Modified: tinkerpop/site/dotnetdocs/3.3.11-SNAPSHOT/index.json
--- tinkerpop/site/dotnetdocs/3.3.11-SNAPSHOT/index.json (original)
+++ tinkerpop/site/dotnetdocs/3.3.11-SNAPSHOT/index.json Thu May 28 13:15:31 
@@ -1,527 +1,527 @@
-  "index.html": {
-    "href": "index.html",
-    "title": "Gremlin.Net | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Gremlin.Net <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation 
(ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 
distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright 
ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 
2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the 
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or 
agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on 
express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing 
permissions and limitations under the License. --> Apache TinkerPop™ is a 
graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic 
systems (OLAP). Gremlin is the graph traversal language of TinkerPop. It can be 
described as a function
 al, data-flow language that enables users to succinctly express complex 
traversals on (or queries of) their application's property graph. Gremlin.Net 
implements Gremlin within the C# language. It targets .NET Standard and can 
therefore be used on different operating systems and with different .NET 
frameworks, such as .NET Framework and .NET Core. nuget install Gremlin.Net 
Please see the reference documentation at Apache TinkerPop for more 
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.Graph.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.Graph.html",
+    "title": "Class Graph | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class Graph A Graph is a container object for a collection of 
Vertex , Edge , VertexProperty , and Property objects. Inheritance 
System.Object Graph Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() 
System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() 
System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Structure Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll 
Syntax public class Graph Methods Traversal() Generates a reusable instance. 
Declaration [Obsolete(\"As of release 3.3.5, replaced by 
AnonymousTraversalSource.Traversal() called statically.\", false)] public 
GraphTraversalSource Traversal() Returns Type Description GraphTraversalSource 
A graph traversal source."
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Bindings.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Bindings.html",
-    "title": "Class Bindings | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Class Bindings Bindings are used to associate a variable with 
a value. Inheritance System.Object Bindings Inherited Members 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, 
System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() 
System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : 
Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class 
Bindings Properties Instance Gets an instance of the Bindings class. 
Declaration public static Bindings Instance { get; } Property Value Type 
Description Bindings Methods Of<TV>(String, TV) Binds the variable to the 
specified value. Declaration public TV Of<TV>(string variable, TV value) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String variable The variable to bind. 
TV value The value to which the variable should be bound. Returns Type 
Description TV The bound value. Type Parameters Name Description TV"
+    "href": 
+    "title": "Class PartitionStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
+    "keywords": "Class PartitionStrategy Partitions the vertices, edges and 
vertex properties of a graph into String named partitions. Inheritance 
System.Object AbstractTraversalStrategy PartitionStrategy Implements 
ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable < AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited 
Members AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class PartitionStrategy : 
  ITraversalStrategy, IEquatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Constructors 
PartitionStrategy() Initializes a new instance of the PartitionStrategy class. 
Declaration public PartitionStrategy() PartitionStrategy(String, String, 
IEnumerable<String>, Nullable<Boolean>) Initializes a new instance of the 
PartitionStrategy class. Declaration public PartitionStrategy(string 
partitionKey = null, string writePartition = null, IEnumerable<string> 
readPartitions = null, bool? includeMetaProperties = default(bool? )) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String partitionKey Specifies the 
partition key name. System.String writePartition Specifies the name of the 
partition to write when adding vertices, edges and vertex properties. 
IEnumerable < System.String > readPartitions Specifies the partition of the 
graph to read from. System.Nullable < System.Boolean > includeMetaProperties 
Set to true if vertex properties should get assigned to partitions. Implements 
ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable<T
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.html",
-    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages | Apache TinkerPop - 
Gremlin.NET API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages Classes RequestMessage 
The model for a request message sent to the server. RequestMessage.Builder 
Allows to build RequestMessage objects."
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.IGremlinClient.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.IGremlinClient.html",
+    "title": "Interface IGremlinClient | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
+    "keywords": "Interface IGremlinClient Provides a mechanism for submitting 
Gremlin requests. Inherited Members System.IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : 
Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public interface 
IGremlinClient : IDisposable Methods SubmitAsync<T>(RequestMessage) Submits a 
request message as an asynchronous operation. Declaration 
Task<IReadOnlyCollection<T>> SubmitAsync<T>(RequestMessage requestMessage) 
Parameters Type Name Description RequestMessage requestMessage The to send. 
Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < IReadOnlyCollection <T>> 
A collection of the data returned from the server. Type Parameters Name 
Description T The type of the expected results. Exceptions Type Condition 
ResponseException Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that 
indicates that an error occurred."
-    "href": 
-    "title": "Class ReadOnlyStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
-    "keywords": "Class ReadOnlyStrategy Detects mutating steps and throws an 
exception if one is found. Inheritance System.Object AbstractTraversalStrategy 
ReadOnlyStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable < 
AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Verification 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class ReadOnlyStrategy : 
AbstractTraversalStrategy, ITraversalStrategy, IEquatable
 <AbstractTraversalStrategy> Implements ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable<T>"
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.IO.GraphSON.GraphSON2Writer.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.IO.GraphSON.GraphSON2Writer.html",
+    "title": "Class GraphSON2Writer | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class GraphSON2Writer Handles serialization of GraphSON2 
data. Inheritance System.Object GraphSONWriter GraphSON2Writer Inherited 
Members GraphSONWriter.Serializers GraphSONWriter.WriteObject(Object) 
GraphSONWriter.ToDict(Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() 
System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() 
System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Structure.IO.GraphSON Assembly : 
cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class GraphSON2Writer : GraphSONWriter 
Constructors GraphSON2Writer() Creates a new instance of GraphSON2Writer . 
Declaration public GraphSON2Writer() GraphSON2Writer(IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, 
IGraphSONSerializer>) Creates a new instance of GraphSON2Writer . Declaration 
public GraphSON2Writer(IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IGraphSONSerializer> 
customSerializerByType) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnly
 Dictionary < System.Type , IGraphSONSerializer > customSerializerByType"
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote.html",
-    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote | Apache TinkerPop - 
Gremlin.NET API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote Classes 
DriverRemoteConnection A implementation for Gremlin Server."
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration | 
Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration 
Classes ConnectiveStrategy ConnectiveStrategy rewrites the binary conjunction 
form of a.and().b into an AndStep of and(a, b) (likewise for OrStep). 
ElementIdStrategy Provides a degree of control over element identifier 
assignment as some graphs don't provide that feature. HaltedTraverserStrategy 
PartitionStrategy Partitions the vertices, edges and vertex properties of a 
graph into String named partitions. SubgraphStrategy Provides a way to limit 
the view of a ITraversal . VertexProgramStrategy"
-    "href": 
-    "title": "Class MatchPredicateStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET 
API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Class MatchPredicateStrategy Folds any post Where() step that 
maintains a traversal constraint into Match() . Inheritance System.Object 
AbstractTraversalStrategy MatchPredicateStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy 
System.IEquatable < AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Optimization 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class MatchPredicateStrategy : 
 egy, ITraversalStrategy, IEquatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Implements 
ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable<T>"
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.Element.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.Element.html",
+    "title": "Class Element | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class Element A common base class for Graph elements. 
Inheritance System.Object Element Edge Vertex VertexProperty Implements 
System.IEquatable < Element > Inherited Members 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() 
System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : 
Gremlin.Net.Structure Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public abstract class 
Element : IEquatable<Element> Constructors Element(Object, String) Initializes 
a new instance of the Element class. Declaration protected Element(object id, 
string label) Parameters Type Name Description System.Object id The id of the 
element. System.String label The label of the element. Properties Id Gets the 
id of this Element . Declaration public object Id { get; } Property Value Type 
Description System.Object Label Gets the label of this Element . Declaration 
public string Label { get; } Property Value Type Descri
 ption System.String Methods Equals(Element) Declaration public bool 
Equals(Element other) Parameters Type Name Description Element other Returns 
Type Description System.Boolean Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool 
Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Object obj Returns 
Type Description System.Boolean Overrides System.Object.Equals(System.Object) 
GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type 
Description System.Int32 Overrides System.Object.GetHashCode() Implements 
-    "href": 
-    "title": "Class RangeByIsCountStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET 
API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Class RangeByIsCountStrategy Optimizes any occurrence of 
Count() -step followed by an Is() -step. Inheritance System.Object 
AbstractTraversalStrategy RangeByIsCountStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy 
System.IEquatable < AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Optimization 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class RangeByIsCountStrategy : 
AbstractTraversalStrategy, ITraver
 salStrategy, IEquatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Implements 
ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable<T>"
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.IUnaryOperator.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.IUnaryOperator.html",
+    "title": "Interface IUnaryOperator | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
+    "keywords": "Interface IUnaryOperator Represents an operation on a single 
operand that produces a result of the same type as its operand. This is a 
specialization of Function for the case where the operand and result are of the 
same type. Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll 
Syntax public interface IUnaryOperator : IFunction"
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Direction.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Direction.html",
-    "title": "Class Direction | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Class Direction Inheritance System.Object EnumWrapper 
Direction Implements System.IEquatable < EnumWrapper > Inherited Members 
EnumWrapper.EnumName EnumWrapper.EnumValue EnumWrapper.Equals(EnumWrapper) 
EnumWrapper.Equals(Object) EnumWrapper.GetHashCode() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() 
System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : 
Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class 
Direction : EnumWrapper, IEquatable<EnumWrapper> Properties Both Declaration 
public static Direction Both { get; } Property Value Type Description Direction 
In Declaration public static Direction In { get; } Property Value Type 
Description Direction Out Declaration public static Direction Out { get; } 
Property Value Type Description Direction Methods GetByValue(String) Gets the 
Direction enumeration by value. Declaration public static Direc
 tion GetByValue(string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String 
value Returns Type Description Direction Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions | Apache TinkerPop - 
Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions Classes 
ResponseException The exception that is thrown when a response is received from 
Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred."
+  },
"api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration.SubgraphStrategy.html": {
+    "href": 
+    "title": "Class SubgraphStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
+    "keywords": "Class SubgraphStrategy Provides a way to limit the view of a 
ITraversal . Inheritance System.Object AbstractTraversalStrategy 
SubgraphStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable < 
AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class SubgraphStrategy : 
AbstractTraversalStrategy, ITraversalStrategy, IEquatable<AbstractTraver
 salStrategy> Constructors SubgraphStrategy() Initializes a new instance of the 
SubgraphStrategy class. Declaration public SubgraphStrategy() 
SubgraphStrategy(ITraversal, ITraversal, ITraversal) Initializes a new instance 
of the SubgraphStrategy class. Declaration public SubgraphStrategy(ITraversal 
vertexCriterion = null, ITraversal edgeCriterion = null, ITraversal 
vertexPropertyCriterion = null) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
vertexCriterion Constrains vertices for the ITraversal . ITraversal 
edgeCriterion Constrains edges for the ITraversal . ITraversal 
vertexPropertyCriterion Constrains vertex properties for the ITraversal . 
Implements ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable<T>"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Operator.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Operator.html",
+    "title": "Class Operator | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class Operator Inheritance System.Object EnumWrapper Operator 
Implements System.IEquatable < EnumWrapper > IBinaryOperator IBiFunction 
Inherited Members EnumWrapper.EnumName EnumWrapper.EnumValue 
EnumWrapper.Equals(EnumWrapper) EnumWrapper.Equals(Object) 
EnumWrapper.GetHashCode() System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) 
System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() 
System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal Assembly : 
cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class Operator : EnumWrapper, 
IEquatable<EnumWrapper>, IBinaryOperator, IBiFunction Properties AddAll 
Declaration public static Operator AddAll { get; } Property Value Type 
Description Operator And Declaration public static Operator And { get; } 
Property Value Type Description Operator Assign Declaration public static 
Operator Assign { get; } Property Value Type Description Operator Div 
Declaration public static Operator
  Div { get; } Property Value Type Description Operator Max Declaration public 
static Operator Max { get; } Property Value Type Description Operator Min 
Declaration public static Operator Min { get; } Property Value Type Description 
Operator Minus Declaration public static Operator Minus { get; } Property Value 
Type Description Operator Mult Declaration public static Operator Mult { get; } 
Property Value Type Description Operator Or Declaration public static Operator 
Or { get; } Property Value Type Description Operator Sum Declaration public 
static Operator Sum { get; } Property Value Type Description Operator SumLong 
Declaration public static Operator SumLong { get; } Property Value Type 
Description Operator Methods GetByValue(String) Gets the Operator enumeration 
by value. Declaration public static Operator GetByValue(string value) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String value Returns Type Description 
Operator Implements System.IEquatable<T> IBinaryOperator IBiFunction"
+  },
+    "href": 
+    "title": "Class HaltedTraverserStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET 
API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class HaltedTraverserStrategy Inheritance System.Object 
AbstractTraversalStrategy HaltedTraverserStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy 
System.IEquatable < AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Decoration 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class HaltedTraverserStrategy : 
AbstractTraversalStrategy, ITraversalStrategy, 
IEquatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Constructors Halt
 edTraverserStrategy() Declaration public HaltedTraverserStrategy() 
HaltedTraverserStrategy(String) Declaration public 
HaltedTraverserStrategy(string haltedTraverserFactoryName = null) Parameters 
Type Name Description System.String haltedTraverserFactoryName Implements 
ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable<T>"
     "title": "Class AbstractTraversalStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET 
API Docs",
     "keywords": "Class AbstractTraversalStrategy Provides a common base class 
for strategies that are only included in Bytecode to be applied remotely. 
Inheritance System.Object AbstractTraversalStrategy ConnectiveStrategy 
ElementIdStrategy HaltedTraverserStrategy PartitionStrategy SubgraphStrategy 
VertexProgramStrategy MatchAlgorithmStrategy AdjacentToIncidentStrategy 
EarlyLimitStrategy FilterRankingStrategy GraphFilterStrategy 
IdentityRemovalStrategy IncidentToAdjacentStrategy InlineFilterStrategy 
LazyBarrierStrategy MatchPredicateStrategy OrderLimitStrategy 
PathProcessorStrategy PathRetractionStrategy RangeByIsCountStrategy 
RepeatUnrollStrategy EdgeLabelVerificationStrategy LambdaRestrictionStrategy 
ReadOnlyStrategy ReservedKeysVerificationStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy 
System.IEquatable < AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(Sy
 stem.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public abstract class 
AbstractTraversalStrategy : ITraversalStrategy, 
IEquatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Properties Configuration Gets the 
configuration of the strategy. Declaration public Dictionary<string, dynamic> 
Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Dictionary < 
System.String , System.Object > StrategyName Gets the name of the strategy. 
Declaration public string StrategyName { get; } Property Value Type Description 
System.String Methods Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) Declaration public virtual 
void Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E> traversal) Parameters Type Name Description 
ITraversal <S, E> traversal Type Parameters Name Description S E ApplyAsync<S, 
E>(ITraversal<S, E>) Declaration public virtual Task ApplyAsync<S, 
E>(ITraversal<S, E> traversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal <S, 
E> traversal Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tas
 ks.Task Type Parameters Name Description S E Equals(AbstractTraversalStrategy) 
Declaration public bool Equals(AbstractTraversalStrategy other) Parameters Type 
Name Description AbstractTraversalStrategy other Returns Type Description 
System.Boolean Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object 
obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Object obj Returns Type 
Description System.Boolean Overrides System.Object.Equals(System.Object) 
GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type 
Description System.Int32 Overrides System.Object.GetHashCode() ToString() 
Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description 
System.String Overrides System.Object.ToString() Implements ITraversalStrategy 
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.html",
-    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Structure | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET 
API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Structure Classes Edge Represents an 
edge between to vertices. Element A common base class for Graph elements. Graph 
A Graph is a container object for a collection of Vertex , Edge , 
VertexProperty , and Property objects. Path A Path denotes a particular walk 
through a graph as defined by a . Property A Property denotes a key/value pair 
associated with an Edge . Vertex Represents a vertex. VertexProperty A 
VertexProperty denotes a key/value pair associated with a Vertex ."
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.GraphTraversal-2.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.GraphTraversal-2.html",
+    "title": "Class GraphTraversal<S, E> | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
+    "keywords": "Class GraphTraversal<S, E> Graph traversals are the primary 
way in which graphs are processed. Inheritance System.Object DefaultTraversal 
<S, E> GraphTraversal<S, E> Implements ITraversal <S, E> ITraversal IEnumerator 
IEnumerator <E> Inherited Members DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Bytecode 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.SideEffects DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Traversers 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.ITraversal.Iterate() DefaultTraversal<S, 
E>.TraversalStrategies DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Dispose() DefaultTraversal<S, 
E>.MoveNext() DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Reset() DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Current 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.HasNext() DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Next() 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Next(Int32) DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Iterate() 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.NextTraverser() DefaultTraversal<S, E>.ToList() 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.ToSet() DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Dispose(Boolean) 
DefaultTraversal<S, E>.Promise<TReturn>(Func<ITraversal<S, E>, TReturn>) 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.O
 bject, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() 
System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : 
Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class 
GraphTraversal<S, E> : DefaultTraversal<S, E>, ITraversal<S, E>, ITraversal, 
IEnumerator, IEnumerator<E> Type Parameters Name Description S E Constructors 
GraphTraversal() Initializes a new instance of the GraphTraversal<S, E> class. 
Declaration public GraphTraversal() 
GraphTraversal(ICollection<ITraversalStrategy>, Bytecode) Initializes a new 
instance of the GraphTraversal<S, E> class. Declaration public 
GraphTraversal(ICollection<ITraversalStrategy> traversalStrategies, Bytecode 
bytecode) Parameters Type Name Description ICollection < ITraversalStrategy > 
traversalStrategies The traversal strategies to be used by this graph traversal 
at evaluation time. Bytecode bytecode The Bytecode associated with the co
 nstruction of this graph traversal. Methods AddE(ITraversal) Adds the addE 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> 
AddE(ITraversal edgeLabelTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
edgeLabelTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Edge > 
AddE(String) Adds the addE step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> AddE(string edgeLabel) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.String edgeLabel Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
Edge > AddV() Adds the addV step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> AddV() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, Vertex > AddV(ITraversal) Adds the addV step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> AddV(ITraversal 
vertexLabelTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
vertexLabelTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > 
AddV(String) Adds the addV
  step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
Vertex> AddV(string vertexLabel) Parameters Type Name Description System.String 
vertexLabel Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > 
Aggregate(String) Adds the aggregate step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Aggregate(string sideEffectKey) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String sideEffectKey Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> And(ITraversal[]) Adds the and step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> And(params 
ITraversal[] andTraversals) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal [] 
andTraversals Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> As(String, 
String[]) Adds the as step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> As(string stepLabel, params string[] stepLabels) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String stepLabel System.String [] 
stepLabels Returns Type Description Gra
 phTraversal <S, E> Barrier() Adds the barrier step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Barrier() Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Barrier(IConsumer) Adds the barrier step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Barrier(IConsumer barrierConsumer) Parameters Type Name Description IConsumer 
barrierConsumer Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Barrier(Int32) 
Adds the barrier step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Barrier(int maxBarrierSize) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.Int32 maxBarrierSize Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> Both(String[]) Adds the both step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> Both(params string[] edgeLabels) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] edgeLabels Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > BothE(String[]) Adds the bothE step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E>
  . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> BothE(params string[] 
edgeLabels) Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] edgeLabels 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Edge > BothV() Adds the bothV step 
to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> 
BothV() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > 
Branch<E2>(IFunction) Adds the branch step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Branch<E2>(IFunction function) 
Parameters Type Name Description IFunction function Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Branch<E2>(ITraversal) Adds the branch step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Branch<E2>(ITraversal branchTraversal) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal branchTraversal Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 By() 
Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declar
 ation public GraphTraversal<S, E> By() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> By(IComparator) Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> By(IComparator comparator) Parameters 
Type Name Description IComparator comparator Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> By(IFunction) Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> By(IFunction function) Parameters 
Type Name Description IFunction function Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> By(IFunction, IComparator) Adds the by step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> By(IFunction 
function, IComparator comparator) Parameters Type Name Description IFunction 
function IComparator comparator Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
By(ITraversal) Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> By(ITraversal traversal) Parameters Type Name 
Description ITravers
 al traversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> By(ITraversal, 
IComparator) Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> By(ITraversal traversal, IComparator comparator) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal traversal IComparator comparator 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> By(Order) Adds the by step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> By(Order 
order) Parameters Type Name Description Order order Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> By(T) Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> By(T token) Parameters Type Name 
Description T token Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> By(String) 
Adds the by step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> By(string key) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String key Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> By(String, 
IComparator) Adds the by 
 step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
By(string key, IComparator comparator) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String key IComparator comparator Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Cap<E2>(String, String[]) Adds the cap step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Cap<E2>(string 
sideEffectKey, params string[] sideEffectKeys) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String sideEffectKey System.String [] sideEffectKeys Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Choose<E2>(IFunction) Adds the choose step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Choose<E2>(IFunction choiceFunction) 
Parameters Type Name Description IFunction choiceFunction Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Choose<E2>(IPredicate, ITraversal) Adds the choose step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphT
 raversal<S, E2> Choose<E2>(IPredicate choosePredicate, ITraversal trueChoice) 
Parameters Type Name Description IPredicate choosePredicate ITraversal 
trueChoice Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Choose<E2>(IPredicate, ITraversal, ITraversal) Adds the choose 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
Choose<E2>(IPredicate choosePredicate, ITraversal trueChoice, ITraversal 
falseChoice) Parameters Type Name Description IPredicate choosePredicate 
ITraversal trueChoice ITraversal falseChoice Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Choose<E2>(ITraversal) Adds the choose step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Choose<E2>(ITraversal choiceTraversal) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal choiceTraversal Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Choose<E2>(ITraversal, ITraversal) Adds
  the choose step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Choose<E2>(ITraversal traversalPredicate, ITraversal 
trueChoice) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal traversalPredicate 
ITraversal trueChoice Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type 
Parameters Name Description E2 Choose<E2>(ITraversal, ITraversal, ITraversal) 
Adds the choose step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Choose<E2>(ITraversal traversalPredicate, ITraversal 
trueChoice, ITraversal falseChoice) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
traversalPredicate ITraversal trueChoice ITraversal falseChoice Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Clone() 
Make a copy of a traversal that is reset for iteration. Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Clone() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Coalesce<E2>(ITraversal[]) Adds the coalesce step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration p
 ublic GraphTraversal<S, E2> Coalesce<E2>(params ITraversal[] 
coalesceTraversals) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal [] 
coalesceTraversals Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type 
Parameters Name Description E2 Coin(Double) Adds the coin step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Coin(double 
probability) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double probability Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Constant<E2>(E2) Adds the constant step 
to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
Constant<E2>(E2 e) Parameters Type Name Description E2 e Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Count() 
Adds the count step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, long> Count() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
System.Int64 > Count(Scope) Adds the count step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, long> Cou
 nt(Scope scope) Parameters Type Name Description Scope scope Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, System.Int64 > CyclicPath() Adds the cyclicPath 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
CyclicPath() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Dedup(Scope, 
String[]) Adds the dedup step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Dedup(Scope scope, params string[] dedupLabels) Parameters 
Type Name Description Scope scope System.String [] dedupLabels Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Dedup(String[]) Adds the dedup step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Dedup(params 
string[] dedupLabels) Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] 
dedupLabels Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Drop() Adds the drop 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Drop() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Emit() Adds the emit st
 ep to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Emit() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Emit(IPredicate) Adds the 
emit step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E> Emit(IPredicate emitPredicate) Parameters Type Name Description IPredicate 
emitPredicate Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Emit(ITraversal) 
Adds the emit step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Emit(ITraversal emitTraversal) Parameters Type Name 
Description ITraversal emitTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> Filter(IPredicate) Adds the filter step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Filter(IPredicate predicate) Parameters 
Type Name Description IPredicate predicate Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Filter(ITraversal) Adds the filter step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Filter(ITraversal filterTravers
 al) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal filterTraversal Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> FlatMap<E2>(IFunction) Adds the flatMap step 
to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
FlatMap<E2>(IFunction function) Parameters Type Name Description IFunction 
function Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 FlatMap<E2>(ITraversal) Adds the flatMap step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
FlatMap<E2>(ITraversal flatMapTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description 
ITraversal flatMapTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> 
Type Parameters Name Description E2 Fold() Adds the fold step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IList<E>> Fold() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, IList <E>> Fold<E2>(E2, 
IBiFunction) Adds the fold step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Fold<E2>(E2 se
 ed, IBiFunction foldFunction) Parameters Type Name Description E2 seed 
IBiFunction foldFunction Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type 
Parameters Name Description E2 From(ITraversal) Adds the from step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> From(ITraversal 
fromVertex) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal fromVertex Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> From(String) Adds the from step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> From(string 
fromStepLabel) Parameters Type Name Description System.String fromStepLabel 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> From(Vertex) Adds the from step 
to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
From(Vertex fromVertex) Parameters Type Name Description Vertex fromVertex 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Group(String) Adds the group 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
  sideEffectKey) Parameters Type Name Description System.String sideEffectKey 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Group<K, V>() Adds the group 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
IDictionary<K, V>> Group<K, V>() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
IDictionary <K, V>> Type Parameters Name Description K V GroupCount(String) 
Adds the groupCount step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> GroupCount(string sideEffectKey) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.String sideEffectKey Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> GroupCount<K>() Adds the groupCount step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<K, long>> GroupCount<K>() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, IDictionary <K, System.Int64 >> 
Type Parameters Name Description K Has(T, ITraversal) Adds the has step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(T accessor,
  ITraversal propertyTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description T accessor 
ITraversal propertyTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Has(T, P) Adds the has step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(T accessor, P predicate) Parameters Type Name 
Description T accessor P predicate Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E> Has(T, Object) Adds the has step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(T accessor, object value) Parameters Type Name 
Description T accessor System.Object value Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Has(String) Adds the has step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(string propertyKey) Parameters 
Type Name Description System.String propertyKey Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Has(String, ITraversal) Adds the has step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(string 
propertyKey, IT
 raversal propertyTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description System.String 
propertyKey ITraversal propertyTraversal Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Has(String, P) Adds the has step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(string 
propertyKey, P predicate) Parameters Type Name Description System.String 
propertyKey P predicate Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Has(String, Object) Adds the has step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(string propertyKey, object value) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String propertyKey System.Object value 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Has(String, String, P) Adds the 
has step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Has(string label, string propertyKey, P predicate) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.String label System.String propertyKey P predicate Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> H
 as(String, String, Object) Adds the has step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Has(string label, string propertyKey, 
object value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String label 
System.String propertyKey System.Object value Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> HasId(P) Adds the hasId step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasId(P predicate) Parameters Type 
Name Description P predicate Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
HasId(Object, Object[]) Adds the hasId step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasId(object id, params object[] 
otherIds) Parameters Type Name Description System.Object id System.Object [] 
otherIds Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> HasKey(P) Adds the 
hasKey step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E> HasKey(P predicate) Parameters Type Name Description P predicate Returns 
Type Description
  GraphTraversal <S, E> HasKey(String, String[]) Adds the hasKey step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasKey(string 
label, params string[] otherLabels) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String label System.String [] otherLabels Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> HasLabel(P) Adds the hasLabel step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasLabel(P 
predicate) Parameters Type Name Description P predicate Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> HasLabel(String, String[]) Adds the hasLabel 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
HasLabel(string label, params string[] otherLabels) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.String label System.String [] otherLabels Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> HasNot(String) Adds the hasNot step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasNot(string 
propertyKey) Parameters Type Name D
 escription System.String propertyKey Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> HasValue(P) Adds the hasValue step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasValue(P predicate) Parameters Type 
Name Description P predicate Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
HasValue(Object, Object[]) Adds the hasValue step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> HasValue(object value, params 
object[] otherValues) Parameters Type Name Description System.Object value 
System.Object [] otherValues Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Id() Adds the id step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, object> Id() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
System.Object > Identity() Adds the identity step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Identity() Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> In(String[]) Adds the in step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Decl
 aration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> In(params string[] edgeLabels) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] edgeLabels Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > InE(String[]) Adds the inE step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> InE(params 
string[] edgeLabels) Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] 
edgeLabels Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Edge > Inject(E[]) Adds 
the inject step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Inject(params E[] injections) Parameters Type Name 
Description E[] injections Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> InV() 
Adds the inV step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> InV() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
Vertex > Is(P) Adds the is step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Is(P predicate) Parameters Type Name Description P 
predicate Returns Type Descr
 iption GraphTraversal <S, E> Is(Object) Adds the is step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Is(object value) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.Object value Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Key() Adds the key step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, string> Key() Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, System.String > Label() Adds the label step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, string> Label() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, System.String > Limit<E2>(Scope, 
Int64) Adds the limit step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Limit<E2>(Scope scope, long limit) Parameters Type Name 
Description Scope scope System.Int64 limit Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Limit<E2>(Int64) 
Adds the limit step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Limit<
 E2>(long limit) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 limit Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Local<E2>(ITraversal) Adds the local step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Local<E2>(ITraversal localTraversal) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal localTraversal Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Loops() 
Adds the loops step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, int> Loops() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
System.Int32 > Map<E2>(IFunction) Adds the map step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Map<E2>(IFunction function) 
Parameters Type Name Description IFunction function Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Map<E2>(ITraversal) 
Adds the map step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
 Map<E2>(ITraversal mapTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
mapTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters 
Name Description E2 Match<E2>(ITraversal[]) Adds the match step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<string, 
E2>> Match<E2>(params ITraversal[] matchTraversals) Parameters Type Name 
Description ITraversal [] matchTraversals Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, IDictionary < System.String , E2>> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Math(String) Adds the math step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, double> Math(string expression) Parameters 
Type Name Description System.String expression Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, System.Double > Max<E2>() Adds the max step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Max<E2>() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Max<E2>(Scope) Ad
 ds the max step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Max<E2>(Scope scope) Parameters Type Name Description 
Scope scope Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters 
Name Description E2 Mean<E2>() Adds the mean step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Mean<E2>() Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Mean<E2>(Scope) Adds 
the mean step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Mean<E2>(Scope scope) Parameters Type Name Description 
Scope scope Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters 
Name Description E2 Min<E2>() Adds the min step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Min<E2>() Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Min<E2>(Scope) Adds 
the min step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Min<E
 2>(Scope scope) Parameters Type Name Description Scope scope Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Not(ITraversal) Adds the not step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Not(ITraversal notTraversal) Parameters Type Name 
Description ITraversal notTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E> Option(ITraversal) Adds the option step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Option(ITraversal traversalOption) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal traversalOption Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Option(Object, ITraversal) Adds the option 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Option(object pickToken, ITraversal traversalOption) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.Object pickToken ITraversal traversalOption Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Optional<E2>(ITraversal) Adds the optional 
step to this Gr
 aphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
Optional<E2>(ITraversal optionalTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description 
ITraversal optionalTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> 
Type Parameters Name Description E2 Or(ITraversal[]) Adds the or step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Or(params 
ITraversal[] orTraversals) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal [] 
orTraversals Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Order() Adds the 
order step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E> Order() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Order(Scope) Adds the 
order step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E> Order(Scope scope) Parameters Type Name Description Scope scope Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> OtherV() Adds the otherV step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> OtherV() 
Returns Type 
 Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > Out(String[]) Adds the out step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> 
Out(params string[] edgeLabels) Parameters Type Name Description System.String 
[] edgeLabels Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > 
OutE(String[]) Adds the outE step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> OutE(params string[] edgeLabels) Parameters Type 
Name Description System.String [] edgeLabels Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, Edge > OutV() Adds the outV step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> OutV() Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > PageRank() Adds the pageRank step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> PageRank() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> PageRank(Double) Adds the 
pageRank step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> PageRank(doubl
 e alpha) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double alpha Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Path() Adds the path step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Path> Path() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Path > PeerPressure() Adds the 
peerPressure step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> PeerPressure() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E> Profile(String) Adds the profile step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Profile(string sideEffectKey) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String sideEffectKey Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Profile<E2>() Adds the profile step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Profile<E2>() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Program(Object) Adds the program step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal
 <S, E> Program(object vertexProgram) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.Object vertexProgram Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Project<E2>(String, String[]) Adds the project step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<string, E2>> 
Project<E2>(string projectKey, params string[] otherProjectKeys) Parameters 
Type Name Description System.String projectKey System.String [] 
otherProjectKeys Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, IDictionary < 
System.String , E2>> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Properties<E2>(String[]) Adds the properties step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Properties<E2>(params string[] 
propertyKeys) Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] propertyKeys 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Property(Cardinality, Object, Object, Object[]) Adds the 
property step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
 GraphTraversal<S, E> Property(Cardinality cardinality, object key, object 
value, params object[] keyValues) Parameters Type Name Description Cardinality 
cardinality System.Object key System.Object value System.Object [] keyValues 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Property(Object, Object, 
Object[]) Adds the property step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Property(object key, object value, params object[] 
keyValues) Parameters Type Name Description System.Object key System.Object 
value System.Object [] keyValues Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
PropertyMap<E2>(String[]) Adds the propertyMap step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<string, E2>> 
PropertyMap<E2>(params string[] propertyKeys) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String [] propertyKeys Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
IDictionary < System.String , E2>> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
 , Int64, Int64) Adds the range step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Range<E2>(Scope scope, long low, long high) 
Parameters Type Name Description Scope scope System.Int64 low System.Int64 high 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Range<E2>(Int64, Int64) Adds the range step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Range<E2>(long 
low, long high) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 low System.Int64 
high Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Repeat(ITraversal) Adds the repeat step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Repeat(ITraversal repeatTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
repeatTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Sack(IBiFunction) Adds the sack step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Sack(IBiFunction sack
 Operator) Parameters Type Name Description IBiFunction sackOperator Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Sack<E2>() Adds the sack step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Sack<E2>() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Sample(Scope, Int32) Adds the sample step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Sample(Scope 
scope, int amountToSample) Parameters Type Name Description Scope scope 
System.Int32 amountToSample Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
Sample(Int32) Adds the sample step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Sample(int amountToSample) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.Int32 amountToSample Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> Select<E2>(Column) Adds the select step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, ICollection<E2>> Select<E2>(Column column) 
Parameters Type Name
  Description Column column Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
ICollection <E2>> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Select<E2>(ITraversal) 
Adds the select step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Select<E2>(ITraversal keyTraversal) Parameters Type Name 
Description ITraversal keyTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Select<E2>(Pop, ITraversal) Adds the 
select step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E2> Select<E2>(Pop pop, ITraversal keyTraversal) Parameters Type Name 
Description Pop pop ITraversal keyTraversal Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Select<E2>(Pop, 
String) Adds the select step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Select<E2>(Pop pop, string selectKey) Parameters Type 
Name Description Pop pop System.String selectKey Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, 
 E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Select<E2>(Pop, String, String, 
String[]) Adds the select step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<string, E2>> Select<E2>(Pop pop, string 
selectKey1, string selectKey2, params string[] otherSelectKeys) Parameters Type 
Name Description Pop pop System.String selectKey1 System.String selectKey2 
System.String [] otherSelectKeys Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
IDictionary < System.String , E2>> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Select<E2>(String) Adds the select step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Select<E2>(string selectKey) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String selectKey Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Select<E2>(String, String, String[]) Adds the select step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<string, 
E2>> Select<E2>(string selectKey1, string s
 electKey2, params string[] otherSelectKeys) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String selectKey1 System.String selectKey2 System.String [] 
otherSelectKeys Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, IDictionary < 
System.String , E2>> Type Parameters Name Description E2 SideEffect(IConsumer) 
Adds the sideEffect step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> SideEffect(IConsumer consumer) Parameters Type Name 
Description IConsumer consumer Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> 
SideEffect(ITraversal) Adds the sideEffect step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> SideEffect(ITraversal 
sideEffectTraversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal 
sideEffectTraversal Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> SimplePath() 
Adds the simplePath step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> SimplePath() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E> Skip<E2>(Scope, Int64) Adds the 
 skip step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E2> Skip<E2>(Scope scope, long skip) Parameters Type Name Description Scope 
scope System.Int64 skip Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type 
Parameters Name Description E2 Skip<E2>(Int64) Adds the skip step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Skip<E2>(long 
skip) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 skip Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Store(String) Adds the store step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E> Store(string sideEffectKey) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.String sideEffectKey Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> Subgraph(String) Adds the subgraph step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> Subgraph(string sideEffectKey) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.String sideEffectKey Returns Type 
Description G
 raphTraversal <S, Edge > Sum<E2>() Adds the sum step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Sum<E2>() Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Sum<E2>(Scope) Adds the sum step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Sum<E2>(Scope scope) Parameters Type Name 
Description Scope scope Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type 
Parameters Name Description E2 Tail<E2>() Adds the tail step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Tail<E2>() 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Tail<E2>(Scope) Adds the tail step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> 
. Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Tail<E2>(Scope scope) Parameters 
Type Name Description Scope scope Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Tail<E2>(Scope, Int64) Adds the tail 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
 E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Tail<E2>(Scope scope, long 
limit) Parameters Type Name Description Scope scope System.Int64 limit Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 
Tail<E2>(Int64) Adds the tail step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration 
public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Tail<E2>(long limit) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.Int64 limit Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> 
Type Parameters Name Description E2 TimeLimit(Int64) Adds the timeLimit step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
TimeLimit(long timeLimit) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 
timeLimit Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Times(Int32) Adds the 
times step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E> Times(int maxLoops) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 maxLoops 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> To(Direction, String[]) Adds the 
to st
 ep to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> 
To(Direction direction, params string[] edgeLabels) Parameters Type Name 
Description Direction direction System.String [] edgeLabels Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > To(ITraversal) Adds the to step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> To(ITraversal 
toVertex) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal toVertex Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> To(String) Adds the to step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> To(string 
toStepLabel) Parameters Type Name Description System.String toStepLabel Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> To(Vertex) Adds the to step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> To(Vertex 
toVertex) Parameters Type Name Description Vertex toVertex Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> ToE(Direction, String[]) Adds the toE step to 
this GraphTraver
 sal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Edge> ToE(Direction 
direction, params string[] edgeLabels) Parameters Type Name Description 
Direction direction System.String [] edgeLabels Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, Edge > ToV(Direction) Adds the toV step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> 
ToV(Direction direction) Parameters Type Name Description Direction direction 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > Tree(String) Adds the tree 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> 
Tree(string sideEffectKey) Parameters Type Name Description System.String 
sideEffectKey Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Tree<E2>() Adds 
the tree step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E2> Tree<E2>() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Unfold<E2>() Adds the unfold step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration publi
 c GraphTraversal<S, E2> Unfold<E2>() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Union<E2>(ITraversal[]) Adds the 
union step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
E2> Union<E2>(params ITraversal[] unionTraversals) Parameters Type Name 
Description ITraversal [] unionTraversals Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name Description E2 Until(IPredicate) 
Adds the until step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Until(IPredicate untilPredicate) Parameters Type Name 
Description IPredicate untilPredicate Returns Type Description GraphTraversal 
<S, E> Until(ITraversal) Adds the until step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Until(ITraversal untilTraversal) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal untilTraversal Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> V(Object[]) Adds the V step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration
  public GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> V(params object[] vertexIdsOrElements) 
Parameters Type Name Description System.Object [] vertexIdsOrElements Returns 
Type Description GraphTraversal <S, Vertex > Value<E2>() Adds the value step to 
this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> 
Value<E2>() Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters 
Name Description E2 ValueMap<TKey, TValue>(Boolean, String[]) Adds the valueMap 
step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, 
IDictionary<TKey, TValue>> ValueMap<TKey, TValue>(bool includeTokens, params 
string[] propertyKeys) Parameters Type Name Description System.Boolean 
includeTokens System.String [] propertyKeys Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, IDictionary <TKey, TValue>> Type Parameters Name Description 
TKey TValue ValueMap<TKey, TValue>(String[]) Adds the valueMap step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, IDictionary<TKey, 
TValue>> ValueMap
 <TKey, TValue>(params string[] propertyKeys) Parameters Type Name Description 
System.String [] propertyKeys Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, 
IDictionary <TKey, TValue>> Type Parameters Name Description TKey TValue 
Values<E2>(String[]) Adds the values step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . 
Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E2> Values<E2>(params string[] 
propertyKeys) Parameters Type Name Description System.String [] propertyKeys 
Returns Type Description GraphTraversal <S, E2> Type Parameters Name 
Description E2 Where(ITraversal) Adds the where step to this GraphTraversal<S, 
E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Where(ITraversal whereTraversal) 
Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal whereTraversal Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Where(P) Adds the where step to this 
GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public GraphTraversal<S, E> Where(P 
predicate) Parameters Type Name Description P predicate Returns Type 
Description GraphTraversal <S, E> Where(Strin
 g, P) Adds the where step to this GraphTraversal<S, E> . Declaration public 
GraphTraversal<S, E> Where(string startKey, P predicate) Parameters Type Name 
Description System.String startKey P predicate Returns Type Description 
GraphTraversal <S, E> Implements ITraversal<S, E> ITraversal IEnumerator 
-    "href": 
-    "title": "Class GraphFilterStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
-    "keywords": "Class GraphFilterStrategy Inheritance System.Object 
AbstractTraversalStrategy GraphFilterStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy 
System.IEquatable < AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Optimization 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class GraphFilterStrategy : 
AbstractTraversalStrategy, ITraversalStrategy, 
IEquatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Implements ITraversalStrate
 gy System.IEquatable<T>"
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.ITraversalSideEffects.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.ITraversalSideEffects.html",
+    "title": "Interface ITraversalSideEffects | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET 
API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Interface ITraversalSideEffects A ITraversal can maintain 
global sideEffects. Inherited Members System.IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : 
Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax [Obsolete(\"As 
of release 3.3.8, not replaced, prefer use of cap()-step to retrieve 
side-effects as part of traversal iteration\", false)] public interface 
ITraversalSideEffects : IDisposable Methods Close() Invalidates the side effect 
cache for traversal. Declaration void Close() Get(String) Gets the side-effect 
associated with the provided key. Declaration object Get(string key) Parameters 
Type Name Description System.String key The key to get the value for. Returns 
Type Description System.Object The value associated with key. Keys() Retrieves 
the keys of the side-effect that can be supplied to Get(String) . Declaration 
IReadOnlyCollection<string> Keys() Returns Type Description IReadOnlyCollection 
< System.String > The keys of the side-effect."
-    "href": 
-    "title": "Class FilterRankingStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
-    "keywords": "Class FilterRankingStrategy Reorders filter- and order-steps 
according to their rank. Inheritance System.Object AbstractTraversalStrategy 
FilterRankingStrategy Implements ITraversalStrategy System.IEquatable < 
AbstractTraversalStrategy > Inherited Members 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.StrategyName AbstractTraversalStrategy.Configuration 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) 
AbstractTraversalStrategy.GetHashCode() AbstractTraversalStrategy.ToString() 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() 
System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Optimization 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class FilterRankingStrategy : 
AbstractTraversalStrategy, ITraversalStrategy, I
 Equatable<AbstractTraversalStrategy> Implements ITraversalStrategy 
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Verification.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Verification.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Verification | 
Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.Strategy.Verification 
Classes EdgeLabelVerificationStrategy Provides a way to prevent traversals that 
sub-optimally fail to include edge label specification . 
LambdaRestrictionStrategy Does not allow lambdas to be used in a ITraversal . 
ReadOnlyStrategy Detects mutating steps and throws an exception if one is 
found. ReservedKeysVerificationStrategy Provides a way to prevent traversal 
from using property keys that are reserved terms. By default, these are \"id\" 
and \"label\" - providers may have their own reserved terms as well."
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.IO.GraphSON.GraphSONReader.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Structure.IO.GraphSON.GraphSONReader.html",
-    "title": "Class GraphSONReader | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
-    "keywords": "Class GraphSONReader Allows to deserialize GraphSON to 
objects. Inheritance System.Object GraphSONReader GraphSON2Reader 
GraphSON3Reader Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) 
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() 
System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() 
System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, 
System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Structure.IO.GraphSON Assembly : 
cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public abstract class GraphSONReader Constructors 
GraphSONReader() Initializes a new instance of the GraphSONReader class. 
Declaration protected GraphSONReader() 
GraphSONReader(IReadOnlyDictionary<String, IGraphSONDeserializer>) Initializes 
a new instance of the GraphSONReader class. Declaration protected 
GraphSONReader(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IGraphSONDeserializer> 
deserializerByGraphSONType) Parameters Type Name Description 
IReadOnlyDictionary < System.String , IGraphSONDeserial
 izer > deserializerByGraphSONType IGraphSONDeserializer deserializers 
identified by their GraphSON type. Fields Deserializers Contains the 
IGraphSONDeserializer instances by their type identifier. Declaration protected 
readonly Dictionary<string, IGraphSONDeserializer> Deserializers Field Value 
Type Description Dictionary < System.String , IGraphSONDeserializer > Methods 
ToObject(IEnumerable<JToken>) Deserializes a GraphSON collection to an object. 
Declaration public virtual dynamic ToObject(IEnumerable<JToken> graphSonData) 
Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < JToken > graphSonData The 
GraphSON collection to deserialize. Returns Type Description System.Object The 
deserialized object. ToObject(JToken) Deserializes GraphSON to an object. 
Declaration public virtual dynamic ToObject(JToken jToken) Parameters Type Name 
Description JToken jToken The GraphSON to deserialize. Returns Type Description 
System.Object The deserialized object."
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.IBinaryOperator.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.IBinaryOperator.html",
+    "title": "Interface IBinaryOperator | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API 
+    "keywords": "Interface IBinaryOperator Represents an operation upon two 
operands of the same type, producing a result of the same type as the operands. 
This is a specialization of IBiFunction for the case where the operands and the 
result are all of the same type. Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal 
Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public interface IBinaryOperator : 
-  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.__.html": {
-    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.__.html",
-    "title": "Class __ | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",

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   commentId: T:Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClient
   fullName: Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClient
   nameWithType: GremlinClient
-- uid: 
-  name: GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, String, 
-  href: 
-  commentId: 
-  name.vb: GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, 
String, Action(Of ClientWebSocketOptions))
-  fullName: 
 GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, System.String, 
-  fullName.vb: 
 GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, System.String, System.Action(Of 
-  nameWithType: GremlinClient.GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, 
GraphSONWriter, String, Action<ClientWebSocketOptions>)
-  nameWithType.vb: GremlinClient.GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, 
GraphSONWriter, String, Action(Of ClientWebSocketOptions))
+- uid: 
+  name: GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, String, 
Action<ClientWebSocketOptions>, String)
+  href: 
+  commentId: 
+  name.vb: GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, 
String, Action(Of ClientWebSocketOptions), String)
+  fullName: 
 GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, System.String, 
System.Action<ClientWebSocketOptions>, System.String)
+  fullName.vb: 
 GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, System.String, System.Action(Of 
ClientWebSocketOptions), System.String)
+  nameWithType: GremlinClient.GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, 
GraphSONWriter, String, Action<ClientWebSocketOptions>, String)
+  nameWithType.vb: GremlinClient.GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, 
GraphSONWriter, String, Action(Of ClientWebSocketOptions), String)
 - uid: Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClient.#ctor*
   name: GremlinClient
@@ -505,6 +505,12 @@ references:
   commentId: F:Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ArgsSasl
   fullName: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ArgsSasl
   nameWithType: Tokens.ArgsSasl
+- uid: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ArgsSession
+  name: ArgsSession
+  href: 
+  commentId: F:Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ArgsSession
+  fullName: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ArgsSession
+  nameWithType: Tokens.ArgsSession
 - uid: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ArgsSideEffect
   name: ArgsSideEffect
@@ -553,6 +559,12 @@ references:
   commentId: F:Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.OpsKeys
   fullName: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.OpsKeys
   nameWithType: Tokens.OpsKeys
+- uid: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ProcessorSession
+  name: ProcessorSession
+  href: 
+  commentId: F:Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ProcessorSession
+  fullName: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ProcessorSession
+  nameWithType: Tokens.ProcessorSession
 - uid: Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.ProcessorTraversal
   name: ProcessorTraversal

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