diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/redis.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4b256..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/redis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-redis:
-.. Note:: The redis documentation needs a thorough review!
-**GET /api/1.1/traffic_monitor/stats.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Response Content Type: application/json
-**Response Messages**
-  HTTP Status Code: 200
-  Reason: Success
-**Response Properties**
-| Parameter            | Type   | Description                                  
-| ``aaData``           | array  |                                              
-**Response Example**
-  {
-   "aaData": [
-      [
-         "0",
-         "ALL",
-         "ALL",
-         "ALL",
-         "true",
-         "ALL",
-         "142035",
-         "172365661.85"
-      ],
-      [
-         1,
-         "EDGE1_TOP_421_PSPP",
-         "odol-atsec-atl-03",
-         "us-ga-atlanta",
-         "1",
-         "REPORTED",
-         "596",
-         "923510.04",
-         ""
-      ]
-   ],
-   "version": "1.1"
-  }
-**GET /api/1.1/redis/stats.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Response Content Type: application/json
-**Response Messages**
-  HTTP Status Code: 200
-  Reason: Success
-**Response Properties**
-| Parameter            | Type   | Description                                  
-|``number``            | array  |                                              
-|``what``              | string |                                              
-|``which``             | string |                                              
-|``interval``          | string |                                              
-|``elapsed``           | string |                                              
-|``end``               | string |                                              
-|``start``             | string |                                              
-**Response Example**
-  {
-   "number": -1,
-   "what": null,
-   "which": null,
-   "interval": " 10 seconds ",
-   "elapsed": "0.11271 (0.112065) ",
-   "end": "Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970",
-   "start": "Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970"
-  }
-**GET /api/1.1/redis/info/:host_name.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-**Request Route Parameters**
-| Parameter                | Type   | Description                              
-|``host_name``             | string |                                          
-**Request Example**
-Response Content Type: application/json
-**Response Messages**
-  HTTP Status Code: 200
-  Reason: Success
-**Response Properties**
-|              Parameter              |  Type  | Description |
-| ``Server``                          | hash   |             |
-| ``>redis_build_id``                 | string |             |
-| ``>config_file``                    | string |             |
-| ``>uptime_in_seconds``              | string |             |
-| ``>hz``                             | string |             |
-| ``>os``                             | string |             |
-| ``>redis_git_sha1``                 | string |             |
-| ``>redis_version``                  | string |             |
-| ``>tcp_port``                       | string |             |
-| ``>redis_git_dirty``                | string |             |
-| ``>redis_mode``                     | string |             |
-| ``>run_id``                         | string |             |
-| ``>uptime_in_days``                 | string |             |
-| ``>gcc_version``                    | string |             |
-| ``>arch_bits``                      | string |             |
-| ``>lru_clock``                      | string |             |
-| ``>multiplexing_api``               | string |             |
-| ``Keyspace``                        | string |             |
-| ``>db0``                            | string |             |
-| ``slowlog``                         | array  |             |
-| ``Persistence``                     | hash   |             |
-| ``>rdb_bgsave_in_progress``         | string |             |
-| ``>loading``                        | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec``    | string |             |
-| ``>aof_enabled``                    | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec``       | string |             |
-| ``>aof_last_rewrite_time_sec``      | string |             |
-| ``>aof_last_write_status``          | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_last_bgsave_status``         | string |             |
-| ``>aof_last_bgrewrite_status``      | string |             |
-| ``>aof_current_rewrite_time_sec``   | string |             |
-| ``>aof_rewrite_scheduled``          | string |             |
-| ``>aof_rewrite_in_progress``        | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_last_save_time``             | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_changes_since_last_save``    | string |             |
-| ``slowlen``                         | int    |             |
-| ``CPU``                             | hash   |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_user``                  | string |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_sys``                   | string |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_user_children``         | string |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_sys_children``          | string |             |
-| ``Memory``                          | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_lua``                | string |             |
-| ``>mem_allocator``                  | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_human``              | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_peak_human``         | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_peak``               | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_rss``                | string |             |
-| ``>mem_fragmentation_ratio``        | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory``                    | string |             |
-| ``Replication``                     | hash   |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_first_byte_offset`` | string |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_active``            | string |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_histlen``           | string |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_size``              | string |             |
-| ``>role``                           | string |             |
-| ``>master_repl_offset``             | string |             |
-| ``>connected_slaves``               | string |             |
-| ``Clients``                         | hash   |             |
-| ``>client_biggest_input_buf``       | string |             |
-| ``>client_longest_output_list``     | string |             |
-| ``>blocked_clients``                | string |             |
-| ``>connected_clients``              | string |             |
-| ``Stats``                           | hash   |             |
-| ``>latest_fork_usec``               | string |             |
-| ``>rejected_connections``           | string |             |
-| ``>sync_partial_ok``                | string |             |
-| ``>pubsub_channels``                | string |             |
-| ``>instantaneous_ops_per_sec``      | string |             |
-| ``>total_connections_received``     | string |             |
-| ``>pubsub_patterns``                | string |             |
-| ``>sync_full``                      | string |             |
-| ``>keyspace_hits``                  | string |             |
-| ``>keyspace_misses``                | string |             |
-| ``>total_commands_processed``       | string |             |
-| ``>expired_keys``                   | string |             |
-| ``>sync_partial_err``               | string |             |
-**Response Example**
-  {
-   "Server": {
-      "redis_build_id": "606641459177bc09",
-      "config_file": "\/etc\/redis\/redis.conf",
-      "uptime_in_seconds": "1113787",
-      "hz": "10",
-      "os": "Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 x86_64",
-      "redis_git_sha1": "00000000",
-      "redis_version": "2.8.15",
-      "process_id": "14607",
-      "tcp_port": "6379",
-      "redis_git_dirty": "0",
-      "redis_mode": "standalone",
-      "run_id": "43c5d003453b96e38ad3eae54026d8e1b078a7fd",
-      "uptime_in_days": "12",
-      "gcc_version": "4.4.6",
-      "arch_bits": "64",
-      "lru_clock": "16050046",
-      "multiplexing_api": "epoll"
-   },
-   "Keyspace": {
-      "db0": "keys=26319,expires=0,avg_ttl=0"
-   },
-   "slowlog": [
-      [
-         "32656",
-         "1425336191",
-         "18539",
-         [
-            "keys",
-            "*"
-         ]
-      ]
-   ],
-   "Persistence": {
-      "rdb_bgsave_in_progress": "0",
-      "loading": "0",
-      "rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_enabled": "0",
-      "rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_last_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_last_write_status": "ok",
-      "rdb_last_bgsave_status": "ok",
-      "aof_last_bgrewrite_status": "ok",
-      "aof_current_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_rewrite_scheduled": "0",
-      "aof_rewrite_in_progress": "0",
-      "rdb_last_save_time": "1424222403",
-      "rdb_changes_since_last_save": "2595831724"
-   },
-   "slowlen": 128,
-   "CPU": {
-      "used_cpu_user": "45252.98",
-      "used_cpu_sys": "154718.84",
-      "used_cpu_user_children": "0.00",
-      "used_cpu_sys_children": "0.00"
-   },
-   "Memory": {
-      "used_memory_lua": "33792",
-      "mem_allocator": "jemalloc-3.6.0",
-      "used_memory_human": "5.25G",
-      "used_memory_peak_human": "8.08G",
-      "used_memory_peak": "8675798632",
-      "used_memory_rss": "8870088704",
-      "mem_fragmentation_ratio": "1.57",
-      "used_memory": "5633381640"
-   },
-   "Replication": {
-      "repl_backlog_first_byte_offset": "0",
-      "repl_backlog_active": "0",
-      "repl_backlog_histlen": "0",
-      "repl_backlog_size": "1048576",
-      "role": "master",
-      "master_repl_offset": "0",
-      "connected_slaves": "0"
-   },
-   "Clients": {
-      "client_biggest_input_buf": "0",
-      "client_longest_output_list": "0",
-      "blocked_clients": "0",
-      "connected_clients": "16"
-   },
-   "Stats": {
-      "latest_fork_usec": "0",
-      "rejected_connections": "0",
-      "sync_partial_ok": "0",
-      "pubsub_channels": "0",
-      "instantaneous_ops_per_sec": "2238",
-      "total_connections_received": "2502657",
-      "evicted_keys": "0",
-      "pubsub_patterns": "0",
-      "sync_full": "0",
-      "keyspace_hits": "49388626",
-      "keyspace_misses": "780",
-      "total_commands_processed": "2645272238",
-      "expired_keys": "0",
-      "sync_partial_err": "0"
-   }
-  }
-Authentication Required: 
-**Request Route Parameters**
-| Parameter                | Type   | Description                              
-|``start_date``            | string |                                          
-|``end_date``              | string |                                          
-|``interval``              | string |                                          
-**Request Example**
-Response Content Type: application/json
-**Response Messages**
-  HTTP Status Code: 200
-  Reason: Success
-**Response Properties**
-|  Parameter  |  Type  | Description |
-| ``alerts``  | array  |             |
-| ``>level``  | string |             |
-| ``>text``   | string |             |
-| ``version`` | string |             |
-**Response Example**
diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/region.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f12075..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/region.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-region:
-**GET /api/1.1/regions.json**
-  Authentication Required: 
-  Response Content Type: application/json
-  **Response Properties**
-  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
-  |``name``              | string |                                            
-  |``id``                | string |                                            
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": [
-        {
-           "name": "Atlanta",
-           "id": "6"
-        },
-        {
-           "name": "Beltway",
-           "id": "1"
-        }
-     ],
-     "version": "1.1"
-    }
diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/role.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index c724737..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/role.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-roles:
-**GET /api/1.1/roles.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Response Properties**
-  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
-  |``name``              | string |                                            
-  |``id``                | string |                                            
-  |``privLevel``         | string |                                            
-  |``description``       | string |                                            
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": [
-        {
-           "name": "read-only",
-           "id": "2",
-           "privLevel": "10",
-           "description": "read-only user"
-        }
-     ],
-     "version": "1.1"
-    }
diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/server.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 9734aab..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/server.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-server:
-**GET /api/1.1/servers.json**
-  Retrieves properties of CDN servers.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Response Properties**
-  |     Parameter      |  Type  |                                              
  Description                                                 |
-  | ``cachegroup``     | string | The cache group name (see 
-  | ``domainName``     | string | The domain name part of the FQDN of the 
cache.                                                             |
-  | ``hostName``       | string | The host name part of the cache.             
-  | ``id``             | string | The server id (database row number).         
-  | ``iloIpAddress``   | string | The IPv4 address of the 
lights-out-management port.                                                     
-  | ``iloIpGateway``   | string | The IPv4 gateway address of the 
lights-out-management port.                                                |
-  | ``iloIpNetmask``   | string | The IPv4 netmask of the 
lights-out-management port.                                                     
-  | ``iloPassword``    | string | The password of the of the 
lights-out-management user (displays as ****** unless you are an 'admin' user). 
-  | ``iloUsername``    | string | The user name for lights-out-management.     
-  | ``interfaceMtu``   | string | The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to 
configure for ``interfaceName``.                                    |
-  | ``interfaceName``  | string | The network interface name used for serving 
traffic.                                                       |
-  | ``ip6Address``     | string | The IPv6 address/netmask for 
``interfaceName``.                                                            |
-  | ``ip6Gateway``     | string | The IPv6 gateway for ``interfaceName``.      
-  | ``ipAddress``      | string | The IPv4 address for ``interfaceName``.      
-  | ``ipGateway``      | string | The IPv4 gateway for ``interfaceName``.      
-  | ``ipNetmask``      | string | The IPv4 netmask for ``interfaceName``.      
-  | ``lastUpdated``    | string | The Time and Date for the last update for 
this server.                                                     |
-  | ``mgmtIpAddress``  | string | The IPv4 address of the management port 
(optional).                                                        |
-  | ``mgmtIpGateway``  | string | The IPv4 gateway of the management port 
(optional).                                                        |
-  | ``mgmtIpNetmask``  | string | The IPv4 netmask of the management port 
(optional).                                                        |
-  | ``physLocation``   | string | The physical location name (see 
:ref:`to-api-phys-loc`).                                                   |
-  | ``profile``        | string | The assigned profile name (see 
:ref:`to-api-profile`).                                                     |
-  | ``rack``           | string | A string indicating rack location.           
-  | ``routerHostName`` | string | The human readable name of the router.       
-  | ``routerPortName`` | string | The human readable name of the router port.  
-  | ``status``         | string | The Status string (See 
-  | ``tcpPort``        | string | The default TCP port on which the main 
application listens (80 for a cache in most cases).                 |
-  | ``type``           | string | The name of the type of this server (see 
:ref:`to-api-type`).                                              |
-  | ``xmppId``         | string | Deprecated.                                  
-  | ``xmppPasswd``     | string | Deprecated.                                  
-  **Response Example** ::
-   {
-      "response": [
-          {
-              "cachegroup": "us-il-chicago",
-              "domainName": "",
-              "hostName": "atsec-chi-00",
-              "id": "19",
-              "iloIpAddress": "",
-              "iloIpGateway": "",
-              "iloIpNetmask": "",
-              "iloPassword": "********",
-              "iloUsername": "",
-              "interfaceMtu": "9000",
-              "interfaceName": "bond0",
-              "ip6Address": "2033:D0D0:3300::2:2/64",
-              "ip6Gateway": "2033:D0D0:3300::2:1",
-              "ipAddress": "",
-              "ipGateway": "",
-              "ipNetmask": "",
-              "lastUpdated": "2015-03-08 15:57:32",
-              "mgmtIpAddress": "",
-              "mgmtIpGateway": "",
-              "mgmtIpNetmask": "",
-              "physLocation": "plocation-chi-1",
-              "profile": "EDGE1_CDN1_421_SSL",
-              "rack": "RR 119.02",
-              "routerHostName": "",
-              "routerPortName": "2",
-              "status": "ONLINE",
-              "tcpPort": "80",
-              "type": "EDGE",
-              "xmppId": "atsec-chi-00-dummyxmpp",
-              "xmppPasswd": "**********"
-          },
-          {
-          ... more server data
-          }
-        ]
-      "version": "1.1"
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/servers/summary.json**
-  Retrieves a count of CDN servers by type.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Response Properties**
-  | Parameter |  Type  |                             Description               
-  | ``count`` | int    | The number of servers of this type in this instance 
of Traffic Ops. |
-  | ``type``  | string | The name of the type of the server count (see 
:ref:`to-api-type`).  |
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-      "response": [
-        {
-          "count": 4,
-          "type": "CCR"
-        },
-        {
-          "count": 55,
-          "type": "EDGE"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "MID",
-          "count": 18
-        },
-        {
-          "count": 0,
-          "type": "REDIS"
-        },
-        {
-          "count": 4,
-          "type": "RASCAL"
-        }
-      "version": "1.1",
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/servers/hostname/:name/details.json**
-  Retrieves the details of a server.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +----------+----------+----------------------------------+
-  |   Name   | Required |           Description            |
-  +==========+==========+==================================+
-  | ``name`` | yes      | The host name part of the cache. |
-  +----------+----------+----------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  |      Parameter       |  Type  |                                            
     Description                                                 |
-  | ``cachegroup``       | string | The cache group name (see 
-  | ``deliveryservices`` | array  | Array of strings with the delivery service 
ids assigned (see :ref:`to-api-ds`).                             |
-  | ``domainName``       | string | The domain name part of the FQDN of the 
cache.                                                              |
-  | ``hardwareInfo``     | hash   | Hwinfo struct (see :ref:`to-api-hwinfo`).  
-  | ``hostName``         | string | The host name part of the cache.           
-  | ``id``               | string | The server id (database row number).       
-  | ``iloIpAddress``     | string | The IPv4 address of the 
lights-out-management port.                                                     
-  | ``iloIpGateway``     | string | The IPv4 gateway address of the 
lights-out-management port.                                                 |
-  | ``iloIpNetmask``     | string | The IPv4 netmask of the 
lights-out-management port.                                                     
-  | ``iloPassword``      | string | The password of the of the 
lights-out-management user  (displays as ****** unless you are an 'admin' 
user). |
-  | ``iloUsername``      | string | The user name for lights-out-management.   
-  | ``interfaceMtu``     | string | The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to 
configure for ``interfaceName``.                                     |
-  | ``interfaceName``    | string | The network interface name used for 
serving traffic.                                                        |
-  | ``ip6Address``       | string | The IPv6 address/netmask for 
``interfaceName``.                                                             |
-  | ``ip6Gateway``       | string | The IPv6 gateway for ``interfaceName``.    
-  | ``ipAddress``        | string | The IPv4 address for ``interfaceName``.    
-  | ``ipGateway``        | string | The IPv4 gateway for ``interfaceName``.    
-  | ``ipNetmask``        | string | The IPv4 netmask for ``interfaceName``.    
-  | ``lastUpdated``      | string | The Time/Date of the last update for this 
server.                                                           |
-  | ``mgmtIpAddress``    | string | The IPv4 address of the management port 
(optional).                                                         |
-  | ``mgmtIpGateway``    | string | The IPv4 gateway of the management port 
(optional).                                                         |
-  | ``mgmtIpNetmask``    | string | The IPv4 netmask of the management port 
(optional).                                                         |
-  | ``physLocation``     | string | The physical location name (see 
:ref:`to-api-phys-loc`).                                                    |
-  | ``profile``          | string | The assigned profile name (see 
:ref:`to-api-profile`).                                                      |
-  | ``rack``             | string | A string indicating rack location.         
-  | ``routerHostName``   | string | The human readable name of the router.     
-  | ``routerPortName``   | string | The human readable name of the router 
port.                                                                 |
-  | ``status``           | string | The Status string (See 
-  | ``tcpPort``          | string | The default TCP port on which the main 
application listens (80 for a cache in most cases).                  |
-  | ``type``             | string | The name of the type of this server (see 
:ref:`to-api-type`).                                               |
-  | ``xmppId``           | string | Deprecated.                                
-  | ``xmppPasswd``       | string | Deprecated.                                
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-      "response": {
-        "cachegroup": "us-il-chicago",
-        "deliveryservices": [
-          "1",
-          "2",
-          "3",
-          "4"
-        ],
-        "domainName": "",
-        "hardwareInfo": {
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:3": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:2": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:15": "D1S2",
-          "Power Supply.Slot.2": "04.07.15",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:24": "YS08",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:1": "D1S2",
-          "Model": "PowerEdge R720xd",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:22": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:18": "D1S2",
-          "Enterprise UEFI Diagnostics": "4217A5",
-          "Lifecycle Controller": "",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:8": "D1S2",
-          "Manufacturer": "Dell Inc.",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:6": "D1S2",
-          "SysMemTotalSize": "196608",
-          "PopulatedDIMMSlots": "24",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:20": "D1S2",
-          "Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 2P X520 Adapter": "13.5.7",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:14": "D1S2",
-          "BACKPLANE FIRMWARE": "1.00",
-          "Dell OS Drivers Pack,, A00": "",
-          "Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller": "1.57.57",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:5": "D1S2",
-          "ServiceTag": "D6XPDV1",
-          "PowerState": "2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:23": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:25": "D903",
-          "BIOS": "1.3.6",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:12": "D1S2",
-          "System CPLD": "1.0.3",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:4": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:0": "D1S2",
-          "Power Supply.Slot.1": "04.07.15",
-          "PERC H710P Mini": "21.0.2-0001",
-          "PowerCap": "689",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:16": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:10": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:11": "D1S2",
-          "Lifecycle Controller 2": "",
-          "BP12G+EXP 0:1": "1.07",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:9": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:17": "D1S2",
-          "Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet BCM5720": "7.2.20",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:21": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:13": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:7": "D1S2",
-          "Physical Disk 0:1:19": "D1S2"
-        },
-        "hostName": "atsec-chi-00",
-        "id": "19",
-        "iloIpAddress": "",
-        "iloIpGateway": "",
-        "iloIpNetmask": "",
-        "iloPassword": "********",
-        "iloUsername": "",
-        "interfaceMtu": "9000",
-        "interfaceName": "bond0",
-        "ip6Address": "2033:D0D0:3300::2:2/64",
-        "ip6Gateway": "2033:D0D0:3300::2:1",
-        "ipAddress": "",
-        "ipGateway": "",
-        "ipNetmask": "",
-        "mgmtIpAddress": "",
-        "mgmtIpGateway": "",
-        "mgmtIpNetmask": "",
-        "physLocation": "plocation-chi-1",
-        "profile": "EDGE1_CDN1_421_SSL",
-        "rack": "RR 119.02",
-        "routerHostName": "",
-        "routerPortName": "2",
-        "status": "ONLINE",
-        "tcpPort": "80",
-        "type": "EDGE",
-        "xmppId": "atsec-chi-00-dummyxmpp",
-        "xmppPasswd": "X"
-      }
-      "version": "1.1",
-    }
-**POST /api/1.1/servercheck**
-  Post a server check result to the serverchecks table.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +----------------------------+----------+-------------+
-  |            Name            | Required | Description |
-  +============================+==========+=============+
-  | ``id``                     | yes      |             |
-  +----------------------------+----------+-------------+
-  | ``host_name``              | yes      |             |
-  +----------------------------+----------+-------------+
-  | ``servercheck_short_name`` | yes      |             |
-  +----------------------------+----------+-------------+
-  | ``value``                  | yes      |             |
-  +----------------------------+----------+-------------+
-  **Request Example** ::
-    {
-     "id": "",
-     "host_name": "",
-     "servercheck_short_name": "",
-     "value": ""
-    }
-  Response Content Type: application/json
-  **Response Properties**
-  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
-  +=============+========+==================================+
-  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
-  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
-  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
-  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
-  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    Response Example:
-    {
-      "alerts":
-        [
-          { 
-            "level": "success",
-            "text": "Server Check was successfully updated."
-          }
-        ],
-      "version": "1.1"
-    }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7729a98..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/static_dns.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-dns:
-Static DNS Entries
-**GET /api/1.1/staticdnsentries.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-**Response Properties**
-| Parameter            | Type   | Description                                  
-| TBD                  | array  |                                              
-**Response Example** ::
-       TBD
diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/status.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d4b83a..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/status.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-status:
-**GET /api/1.1/statuses.json**
-  Retrieves a list of the server status codes available. May be useful when 
the status is retrieved from other APIs as a number and not a string.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Response Properties**
-  |    Parameter    |  Type  |                                  Description    
-  | ``lastUpdated`` | string | The Time / Date this server entry was last 
updated                             |
-  | ``name``        | string | The string equivalent of the status             
-  | ``id``          | string | The id with which Traffic Ops stores this 
status, and references it internally |
-  | ``description`` | string | A short description of the status               
-  **Response Example** ::
-       {
-        "response": [
-          {
-            "description": "Temporary down. Edge: XMPP client will send status 
OFFLINE to CCR, otherwise similar to REPORTED. Mid: Server will not be included 
in parent.config files for its edge caches",
-            "id": "4",
-            "name": "ADMIN_DOWN",
-            "lastUpdated": "2013-02-13 16:34:29"
-          },
-          {
-            "lastUpdated": "2013-02-13 16:34:29",
-            "name": "CCR_IGNORE",
-            "id": "5",
-            "description": "Edge: 12M will not include caches in this state in 
CCR config files. Mid: N\/A for now"
-          },
-          {
-            "description": "Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this 
state, but CCR will never route traffic to it. Mid: Server will not be included 
in parent.config files for its edge caches",
-            "id": "1",
-            "lastUpdated": "2013-02-13 16:34:29",
-            "name": "OFFLINE"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": "2",
-            "description": "Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this 
state, and CCR will always route traffic to it. Mid: Server will be included in 
parent.config files for its edges",
-            "lastUpdated": "2013-02-13 16:34:29",
-            "name": "ONLINE"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": "3",
-            "description": "Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this 
state, and CCR will adhere to the health protocol. Mid: N\/A for now",
-            "name": "REPORTED",
-            "lastUpdated": "2013-02-13 16:34:29"
-          }
-        ],
-        "version": "1.1"
-      }
diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/system.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2a209..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/system.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-sys:
-**GET /api/1.1/system/info.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Response Properties**
-  |            Key             |  Type  |                                      
-  | ``parameters``             | hash   | This is a hash with the parameter 
names that describe the Traffic Ops installation as keys.                       
-  |                            |        | These are all the parameters in the 
``GLOBAL`` profile.                                                             
-  | ``>tm.toolname``           | string | The name of the Traffic Ops tool. 
Usually "Traffic Ops". Used in the About screen and in the comments headers of 
the files generated |
-  |                            |        | (``# DO NOT EDIT - Generated for 
atsec-lax-04 by Traffic Ops ( on Fri Mar  6 
05:15:15 UTC 2015``).   |
-  | ``>tm.instance_name``      | string | The name of the Traffic Ops 
instance. Can be used when multiple instances are active. Visible in the About 
page.                     |
-  | ``>traffic_rtr_fwd_proxy`` | string | When collecting stats from Traffic 
Router, Traffic Ops uses this forward proxy to pull the stats through.          
-  |                            |        | This can be any of the MID tier 
caches, or a forward cache specifically deployed for this purpose. Setting      
-  |                            |        | this variable can significantly 
lighten the load on the Traffic Router stats system and it is recommended to    
-  |                            |        | set this parameter on a production 
-  | ``>tm.url``                | string | The URL for this Traffic Ops 
instance. Used in the About screen and in the comments headers of the files 
generated                   |
-  |                            |        | (``# DO NOT EDIT - Generated for 
atsec-lax-04 by Traffic Ops ( on Fri Mar  6 
05:15:15 UTC 2015``).   |
-  | ``>traffic_mon_fwd_proxy`` | string | When collecting stats from Traffic 
Monitor, Traffic Ops uses this forward proxy to pull the stats through.         
-  |                            |        | This can be any of the MID tier 
caches, or a forward cache specifically deployed for this purpose. Setting      
-  |                            |        | this variable can significantly 
lighten the load on the Traffic Monitor system and it is recommended to         
-  |                            |        | set this parameter on a production 
-  | ``>tm.logourl``            | string | This is the URL of the logo for 
Traffic Ops and can be relative if the logo is under traffic_ops/app/public.    
-  | ``>tm.infourl``            | string | This is the "for more information go 
here" URL, which is visible in the About page.                                  
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-      "response": {
-        "parameters": {
-          "tm.toolname": "Traffic Ops",
-          "tm.infourl": "http:\/\/\/tm\/info",
-          "traffic_mon_fwd_proxy": "http:\/\/",
-          "traffic_rtr_fwd_proxy": "http:\/\/",
-          "tm.logourl": "\/images\/tc_logo.png",
-          "tm.url": "https:\/\/\/",
-          "tm.instance_name": "Kabletown CDN"
-        }
-      },
-      "version": "1.1"
-    }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 15696bc..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/to_extension.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-ext:
-TO Extensions
-**GET /api/1.1/to_extensions.json**
-Retrieves the list of extensions.
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Response Content Type: application/json
-**Return Values**
-| Parameter                | Type   | Description                              
-|``script_file``           | string |                                          
-|``version``               | string |                                          
-|``name``                  | string |                                          
-|``description``           | string |                                          
-|``info_url``              | string |                                          
-|``additional_config_json``| string |                                          
-|``isactive``              | string |                                          
-|``id``                    | string |                                          
-|``type``                  | string |                                          
-|``servercheck_short_name``| string |                                          
-**Response Example** ::
-  {
-         “response”: [
-                {
-                        script_file: "ping",
-                        version: "1.0.0",
-                        name: "ILO_PING",
-                        description: null,
-                        info_url: "";,
-                        additional_config_json: "{ "path": 
"/api/1.1/servers.json", "match": { "type": "EDGE"}, "select": 
"ilo_ip_address", "cron": "9 * * * *" }",
-                        isactive: "1",
-                        id: "1",
-                        type: "CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL",
-                        servercheck_short_name: "ILO"
-                },
-                {
-                        script_file: "ping",
-                        version: "1.0.0",
-                        name: "10G_PING",
-                        description: null,
-                        info_url: "";,
-                        additional_config_json: "{ "path": 
"/api/1.1/servers.json", "match": { "type": "EDGE"}, "select": "ip_address", 
"cron": "18 * * * *" }",
-                        isactive: "1",
-                        id: "2",
-                        type: "CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL",
-                        servercheck_short_name: "10G"
-                }
-         ],
-         “version”: "1.1"
-  }
-**POST /api/1.1/to_extensions**
-  Creates a Traffic Ops extension.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Request Parameters**
-  | Parameter                | Type   | Description                            
-  |``name``                  | string |                                        
-  |``version``               | string |                                        
-  |``info_url``              | string |                                        
-  |``script_file``           | string |                                        
-  |``isactive``              | string |                                        
-  |``additional_config_json``| string |                                        
-  |``description``           | string |                                        
-  |``servercheck_short_name``| string |                                        
-  |``type``                  | string |                                        
-  **Request Example** ::
-    {
-          "name": "ILO_PING",
-          "version": "1.0.0",
-          "info_url": "";,
-          "script_file": "ping",
-          "isactive": "1",
-          "additional_config_json": "{ "path": "/api/1.1/servers.json", 
"match": { "type": "EDGE"}",
-          "description": null,
-          "servercheck_short_name": "ILO"
-          "type": "CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL",
-    }
-  Response Content Type: application/json
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
-  +============+========+==================================+
-  | ``alerts`` | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``>level`` | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``>text``  | string | Alert message.                   |
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "alerts": [
-        {
-           "level": "success",
-           "text": "Check Extension loaded."
-        }
-     ],
-     "version": "1.1"
-    }
-**POST /api/1.1/to_extensions/:id/delete**
-  Deletes a Traffic Ops extension.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +--------+----------+-----------------+
-  |  Name  | Required |   Description   |
-  +========+==========+=================+
-  | ``id`` | yes      | TO extension id |
-  +--------+----------+-----------------+
-  Response Content Type: application/json
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
-  +============+========+==================================+
-  | ``alerts`` | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``>level`` | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  | ``>text``  | string | Alert message.                   |
-  +------------+--------+----------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-      {
-     "alerts": [
-        {
-           "level": "success",
-           "text": "Extension deleted."
-        }
-     ],
-     "version": "1.1"
-      }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/type.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d322e..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/1.1.2/_sources/development/traffic_ops_rest/type.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-type:
-**GET /api/1.1/types.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  **Response Properties**
-  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
-  |``lastUpdated``       | string |                                            
-  |``useInTable``        | string |                                            
-  |``name``              | string |                                            
-  |``id``                | string |                                            
-  |``description``       | string |                                            
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": [
-        {
-           "lastUpdated": "2013-10-23 15:28:31",
-           "useInTable": "staticdnsentry",
-           "name": "AAAA_RECORD",
-           "id": "22",
-           "description": "Static DNS AAAA entry"
-        }
-     ],
-     "version": "1.1"
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/types/trimmed.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Response Content Type: application/json
-  **Response Properties**
-  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
-  |``name``              | string |                                            
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": [
-        {
-           "name": "AAAA_RECORD"
-        },
-        {
-           "name": "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY"
-        },
-        {
-           "name": "A_RECORD"
-        },
-        {
-           "name": "CCR"
-        }
-     ],
-     "version": "1.1"
-    }

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