Modified: incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/hier.htm
--- incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/hier.htm (original)
+++ incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/hier.htm Thu Feb 18 22:30:20 
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <h2 id="ParentCaching">Parent Caching</h2>
 <p>If a Traffic Server node cannot find a requested object in its cache, then 
it  searches a parent cache (which itself can search other caches) before 
finally retrieving the object from the origin server. You can configure a 
Traffic Server node to use one or more parent caches so that if one parent is 
unavailable, then another parent is availale to service requests. This is 
called <a href="#ParentFailover">Parent Failover</a>. Traffic Server will 
support parent caching for HTTP and HTTPS requests. </p>
-<p><strong>Note:</strong> If you do not want all requests to go to the parent 
cache, then simply configure Traffic Server to route certain requests (such as 
requests  containing specific URLs) directly to the origin server. SImply set 
parent proxy rules in  <a href="files.htm#150269">parent.config</a>.</p>
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> If you do not want all requests to go to the parent 
cache, then simply configure Traffic Server to route certain requests (such as 
requests  containing specific URLs) directly to the origin server. SImply set 
parent proxy rules in  <a href="files.htm#parent.config">parent.config</a>.</p>
 <p>The figure below illustrates a simple cache hierarchy with a Traffic Server 
node  configured to use a parent cache. In the following scenario, a client 
sends a request to a Traffic Server node that is a child in the cache hierarchy 
(because it's configured to forward missed requests to a parent cache). The 
request is a cache miss, so  Traffic Server then forwards the request to the 
parent cache, where it is a cache hit. The parent sends a copy of the content 
to the Traffic Server, where it is cached and then served to the client. Future 
requests for this content can now be served directly from the Traffic Server 
cache (until the data is stale or expired).</p>
 <p><img src="images/cachehrc.jpg" width="848" height="572" /></p>
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 <p><b>Note:</b> If the request is a cache miss on the parent, then the parent 
retrieves the content from the origin server (or from another cache, depending 
on the parent’s configuration). The parent caches the content and then sends 
a copy to  Traffic Server (its child), where it is cached and served to the 
client. </p>
 <h3 id="ParentFailover">Parent Failover</h3>
 <p>Traffic Server  supports use of several parent caches. This ensures that if 
one parent cache is not available, another parent cache can service client 
requests.  </p>
-<p>When you configure your Traffic Server to use more than one parent cache, 
Traffic Server detects when a parent is not available and sends missed requests 
to another parent cache. If you specify more than two parent caches, then the 
order in which the parent caches are queried depends upon the parent proxy 
rules configured in the <a href="files.htm#150269">parent.config</a> 
configuration file. By default, the parent caches are queried in the order they 
are listed in the configuration file. </p>
+<p>When you configure your Traffic Server to use more than one parent cache, 
Traffic Server detects when a parent is not available and sends missed requests 
to another parent cache. If you specify more than two parent caches, then the 
order in which the parent caches are queried depends upon the parent proxy 
rules configured in the <a href="files.htm#parent.config">parent.config</a> 
configuration file. By default, the parent caches are queried in the order they 
are listed in the configuration file. </p>
 <h3>Configuring Traffic Server to Use a Parent Cache  </h3>
 <p>To configure Traffic Server to use one or more parent caches, you must 
complete the following steps: </p>
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 <br />
 <li>Save and close the <code>records.config</code> file. </li>
 <li>In a text editor, open the <code>parent.config</code> file located in the 
Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-<li>Set parent proxy rules to specify the parent cache to which you want 
missed requests to be forwarded; refer to <a 
href="files.htm#150269">parent.config</a>. <br />
+<li>Set parent proxy rules to specify the parent cache to which you want 
missed requests to be forwarded; refer to <a 
href="files.htm#parent.config">parent.config</a>. <br />
   The following example configures Traffic Server to route all requests 
containing the regular expression <code>politics</code> and the path 
<code>/viewpoint</code> directly to the origin server (bypassing any parent 
hierarchies): <br /> <code>url_regex=politics prefix=/viewpoint 
go_direct=true</code><br /><br />
   The following example configures Traffic Server to direct all missed 
requests with URLs beginning with <code>mms://host1</code> to the parent cache 
<code>parent1</code>. If <code>parent1</code> cannot serve the requests, then 
requests are forwarded to <code>parent2</code>. Because 
<code>round-robin=true</code>, Traffic Server goes through the parent cache 
list in a round-robin based on client IP address. 
   <br /><code>dest_host=host1 scheme=mms parent=”parent1;parent2” 
round-robin=strict</code><br /><br />
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 <br />
   <li>Save and close  <code>records.config</code></li>
   <li>In a text editor, open the <code>icp.config</code> file located in the 
Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-  <li>For each ICP peer you want to identify, enter a separate rule in the <a 
href="files.htm#115203">icp.config</a> file.</li>
+  <li>For each ICP peer you want to identify, enter a separate rule in the <a 
href="files.htm#icp.config">icp.config</a> file.</li>
   <li>Save and close  <code>icp.config</code></li>
   <li>Navigate to the Traffic Server <code>bin</code> directory.  </li>
   <li>Run the command <code>traffic_line -x</code> to apply the configuration 

Modified: incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/http.htm
--- incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/http.htm (original)
+++ incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/http.htm Thu Feb 18 22:30:20 
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
   <li><b>Checking the absolute freshness limit </b><br />
     For HTTP objects that do not have <code>Expires</code> headers or do not 
have both <code>Last-Modified</code> and <code>Date</code> headers, Traffic 
Server uses a maximum and minimum freshness limit (efer to <a 
href="#SettingAbsoluteFreshnessLimit">Setting an Absolute Freshness 
   <li><b>Checking revalidate rules in the <code>cache.config</code> 
file</b><br />
-    Revalidate rules apply freshness limits to specific HTTP objects. You can 
set freshness limits for objects originating from particular domains or IP 
addresses, objects with URLs that contain specified regular expressions, 
objects requested by particular clients, and so on (refer to <a 
+    Revalidate rules apply freshness limits to specific HTTP objects. You can 
set freshness limits for objects originating from particular domains or IP 
addresses, objects with URLs that contain specified regular expressions, 
objects requested by particular clients, and so on (refer to <a 
 <h3 id="ModifyingAgingFactorFreshnessComputations">Modifying the Aging Factor 
for Freshness Computations</h3>
 <p>If an object does not contain any expiration information, then Traffic 
Server can estimate its freshness from the <code>Last-Modified</code> and 
<code>Date</code> headers. By default, Traffic Server stores an object for 10% 
of the time that elapsed since it last changed. You can increase or reduce the 
percentage according to your needs. </p>
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
       <th width="894" scope="col">Description</th>
-      <td><code><i>proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers</i></code></td>
described in files.htm -->
       <td><p>Set this variable to one of the following values:<br />
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;0 = No headers required for an HTTP object to be stored in 
the cache.<br />
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;1 = At least last-modified header required for an HTTP 
object to be stored in the cache.<br />
-      &nbsp;&nbsp;2 = Expires or max-age headers required for an HTTP object 
to be stored in the cache.</p>    </td>
+        &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>0</code> = no headers required  to make document 
cacheable<br />
+        &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>1</code> = either the <code>Last-Modified</code> 
header, or an explicit lifetime header, <code> Expires</code> or <code> 
Cache-Control: max-age</code>, is required<br />
+      &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>2</code> = explicit lifetime is required, <code> 
Expires</code> or <code> Cache-Control: max-age</code></p></td>
   <li>Save and close the <code>records.config</code> file. </li>
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     <li>Traffic Server considers all HTTP objects in the cache to be fresh: 
never revalidate HTTP objects in the cache with the origin server. </li>
     <li>Traffic Server considers all HTTP objects without <code>Expires</code> 
or <code>Cache-control</code> headers to be stale: revalidate all HTTP objects 
without <code>Expires</code> or <code>Cache-Control</code> headers. </li>
-  <p>To configure how Traffic Server revalidates objects in the cache, you can 
  set specific revalidation rules in the <code>cache.config</code> file (refer 
to <a href="files.htm#48049">cache.config</a>).</p>
+  <p>To configure how Traffic Server revalidates objects in the cache, you can 
  set specific revalidation rules in the <code>cache.config</code> file (refer 
to <a href="files.htm#cache.config">cache.config</a>).</p>
 <h5>To configure revalidation options: </h5>
     <li>In a text editor, open the <code>records.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
   <h5>To configure the scheduled update option, follow the steps below:</h5>
 <li>In a text editor, open the <code>update.config file</code> located in the 
Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-    <li>Enter a line in the file for each URL you want to update (refer to <a 
href="files.htm#235005">update.config</a>). </li>
+    <li>Enter a line in the file for each URL you want to update (refer to <a 
href="files.htm#update.config">update.config</a>). </li>
     <li>Save and close the <code>update.config</code> file.</li>
     <li>In a text editor, open the <code>records.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
     <li>Edit the following variables:</li>
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
     <li>In a text editor, open the <code>cache.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
     <li>Add a rule in the file for each URL you want Traffic Server to pin in 
the cache, as shown below. <br />
       <code>url_regex=<em>URL</em> pin-in-cache=12h </code> <br />
-      where <code><em>URL</em></code> is the URL you want Traffic Server to 
pin in the cache. The time format can be <code>d</code> for days, 
<code>h</code> for hours (as shown), <code>m</code> for minutes, and 
<code>s</code> for seconds. You can also use mixed units: for example, 
<code>1h15m20s</code>. You can add secondary specifiers (such as prefix and 
suffix) to the rule (refer to <a href="files.htm#48049">cache.config</a> for 
more information). </li>
+      where <code><em>URL</em></code> is the URL you want Traffic Server to 
pin in the cache. The time format can be <code>d</code> for days, 
<code>h</code> for hours (as shown), <code>m</code> for minutes, and 
<code>s</code> for seconds. You can also use mixed units: for example, 
<code>1h15m20s</code>. You can add secondary specifiers (such as prefix and 
suffix) to the rule (refer to <a href="files.htm#cache.config">cache.config</a> 
for more information). </li>
     <li>Save and close the <code>cache.config</code> file. </li>
     <li>In a text editor, open the <code>records.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
     <li>Edit the following variable:</li>
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
     <li><em>Not </em>cache any HTTP objects (refer to <a 
href="#DisablingHTTPObjectCaching">Disabling HTTP Object Caching</a>).</li>
     <li>Cache <b>dynamic content</b> -  that is, objects with URLs that end in 
<code><b>.asp</b></code> or contain a question mark (<b><code>?</code></b>),  
semicolon (<code><b>;</b></code>), or <code><b>cgi</b></code>. For more 
information, refer to <a href="#CachingDynamicContent">Caching Dynamic 
Content</a>. </li>
     <li>Cache objects served in response to the <code>Cookie:</code> header 
(refer to <a href="#CachingCookiedObjects">Caching Cookied Objects)</a>. </li>
-    <li>Observe never-cache rules in the <code>cache.config</code> file (refer 
to <a href="files.htm#48049">cache.config</a>).</li>
+    <li>Observe never-cache rules in the <code>cache.config</code> file (refer 
to <a href="files.htm#cache.config">cache.config</a>).</li>
 <h4 id="DisablingHTTPObjectCaching"> Disabling HTTP Object Caching</h4>
   <p>By default, Traffic Server caches all HTTP objects except those for which 
you have set never-cache rules in the <code>cache.config</code> file. You can 
disable HTTP object caching so that all HTTP objects are served directly from 
the origin server and never cached, as detailed below.</p>
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
    <li>In a text editor, open the <code>cache.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
    <li>Add a rule in the file for each URL you want Traffic Server to force 
cache, as shown below. <br /> <code>url_regex=<em>URL</em> 
ttl-in-cache=6h</code> <br />
-   where<code><em> URL</em></code> is the URL you want Traffic Server to force 
cache. The time format can be <code>d</code> for days, <code>h</code> for hours 
(as shown), <code>m</code> for minutes, and <code>s</code> for seconds. You can 
also use mixed units: for example, <code>1h15m20s</code>. In addition, you can 
add secondary specifiers (for example, prefix and suffix) to the rule (refer to 
<a href="files.htm#48049">cache.config</a>). </li>
+   where<code><em> URL</em></code> is the URL you want Traffic Server to force 
cache. The time format can be <code>d</code> for days, <code>h</code> for hours 
(as shown), <code>m</code> for minutes, and <code>s</code> for seconds. You can 
also use mixed units: for example, <code>1h15m20s</code>. In addition, you can 
add secondary specifiers (for example, prefix and suffix) to the rule (refer to 
<a href="files.htm#cache.config">cache.config</a>). </li>
    <li>Save and close the <code>cache.config</code> file. </li>
    <li>Navigate to the Traffic Server <code>bin</code> directory. </li>
    <li>Run the command <code>traffic_line -x</code> to apply the configuration 
changes. </li>
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
   <li>Save and close the <code>records.config</code> file. </li>
     <li>In a text editor, open the <code>congestion.config</code> file located 
in the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-    <li>Enter rules to specify which origin servers are tracked for congestion 
and the timeout values Traffic Server uses to determine congestion. Refer to <a 
href="files.htm#220539">congestion.config</a> for the rule format. </li>
+    <li>Enter rules to specify which origin servers are tracked for congestion 
and the timeout values Traffic Server uses to determine congestion. Refer to <a 
href="files.htm#congestion.config">congestion.config</a> for the rule format. 
     <li>Save and close the <code>congestion.config</code> file. </li>
     <li>Navigate to the Traffic Server <code>bin</code> directory. </li>
     <li>Run the command <code>traffic_line -x</code> to apply the 
configuration changes. </li>

Modified: incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/log.htm
--- incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/log.htm (original)
+++ incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/log.htm Thu Feb 18 22:30:20 
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
   <li>Save and close the <code>records.config</code> file. </li>
   <li>Open the <code>logs_xml.config</code> file located in the Traffic Server 
<code>config</code> directory. </li>
-  <li>Add <code>LogFormat</code>, <code>LogFilter</code>, and 
<code>LogObject</code> specifications to the configuration file. For detailed 
information about this file, see  <a 
+  <li>Add <code>LogFormat</code>, <code>LogFilter</code>, and 
<code>LogObject</code> specifications to the configuration file. For detailed 
information about this file, see  <a 
   <li>Save and close the <code>log</code><code>s_xml.config</code> file. </li>
   <li>Navigate to the Traffic Server <code>bin</code> directory.  </li>
   <li>Run the command <code>traffic_line -x</code> to apply your configuration 
changes. </li>
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
   <li>Access the <code>logs_xml.config</code> file  located in the Traffic 
Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
  <li>Define the format of the log file as follows:<br 
/><code>&lt;LogFormat&gt;<br />   &lt;Name = &quot;summary&quot;/&gt;<br />   
&lt;Format = &quot;%&lt;<em>operator</em>(<em>field</em>)&gt; : 
%&lt;<em>operator</em>(<em>field</em>)&gt;&quot;/&gt;<br />   &lt;Interval = 
&quot;<em>n</em>&quot;/&gt;<br /> &lt;/Format&gt;<br />
-   where <em><code>operator</code></em> is one of the five aggregate operators 
(<code>COUNT</code>, <code>SUM</code>, <code>AVERAGE</code>, 
<code>FIRST</code>, <code>LAST</code>), <em><code>field</code></em> is the 
logging field  you want to aggregate, and <code>   <em>n</em></code> is the 
interval (in seconds) between summary log entries.  You can specify more than 
one <code><i>operator</i></code> in the format line. For more information, 
refer to <a href="files.htm#131440">logs_xml.config</a>.<br />
+   where <em><code>operator</code></em> is one of the five aggregate operators 
(<code>COUNT</code>, <code>SUM</code>, <code>AVERAGE</code>, 
<code>FIRST</code>, <code>LAST</code>), <em><code>field</code></em> is the 
logging field  you want to aggregate, and <code>   <em>n</em></code> is the 
interval (in seconds) between summary log entries.  You can specify more than 
one <code><i>operator</i></code> in the format line. For more information, 
refer to <a href="files.htm#logs_xml.config">logs_xml.config</a>.<br />
    <br />
    The following example format generates one entry every 10 seconds. Each 
entry contains the timestamp of the last entry of the interval, a count of the 
number of entries seen within that 10-second interval, and the sum of all bytes 
sent to the client:
    <br /><code>&lt;LogFormat&gt;<br />   &lt;Name = 
&quot;summary&quot;/&gt;<br />   &lt;Format = &quot;%&lt;LAST(cqts)&gt; : 
%&lt;COUNT(*)&gt; : %&lt;SUM(psql)&gt;&quot;/&gt;<br />   &lt;Interval = 
&quot;10&quot;/&gt;<br /> &lt;/Format&gt;</code><br />
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 <p>While binary log files typically require less disk space,  there are 
exceptions. <br/>
   For example: the value <code>0</code> (zero) requires only one byte to store 
in ASCII, but requires four bytes when stored as a binary integer. Conversely: 
if you define a custom format that logs IP addresses, then a binary log file 
would only require four bytes of storage per 32-bit address. However, the same 
IP address stored in dot notation would require around 15 characters (bytes) in 
an ASCII log file.  Therefore, it's wise to consider the type of data that will 
be logged before you select ASCII or binary for your log files. For example, 
you might try logging for one day using ASCII and then another day using 
binary. If the number of requests is roughly the same for both days, then you 
can calculate a rough metric that compares the two formats. </p>
-<p>For standard log formats,  select Binary or ASCII (refer to <a 
href="#SettingStandardLogFileFormatOptions">Setting Standard Log File Format 
Options</a>). For the custom log format,  specify ASCII or Binary mode in the 
<code>LogObject</code> (refer to <a href="#UsingCustomFormat">Using the Custom 
Format</a>). In addition to the ASCII and binary options, you can also write 
custom log entries to a UNIX-named pipe (i.e., a buffer in memory). Other 
processes can then read the data using standard I/O functions. The advantage of 
using this option is that Traffic Server does not have to write to disk, which 
frees disk space and bandwidth for other tasks. In addition, writing to a pipe 
does not stop when logging space is exhausted because the pipe does not use 
disk space. Refer to <a href="files.htm#131440">logs_xml.config</a> for more 
information about the <code>ASCII_PIPE</code> option.</p>
+<p>For standard log formats,  select Binary or ASCII (refer to <a 
href="#SettingStandardLogFileFormatOptions">Setting Standard Log File Format 
Options</a>). For the custom log format,  specify ASCII or Binary mode in the 
<code>LogObject</code> (refer to <a href="#UsingCustomFormat">Using the Custom 
Format</a>). In addition to the ASCII and binary options, you can also write 
custom log entries to a UNIX-named pipe (i.e., a buffer in memory). Other 
processes can then read the data using standard I/O functions. The advantage of 
using this option is that Traffic Server does not have to write to disk, which 
frees disk space and bandwidth for other tasks. In addition, writing to a pipe 
does not stop when logging space is exhausted because the pipe does not use 
disk space. Refer to <a href="files.htm#logs_xml.config">logs_xml.config</a> 
for more information about the <code>ASCII_PIPE</code> option.</p>
 <h3>Using logcat to Convert Binary Logs to ASCII </h3>
 <p>You must convert a binary log file to ASCII before you can analyze it using 
standard tools. </p>
 <h5>To convert a binary log file to ASCII: </h5>
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
 <p>Traffic Server supports traditional custom logging in addition to the 
XML-based custom logging, which is more versatile and therefore recommended.</p>
 <p>Traffic Server's  format converter only converts traditional log 
configuration files named <code>logs.config</code>. If you are using a 
traditional log configuration file with a name other than 
<code>logs.config</code>, then you must convert the file yourself after 
installation; refer to <a href "#UsingCustLogFmtCnvrt">Using 
cust_log_fmt_cnvrt</a>. If you opt to use traditional custom logging instead of 
the more versatile XML-based custom logging, then you must enable the 
traditional custom logging option manually. Furthermore, if you want to 
configure Traffic Server as a collation client that sends log entries in 
traditional custom formats, then you must set collation options manually. Use 
the following procedures. </p>
 <h3>Enabling Traditional Custom Logging </h3>
-<p>To enable custom logging, you must edit a configuration file manually. To 
edit your existing traditional custom log formats, modify the <a 
href="files.htm#149839">logs.config</a> file as before.</p>
+<p>To enable custom logging, you must edit a configuration file manually. To 
edit your existing traditional custom log formats, modify the <a 
href="files.htm#logs.config">logs.config</a> file as before.</p>
 <h5>To enable traditional custom logging: </h5>
   <li>In a text editor, open the <code>records.config</code> file located in 
the <code>config</code> directory. </li>

Modified: incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/reverse.htm
--- incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/reverse.htm (original)
+++ incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/reverse.htm Thu Feb 18 
22:30:20 2010
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 <h5>To create mapping rules: </h5>
   <li>In a text editor, open the <code>remap.config</code> file located in the 
Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-  <li>Enter your map and reverse-map rules (refer to <a 
href="files.htm#232990">remap.config</a>). </li>
+  <li>Enter your map and reverse-map rules (refer to <a 
href="files.htm#remap.config">remap.config</a>). </li>
   <li>Save and close the <code>remap.config</code> file. </li>
   <li>Navigate to the Traffic Server <code>bin</code> directory. </li>
   <li>Run the command <code>traffic_line -x</code> to apply the configuration 

Modified: incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/secure.htm
--- incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/secure.htm (original)
+++ incubator/trafficserver/site/trunk/docs/admin/secure.htm Thu Feb 18 
22:30:20 2010
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 <h5>To specify the clients allowed to use the proxy cache: </h5>
   <li>In a text editor, open the <code>ip_allow.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-  <li>Add a line in the file for each IP address or range of IP addresses 
allowed to access Traffic Server (refer to <a 
href="files.htm#53256">ip_allow.config</a>). </li>
+  <li>Add a line in the file for each IP address or range of IP addresses 
allowed to access Traffic Server (refer to <a 
href="files.htm#ip_allow.config">ip_allow.config</a>). </li>
   <li>Save and close the <code>ip_allow.config</code> file. </li>
   <li>Navigate to the Traffic Server <code>bin</code> directory.</li>
   <li>Run the command <code>traffic_line -x</code> to apply the configuration 
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 <h5>To configure Split DNS: </h5>
   <li>In a text editor, open the <code>splitdns.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
-  <li>Add rules to the <code>splitdns.config</code> file. For information 
about the format of the <code>splitdns.config</code> file, <a 
href="files.htm#132448">click here</a>. </li>
+  <li>Add rules to the <code>splitdns.config</code> file. For information 
about the format of the <code>splitdns.config</code> file, <a 
href="files.htm#splitdns.config">click here</a>. </li>
   <li>Save and close the <code>splitdns.config</code> file.</li>
   <li>In a text editor, open the <code>records.config</code> file located in 
the Traffic Server <code>config</code> directory. </li>
   <li>Edit the following variables:</li>

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