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The page "DémarrerAvecAmazonEc2" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

super outdated

- #language fr
- Démarrez avec CouchDB et Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
- == Debut ==
-  * Lancez AMI ''ami-b832d7d1'', et obtenez un DNS Public.
-  * Authorisez le port TCP 5984.
-  * Dans le naviagateur, ouvrez
- == Description détaillé ==
- Cette version d'AMI est basée sur Debian 3.1 (Etch) avec une installation 
Elastic, so you might consider some kind of persistence to Amazon S3 or other 
supported platforms, like Nirvanix etc., thus preserving the data that is 
stored in CouchDB.
- CouchDB has been built from source (version 0.7.2, revision 645), and 
configured to run as a service.
- == AMI Support ==
- All the necessary information has been submitted for inclusion into 
repository of Amazon Public AMIs, and is listed as 
 - (Elasticdrive + CouchDB)]]. We created support thread at Amazon forums, 
 SimpleDB (Beta)]] and provide limited support there, when time allows and 
scope is limited to EC2/SimpleDB-related issues.

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