name="Supported Formats" href="2.6.0/formats.html"/>
+        <item name="Parser API" href="2.6.0/parser.html"/>
+        <item name="Parser 5min Quick Start Guide" 
+        <item name="Content and Language Detection" 
+        <item name="Configuring Tika" href="2.6.0/configuring.html"/>
+        <item name="Usage Examples" href="2.6.0/examples.html"/>
+        <item name="API Documentation" href="2.6.0/api/"/>
+      </item>
+      <item name="Apache Tika 2.5.0" href="2.5.0/index.html" collapse="true">
         <item name="Getting Started" href="2.5.0/gettingstarted.html"/>
         <item name="Supported Formats" href="2.5.0/formats.html"/>
         <item name="Parser API" href="2.5.0/parser.html"/>

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