Author: buildbot
Date: Fri Sep 16 22:22:18 2016
New Revision: 997544

Production update by buildbot for activemq


Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/broker-camel-component.html
--- websites/production/activemq/content/broker-camel-component.html (original)
+++ websites/production/activemq/content/broker-camel-component.html Fri Sep 16 
22:22:18 2016
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> 
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> 
-              <script 
+              <script 
       <script type="text/javascript"> 
         SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['toolbar'] = false; 
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
         <td valign="top" width="100%">
-<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h2 
id="BrokerCamelComponent-BrokerCamelComponent">Broker Camel 
Component</h2><p><strong>Available as of AcitveMQ 5.9</strong></p><p>Embedding 
Apache Camel inside the ActiveMQ broker provides great flexibility for 
extending the message broker with the integration power of Camel. Apache Camel 
routes also benefit in that you can avoid the serialization and network costs 
of connecting to ActiveMQ remotely - if you use the <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href="";>activemq 
component</a>.</p><p>If however, you want to change the behaviour of messages 
flowing through the ActiveMQ message broker itself you will be limited to the 
shipped set of ActiveMQ Broker<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>Interceptors</a>- or 
develop your own<a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>Broker plugin</a> and 
then introduc
 e that as a jar on to the class path for the ActiveMQ broker.</p><p>The 
<strong>broker</strong> camel component makes this even easier - which 
intercepts messages as they move through the broker itself, allowing them to be 
modified and manipulated before they are persisted to the message store or 
delivered to end consumers.</p><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 can include a camel.xml file into your ActiveMQ broker config</a> and then if 
you want to take all messages sent to a Topic and publish them to a Queue, 
changing their priority along the way - you can do something like this:</p><div 
class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">&lt;route id="setPriority"&gt;
+<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h2 
id="BrokerCamelComponent-BrokerCamelComponent">Broker Camel 
Component</h2><p><strong>Available as of ActiveMQ 5.9</strong></p><p>Embedding 
Apache Camel inside the ActiveMQ broker provides great flexibility for 
extending the message broker with the integration power of Camel. Apache Camel 
routes also benefit in that you can avoid the serialization and network costs 
of connecting to ActiveMQ remotely - if you use the <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href="";>activemq 
component</a>.</p><p>If however, you want to change the behavior of messages 
flowing through the ActiveMQ message broker itself you will be limited to the 
shipped set of ActiveMQ broker <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>Interceptors</a> - or 
develop your own <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>Broker plugin</a> and 
then introd
 uce that as a jar on to the class path for the ActiveMQ broker. 
The&#160;<strong><code>broker</code></strong> Camel component makes this even 
easier. It intercepts messages as they move through the broker itself, allowing 
them to be modified and manipulated before they are persisted to the message 
store or delivered to end consumers.</p><p>For example <a shape="rect" 
 defining a CamelContext to run inside the broker's JVM 
</a>the&#160;<strong><code>broker</code></strong> component can intercept all 
messages published to a Topic, say, and publish them to a Queue instead, 
changing their priority along the way:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+<pre class="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">&lt;route id="setPriority"&gt;
    &lt;from uri=";"/&gt;
       &lt;setHeader headerName="JMSPriority"&gt;
@@ -90,30 +90,31 @@
    &lt;to uri=""/&gt;
-</div></div><p>A few things worth noting:</p><ul><li>A broker component only 
adds an intercept into the broker if its started - so the broker component will 
not add any overhead to the running broker until its used - and then the 
overhead will be trivial.</li><li>You intercept messages using the broker 
component when they have been received by the broker - but before they are 
processed (persisted or routed to a destination).</li><li>The in message on the 
CamelExchange is a Camel Message, but also a JMS Message (messages routed 
through ActiveMQ from Stomp/MQTT/AMQP etc. are always translated into JMS 
messages).</li><li>You can <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>wildcards</a> on a destination 
to intercept messages from destinations matching the wildcard.</li><li>After 
the intercept, you have to explicitly send the message back to the broker 
component - this allows you to either drop select messages (by not sending) - 
or, like in the 
 above case - re-route the message to a different destination.</li><li>There is 
one deliberate caveat though, &#160;you can only send messages to a broker 
component that have been intercepted - i.e. &#160;routing a Camel message from 
another Component (e.g. File) would result in an error.</li></ul><p>There are 
some extra classes that have been added to the activemq-broker package - to 
enable views of the running broker without using JMX - and to support the use 
of the broker component:<br clear="none"> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 - which provides methods to retrieve statistics on a the broker, and from the 
MessageBrokerView - you can retrieve a <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 for a particular destinatio
 n. This means you can add flexible routing inside the broker by doing 
something &#160;like the following - to route messages when a destination's 
queue depth reaches a certain limit:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">&lt;camelContext id="camel" trace="false" 
-    &lt;route id="routeAboveQueueLimitTest"&gt;
-        &lt;from uri=""/&gt;
-        &lt;choice&gt;
-            &lt;when&gt;
-                &lt;spel&gt;#{@destinationView.queueSize &gt;= 
-                &lt;to uri=""/&gt;
-            &lt;/when&gt;
-            &lt;otherwise&gt;
-                &lt;to uri=""/&gt;
-            &lt;/otherwise&gt;
-        &lt;/choice&gt;
-        &lt;/route&gt;
+</div></div><p>Notes:</p><ul><li>A broker component only adds an intercept 
into the broker if its started - so the broker component will not add any 
overhead to the running broker until its used - and then the overhead will be 
trivial.</li><li>Messages are intercepted by the broker component when they 
have been received by the broker - but before they are processed (persisted or 
routed to a destination).</li><li>The&#160;<strong><code>IN</code></strong> 
message on the Exchange is a <strong><code>CamelMessage</code></strong>, but 
also a JMS Message (messages routed through ActiveMQ from STOMP/MQTT/AMQP etc. 
are always translated into JMS messages).</li><li>W<a shape="rect" 
href="";>ildcards</a> can be used on a 
destination to intercept messages from destinations matching the 
wildcard.</li><li>After the intercept, you have to explicitly send the message 
back to the broker component - this allows you to either drop select me
 ssages (by not sending) - or, like in the above case - re-route the message to 
a different destination.<br clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><div 
class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-warning"><span 
class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-error 
class="confluence-information-macro-body">There is one deliberate caveat 
though, only intercepted messages can be sent to 
a&#160;<strong><code>broker</code></strong> component. For example, routing a 
Camel message from another Component e.g. <strong><code>file</code></strong>, 
will result in an error.</div></div><p>Extra classes that have been added to 
the&#160;<strong><code>activemq-broker</code></strong> package to support 
the&#160;<strong><code>broker</code></strong> component. They allow the state 
of the running broker to be interrogated without using JMX. These classes 
are:</p><ul><li><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 - provides methods to retrieve statistics on a the broker</li><li>From the 
MessageBrokerView - you can retrieve a <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 for a particular destination.</li></ul><h3 
id="BrokerCamelComponent-Example">Example</h3><p>How to route messages when a 
destination's queue depth has reached a certain limit:</p><div class="code 
panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+<pre class="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">&lt;camelContext id="camel" trace="false" 
+  &lt;route id="routeAboveQueueLimitTest"&gt;
+    &lt;from uri=""/&gt;
+    &lt;choice&gt;
+      &lt;when&gt;
+        &lt;spel&gt;#{@destinationView.queueSize &gt;= 100}&lt;/spel&gt;
+        &lt;to uri=""/&gt;
+      &lt;/when&gt;
+      &lt;otherwise&gt;
+        &lt;to uri=""/&gt;
+      &lt;/otherwise&gt;
+    &lt;/choice&gt;
+  &lt;/route&gt;
-    &lt;/camelContext&gt;
-    &lt;bean id="brokerView" 
-        &lt;constructor-arg value="testBroker"/&gt;
-    &lt;/bean&gt;
-    &lt;bean id="destinationView" factory-bean="brokerView" 
-        &lt;constructor-arg value=""/&gt;
-    &lt;/bean&gt;
+&lt;bean id="brokerView" 
+  &lt;constructor-arg value="testBroker"/&gt;
+&lt;bean id="destinationView" factory-bean="brokerView" 
+  &lt;constructor-arg value=""/&gt;
-</div></div><p>This is using the Camel Message Router pattern - note the use 
of Spring expression language <em>spel</em> in the <strong>when</strong> 
+</div></div><p>This is using the Camel Message Router pattern. Note the use of 
the Spring expression language&#160;<strong><code>spel</code></strong> in 
the&#160;<strong><code>when</code></strong> clause.</p><p>&#160;</p></div>
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           <div class="navigation">

Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/consumer-priority.html
--- websites/production/activemq/content/consumer-priority.html (original)
+++ websites/production/activemq/content/consumer-priority.html Fri Sep 16 
22:22:18 2016
@@ -81,26 +81,11 @@
         <td valign="top" width="100%">
-<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h3 
-<p>As well as having a pluggable dispatch policy (e.g. round robin etc), we 
now support consumer priorities.</p>
-<p>This allows us to weight consumers to optimise network hops. For example, 
you typically want a broker to send messages to regular JMS consumers rather 
than to other brokers; there's no need to make unnecessary broker-to-broker 
hops if there are available consumers.</p>
-<h3 id="ConsumerPriority-Example">Example</h3>
-<p>The priority for a consumer is set using <a shape="rect" 
href="destination-options.html">Destination Options</a> as follows:</p>
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
-queue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.QUEUE?consumer.priority=10");
+<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h3 
id="ConsumerPriority-Background">Background</h3><p>As well as having a 
pluggable dispatch policy e.g. round robin, ActiveMQ also supports consumer 
priorities. This allows us to weight consumers to optimize network hops. For 
example, you typically want a broker to send messages to regular JMS consumers 
rather than to other brokers; there's no need to make unnecessary 
broker-to-broker hops if there are available consumers.</p><h3 
id="ConsumerPriority-Example">Example</h3><p>The priority for a consumer is set 
using <a shape="rect" href="destination-options.html">Destination Options</a> 
as follows:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">queue = new 
 consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
-<p>The range for assigning priority numbers is from 0 to 127, with 127 being 
the highest priority and 0 being the default priority.<br clear="none">
-The way it works is that the broker will simply order any queue consumers 
according to their priorities and send messages to the highest priority 
consumers first. <br clear="none">
-Once a particular consumer has its prefetch buffer filled up, the broker will 
begin to dispatch messages to consumers of lower priorities. </p></div>
+</div></div><p>The range of priority values is: 
<strong><code>0</code></strong> to <strong><code>127</code></strong>. The 
highest priority is <strong><code>127</code></strong>. The default priority is 
<strong><code>0</code></strong>.</p><p>The broker orders a queue's consumers 
according to their priorities, dispatching messages to the highest priority 
consumers first. Once a particular consumer's prefetch buffer is full the 
broker will start dispatching messages to the consumer with the next lowest 
priority whose prefetch buffer is not full.</p></div>
         <td valign="top">
           <div class="navigation">

Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/delete-inactive-destinations.html
--- websites/production/activemq/content/delete-inactive-destinations.html 
+++ websites/production/activemq/content/delete-inactive-destinations.html Fri 
Sep 16 22:22:18 2016
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> 
+              <script 
       <script type="text/javascript"> 
         SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['toolbar'] = false; 
@@ -81,35 +82,21 @@
         <td valign="top" width="100%">
-<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><p>Sometimes you might want to delete 
destinations that are inactive for a period of time. Since ActiveMQ version 
<strong>5.4.0</strong>, it's possible to do that using destination policy 
entries and broker attribute schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge &gt; 0.</p>
+<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><div class="confluence-information-macro 
confluence-information-macro-information"><p class="title">Inactive 
Destination</p><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-info 
class="confluence-information-macro-body">An 'inactive' destination is one that 
has had no messages pending and no consumers connected for some configured 
period of time.</div></div><div class="confluence-information-macro 
confluence-information-macro-information"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small 
aui-iconfont-info confluence-information-macro-icon"></span><div 
class="confluence-information-macro-body">By default the broker does 
<em>not</em> check for inactive destinations. This as governed by the default 
values for the following options: 
 the broker can be confi
 gured to purge inactive destinations. To do so requires using specially 
configured destination policy entries in combination with the broker attribute: 
<strong><code>schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge &gt; 
0</code></strong>.</p><p>Example:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+<pre class="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
-<p>For example a configuration like</p>
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
-  &lt;broker xmlns=""; 
-    &lt;destinationPolicy&gt;
-       &lt;policyMap&gt;
-          &lt;policyEntries&gt;
-             &lt;policyEntry queue="&gt;" gcInactiveDestinations="true" 
-          &lt;/policyEntries&gt;
-       &lt;/policyMap&gt;
-    &lt;/destinationPolicy&gt;
-  &lt;/broker&gt;
-<p>will check for inactive destination every 10 seconds 
(<code>schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge</code> option, default value is 0). 
And it will delete all queues (<code>gcInactiveDestinations</code> option, 
false by default) if they are empty for 30 seconds 
(<code>inactiveTimoutBeforeGC</code> option, default is 1 minute).</p>
-<p>When the destination is removed, you can see messages like</p>
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
+  &lt;destinationPolicy&gt;
+     &lt;policyMap&gt;
+        &lt;policyEntries&gt;
+           &lt;policyEntry queue="&gt;" gcInactiveDestinations="true" 
+        &lt;/policyEntries&gt;
+     &lt;/policyMap&gt;
+  &lt;/destinationPolicy&gt;
+</div></div><p>In this example the broker will check for inactive destinations 
every&#160;<strong><code>10</code></strong> seconds, as determined by 
<strong><code>schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge="10000"</code></strong>. When a 
destination purge is triggered the broker will delete any queue that has been 
empty for longer than 
<strong><code>inactiveTimoutBeforeGC="30000"</code></strong> milliseconds 
(default: <strong><code>60000</code></strong> milliseconds) and for which 
<strong><code>gcInactiveDestinations="true"</code></strong> is set on its 
corresponding destination policy entry.</p><p>When a destination is removed the 
broker will log a message like:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">INFO  Queue                          - TEST.QUEUE 
Inactive for longer than 30000 ms - removing ...</pre>
-<p>in the log file.</p></div>
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           <div class="navigation">

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