Correct stylistic errors.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: b3e661b68f568dbcefa9e50e528521cdc6c9f41d
Parents: c92f59c
Author: Adrian Warman <>
Authored: Tue Oct 18 23:23:31 2016 +0100
Committer: Adrian Warman <>
Committed: Tue Oct 18 23:23:31 2016 +0100

 src/json-structure.rst         | 847 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/replication/replicator.rst |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 426 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/json-structure.rst b/src/json-structure.rst
index d24ecd9..5665486 100644
--- a/src/json-structure.rst
+++ b/src/json-structure.rst
@@ -20,359 +20,360 @@ that you can supply to CouchDB, or get in return to 
 All Database Documents
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| total_rows                     | Number of documents in the database/view    
-| offset                         | Offset where the document list started      
-| update_seq (optional)          | Current update sequence for the database    
-| rows [array]                   | Array of document object                    
+| Field                 | Description                              |
+| total_rows            | Number of documents in the database/view |
+| offset                | Offset where the document list started   |
+| update_seq (optional) | Current update sequence for the database |
+| rows [array]          | Array of document object                 |
 Bulk Document Response
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| docs [array]                   | Bulk Docs Returned Documents                
-|         id                     | Document ID                                 
-|         error                  | Error type                                  
-|         reason                 | Error string with extended reason           
+| Field        | Description                       |
+| docs [array] | Bulk Docs Returned Documents      |
+| id           | Document ID                       |
+| error        | Error type                        |
+| reason       | Error string with extended reason |
 Bulk Documents
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| docs [array]                   | Bulk Documents Document                     
-|         _id (optional)         | Document ID                                 
-|         _rev (optional)        | Revision ID (when updating an existing      
-|                                | document)                                   
-|         _deleted (optional)    | Whether the document should be deleted      
+| Field               | Description                            |
+| docs [array]        | Bulk Documents Document                |
+| _id (optional)      | Document ID                            |
+| _rev (optional)     | Revision ID (when updating an existing |
+|                     | document)                              |
+| _deleted (optional) | Whether the document should be deleted |
 Changes information for a database
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| last_seq                       | Last update sequence                        
-| pending                        | Count of remaining items in the feed        
-| results [array]                | Changes made to a database                  
-|         seq                    | Update sequence                             
-|         id                     | Document ID                                 
-|         changes [array]        | List of changes, field-by-field, for this   
-|                                | document                                    
+| Field           | Description                               |
+| last_seq        | Last update sequence                      |
+| pending         | Count of remaining items in the feed      |
+| results [array] | Changes made to a database                |
+| seq             | Update sequence                           |
+| id              | Document ID                               |
+| changes [array] | List of changes, field-by-field, for this |
+|                 | document                                  |
 CouchDB Document
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      
-|                                | document)                                   
+| Field           | Description                            |
+| _id (optional)  | Document ID                            |
+| _rev (optional) | Revision ID (when updating an existing |
+|                 | document)                              |
 CouchDB Error Status
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| id                             | Document ID                                 
-| error                          | Error type                                  
-| reason                         | Error string with extended reason           
+| Field  | Description                       |
+| id     | Document ID                       |
+| error  | Error type                        |
+| reason | Error string with extended reason |
 .. _dbinfo_object:
 CouchDB database information object
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| db_name                        | The name of the database.                   
-| committed_update_seq           | The number of committed updates.            
-| doc_count                      | The number of documents in the database.    
-| doc_del_count                  | The number of deleted documents.            
-| compact_running                | Set to true if the database compaction      
-|                                | routine is operating on this database.      
-| disk_format_version            | The version of the physical format used for 
-|                                | the data when it is stored on hard disk.    
-| disk_size                      | Size in bytes of the data as stored on 
-|                                | View indexes are not included in the        
-|                                | calculation.                                
-| instance_start_time            | Timestamp indicating when the database was  
-|                                | opened, expressed in microseconds since the 
-|                                | epoch.                                      
-| purge_seq                      | The number of purge operations on the       
-|                                | database.                                   
-| update_seq                     | The current number of updates made in the   
-|                                | database.                                   
+| Field                | Description                                  |
+| db_name              | The name of the database.                    |
+| committed_update_seq | The number of committed updates.             |
+| doc_count            | The number of documents in the database.     |
+| doc_del_count        | The number of deleted documents.             |
+| compact_running      | Set to true if the database compaction       |
+|                      | routine is operating on this database.       |
+| disk_format_version  | The version of the physical format used for  |
+|                      | the data when it is stored on hard disk.     |
+| disk_size            | Size in bytes of the data as stored on disk. |
+|                      | View indexes are not included in the         |
+|                      | calculation.                                 |
+| instance_start_time  | Timestamp indicating when the database was   |
+|                      | opened, expressed in microseconds since the  |
+|                      | epoch.                                       |
+| purge_seq            | The number of purge operations on the        |
+|                      | database.                                    |
+| update_seq           | The current number of updates made in the    |
+|                      | database.                                    |
 Design Document
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| _id                            | Design Document ID                          
-| _rev                           | Design Document Revision                    
-| views                          | View                                        
-|     viewname                   | View Definition                             
-|         map                    | Map Function for View                       
-|         reduce (optional)      | Reduce Function for View                    
+| Field             | Description              |
+| _id               | Design Document ID       |
+| _rev              | Design Document Revision |
+| views             | View                     |
+| viewname          | View Definition          |
+| map               | Map Function for View    |
+| reduce (optional) | Reduce Function for View |
 Design Document Information
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| name                           | Name/ID of Design Document                  
-| view_index                     | View Index                                  
-|     compact_running            | Indicates whether a compaction routine is   
-|                                | currently running on the view               
-|     disk_size                  | Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk 
-|     language                   | Language for the defined views              
-|     purge_seq                  | The purge sequence that has been processed  
-|     signature                  | MD5 signature of the views for the design   
-|                                | document                                    
-|     update_seq                 | The update sequence of the corresponding    
-|                                | database that has been indexed              
-|     updater_running            | Indicates if the view is currently being    
-|                                | updated                                     
-|     waiting_clients            | Number of clients waiting on views from 
-|                                | design document                             
-|     waiting_commit             | Indicates if there are outstanding commits  
-|                                | to the underlying database that need to     
-|                                | processed                                   
+| Field           | Description                                  |
+| name            | Name/ID of Design Document                   |
+| view_index      | View Index                                   |
+| compact_running | Indicates whether a compaction routine is    |
+|                 | currently running on the view                |
+| disk_size       | Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk  |
+| language        | Language for the defined views               |
+| purge_seq       | The purge sequence that has been processed   |
+| signature       | MD5 signature of the views for the design    |
+|                 | document                                     |
+| update_seq      | The update sequence of the corresponding     |
+|                 | database that has been indexed               |
+| updater_running | Indicates if the view is currently being     |
+|                 | updated                                      |
+| waiting_clients | Number of clients waiting on views from this |
+|                 | design document                              |
+| waiting_commit  | Indicates if there are outstanding commits   |
+|                 | to the underlying database that need to      |
+|                 | processed                                    |
 Document with Attachments
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      
-|                                | document)                                   
-| _attachments (optional)        | Document Attachment                         
-|     filename                   | Attachment information                      
-|         content_type           | MIME Content type string                    
-|         data                   | File attachment content, Base64 encoded     
+| Field                   | Description                             |
+| _id (optional)          | Document ID                             |
+| _rev (optional)         | Revision ID (when updating an existing  |
+|                         | document)                               |
+| _attachments (optional) | Document Attachment                     |
+| filename                | Attachment information                  |
+| content_type            | MIME Content type string                |
+| data                    | File attachment content, Base64 encoded |
 List of Active Tasks
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| tasks [array]                  | Active Tasks                                
-|     pid                        | Process ID                                  
-|     status                     | Task status message                         
-|     task                       | Task name                                   
-|     type                       | Operation Type                              
+| Field         | Description         |
+| tasks [array] | Active Tasks        |
+| pid           | Process ID          |
+| status        | Task status message |
+| task          | Task name           |
+| type          | Operation Type      |
 .. _replication-settings:
 Replication Settings
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| source                         | Source database name or URL                 
-| target                         | Target database name or URL                 
-| cancel (optional)              | Cancels the replication                     
-| checkpoint_interval (optional) | Specifies the checkpoint interval in ms.    
-| continuous (optional)          | Configure the replication to be continuous  
-| create_target (optional)       | Creates the target database                 
-| doc_ids (optional)             | Array of document IDs to be synchronized    
-| filter (optional)              | name of the filter function in the form of  
-|                                | ``ddoc/myfilter``                           
-| proxy (optional)               | Address of a proxy server through which     
-|                                | replication should occur                    
-| query_params (optional)        | Query parameter that are passed to the      
-|                                | filter function; the value should be a      
-|                                | document containing parameters as members   
-| selector (optional)            | Select the documents included in the 
replication. |
-|                                | This option provides performance benefits   
-|                                | compared with using the ``filter`` option.  
-| since_seq (optional)           | Sequence from which the replication should  
-|                                | start                                       
-| use_checkpoints (optional)     | Whether to use replication checkpoints      
-|                                | or not                                      
-.. _replication-status:
-Replication Status
 | Field                          | Description                                 
-| ok                             | Replication status                          
-| session_id                     | Unique session ID                           
-| source_last_seq                | Last sequence number read from the source   
-|                                | database                                    
+| source                         | Source database name or URL.                
-| history [array]                | Replication History                         
+| target                         | Target database name or URL.                
-|     session_id                 | Session ID for this replication operation   
+| cancel (optional)              | Cancels the replication.                    
-|     recorded_seq               | Last recorded sequence number               
+| checkpoint_interval (optional) | Specifies the checkpoint interval in ms.    
-|     docs_read                  | Number of documents read                    
+| continuous (optional)          | Configure the replication to be continuous. 
-|     docs_written               | Number of documents written to target       
+| create_target (optional)       | Creates the target database.                
-|     doc_write_failures         | Number of document write failures           
+| doc_ids (optional)             | Array of document IDs to be synchronized.   
-|     start_time                 | Date/Time replication operation started     
+| filter (optional)              | name of the filter function in the form of  
+|                                | ``ddoc/myfilter``.                          
-|     start_last_seq             | First sequence number in changes stream     
+| proxy (optional)               | Address of a proxy server through which     
+|                                | replication should occur.                   
-|     end_time                   | Date/Time replication operation completed   
+| query_params (optional)        | Query parameter that are passed to the      
+|                                | filter function; the value should be a      
+|                                | document containing parameters as members.  
-|     end_last_seq               | Last sequence number in changes stream      
+| selector (optional)            | Select the documents included in the        
+|                                | replication. This option provides           
+|                                | performance benefits compared with using    
+|                                | the ``filter`` option.                      
-|     missing_checked            | Number of missing documents checked         
+| since_seq (optional)           | Sequence from which the replication should  
+|                                | start.                                      
-|     missing_found              | Number of missing documents found           
+| use_checkpoints (optional)     | Whether to use replication checkpoints      
+|                                | or not.                                     
+.. _replication-status:
+Replication Status
+| Field              | Description                               |
+| ok                 | Replication status                        |
+| session_id         | Unique session ID                         |
+| source_last_seq    | Last sequence number read from the source |
+|                    | database                                  |
+| history [array]    | Replication History                       |
+| session_id         | Session ID for this replication operation |
+| recorded_seq       | Last recorded sequence number             |
+| docs_read          | Number of documents read                  |
+| docs_written       | Number of documents written to target     |
+| doc_write_failures | Number of document write failures         |
+| start_time         | Date/Time replication operation started   |
+| start_last_seq     | First sequence number in changes stream   |
+| end_time           | Date/Time replication operation completed |
+| end_last_seq       | Last sequence number in changes stream    |
+| missing_checked    | Number of missing documents checked       |
+| missing_found      | Number of missing documents found         |
 .. _request_object:
 Request object
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| body                           | Request body data as `string`.              
-|                                | If the request method is `GET` this field   
-|                                | contains the value ``"undefined"``. If the  
-|                                | method is `DELETE` or `HEAD` the value is   
-|                                | ``""`` (empty string).                      
-| cookie                         | Cookies `object`.                           
-| form                           | Form data `object`.                         
-|                                | Contains the decoded body as key-value      
-|                                | pairs if the `Content-Type` header was      
-|                                | ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``.      
-| headers                        | Request headers `object`.                   
-| id                             | Requested document id `string` if it was    
-|                                | specified or ``null`` otherwise.            
-| info                           | :ref:`Database information <dbinfo_object>` 
-| method                         | Request method as `string` or `array`.      
-|                                | String value is a method as one of: `HEAD`, 
-|                                | `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, `OPTIONS`,  
-|                                | and `TRACE`. Otherwise it will be           
-|                                | represented as an array of char codes.      
-| path                           | List of requested path sections.            
-| peer                           | Request source IP address.                  
-| query                          | URL query parameters `object`.              
-|                                | Note that multiple keys are not supported   
-|                                | and the last key value suppresses others.   
-| requested_path                 | List of actual requested path section.      
-| raw_path                       | Raw requested path `string`.                
-| secObj                         | :ref:`security_object`.                     
-| userCtx                        | :ref:`userctx_object`.                      
-| uuid                           | Generated UUID by a specified algorithm in  
-|                                | the config file.                            
+| Field          | Description                                 |
+| body           | Request body data as `string`.              |
+|                | If the request method is `GET` this field   |
+|                | contains the value ``"undefined"``. If the  |
+|                | method is `DELETE` or `HEAD` the value is   |
+|                | ``""`` (empty string).                      |
+| cookie         | Cookies `object`.                           |
+| form           | Form data `object`.                         |
+|                | Contains the decoded body as key-value      |
+|                | pairs if the `Content-Type` header was      |
+|                | ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``.      |
+| headers        | Request headers `object`.                   |
+| id             | Requested document id `string` if it was    |
+|                | specified or ``null`` otherwise.            |
+| info           | :ref:`Database information <dbinfo_object>` |
+| method         | Request method as `string` or `array`.      |
+|                | String value is a method as one of: `HEAD`, |
+|                | `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, `OPTIONS`,  |
+|                | and `TRACE`. Otherwise it will be           |
+|                | represented as an array of char codes.      |
+| path           | List of requested path sections.            |
+| peer           | Request source IP address.                  |
+| query          | URL query parameters `object`.              |
+|                | Note that multiple keys are not supported   |
+|                | and the last key value suppresses others.   |
+| requested_path | List of actual requested path section.      |
+| raw_path       | Raw requested path `string`.                |
+| secObj         | :ref:`security_object`.                     |
+| userCtx        | :ref:`userctx_object`.                      |
+| uuid           | Generated UUID by a specified algorithm in  |
+|                | the config file.                            |
 .. code-block:: javascript
@@ -457,71 +458,71 @@ Request object
 Request2 object
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| body                           | Request body data as `string`.              
-|                                | If the request method is `GET` this field   
-|                                | contains the value ``"undefined"``. If the  
-|                                | method is `DELETE` or `HEAD` the value is   
-|                                | ``""`` (empty string).                      
-| cookie                         | Cookies `object`.                           
-| headers                        | Request headers `object`.                   
-| method                         | Request method as `string` or `array`.      
-|                                | String value is a method as one of: `HEAD`, 
-|                                | `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, `OPTIONS`,  
-|                                | and `TRACE`. Otherwise it will be           
-|                                | represented as an array of char codes.      
-| path                           | List of requested path sections.            
-| peer                           | Request source IP address.                  
-| query                          | URL query parameters `object`.              
-|                                | Note that multiple keys are not supported   
-|                                | and the last key value suppresses others.   
-| requested_path                 | List of actual requested path section.      
-| raw_path                       | Raw requested path `string`.                
-| secObj                         | :ref:`security_object`.                     
-| userCtx                        | :ref:`userctx_object`.                      
+| Field          | Description                                 |
+| body           | Request body data as `string`.              |
+|                | If the request method is `GET` this field   |
+|                | contains the value ``"undefined"``. If the  |
+|                | method is `DELETE` or `HEAD` the value is   |
+|                | ``""`` (empty string).                      |
+| cookie         | Cookies `object`.                           |
+| headers        | Request headers `object`.                   |
+| method         | Request method as `string` or `array`.      |
+|                | String value is a method as one of: `HEAD`, |
+|                | `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, `OPTIONS`,  |
+|                | and `TRACE`. Otherwise it will be           |
+|                | represented as an array of char codes.      |
+| path           | List of requested path sections.            |
+| peer           | Request source IP address.                  |
+| query          | URL query parameters `object`.              |
+|                | Note that multiple keys are not supported   |
+|                | and the last key value suppresses others.   |
+| requested_path | List of actual requested path section.      |
+| raw_path       | Raw requested path `string`.                |
+| secObj         | :ref:`security_object`.                     |
+| userCtx        | :ref:`userctx_object`.                      |
 .. _response_object:
 Response object
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| code                           | HTTP status code `number`.                  
-| json                           | JSON encodable `object`.                    
-|                                | Implicitly sets `Content-Type` header as    
-|                                | ``application/json``.                       
-| body                           | Raw response text `string`.                 
-|                                | Implicitly sets `Content-Type` header as    
-|                                | ``text/html; charset=utf-8``.               
-| base64                         | Base64 encoded `string`.                    
-|                                | Implicitly sets `Content-Type` header as    
-|                                | ``application/binary``.                     
-| headers                        | Response headers `object`.                  
-|                                | `Content-Type` header from this object      
-|                                | overrides any implicitly assigned one.      
-| stop                           | `boolean` signal to stop iteration over     
-|                                | view result rows (for list functions only)  
+| Field   | Description                                |
+| code    | HTTP status code `number`.                 |
+| json    | JSON encodable `object`.                   |
+|         | Implicitly sets `Content-Type` header as   |
+|         | ``application/json``.                      |
+| body    | Raw response text `string`.                |
+|         | Implicitly sets `Content-Type` header as   |
+|         | ``text/html; charset=utf-8``.              |
+| base64  | Base64 encoded `string`.                   |
+|         | Implicitly sets `Content-Type` header as   |
+|         | ``application/binary``.                    |
+| headers | Response headers `object`.                 |
+|         | `Content-Type` header from this object     |
+|         | overrides any implicitly assigned one.     |
+| stop    | `boolean` signal to stop iteration over    |
+|         | view result rows (for list functions only) |
 .. warning::
     The ``body``, ``base64`` and ``json`` object keys are overlapping each 
@@ -537,84 +538,84 @@ Response object
 Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      
-|                                | document)                                   
-| _revs_info [array]             | CouchDB document extended revision info     
-|         rev                    | Full revision string                        
-|         status                 | Status of the revision                      
+| Field              | Description                             |
+| _id (optional)     | Document ID                             |
+| _rev (optional)    | Revision ID (when updating an existing  |
+|                    | document)                               |
+| _revs_info [array] | CouchDB document extended revision info |
+| rev                | Full revision string                    |
+| status             | Status of the revision                  |
 Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      
-|                                | document)                                   
-| _revisions                     | CouchDB document revisions                  
-|     ids [array]                | Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse     
-|                                | order (latest first)                        
-|     start                      | Prefix number for the latest revision       
+| Field           | Description                             |
+| _id (optional)  | Document ID                             |
+| _rev (optional) | Revision ID (when updating an existing  |
+|                 | document)                               |
+| _revisions      | CouchDB document revisions              |
+| ids [array]     | Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse |
+|                 | order (latest first)                    |
+| start           | Prefix number for the latest revision   |
 Returned Document with Attachments
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      
-|                                | document)                                   
-| _attachments (optional)        | Document attachment                         
-|     filename                   | Attachment                                  
-|         stub                   | Indicates whether the attachment is a stub  
-|         content_type           | MIME Content type string                    
-|         length                 | Length (bytes) of the attachment data       
-|         revpos                 | Revision where this attachment exists       
+| Field                   | Description                                |
+| _id (optional)          | Document ID                                |
+| _rev (optional)         | Revision ID (when updating an existing     |
+|                         | document)                                  |
+| _attachments (optional) | Document attachment                        |
+| filename                | Attachment                                 |
+| stub                    | Indicates whether the attachment is a stub |
+| content_type            | MIME Content type string                   |
+| length                  | Length (bytes) of the attachment data      |
+| revpos                  | Revision where this attachment exists      |
 .. _security_object:
 Security Object
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| admins                         | Roles/Users with admin privileges           
-|         roles [array]          | List of roles with parent privilege         
-|         names [array]          | List of users with parent privilege         
-| members                        | Roles/Users with non-admin privileges       
-|         roles [array]          | List of roles with parent privilege         
-|         names [array]          | List of users with parent privilege         
+| Field         | Description                           |
+| admins        | Roles/Users with admin privileges     |
+| roles [array] | List of roles with parent privilege   |
+| names [array] | List of users with parent privilege   |
+| members       | Roles/Users with non-admin privileges |
+| roles [array] | List of roles with parent privilege   |
+| names [array] | List of users with parent privilege   |
 .. code-block:: javascript
@@ -639,16 +640,16 @@ Security Object
 User Context Object
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| db                             | Database name in the context of the         
-|                                | provided operation.                         
-| name                           | User name.                                  
-| roles                          | List of user roles.                         
+| Field | Description                         |
+| db    | Database name in the context of the |
+|       | provided operation.                 |
+| name  | User name.                          |
+| roles | List of user roles.                 |
 .. code-block:: javascript
@@ -665,13 +666,13 @@ User Context Object
 View Head Information
-| Field                          | Description                                 
-| total_rows                     | Number of documents in the view             
-| offset                         | Offset where the document list started      
+| Field      | Description                            |
+| total_rows | Number of documents in the view        |
+| offset     | Offset where the document list started |
 .. code-block:: javascript
diff --git a/src/replication/replicator.rst b/src/replication/replicator.rst
index 83f2a81..1db5c8f 100644
--- a/src/replication/replicator.rst
+++ b/src/replication/replicator.rst
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ The way to accomplish this is to first delete the old 
version and then insert
 the new one.
 Additional Replicator Databases
 Imagine replicator database (``_replicator``) has these two
 documents which represent pull replications from servers A and B:
@@ -432,5 +432,3 @@ The syntax for a selector is the same as the
 Using a selector is significantly more efficient than using a JavaScript
 filter function, and is the recommended option if filtering on document
 attributes only.

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