
[...truncated 90.76 KB...]
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r1e4948c9b1cf8914_0000016204434936_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:19:03,502 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:19:18,618 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:19:20,899 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.27s,  CPU:0.36s,  MaxMemory:25380kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r7b9e0f204a60a7d2_0000016204438e78_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r7b9e0f204a60a7d2_0000016204438e78_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r7b9e0f204a60a7d2_0000016204438e78_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:19:20,899 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:19:50,766 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:19:55,270 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:04.47s,  CPU:0.39s,  MaxMemory:25356kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r192c6860db618eb1_00000162044411e9_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r192c6860db618eb1_00000162044411e9_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r192c6860db618eb1_00000162044411e9_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:19:55,271 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:20:21,110 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:20:23,323 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.20s,  CPU:0.32s,  MaxMemory:25584kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r475904454856139e_0000016204448253_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r475904454856139e_0000016204448253_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r475904454856139e_0000016204448253_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:20:23,324 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:20:52,394 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:20:54,549 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.14s,  CPU:0.34s,  MaxMemory:25472kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r229331c6d9bce001_000001620444fc85_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r229331c6d9bce001_000001620444fc85_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r229331c6d9bce001_000001620444fc85_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:20:54,549 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:21:11,114 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:21:13,421 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.29s,  CPU:0.33s,  MaxMemory:25332kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r24b4c37f6cccad84_00000162044545c5_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r24b4c37f6cccad84_00000162044545c5_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r24b4c37f6cccad84_00000162044545c5_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:21:13,422 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:21:39,130 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:21:41,768 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.62s,  CPU:0.36s,  MaxMemory:25520kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r30c6aa76783b48a6_000001620445b32a_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r30c6aa76783b48a6_000001620445b32a_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r30c6aa76783b48a6_000001620445b32a_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:21:41,769 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:22:06,866 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:22:09,633 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.75s,  CPU:0.36s,  MaxMemory:25308kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r4be6c0aa5016c5d8_0000016204461f72_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r4be6c0aa5016c5d8_0000016204461f72_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r4be6c0aa5016c5d8_0000016204461f72_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:22:09,633 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:22:25,282 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:22:34,939 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:09.64s,  CPU:0.35s,  MaxMemory:28824kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (1s) 
Current status: RUNNING                                                         
                             Waiting on 
bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (2s) Current status: RUNNING     
 Waiting on bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (3s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (4s) 
Current status: RUNNING                                                         
                             Waiting on 
bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (5s) Current status: RUNNING     
 Waiting on bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (6s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (7s) 
Current status: RUNNING                                                         
                             Waiting on 
bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1 ... (7s) Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r394c3a34fc5a458a_0000016204466740_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:22:34,939 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:22:55,770 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:22:58,251 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.47s,  CPU:0.38s,  MaxMemory:25360kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r7d76a5bb7711a7ef_000001620446de89_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r7d76a5bb7711a7ef_000001620446de89_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r7d76a5bb7711a7ef_000001620446de89_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:22:58,251 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:23:16,995 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:23:19,131 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.12s,  CPU:0.30s,  MaxMemory:25384kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r9bb13d596131877_0000016204473140_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
            Waiting on bqjob_r9bb13d596131877_0000016204473140_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r9bb13d596131877_0000016204473140_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:23:19,132 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:23:47,775 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:23:49,948 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.16s,  CPU:0.33s,  MaxMemory:25308kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r5709213cc06ddfa4_000001620447a9a3_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r5709213cc06ddfa4_000001620447a9a3_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r5709213cc06ddfa4_000001620447a9a3_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:23:49,949 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:24:15,954 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:24:18,640 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.67s,  CPU:0.35s,  MaxMemory:25472kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r76acb1e1121b74d4_000001620448182d_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r76acb1e1121b74d4_000001620448182d_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r76acb1e1121b74d4_000001620448182d_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


2018-03-08 06:24:18,641 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Retrying exception running 
IssueRetryableCommand: Command returned a non-zero exit code.

2018-03-08 06:24:39,172 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Running: bq load 
--autodetect --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 
2018-03-08 06:24:41,536 8f69c21f MainThread INFO     Ran: {bq load --autodetect 
--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON beam_performance.pkb_results 
  ReturnCode:1,  WallTime:0:02.35s,  CPU:0.37s,  MaxMemory:25396kb 
STDOUT: Upload complete.
Waiting on bqjob_r671bf1ba03c140cb_000001620448726b_1 ... (0s) Current status: 
             Waiting on bqjob_r671bf1ba03c140cb_000001620448726b_1 ... (0s) 
Current status: DONE   
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'apache-beam-testing:bqjob_r671bf1ba03c140cb_000001620448726b_1': Invalid schema
update. Field timestamp has changed type from TIMESTAMP to FLOAT

 UserWarning: You have requested explicit scopes to be used with a GCE service 
Using this argument will have no effect on the actual scopes for tokens
requested. These scopes are set at VM instance creation time and
can't be overridden in the request.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "PerfKitBenchmarker/", line 21, in <module>
 line 926, in Main
    return RunBenchmarks()
 line 853, in RunBenchmarks
 line 886, in PublishSamples
 line 538, in PublishSamples
 line 249, in WrappedFunction
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
 line 387, in IssueRetryableCommand
    'Command returned a non-zero exit code.\n')
perfkitbenchmarker.errors.CalledProcessException: Command returned a non-zero 
exit code.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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