Author: cwiklik
Date: Mon Dec 20 16:22:10 2010
New Revision: 1051186

UIMA-1936 Added new messages


Mon Dec 20 16:22:10 2010
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ UIMAEE_service_id_INFO = Starting Uima E
 UIMAEE_service_exception_WARNING = Service: {0} Runtime Exception  
 UIMAEE_exception__WARNING = 
 UIMAEE_invalid_cpc_request__INFO = Invalid {0} Request. Analysis Engine 
Instance Not Found For Thread: 
-UIMAEE_primary_cas_pool_init__CONFIG = Primary CAS Pool Size: {0} Context: 
{1}. Supports Incoming Service Requests.
+UIMAEE_primary_cas_pool_init__CONFIG = Primary CAS Pool Size: {0} Context: {1} 
Initial Cas Heap Size:{2} cells. Supports Incoming Service Requests.
 UIMAEE_secondary_cas_pool_init__CONFIG = Secondary CAS Pool Size: {0} Context: 
{1}. Supports Incoming Replies from Delegates.
 UIMAEE_retrieve_flow_object__FINEST = Controller:{0} Retrieving Flow Object 
For CAS with Reference Id: {1}
 UIMAEE_retrieved_flow_object_ok__FINEST = Controller:{0} Retrieved Flow Object 
For CAS with Reference: {1}
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ UIMAEE_cpc__FINEST = Controller: {0} Rec
 UIMAEE_cpc_all_cases_processed__FINEST = Controller: {0} Processing CPC 
Request. All CASes Have Been Processed
 UIMAEE_release_cas_req__FINE = Controller: {0} Handling Release CAS Request. 
Releasing CAS Reference Id: {1}
 UIMAEE_cas_pool_config_INFO = Controller: {0} Configured CAS Pool For Context: 
{1} CAS Pool Size: {2} Initial Heap Size: {3}
-UIMAEE_multiplier_cas_pool_config_INFO = Controller: {0} Configured CAS Pool 
Size: {1} Initial Heap Size:{2}
+UIMAEE_multiplier_cas_pool_config_INFO = Controller: {0} Configured CAS Pool 
Size: {1} Initial Heap Size:{2} For Context: {3}
 UIMAEE_invalid_cp_size__CONFIG = Controller: {0} Invalid Cas Pool Size. Remote 
Cas Multiplier {1} Cas Pool Size Exceeds the Aggregate Shadow Cas Pool Size. 
Remote CP Size: {2} Local CP Size: {3}
 UIMAEE_deserialize_cas_time_FINE = Deserialized CAS in {0} msec
 UIMAEE_process_termiate_event__INFO = Controller: {0} Received Terminate Event
@@ -225,4 +225,16 @@ UIMAEE_incompatible_version_WARNING = Co
 UIMAEE_multiple_deployment_not_allowed__WARNING = Controller: {0} Multiple 
Deployment of AE: {1} Is Not Allowed. Change OperationalProperties in the AE 
descriptor or remove scalout parameter from the deployment descriptor
 UIMAEE_invalid_step__SEVERE = Controller: {0} Invalid Step Object: {1} For 
CAS:{2}. Terminating Service. Check Your Descriptor For Invalid AE Keys.
 UIMAEE_dump_threadpool_semaphore_info__FINEST = Time: {0} Thread Id: {1} 
Acquiring Executor Semaphore. {2} Current Available Permits= {3}
-UIMAEE_client_dead__FINE = Controller: {0} Unable to Deliver CAS to Client 
Destination:{1}. Attempt to Send CAS Failed Due To Missing Temp Queue. Dropping 
CAS: {2}
\ No newline at end of file
+UIMAEE_client_dead__FINE = Controller: {0} Unable to Deliver CAS to Client 
Destination:{1}. Attempt to Send CAS Failed Due To Missing Temp Queue. Dropping 
CAS: {2}
+UIMAEE_shadow_caspool_set__INFO=  Controller: {0} Setting Shadow Pool of Size: 
{1} For Cas Multiplier: {2}
+UIMAEE_parent_cas_notin_cache__INFO= Controller: {0} Parent CAS For CAS: {1} 
Not Found In Cache 
+UIMAEE_starting_colocated_listener__INFO= Controller: {0} Starting Request 
Listener With {1} Concurrent Consumers. Reply Listener Configured With {2} 
Concurrent Consumer(s)
+UIMAEE_cas_release_failed__INFO=Controller: {0} Attempt to release CAS {1} 
+UIMAEE_force_cas_release___INFO=Controller: {0} Forcing Release of CAS: {1}
+UIMAEE_service_stopped__INFO=Controller: {0} has stopped
+UIMAEE_retrying_getmeta__INFO= Controller: {0} Retrying GetMeta For Endpoint: 
+UIMAEE_retrying_process_cas__INFO = Controller: {0} Retrying Process for CAS: 
{1} Endpoint: {2}
+UIMAEE_received_stop_request__INFO = Controller: {0} Received STOP request for 
CAS: {1}
+UIMAEE_delegate_key_for_endpoint_not_found__INFO= Controller: {0} Unable To 
Find DelegateKey For Endpoint: {1}
+UIMAEE_endpoint_null__INFO= Controller: {0} Endpoint is NULL. Cas Reference 
Id: {1}
+UIMAEE_service_terminating_fc_failure__INFO=Controller: {0} is terminating due 
to Flow Controller Failure While Disabling Delegate: {1} Cas:{2}
\ No newline at end of file

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